Sunday, November 13, 2011

High Definition Teabagger television station essentially defined by lawsuits and infighting.

Courtesy of TPM:

A group of conservative investors in Tennessee is suing a California businessman for allegedly conning them into investing in Tea Party HD, a TV channel aimed at tea partiers, that they say turned out to be a scam. 

Tea Party HD was founded by Bill Hemrick and Anthony Loiacono in 2010, but Hemrick and the other complainants claim that Loiacono never put in his share into the project and used the rest of the funds as his “personal bank account.” The complaint says he used the money “to pay himself, his family members and his business, Heads & Tails Inc., ‘exorbitant rates’ for the few projects Tea Party HD undertook,” according to Brandon Gee of The Tennessean. 

“The alleged purpose of Tea Party HD was to be the ‘world’s first HD provider of news about the Tea Party,’” the lawsuit states. “In reality it was an investment scheme to defraud politically conservative-minded citizens who support the Tea Party mission.” 

Also listed in the suit are Howard Luartes, Reinhold Holtkamp, Melvin W. Martin, James Hearn and James Huffnagle, who say they invested a combined total of $287,500 in Tea Party HD, after Loiacono projected that the venture would make $19 million in three years. The suit requests $19 million in punitive damages and a return of the initial investments.

If you are thinking you have never heard of this Tea Party HD channel, that may not be entirely true:

Tea Party HD is probably most famous for operating that camera that Michele Bachmann stared into — instead of the camera operated by CNN that was carrying the live broadcast — during her Tea Party Express rebuttal (to the rebuttal) of President Obama’s State Of The Union address.

You also remember that it was mentioned by Rachel Maddow on Friday.

Personally I believe that the very idea of being clearly seen through high definition works against the Teabaggers.  The only way they have managed to earn any success at all is by keeping their true motives ill defined, and their financial backers/puppet masters shrouded in secrecy.

I imagine that talk radio is probably the perfect venue for the Baggers, as they can better hide both their identities, and motivations.

Of course even starting a radio station may be beyond their capabilities until they learn to swim against the tide of their innate combative attitudes and learn to work together. You know like...let me see if I can think of a good example...oh yeah, the OWS protestors!

We know how much the Baggers like being compared to THEM now don't we? 

But let's face it that is never going to happen, because what REALLY defines the Teabaggers is that they are either constantly the victim of a scam, or the perpetrator of a scam, as evidenced by the successful fleecing of their members by Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Newt Gingrich, Fox News, Tea Party Express, Mark Levin, Bristol Palin, Goldline, and the list goes on, and on, and on.


  1. Anonymous11:21 AM

    'the worlds' first HD provider of news about the Tea Party'
    oh, yea, right. Like all of those rallies with one person speaking on the steps of the capitol and two old people in scooters in the audience. All of America needs to be informed about those tea party freaks.

  2. Anonymous11:27 AM

    O/T As much as I love our president, our first lady is also magnificent!

    First Lady Michelle shines at economic summit in Hawaii

    Read more:

  3. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Former evangelical lobbyist slams religious right's embrace of Tea Party

  4. Anonymous11:32 AM

    And then we have Sarah's hero:

    25-Years ago Today: Reagan Addresses the Nation on "Rumors about Arms Shipments to Iran"

    Good evening. I know you've been reading, seeing, and hearing a lot of stories the past several days attributed to Danish sailors, unnamed observers at Italian ports and Spanish harbors, and especially unnamed government officials of my administration. Well, now you're going to hear the facts from a White House source, and you know my name.
    -- Ronald Reagan, November 13, 1986

    During the course of our secret discussions, I authorized the transfer of small amounts of defensive weapons and spare parts for defensive systems to Iran… These modest deliveries, taken together, could easily fit into a single cargo plane… We did not -- repeat -- did not trade weapons or anything else for hostages, nor will we.

    -- President Reagan claiming that the arms for hostages swap wasn’t really a swap because we didn’t give them too much stuff, and besides, the stuff we did give them hardly counts as weapons

  5. Anonymous11:44 AM

    That moron should've just started a PAC instead. See, $arah's not so dumb...

  6. eclecticsandra12:44 PM

    The scorpion will always be what it is.

  7. Anonymous12:57 PM

    The derp factor is high in the teabagger party isn't it?

  8. Randall1:02 PM

    But of course they're going to get fleeced - and more so every day...
    because they don't believe in regulations.

    Regulations are what make it illegal to accept money for an enterprise to, lets say, televise events - and then not do so.

    But Republicans - and teabaggers especially - hate regulations.

    So lie in the bed you make, teabaggers: this is the reality you preach.

  9. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Anybody fucking stupid enough to actually invest in such an idea deserves nothing but grief.

  10. Anonymous1:54 PM

    The Tee Peeers just don't get it that they are not grass roots. There has always been big money and big business pushing their buttons.

    When a national news station comes to your demonstration which they named and they promoted, they own your brain.

  11. Not What You Want To Hear2:05 PM

    “In reality it was an investment scheme to defraud politically conservative-minded citizens who support the Tea Party mission.”

    That's basically the definition of every rightwing PAC, too.

  12. Anonymous2:56 PM

    But, but but, they were promised an hour with Sarah nightly. And Bristol was going to host a dance party live on weekends. No wonder they are mad.

  13. Anonymous3:05 PM

    There was a hilarious comment on CofPee. They were complaining about her latest Fox interview not being live, and the guy wrote "oh, well, a taped Palin is better than no Palin." I say, if it's her mouth that taped, it's way better!

  14. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Sorry to threadjack - but fight these bastards

    Your life, or your daughters may depend on it.

    Gryph - you need to do an entire post on this.

  15. Beldar Capital Conehead3:38 PM

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...

    Thanks, Gryphen!! I needed a good laugh....

    Note that they're suing under regulatory provisions that they themselves would eliminate to give free rein to the "job creation machine" that is the monied class.
    (couldn't happen to a more deserving group of "investors".)

  16. Anonymous4:11 PM

    "But of course they're going to get fleeced - and more so every day...
    because they don't believe in regulations."

    Maybe, but personally I think it has more to do with their brain orientation. Just like hard core religious nuts, Teabaggers don't have a PHILOSOPHY, they have an ideology.

    A philosophy requires at least *some* amount of thought and exploration of possibilities and discernment of evidence and quantifying information to come to a conclusion. That kind of person isn't as likely to blindly throw money at grifters who try to play into their beliefs, and it's too hard for the grifter to fake anyway.

    On the other hand, people who are slaves to ideologies have simply bought and paid for a pre-fab belief system that they probably haven't spent that much effort trying to understand. If it sounds good, and feels good then it IS good. This kind of person is constantly seeking opportunities to prove their faith and to judge those who believe differently.

    In their minds, anyone who claims to believe the same thing as they do MUST be "good people" and are "on the same team". They will transfer their need to prove loyalty onto anyone with charisma who claims to hold the same beliefs.

    Palin is a prime example: a shallow and ignorant shell, but her look and personality resonates with a certain demographic that is prone to ideology. They grasp onto that semi-blank slate and then fill in the blanks in a way that makes them feel special and empowered by their open devotion to their idol. (want proof, go wade through the comments on C4P. It's like some kind of demented LARP/Palin fan fiction convention over there) It's no different than what they do with "God".

    People with ideologies are self-programmed to be cattle. Politics or religion, it's all the same mental structure that allows the Paylins and the Pat Robertsons to become wealthy at their expense.

    Lack of regulations certainly doesn't help the situation though. :)

  17. The picture of the Kentuckian with his thumb stuck up his own a**, standing at a fake podium, talking to a fake audience, on a fake issue, on a fake TV network, as an example of a fake human should at least give off one clue....

    No wonder the fake third-party liked the fake Alaskan Flying Monkeys - they were fake too !! All fake ll the time just like their fake fake ness.


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