Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Massey brothers try to convince America to watch their new reality show with Bristol Palin. Even though the Palins are slipping into fog of obscurity.

 (Click here if video won't play.)

You know I really like Chris and Kyle Massey.

I was watching them on one of those Halloween themed compilation shows, the "Ten Scariest Movie Moments" or something like that, and they were funny, and engaging, and kind of genuine.

So I feel badly for them to be saddled with the deadwood that is Bristol Palin. I mean talk about baggage!

I also have virtually NO interest in monitoring this show, which is sad because I imagine the Masseys are probably pretty entertaining on their own.

However I do know at least two people who will watch every single episode and probably tape them to watch over and over again. And that is Sherry and Mercede Johnston, who will watch just to get a glimpse of little Tripp, who they have virtually had no contact with this last year.

The last time Sherry saw Tripp, he did not even know who she was, and it damn near broke her heart.

To me, regardless of the issues you might have with your ex (Or his sister), keeping a child away from his grandmother, especially while you are living in the same town, is simply inexcusable.

My mother and father were divorced when I was five years old. At the time my mom was only twenty years old, not that much older than Bristol was when she and Levi split up. My mother made a point of taking us up to see my grandmother, my father's mother, EVERY SINGLE Sunday until we were in our teens.

My dad cheated on my Mom, but she NEVER said a bad word about him in front of her children, and NEVER deprived us of contact with his side of the family.

When my grandmother became elderly, and was on her last days, she named my mother as the executor of her will.  And after Grandma's passing my father flew up, and he and my mother, working together, made sure that my Grandmother's wishes were respected, selling off her assets while making sure to distribute the money to the relatives named in her will.

My Grandmother never had to worry about how her grandchildren were doing, because she knew.

And when I had a little girl of my own, do you know who I took her to visit on a regular basis? And let me tell you that her great grandmother's eyes would light up when we arrived, despite her failing health, and difficulty getting around. I swear my daughter added at least ten years to my grandmother's life.

Sherry deserves that kind of relationship as well. Rarely have I met somebody as sweet and loving as Sherry Johnston, and everyday that Tripp is deprived of her love is a sad in his little life.

I hope that Bristol gets over her anger and allows Tripp to be with the people that love him. Because that is what a truly caring parent would choose to do, NOT force them to sit huddled in front of a television waiting for any fleeting glimpse of their grandchild/nephew.


  1. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Well, there ARE some cute Tripp scenes. I've heard Bristol describe some. That is unfortunate though.

  2. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Bristol is a bad mom.

  3. Anonymous9:15 AM

    You were lucky enough to be raised by a mother who knew what the right thing to do was, and who then actually did it, where her ex-in-laws were concerned. For that she deserves a lot of credit, and so do you for following her good example.

    But what good example did Bristol Palin ever receive in the household she grew up in? Her mother is unsatisfied, selfish, lazy, vindictive and petty. Bristol doesn't appear intelligent or self-aware enough to understand that her life could be different if she just made a little effort instead of following unquestioningly in her mother's footsteps.

    Now Bristol is raising her son in the same poisonous atmosphere. What a legacy!

    I had never heard of the Masseys before I saw Kyle on DWTS. He immediately impressed me and I rooted for him from the start. He couldn't have been more different from Bristol; it was clear to see that he made a huge effort.

    Their joint show puts me in a bind; I want it to be a huge bust for Bristol, but I want it to be a success for Kyle. I'm pretty sure that it'll be a bust, though. When Sarah's day was done, Bristol's was too.

  4. I know nothing about the Massey brothers. For what are they famous?

  5. Anonymous9:16 AM

    The Masseys' mother is the Executive Producer? What is Mrs. Palin's cut in all of this? Did she get a percentage?
    Is there a trust fund set up for Tripp from the show's revenues?

  6. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Ooh a bristol post! I can't wait to see what she has to say in the comments. You know she will be here soon and is probably typing out rage filled comments right now. She will tell us how "confused" she is about something, call people "immature"/"jealous" "haters". She will say something is "weird". She will tell us Levi went hunting a lot so he is the angry one. She will tell us how she shot up Levi's book at a gun range and about how much fun she's having in LA. Her comments will be nonsensical & illogical. I can't wait to laugh at her stupidity. Don't disappoint us Pigstool!

  7. Anonymous9:20 AM

    As Judge Judy says, "You have to love your child more than you hate your ex". I never received any cash in child support from my ex, but I never let him not see our daughter. He always came through we I really needed something, such a tires, etc. My ex died almost four years ago; we had become such good friends and I miss him dearly.

    Hopefully someday, Bristol will stop being so selfish and think of her childs' needs before her own. Although from the things I've heard her say and write, I'm not holding my breath.

    G, not only did you do your girl and your grandmother good, it has to feel pretty good to know you did the right thing. You're a good man.

  8. Anonymous9:22 AM

    It's looks like NOBODY will be watching their reality show anytime soon.

    The producers of the show, http://associatedtelevision.com/
    syndication.php have their syndicated lineup and it's not there, nor is it anywhere on Bio's lineup, either.

    They produced the show without a buyer for it, assuming someone would pick it up. To date, nobody has. (from someone inside the business)

  9. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Im not even sure it's really Bristol V. the Johnstons anymore. It seems to be people who think Levis a scuz and immature dumbass V. people who automatically hate the Palins.

    Thats what I see and hear from people everywhere. NO ONE seems to be thinking about the actual issues.

  10. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Tears for Grandmother Sherry and Aunt Mercedes. And, for little Tripp. He is getting a rotten childhood.

  11. Gryphen, are you purposely setting troll bait out every few days to keep April and the other fairy tale trolls employed through the holidays? Cause most of the other Anti-Sarah blogs have either closed up shop, or starred focusing on other issues, he, he.

    Gryphen sets the trap, puts in the bait, and Bristol and her fairy tale trolls bite every.single.time. As sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

    Here's the thing...besides Bristol being an utterly boring dolt, the Bio channel is not even on basic cable, no ones watching her snoozefest.

  12. Dinty9:35 AM

    I have invented the IM Bristol-related-post drinking game. Every time you see the following phrases (from a genuine troll, not one of the fakes) you must drink a shot.

    -Deep roots
    -Making them laugh

    Enjoy, we're all going to be plastered by lunch.

    PS: feel free to suggest words and phrases on your own

  13. Anonymous9:51 AM

    But you have to remember that there isn't a "high road" with the Paylins. They are bottom-dwellers and the very act of denying that little boy access to his family shows me all I need to know about their "values" or lack thereof. They are vindictive, mean, white trash.

  14. Anonymous9:52 AM

    You are a far better human than I. i think the best way for the johnston's to get to see Tripp is to Spill the Bean's already. i don't for a minute believe they dont know the full scoop. Hell, being quiet is getting them anywhere. Why not go for it all, tell everything, get public support, sue the Palin's for visitation when the shit hits the fan. That is, if any of Bristle's spawn are even related to them in the first place. They could make alot of money also too.

  15. Anonymous9:53 AM

    It would take a pretty large forgiveness bone to forgive Levi and Sadie. I think she will in time. But they both have caused undue pain. Remember, THEY started the war.

  16. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Oh boy, Gryphen.

    Bristol, Sarah, and April will be ALL ovah dis one!

    I truly empathize with Sherry. My grandchild now lives in another country due to my son's job. I am lucky to see him once a year. Last Christmas, he didn't know who I was either- and yea, it crushed me.

    That being said, I beg of Sherry to come clean. I believe the child presented to us as Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston IS her grandson whom she loves and adores. But something doesn't add up. All of us can see and feel these inconsistencies. Why did Sadie *really* call Ruffles her "baby brother" on a public my space page? Why did Levi include photos in his book, ostensibly of he and Trig, which seem much more likely to be photos of Tripp?

    I saw the collage posted by someone yesterday in the zombie post. It raised more questions than it answered. I'd never seen that picture of Bristol holding the tiny infant wearing the same hat as the baby Sherry is holding.
    The pictures in that collage make an *extremely* strong case that Levi is holding Tripp in the blue blanket, *not* Trig.

    I feel for Sherry and Mercede, I do. But for the millionth time, *why* does Levi not pursue his COURT ORDERED visitation, paltry though it may be, so his family can see and bond with his child? It boggles the mind.

  17. ThanksABunchJohn10:10 AM

    From what I gather the show has not been picked up by a network? I sincerely, truly want this show to never see the light of day. Ever.

    SPLASKA was pure torture, and I never watched it. Funny how that works.

  18. Bristol is now irrelevant.
    The only reason anyone gave her quasi celebrity status was her mother was supposedly mulling over a bid for the White House.
    Now that Sarah is out of the running, and Bristol has proven to be without talent or education, no one has any reason to put Bristol on TV.

    Which is good for us, and maybe ultimately good for Bristol.
    All we can do is hope she matures and sees Tripp's family as important.

  19. Anonymous10:21 AM

    That was hype? I've seen more enthusiasm at a wake. I know you're supposed to support your parents and all but next time their mom has an idea for a show, they may want to be a little more cautious. Is the show listed for a broadcast time, yet? Maybe it's just one big tax-write off with no intention of getting air-time.

  20. Anonymous10:29 AM

    I thought the show was going to be about working full-time as volunteers not one big joy-ride around LA. As usual, the first presentation was some lofty noble idea with no intentions of actually following through more than superficially, if that.

  21. Anonymous10:30 AM

    So, there never was any real attempt to "raise money for a charity". Not at all surprising that such an unbelievable attempt at social relevance would fall by the wayside. But c'mon- trying to amuse a cretin by "showing her LA"-? Not even riding a mechanical bull would help the girl's edjumacashun.

    Clearly a visit to the La Brea Tarpits would be out of bounds, since it would show sabre toothed tiger bones uncommingled with humans...

    W. Tortoise

  22. They seem like nice guys.

  23. honeybabe10:33 AM

    what goes around comes around. it's nice that it's automatic.

  24. They speak of "the kids" and "the baby." Tripp is not a baby. If we are to believe BP, he is almost 3 years old. Also, too, he is only one child-- who are "the kids?"

    Both of these guys(Massey Brothers) have appealing personalities. They just might be able to create a venue in which BP's contribution would be interesting. Tripp is very cute too.

    Truly, if BP can find a place for herself in LA, away from the toxic fumes of Granny Grifter -- I say GO GIRL!!

    I hope that my fellow commenters will realize what is important here- the truth about babygate.
    We have NO REASON to say unkind things about BP in order to get the truth about the hoax which SP perpetrated on the U.S. electorate.
    It was NOT BP's idea to be sure!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Did I hear Kyle Massey say, "...Tripp...and the baby" and then catch himself? If he was only talking about Tripp, then why did he call this child who was well over two years old a baby?

  27. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Kind of cool that no one has commented on this at all...the Palin effect is indeed fading away. I predict this show will be cancelled after one airing. The Masseys may be talented, but Bris is not, and with her negative vibe, she will sink this show just as Mommy Dearest sank her own political promotional videos.

  28. Anonymous11:00 AM

    No reason to say unkind things about Bristol?

    Bristol is as much a liar and hypocrit and dear ole mom. That is enough to make her wet blotting paper presence a nuisance. Not an honest bone in her.

    Bristol can't act. She looks like hell in the clothes she chooses. What is there to watch? A girl with no talents but having babies out of wedlock? A fine example to high school dropouts?

  29. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Kyle's mother came up with the idea for this new reality show!! Well that explains a lot! The Massey brothers obviously don't have the talent to land a regular gig on a major network television show so they got stuck with this craptastic idea to show Bristol around L.A! Yeah, like viewers really care about watching two young celebrities that aren't even on the D list, showing an unwed untalented teenage mother around town! Now that's excitement!!

  30. Anonymous11:03 AM

    My sister works in the production office of bio tv. She said they have done some small test audiences and people constantly used terms like "dull" and "flat" to describe Bristol.

    They just did a larger test audience last week. I asked her how it went and she said let me put it this way, I'd rather be at a funeral than in my office right now- people wouldn't look as sad and we'd have spent much less money.

    Ouch. I think Bristol's tv forays are done.

    It's ok, Bristy. You always have the "consulting and lobbying firm" you started at age 17.

    Btw: Levi you SUCK DONKEY ASS for not enforcing your visitation. Does it make you feel like a big man to see your mother cry over her grandson which you COULD provide her access to but don't? I want to like you Levi but you make it pretty damn hard with your seeming abandonment of your son and your book full of crap lies.

  31. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Im not even sure it's really Bristol V. the Johnstons anymore. It seems to be people who think Levis a scuz and immature dumbass V. people who automatically hate the Palins.

    Thats what I see and hear from people everywhere. NO ONE seems to be thinking about the actual issues.

    9:25 AM

    It would take a pretty large forgiveness bone to forgive Levi and Sadie. I think she will in time. But they both have caused undue pain. Remember, THEY started the war.

    9:53 AM
    And right on cue the Bristroll monkey comes to dance for us! Why are you so predictable Bristol?

    PS- "large forgiveness bone"
    LOLOLOL I'm still laughing at this one. Is that like "heaven-made" or "intelligible people"? You're a regular Shakespeare like your mom Bristol!

  32. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I had kids young with a narcissistic sociopath. He would disappear from their lives for many months at a time,sometimes years, whenever the mood struck him or he had a new (usually underage) gf.

    His mother? She's practically my best friend! I told her when I finally left her son, that no matter what she is my children's grandmother and she will ALWAYS be respected as such. I have always made my children available to her, and encouraged them to keep contact by phone and email. A child can't have too much love, so why deprive them of any? What dd they do to deserve that?

    My children are basically adults now and they still have wonderful relationships with both their grandmothers. They barely speak to their father (due to his behavior and by their choice) but they are as close as ever to his mother.

    I'll say it again a child can't have too much love. It's impossible. Please put away the petty arguments and do what is right for your son.

  33. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Just for a refresher, MeAgain reported this anecdote somewhere around 8/30 - 9/1, hard to track the exact dates in all the Broomfield comments:

    "I shall see you all on the third! You too, Sarah and Bristol! Oh, by the way Bristol...I heard about the newest development on your "reality show". What a shame. I'm sure they won't REALLY fire you even though you're bombing with test audiences. Surely they'll take into consideration that you've been professional, courteous, genuine-- oh, that's right. You've made them wait endlessly while you post your transparent pablum on Gryphen's blog...you leave the crew to deal with YOUR child and your "Godson" (oh, I'm sure they'll buy that) when you can't blackmail or pay Willow to watch your DWTS baby)...what else? Oh, how could I forget?! You "have less personality on camera than a deaf-mute dustbunny". Ouch

    This coincides with what we have been suspecting, hearing a bit about in the tabloid TV news shows and what was just posted a day or so ago by Leadfoot LA on another site. LLA is a Hollywood PR person and she reported this: "They produced the show without a buyer for it, assuming someone would pick it up. To date, nobody has. Even the trashiest cable networks don't seem to be interested in it."

    Seems like the Massey boys are trying to gen up some interested buyer. Guess they didn't think that Bristol could help out much.

  34. Fuck those two assholes. They had the nerve to say bustol didn't look like she had surgery.

    Fuck big fat ugly ignat homophobe bustol.

    The show sounds like shit just like the people who are in it.

    I hope their little bs careers will finally be over.

  35. Anonymous11:33 AM

    I found the photos that the Massey boys selected to be quite interesting. The DWTS early godson pregnancy shots but not a single one from later in the show/pregnancy. The Grecian Goddess engagement photo in the one shoulder white sheet, but no Levi anywhere? And then the highly photo-shopped Harpers Let Them Eat Cake photo but no Haiti.

    Since we know Bristol is trademarked, they would only have used those shots with her permission. So, she selected the pics but did not appear in the promo. Interesting.

  36. Anonymous11:37 AM

    The sad fact is that Sherry would probably show Tripp more love than $carah will. Sherry would be the kind of grandma all kids should have. Unlike the other one who does not want to be called "Grandma"

  37. 9:22 AM

    YAY that's the best news yet outside #ows.

  38. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Love the drinking game, Dinty! I have a few additions:

    pathetic people with no lives

  39. Anonymous11:51 AM

    "It seems to be people who think Levis a scuz and immature dumbass V. people who automatically hate the Palins.

    Thats what I see and hear from people everywhere. "

    Boy, your notion of "everywhere" must only include yourself and Bristol. There's a pretty substantial group of people between those two points of view.

  40. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Funny thing is, Bristol couldn't care less if people know her name or not. She takes opportunities as they come as anyone with sense would

    Anon 9:14, you're a shitty person for passing judgment on people you've never met. Grow up

  41. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Well. I find it interesting that all the picurs of Tripp are of a much younger Tripp. I mean, how long has it been since that Vanity Fair shoot?

  42. Anonymous11:56 AM

    It has occurred to me, reading how unengaged Bristol is with her son's grandmother (shameful, btw aren't there grandparent laws in Alaska?) that maybe Bristol is acting out of fear more than anger.

    The older they get, the more
    Tripp & Trig can talk. And small children tend to talk about what they see and hear. Which is everything!

    I led a pretty normal life as a young parent and I was thrown on more than one occasion by comments made by my children in front of my parents.

    I once asked my daughter, aged 4 at the time to open the door for my mom as I was in the bathroom showing a plumber where we had a leaking pipe and she did, explaining "I have to keep you company cause mom's in the shower with Ed."

    Can you imagine the family secrets and overheard conversations these two little boys will be sharing as they approach age group of family snitch? Ages 4-10 are notorious for speaking without thinking but it can start earlier. And these boys are each 3 already, right?

    So I'm thinking there's more to this business of forbidding Sherry and Mercede any contact with Tripp. Bristol is probably terrified of what Tripp might say when she's not around.

  43. lilly lily12:01 PM

    The brothers seem worried.

    If they wanted to show Bristol the town they could have easily had her over for a few days and done the town.

    No need for a reality series.

    Kim Khardashian is giving reality series a bad name with that huckstered wedding.

    Snookering people is an art, and while Mama Grizzley had that down to a T. Bristol doesn't have any charisma.

    If they wanted to be friends with Bristol, friends do show people around, they don't expect to make milllions doing so. Friends are friends not money generators.

    I had a friend near SF who hosted me for years, and we saw all of California and surrounding states in less time than it took Bristol to see LA.

  44. Anonymous12:19 PM

    O/T but way more important to celebrate!


  45. Dinty:

    You forgot the most trolltastic line of all:

    You shouldn't be judging people you don't know.

    Yeah, you know cause you couldnt possibly know someone after reading their autobiography and interviews in tabloids. watching them on reality tee vee, and listening to speeches about their sex life.

  46. Anon 10:08:
    “All of us can see and feel these inconsistencies."

    Please speak for yourself...or for a limited group. Mercede's explanation of the kitchen photo captions makes perfect sense to me. Same with Levi including a photo of him and Trig in his book about being caught in SARAH's crosshairs.

  47. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Yup! See video at 1:04. She brought "Tripp and the baby." about 30 sec. later the brother says "the kids." One never says that if there is only one child. And yes, all the pictures being so young when we know he is much bigger now(or was last summer).

    Gives me a headache, but I guess I'm just a jealous immature hater who believes that two young women without any education raising one or two children is criminal. May God help them, as they seem to be incapable of helping themselves.

  48. Anonymous12:34 PM

    "Anon 9:14, you're a shitty person for passing judgment on people you've never met. Grow up"

    Ha! Good one, troll. Have you met 9:14? or are you passing judgment on someone you've never met?

  49. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Bristol.. hurry up and write another fake book.

    The time to suck up easy money is fast ending.

    A photo shoot for People with another fake engagement may bring a few dollars...

    Bristol go for the quick dollars.. you are nothing but a whore.

  50. lilly lily12:43 PM

    I looked at the original prospectice. Bristol working for a Charity.

    Biography supposedly, and this was back in May, gave the go ahead for 10 episodes of 1/2 hour each.

    After all Bristol's mother was a news generating genius.

    We know one episode. The bull riding few minutes and confrontation with a mouthy critic sitting at the bar.

    Doesn't sound like charity work to me, and the Massie brothers weren't in on the trip to the touristy Bar Restaurant.

    Otherwise there is a trip to a Nail parlour with Tripp in tow.

    You have Manicurists in Alaska. LA is no different.

    Sounds exciting.

    Most of us do things that are more interesting in our mundane little lives, though no mechanical bulls in our Bar-Restaurants, also no tourists or mouthy critics when out and about.

  51. Anonymous12:56 PM

    "We can go when the "baby" is crying, she can't"

    Tripp is beyond this stage... he must be talking about the new DWTS baby.

  52. Anonymous12:59 PM

    I read on one of those Hollywood Insider websites that while Biography has announced some fall shows, Bristol & the Massey Brothers are not included. Here is a list of all of their shows:

    Maybe this promo is their way of trying to get some attention for their show. After all, if Sarah's fans could vote untalented Bristol into second runner up on DWTS, maybe they could put in the fix for this show, too.

    I did put Bristol's name into the search feature of Biography Channel. She will be happy to know that it was Levi whose name came up, and she is mentioned in his biography. Let's be honest about Bristol's chances at Reality TV stardom. Her book didn't sell well, and her mother's star is fading. Oh, and about reality TV. That Kardashian wedding show was a fake, too. Here today, gone tomorrow.

  53. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Funny thing is, Bristol couldn't care less if people know her name or not. She takes opportunities as they come as anyone with sense would

    Anon 9:14, you're a shitty person for passing judgment on people you've never met. Grow up

    11:53 AM
    Bristol, how many times do we have to tell you:
    1. You don't need to meet someone to pass judgement on them. I've never met Hitler, but I'm pretty sure he was an asshole.
    2. In the same sentence you tell people not to pass judgement on someone you haven't met, YOU PASS JUDGEMENT ON SOMEONE YOU HAVEN'T MET.
    This is getting old now...
    Look I know the truth hurts. You're a bad mom but it isn't totally your fault. I mean look who raised you! The thing is you can get better if you put in the effort. There are books, videos and the whole internet filled with parenting advice. Instead of wasting your time here attacking people for speaking the truth, you should try to fix your problem. It's obvious to everyone you feel guilty about your parenting skills. So do something about it instead of whining anonymously to people who don't like you. And that is the first and last time I will give you any advice.

  54. I'm an unbeliever!1:11 PM

    Tripp is not a Johnston! Levi has to have been paid off to pretend to be the dad. If Sherry and Mercede laughed and washed their hands of this mess, rethought your arguments and said that neither of those kids may be related to anyone they know, The former governor whose 15 minutes are ticking wouldn't be able to get Tripp or Tri-G around them enough.

    We've NEVER seen Maw or Pawp Palin around with these two, have we?

    This is silly. Sherry and Mercede need to look at their role in this produced drama and laugh out loud at it.

  55. The Rill Question1:17 PM

    Is there a forgiveness bone big enough for Bristol the Pistol to saddle?

  56. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Drinking game: Don't forget
    Get a life
    Grow up!

  57. Anonymous1:21 PM

    "Im not even sure it's really Bristol V. the Johnstons anymore. It seems to be people who think Levis a scuz and immature dumbass V. people who automatically hate the Palins.

    Thats what I see and hear from people everywhere. NO ONE seems to be thinking about the actual issues."

    @9:25 AM

    It's the "actual issues" troll, again. The "actual issues" only matter when there is Palin-bashing going on.

    You gave yourself away by calling Levi J. a "scuz," and an "immature dumbass," while claiming people "automatically hate the Palins," as if for no reason.

    You are delusional if you really believe "people everywhere" are thinking about the Palins and Levi J., and that "NO ONE" seems to be thinking about the "actual issues."

    The narcissism never ends.

  58. Anonymous1:28 PM

    "It would take a pretty large forgiveness bone to forgive Levi and Sadie. I think she will in time. But they both have caused undue pain. Remember, THEY started the war."

    @9:53 AM

    Of, course. The Palins are always at "war," with someone and are never at fault. Who gives a shit who started it? Bri$tol needs to stop being a selfish, vindictive bitch (like her mother), and get over her hurt feelings, and stop keeping her kid from his father, and his side of the family.

  59. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Levi can take her to court, WHY hasn't he done that??? Sherry ans Mercede should be blameing Levi for them not seeing him.

  60. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Thanks for sharing that about your family. You and your moms are class acts.

  61. Anonymous1:44 PM

    This has been mentioned before but I don't follow DWTS to know more. Was Bristol supposed to tour as a 3rd place winner and, if so, when? Did she quit? Why? Why is it this family never seems to be able to stick with something and follow through on their commitments when it comes to doing the unglamorous real work, including parenting? What they say and what they do are always at opposites.

  62. Anonymous1:44 PM


    I pass judgement on those who feel the need to spew their shitty views in public. I see you feel the need to pass judgement on people without even knowing as much about them as we do about the shitty Palin family.

    Guess what, we still don't like the trashy family and your idiotic little rants don't seem to help do they?

  63. I do love the "passing judgment on somebody you haven't met" line. It is my favorite because it is always preceded by such phrases as "You are a shitty person" or "You are jealous because you have no life" or "You are an immature hater." lol. Irony is truly wasted on these people. Although I lean toward the possibility that some of our trolls are indeed Bristle, or April, or another family member or "close friend," I also think that we have an assortment of generic PalinBots, the vast majority of which HAVE NEVER MET SARAH OR BRISTLE, OR LEVI, OR SADIE. Their little worlds are filled with judgments about these people they have never met (or merely shaken hands with). THAT irony completely escapes them. Their complete disconnect with reality, combined with their total lack of introspection, is part of their charm. Otherwise they are incredibly tedious, stupid, and mean.
    Oh, as for Bristle's dumbass show and its complete lack of marketability, it's the smackdown that has been headed her way. If she had real friends they would have told her to take the DWTS money and get an education, put some money away for her son, and get off the public stage before the big fucking embarrassment truck rolled over her ass.

  64. "Anonymous said...
    Tears for Grandmother Sherry and Aunt Mercedes. And, for little Tripp. He is getting a rotten childhood.

    9:28 AM"

    Until the lot of them come clean, they all deserve each other.

  65. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Funny thing is, Bristol couldn't care less if people know her name or not. She takes opportunities as they come as anyone with sense would

    Anon 9:14, you're a shitty person for passing judgment on people you've never met. Grow up

    @11:53 AM

    If Bri$tol really couldn't care less if people knew her name or not, then why did she try to have her name trademarked like her idiot mother? And why is she still whoring for fame. It would be nice if Bri$tol would start earning some of those "opportunities," for a change.

    More additions to Dinty's drinking game:

    1. "Funny thing is.."

    2. "passing judgment on people you've never met!"

    3. "Grow up!"

  66. Anonymous2:03 PM

    This show will never, ever be aired. Watching paint dry would be more interesting.

  67. Yeah that is bullshit about Levi and Mercede starting the conflict.

    While Mercede and Bristol always had a complicated relationship at best, everybody was playing nice after December 2008, in the hopes they could see Tripp. But the Palins refused to let Levi take him to Sherry's, and only allowed him to visit his son at their house, where he felt increasingly uncomfortable.

    THAT is why they went on Tyra Banks and did the media tour. They had hoped the publicity would shame the Palins into letting them see Tripp, since Levi was convinced he could not overcome Sarah's power and influence in an Alaska courthouse.

  68. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Seems like Bristol has watched too many episodes of Keeping up with the Kardashians. She dyed her hair to match Kim's, had her face redone in an effort to look like Kim, and thinks she can have a reality TV show, too, just like Kim. After all, KIm was on DWTS, right?

    Earth to Bristol: Kim became a celebrity because she made a hot sex tape; your claim to fame is that you keep having babies. See the difference? Hey, I've got an idea: maybe YOU can make a sex tape! How about it?

  69. Anonymous2:08 PM

    My 13 year old daughter is watching "Teen Mom 2" on my Netflix when she is here after school. I watch it with her, as it is a good chance to sit and talk about the bad choices every one of those girls have made and how really hard their lives are and how unfair to the babies. At the end of every show, there is a blurb that says something to the effect "Teen pregnancy is 100% preventable" and gives a website that they can go on and read how to prevent ending up like these girls and their children.

    I can't see, with a show like that already on the air, where there is any niche market left for Bristol's show.

    I wondered, also, what happened with the whole lie about her appearing in a reality show to make money for a charity. The charity is herself.

    I think those Massey boys showed a remarkable lack of intelligence to make this show with that family.

    PS...to the troll who blamed Sadie and Sherri for Bristol keeping Tripp away from them....one word...BULLSHIT, we all know better. Just because you say it does not believe any one else here believes it. She is a vicious, nasty, bitch. period. Just like her parents.

  70. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Oh My God...A SEX TAPE!!! I can picture it now...The male actor, head in his hands saying over and over...I can't do this ...I can't do this. Then the camera crew, projectile vomiting all over the set. Then the director ... repeating the phrase.. THE HORROR...OHHH THE HORROR

  71. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Anon 9:53am - stop with the dumbness.

    Sharon TN

  72. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Prediction: We will soon be hearing form $carah, Bitchtol et al how the Masseys screwed up and doomed Bitchtol's career.

    This video was a pathetic attempt to stay out from under $carah's big ole the bus.

    Too bad boys and Mrs. Massey - like Michele Bachmann,"that's a google search YOU should have done."

  73. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Get on it . . . . . . . LEVI !!!

  74. Dinty3:32 PM

    Thank you anons for the great additions to the Bristol-related-post drinking game.

    If I was actually drinking the post you are reading now would have been far less intelligible (yet probably still more accurate and well-written than posts by you-know-who).

    As predicted, they came out and danced a bit for us. I drink to your predictability and slow-wittedness, Bristol fairy-tale trolls, whoever you are!

  75. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Wasilla in the house, wave!
    Methinks the Massey brothers confirmed what many have thought, there WAS a DWTS baby. I hope the SP silence is permanent now, and not because she is recovering from plastic surgery, or whatnot.

  76. Anonymous3:46 PM

    "Anonymous said...

    Get on it . . . . . . . LEVI !!!
    3:23 PM "
    He already did and look what the result(Tripp)was!!!


  77. Anonymous3:47 PM

    So sad!

  78. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Virginia Voter -Gryphen is fueling the economy by keeping April et al employed! Yet another reason to love him and for SP to rail against him - hahahhahah - win win!


  79. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Dinty: Add "Grow up, people!"

  80. Anonymous4:12 PM

    "So I feel badly for [the Masseys] to be saddled with the deadwood that is Bristol Palin. I mean talk about baggage!"

    Don't you mean "saddlebaggage?" LOL

  81. I finally made myself watch that, just so I could get a feel for the Massey brothers. They seem nice, but the "charity" thing has vanished and instead there's this thing, like, "Bristle was workin' so hard she didn't get to do the LA cool shit so we decided to make the LA cool shit with Bristle a reality show, I mean, like cool." That stuff about how they can leave when the "baby" cries and she can't, sure they credit their mom a little, but how about the realization that there are fucking millions of moms out there, teen, older, married, unmarried, alone, together, poor, rich, whatever, who can't leave when the fucking baby cries. Are they that fucking naive to think that is what makes a reality show? Not unless they invite Supernanny in to tell lame-ass Bristle that a reality show isn't necessarily the best way to raise a kid. Sigh. I just want that poor kid OFF the fucking TV. I really don't give a shit about Bristle.

  82. As for drinking games, I just make sure I have a full beer when I sit down to browse Gryphen's posts.

  83. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Bristol is a bad mom.

    9:14 AM

    As they say,

    "The Turd does not fall far from the toilet!"

  84. I'm not caught up reading comments, but did anyone else notice the older Massey bro says (around 1 min: 27 sec) that they are getting to learn about the kidS.

    Recheck that & see if you also hear a plural there.

    Peace :)

  85. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Sorry if someone has posted this already.

    Look at the first item on this Flickr feed

    The Halloween picture is supposed to be from 10-30-2011, just a couple of days ago. The picture of Trig and Tripp on Bristol and Willow's backs is from what, a month ago?

    Look at the child who is allegedly Trig, on Willow's back. Look how short his hair is.

    Now look at the Halloween Trig. His hair is SO long! I hate to question everything the Palins say and do, (but it's their own fault for being such damn liars) but I really think this picture is from LAST Halloween.

    It's not possible for anyone's hair to grow that much in such a short amount of time, right?

  86. Anonymous4:55 PM

    What target audience are they hoping to appeal to?

    They are no longer teens doing fun teen age things, so that group isn't interested. The kids their own age are all in college or working to better themselves..not sitting around and watching tv unless it is some vampire/action show. Middle age people see these people for the grifting losers they are. Older Americans don't like reality shows. They would rather watch reruns of old sitcoms.

    The handwriting should be on the wall.

    I agree, Bristol, releasing some of your homemade sex tapes might get you some of the attention you seem to crave. But ...LOL..at the poster describing the set of Bristol making a sex tape. That was my favorite post in a long time.

    Final words for Bristol..karma can be a real bitch. Couldn't happen to a more deserving person.

  87. Anonymous4:59 PM

    My mother had NPD. She never made any effort to forge a relationship between us kids and our paternal grandparents. There was no divorce, no issues, just my mother not wanting us to enjoy a relationship that she couldn't control. So I grew up a few miles away from my grandparents, never connecting with them. I was always told they weren't interested in us, didn't want kids around, etc.

    After I left home, I wanted to connect with them, but my grandmother developed Alzheimer's and soon after my grandfather died, but I did manage to visit him in hospital. Had to do it without my mother's knowledge or she would have tried to create some drama out of it.

    I know the pain of living with an NPD; it reminds me of the Palins and their hateful, jealous bitter need to be in control. It doesn't appear that Tripp and Bristol will ever find peace, unless they chop that unbilical-cord/chain from Sarah.

  88. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Wow, the references to "the baby" and her "kidS" are so blatant that I'm amazed. And they don't even seem to catch themselves, which is interesting. I wonder how/whether the Palins will spin this, or whether they'll even have to--or whether, like too much else, this information will stay below the radar of the "librul" LSM.

  89. Anonymous5:08 PM

    @lily lily Wow! I hadn't thought about the few leaks about the show, namely Bristol riding a mechanical bull and insulting a heckler and Bristol going to a nail salon. Neither of these sound like anything that falls into the story line of a single young mother raising her child alone, by herself, meeting adversity and all that life throws at you.

    Neither of these activities have anything at all to do with working for a charity. I can understand that moving from Alaska to LA presents many problems for Bristol. She has to leave behind her favorite nail salon, and it is so hard to find a new place in LA. Riding the mechanical bull? Was that where single mother, Bristol, brought her kid(s) for dinner, and thought that it would be a good idea to set a wonderful example for them by issuing homophobic slurs to a heckler.

    Mrs. Massey, I think that I have figured out what the charity is. It is this very show, and you seem to be in charge, lucky you. I hope that you have taken a page from the Sarah Palin Playbook and cashed in while there was some cash. It looks like your boys are trying to sell this show to someone. I think that Bristol has finally reached her "sell by" date, along with her mother.

  90. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Massey said Bristol can't take off when the baby is crying... she is a mom!

    So tell me, who was watching the baby when underage Bristol was in a bar riding a mechanical bull?

    Oops, forgot about that one.

  91. Anonymous said...

    Well, there ARE some cute Tripp scenes. I've heard Bristol describe some. That is unfortunate though.
    9:06 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Im not even sure it's really Bristol V. the Johnstons anymore. It seems to be people who think Levis a scuz and immature dumbass V. people who automatically hate the Palins.

    Thats what I see and hear from people everywhere. NO ONE seems to be thinking about the actual issues.
    9:25 AM
    Anonymous said...

    It would take a pretty large forgiveness bone to forgive Levi and Sadie. I think she will in time. But they both have caused undue pain. Remember, THEY started the war.
    9:53 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Funny thing is, Bristol couldn't care less if people know her name or not. She takes opportunities as they come as anyone with sense would

    Anon 9:14, you're a shitty person for passing judgment on people you've never met. Grow up
    11:53 AM

    Uh oh...bad news for AprilBristolWillow! I see that you all have done some half ass posting...what happen...Mama's check didn't clear from last week! So ya'll just getting paid part time? Well you know what that means....YIKES....JOBS...real JOBS...how else will Bristol pay for Trig, Tripp and Tristan.

    I see one of those Massey kids threw Willow's name in the conversation....and the body language of those two was quite interesting....even they know this piece of excrement won't be shown on TV...they could barely hide their desperation!! And as far as Mrs. Massey being the person who came up with this bullshit idea....who did she owe and I hope her debt is paid otherwise one of her sons may end up "sleeping with the fishes" and "not going with the flow"!

    Okay I'll just go ahead and say it....since Willow is hanging with the homeboys...she really is following in her nasty Mama's footsteps! Sarah and Molly running down them BIG BLACK B BALL PLAYERS eh'!

    Them Kardashian sisters ain't got nuthing on them Palin sisters *SNICKER*

  92. I agree that children need to know they are loved, valued and special by as many people as possible. There are sickos who are gratified to hurt people they can't control who don't care about anyone's needs. Npd's control being the universe for kids by removing people who might get a scrap of what the bastards and bitches feel entitled to. Worse they lie to kids or their girlfriends/wives no one else would care or love them to keep them caged and chained to them.

    It is a heartbreaker I too have wept rivers of tears over.

  93. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Haven't read the comments yet, but "family" should survive divorce, as your own experience taught you when you became a parent.
    As a society, in general, we've compartmentalized, marginalized, and overlooked the tremendous contribution the Elderly and Grandparents give our children. Their wisdom is a family's greatest resourse. They pass their life story, rich traditions, and round out a child's understanding of their sense of security, learn where they came from, and above all, experience the unconditional love of both sides of their family.

    Yeah, the Massey Brothers are cool and seem to come from a functional family. This pitiful "Bristol Worship palooooozzzzaaahh" fluff compillation made me want to wretch.

    They can "get away" from a crying, cholicky toddler, but poor Bristol just can't, the victim, has to stay.

    Thanks for not live blogging this pos fairy tale.

  94. Anita Winecooler9:17 PM

    Sweet Baby Jeeeebuz!

    From Obama Diary

    Bachmann's past comments on marriage equality


    Lovely!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have You Seen Marcus?



    Bubbey 'chelle!

    Got huge forgiveness bone?

    Got Corndog?

    She's toast !

    Waves at Sarah. Love the face bandages!!!!!!!!

  95. Your mom deserves a lot of credit. It is not always easy to maintain ties with an ex's support system, particularly since it's all to natural for them to see the ex's side of things. I've done something similar with my son, and I must say that his paternal aunts, uncle, and grandparents have consistently remembered him, and honored him as a family member. We adults simply have to realize that there are certain places we mutually choose not to go.

  96. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Yup...he defintely says "kids" and also "Tripp AND the baby." Busted , Brisdull.

  97. onething1:05 AM

    Ok, the sentence is "to bring Tripp, and the baby is like a camera hog"

    He's referring to Tripp. But it is true that later he says that they are "learning about the kids"

  98. onething1:12 AM

    Why do people keep advising Bristol to get an education? She has an IQ of 90. Not everyone is cut out for college. If people like her swarm into the universities, where will people of real ability go for an education? College is not for everyone.

  99. 1:29, that is just absurd. It is Bristol's job to stop acting like a spiteful child and start behaving like a loving mother. What Levi does or does not do its entirely beside the point. Sherry and Mercede are right to blame Bristol. It is Bristol's actions that are keeping Tripp from his family.

  100. Anonymous6:07 AM

    OK. From what we can gather, this show has 3 main characters. So why do only 2 of them have to do the promo and make the show out to be about the 3rd? Aren't they in this together as equals? As usual, the peons do the grunt work and the Palin steals the show.

  101. Anonymous7:20 AM

    A sex tape??? Bristol?? Gross!!

    Here are some titles:

    "Sleeve of Wizard"
    (if you saw Borat you know what I am saying)
    "The Thing"
    "One Flew Into the Coo-Coo's Hoo Hoo"
    "18 Minutes You Can't Ever Get Back"
    "Listerine for Your Eyes"
    "Pee Wee's BIG Adventure"

    Facebook: Shelly Stone

  102. Anonymous8:38 AM

    My thought Ivyfree,

    Sorry, but the Massey boys and their agent/Mommy knew exactly what they were getting. They intended to get their payday. You can't be around Bristol as much as they were and not know that she is dim, dull, slow and mean.

    Too bad it didn't work out for them. NOT. They expected Palin to be a presidential candidate and the show to be in huge demand. Big audiences, big $$$$. Too bad, so sad.

    Palin didn't run, has gone recluse on the entertainment industry, Bristol has no charisma or engaging personality, the show was a dud. Nothing to see here, nothing to buy and only down side anywhere you look.

    And the entertainment industry is worried about the 2 new books and I believe they know about the godson and the abstinence scam, fear the upcoming revelations and want no part of the promiscuous, lying, dull Palin girl.

    Nope, I feel no sorrow for the Massey boys. They hoped to grift them some easy money and they were willing to push the lies and the hype to get it.

  103. Anonymous9:22 AM

    It is amusing that the Massey Bros are having to pimp "Bristol's Reality Show."

  104. I don't feel sorry for the brothers. They thought they could ride on the insufferable bitch's coattails.

    I can't see anything they have in common with that skank? Are they into loose, skanky, homophobic, uneducated, immature, lying ho's?

  105. 'Why do people keep advising Bristol to get an education? She has an IQ of 90. Not everyone is cut out for college. If people like her swarm into the universities, where will people of real ability Sgo for an education? College is not for everyone.

    1:12 AM"

    HAHAHAHA yeah right. you transposed the numbers.

    bustol doesnt have a hs diploma and it shows. she is one ignat fatass stupid ho. All she does is make babies with random men. Screwing isn't a measure for intelligence, clown.

  106. Anonymous10:43 AM

    onething said...
    Why do people keep advising Bristol to get an education? She has an IQ of 90. Not everyone is cut out for college. If people like her swarm into the universities, where will people of real ability go for an education? College is not for everyone.

    1:12 AM

    IQ of 90 seconds?

  107. Anonymous10:46 AM

    So this reality show stars the Masey brothers, Tripp and Bristol.

    What's the name of the show?

    "Two And A Half Men And Their Uneducated Untalented White Trailer Trash Hoe"?

  108. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Massey said Bristol can't take off when the baby is crying... she is a mom!

    So tell me, who was watching the baby when underage Bristol was in a bar riding a mechanical bull?

    Oops, forgot about that one.

    5:38 PM

    Who is watching Tripp while Bristol is riding the Massey brothers?

  109. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Sarah, how's that lawsuit thingy against Joe is doing?

    When is the court date?

  110. Kyle Massey looks like he's at a funeral. Poor Chris is trying hard to be upbeat, but given what he has to work with, who can blame him for the poor showing. Definitely said "kids" and "baby crying." Sorry, a kid who is closed to 3 years old is not described as a "baby crying." Toddlers are known for being cranky and overtired, having tantrums, needing a nap--all reasons that a parent wouldn't be able to go out on the town. But mothers of infants are stuck home due to a "baby crying." You can see that Kyle just doesn't want to have to say anything at all, makes it known in the beginning that Chris's insistence that he and Bristol decided to do the show after spending so much time "kickin'" during DWS is bullshit, and his mom came up with the concept. And Chris is trying to muddle through with his fake enthusiasm. How pitiful.

  111. Kynzie3:37 PM

    Gryphen, 1st time commenting!!
    I have listened over and over. He says "Tripp AND THE BABY" and definitely says kidS (plural)! You should post about this! Between this and those photo collages the palin project flicker has been putting out, I'd say people owe you a big fat PREGGO apology for implying you were not being honest about Bristol's DWTS baby. I know Bristol herself has been on here forty kajllion times calling you a liar about the DWTS pregnancy.

    Oh and OZMUD has it 100% bang on right: Bristol won't let Tripp see sherry/sadie because kids TALK ABOUT WHAT THEY SEE, period!

  112. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Why the hell is Levi not taking this to court?

    All I can figure is that either he or his lawyers are taking money from the Palins.

  113. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I think that they should film one show out in the backyard where they have pitched a tent and have a cooler full of wine coolers. We all know what happens to Bristol when her lips touch a wine cooler.

    Then in 9 months we can watch a reality show of Bristol delivering baby number 3 or 4.

    I laughed at to post bragging that Bristol's IQ is 90. Does the poster realize how low that really is? But she is smarter than Sarah whose IQ was listed as 83 in high school records.

    Actually, when I read that I thought they probably meant she goes from standing to laying flat out in 90 seconds.

    Beyond me how stupid sluts like these two have gotten so much attention. Guess it's like watching a train wreck.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.