Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Rachel Maddow declares that after Rick Perry's speech last Friday his campaign is essentially done for.

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I know it seems like I am just piling on Rick Perry this morning, and I swear I am trying to feel badly about that, but dammit if  I don't still have the BIGGEST grin on my face.


  1. Anonymous4:33 AM

    I know some good local people who would be great in office and even state level offices, but they have debt or vengeful exes, maybe moments where they acted inappropriately that they don't want to have to account for, so they won't run. How did RP get as far as he did? Why didn't he vet himself and realize he shouldn't have even been governor?

  2. UK Reader4:45 AM

    Hilarious. And Rachel Maddox: What a smart and witty woman. Unlike La Palin, she's a credit to your country.

  3. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Giddy. High. Crazy.

    This guy can't handle much.

    I'd take The Dean Scream over an unsettling half-hour appearance by whack-job Perry (or any of the GOP candidates) any day.

    I'd also take being 'brainwashed' over a Superbowl Prayer event also too.

  4. Whoa baby, that was a little crazy... he definitely came across as high, on who knows what, some substance or just emotion, but I sure don't want that kinda crazy sitting in the white house.

    Perhaps it was intentional, perhaps he knew he was in over his head and acted like a nut job to eliminate himself as a ~credible~ candidate vs quitting the race to avoid being compared to you know who.

    Either way, I have to agree with Rachel.

    He shot himself in the foot and is now crippled in the race.

    Have to say "this is a good thing".

  5. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Good morning. I have alot of thoughts on this piece.
    I went to a conference last weeek and I learned that the average IQ in the US is 90. 90. We ARE sinking, not so slowly anymore, into an IDIOCRACY. (If you haven't seen the movie, rent it). Perry, looks like he is a candidate for President in the Idiocracy, and he is exactly the type of idiot that the rest of the citizens in the idiocracy would elect. Hopefully there are stilll enough of us in the upper ends of the IQ spectrum who vote to keep this from happening.
    Also, Rachael is Soooo goood. I still am pissed at her for not using photo evidence of flat bellied Palin to question the hoax pregnancy. I am mad that she won't look into the impossibility of a high risk birth at MatSu and CBJs role. There are rules, regualtions and standards that defy Palin's tale. Rachael could have questioned them and she didn't/couln't wouldn't.
    I have heard discussions that Perry is gay. I have alot of gay male friends in the skating world. Perry may be drunk here, but the alcohol has allowed his inner gay man to shine. Love the shoulder shrugs...so cute Rick..so cute.
    This is not the man I want representing our country. This video makes him look emotionally, intellectually and socially "special".


    I don't understand all of the attention and rumors that are being bandied about, all because of this speech delivered by P-Rick Perry.

    Behavioral experts have already declared that his behavior is perfectly normal for any subject having a 12-in vibrator on the intermittent variable setting stuck up one's ass.

    Just sayin'.

  7. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Perry was high as a kite.

  8. I was watching this and at first I thought it was one of those Really Bad Lip Reading videos. And then I realized that this is Rick Perry, and he sounds really, really drunk. The next time he's going to do that, he should put a lampshade on his head.

  9. Oh my. I watched the video of Perry's speech yesterday, but it was even better today. I think that Rachel is correct, it will not be possible to look at Perry the same way again. This video really reminds me of an SNL skit, it is so over the top.

  10. After watching it a few more times, and my WTF moment was over, I believe this was one of the most beautiful moments ever. To watch a candidate sink like a lead balloon in real time.

    Let's see. Perry gone. Check. Cain gone. Check.

    As Jon Stewart has said Mitt Romney is the luckiest motherfudger on Earth.

    Sarah, dear there's still time to get in the race :D

  11. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Just can't get the meds right....that, and he's been king of Texas so long he lost all sense of reality in the outside world.

  12. Anonymous5:58 AM

    I don't think drunk or drugs describes this behavior, but I can't for the life of me come up with any other explanation than that he is totally crazy. KooKoo for CocoPuffs.

  13. Anne In DC6:07 AM

    The more I see of Rick Perry, the more I realize why he didn't do debates while running for the governor of Texas. He is like a fish out of water, and his weirdness when giving the speech Friday only cemented his ineptitude. He doesn't belong anywhere near the WH, except as a tourist, and other than his monetary contributions, it's a mystery how he became governor of Texas.

  14. Anonymous6:08 AM

    You know what? Reality IS funnier than fiction.

  15. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Now, that was cringe-inducing. I felt uncomfortable watching his performance.

  16. Anonymous6:15 AM

    The only appropriate response is W_T_F!

  17. Anonymous6:15 AM

    This is just painful to watch, like one of those squirm-worthy sitcoms where the character does something so stupid you think it's over the top, that no one in real life would ever behave that way. Well, here we have Ricky, higher than a kite and thinking he's The Man.

    What is it with the GOP? Where do they find these losers? Why do Americans keep voting for them? We're becoming the laughing stock of the world.

  18. Anonymous6:18 AM

    All the GOP candidates seem to be imploding and don't seem to stand a chance against the Prez. But before we all start feeling a little too smug and comfortable - two thoughts...

    Gore vs Bush 2000
    Kerry vs Bush 2004

    It does not really matter who the GOP candidate is. They find other means of winning elections ... fair or not. Look at what is going on with voting rights initiatives across multiple states.

  19. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Romney is no better, Miss Rachel.

  20. Anonymous6:28 AM

    I can believe that the average national IQ is 90. I know many whose number is much higher, but then you have to go to your local Walmart or Dollar General store to see how quickly the national average can go down. Sadly those people are breeding faster too.

    So, when we read that Sarah's IQ was 83, while she is below most people we know, she is higher than those who are her supporters. Heck, they probably think that makes her near genius compared to them.

  21. Anonymous6:29 AM

    I agree totally with Anon at 5:08. Rachel rocks and hope she runs for Pres in 2016--wouldn't that be awesome!!

  22. Either he was drunk, or he really is gay.

    His staff has tried to blame his debate performances on meds he is taking due to surgery. If that is true, then he has a terrible staff. They need to stop putting him in situations that make him look bad. It looks like Mr Perry may not have the best judgement either.

    But let's push the gay hypothesis. It would be interesting to see conservatives in Texas explain Perry's behavior in this clip.

  23. Anonymous6:38 AM

    After watching this clip, I would just like to say: I really wish Rachel Maddow was straight.

  24. Anonymous6:38 AM

    All of a sudden it dawns on me.....a Romney(read Rove)operative slipped him a mickey...there,mystery solved....

  25. PollyinAK6:43 AM

    Maybe I'm being overly optimistic, but President Obama's campaign team are probably behind the scenes working on foiling the underhanded, unfair Republican voting mechanisms. It's up to us to work on getting everyone to vote in unprecedented numbers to offset the shenanigans. "Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."

  26. Smirnonn6:47 AM

    Seems the booze exposed his inner flamboyance. Too funny!! Perhaps now the term "syrup cuddler" can finally enter the lexicon of the English language right next to "pillar polisher" and "wide stancer."

    The gop field this election cycle is AMAZINGLY lame. It's like they're not even trying anymore!! My hope is that we're experiencing the death rattles of the neo-con right wing. Not a minute too soon.

  27. Anonymous6:57 AM

    4:33 Well, after W any below average Texan thinks they can be qualified for ANY office.

  28. Anonymous7:14 AM

    He really seemed stoned to me. Even higher than we've seen Sarah on Fox. It's amazing that republicans can be blatantly stoned yet still take each other seriously.

  29. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn7:34 AM

    Rick Perry = really terrible lounge act. Remember to tip your waitress! At least this preview of what the country would be like under G.W. "Slappypants" the Second is getting wide play in the MSM. I can imagine the reaction at Fundie Headquarters!

    Personally, I think a pre-Halloween drag routine would have been MUCH better for him.

  30. ThanksABunchJohn7:58 AM

    I was thinking about the Perry/Palin connection yesterday after watching this speech. I find it funny that a week ago Perry declared he wouldn't be doing any more debates after the next one, which he's already committed to, and that he would speak to the people "through Fox News". His aides are responding to criticism of this tactic with "he's running an unconventional campaign". WHO does this sound like?? EXACTLY like?? My suspicions about a Palin influence was piqued. THEN I watched this speech. Folksy humor? (check) Wicked daggers thrown with a shrug, a smile and a "doncha love him?" (check) Over-the-top pandering to the audience-at-hand (check/check). Someone earlier wondered if he was gay, I say he was imitating a woman's speech, and of course the whole thing was a mess.

    Why would he seek Palin's advise, or possibly, why would his advisers tell him to channel his inner Palin? That woman can get an audience to their feet without uttering a single intelligent idea. Dazzle them, make them laugh, throw out the red meat... If you do it right, you can be a stupid as a Palin and still knock their socks off.

    Or perhaps she just told him about her cocktail of mother's little helpers...

  31. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I watched that entire video and Rachel's show last night - Perry is weird, weird, weird!!! Goofy as hell!!!

    He and Cain should be in the tank as to their bids. If I were the Republicans, I'd be worried. President Obama will be re elected - thank God!!!

  32. Yes, Anon @ 5:34, I, too, am thinking that he musta had a few tokes before his appearance. Gawd, Mawd, he IS as high as a kite.

    And gay as a goose!

    (Are we to be admonished for so wildly enjoying the implosion of these dumbasses/clowns/jagoffs?)

  33. telah9:09 AM

    The sad fact is that he and his followers see absolutely nothing odd, weird, bizarre, unintelligent, embarrassing or closeted-gay about that performance. it is completely off their radar (idiotdar? gaydar?)

    I'm sure they think the LSM liberal socialists are just being elitist again. Ugh. I gotta get outta the south!

  34. Someone on the Stephanie Miller show described Perry on Friday night as "a walking Jefferson Airplane album." Perfect.

  35. Okay, I have to ask [and I grew up in the country too]; what was that he tried to get over about the tomcat? Since it was told with an over-the-top leer, and didn't get much of a response, I'm assuming it's not nice.

  36. the tomcat thing - "so far out in the country that everyone had their own tomcat" - my guess is that tomcats living in town would tend to fight each other and some would be killed or driven off - in other words the houses are so far apart that a tomcat could range free and not come into conflict with another tomcat - it's not really dirty per se, although of course the reason tomcats fight each other is over access to females, so there is something suggestive about it

  37. Omomma, I had trouble getting it too, and I'm from rural Texas! I think that Freddy's explanation is correct, although that sure doesn't explain the leer.

    Well, nothing explains the leer, except for a 12-pack of Shiner.

  38. P-Ricky Boy is just passionate about his country... You know, kind of like the Newt was so passionate about his country that he went out and fucked around on his first wife. Or was it his second wife before he married his third wife? These gd repugs... It's hard to keep their stories straight. The way P-Rick looked at that maple syrup made me think that he's planning on putting it somewhere other than on his pancakes. It's fabulicious, right Rick?

    Look, you outed yourself, Rick. I'm fine with your sexual orientation and lifestyle, just not your lies and hypocrisy. Just accept yourself as you are and get your sorry ass back to Texas. Don't you have some innocent folks down there you can execute to help you feel like you're a REAL man?

  39. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Anon @ 6:18 -
    "It does not really matter who the GOP candidate is. They find other means of winning elections ... fair or not."

    You're absolutely right.

    If they can't win the elections, they steal them. They've already got the hackable machines in place, along with the right wing Supreme Court in case they can't steal enough votes using bad technology. They're working hard to keep as many of those pesky lefty voters as possible out of the polling places. Soon, the Citizens United money will pay for an avalanche of ads filled with innuendos and flat-out lies.

    Faux, Andrew Brietbart and James O'Keefe are preparing their fake scandals, and the candidates' field teams will soon be egging on the racists in the crowds.

    Ahhh yes, it's almost election season and I can already smell the fetid air wafting from the right.

  40. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Tom, down in Florida, here:

    I watched this report with my jaw hanging open, even though I'd been hearing all day that it was strange. But, this was STRANGE! It was like he was possessed by either Jim Carrey or by Pee-Wee Herman.

    It also made me think about the time, back around 1990, when Elder George Bush started acting weird in public, and there was some suspicion that his doctor had been prescribing him a medication called Halcyon.

    If it's not medication, the only other explanation is worse, and that would be that he has a brain tumor that, pressing on certain parts of his brain, is making him act weird.

    I've seen weird politicians over the years, at the local, state and national levels. But this was WEIRD!

  41. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Anonymous said...
    After watching this clip, I would just like to say: I really wish Rachel Maddow was straight.

    6:38 AM


  42. I thought he was doing his charles nelson reilly impression.

  43. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Too much good footage to use against him PR wise. It could be years before he gets beyond this.

    I his own way he was a lot like Palin at her retirement party.

    Weeee out there somewhere in another reality. A place real sane people and responsible people don't go.


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