Monday, November 14, 2011

Ending Iraq war a "desecration of the memory of forty-four-hundred Americans that gave their lives to liberate Iraq." WTF Michele Bachmann?

Courtesy of TPM:

Expanding on her statements during Saturday night’s foreign policy debate, GOP presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann attacked President Obama for fully drawing down U.S. forces in Iraq, and claimed incorrectly that his war policies have left the country with a choice between releasing terrorists or killing them. 

“President Obama was given a war that is won in Iraq, and he’s choosing to lose the peace,” Bachmann claimed on Meet the Press. “That’s a desecration of the memory of forty-four-hundred Americans that gave their lives to liberate Iraq.” 

Obama is removing all troops from Iraq by year’s end, pursuant to an agreement between the two countries that dates back to the Bush administration. U.S. and Iraqi officials had discussed allowing a small number of troops to remain in Iraq past the deadline, but those discussions deadlocked over U.S. concerns that American troops would not be given immunity in Iraqi courts.

I am used to this lunatic saying the most outrageously stupid things imaginable, but this one almost made my brain explode.

So one has to ask just how many more American deaths would honor the memory of our already dead service men and women?  Or how many more Iraqis for that matter? You don't honor the dead by needlessly adding to their number.

However, as crazy as it seems, Bachmann's mindset about the war is not hers alone, the rest of the Republican field, with the exception of Huntsman and Paul, are not too far distant from her bizarrely stated position either.

Let's face it, Republicans know all about how to start the killing, but nothing about how to make it stop.


  1. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Bachmann also 'fell in line' with Cheney, whose name she did say, with regard to supporting and continuing waterboarding. Hell, she & the others would add it to the Constitution if they could.

    Those 'enhanced' means of obtaining info -- the attempted 'politically correct' reference in their minds in the debate that they support & want back -- I could see the exodus of the many from the voting pool supporting these morons.

  2. The republican position on anything is to directly oppose and vilify everything president Obama has accomplished. They may as well just come out and admit its because he's black.

  3. The sorta 'good' news about the bats**t one -- MSNBC MournfulJoe related several new polls this morning and Bachmann's name didn't even appear on them. Predictably, Perry's at the bottom on most. The worst news is that Gingrich is rising to the top.

    Trump and Palin are probably trying to figure out how they can make this work for them as a tag-team offering a double-the- current stupid ticket.

  4. Bachmann has also said that the ACLU is running the CIA, and no one questions her on these crazy comments.

    The difference between Bachmann and the half term governor is that Bachmann believes the stuff she says, and the skank has no beliefs but only says what sounds good to her at the time.

  5. Anonymous4:54 AM

    She's simply following the Republican rulebook. Chapter 3, Paragraph 11, bullet point 2 clearly states:
    "It is not necessary to be truthful when attacking President Obama. See: Chapter 2 -- Truth is Relative.

  6. Anonymous4:54 AM

    The Republicans keep forgetting the President Bush signed off on this departure date years ago. Obviously they don't mind that more soldiers will be killed if we keep troops there. How dumb can they get!

  7. Anonymous5:00 AM

    She needs to go back being mute. These last few months without her voice were peaceful.

  8. Smirnonn5:05 AM


    OMFG!!!! blechmann's statement is completely insane!!!

    "...a war that was won in Iraq??" I guess she bought into chimpy's little flight clad "mission accomplished" fantasy facade. If it's so fucking won why did Obama even have to have it given to him in the first place?

    “That’s a desecration of the memory of forty-four-hundred Americans that gave their lives to liberate Iraq.”

    This little gem from Ditztardia really makes the veins in my forehead throb. So, basically we should continue to endanger the lives and welfare of our soldiers in Iraq, and lose yet MORE lives, in order to honor the memory of those who unnecessarily lost their lives?? Btw, where was her concern for the welfare of our soldiers when chen-tard and the chimp kicked off the unnecessary and illegal war/Halliburton project in Iraq?

    I love the way blechmann is described in this article from the Daily Kos:

    "Your first serious non-Palin flirtation of this election cycle was with Michele Bachmann. Really? You could choose from among the ranks of the entire conservative movement, and you said "yeah, Michele Bachmann, I guess." I don't mean to be cruel, but that's when most of us realized that this little ideological obsession of yours had turned into a full-fledged, self-destructive addiction. You'd gone and cracked, right then and there. I realize that you have to work with the candidates that present themselves, and not the ones you'd actually choose on your own, but Michele Bachmann was already known far and wide as, well, a crazy person. She's Palin, after Palin drank an entire bottle of whiskey and drove her car into the side of a DMV office. She doesn't have political beliefs so much as she has spasms; everything she disagrees with is elevated to the level of America-killing communist apocalypse. There's no volume control on that knob. Her sole area of expertise is in the area of hand-waving panic over things she knows nothing about: Ask her for the barest details and she's dumb as a post."

    Back to this one:

    “That’s a desecration of the memory of forty-four-hundred Americans that gave their lives to liberate Iraq.”

    You know what's a "desecration of the memory of forty-four hundred Americans??" The fact that this fundie Xtian, insane ditz-tard is still in office. Get your shit together MN 6th and lose this bitch.

  9. Anonymous5:08 AM

    it's a repeat of a common mantra heard when we got out of Vietnam.

    More wrongs will never make a right.

  10. Anonymous5:21 AM

    I'm baffled. By FAR the majority of the country wants our troops home. Not to mention that this timeline is EXACTLY WHAT THE IRAQIS ASKED FOR AND BUSH AGREED TO.

    Someone needs to slap that stupid harpy and make her understand that all this "spew any kind of slander no matter how insane or untrue as long as it'll help our side make their side look bad" is what is an affront to the lives of our troops and is hurting the country.

    I know politics is ugly and dirty, but when did it become retarded and insane?

  11. Anonymous5:21 AM

    You find the best pictures!

    I think she is a desecration to the honest men and women who have served in Congress! This woman is absolutely batshit crazy! She really has no clue what she is saying 99 percent of the time.

    I must say, it is refreshing, though, that she isn't dragging her kids around with her. You never see pictures of them and she doesn't use them in every speech. She also dresses like an adult. None of those things, however, qualify her to be in any kind of government job. Doesn't say much for the people in her state who elected her.

  12. Anonymous5:37 AM

    That woman is so hateful, and so mean-spirited. And she is a white supremacist. Nothing positive comes from her. She is very negative about our country.
    She is just full of venom for President Obama, and FL Michelle.

  13. Olivia5:43 AM

    Well, isn't it in the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence or something like that that says the only way to honor our dead who were killed in war is to keep waging war and get a bunch more killed?

    With with the most pathetic pile of losers available to Republicans for the 2012 election ever, I have to think that God really has personally told each and every one of them that he wants them to be president. God's little demolition derby is the only way to describe what he has set loose on the GOP.

  14. Anonymous5:52 AM

    "Let's face it, Republicans know all about how to start the killing, but nothing about how to make it stop."

    Why would anyone want it to stop?


  15. Anonymous6:01 AM

    The GOP pool looks like a stagnant pond where every so often someone tosses a rock in and something else rises to the surface. Gingrich is just the latest piece of slime to surface.

  16. Anonymous6:05 AM


    yes, Bachmann dresses like an adult and has surgically enhanced features making her appear 10 years younger than Palin instead of 10 years older.

    As far as her children not being with her - weren't they born in the 90's???? Aren't they adults now?

    She took in 23 disabled pregnant girls over a period of 6 years. My question is - where did the babies go? Were they adopted out thru the Bachmann church club/clinic?

    Were ANY of the disabled teens allowed to keep their babies?

    Bachmann was asked if these girls were handy babysitters - she can't remember.....

  17. Anonymous6:06 AM

    No one I have seen has called her out on her policy that the USA should charge Iraq for the expenses of the war and that each family who lost a member in it should receive two million dollars. Did Iraq ask to be invaded and how many innocent Iraqis were killed in this unlawful invasion?? How does this kind of crazy talk resonate with the rest of the world?

  18. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Michelle should go home and foster some more little girls and "raise" them- in a couple of months or so. She is full of %&#@. But that's how the GOP likes their womenfolk: profoundly stupid, inherently cruel and vaguely attractive. Michelle, Sarah, Sharon, Nicki, etc. here's a message: "You don't remotely have what it takes even if you are genetically a woman." The first woman POTUS will definitely come from the Democratic Party- they have talented, intelligent female leaders on the rise who are nothing like this motley crew of harridans.

  19. Where have all the grown-ups gone in the Republican Party ? There was a time where, while I might disagree with them, I could respect their views sometimes. Now, they are letting the children's table run the party.

  20. Anonymous7:18 AM

    @6:06am I agree. She makes these statements on shows like Meet the Press, and the idiot host/interviewer never, ever calls her on them. She gets away with it, and the only time she is corrected is on the progressive websites. Well, sometimes Anderson Cooper exposes her lies, but it's nauseous that host/interviewers on news programmes are so willing to sit back and let these know-nothings spew their drivel non-stop. And Bachmann has got to be the worst. I fear for the U.S. that she could even be considered - for one second - a candidate for Pres.

  21. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Her campaign is so dead in the water that it's not even worth continuing. While what she has said is incredibly stupid even for her, she is in good company among her fellow contenders. With only one or two exceptions, they are
    Locked in Lunacy.

  22. Randall7:39 AM

    Let's see, Michelle, how many of YOUR kids are you willing to send to the front lines of The Endless War that Republicans love so much?

    The Conservatives just love to yammer on about new amendments to our Constitution - how about one that states that all and every member of the families of our Congress-critters must go to the front lines of The Endless War?

    How quick would they be to start/continue The Endless War then, I wonder?

  23. Anonymous8:14 AM

    The funniest report on the South Carolina Republican debate I have seen!

    "La Bachmann is busy pricing designer thumbscrews and also is busy going completely off her admittedly limited rails and deep, deep into the outer bananasphere."

    "There were a number of other highlights, two of which deserve special commendation, if only because they were what you would hear on The History Channel if it were run by marmosets."

  24. Beldar BTO Conehead8:15 AM

    "You don't honor the dead by needlessly adding to their number."

    Well, there ya go. Gryphen, I was just about to submit my entry in the "Shelly Bachmann Forehead Tattoo Contest" which I was VERY confident of winning: ("I'm a stupid teabagging twat" in Comic Sans font) until I read your statement refudiating her idiotgraphy about needing to stay in Iraq until a much higher stack of American war dead accumulates in that unnecessary Bush-made abortion that is The Iraq War.

    Nothing says "victory with honor" like massive casualties and good old-fashioned war-profiteering.

  25. A. J. Billings8:27 AM

    If there's one thing that should automatically disqualify MS Bachmann's candidacy, it's her statement about being submissive to her husband.

    She also apparently needed his direction and permissions, to decide a life path for work.

    Gee, you think that if Bachmann was elected President, that she'd go against her husbands ideas, religious directives?

    That's beyond belief, and in the mind of any rational person will disqualify her automatically

    Here she is trying to back pedal that statement.

    Anyone care to disagree?

  26. Randall8:38 AM

    ...and of course Michelle Bachmann is all for waterboarding and torture - she's a Christian! Christians have been torturing and murdering 'witches', jews, infidels, blasphemers and all other 'non-believers' for centuries.

    The world isn't mostly Christian because Chritianity is the "correct" religion... it's because they're the meanest and they tortured and killed the opposition so effectively.

    So, super-Xtian crazy conservatives are all for torture and murder, go figure. Sheesh!

  27. Anonymous8:38 AM

    That woman is an idiot.

    All she has to offer is this big bossy voice. She yells so often at campaign conferences, her yelling voice maintains itself even when she's doing interviews. She probably doesn't notice it, but she talks down to people.

    She's irrational and is parroting someone else's idealogy. Her words here sound like she's not sure why those 4400 Americans died to liberate Iraq. It's like she's saying what they did have no value - and that one President's actions can devalue their sacrifice by his policy actions. Again, politicians using the troops as fodder for their personal vendettas and their political gain.

    I'd say those who died were doing their most honorable best at that time, which was desperately needed for many Iraqis who were oppressed by a cruel dictator.

    Despite the many complex reasons why or why the U.S. should have or shouldn't have interfered, many decent good Iraqis are grateful and those heroes who died didn't die in vain.

  28. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Bachmann, you're an asshole, pure and fucking simple.

  29. Anonymous8:48 AM

    At the Saturday debate, Michelle Bachmann addressed the question raised about waterboarding. She said she didn't believe it was torture, therefore she would, as President, continue to use it.

    In fact, Perry and Cain also supported waterboarding. As I was sitting there pondering, I wondered how the religious christian right were reacting to these self-righteous christian self-glorified candidates Bachmann, Cain, Perry who lift up their hands to God at prayer rallies expecting answers and mercies, YET they would perpetuate torture on their enemies. What is wrong with this picture?

    Ron Paul, John Huntsman were the only ones who said that waterboarding is "morally" wrong. Huntsman, thankfully, made a wise statement about how the US should think about how it expresses to the world whether it's going to act morally, and principled or not. Waterboarding, he said, would not put the U.S. in good human rights/moral light to the rest of the world, especially when it claims it's reputation is to respect human rights.

  30. Anonymous9:49 AM

    How can this moron continue to find a venue to spout this verbal vomit?

    Her insanity has been dialed up all the way to 11 for quite some time now.

  31. Anonymous9:53 AM

    HEY Michele, you know how icky it makes Marcus feel, so why don't you just go F yourself and leave us all alone?

  32. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Oh Michelle, Michelle Michelle, your stupidity is you too may STFU and sit down!!!

    O/T - I don't recall seeing any of her natural born children or the 23 or so fosters...but then again, I try to avoid her at costs.

  33. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Has she talked to any actual Iraq war vets? Because I have, and some of them resent the hell out of the fact that their friends are dying for rich people's oil, while others feel like we needed a viable exit strategy long ago. I have yet to hear any of them say we should STAY there.

  34. Anonymous3:36 PM

    And she wants reparations from the Iraqi citizens.

    But the Pigford settlement is called reparations by the Repos, and they hate that.

  35. Anonymous3:46 PM

    "You don't honor the dead by needlessly adding to their number."

    But that is exactly what the excuse for increasing our military activity and prolonging the "police action" and helping the French, who cut out years before the end, was in Vietnam.

    In the '50s for every one American soldier who died we had to get revenge so sent more military to die, so we had to send more military because we had to not treat the dead as wasted ect. for 25 years and 50K+ dead.

  36. Anonymous5:02 PM that the trolls were staying out of this discussion, letting people knock Michele Bachmann, but as soon as I posted at 5:21 a post that they knew was directed toward their Queen Sarah, they responded very quickly.

    So, Sarah's features aren't "surgically enhanced"? God forbid what she would look like if they weren't! Too many before and after pictures exist for you to pretend she hasn't had extensive botox and nips and tucks.

    I am now sure what the age of Michele's children have to do with this. For your information, they range in age from 17 to 29. I stand by my statement, that she has not paraded those kids around, making them shake hands and pretend to have them give the press flowers. I don't think any of them have been pregnant (repeatedly) as a teenager...or, if they have, we have not heard all about it.

    Poor little fairy tale troll, how is a girl supposed to earn a living writing worthless posts if someone doesn't talk about Sarah?

  37. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Of course water boarding isn't torture, if you use Holy Water, it's called "Baptism" Michelle's problem with the Christians is automatically solved and she's absolved of her own ignorance.

    There, I "fixed" it for you, two wonk eyed nutjob.

    This is Presidential material? This is a "Christian" woman? This is a human being? Has she no shame?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.