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A new poll from the Pew Research Center shows that support for the Tea Party — and with it the Republican Party — has dropped precipitously in the last year. Now just 20% say they agree with the Tea Party, less than the 27% who disagree. But the news gets worse for Republicans: their favorability has dropped even further in Tea Party districts.
This is part of an ongoing trend, with polls this year consistently showing a narrowing of support for the Tea Party movement. In April, Pew found that as recognition of the Tea Party grew, their favorability declined. Specifically, disapproval rose 15 points between March 2010 and April 2011. And as TPM reported in September, according to a CBS/ORC Poll, fully 53% of the public had an unfavorable opinion of the Tea Party compared to a meager 28% with a favorable view. By October, the Occupy Wall Street movement had eked out a higher approval rating than the Tea Party.
Despite this trend, the new numbers represent a new low not only for the Tea Party but for the Republican Party. Whereas before, the growing disapproval of the Tea Party came from Democrats, moderates, and even moderate Republicans, these numbers show that Republican favorability has fallen steeply in Tea Party districts, 41% favorable to 48% unfavorable. Just a few months ago in March, GOP approval in these districts was a much higher 55%.
The worst thing that ever happened to the Teabaggers was that they were successful.
In 2010 they were actually able to get a number of their poorly educated, rigid partisan candidates elected to office, and since then Congress has ground to a virtual halt. Sure they try to blame everything on Obama, but that only works on their fellow paint chip eaters, and certain liberals.
Of course for those of us who well know the fate of ANY enterprise which dares to use Sarah Palin as their spokesperson, this comes as no real surprise. The fact that the Republicans are ALSO suffering such low poll numbers only reinforces that reality.
HALLELUJAH!! I never get tired of saying it.....Everything Gov Dirty Wig touches turns to.....SHIT!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds as if this keeps up, or even levels out, the Democrats are going to be in a good position at election time. Maybe the Democrats can take over the House and we can finally see things getting done for a change. It also gives me great joy knowing John McConnell and Eric Cantor can take a great deal of the blame for the drop in the approval rating. At least, maybe they will see the writing on the wall and start working to get our house in order instead of blocking any legislation that they think will make Obama look good. I just hope that this trend continues.
ReplyDeleteGingrich is polling higher than Obama.
ReplyDeleteHe also is polling 47% in Florida, 30 points over the next Republican Romney.
I agree - just include Sarah Palin in it and it is/will be an automatic failure. You need confirmation of that - check her record in Alaska and throughout the media because she is on record for stating her crap, lies and reflecting her lack of knowledge.
ReplyDeleteSome day some socialist is going to write a long article or book about the crazy Teabagger period of our country's history. It should be amusing from the perspective of the future looking back. I only hope they play lots of Sara Palin tapes so people can be once again stunned this woman and her screechy hatefilled tirades ever captured the hearts and minds of a serious percentage - now shrinking as fast as a guy getting caught on the couch with his g.f. by a very unhappy parent - of the American right
ReplyDeleteIt's over, baby.
ReplyDeleteThe GOP From Abroad
ReplyDeleteDer Spiegel says what few US outlets are prepared to say:
"Africa is a country. The Taliban rule in Libya. Muslims are terrorists. Immigrants are mostly criminals, Occupy Wall Street protesters are always dirty. And women who claim to have been sexually molested should kindly keep quiet." Welcome to the wonderful world of the Republican Party. Or rather: to the distorted world of its presidential campaign.
For months it has coiled through the country like a traveling circus, from debate to debate, from scandal to scandal, contesting the mightiest office in the world — and nothing is ever too unfathomable for them… These eight presidential wannabes are happy enough not only to demolish their own reputations but also that of their party, the once worthy party of Abraham Lincoln. They are also ruining the reputation of the United States. They lie, deceive, scuffle and speak every manner of idiocy. And they expose a political, economic, geographic and historical ignorance compared to which George W. Bush sounds like a scholar. Even the party’s boosters are horrified by the spectacle…
Platitudes in lieu of programs: in serious times that demand the smartest, these clowns offer blather that is an insult to the intelligence of all Americans. But as with all freak shows, it would be impossible without a stage, the U.S. media, which has been neutered by the demands of political correctness, and a welcoming audience, a party base that seems to have been lobotomized overnight. Notwithstanding the subterranean depths of the primary process, the press and broadcasters proclaim one clown after the next to be the new frontrunner, in predictable news cycles of forty-five days.
I wonder who will be next to be destroyed, oops I mean endorsed by sideshow scarah?
ReplyDeleteSarahs influence has a lot to do with this. Not all of course. What's funny is they will never admit they are wrong about anything!
ReplyDeleteTa-Daaaaa! Thanks, Gryphen. You played a huge part in this. Bless you to infinity.
ReplyDeletePeace, All. Time to really get behind our amazing President.
OBAMA landslide in 2012!
Since the real Tea Party was just a figment of the Koch Brothers delusions of grandeur, I am not surprised it has fizzled out. Now, what to do about the NRA, which is turning this country into a hunting ground.
ReplyDeleteRick 'Google him' Santorum is big on Creationism in public schools...
ReplyDeleteSantorum says the "left" and "scientific community" have monopolized the public school system's curriculum, only permitting the teaching of evolution and leaving no room for the introduction of creation-based theories in the classroom.
A "Disastrous Interview"
The TGOPers are so lost in a wilderness of their own making that they'll never find their way out.
ReplyDeleteGood riddance to bad rubbish!
12:31, he, he...maybe in Kansas.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Ron Paul just brought the hammer down on Newt:
Once the base gets an eyeful of Mewt coating up on a couch with Nacy Pelosi embracing climate change, and even better touring the country with Al Sharpton on an education reform tour, his poll numbers will plummet . Don't forget, Newt was shamed out of Congree BY HIS OWN PARTY, and fined a record $300k for ethics violations.
It's Newts time in the sun...let it shine, while he gets attacked by his GOP rivals. Bring it on, troll
Anon @ 1:12 posted this link and I think it bears re-posting. EXCELLENT summary of the current goptardian party.
12:55 I hope you mean sociologist, not socialist.
ReplyDeleteSad thing is that even if the tea party and the paylump completely disappear the damage they've done will take a long time to repair.
ReplyDeleteAnon @12:31PM
ReplyDelete"Gingrich is polling higher than Obama"
He must be a wonderful choice, he is polling higher... argumentum ad populum. Faux News also 'polls' higher. There are dimwitted people in this country who are easily fooled. They are very noisy. The media loves them because they drive clicks. They are shameless in their ignorance. They get a lot of exposure. Gingrich can easily fool them. Occasionally you see them on progressive blogs.
it was always over...
ReplyDeletetheir 15 minutes are GONE...
burn baby burn
I would really love to believe that the majority of people are starting to wake up to the utter bullshit they have been fed by the rightwingers--and that we are in for a better future.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, I still see WAY too many postings on all manner of websites (supposedly non-political Facebook, for one) that sound like this:
I just HATE Obama and how he's ruined this country, and cannot wait until 2012 when someone will take his place. My DOG would do a better job.
If anyone asks the poster to back up this attitude with facts, out comes all the talking points we've had to endure from the likes of Sarah Palin and the Fox brigade of liars and scoundrels and gold sellers.
As these people are obviously easily swayed, if done in the correct way, it would be nice if some celebrities they hold in a position of religious awe (Paris Hilton, Snooki, Kim Kardashian, Justin Beiber, and the like) realized they could do the nation some GOOD for a change, by doing "PSA's" in support of the Democrats.
Let's hope this trend continues. We need to turn this country around, and in order to do so, we need to get the clowns out of the way, and that includes the Tea Party, the Republicans, and Palin.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 12:31 said...
ReplyDelete"Gingrich is polling higher than Obama.
He also is polling 47% in Florida, 30 points over the next Republican Romney."
That's only because people can't remember who he was. He'll be down the tubes in 3 weeks or less. Mitt is the 2012 nominee. Too bad for him that the Republicans don't like him. They've made it pretty clear - "Anyone but Mitt". Hardly an electable position.
GinaM - "Gov Dirty Wig". LOL!
ReplyDeleteLeah is back. http://godsownparty.com/blog/2011/11/gop-field-of-candidates-a-huge-challenge-for-political-christians/
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful picture!
ReplyDeleteMy opinion is the Tea Party was never that big. The media gave it a lot of attention because they were such whackjobs and that always brings in the ratings. The baggers were only a handful that got WAY too much attention. Glad to see they are history.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 12:31
ReplyDelete"Gingrich is polling higher than Obama. He also is polling 47% in Florida, 30 points over the next Republican Romney."
Run that poll in CA or OR or NY and many other educated areas and then we'll compare and contrast. Polls are only as good as the respondents in the regions they 'choose' to ask. I could do a poll in my condo complex and come out with about a 97% positive result for Obama but it is ultimately meaningless. Polls are merely campaign tools, nothing more. You do recall the McCain polls in 2008 right?
Well, the tea party was doomed from the beginning- look at all the you tube videos out there, Screechy dirty wigged quitter leached money from the lowest pond scum in the name of politics.
ReplyDeleteThe kook tours, you know, where she sold books to the idjits who, when asked why Sarah was so refreshing and relevant, had to turn to the other bowling shoe renters and say "Help me out, here!"
She's real
She reflects my values
She's purrtty
She chooseded life
She hunts
blah blah blah blah
Good Riddance, idjits!
Obama by a landslide 2012!
What's MY favorite memory of the now shriveling tea baggers movement? let me think... so many... Ah, ok. I always got a special chortle from seeing the most foamy mouthed corpulent anti-government baggers - usually bedecked in some ridiculous Toys-R-Us tri-corner Halloween costume hat and holding a misspelled sign denouncing our president - who spout some patently false Frank Luntz/Grover Norquist talking point before identifying themselves as retired government employees (enjoying an ample pension thus affording them the luxury of protesting wasteful government spending... on such things as generous employee pensions and benefits....)
ReplyDeleteTHATS my favorite memory. That and also seeing the expression on some nasty old bagger's face when they discover the REAL meaning of the word teabagger.....
Could someone please identify all the Tea party baggers in the picture?
ReplyDeleteI see Queen $ister $arah, pouring out the k00laid for all the cousin humpers to drink (HT to gasman)
Not sure about the rest.
Fat, all white, brain dead, screaming platitudes and lies.
But who the hell are they?
What's the problem? Have the astroturfs finally stopped supporting the whackjobs with money, ads and media?
ReplyDeleteIn each state that elected a Tea Party governer, folks are suffering from an acute case of buyers' remorse because they have been exposed to the inflexible, know-nothing style of Tea Party governing. Scott Walker faces a massive recall effort in Wisconsin, Rick Scott of Florida is the most hated governor in this country, and John Kasich of Ohio had his butt handed to him when his union-busting legislation was defeated 61% to 39%. The biggest mistake the GOP made was to allow itself to be coopted by a bunch of wingnuts in order to win at any cost, and they are paying for it. The GOP candidates for the nomination are falling all over themselves pandering to these knuckledraggers and making utter fools of themselves in the process.
ReplyDeletePalin's political career may be dead, but she remains symptomatic of what's wrong with the GOP, along with others like Perry, Willard, Newt, Cain, Bachmann, and Santorum.
If that's supposed to be Sarah, too much cleavage. Her push-up bra does not work miracles on pancakes secured to a bag of bones.
ReplyDeleteOWS needs to pay attention. In the beginning the tea party had some legitimate concerns: a government gone wild; irresponsible spending; politicians ignoring their voters; economic woes. Mr. Bush had made a huge mess of things. We now know the Fed/taxpayer put up trillions to bail out the banks. They turned around and started foreclosing on mortgages left and right even when the homeowners could have kept going if the mortgage would be refinanced. The teapartiers had some real complaints. So what does the 1% do? They co-opted the movement and made real grass roots into astro-turf which better suited THEIR goals. The religious right happily went along for access to more power. We've forgotten what the original complaints were.
ReplyDeleteSo far OWS has not been bought out and co-opted, but we all need to pay attention this time. Big banks, Big corporations, and the Congress they own are killing the middle class. If we don't fight back now, it will be too late. Don't believe me? Look at the provision in the DOD funding bill which allows indefinite detention, without trial, of American citizens. It would be in military prisons with no writ of habeas corpus. All you need is someone to suspect you of "terrorism". How long until OWS is a terrorist organization?