Monday, November 14, 2011

Guaranteed to be the coolest thing you see all day.

Live Augmented Reality for National Geographic Channel / UPC from Appshaker Ltd on Vimeo.

Courtesy of The Creator's Project:  

So you’re at the local shopping centre/mall, when you look up and your friend is patting a dinosaur. It’s not a toy or a child’s ride, so what, exactly, is going on here? Did you have hallucinogens for breakfast again? Hmm… No need to panic, it’s just some real-time augmented reality from National Geographic TV. 

The gauntlet has been thrown, if you find something that is cooler than this I invite you to post the link in the comments section and rub my face in it.

Yeah, like THAT'S going to happen!


  1. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Now that is really cool! I'd love to see it myself. Thanks for bringing it to our attention Gryph. My grandchildren would go crazy to see this!

  2. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Wow. That is really cool!

  3. We have so few opportunities to experience the emotion of sheer delight ~ this video made me stream tears of sheer DELIGHT!

    (grabbing the endorphins as i am able)

  4. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Oh No!

    Sarah will watch this and say it is proof that people walked and played with dinosaurs...

  5. Anonymous6:51 AM

    After absorbing myself in Penn State this morning, that was nice AND needed. Thanks.

  6. I don't know: The official trailer for The Hunger Games came out today!

  7. If only NatGeo could set up a virtual Oval Office so the assortment of loons running for the Republican nomination can all pretend they've been elected president. Once in their virtual office, they can cut virtual taxes by fifty percent, outlaw virtual gay marriage and virtual birth control, bomb and/or invade virtual Iran, and send a half-million virtual troops to reoccupy virtual Iraq. Gosh, what fun they could all have.

    Meanwhile, the rest of us can get about the serious business of getting this country (the real one, that is) back on its feet again.

  8. Anonymous7:07 AM

    That's amazing! My kids (and me) would love that!

  9. AkMom7:17 AM

    Whoooooa. That was COOL!!
    Thanks, Gryphen!!

  10. lizykat7:36 AM

    okay you win. coolest thing ever!! thanks for sharin.

  11. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn8:14 AM

    Something about the music, the reactions, the excited looks on people's faces just makes you tear up. So cool. It's great to step back from the never ending lunacy of the media and realize what a truly creative world we live in!

  12. Gryphen, this isn't 'cool', but it's the most powerful think I've seen all day. Re: the Penn State scandal, I'd like to see this 'cartoon' at the head of every blog & article, the caption isn't necessary, the picture says it all:

    Click on 'sideshow' then cartoon #4:

  13. I shouldn't have doubted your guarantee. That was SUPER COOL! Thanks, Gryphen!

  14. WakeUpAmerica9:04 AM

    Go to youtube and search "Day of Glass." VERY cool.

    Also look for the one on car manufacturing in Dresden, Germany. It is the VW factory.

  15. You win! Very cool.

  16. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Thanks Gryph that was terrific!

  17. Very cool Gryph - have you checked Dirk's site today? WTF has a fantastic video up.

  18. Anonymous10:46 AM

    very very cool :)

  19. Anonymous10:48 AM

  20. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Very cool.

    For your consideration.....

  21. akbright12:30 PM

    Found this in my inbox this morning:

    It's pretty "out of this world".

  22. Okay, I'll take the challenge! That WAS cool, but I prefer real reality over augmented, any day:

  23. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Ok, that is cool. Here is something for you all.

    It blew my mind, but I am old and don't get out much, so it might be no big thing to the rest of you, but either way fun to watch. If the link does not work go to 3DPrinter Life4 Nothing and watch the video on printing 3d tools.

  24. Gasman1:01 PM

    The music is "Perpetuum Mobile" by the Penguin Café Orchestra from their album "Preludes, Airs, & Yodels."

    The Penguin Café Orchestra was the brainchild of the late British composer Simon Jeffes. Jeffes was classically trained as were most of his fellow musicians who were part of the PCO. He died in 1997 of an inoperable brain tumor. However, his music lives on.

    I've used "Perpetuum Mobile" with many of my college music classes as an example of minimalism. It's also been used for many commercials on TV. The whole album is fun and quirky and it's available on iTunes.

    The video made me smile.

  25. Gasman1:04 PM

    Oops, "Perpetuum Mobile" was originally off of the Penguin Café Orchestra's album "Signs of Life." The album "Preludes, Airs, & Yodels" is a greatest hits which also contains the cut.

  26. Anonymous1:16 PM

  27. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Make this monkey sound just like Sarah Palin and send it as an email video!


  28. Mike W2:26 PM

    OK, most of the links I have saved have gone )rats) however, here's
    a "reverse view" of the ISS video.

    If you live in a city, you probably have never seen the night sky like this. You folks in Alaska know what kind of beauty the night sky can be;

  29. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Ok, You're the champ.

    That is so way cool.

  30. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Oh No!
    Sarah will watch this and say it is proof that people walked and played with dinosaurs...
    6:48 AM

    Good Get!!

  31. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Blogger dmoreno56 said...
    12:49 PM

    I had seen that before. It is mind blowing.

  32. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:26 PM

    Thanks for the music info, Gasman! I'll definitely check that out.

  33. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Wayyy cool!

    Wake Up America @ 9:04

    We bought our car at that VW factory in Dresden, Germany. Took the tour and got to meet some genius engineers working on prototypes of future cars, one being the new version of the new beetle and a mini car called "Up".
    The car is retrieved from it's pod, descends the center pole,is prepped, and is delivered into an open atrium while the custormer watches the entire process in real time on a jumbo led screen.

  34. Gasman9:43 PM

    This was the coolest thing I saw all day until I watched Dianne Sawyer's special about Gabby Giffords and then the Nightline continuation of that story. THOSE were maybe the coolest things I've EVER seen.

    I am a professional musician and my wife is a music therapist so we were cheering as Gabby's music therapist helped her sing complete sentences when she had trouble saying individual words. Music is not mere entertainment, it is part of who we are. It is what makes us human.

    We only dimly understand the powers of music to stimulate learning and help bring back severely brain injured patients toward a sense of normalcy. I feel damn proud to be part of such a noble profession! I am also proud that Congress isn't just home to vapid shitheads like Michele Bachmann, but has real hard as nails heroes like Gabriel Giffords. If she runs for president, I'll sign aboard her team. The woman is a rock.

    Music Rocks!

    Go Gabby, go!

  35. WakeUpAmerica4:09 AM

    How awesome was that? Wow!!


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