Tuesday, November 01, 2011

I think this might be the very definition of "has been."

Jesus what does it say when people are not even willing to pay a $1.99 to wipe poop on your face?

I'm wondering if, considering that the description for being a has been is that you have "hit bottom," what it means if you are such a has been that you cannot even get near anybody's bottom?


  1. They're never gonna get rid of that buttwipe even at 99 cents.

  2. Sally in MI3:02 PM

    Oh you haters are just so crude! What has Sarah ever done to you anyway?

    What's that you say? She lied, divided the country, and made millions doing so? Well, isn't that what every good moral GOP Christian mother does?

  3. That's just beautiful.

  4. Anonymous3:17 PM

    I need to get myself to the surplus store and buy some up. I have a Palinista neighbor whose tree could use a good TP.

  5. OT. (Although, what is really off topic on a toilet paper post?)

    Goldline Execs Charged With Fraud:
    "The criminal complaint filed Tuesday by the Santa Monica City Attorney's consumer protection unit marks the latest in a series of allegations it has leveled against the gold dealer, which pioneered the practice of weaving its sales pitches into broadcasts by popular conservative political personalities -- including two former presidential candidates -- to sell hundreds of millions of dollars worth of gold every year."

    According to this article, Santa Monica first filed suit against Goldline last year, so this isn't really "news." But hopefully it will keep the heat on to prosecute Midas-like swindlers for fraud.

    Of more immediate concern to me now is the ammonia leak from the San Onofre nuclear power plant (San Diego County CA).


  6. Anonymous3:41 PM

    No news from Fred concerning his book?

  7. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Hey Gryph, on a much more pleasant note - did you read this? http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/31/opinion/bombs-bridges-and-jobs.html

    I love me some Paul Krugman. Robert Reich isn't too bad either.

  8. Anonymous3:49 PM

    I like how it's labelled a "blow-out". LOL. You can't make this stuff up!

  9. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Someone really ought to tell the sea o' pee about this; afterall they are the Sea of Pee.

    And this way they'd at least get something for their money.

  10. This pleases Jobu very much, but it is still very, very bad to drink Jobu's rum!

  11. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:54 PM

    Instead of a lump of coal this Christmas...

  12. Best Post of the Day Anywhere!


    So much for my friends with their ten dolla rolls of Palin-Pooper-Paper they've been saving!


  13. Anonymous4:22 PM

    How many different poses does it offer. Can you wipe the smirk off her face?

  14. When she incited people to shout "Kill Him" against then-candidate Obama, and did nothing to tone it down (even when McCain tried to shush her), I lost all respect for her as a human being.

    If she gets shit on her face, oh well…

  15. Here is some more "has been."

  16. 8tseven4:53 PM

    I was just at JR's in North Carolina this week- end and saw this same display. Cracked me up. Couldn't believe that I was in the south.

  17. Every roll of this should be bought and deposited on John McCain's doorstep -- just like what he did to America. OR, they could give it to Mensa or Harvard -- "shit for brains," just like Sarah. Oh, the possibilities . . .

  18. The Half-baked, Half-term Governor is now officially HALF-ASS!!!

    Like "anything" Palin, the worst part about her signature toilet paper is that she wipes your ass halfway and then quits.

    Sarah, don't worry...your legacy is now complete.

  19. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Love the idea of using it to TP Palinbots homes.

    WHO would ever be flattered to have a picture of themselves on toilet paper to start with?

    Kind of O/T but, John McCain, do you realize that no matter what good things you might have done in your life, you will forever be remembered at the crazy man who unleased this horrible family on America. I think you should be tried for treason! Nothing you can ever do will ever redeem you in the eyes of a good many true Americans who hate what she has do to our country. You horny old idiot!

  20. Anonymous5:21 PM

    OT I know .. tho this is vaguely a Palin topic.

    Washington Post had and article today:

    "Advice varies on what to do when an expectant mother’s water breaks before labor"

    Here is the link:


  21. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Every roll of this should be bought and deposited on John McCain's doorstep (4:55 PM)


    Yeah.......USED rolls.

  22. Anonymous5:39 PM

    No doubt it is rough like that public bathroom, toilet paper.

  23. Smirnonn5:42 PM

    They should've printed her "books" on that kind of paper as well.

  24. Somebody PLEASE post this picture on the fence outside her stately Wasilla manor....

  25. Anonymous5:50 PM

    That picture is a thing of beauty and the fact that even her detractors have lost interest is even more satisfying!


  26. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Should buy up and donate that Sarah paper for various OWS sites.

  27. hedgewytch5:53 PM

    The perfect Christmas present to give those relatives who still think Palin is wonderful! You could even throw in a copy of her book - with the $1 bargain bin sticker still on it of course.

  28. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Speaking of liars this reminds me of Herbie Flavah Flave Cain...

    Former President of National Restaurant Association has Ties to the Mitt Romney Campaign


  29. Anonymous6:19 PM

    This is priceless...this is why I read the blog 10 times a day!

    Is she getting her(r)trademark royalties from this?

    Gryphen you never cease to amaze us!

  30. It's amazing how the recent silence of Palin has added to the positive dialogue in America.

    I'd like to think she finally got embarrassed enough to quit issuing her inane screeches but I doubt she's gone for good. Her revenge genes appear to be stronger than any rational ones rattling around in her psyche.

  31. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Blow out says it all!


    Cher has a lot of the palin paper. She even re-up although the insufferable bitch chickened out of running for Prez.

    But his distributor said the desire was there, so Levin made up a batch. Sales took off “a little bit,” he said, but when Palin was announced, the interest increased exponentially. “I definitely don’t support McCain at all

  33. Anonymous6:33 PM

    I bought a roll.

    I use it to wipe my dogs butt.

    He's not happy

  34. I wouldn't let that Grifters face anywhere near my privates!

    And as far as the Pee Pee folks are concerned...those idiots are so far gone...they think the crazy woman IS going to be PRESIDENT! The group think going on over there is that since Herm, Perry and Newt are worthless...that she's going to be written in on the ballot and nominated! Those clowns are so far gone in PeePee world that the Grifter could announce that she murdered Todd and those nuts would wonder how fast they could get to Wasilla to get to "courtin"!

    They all need to be committed over there...every last one of them...including and especially the fools that run that site!

    And now for your viewing pleasure...an actual statement from one of the cult members...I repeat...this is an actual comment over in LaLa land...

    ToddPA Moderator 15 minutes ago
    I just read this posting earlier in this thread. The statements here are the statements
    of a President. Sorry, I'm getting choked up...

    “I grew up where people believed that government can’t solve your problems for you,” Ms. Palin said. “Especially a government that is thousands of miles away. So you have to rely on yourself, rely on your community … learn to deal with the reality out there.” she described as dealing “with the world as it is.”“It’s both complicated and beautiful, tragic and hopeful,” she said, reading intently from a section of her speech. “I see human nature as it is, fallen but not beyond redemption. And I don’t believe in utopian promises of man. In fact, I’m quite distrustful of politicians who make such promises because there really is a limit to what government can do to fix society’s problems.”

    And on that note...I quietly tiptoed away from that insane part of the internet and closed the door!

  35. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Time to write your Congresscritter to vote against these 3 bills. Then push the FEC? IRS? to remove this lobbying groups tax exemption:


    And while you're at it - give a big fat finger to the pedophile/misogynists at the RCC.

    Fucking bastards.

  36. 5:21 PM

    I didn't read the article because it really doesn't matter.

    That insufferable bitch should have went to the nearest hospital in texas to get checked out, especially since she was going to fly.

    she knew she was "carrying" a mentally and challenged infant. her accidental abortion didn't work in texas. So she tries again with the long slow trip to ak. That didn't work either. So she tries again by passing up better equipped hospitals after equipped hospitals to deliver trig at a rinky-dink clinic.

    This was all done under the quack doctor CBJ.

    Now after trig is here she is trying to give the little guy a hard way to go. Fuck that idiot bitch.

  37. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Let's buy 'em all up and donate to the Occupy Movements. No pun intended.

  38. $1.99 for a roll of toilet paper? I don't think so, I don't care whose ugly mug is on it!!

  39. Anonymous7:24 PM

    I'm getting short, but I can wait until it gets down to 9 cents a roll. At that price it will truly be worth it.

    I wonder if the TP began life as a Georgia Pacific (i.e. Koch Bros.) product? That would be even more entertaining...

  40. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Funny, Sarah has been reduced at the dollar store.

  41. Anonymous8:18 PM

    I think it means that Palin's brand is in the shitter.

  42. " hedgewytch said...
    The perfect Christmas present to give those relatives who still think Palin is wonderful! You could even throw in a copy of her book - with the $1 bargain bin sticker still on it of course.

    5:53 PM'

    The tp cost more than her book.

  43. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Love it!

    What better way to remove the "clingons" (aka palinbots/shallow swimmers club on golden pond)that circle "Uranus" (aka Sarah Palin).

    How very approriate!

    What a bargain!

    OT Cain keeps digging hole and wonders why the pile of dirt keeps getting bigger.

    Breaking News: Reports are emerging that the NRA employee was not given a day's pay, a week's pay, or a month's pay but $35000 -as hush money. The victim willing to come forth is NOT the five foot tall one.

    Just saw it on a news ticker across the bottom of cnn's screen. Hope the NRA releases the non disclosure agreement, since she's willing to speak up and be interviewed.

    Will post links when available.

  44. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Haha, my son got a roll of that a couple of years ago free w/his cigar purchase and it's sitting in my bathroom cupboard. : )

  45. Anonymous2:46 AM

    That takes 'panty sniffer' Bots to a whole new level!!!

  46. comeonpeople3:20 AM

    I'd be willing to buy some for when the shit hits the fan......

  47. Best post of the day!

    I'd chip in to help buy a truckload of it to dump on McCain's doorstep (as suggested by a commentor above).

  48. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Which is the better buy, the discounted toilet paper or her discounted books? Which will give you more wipes?

  49. jcinco7:47 AM

    The trashy palins have been replaced by the kartrashians as the most reviled family in America!

  50. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Where is this? I actually want it all. I would use it to decorate my booth at trade shows!

  51. justforpostinhere8:56 AM

    This person, whoever she is...tweeted that she has it on good authority that "palin is reconsidering". Ugh. Cash must be running low so the grifter needs to squeeze out an extended "reconsidering" blitz to get more funds out of her bots.


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