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Cartoon courtesy of Danziger Cartoons. |
Of course if he really wanted to benefit from following one of her examples he would drop out of the GOP nomination process while he still has at least a shred of self respect remaining. Like Palin, the guy simply cannot stand on stage next to the other candidates without looking like a special needs student that has been "mainstreamed" into a regular classroom setting.
Dear Rick Perry,
ReplyDeleteI have some advice for you. Paint yourself black, become a democrat, and no one will pay attention to ANY of your flaws, gaffes, or lies. They will fawn over you and blindly defend you.
A Perry/Palin (Palin/Perry) presidential campaign would perfectly showcase the Republican party of today:
ReplyDeleteStupid, uneducated, religiously insane, morally bankrupt theocratic/plutocratic lemmings gleefully running off the cliff.
ANY-every POTUS/VP combination among the current Republican presidential candidates (and even/especially including Sarah Palin) is a landslide for Obama.
Funny cartoon. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteBTW, you might wish to correct ". . . if he really wanted to benefit from follow one . . . ." Do you not mean to use "following" instead of follow?
A small quibble, but you are known for writing well so I thought you'd want to know. You were probably laughing too hard at the cartoon. Gosh, sad to think Perry is too stupid to even consider Palin's basic cheating techniques.
6:26, It is painfully obvious by your comments that you are either a Tea Party or a Republican. I extend a moment of pity to you because you cannot recognize intelligence, compassion and integrity when you see it.
ReplyDeleteOf course, given the field of candidates your side is fielding, that is understandable. It has been decades since a Republican or third party has produced anyone even near the quality of President Obama. No small wonder you are bitter and given to hyperbole.
I get such a kick out of Perry - whenever he comes on stage, he sticks that chest of his out as far as it will go. Think he has the typical little guy syndrome!
ReplyDeleteAs to he and Palin - both are idiots. I don't know how either was elected Gov. of Alaska or TX! Doesn't speak well of the residents of either State. People need to pay more attention before they vote and know what the candidates are about.
Alaska elected Parnell as Gov. - another one that should not be in that seat!
Read my lips, no new Texans!
ReplyDeleteI would pay money to watch Sarah, Rick and Bachmann compete on Jeopardy...
ReplyDeleteGive them hard categories ..like geography, math, science and history.
Oh heck, I figured the Palinbot trolls would first criticize you, Gryphen for your joke about Palin and Perry being like special needs students...then remind us of President Obama's bowling score joke.
ReplyDeleteBut noooooo, that Palinbot who must have been up for the past 3 hours refreshing your blog page every 30 seconds made a race "joke".
Funny how they don't mind pointing out flaws or gaffes in others but cannot see their own...
And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? --Matthew 7:3
Hey...6:26 AM
ReplyDeleteUp kinda' early punching the clock for your paycheck, eh?
There must still be some "coin" coming in from Ms. Moose-Killer's gullible bots!
Anon 6:26 proves once again what a stupid, uninformed and racist redneck she is. I bet you were homeschooled with the Palin children. But really, how truly sad for you that you can't recognize the intelligence and gifts our President has, simply because you disagree with his politics. That is why you are a complete moron.
ReplyDeleteAll of the conservatives who work with the president realize this. Why are you so filled with hate? You are a true hater.
The kind of person you are always falsely accusing others of being. You are stupid and a hypocrite, a terrible combination and represent the very lowest element in our country.
To Sarah Supporter @ 6:26:
ReplyDeleteI have some advice for you. Hop on your Rascal Scooter and go on down to buy a brain. The shrunken and starved organ you have now, pickled in the acid of Koch and Faux, reeking of Limbaugh-ger cheese and that ol' time religion of Aryan superiority, does not serve you any more. Come out of that dark cave of racist ignorance and psychopathic misanthropy. Take your rightful place among the Family of Humanity.
WHOOSH! Bet that went right over your head.
Dear "Barack Obama" @6:26'
ReplyDeleteThe right wing are already doing that for the current crop of nominee wannabes... well, except for Huntsman since he actually admits global warming is real AND actually knows a little something about the rest of the world. Best of all, none of them even had to use your racist, cheap shot suggestion. Why don't you go and paint yourself a disgrace to the human race, intelligent discourse and your family
Thanks for comparing my daughter (a "special needs" child) to a characterless idiot like Rick Perry. There's got to be a better metaphor you could use.
ReplyDeleteDid you forget your coffee this morning?
@"Barack Obama:"
ReplyDeleteOooh, our delusional, resident racist is back, talking nonsense, and playing the race-card, yet AGAIN.
I have better advice for Rick Perry. Rick Perry should stay a republican, paint himself black, and become a serial sexual harasser, then white republicans will ignore all his flaws, gaffes, and lies. It will also be proof that they are not racists, despite all evidence to the contrary.
I also have some advice for Barack Obama. I think Barack Obama should paint himself white, become a woman, quit his job, buy cheap wigs, and adopt a down sydrome baby to carry around like a sack of potatoes. Then the media will fawn over him, and report his every word, ignore baby-hate, and chase his fucking bus around the country, and pretend that he is qualified to be president. And, whenever anyone points out his meaness, and stupidity, he can cry, "sexism!" or whine about mythical "liberal media bias."
"Barack Obama" @ 6:26
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments. A glimpse into the mind of a teabagger is always interesting. And frightening.
So lets pretend you are an intelligent adult with an open mind. Now, please specify what you mean by the "flaws, gaffes, and lies" you attribute to your namesake. Looking forward to your response.
Gryphen you might want to proofread the whole last paragraph, not just the "benefit to follow" part.
ReplyDeleteHilarious cartoon! I think one of your commentors posted the link in your comments section either early this morning or last night. Maybe it was another site where it was posted. Funny as hell!
Our American idiocy from across the pond:
8.21pm: "Pakistan, friend or foe?" Herman Cain is asked. "We don't know," says Herman. He wants "specific commitments" from Pakistan to prove it is a friend of America's.
Like what? Such as, I don't know, maybe if Pakistan "liked" the US on Facebook? Would that do it, Herman?
8.38pm: Having repeatedly said that as president he'd trust his generals, Herman Cain is asked how he would decide between them.
Cain's reply, "I'd surround myself with the best people," looks kind of hilarious given his campaign manager Mark Block – the "best person" he picked to run his campaign – is an idiot.
Sarah also came across as a special needs student during the Miss Alaska pageant. The other contestants just felt so sorry for Sarah, bless her heart, for wanting so desperately to fit in. They gave the poor girl with the stocky figure, wonky eye, and speech defect ¨special¨ awards.
ReplyDeleteSarah so very much values those ¨special¨ awards to this day.
I bet she was as happy as my doggie when I give him a biscuit.
6:26 AM said:
ReplyDelete"I have some advice for you. Paint yourself black..."
Yet, right-wing assholes like 6:26 AM expect us to believe they only hate Barack Obama because of his policies. Yeah, right.
6:28 AM, are you done pouting, yet?
7:22...well played, friend, well played.
ReplyDeleteOmg! that is so funny. Loved it. And I love this blog - Gryphen has the best one with the most up to date insanity! Haha...Perry and Palin are both cut from the same cloth. Hard to believe we have a male palin! Effing retards.
ReplyDelete6:26 AM
ReplyDeleteBitter much? How's that "laughing around the kitchen table" working for you now that you are forgotten?
Hey, "Barack Obama" at 6:26 am,
ReplyDeleteBITE ME you ugly troll.
Get a real job and learn to actually serve a purpose somewhere!
Dear 6:26, I suggest you start reading. You will discover that the Media pulls no punches when it comes to President Obama. It's been PROVEN.
ReplyDeleteYou should have suggested he put on bad wig, don some unnecessary glasses and rock some hooker boots. Oh yeah, and an empathy belly. It sure worked to prevent any substantive investigatiin into Sarah Palin's sleazy endeavors, lies, and whatnot.
For those of used bemused by Michele Bachmann, Cain & Perry...and I think Newt, too...all claiming that God had called them to run for President, this jewel:
I'm sick of right-wing trolls like 6:26 AM trying to regulate what goes on this blog, that happens to belong to a PROGRESSIVE.
ReplyDelete6:26 AM, if you don't like what is on this blog, there are plenty of places you can go where they will blindly defend, ignore the flaws, gaffes, and lies, of your favorite white republicans.
Here are a few suggestions:
Fake (Fox) News
Sea of Pea (C4P)
Free Republic
@ 6:26 AM
ReplyDeleteNever mind paint yourself "black" How about open a book and read, Gov. Perry!
"Barack Obama" said...
ReplyDeleteDear Rick Perry,
I have some advice for you. Paint yourself black, become a democrat, and no one will pay attention to ANY of your flaws, gaffes, or lies. They will fawn over you and blindly defend you.
6:26 AM
Oh Sarah! Can I call you Stupid? It's been a bad week for ya' huh! There...there...you'll be fine...just give Glenn a call and I'm sure he'll give you exactly what you need since you have a "fetish" for "black"...you nasty skank!
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThanks for comparing my daughter (a "special needs" child) to a characterless idiot like Rick Perry. There's got to be a better metaphor you could use.
Did you forget your coffee this morning?
7:21 AM
I'm sorry...does Gryphen know your "special needs" daughter? Then maybe you are the one who needs some coffee...beat it troll...we can see you a mile away.
ReplyDeleteWHAT. THE. FUCK.
'Ending Iraq War Is Desecration Of American Dead'
So, she wants to continue the war to honor 'American dead' so more Americans are left in a position to DIE (become maimed, suffer brain injuries, burns, mangled bodies, destroyed loved ones...)in order 'honor' the dead. that are...DEAD. So in order to satisfy this little whim of hers, we should have endless wars into eternity so as to 'honor' the dead from wars gone by?
In case you missed it, last night our girl had a massive three blog tantrum. Check out the comments at:
..and then
...and finally
I actually think that Jesse's recent post about the unknown scandal behind her resignation is what set her off.
So she tells us the there IS some "truth" about Trig that could be revealed. She also tells us that she will not (ever?) run for office.
Jay Leno and Bill Maher had the same advice, especially after Perry looked at his hand to see if the elusive 3rd department might be listed there.
ReplyDeleteWhat I like is:
ReplyDeletea) it's not just us who think her "handwritten notes" are goofy,
b) her caricature doesn't portray her as cute anymore.
Oooh, this post will get a lot of comments, as do all Palin posts. Why do you bother to write anything else?
ReplyDeletePlease, please keep giving your money to multimillionaire Palin so she can pay for her family vacations with your money and not her millions while she eats steak and you eat noodles.
"Barack Obama" @ 6:26 a.m., here, let me help you:
ReplyDeleteDear Rick Perry,
I have some advice for you. Switch your boy parts into wimmen parts, call yourself a commonsense conservative, and no one will pay attention to ANY of your flaws, gaffes, or lies. They will fawn over you and blindly defend you.
As a longtime reader (since 2008) and a mom of a special-needs student who was mainstreamed last week I'm appalled. What next Gryphen, "retard" jokes? Maybe you've spent too much time on Palin, you're starting to resemble her w/ your insensitivity. And I can assure you my special needs son stands out a hell of a lot less than Rick Perry.
ReplyDelete(BTW, anyone who calls me a concern troll can BITE ME!)
What was it you said about trolls........?
ReplyDeleteGreat cartoon by Danziger. One detail that he missed in his cartoon - that very same message:
ReplyDelete"Write it on your hand, Stupid!" should have also been written onto $arah's hand in the cartoon, just to ensure that $arah did not forget what she wanted to admonish Perry for.
Even Bachmann and Santorum can out shine this guy. It only equals out once you factor in their religious zealotry.
ReplyDeleteIf you haven't already seen this over on Daily Kos, it is well worth the time:
A brilliant summary of today's Republican Party.
@ 10:16 am....one more time...does Gryphen know your "special needs" child? Then he's not TALKING to you!
ReplyDeleteAnyone that has read this blog since 2008, knows Gryphen and what he stands for.
ReplyDeleteSo I will call bs on the Concern Troll.
My kids' mom, I too hate the "concern troll" attacks that spring up whenever one of us protests anything that has been posted. I can't speak for Gryphen, but it does kinda seem like he wasn't thinking when he wrote this one. I would imagine he didn't mean to hurt anyone...
ReplyDeleteI am a former teacher aide and I completely understand your having a problem with it. As you say, lots of kids of with emotional, cognitive and/or behavioral challenges would fare far better than this collection of candidates - any day!
I often found that great gifts and strengths came along with my students' other issues. I was frequently in awe of the skills which many of these kids possessed. And talking of mainstreaming, this policy has been singularly responsible for rising levels of sensitivity and awareness among general education children (and vice versa). Their educational experience has been enriched immeasurably. The friendships and opportunities for personal growth which have resulted, on all the students' parts, are truly moving to witness. Lots of good-hearted children out there. I wish your child every good thing. You will see, he/she will bring much to his/her new classroom.
As for "Barack Obama" - what, are you our minder? Is the truth just getting too painful, so you are hanging around here ready to strike at every instance of ridicule? (And why are you watching Gryphen so closely anyway? Are you scared of what he might post?)
Leave our President out of this. The press has been incredibly tough on him. I watch them, day after day. He can handle it though, so no worries ;-).
@ conscious at last
ReplyDeleteWow! Sarah has been off on a real bender! I wonder if she was still up and posting here at 6:26 AM?
And to the offended mom of a "special needs" child: I am also a mom to a special needs child, but I do not find Gryphen' humor offensive.
What I DO find truly offensive is Sarah Palin's exploitation of a "special" baby to prey on the most maudlin and hypocritical instincts of the electorate. We, who are truly special needs parents, find Palin's ploy insulting beyond belief!
Most of us "special needs" parents are not so insecure about ourselves or our children that we can't enjoy and laugh along with Gryphen at the true threats to our children and families: the GOP and people like Palin.
My advice FWIW: lighten up, and focus on what really matters.
Hey 6:26...
ReplyDeleteThat's President Barack Obama you stupid mo fo.
Kids mom and anon with special needs' child, unfortunately, the word "retard" is now a part of our vernacular. I know to you it is equivalent to the N word or the F word for homosexuals, but it is indeed now an acceptable term in our culture. Wish it weren't true, know it is awful for people such as yourselves who have a personal misgiving about the word, but it is what it is. I have a high school-age child who uses the word occasionally and I always nag her about it, but then I hear other parents, kids, tv shows, etc., and realize that for now this word is mainstream. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteG, since you do have a following among families who have special needs kids because of the concern for Trig, it might be a good idea to kick that word to the curb as it is deemed offensive to them. cheers!
I used to teach special ed. My students did a damnsight better in their mainstreaming classes than Rick Perry. They showed up sober, worked hard, and cared about others. Please don't insult them with this comparison.
ReplyDeleteWhat Perry showed when he couldn't remember the name of the NRC is that he has no interest in protecting the US for a Chernobyl of a Fukushima.
ReplyDeleteIf he actually knew anything about what the NRC does beyond making regulations, he would never have forgotten that name.
Of course he continues to prove that he is as much of an intellectual Black Hole as Bush, Palin, Bachmann, and a host of lesser dodos like Joe Barton the brainless one from Texas. (and I say that as an expat Texan who will always be a Texan and who, god help me, may be a relative of JB.)
My first assumption is that most of this kvetching about my supposed lack of sensitivity concerning special needs children is from concern trolls, since most actual parents of special needs children would be too sharp to take offense.
ReplyDeleteHowever assuming that there are a few who were actually troubled, let me explain that I have worked with children classified as "special needs" for over twenty years. Children with those concerns are usually introduced into the general population of their home school, or "mainstreamed," with an IEP (Individual Education Plan) in place to help shape the expectations and provide support to help them to achieve success.
My use of the label "special needs" is quite adequate in describing Rick Perry's intellectual challenges, as compared to the other candidates, and I believe he would greatly benefit from his own IEP.
Is that more clear?
Yep, Rick "Double Dubya" Perry!
ReplyDeleteHas it always been like this in GOP politics ~ or am I just now paying attention?
Love your comment, "Holy Spirit" at 7:15!
ReplyDeleteI have NO problem at all with the use of these "politically incorrect" words -- depending on the intent.
ReplyDeleteGryphen used the terms he used advisedly in a way I can't imagine any parent of a "special needs" child would really object to.
Again, the real threat to our children and families are members of the GOP -- and let's just say Rick Perry is an idiot among GOP idiots -- to avoid any currently hot button words.
One set of euphemisms (and "retard" and "special needs" are both euphemisms if you think about it) is no better or worse than another, depending on the context.
I once heard a friend refer to her child as "severely differently abled" -- she meant it as a joke, and all of us "special parents" got the joke (some of the non-parents present were not sure how to respond, however.)
Such are the verbal and logical knots we tie ourselves in with our ever-evolving political "sensitive" lexicon.
I, for one, prize Gryphen's humor over "politically correct" outrage.
IN reply to 6:52 about the chest puffing. I think it's a Southern privileged man thing. They just feel so good about themselves and just because they are men, white and from a "good background" they are forgiven for any blunders or bad behavior. Who wouldn't puff out their chest in that role? God's gift to the world, don't you know...
ReplyDeleteOh, I forgot to mention the "gentlemen's hook" that goes along with the strut. In other words they only need to get a C in college courses and they are fulfilling their role in life.
ReplyDeleteBravo Gryphen @ 2:10pm...great comment.
ReplyDeleteIt sure gets tiresome around here reading comments by so many offended people...it would be nice if said offended folks could put down there soap box every once in awhile instead of looking for things to be offended by...this post was about Rick Perry...not "special needs" children.
Dear anon who posted this:
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
Thanks for comparing my daughter (a "special needs" child) to a characterless idiot like Rick Perry. There's got to be a better metaphor you could use.
Did you forget your coffee this morning?
7:21 AM
Get over yourself and your "special needs" child!
I did not see Gryphen say, "hey there I'm comparing anon's 7:21 special needs child to this cartoon"? Did you? Cons are notorious at having no sense of humor.
We don't CARE about Your special needs child ok? Nobody mentioned YOUR special needs child!
Is that you sarah?
6:26 AM
ReplyDeleteYep another racist idiot. You are just as stupid as the repugbagger candidates.
Shit if the msm did their fucking job and told the truth about the Grand Old Perv party you wouldn't have a party.
#ows proves how sorry your party is all over the world.
Now go rev up your government paid for scooter so you can drive yourself to liquor store to cash you social security check.
Speaking about Cain, 6:26 AM?
ReplyDeleteExcellent Comment! Thanks so much for a job well done.
I absolutely love the cartoon! Sarah has morphed from the "hot librarian" to the "old school marm grandma" Art mimicks life!
The mean gal, bully shines through.
Danziger's cartoons are some of the best, I even chuckle at the ones he does on Our President on occaision.
Hate to pile up on the POS who posted at 6:26, but why can't trolls stay on topic? The post is about Two dimbulb moist asswipes, and the troll immediately takes the racist ignorance toward a brilliant man. Focus, trolls, focus! And losen your sphinchters a bit, fiber is your friend!
Barack Obama" said...
ReplyDeleteDear Rick Perry,
I have some advice for you. Paint yourself black, become a democrat, and no one will pay attention to ANY of your flaws, gaffes, or lies. They will fawn over you and blindly defend you.
6:26 AM
LOL ohhhhh Sarah let your anger go.
Glen Rice or President Obama are not interested in you and you need to move on and direct your anger elsewhwere.
Rick Perry, Donald Trump and Sarah Palin are alike.
ReplyDeleteWhen they first stepped on the stage they acted like they were bigger than life.
Now they look like the Three Stooges and are now party punchlines.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI would pay money to watch Sarah, Rick and Bachmann compete on Jeopardy...
Give them hard categories ..like geography, math, science and history.
6:58 AM
Love to see them on Are You Smarter Than A Retard?
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteSarah also came across as a special needs student during the Miss Alaska pageant. The other contestants just felt so sorry for Sarah, bless her heart, for wanting so desperately to fit in. They gave the poor girl with the stocky figure, wonky eye, and speech defect ¨special¨ awards.
Sarah so very much values those ¨special¨ awards to this day.
I bet she was as happy as my doggie when I give him a biscuit.
7:45 AM
Sarah Palin did come across as a special needs contestant.
She must be sad that nobody is giving her any more of those special awards.
ReplyDeleteNo Happy Veterans Day to Sarah Palin's "Non Combat" Combat son?
What happened Sarah are you ashamed of Track?
There was a time in your life you told America "You raised a "Combat Vet" and that you are the mother of a "Combat Vet".
Sarah you are nothing but a skank who gave birth to a bunch of uneducated grifters who broke into peoples houses, cut school bus brake lines, a bunch of sex addicts who knows nothing about birth control and a bunch of wine cooler meth druggies.
Not much to be proud of.
The Sarah Palin - Joe McG lawsuit jurors must be sequestered because I haven’t heard a peep from them.
ReplyDeleteHey Sarah are they close to making their verdict you retard?
The so-called "Barack Obama" TROLL~
ReplyDeleteYou need to get your head out of your ass, Douche Bag.
You know we don't care for your kind of bullshit.
Go home, $arah! You LOST and will never, ever, ever be President of anything!
Unless it's President of the LIAR'S CLUB for WOMEN in your local Prison system.