Saturday, November 19, 2011

Movie star Anne Hathaway joins the Occupy Wall Street protesters and somehow the conservatives believe this discredits both of them?

From the damaged frontal lobe of The Blaze:

She is one of the highest-paid actresses in the world, but $58-million-dollar lady Anne Hathaway feels so much solidarity with the 99%, she chose to join them for an Occupy Wall Street pro-socialism rally on a cold, rainy day in Union Square. 

Last year’s Oscars hostess stood alongside NYU students, professors, and labor organizers as she held up a sign that said: ‘Blackboards not bullets’. 

Hathaway wanted to show support for the “Students and Workers United” rally in Union Square on Thursday, which was just one of many Occupy Wall Street-affiliated protests in the city. 

Hathaway’s films have grossed approximately $3.2 billion.

I have to admit that I am at a loss as to HOW this is perceived as a bad thing for Hathaway OR the OWS protesters. 

Here we have a wealthy, famous individual showing solidarity with those who are asking that Wall Street, corrupt corporations, and crooked politicians be held accountable for their actions.  She certainly does not HAVE to join the protest, she is essentially in that 1% category, but she chooses to show she cares about their cause, and understands its importance.

In my mind that makes her more impressive than ever. And I am actually already a fan.

And as for the OWS movement, it certainly does not hurt them to realize that they are not only reaching everyday Americans with their message, but that even the rich and famous are feeling solidarity with their cause.

Apparently in the world of conservatives, the line that separates the 1% from the 99% is a bottomless chasm that NOBODY can cross over without a complete loss of their credibility. Sort of telling isn't it?


  1. eclecticsandra5:06 AM

    Why are they calling it a "socialist" movement? I would think "populist" would be more accurate.

  2. Anonymous5:08 AM

    This must be a way for her to atone for being engaged to a financial swindler.

    At least he was contrite, but maybe only because he was caught. "I have dishonored my family name and dishonored the church I love," Follieri said. "I will never be able to wash away that stain and I will have to live with it for the rest of my life."

    Oh and, Oscar winner Natalie Portman was discredited as a human being and actress when she got pregnant before marriage. She's right up there with Bristol Palin. . .no wait. . .Natalie isn't pretending she's going to get married, she is engaged for reals.

    For a head-stomping good time, go to a Rand Paul meeting or OWS protest.

    Speaking of Bristol, could you imagine her tiny little brain wrapping around something so meaningful to correct the course of America's future? Her mom is not the answer, her mom is still trying to figure out Peter Schweizer's talking points of 'crony capitalism,' which is about the stupidest describer I've ever heard. Sarah should just stick to her good ol boys mantra, even though she's a part of that culture.

  3. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Cue Fox News and conservative pundits to go after her “delicate, tiny, very talented celebrity starlet” status.

    Like the way they go after Kathy Griffen, LL Cool J, Tina Fey and Ashley Judd.

    Who do they have? Stephen Baldwin, Jon Voight and Victoria Jackson.

  4. Irishgirl5:47 AM

    "A well-known Washington lobbying firm with links to the financial industry has proposed an $850,000 plan to take on Occupy Wall Street and politicians who might express sympathy for the protests, according to a memo obtained by the MSNBC program “Up w/ Chris Hayes.”

    The proposal was written on the letterhead of the lobbying firm Clark Lytle Geduldig & Cranford and addressed to one of CLGC’s clients, the American Bankers Association."

  5. Anonymous6:01 AM

    O/T: Shailey Tripp started a petition to hold the APD accountable and to investigate why the APD issued a press release at the request of John Tiemessen. Her petition is gaining strength and already has 104 signatures. Please support this and sign the petition. The more signatures the better.

  6. WakeUpAmerica6:06 AM

    Her films grossed 3.2 billion? So what? That was thrown out for all the P-brains who aren't really paying attention. What was the actual profit and what was her take? Considerably less I would guess. Furthermore, WTF does that have to do with her participation? Like Warren Buffett, she sees the injustice of the system. Kudos to Anne for becoming involved.

  7. Anonymous6:17 AM

    isn't it interesting how top news stories seem to attract rich celebrities


  8. Anonymous6:26 AM

    if the cameras, reporters & news teams were not there neither would the celebs


  9. PR at 6:17

    What is interesting about "rich celebrities" being attracted to "top news stories"? Maybe they are not like your leaders such as the half term governor and Herb Cain but have curiosity about our world, and read newspapers, "all of 'em, any of 'em".

    Your comment is one of the most moronic and irritating I have seen in a long time.

  10. It's a sorry sorry state of affairs that the OWS has revealed that we do not live in a democracy with freedom of assembly, we live in a police state. We do not have freedom of the press, who have been censored and beaten, instead we have propaganda approved by corporate media.

  11. rick Hill6:59 AM

    They also own our brave men and women in uniform...until one of them speaks out against them. Shut up and act is their cry...unless it's Dennis MIller or Victoria Jackson...(well, ok. They have an excuse for not acting)
    All the good things; Gawd did. The bad things: their gawwd wasn't strong enough to overcome liberals, fenimists or satan. Must be nice to live in such a clear thinking way....

  12. Anonymous7:01 AM

    I personally think none of the protesters know who holds the real power. Lawmakers and people at the center are who give these WS types their freedoms. Thats pretty apparent as evidenced by what happened with several of them not too long ago. If DC REALLY wished to make things fair, theydchange the game in downtown NY.

    And stop saying most corporations don't pay taxes. Yes, some don't but there are complicated reasons with that.

  13. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Hey look.

    Some proof that Barack Obama actually attended college. And Served as the editor of the Harvard Law Review.

  14. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Palin showed up at the big biker rally in DC
    was she there coz she cared? fuck no!
    Palin was there coz it was a top news story
    and that's where the carmeras reports news teams were


  15. ranter7:08 AM

    I'm an Anne fan too. I'm proud that she's representing my generation: Generation Y! Not to go off on a rant, and I hate to be ageist, but we've got some very different views from our parents' generation, who have really disgraced us all, especially their parents' generation: The Greatest Generation. This is our movement for our children. I'm not a protester, but I am part of the 99%, and while there are those of us who are vocal, there are also countless every day citizens who are working behind the scenes to ensure that our values prevail over those of the 1% and like-minded people. That's where they underestimate us, that just because I'm not out protesting doesn't mean I don't share the OWS sentiment toward them. Our priority is putting people before profits. We're doing our part in this culture war by educating our children and contributing to society in a meaningful way to bring back the American dream. I leave you with some music from my generation, please listen:

  16. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Ms. Hathaway might be considered part of the 1%, but she's supporting the 99%. She is smart, savvy and talented!

    @PR I don't recall Ms. Hathaway being seen at a Tea Party Rally.

  17. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Anon. 26 - true. Just like Sarah and Bristol and Todd in Haiti with a Fox crew and Greta following them.

    Or, just like Sarah and Todd visiting the aftermath of the tornadoes, with a camera crew following her picking up a twig for good measure.

  18. Anonymous said...
    if the cameras, reporters & news teams were not there neither would the celebs
    6:26 AM
    No, dear, you are thinking of your narcissistic, lazy, quitter queen.

    There are plenty of celebrities who, having money and a flexible schedule, work very hard for causes dear to their hearts, both behind the scenes and in front of the cameras.

    John C. McGinley has done more for people with Down Syndrome and their families than lazy-ass Palin will do ever in her whole life.

    And learn some grammar and punctuation skills.

  19. Anonymous7:54 AM

    This contradicts with the FoxNews far-right view of OWS that the 99 % just want to take from the rich. It must be stopped. Thus the Hathaway bashing. What the right doesn;t get is this is a protest of the economic system and government ownership by corporations. The rich are allowed to find this problematic as well.

  20. Anonymous8:00 AM

    There ARE one percenters who didn't forget where they came from, and have joined the ows movement. I see nothing nefarious, no mixed messages, and no "character assassination by association", unlike the frontal lobe challenged idiots who ignore their own celbrity cheerleaders (such as Victoria Jackson, Janine Turner, Sarah Palin, and Bristol the fame whore Palin).

    My ex boss, a Republican and owner of a large business, gave her employees fridays off to join her in "Occupy Philadelphia". She "gets it", and I applaud her for her conviction and courage- but she doesn't do it for advertising or self promotion, she does it because she knows it the right thing to do.

  21. I suppose The Blaze considers there to be no difference between Warren Buffet and the Koch Brothers.

    It's more than how much money you have. It's about what you do with it and your attitude toward society.

    The 1% are takers, users, callous, greedy, flippant and disconnected from society.

    Hathaway and Michael Moore are not. I have no problem with them identifying themselves with the 99%.

  22. Anonymous8:54 AM

    I agree with Anonymous 7:54 AM, who wrote: This contradicts with the FoxNews far-right view of OWS that the 99 % just want to take from the rich.

    If the 99% just wanted to take from the rich, they'd be occupying Silicon Valley.

  23. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Wasn't her boyfriend a con artist who scammed investors ala Bernie Maddoff to fund his (and her) extravagant lifestyle? She is hardly in a position to be protesting the ill gotten gains of wall street.

  24. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Michael Moore owns nearly 2,000 shares of Boeing, nearly 1,000 of Sonoco, more than 4,000 of Best Foods, more than 3,000 of Eli Lilly, more than 8,000 of Bank One and more than 2,000 of Halliburton.

  25. Anonymous10:06 AM

    I won't VOLUNTARILY watch anything on Fox "news" but am exposed to it when they say something even MORE crazy than usual.

    Like the snippets shown on The Daily Show, etc.

    I've seen enough just in the past couple of weeks, to see how DESPERATE they come off, to discredit anything to do with how normal, everyday people are angry enough to take to the streets.

    You have to be COMPLETELY without the ability to identify bullshit when its shoved in your face, to not realize they are afraid.

    They like to think they have a huge majority of the people, bamboozled into just sitting there, accepting whatever lamebrained explanation they spin, to rationalize the evil doings of the corporatist empire.

    The success of the Occupy movement is in how more and more of those people are waking up, every minute of every day!

  26. Randall11:05 AM

    Many of the Occupy protesters used to have jobs, and retirement accounts, and homes - but now - through no fault of their own, have had it all taken from them.

    Some who still have all of those things understand and sympathize with those who have lost it all due to Wall Street and their enablers in Washington D.C.

    Some, such as those at Fox News, know better, but are among the 1% or are owned by the 1%.

    But there are some among us who are just so shallow they don't understand what the 99% represent.
    They really don't get it - that they could be next:
    that, unless you have hundreds of millions of dollars - you could be next.

    And that's the sad part.

  27. People just do not get that even the very wealthy can be good and care about others. I had a multi billionaire's daughter( a relative besides who should know how I feel) say to me that because there are what she called"trust fund babies" protesting that that somehow negates the value of the movement. They have no concept of much of anything in a world of reality. It is beyond sad.

  28. G, how long are you going to give President O and his Attorney General a pass for their lack of holding up OUR Constitution? They've let the banksters get away with throwing people out of their homes, not respecting property rights, not filing legal documents to transfer property properly and much, much more.

    ""I want to be very clear in calling upon the Egyptian authorities to refrain from any violence against peaceful protesters. The people of Egypt have rights that are universal. That includes the right to peaceful assembly and association, the right to free speech, and the ability to determine their own destiny. These are human rights. And the United States will stand up for them everywhere." —Barack Obama"

    He maybe the "baby whisperer" in Australia, but he's doing a shitty job of protecting the kids, their parents and grandparents in America.

    The GOP candidates are clowns, but don't turn a blind eye to what your daughter could be subjected to, even just being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  29. Anonymous1:55 PM

    I'll wager she is a big help to others financially too!

    They (the corporations) are trying to tear down the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators. Republicans are going after them big time!!!!!

    Thank you, Anne Hathaway, and all the other supporters of this movement.

  30. Anonymous2:45 PM

    We have to remember that conservatives have had their new testament virtues of empathy, charity, love, ompassion,forgiveness etc., surgically removed.

    That is why it is so hard for humans to understand them. They have voluntarily become robots.

    Just think of them has two legged drones ad it all makes sense.

  31. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Just WOW!

  32. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Anonymous said...

    isn't it interesting how top news stories seem to attract rich celebrities


    Anonymous said...

    if the cameras, reporters & news teams were not there neither would the celebs


    6:26 AM

    What does PR stand for....Pretty Retarded?

  33. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I personally think none of the protesters know who holds the real power. Lawmakers and people at the center are who give these WS types their freedoms. Thats pretty apparent as evidenced by what happened with several of them not too long ago. If DC REALLY wished to make things fair, theydchange the game in downtown NY.

    And stop saying most corporations don't pay taxes. Yes, some don't but there are complicated reasons with that.

    7:01 AM

    STFU! That is all.

  34. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Wasn't her boyfriend a con artist who scammed investors ala Bernie Maddoff to fund his (and her) extravagant lifestyle? She is hardly in a position to be protesting the ill gotten gains of wall street.

    9:11 AM
    Anonymous said...

    Michael Moore owns nearly 2,000 shares of Boeing, nearly 1,000 of Sonoco, more than 4,000 of Best Foods, more than 3,000 of Eli Lilly, more than 8,000 of Bank One and more than 2,000 of Halliburton.

    9:24 AM

    And and your point is?

  35. Anonymous4:05 PM

    nswfm said...

    G, how long are you going to give President O and his Attorney General a pass for their lack of holding up OUR Constitution? They've let the banksters get away with throwing people out of their homes, not respecting property rights, not filing legal documents to transfer property properly and much, much more.

    ""I want to be very clear in calling upon the Egyptian authorities to refrain from any violence against peaceful protesters. The people of Egypt have rights that are universal. That includes the right to peaceful assembly and association, the right to free speech, and the ability to determine their own destiny. These are human rights. And the United States will stand up for them everywhere." —Barack Obama"

    He maybe the "baby whisperer" in Australia, but he's doing a shitty job of protecting the kids, their parents and grandparents in America.

    The GOP candidates are clowns, but don't turn a blind eye to what your daughter could be subjected to, even just being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    12:24 PM

    What...are you taking over for Phil? Get your own blog...nobody gives a shit what you think.

  36. nswfm5:52 PM

    Gryphen, from your blogroll:
    Fallows: "Think how we’d react if we saw it coming from some riot-control unit in China, or in Syria"

    U.S. torture policy comes home—UC Davis cops "pepper-sprayed down the throats" of students

    Andrew Sullivan: "Whatever it is on the campus at UC Davis, it is not a democracy. It's a police state.

  37. nswfm6:17 PM

    G, thanks for supporting free speech and our tax dollars are at work:

  38. Anonymous12:52 AM

    For the anonymous who says no one gives a shit what I think:

    It might help you get a better sense of what is going on in the world since we let the banksters get away with all they have here so that we're in this lawless, austere mess x 1,000,000,000,000.


  39. Anne Hathaway is not part of the 1%. Millionaires and multimillionaires are not part of the 1%. They are merely rich.

    Everyone from the poor to multimillionaires make up the 99%. The 1% are wealthy beyond our imagining and that is why they have enough power to fund behind the scenes efforts to protect and further enrich themselves, interfering with not only our government, but also those of other countries around the globe.

    It doesn't matter what Michael Moore's stock portfolio is worth. The argument isn't that no one should be rich.

    Anne Hathaway did not know about her former fiance's misdeeds and she was younger than he. When he was busted it was a big shock to her, and she ended the relationship.

  40. Anne Hathaway a 1 percenter? I don't see her personally making billions of dollars a year. "Pro-socialism?" You presume too much. Have you looked at the OWS's demands? They're of government and private company accountability. Get a clue and get the facts straight. Quit editorializing and "supposing."


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