Tuesday, November 01, 2011

The perils of increased media scrutiny.

When the "Marlboro Man" suddenly outs himself as the just too adorable "Marshmallow Man."

Well thank goodness the Conservatives still have Herman Ca....uh..well they still have Newt Gin...oh...well they can always rely on Michele Bachma...oh yeah that's right...well I guess they really ARE screwed aren't they?

I am going to try and feel badly for them, just as soon as I can wipe this grin off of my face.


  1. Anonymous2:33 AM

    Perry was just having a gay ole time.

    Of note, all the screw ups from the candidates, the crazy, the lies, the flipflop ,the victim, the hypocracy,the know nothings...all magnigy Sarah Palin.

    Now the media is having a field day covering this, yet they enabled and propped up Palin. Our turn to laugh at the media and continue to hold the candidates feet to the fire.

  2. ROFL. The "My Little Phony" er ..Pony is perfect.

  3. Anonymous3:00 AM

    Drunk or not, this man is far from rational and dispassionate......

  4. Anonymous3:19 AM

    I read an article, obviously written by a right winger, that what the party needs is a "star" to come forward. Someone like Jeb Bush, Chris Christie or the insane religious guy whose name I can't remember!!! Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel. Who will be next - Tom DeLay? They are all tainted, not a truly "clean, honest" one in the entire tribe.

  5. Anonymous5:00 AM

    That cartoon NAILS the false Perry narrative.

    We've seen good ones about our lovely Sarah Palin, any of em, all of em put in front of us over the years - but we've yet to see one that sums her up to a 'T' the way this one does.

    [blows kisses] to Sarah & Rick [salute Chavez and say thanks but no thanks sir for your oil to our most vulnerable population in this country including Sarah's ignored and forgotten village residents chosing between food or fuel. . .]

  6. Anonymous5:06 AM

    "Any of them, all of them"
    "You'll have to ask Tiffanys"
    "Obama's trip to India is costing the taxpayers a swaggering 200 million dollars per day"
    "I have never sexually harassed anyone"
    "Live free or die, bring it"
    "I'm running for office for Pete's sake, I can't have illegals"

  7. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Thanks for the chuckle. That is spot on and I sure wish I was that clever. I doubt the Pres is loosing any sleep over his second term. He must LOL every news cycle to see what crazy shit the GOP is working on for the day. If this is as good as it is going to get for the GOP, then we truly are in a sorry state in this country.

  8. didn't this guy say he shot a coyote while he was jogging?

    A knife? Okay.

    A gun? No way.

  9. Girl from NYC6:44 AM

    Ya know, I smell a rat. 'Midst all this neocon chaos, might it be time to finally trot out ol' Jebbie?

    With so many bozo's on the Repugnant bus, what's needed is a straight man. And a bloated, degenerate Bushie-boy might just fill the bill.


  10. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Give the guy some pain killers and a little booze and the inner fairy really comes out. They should cast him in a Broadway musical version of Brokeback Mountain

  11. Beldar J Conehead7:34 AM

    Listen here, Mr, Fancy Pants Alaska Liberal! Sure, the current pathetic crop of GOP presidential wannabes elicit your well-deserved derision. But there once was - and may someday be again - a republican candidate who could wipe that smug socialist grin off your face, sonny boy, and yes I'm talking about Harold Stassen! If only he were alive today... He'd show your precious Barack Hussein Obama a thing or two!! (ok, he'd lose the election impressively but still he'd show President Obama something, don't you think?)


  12. I am so glad I stopped in the bathroom before seeing this.I would have peed in my jammies from laughing so hard.Thank you,thank,thank you for the great laugh that started my day. Priceless:)

  13. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Oops! Rick Perry Cites Fake Quote From Viral ‘Occupy Toronto’ Satire


  14. Enjay in E MT8:31 AM

    One of the scariest thoughts - $arahPalin may reconsider her decision. Can a Palin campaign be that much worse than we've seen from GOP 'rill Candidates?

    Of course, as long as it took her to announce she WASN'T going to run, by the time she changes her mind and announces -- we'll be half-way through Obama's 2nd term.

  15. Anonymous9:15 AM

    This cartoon, from the Houston Chronicle no less, shows that almost everyone in Perry's home state is 'onto' Perry's 'other life'. The purple hair on the pony and purple script below that half of the cartoon are not an accident: they are the very purpose of the cartoon. I am waiting for the day when Larry Flynt will be able to make good on his reward offer, and this embarrassment of a politician will be ushered off stage with a long cane, as any bad vaudeville act should be.

    Meanwhile, I have no doubt that the multi-act clown show is being propelled backstage by Rove, et al, for THE VERY PURPOSE of propelling Jeb forward as VP at the appropriate time. By then, Jeb will be eyed by the media and the 'base' as a 'sane savior', a 'hero' who stands in stark contrast to the 2 or 3 years of dead-on crazy. Without the introductory, drawn-out prelude of craziness, I doubt they'd be able to propel another Bush forward with success. By then, his daughter's cocaine habit, wife's smuggling incident, and son's alcohol and resisting arrest issues will be conveniently forgotten, as will his own shady past (including his ties with known terrorist Orlando Bosch, then one of the worls' most wanted terrorists). Just a hint: the stories are already fast disappearing from the web, so you'd better grab the citations now. In fact, the internet scrubbing in and of itself may lend some support to my theory.







  16. O/T but speaking of Texas, I found this to be really offensive and it looks like I'm not the only one since the Texas Dept. Public Safety is looking into the ad.


    I notice that the guy isn't refusing to certify Hispanics - only "socialists liberals, Obama voters and Muslims".

  17. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Little Rickie sure had himself some fun the other night- he was really into it! Maybe this is why Anita has been shunning him for years. Only a crack at becoming First Lady will make her happy, it seems. She knows, he knows, his "flings" know, and soon the public will know that he is a closet homosexual who would punish and deny rights to his brothers and sisters out there. He is so incredibly bad at playing the big manly man, wide stance and all. What he fears most- being outed- will eventually happen, and probably during this campaign. If he were rational and honest, he would leave his wife, live the life he prefers and treat other gays with the dignity they deserve.

  18. Anonymous1:43 PM

    That cartoon is absolutely, fabulously hilarious.

  19. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Oh Rickie, you're so pretty I don't understand, you take me by the heart when you take me by tha hand....

    Stay Classy Mr Goodhair!

    When he goes off script, at least we can understand what he's saying, The Screech, not so much.

    Love the cartoon! My pretty pony comes with a brush, also too!, just like Rick!

  20. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Like I keep saying. The funny little car packed with clowns will drive into the Convention hall and voila a caddie limo with Jeb Bush will drive out.

    These guys are all smoke and nobody is even trying to look behind it.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.