Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sarah Palin's 2011 Thanksgiving message. And you thought what happened to those turkeys in the video down below was stomach churning!

Courtesy of the Brody File:

On Thanksgiving, my family’s traditions will reflect the loyal, active, robust, big family life that shaped me. We’re so fortunate to be together to share the making of another year’s memory. In these late autumn days with temperatures dipping to 20-degrees below zero, we’ll brave Alaska’s biting cold to run and skate and ride – just because we can, and for that I am so thankful. Life in America’s Last Frontier is not an easy living, but it’s a good living. (Especially when you have millions of dollars at your disposal.) Here in Alaska, where I’m never without inspiration, an optimistic pioneering spirit still permeates, and harsh conditions force us out of self-centeredness and towards community – often in order to survive. 

This need for selflessness – and the blessings that come with it – sharpened for me almost four years ago when I was given the gift of broader horizons, clarified priorities, and more commitment to justice and compassion for my fellow man who faces challenges and fears. I was granted this through a gift that arrived in a tiny, six-pound, awe-inspiring bundle. (That apparently arrived via Fed-ex.) We named him Trig. 

I know America’s potential for goodness, thus greatness, because I see it every day through my son.(She must mean Track the son who signed up for the military to stay out of jail. Serious patriotism there!) Nothing makes me happier or prouder than to see America’s good heart when someone smiles at my Trig. (Oh she means Trig. Well that was my second choice.) I notice it happens often in airports. Often a traveler passing by does a double-take when they see him, perhaps curious about the curious look on his face; perhaps my son momentarily exercises an uncontrollable motion (Like punching me in the head.) that takes the passerby by surprise. Perhaps, as an innocent and candid child announced when she first met Trig, they think “he’s awkward.” But when that traveler pauses to look again and smile, and maybe tells me what a handsome boy I have, I swell with American pride. ("American pride" is so much better than that common everyday pride don'tcha know?) I am so thankful for their good heart. They represent the best in our country and their kindness shows the real hope we need today. (Because they smiled at a toddler?)

I am thankful that, as in so many areas of life, the bitter people who say bitter things about someone facing challenges are so outnumbered. There have been stinging criticisms, even from people still screaming that Trig should never have been born, (Okay seriously WHO is doing that?) but we know those critics may be the loudest and most malicious, but they’re not the majority. 

To me, when individuals reflect the greater societal acceptance of someone facing challenges, they show the best of humanity – even by offering a simple pat on Trig’s head or a knowing smile shot our way. Conversely, when a society works to eliminate the “weakest links” (as some would callously consider the disabled) or “the unproductive”(as some would callously consider the very young and the very old), it eliminates the very best of itself. When a society seeks to destroy them, it also destroys any ability or need for sincere compassion, empathy, improvement, and even goodwill. And those are the very best qualities of humanity! (Didn't she JUST describe the Republican party?) Those are the characteristics of a country that understands and embraces true hope! America can be compassionate and strong enough as a nation to be entrusted with those who some see as an “inconvenience,” but who are really our greatest blessings. Through Trig, I see firsthand that there is man’s standard of perfection, and then there is God’s. Man’s standard is flawed, temporary, and shallow. God’s standard lasts an eternity. At the end of the day, His is what matters. (I would be remiss if I did not mention at this point that the services which provide for children like Trig are in large part the product of progressives creating programs to care for their needs. The Republicans, like Newt Gingrich, would gladly roll back child labor laws and get those lazy third graders off their ass and back in the sweat shop where they belong.)

So, this Thanksgiving my family will bundle Trig up and grin while we watch him through ice-frosted eyelashes as he curiously takes in all that is around him in the crisp open air. I hope your Thanksgiving gives you the opportunity to find that reminder of what really matters, too. For me, my perfect picture of thankfulness is my perfectly awesome son. With him, all is well with my soul and I know I am blessed. (Hang on, I think I'm gagging to death.)

You know believe it or not I think Palin just MIGHT have written this on her own. Or had only minimal help, because it really sucks.

So apparently it is time to trot out the favorite Palin political/sympathy prop in order to receive some reflected glory since virtually NOBODY is paying any attention to Palin these days. (By the way Trig is perhaps the most mythological creature in Alaska. I understand that there have been more sightings of the Bigfoot in Wasilla, than Trig Paxson Van Palin.)

Clearly Palin is feeling very ignored lately and is chumming the waters with her sure fire attention catching bait, the extra chromosome kid himself, Trig Palin. However as you see she is only willing to have somebody WRITE about her devotion to him, and is unable, or unwilling, to attempt to demonstrate that devotion before the prying eyes of the public. In large part, I understand, because Trig has become an uncooperative handful that the Mama Grizzly is no longer able to parent effectively. She simply cannot risk people seeing  her "perfectly awesome son" defy her, or even hit her, in public.

So now we have had a mass produced thank you note, and this emotionally manipulative Thanksgiving message issued from the "Sanctum Sanitarium" in order to remind her dwindling flying monkeys that she is still relevant. And nothing says "I'm relevant" like hiding in a dark house by a lake in the woods and sending out form letters. Am I right?

By the way, since we are again talking about Sister Sarah, I guess this post would be as good of a place as any to give you a heads up on what took place at the Alaska premiere of Sarah Palin's propaganda movie.

I have NO freaking idea.

Once I realized I could not go, I tried to talk a few people into going in my place, but nobody would even consider it.  So then I thought that surely ONE of the Alaska based websites or newspapers would have somebody there, but no not a word.

Hell even the Sea O'Pee had nothing to report.

So as of this writing I have no idea how many people showed up, what they thought of the fetid piece of crap, or even if the premiere actually even took place.

If I do find out anything I will provide an update, but as of right now I feel pretty confident in saying that it probably stank up the place, like everything else associated with Palin. Though I have to wonder if there was even anybody there to catch a whiff?


  1. Anonymous4:53 AM

    She definitely wrote this herself. It is truly fucking awful. I don't know how anyone could read that crap and not think that there is something seriously wrong with that woman.

    How she could do this to Trig is just beyond me. She points out his flaws and then accuses people of screaming that he should not have been born. Who the fuck ever said that?

    She is using that poor child again to garner attention to herself...and the way that she is cynically exploiting Trig makes me sick to my stomach. Just when I think that woman couldn't be any more odious, she pulls another sick stunt.

  2. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    And Gryphen, thank you for my daily propaganda post. Your fiction always set the tone for a wonderful day.

    First you were enraged Sarah took Trig everywhere in public, now you're criticizing her for leaving him home. Uhhhhhh k.

    I will give your hypocrisy here a pass as it's a joyous holiday.

  3. N'yah4:55 AM

    IF Trig has the unlucky holiday happenstance of being with his Fake Mother this storied day...........I seriously, and sadly, doubt the poor tyke can see much of anything through his "frosted eyelashes". He's probably near blind from only wearing his glasses for 3 photos ops in his entire life.

    Happy thanksgiving, Gryphen. I am thankful for YOU, the only person I can see who still seems to give a damn about that poor, precious child.

    Happy thanksgiving, Trig. Wherever you are. I hope your little tummy is filled with goodies, that you have a warm lap to doze off in, and that you are in a home filled with cozy warmth and love. God bless you, Trig Paxson Van Palin.

  4. Anonymous5:02 AM

    "So, this Thanksgiving my family will bundle Trig up and grin while we watch him through ice-frosted eyelashes as he curiously takes in all that is around him in the crisp open air."

    This is an example of extra shitty writing. So terrible.

  5. HP is reporting that the half term governor is going to endorse Newt "Croney Capitalism" Gingrich, who wants to do away with child labor laws so children can act as janitors in schools. "Piper will you go to the basement and fix the boiler." However, since her children don't attend school it will not affect them.

  6. Anonymous5:04 AM

    On the weird scale, this is almost at the level of the pre-birth welcome Trig letter. WTF was the motivation for this odd message? I love the image of Sarah Palin struggling to survive the harsh Alaska winter, right next to the fake fireplace in the television studio of her second home. I wonder if they will continue the warm family tradition of having take out sandwiches for Thanksgiving dinner?

  7. Anonymous5:06 AM

    " eyelashes..." Good grief, how big do cornballs grow in Alaska?? And the "running, skating, walking" bit, come on
    Sarah, stop,just stop. She must be getting ready to pull some stunt
    using Trig as the main prop.

    Sharon TN

  8. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Oh Sarah O'Palin, there you go again, makin things up.

    Our 'majority' beef with you has never been with Trig, but about Trig. There is a huge difference. His conception, his gestation, his 'birth' and his care and treatment has always been roundly exploited by you to shore up your weak narrative, but we have seen no evidence that he is yours or that you exercised maternal care and concern for your Million Dollar Baby.

    Who has ever or still screams he should never have been born?

    You dropped the "Less than Ideal" meme? That worked for you (not.)

    Sarah's so desperately ignored these days she has to roll out her go-to prop to elicit sympathy. She's probably going to announce the creation of the TrigPAC soon to capitalize on the goodness in this nation into her bank accounts.

  9. I wonder if a paragraph has accidentally been omitted from this letter. After the paragraph about the importance of compassion, it would have been logical to mention the criticism of Obamacare from the left - namely, that the "individual mandate" of required purchase of health insurance from private companies, scheduled to be argued before the Supreme Court as possibly unconstitutional, is too cumbersome and expensive and inserts the profit motive into health care where it does not belong. Instead, it would make sense for Sarah to endorse the "single payer plan", like Canada has. As my elderly stepmother said years ago, during the early Clinton years about the ill-fated health care reform proposed then, "Why couldn't it be like Medicare? That works pretty well." Why not indeed? "Medicare for all." It has a nice ring to it. Medicare for all, including poor people and differently-abled children. Medicare for all. Think about it, Sarah - what would Jesus do?

  10. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Oh.My.God. her desperate attempt to bone up on her 'writing' strengths as a 'journalist' with poetic flourish is vomitous in this one.

    Sarah pours it on thick to make herself seem smarter, artistic, maternal and appreciative than what she really is.

    Sarah, you are dense and emotionally stunted, you aren't capable of being thankful for anything - your sociopathy only picks out keywords along with your dogwhistles to make yourself appear human to everyone around you.

  11. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Jesse!

    You and this blog and your commenters are some of the things I'm thankful for.

  12. Anonymous5:14 AM

    She honestly believes she can peddle the crap belief that conservatives have the corner on compassion?

    The GOP and fringe Right only believe charity belongs through the Church, and if you aren't a believer, well, it sucks to be you.

    Sarah's bizarro world still at-large, everything she says is inversely proportionate to reality.

  13. Is this a recent picture of Sarah and Trig together? Again, where is his hearing aids and glasses?!!!

  14. Nancy5:17 AM

    Wow, it never fails that each time I see a photo of Trig I see Levi.

  15. Anonymous5:20 AM

    "Unproductive," "weakest links?" why is she talking about her family?

    Has she not been observing the Tea Party and the GOP POTUS debates? Their whole platform is to rid the country of unproductive, weak links. People with the direct opposite social philosophy's are the ones defending and protecting the least among us.

    She is a quagmire wrapped up in an enigma. Continues to be a hot mess and always gets the message wrong.

  16. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Wtf I would like her to name one person who would have suggested that she abort her baby. That is what pro choice ia all about. She was the one who tried to kill him with the wild ride. That is of course if she was pregnant. By the way she has never mentioned her new granddaughter must be track would not let her sell the pictures to people. Oh and did track start college like the wedding article said?

  17. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Still obsessed with Palin I see.

  18. Anonymous5:27 AM

    "and harsh conditions force us out of self-centeredness and towards community – often in order to survive."

    I want to hear reports from the community, especially the Valley Special Needs community, of how she helps them survive without government supported services?

    I know a couple families in Palmer and Wasilla with DS toddlers, they struggle and fight for their kids, never heard of Sarah lifting a finger for them as Mayor or a quitting Governor progressing Alaska without a Title.

  19. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Hmmmm. Do you think that when she is referring to the reTHUG handlers and powers, who never said the Trig 'should not have been born" but instead told her that being a mother with a special needs child and being POTUS were pretty ,much impossible to do both well simultaneously and then they gave her the hypothetical, "if you wanted to be President, you would not have had another child, let alone a special needs one." This is her usual victimwhine misinterpretation.

    And I'd have to wonder if TOAD isn't one of those telling her too: look, I didn't sign on to be a full time single parent/caregiver. You wanted to be POTUS, then we shouldn't have had another kid.

    Her response would be consistent with someone who never takes responsibility for anything. She CHOSE that life of multipara motherhood she is so proud, but it precludes other pursuits simultaneously.

    And yes, that would be the case for fathers, today, too. Though probably not in the past. And probably not at the type of parents who were already "hands off" managerial parents, "you know, the well, we found a great nanny to, and a therapist to, and a chauffeur to ... but that has never been $carah's schtick.

  20. Anonymous5:35 AM

    "Ice frosted eyelashes".. what a load of bull shit.

    Her bots would have loved....

    "this Thanksgiving Todd and I took Trig on his first moose hunting trip, and Trig killed a 900 pound grizzly bear with a bowie knife".

  21. Anonymous5:43 AM

    "Sanctum Sanitarium" !!! Love it!

    Happy Thanksgiving Mr. G. I am grateful for you and your writing.

  22. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Sarah "I can't milk my kids the way I can milk Trig" Palin, strikes again. What a ridiculous way of treating your family.


  23. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Yeah, that was really pathetic. Now that she has nothing else to do, she is finally noticing "her" son, Trig. Well, fancy that. He IS not just a prop, but a very needy human who will be your responsibility until you die. I doubt she is thankful, she is probably just now realizing what a mess she has on her hands and the lack of ability and common sense, and mental stability to do anything about it. I think she wrote it too, Gryphen, but she has been working on it for three months, with lots and lots of help. I am thankful that she is no longer daily in the news and not something we have to waste any energy on anymore, but she sure wishes she was and her post screams desperation. Hey, scara, why don't you actually get off your ass today and give away some of your money to help those who truly need it? You might actually feel just a little human.

  24. Anonymous5:51 AM

    BTW, Happy T-Day all and I am thankful for Gryphen's take down of all things Palin, this year. Job well-done, sir.

    Gobble Gobble

  25. Anonymous6:00 AM

    "That Women" is sick in the head!

  26. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Is Applebees open on Thanksgiving so the Palin family can gather around the table giving thanks for the free meal SarahPac will be providing? What a gag inspiring letter she wrote. Hopefully her gig with Fox will end soon, and we can be Palin free. Maybe we should all give thanks for THAT, plus Bristle's reality show is not being picked up, so we won't have THAT, either.

  27. Anonymous6:06 AM

    I read the first paragraph and rolled my eyes. I'll pass on the rest ;-)

    O/T Happy Thanksgiving to you and your lovely daughter Gryphen. Peace and blessings to all in the IM community. Have a wonderful holiday :-)


  28. Anonymous6:09 AM

    It does sound like she wrote that jibberish, perhaps with Piper's assistance and Toad's proof reading. The bitch sounds as insane as ever. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
    (Santum Sanitarium, love it)

  29. Anonymous6:19 AM

    "That Women" is SICK in the head! When all else fails she uses Trig again, she's a disgusting piece of crap!

  30. MissSunshine6:24 AM

    Hahahaha! Well, I am glad you did not go Gryphen. Who knows the crazy you might have stepped into with her few rabid fans.

    Also the movie itself is believe me: BAD. I shake my head at those who think it might be possible to have a little fun at this "movie" - no, that is not possible. It is PROPAGANDA. It is a two hour emotional battering. The loud, driving soundtrack and barrage of images have only one message: how wonderful, even saintly, SP is.

    I have little doubt this film was supposed to take the place of a "campaign" and eliminate the need to show up for debates.

    I think she DESPERATELY wants to jump in the race, but not do any of work associated with it.

  31. Anonymous6:25 AM

    as a former Alaskan, Sarah, your first para is so full of shit I can smell it from my house 1000's of miles away!

  32. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Good post Gryphen and thanks for all you do. But please avoid phrases like "the extra chromosome kid himself" since that does sound like you're mocking Trig (even though you're not). But it just sounds bad.

    Sad day for this country when she's not the dumbest GOP candidate we have to worry about.

  33. laprofesora6:34 AM

    1) Who asked her?
    2) Why so defensive about Trig all of a sudden? Somebody's not getting enough attention so it's time to play "Look at me, I'm a victim" again.

    I have to address this crap about people saying Trig should never have been born. Now I ask you, as adults, have you EVER stated that someone should never have been born? Have you ever heard another adult say this? I mean, we've had some evil folks in the world (Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Quaddafi) but I have NEVER heard one person utter the words, "he never should have been born." My point is, this is the kind of infantile remark a child would say. This is glaring evidence of where Paylin's mind is, that she could even come up with something like this, and then of course blame it on others.

  34. Anonymous6:36 AM

    She doesn't swell with American pride...she swells with pride at the thought of having extracted so many American $ from the WalMart crowd.


  35. Anonymous6:39 AM

    When a stranger complements Trig she is filled with "American" pride, not "maternal" pride. Telling...

  36. Couldn't/ wouldn't read it.

    she's a dumb bitch.




  37. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Sarah..spend some PAC money and hire a real writer next time.

    This writing would not get a passing grade in a freshman level English class....

    What a load of moose shit....

  38. Um....Happy Thanksgiving to you, also, too, Sarah?

    Gosh, you sound so defensive about the Trigster. Why is that?

    BTW, LOTS of us have cute kids, and none of them are perfect, so I'm really not sure what the point of your theme is, really.

    Oh, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, too, Gryphen!!

  39. Anonymous6:50 AM

    What's the matter Sarah, feeling a little guilty, not telling anyone about being pregnant because YOU didn't want him or the wild ride because YOU didn't care about his safety or saying "no one would know" if YOU aborted him? It's called's how you felt not anyone else!

  40. Anonymous7:00 AM

    "have you EVER stated that someone should never have been born?"

    Yeah sort of, for the dude down the street who killed his kids' dog and beat the shit out of their mom. Yeah I wish he had never been born. I think I stated it as wishing for a "retroactive abortion" for the asswipe, but it is the same thing.

  41. Anonymous7:00 AM

    this letter is pathetic, she is so starved for attention, she is so arrogant "because we can", Screech go sulk in your room that your husband never enters, "because you can"

  42. Anonymous7:01 AM

    I couldn't read it - the words kept dripping off the page!

  43. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Sorry Gryphen, I think the commondecency troll wrote it. She/it loves to include pics of the happy also,too, the troll would say "temps dipping down to -20" b/c we all know how rugged Caribou Crosshairs is...but in reality today in wasilly it it Temperature
    6.5 °F !
    Anyway my bet is she is in Az. All the rugged tough AK'ns seek outside as winter edges in.
    Too wordy & full of BS. She didn't write it.
    This troll did

  44. Anonymous7:07 AM

    The only outright comments criticizing Trig being born, and not aborted, came not from liberal sources. One was Larry Flynt. Sorry, but he's a porn-pusher, not a liberal.

    The other was the infamous article written by Nicholas Provenzano in Sept 2008 wherein he absolutely stated that babies with DS (and other disabilities) should be aborted, as they do not contribute to society and are a drain on its resources.

    Mr. Provenzano is no liberal. In fact he is a right-wing follower/promoter of Ayn Rand.


  45. The ugly, nasty words regarding Trig that Sarah Palin attributes to others are only her own thoughts about him. I wish she'd keep her foul projections to herself.

  46. Anonymous7:27 AM

    What a screed of lying garbage. Yup...she wrote that crap herself.
    What is she telling us here?
    "perhaps my son momentarily exercises an uncontrollable motion that takes the passerby by surprise. Perhaps, as an innocent and candid child announced when she first met Trig, they think “he’s awkward."
    Is she saying that Trig is spastic, does he flail his arms/legs or has uncontrollable seizure events? Is he hitting her or others and she is finding this a little "awkward" and he is embarrassing the shit out of her? Sarah..WHAT are these awkward, uncontrollable motions he has that you are referring to??
    And what's with the picture of the Palin family at the Brody file link? It's YEARS OLD!
    Is there a reason NO RECENT pictures of Trig are released?? I think there is. Sarah, you don't want anyone to actually see how messed up Trig is because of YOUR NEGLECT. It's also called ABUSE
    Oh...and BTW, "Skank Of The North", you NEVER gave birth to that "tiny, six-pound, awe-inspiring bundle".
    YOU know it, WE know it, and YOU KNOW we know it. Lying bitch you are, with pants on fire...yup.

  47. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Sarah Palin, malignant narcissist, strikes again.

  48. Anonymous7:28 AM

    What everyone else said. I'd just like to point out that the "patriotism" combined with using Trig as a plea for sympathy is just bizarre. So conservative Americans are the only kind people on the planet? And even if that were true, that makes "you the people" exceptional in the world? Really? What about those bleeding-heart socialist countries?

  49. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! I will give your ignorant arse a pass on this joyous holiday as well!

    Still obsessed with Gryphen, I see.

    Fact: If it wasn´t for bloggers like Gryphen Trig would receive none of the therapy he needs.

    There is no public figure dumber than Sarah. Sarah was the dumbest politician in American history.

  50. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Oh, I think I get it. In addition to Track and Willow, TRIG is the reason she's not running, because, you know, those libruls would just be meaner to her poor DS baby. Take that, bots, and stop blaming her! Ugh. What a horrible thing to do to your children.

  51. Anonymous7:38 AM

    If my kid had frosted eyelashes I would say he was too cold and take him inside. How would they get frosted behind his goggles that he would have to be wearing to see anything?

  52. Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Are you Thankful that no one has found Trigs Birth Certificate yet?

  53. Anonymous7:51 AM

    "There have been stinging criticisms, even from people still screaming that Trig should never have been born"

    No one has ever suggested that Trig shouldn't have been born. That is, unless that was the secret discussion that went on when Sarah learned that Bristol was pregnant, which might ruin Sarah's chances at getting the VP nomination. I really have to say it again, loudly. NO ONE EVER SUGGESTED THAT TRIG SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN BORN!

    Last week we were treated to the tempting tidbit that Bristol wants to go to beauty school-- sounds like a great idea for another try at a reality show. This piece of dramatic overblown writing sounds like Sarah's pitch for a third book, "My Life with Trig." Now that she is responsible for him, it's time for him to start generating some money for the Palins.

    There are so many hidden psychological messages in there that it would take all morning to analyze them. Sorry, but I have guests coming for Thanksgiving, a house to clean and a meal to cook. If anyone is having trouble dealing with Trig's Down Syndrome, my first guess would be Sarah. She reminds me of my neighbors who were handed the results of their kid's achievement tests in grammar school. "We'll have to accept the fact that our son is just average." It was such a sad comment in a community know for its super-smart, over-achieving kids.

    In our community, several young adults with Down Syndrome live in a form of supervised housing and have jobs at the local supermarkets bagging groceries and rounding up shopping carts. No one stares at them. No one ever suggests that they shouldn't have been born. No one reacts in the way that Sarah describes.

    There are many people who live with all kinds of disabilities. The kid next door can barely function without the medication to control his hyperactivity. We know people who have been dealing with the terrible effects of chemotherapy as they bravely fight to get rid of the cancer in their bodies. When my family comes over, I will give extra thanks for their love and support, their friendship and understanding. I will also be thankful that everyone healthy- mentally and physically. Wishing Gryphen and everyone else a Happy Thanksgiving.

  54. Everytime I see her in a picture, carring 'that' baby - that BIG boy, I am reminded of her lies. (Yes, I know that's an old pict).

    'G' maybe no more picts of her and him, (unless they are new ones or storyline related). they seems to reinforce parts of her mythology (birth, DS, God as her personal doorman, proLife...). Maybe photos featuring those other fun-filled family members.

    HAPPY THXSgiving to All'

  55. Anonymous7:58 AM

    I'm just thankful Sarah Palin is fading into the Alaskan sunset. Happy Turkey Day everyone!

  56. Anonymous8:04 AM

    If it is truly 20 below, no one should be taking a pre-schooler outside to do anything. Especially someone with a history of taking the sane child out in the snow with no coat or shoes.

  57. Virginia Voter8:06 AM

    Sarah wrote drips with self serving narcissism and detached feelings about a spevial needs child he happens to be masquerading as her son.

    There is nothing maternal about's all about Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. She says nothing about milestones her son has reached, cute and funny little things he does that make her melt, how much he loves his brothers and sisters. NOTHING. This letter is writtten as if Trig's a frail,three legged puppy that will never grow up. Bundle him up? The kid's almost 4! When my boys were four, they wanted to explore, ride bikes, find bugs, build snowmen, go sledding.I could tell you what their favorite toys,books, and videos were at that age. Sarah only writes how she is the victim in all is truly twisted.

    Ugh...anyway...Happy Thanksgiving.

  58. I have never seen or heard ONE SINGLE PERSON say that Trig should not have been born. That woman is projecting as usual. Why can't she just go eat some damn turkey and stop turning Thanksgiving into a smarmfest? I have some payback coming for her later when I finish my Thanksgiving post. Happy Turkey Day, you big fucking clueless Turkey!!

  59. Anonymous8:08 AM

    And guess who paid for the family's airfare to WA for Thanksgiving? Thats right, SarahPAC's own C4P money pond. All she has to do is sign a few books on Sunday to make it legit.

  60. telah8:11 AM

    This letter is the rantings of a fucking lunatic. Absolutely pitiful how she talks about that poor boy.

  61. 4:55 "And Gryphen, thank you for my daily propaganda post. Your fiction always set the tone for a wonderful day."

    Sorry Sarah. For "P-R-O-P-A-G-A-N-D-A" -- I know it's a big, hard word -- you'll have to visit your FAUX friends (if they still speak to you.

    And Happy Thanksgiving to a REAL journalist, Gryphen! I give you major props (and I don't mean Trig)for all you do for our Democracy. Thanks for your ever-dogged pursuit of TRUTH. Peace and Blessings to you and your beautiful daughter.

    Happy Thanksgiving, All! Except for the Trolls. They can suck it.


  62. She who is never without "inspiration" quit on Alaska.

    Yes, I don't buy it.

  63. Gryphen,

    I looked at a few weather maps and the only place I found that was 20 below zero was up around Barrow. It certainly isn't 20 below around Anchorage/Wasilla.

    Does she go all the way to Barrow to "run and skate and ride just because she can"?

  64. Anonymous8:16 AM

    6:39..isn't that the truth! Trig was just her grifting ticket, nothing maternal about it!

  65. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Trig looks more like Levi than Tripp does, Is that the big iceberg secret? It's a dirty one if it is.

    Yes, her writing is starting to sound like ram has left the building.

  66. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I hope she chokes on some stuffing.

  67. jcinco8:20 AM

    the moron has gone completely off the rails. She desperately needs an intervention.

  68. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Lwtjb, I hope you don't mind me reposting this comment of yours from an earlier thread. It's pretty powerful.


    "As a person who has been obviously and severely disabled for decades now I have been on the receiving end of many different responses to my physical condition. Not all of them have been flattering, shall we say. Some have been pretty condescending. I generally just go with the flow and consider negative responses as a result of ignorance or lack of exposure. I don't remember EVER feeling as insulted and disrespected by anyone as I do by Sarah Palin's attitudes. Her Thanksgiving message makes me want to hurl my computer across the room. Hopefully she would be in the line of fire."

  69. Why not?8:37 AM

    Why couldn't you go see the Undefeated?

  70. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Hmmm, no current picture of her little bundle of joy, is there? Why not?

    Sarah is doing some sort of pre-damage control, trying to get in front of something that is about to hit. It's the pattern we always see, isn't it? Is Fred's book about to drop, is someone on the verge of revealing yet another deception from the Palin camp?

    Sarah usually pulls out all the stops before she's about to get nailed on something, so what could it be? And why would she not say she is thankful for ALL her children?? What kind of mother singles out one child on Thanksgiving? Poor Piper, at least, still a kid, doesn't get any love from her mama? Just heartbreaking.

  71. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Good gravy this bitch is dripping with projection.

    The only person who didn't want Trig to be born is his piece of crap 'mother' Sarah. I'm sorry that she'd never seen or interacted with a DS child, but I really wish she would stop acting like no one else in the world had seen one either until Trig. DS children are children, Sarah, not unicorns.

    One would think that there hasn't been a DS child born prior to, or since Trig Palin the way she carries on. She really thinks she deserves a medal.

    A good friend of my mom's has a DS son. When she learned he had DS -- 20 years ago -- she went ahead with the delivery. Guess what? She's a black woman and she's a flaming librul who saw right through Sarah Palin when she first snarked on the scene! I wonder what that loony faction of people that truly believe only black and liberal women have abortions have to say about that!

    My mom's friend has had to fight tooth and nail to make sure her son is educated properly and receives therapies since she doesn't have seven figures sitting in the bank from book deals and diarrhea of the mouth speeches.

    So Sarah, please spare us and play another note already. You're making grownups tired with your constant plays for attention, whether positive or negative.

  72. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Any recent happenings regading possible exposure for her faked pregnancy? I hate that she still uses Trig to garner sympathy when she faked the whole damn pregnancy!

  73. WakeUpAmerica8:41 AM

    Sarah, seriously, you need to stop hanging with those dirtbags who constantly tell you that you should have aborted Trig. Why would you want friends like that? What? It's your family who tells you that? Who knew?

  74. Beldar Boox Conehead8:43 AM

    Gryphen, I'm really sorry this is late but with the holidays and all... But I did promise to review The Screechy Wretch's(tm) new book for IM and here it is.
    "American Kittens: Our Exceptional Nation's Exceptionalism Captured in Exceptional Cat Photos" is the latest tome written by America's favorite partial-term governor The Screechy Wretch(tm).

    Spoiler alert: This handsomely bound, nice smelling book is basically just 326 pages of cat pictures downloaded from Flickr, about 30,000 in all. Understandably with this large number of images the editors - assuming there were editors - missed several hundred duplicates and quite a few out-of-focus, poorly lit or badly composed shots but hey, even Ansel Adams took some clinkers!

    My favorite part of the book is the Cats With Hats section. You simply will not find 1,115 cuter pictures of cats wearing hats anywhere! (except Flickr)

    It's not all good news. Frankly, the introduction written by The Wasillabilly hereself is a disappointment. To be honest, I didnt understand any of it. For 15 pages she rambles on about moose eyeballs, beauty pageants, severed hearts (I think this was a typo and should have read 'servent's hearts' but I cant be sure), oxycontin, death panels, the evils of liberal bloggers, hockey pigs with lipstick, real American small town common-sense conservatives and other gibberish that simply didnt make any sense. Perhaps a less obviously random word order would help. If there's a second edition in the future, this would be a good area to improve.

    So, is this a good book? It depends. If you get it for 75% off the list price, as I did, it's a nice book of cat pictures but really has nothing to do with America. If, like some fans of the Griftin' Granny, you paid $250 for the autographed edition you might be a little... miffed. The "autograph" is obviously a rubber stamp that prematurely read "From The Office Of The President Of The United States" before it was lined out with black magic marker. Tacky!

    Since being released 2 weeks ago in time for holiday shopping promotions, the Amazon sales ranking has slipped from #1,248,647 to #2,984,473. Not as well as expected but there's still time for a Greek Orthodox Christmas bump in January.

    If you're still planning to buy this book, good news! Reps at the prestigious publishing house "You Pay, We Publish, Vanity Press" have just announced plans to remainder "American Kittens" at an attractive price just below current scrap paper values.

    Conclusion: For eighteen cents a pound, I give this book an enthusiastic 1.5 out of 5 stars!

    Thanks for creating this blog, Gryphen.

  75. WakeUpAmerica8:45 AM

    Sanctimonius Troll, STOP TELLING SARAH THAT SHE SHOULD HAVE ABORTED TRIG!! We can hear her whining all the way over here.

  76. "I notice it happens often in airports."

    BLESS YOUR HEART Sarah, of course ppl - who are strangers & not use to seeing Tripp as often as his family and friends might take a second look.

    Then again maybe they're looking at you with the very look you have associate with Trigg.

    You are so wise. Please do not come back to CA

  77. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving to all.

    Poor Trig, he is with the Palins today and is wondering who are all those retarded grifting people. He does not remember them.

    The only time they have anything to do with Trig is when its a holiday, photo op or news conference.

  78. Anonymous8:56 AM

    There is a difference between a person who is retarded and a person who is malignantly retarded. Sarah Palin is a malignant retard. I see she has posted here several times already.

  79. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Gryphen, one of the things I am thankful for this year is that SP is not running for president. I sincerely believe you are partially responsible for that, and therefore I thank you!

  80. Tyroanee9:02 AM

    Sarah using Trig as the Thanksgiving stuffing, is almost as sad as using him as a VP prop....btw Sarah, people are smiling at you and Trig because we Know he's not yours.

  81. Uh oh! "... Here in Alaska, where I’m never without inspiration, an optimistic pioneering spirit still permeates, and harsh conditions force us out of self-centeredness and towards community – often in order to survive. "

    How ever so socialist Swag Haggatha's intellectually constipated tome! Optimism! help for people in need, community activism...are one-way golden tickets causing the destruction of her ilk's Americastan!....and a first class ride on the shute to eternal hellfire so sayeth her fan club, voting base, teabagistanis & political party.

    Color us golden ticket holders shocked & awed at Sarah's socialist inner voice.

  82. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Probably the only person who ever said Trig shouldn't be born was Sarah herself when she found out Bristol was pregnant with him. Sarah has a couple of abortions hidden in her past. I'm sure she would have been willing to teach Bristol the wite-out trick.

  83. Anonymous9:15 AM

    "...when a society works to eliminate the "weakest links" (as some would callously consider the disabled) or "the unproductive" (as some would callously consider the very young and the very old), it eliminates the very best of itself. When a society seeks to destroy them, it also destroys any ability or need for sincere compassion, empathy, improvement, and even goodwill."

    Well, Sarah, that would be your own Republican Party, cutting any kind of aid and/or medical insurance which would help the disabled and the weak among us.

  84. Anonymous9:16 AM

    My God! Trig looks like LEVI in that pic.

    OT, but interesting. Given the ex-quitter gov’s suit against the young fellow that hacked her email I find this article fascinating. It appears the first batch of climategate hackings were barely investigated. Talk about that liberal media ... Or the British press is as tabloid directed as ever ...

  85. Um...whoever posted the link to that crazy Governor Dirty Wig site...thanks! Here's one of her recent post.....

    "What can I say — we’re talking about the seventh and eight grade here. People change, right? HOWEVER; numerous studies show our lifelong personalities are fairly well developed long before middleschool. What do I remember about Sarah back then? First thoughts to come to mind is she was hot back then too, coming from this “Elder Generation X-Er” brain. I had a schoolboy crush not only on her, but her sister Heather, too. My younger brother shared my attraction for Sarah Heath (Palin) as well — he excitedly called me a few days ago and we both laughed about this. Sarah was VERY studious and very friendly but not outgoing back then. She stayed to herself in the middle of the classroom, didn’t raise her hand but would answer questions when called upon and wouldn’t hesitate to help a fellow classmate out. I would say she was probably a “perfect” middleschool student. On the other hand, to be fair — her parents were both teachers at the same school, too. And that could make a difference, to be as unbiased as possible.

    Sarah wasn’t my “friend”, she was just friendly. Quiet, yet approachable. Definitely NOT “stuck up” like the other girls her age who were also Blessed with her good looks. I was scared to death back then to strike up a conversation with the prettiest girls in our school but NEVER felt any such reservations when it came to Sarah Heath. On the handful of occasions I did approach her for a conversation, in my mind’s eye, I see a pretty, bespectacled girl peering up from her studies with a friendly smile — not “flirtacious” in any way, just FRIENDLY. Things may have changed later on, but Sarah was never, in the two years I attended school with her, one of the “popular babes”. She didn’t hang with the “popular babe” club; she simply seemed to be trying to be as studious as possible and trying to be as serious as she could be about LEARNING. Period."

    WTF!!! If I was Dirty Wig and family....I would be a little nervous about this chick...she sounds a a lot "stalkerish"...unless she's a family member then I guess they have nothing to worry about....WHEW! There is so much wrong with the whole paragraph....did anyone see those pictures of Dirty when she was young....she still had that big ole head...and the coke bottle glasses....her sisters looked ten times better than her and this fool is talking as if they are still in MIDDLE SCHOOL! Apparently that is what Gov Dirty is stuck in....MIDDLE SCHOOL! Poor Trig...this is what he's stuck with for the rest of his life....a "mother" who will be known as the "crazy lady that lives on the Dead Lake"....

  86. "...So, this Thanksgiving my family will bundle Trig up and grin while we watch him through ice-frosted eyelashes as he curiously takes in all that is around him in the crisp open air."
    Ah. I see. Folks, thanks to the godawful writing, it is easy to misread, but I do believe Miss Thing is saying that everyone but Trig will have ice-frosted (whoops, heave) eyelashes: "...while we watch him through ice-frosted eyelashes...

    How very difficult it must have been for her writing instructors to not roll up her papers and just smack her with them.

  87. Anonymous9:26 AM

    You know, I was wondering what kind of family would allow their children to participate in Newt's child labor scheme.

    Firing janitors and hiring school children to do the same work at lower wages, all in the name of supposedly "career training" the children.

    But the more I thought about it, I kept wondering what kind of family this would serve. Children at risk of academic failure? Families that don't value higher education? Parents who don't care about their child's ability to develop higher career skills?

    What kind of parent would set their childrens' sights so low as to enroll them in such an unambitious program as Gingrich's?

    And then I remembered one family Gingrich's program would be perfect for.

  88. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "So, this Thanksgiving my family will bundle Trig up and grin while we watch him through ice-frosted eyelashes as he curiously takes in all that is around him in the crisp open air."

    This is an example of extra shitty writing. So terrible.

    5:02 AM

    Somebody explain to me why Sarah the Retard wrote, "while we watch him through ice-frosted eyelashes"?

    Is it that cold that everybody has "ice-frosted eyelashes"? Seriously? Then maybe that boy shouldn't be outside especially because Sarah does not put shoes or a jacket on that boy.

    Damn! Bristol's ass must be frozen to the ground in her canvas tent.

  89. Where are his glasses? Isn't this kid supposed to wear glasses?

  90. Anonymous9:31 AM

    When Trig is 30, Sarah Palin will still be writing letters to news media about "still screaming". A narcissist does not change.

    Sarah Palin is mentally unstable. That is abundantly clear in this nasty victim piece.

    We were lucky to dump her in the election. Trig is stuck with her.

  91. Anonymous9:32 AM

    There are many photos in which Trig looks especially like Levi, and this is one of them.

    The photos of Levi at the 2008 convention are a good comparison.

    It's in the hooded eyebrow, and seems especially noticeable when they do a sideways glance. Very handsome brows (and eyes), I might say also.

  92. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Sarah Palin is more than capable of manufacturing a letter or blog post stating that Trig should never have been born. Her self-image as perpetual victim is supported by arranging scenarios to glorify herself.

    The set-up, publicize, and prove how horribly she is treated is a very familiar sequence to me and the rest of us that grew up with a sociopath parent.

  93. Anonymous9:43 AM

    "Fred's" book needs to be out NOW.
    Come on "Fred", throw a ton of arctic water on this pile of flaming, lying shit she's written.
    Yeah, she wrote it alright. Just try diagramming a sentence. Any of them...all of them put before you over the years. LMAO!
    What's the hold-up Gryphen?

  94. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Glad I read THAT early in the day. Now the Pepto has lots of time to work before my lovely Thanksgiving dinner. What a God awful piece of vomit inducing *hit.

  95. Granny-

    You are confusing issues here.

    Just because we know that you didn't give birth to Trig DOES NOT MEAN that we think he should not have been born. That is silly. There are plenty of other wombs in this world!

    Secondly, just because we know that you did not give birth to Trig DOES NOT MEAN that we don't wish him well... indeed we do care about him very much and hope he is getting all that he needs.

    Finally, just because we know that you did not birth Trig DOES NOT MEAN that we are unkind.

    I, personally wish everyone HAPPY THANKSGIVING-- including you too GRANNY!

  96. Anonymous9:49 AM

    I will believe that Sarah truly cherishes Trig when she takes some of that ill-gotten money she's accumulated and establishes a shiny new therapy center in the Valley.

    I want to see a place where children with all kinds of disabilities can go for speech/language, physical and occupational therapy. Where support groups help parents deal with the challenges of raising a special needs child. Where siblings can gather with other children who understand what it's like to have a special needs brother or sister.

    Where respite care is provided so parents can enjoy a dinner or a movie out together or just go to the grocery store alone. Where a comprehensive collection of resources is made available and the best medical and rehabilitation professionals are on staff. Where public attention and donations are used to support the development of new equipment and therapies to help the children who need it.

    When Sarah does all that - which is certainly within her power - THEN and ONLY then will I believe that she views Trig as such a blessing. Hell, as much as I detest Palin, I'D even donate to a center like that! Until then...

    Happy Thanksgiving to you, Gryphen, and to all who visit here at IM.

  97. My gods, what strange language she uses about Trig. She sees him as so passive.

    "a tiny, six-pound, awe-inspiring bundle."
    ...Yeah, it's not like he's an actual human being or anything.

    "perhaps my son momentarily exercises an uncontrollable motion"
    ... Because actual humans exercise controllable motions. He's uncontrollable.

    "by offering a simple pat on Trig’s head"
    ... Seriously, who DOES this? Who touches a stranger's kid? And if you do, why would you pat him like a dog? If I meet someone with a baby, I will coo without touching, because you DON'T touch somebody else's kid. You just don't. And with a toddler/preschooler, you might even scare the child. If it's somebody I know, I might reach out and touch an infant's foot, gently squeezing the blankets. I've even (when it's somebody I know) caressed an infant cheek with the side of my fifth finger, gently. I can't recall any event where I met a stranger and touched their child.

    "watch him through ice-frosted eyelashes as he curiously takes in all that is around him in the crisp open air."
    .... This sounds like another "lawn-mowing adventure." Why is it so strange for the kid to be outside with the family? And why isn't he running around playing instead of "taking in" passively? Assuming some developmental delay, he is still walking, and he SHOULD be walking- he should be interacting, but no, he's evidently just taking in. Because he's not an actual real human child. The Down Syndrome Prop.

    Gods, she hates that child so much. No, seriously, it's disturbing. She obviously isn't even seeing him as human. If she was, it would never occur to her to talk about how only good people accept him and those evil libruls think he should have been aborted. She doesn't mention how he's growing, what he's doing- no, he's being patted on his head and looked at while he "takes in" being outside. Good grief. Do they keep him in a box?

    Actually, I think he's in a residential institutional sort of situation. Maybe a family home for children with special needs. If he's at home, it sounds like he's being cared for by somebody who's been told that Sarah doesn't want to see him unless she orders him to be brought out.

  98. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Sounds like the blood libel speech all over again. What is its purpose?

  99. Happy Thanksgrifting9:55 AM

    Palin's statement makes perfect sense when you recognize that she's found a new use for Trig: as a metaphor for herself.

    Re-read her statement and every time it refers to Trig and his disability, imagine it refers to Palin and her inability to tell the truth, do her job, or stop trying to get by on her looks, etc. :

    "Nothing makes me happier or prouder than to see America’s good heart when someone smiles at me...Often a traveler passing by does a double-take when they see me ...when that traveler pauses to look again and smile, and maybe tells me what a beautiful woman I am, I swell with American pride ..."

    "There have been stinging criticisms, even from people still screaming that I should never have been born ..."

    "To me, when individuals reflect the greater societal acceptance of someone [like me] facing challenges [like telling the truth or doing my job], they show the best of humanity – even by offering a simple pat on my head or a knowing smile shot my way..."

    "For me, my perfect picture of thankfulness is my perfectly awesome self ..."

  100. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Google Images helpfully leads me to a zimbio site that includes photos of Palin and Trig in the same clothes as this photo, purportedly taken at a Tea Party rally on 10/22/2010.
    Where is your perfectly awesome son, Sarah? You have actually laid eyes on him since 10/2010, right?

  101. hedgewytch10:00 AM

    Let's see if she hit all her "points" here.

    1. Appear Victimized - check
    2. Use the child least able to defend themselves (or prove her wrong) to make a "point" - check
    3. Portray self as more American than others - check
    4. Twist truth so black is white, white is black (Dems destroy family's while GOP supports them) - check
    5. Lie about real relationship with child / family - check.
    6. Paint self as heroine/saint-like figure - check
    7. Create fictional "attack" upon herself/family - check, check

    I think in the Palin's Thanksgiving will look very different from what is portrayed here. Todd is off preparing for the Iron Dog. Track is with Britta and her family. Bristol, probably hiding out with her children in Arizona. Willow and Piper are probably making the Thanksgiving dinner with the help of Auntie, unless of course they just Fred Meyer-ed the whole meal. Trig? Anywhere besides in Granny Grifter's lap. And Sarah is locked up in her room feverishly surfing the internet for any mention of herself.

  102. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Whoaa......Trying to kill a little time before going to dinner I decided to read (or try to read ) her message. I am convinced she's written it herself. (with a handful of Adderal) Try counting the number of run-on sentences and other incoherent ramblings. What a mess.

  103. Next Chapter @5:14 AM said... "Is this a recent picture of Sarah and Trig together? Again, where is his hearing aids and glasses?!!!"

    No, the picture isn't recent at all, and probably isn't even of the same Trig as seen with Tripp in that pose standing together.

    This was when Sarah dragged the blonder Trig#1 along with her to Arizona in October 2010 to campaign with Sheriff Joe Arpaio for the wizened appointed governor Jan Brewer, who seeking election in her own right.

  104. "Does she go all the way to Barrow to "run and skate and ride just because she can"?"

    What is she riding? She doesn't ride horses. Has anyone seen her on a bike or a snowmobile? Enquiring minds want to know.

  105. Paisley10:17 AM

    I've wracked my brain trying to come up with someone, ANYONE, in politics who is as self-serving and hypocritically "religious" as Sarah Palin. I couldn't come up with a single person who approaches her level of paranoid self-interest.

    Please, isn't she done yet?

  106. "Sarah usually pulls out all the stops before she's about to get nailed on something, so what could it be? "

    Well, Brad Scharlott has commented on his Beacon website that the Attorney General is closing in.

  107. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Re 6:24 Little Ms Sunshine,

    I think you are right. This whole I'm not running is a setup from the word go. Her favourite words, don't retreat, reload, well guess what she is doing. Something tells me that when the current crop of candidates blows up, Ms Palin and her believers think she is going to save the day. And as crazy as her writing sounds, she is laying the foundation now of her policies through others. Why would her lawyer suddenly gain such momentum about his book.

    I hate conspiracy theories and don't want to sound paranoid but she just keeps resurfacing in the news and is given more hype and credibility than she deserves. I JUST don't trust her. The bus tour, showing up and spoiling the Romney announcement, showing up in Iowa at a very convenient time, the Franklin Graham connection......what's next??

    The dumbing down of America continues and my fear is that she will arise like the phoenix from the ashes of obscurity and scare the crap out of us once more.

  108. Anonymous10:27 AM


    My dad once described his favorite Thanksgiving meal. His squad had their turn pulling back from the front line (WWII, Italy) and lining up at the back of a cook truck. An entire meal was piled into each man's helmet, with the pie balanced on top.

    Just a little antidote to the Palin "message".

  109. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Maybe Palin is planning, like C4pee, to have a brokered convention, be nominated, suck money from the other candidates, and only have to do 2 months work. Whatever she does, I'd bet she wants to cause trouble.

  110. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Sarah Palin's writing makes me want to puke!!! A Thanksgiving message that is truthful? Give me a friggin' break. No one sees that kid - and she is proud of him and carts him around airports. Yea, right!! Remember she has flown charter - which doesn't put her in the mainstream airports where folks might mob her and the kid. Who even cares about her and that poor little boy?

    We are thankful we are rid of you Sarah Palin. Go play in the mountains of snow in your Alaska.

  111. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Anonymous at 7:16 you are exactly right. Palin's citing of ugly remarks about her son Trig by us nasty "Libruls" is pure projection on her part. Who here or anywhere on any progressive blog/news show has ever ever said anything detrimental about sweet Trig? She has these nasty thoughts about him in her own brain, nowhere else.

  112. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Trying to get ahead, blood libel speech because Gabby Giffords and her husband were serving military members Thanksgiving Dinner at a military base near their home, as reported on NPR.

    Yer a shithead, Sarah Palin, you grifting Wasilla Witch.


  113. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Sounds to me like she's trying to convince herself that "choosing life" was the right thing to do.

  114. Anonymous11:15 AM

    It appears none of you have anything to be thankful for or you'd be cherishing those things and people right now instead of bashing a woman you don't know and continuing to think you know how she lives.

    Bless yor hearts.

  115. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Thanks for the laugh!

    Well, without picking on poor Sarah, I'll just say that she has every right to post whatever she wants on facebook, but it's WHAT she posts about that makes me scratch my head.

    What is compelling is how her post ignores Piper. It also ignores Willow, Bristol and Track, but they might be less hurt as they are young adults in relationships of their own, and just chalk her tribute to Trig as a way to appeal to her fans, yet again and again and again.

    She, a mom of 5, never talks about being thankful or showing gratitude towards the others. It's cruel of her to constantly parade her emotional ramblings on Trig while her other ones may read this and wonder if they are as loved as Trig.

    If any one of us posted on our churning passionate love of a child without mentioning the other, it would hurt the other, no doubt about it. Did God not consider her other kids just as much as Trig?

    Sarah's desperate attempt to make her readers get teary-eyed about her sacrifice as a mom to the little DS child is just so self-absorbed and insensitive. And, her preaching to others about her selflessness, her compassion for her fellow man all came after her 6 pound package is just sickening. Pour on the syrup, Sarah.

    So did this so-called "compassion" she brags she has resulted in anything besides being happiest or proudest when someone smiles at her Trig? Is swelling with American pride a fruit of compassion?

    She says, "I know America's potential for goodness, thus greatness, because I see it every day through my son." - This is disturbing, as she is making out too much about someone smiling at her child. What about the soldiers in Afghanistan, Iraq? Don't they inspire her? She really tries to make anything about herself, her family, an icon, or a golden calf. She puts way too much emphasis on a little guy who just wants to play and go outside and learn new things. She exploits his condition so that she can get the maximum ooohs and ahhhhhs from her audience. We can see that through that whole diatribe, the topic is all about HER.

    Boy, she sure didn't get out much if she things a pat on a down syndrome child's head or a smile shows that Americans have compassion empathy? Where is Sarah's empathy on those who struggle with illness and must work and don't have the means to make it every month? Would she just pat them on the head and smile and think that will help them?

    And it's nice that you are so blessed, Sarah, this Thanksgiving, but it's the first Thanksgiving that some families are experiencing without dear loved ones. My thoughts are towards the victims in Tucson and the Taylor-Greens. I pray that they do not read her post as it would be very upsetting.

  116. moose pucky11:34 AM

    There is no information anywhere about "The Undefeated" showing. I went to Colony Inn website (the venue) and then to Bannon's Victory Film Group's FB page - NADA! It is almost like it never happened.
    I even checked the FB pages of a few Matsu Valley sarah fans (the few who are left) - nothing there.

  117. Jeanabella11:36 AM

    Wow! Sarah is jumping the shark again!
    As many others have said here,
    Something is up! Sarah is getting her bots ready for something to do with Trig. It may just be Freds' Book.
    She has been nice to Newt and he to her.
    She may think that if Newt is nominated by the GOP, he may tag her for VP and she may be trying to get in front of the vetting. Of course I believe she is delusional anyway, and I don't believe Newt would pick Sarah even if he did indeed get the nomination.
    Whatever it is, something got her to create that mess she definitely wrote. She stopped evolving in HS and proves it every time she communicates.

    Hope everyone enjoyed the Day, and thank you Gryphen, you're a generous fellow to give us the dish, even on a holiday!


  118. Anonymous11:42 AM

    She is seriously mentally disturbed.

  119. Anonymous11:43 AM

    It appears none of you have anything to be thankful for or you'd be cherishing those things and people right now instead of bashing a woman you don't know and continuing to think you know how she lives.

    Bless yor hearts.

    11:15 AM


    My family doesn't celebrate thanksgiving; why are you here?

  120. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Sounds like Sarah is trying to manipulate people's emotions by writing that, hoping she inspired them to tears.

    Why does it remind me of that scene in "Dumb and Dumber" where the guys are watching the phone ad with the sad music. I think she'd love to think that's how people react to her writing. Surprised she didn't add a sad music score with the post.

  121. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Does anyone remember Palin knocking Newt quite awhile ago? I'm sure it is on record somewhere. I'd be shocked if any of the Repubs picked her as VP - plus, she has too big an ego to run for that spot again. Wonder if she knows the responsibilites of the VP now - remember, she didn't when she ran w/McCain!!!

  122. Anonymous12:31 PM

    This woman is incapable of genuine feelings and devoid of warmth.

    As a mother and grandmother, I have never swelled with American pride with respect to my family. I have only felt MATERNAL pride.

    What a fucking moron.

  123. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Yes, Sarah, you are so lucky and we are so jealous of you. I'll bet there are carollers right now dressed in Victorian garb singing Holiday carols through frost-covered eyelashes outside your compound while the frozen pond is full of happy, frolicking children, skating, playing hockey, as the adults sit with near an outdoor hearth drinking cups of hot chocolate and a scone with hot butter, gazing at the wonderfulness of it all, filling in the crisp clean air that fills their lungs with high Alaskan energy. No other human can even imagine the wonderfulness of it all.

    Must make you so proud to feel the love, singing running, tobogganning, snowmachining, or just sitting down in the snow making snow angels gazing up the the clear Sourdough mountain ice frost as the northern star soothingly calls out, "Sarahhhhhhh, Sarahhhhhhh" - come my love!! Such blessing to have a robust family who in your eyes should be the perfect Christmas postcard family. Sorry, I was caught up in the moment.

  124. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Maybe Sarah will pull an O.J. Simpson when her popularity and celebrity start to fade to black and her $s start to dwindle along with it. She can put out a book called "If I Didn't Do It: How I could have gotten away with faking a pregnancy"

    I bet Sarah hasn't given much of those millions of dollars to DS organizations. A lot of parents of DS children use social services, medicaid, etc. to keep their kids healthy. How could Sarah not be for government services when her own child would be a poster child for government services if they weren't rich off of Sarah's 'infamy'.
    Honestly this woman makes me sick.

    Why is she proud of Americans when they don't wince at the sight of Trig???? Is this because this is how this 'mean girl' and her oldest two children probably truly are at their cores?
    Why doesn't she mention her other out of wedlock conceived grandkids??
    Do you think for one minute the Obamas had two grown children who one, had to get married in a hurry and then 3 months later had a baby, and the other has had a baby out of wedlock, and is rumored to have had another??? Would the assholes over at FOX hire him to give 'conservative commentary'? And who the hell knows where Willow and Piper are....

    This is no hockey mom...this is a hokey mom...

  125. Anonymous said...

    It appears none of you have anything to be thankful for or you'd be cherishing those things and people right now instead of bashing a woman you don't know and continuing to think you know how she lives.

    Bless yor hearts.

    11:15 AM

    STFU troll and go back to your Dirty Wig worshiping site! We all KNOW everything we need to know about that big headed, hard hearted, incoherent, nasty toe and lip, half term QUITTER from Wasilla! Not our fault NOBODY believes she cares about Trig...she brought it on herself....try telling that to crazy stalker!

  126. Anonymous12:47 PM

    It appears none of you have anything to be thankful for or you'd be cherishing those things and people right now instead of bashing a woman you don't know and continuing to think you know how she lives.

    Bless yor hearts.

    11:15 AM
    welcome back, "a woman you don't know" commenter. Please explain how I could avoid knowing Sarah Palin. She's published two books about herself. She's put herself on reality TV. She's put herself in People Magazine. She's always babbling away on FOX. The woman is a fountain of information about herself.

    The problem is I know her too well. She is a mentally unstable woman attempting to insert herself in the political discourse of this country.

    And, BTW, what are you doing here today bashing people you don't know?

  127. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Ok explain to me why hasn't palin threatened to sue brad scharlott?

  128. Anonymous12:54 PM

    The mention of people wanting her to not have Trig was just a "see how wonderful i am?" statement.

    Along with how proud she is of ordinary people who smile at Trig. Like she is the thermometer of what is good in this country. Like we need her stamp of approval.

    This is not for Trig, or to give thanks, this is for one person...
    For Sarah.
    This posting is Sarah going back to her most important point in her life. Not the birth of Trig, but the VP nomination.
    She carefully worded this lead-in by reminding us there were two important things that happened 4 years ago. She didn't just say '4 years ago when i had trig' She is saying 'remember for years ago when i did the most wonderful thing ever?' (and in her mind, her followers are going to think, the VP nod) and then she "corrects' her followers by saying that is when she had trig. This woman's mentality is textbook narcissism.
    She wrote this thanksgiving piece as a nod to herself.
    Think about it...
    1 I have big wonderful family. Not 'we' but 'I'.
    2 'just because we can' means 'we are more fortunate than you' also 'it's a good living' meaning 'do you think my followers will buy that we still work for a living?
    3. Im selfless, I was given this gift, sharpened me...etc. means I deserved all this fame and fortune.
    4 She is the measure-keeper of what is good and kind with America.
    5 I am the chosen one because I chose to keep Trig knowing he was disabled. Praise me. Worship me cause I chose life. And I did have this kid.
    6 America needs to be thankful that I am still here, morally judging her. Giving her permission to thrive.

    Totally self-serving this message was...

  129. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Dear Saree,
    We never said Trig shouldn't be born, we have just been curious about who his bio mom is. As for your -20 degrees BS, doncha realize that anyone with internet access can look up the temp in Wasills? Another fail, you must have burnt up all the $$$$ and things must be getting desperate, did Tawd already take his cut?

  130. Palin's TG message reminds me of my old aunt's version of turkey dressing. A beige-hued steaming, mishmash of unidentifiable ingredients thrown together and heavily salted to provide any semblance of taste. The smallest possible NoThankYouPortion certain to leave one with feelings of stomach distr

    In today's digital phone/camera world it's oddly interesting that not one airport photo of her 'holding' Trig went viral. Besides, there are few crowds at the FBOs she traveled thru. Odder still, no twitter rant from her reporting a screamed anti-Trig remark!! These were her heavy tweet days, right? The odds she would have passed up this juicy cannon fodder?

    As we celebrate this Thanksgiving day we have much to be thankful for just by being alive but we can also be additionally thankful that the turkey is on the table this year and not on the campaign trail.

    Happy Thanksgiving Gryphen and fellow IM devotees. I'm off to Occupy some pumpkin pie.

  131. Anonymous2:01 PM

    $carah must be living north of the alaska range to be dealin' with 20 below temps

    whut a fukin' lyin' fraud

  132. Sarah's use of Trig to obtain 'reflected glory' is indeed 'stomach churning'. She took her standard pro-life speech and threw in some references to Thanksgiving. Her mental illness and cognitive disabilities are evidenced in every sentence, every thought.

    The 'NEED for selflessness' may have 'sharpened' in her when her gift arrived but it's clear that she's incapable of BEING selfless. It's sickening that her 'thankfulness' comes from the way random strangers react to Trig rather than from Trig himself. There's not one hint of true thankfulness in her letter or true appreciation for Trig.

    Selfish, thankless, joyless, bloviating bitch, she is.

  133. Anonymous3:25 PM

    She exploits Trig when she's really desperate. On this TG day, in a way that's good to see. It's evidence of panic.

    BTW, anybody know where Joe McGinniss is? He disappeared from his blog on October 23rd.

    Also, too, what's the deal with "MeAgain"? What happened to all the material she (supposedly) sent to Gryphen?

    Best wishes, all!

  134. Anonymous4:01 PM

    "watch him through ice-frosted eyelashes as he curiously takes in all that is around him in the crisp open air."

    Excuse me Sarah, is this the first time Trig has been outside?

    Or is this the first time Trig has been outside with Sarah?

    The way that sentence is written makes it sounds as if Trig was hatched from an egg and just took his first breath of air.

    I hope that is not Sarah's attempt at journalism... 5 colleges and this all she can come up with?

  135. Anonymous4:16 PM

    With all that undeserved money Sarah Palin grifted, I hope she sponsored a shelter who served meals to Native Alaskans during these holidays.

    I can hear Native Alaskans telling me "In my dreams".

    As governor of Alaska, Sarah did approach needy Native Alaskans with only a tray of cookies.

    That's our Sarah.... Excuse me, I mean your Sarah.

  136. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I have just been waiting for the Newt-Palin comet to appear in the sky. Yes, I know she has dissed him and he has dissed her in the past.

    But there is a strong political and $$ connection between Gingrich and Palin via Tim Crawford, Treasurer of SarahPAC.

    Tim Crawford is the treasurer of New Models, which has "quietly" funded The Winston Group ("pollsters" and "pundits")for years, in the millions of dollars, which was founded by and is run by Newt Gingrich.

    If Gnewt gets the nom, Palin VP pick could be the old soft shoe-in.


  137. PalinsHoax4:52 PM

    How wonderful $carah, that strangers are kind to Trig. I'm waiting for the day when you yourself, of your own initiative, pass kindness on to others, no matter their age, religion, political leanings, no matter if you disagree with them or not - you know, as an example and role model to your son.

    How curious that you chose to go on your reckless and irresponsible aeroplane rides - to and from Texas - while you were "pregnant" with Trig. It puzzles me that you would chose to engage in such rash and risky behaviour during your high-risk "pregnancy". Is that your version of a "common-sense-Conservative" in action?

    How thankful you must be that Trig is growing into a robust little boy who is expressive with his hands. Hmmmm, now what IS your term of endearment for Trig . . . oh yes, it's somthing like: "you little s**t" when he swats you.

    I notice that you did not specifically mention the rest of your family in your Thanksgiving Thoughts this year. I'm wondering if you are also grateful this holiday for the following:

    1.) Tawd in not fixing the roof this holiday.
    2.) Bri$dull is no longer gyrating her hips on DWTS.
    3.) Willow has stopped (at least for the moment) in "exploring" empty homes and "redecorating" their interiors.
    4.) Piper no longer has to elbow reporters out of your way - since reporters are no longer seeking your audience.
    5.) Your bulky, smelly, "abs of steel" costume served its purpose - though it can never retire those pesky rumours about your phantom pregnancy.
    6.) And last but not least, I'm sure that you are very grateful to John McCain, for giving you the springboard to try and pull your ruses and hoaxes on the American public at large.

    You know what I am grateful for $carah?

    I am grateful to Gryphen for his tireless and vigilant exposure of you and your juvenile antics.

    He wittingly and unerringly reduces you $carah, to nothing more than a pathetic laughing stock.

  138. " Anonymous said...
    Still obsessed with Palin I see.

    5:27 AM"

    Not obsessed just pointing out her many assholey parts. Whatcha matter you can't figure out how not go on websites you don't like or know what the "x" on your browser means?

    Obsessed is the cforpee crowd. Check out that crowd of nuts...beyond obsessed. Low information, racist, silly, don't like money and on opposite planet.

  139. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Sue for half of SP's worth Levi!

    After all, he is half your million-dollar-baby, right?!

  140. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Happy Turkey Day!

    I thought we a big turkey at our happy family dinner. A little over 20 lbs and it was a happy meal indeed. A nice sunny day, we left the trucks parked out back and the kids rode the wheels off the 4 wheeler all afternoon. None of that 20 below shit for us where we are. Or where Sarah is either I am sure.

    Now I come here and find not only a bigger turkey, another I'M REALLY GREAT AND H8TRZ ARE SICK screed pooped out by Governor Dirty Wig.

    I feel so inadequate after reading this. It never ocurred to anyone around our happy table to be any of loyal, robust, or big family life. We must be so screwed. Full of uninspired self centeredness also too. And pioneer spirit in 2011? DoH! that also too a big WTF!

    I thought watching the Green Bay Packers win again was bad enough. They are a team owned by the whole community, something that sounds so communist that Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry plan to investigate them as soon as they get around to it. Rick 'google me' Santorum would be on this like a fly on shit too, but he is still investigating google to figure out why people laugh when they hear his name.

    We are just now leaving to see if Taco Bells are sold out of Crunch Wrap Supremes. No more time for G.D.W. today.

  141. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Happy Thanksgiving Gryph, daughter Gryph and all the IM family!

    Sarah's message is ridiculous; I could barely follow her train of thought (even without your witty asides), much less make sense of it. To me, she clearly wrote this mess. Others have analyzed the content skillfully, so no need for me to repeat it. I'm just so glad that she is not running for anything this year.


  142. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Where are the paparazzi when you are lugging trig all over the place? Are you sure people aren't looking at you awkwardly? Cause I damn sure would.

    How can all the air pressure be good for him? Idiot.

    You are a lying old skank.

  143. Anonymous6:15 PM

    For those speculating about Newtie choosing sp for VP --could happen, and he'd make McCain look like a pussycat. In Newtie, sp would find her partner is meanness and deception.

  144. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Notice she describes Trig's birth as "a gift that arrived in a tiny, six-pound, awe-inspiring bundle."

    This is not just an inartful statement. She's covering herself. She knows the facts surrounding his birth and how he was subsequently claimed as their "son" will someday be revealed. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

  145. Anonymous6:30 PM

    uhmmmm the people who look at Trig, are looking at Sarah and saying to themselves "What's that retarded woman doing with a down syndrone child?". Yeah, nice move, Sarah, put Trig in twenty below zero weather, without his glasses and hearing aids, and watch him stumble and fall while smiling through ice frosted eyelashes. Do you have a television or is this what you call "entertainment"?

    Does he have socks and a short sleeve outfit on, as in the book tours? She projects way too much with her protests of "those who suggest chidren like Trig should be aborted", because no one on the blogs EVER had nothing but his best interests at heart. Being a pro choice female, however, Sarah would be the perfect poster child for birth control.

    This "me manifesto" shows how advanced her mental illness has become. Bristol and Willow's shelf life has expired, Track and his family wear garlic necklaces and sprinkle her with holy water while painting their doorsteps with lambs blood. Piper still can't get over her ruined vacation and has a permanent pout, so who's left to exploit.... hmmmmm....BINGO! Trig!

    But didn't she already cover all the bases with her "birth announcement" signed by, none other than, "Your Heavenly Father"?

    Poor Sarah, her fifteen minutes of fame are gone, and her facebook post is used in "Deviant Psychology" courses as teaching material.

    The rest of us just point and laugh.

  146. Smirnonn6:31 PM

    First, Happy Thanksgiving!! I hope and pray that you all had as nice of a day as I had with my family :)


    "– even by offering a simple pat on Trig’s head"

    That's as far as I got. What, like he's a DOG???

    Yeah, I agree with lots of you. Sarah wrote this crap. Unfortunately for her there seems to be no professional help here - OR - if there is the ghost writer REALLY sucks.

    It's all just the usual banal, trite attempts at heart string tugging and vapid, hollow faux-patriotism. Someone who gives a crap about Sarah needs to tell her that this kind of drivel is played out. She got way too used to the paint chip eaters cheering whenever she parrotted the same old limpbooger nonsense.

  147. Anonymous7:30 PM

    The $arah movie must have been cancelled as there has not been a mention of it anywhere, and no follow up in the Frontiersman local paper. You KNOW someone would be talking if The UnVetted really did show. Maybe Bannon cancelled "due to weather."

  148. Anonymous8:47 PM

    c said...
    The ugly, nasty words regarding Trig that Sarah Palin attributes to others are only her own thoughts about him. I wish she'd keep her foul projections to herself.

    I totally agree with you. Why would she be proud when someone states he is handsome.
    What parent bases pride of their children based on what others think of their physicial appearance.

  149. Anonymous9:54 PM

    WKRP in Cincinnati. Turkeys can fly. Can't they???

  150. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Can't you just see her in an egg stained stained terry clothe housecoat, locked away in her room, popping diet pills, swilling Diet Dr. Pepper and vodka, pounding away at the keyboard. For days. Thinking I'll show that Gabby Giffords. America's sympathy BELONGS TO ME! I AM THE VICTIM!

  151. A. J. Billings1:55 AM

    I think the Grizzled Granny Grifter has finally reached rock bottom in terms of mental health.

    If she REALLY thinks there is one person in the world that wishes Trig had not been born, she is of all people to be both pitied and scorned for her ignorance and slander.

    $arah, I DECLARE YOU A Chino.
    That's christian in name only.

    You love to throw around pejoratives like "crony capitalist" and "corrupt bastard"

    Well you are "Corrupt Chino" for accusing unkmown strangers of the thought crime of wanting Trig deceased.

    And for the record, enough about how "tough" you have it in Alaska.

    You have your choice of million dollar houses, with an 8 million dollar Pac to suck money out of Pbots, so you can pay weasel lawyers, for Trig's care, and to fund corrupt assholes who want to return the USA to a bronze age theocracy.

    What the fuck do you know about being hungry, homeless or destitute?

    I've been all 3 of those in my life, and I climbed back from grit and hard work.

    All you've done is stuff your bra tighter, spout talking points of absurdity, and wave your female assets around in front of tired old dinosaur Rinos.

    You are the most despicable Chino I know of, and some day this blog, and many other determined people ARE going to make you sit the hell down, and shut the fuck up PERMANENTLY!

  152. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Is Palin the only woman in America who has a special needs child??? She sure makes it sound like she is. And I have never heard anyone say Downs kids should be aborted. She makes it sound like a bunch of evil liberals are coming after her baby with torches and pitchforks. So manipulative and gross.

  153. Anonymous3:52 AM

    Why all this stuff about Trig, and why now?

    Either she knows the story is about to blow wide open, or in her usual dysfunctional way she is almost stirring the pot on this topic, herself.

    This isn't coincidental.

    It's all about Trig and her fake pregnancy, and she knows it. I suspect she has her story all ready, the one about how she and Todd selflessly took on Trig's care, etc (from Bristol, most likely). The one about how she just had to protect her daughter's privacy by pretending to be the mother.

    The thing is, Sarah thought that would be the only pregnancy for a long time, but when Bristol did it again almost immediately they realized they couldn't pull off yet another ruse, so they came clean on that one (though they fudged the actual dates). Especially because by then Sarah got the VP slot.

    I suppose one could say they learned their lesson with the Trig story, but...

  154. ummmmmm..... thought she couldn't attend the premiere of "The Undefeated" cause she was on a fishing boat?

    Can't be at a wedding Saturday night into the wee hours and climb onto a commercial fishing boat early Sunday morning - GOTCHA, $ARAH!!

  155. Anonymous4:42 AM

    I have not read all of the comments - so do not know if anyone commented on this or not. But - she really did go overboard with the Trig thing. Much more than was necessary. As I was reading it I began to wonder if she did this in anticipation of Fred's book coming out. Trying one last time to cement into peoples minds that he is her son.
    Pat Padrnos

  156. Everything she does is a con job.This letter is evidence of her ignorance and lack of self awareness.

    Happy belated TG Jesse

  157. Anonymous5:26 AM

    MicMac @ 4:38 p.m.

    Really? You think Slick Newt would pull a huge-ass blunder as to pick Sarah as his running-mate?

    I really don't think so. Newt wants to be President, he's not going to let a 2008 suicide run repeat under his watch. Even if he did let Freddie Mac sink under his brilliance.

  158. If she is so full of pride in her son, then why doesn't she donate money to help families with DD children who are less fortunate then her family?
    Or, since she has bombed out politically, she would be a great spokesperson for DD children throughout the US.
    She has the name recognition, she works on Fox, she has written books.

  159. Anonymous7:02 AM

    I have to agree with those who think that Sarah's continuing remarks about those who wish Trig ill are referencing her own feelings. I was going to say that she wished that SHE had aborted Trig but then realized that since she never was pregnant with Trig, this is just drama--or a true statement of what she would have done if the choice HAD been hers. She wants credit for not "aborting" her stolen child but never credits the real woman who carried that baby for nine months. The whole "pro-life" scenerio is a sham.

    But her compulsion to project her feelings is helpful in understanding why she accused every single person who disagrees with or disputes her "facts" as being a "hater"--because that is HER response. If you don't agree with her, if you don't support her, if you don't believe every untruth that comes out of her mouth--why, you must be a "hater"--because hate is the default emotion in her world and she believes everyone else in the world is just as disfunctional and emotionally stunted as she is.

    For that reason, the term "hater" just marks the commenter as a resident of Palin-land.

  160. Anonymous7:38 AM

    What a ditz.

  161. Anonymous7:49 AM

    God, the woman has never met a modifier she didn't like.

    And she sure goes a couple rounds in the ring with the straw man before she finally takes him down.

  162. Love your commentary! You made my morning.

  163. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Palin is truly a manipulative phony who thinks the majority of people throughout America cannot think for themselves and are "brainwashed" by wannabe politicians like her. She absolutely has no answers to how to move our economy forward or create jobs. As we approach 2012, I sincerely hope all people in America will truly pay attention to what these appalling politicians and wannabes like palin are trying to spew out there, and not allow themselves to be manipulated into thinking that because someone is so slick and manipulative, that they will look out for them.

  164. Anonymous11:26 AM

    The only one who thinks of the old and disabled as "the weakest links" is apparently Sarah Palin. And if I had a nickle for every time I heard someone say Trig shouldn't have been born, I'd have exactly 0 cents. The more Sarah Palin repeats this claim, the more I think she is the one who secretly thinks Trig should not have been born, because I have never even heard someone whisper this, let alone say it.

    Does Sarah Palin think that she and other conservatives have a monopoly on the disabled? It is liberals who have spent the past several decades fighting for the rights of the disabled. I know plenty of liberal parents of mentally and physically challenged children (including myself), and I truly resent her implication that people who don't like her think Trig shouldn't have been born. I wish Sarah Palin hadn't been born, but I have nothing against Trig.

  165. Anonymous11:30 AM

    We need to see RECENT pictures of Trig please. (I'm sure these are scarce--no criticism aimed at you, Gryph.)

    And yes, this screed is meant for the BOTS only. She is getting out ahead of the ugly story and she has to remind the bots how much she LOVES Trig. Maybe then they won't notice that she actually didn't give birth to him and sold everyone--including the Republican party--a great, big, fat LIE!

  166. hauksdottir3:29 PM

    Ivyfree said...

    "Sarah usually pulls out all the stops before she's about to get nailed on something, so what could it be? "

    Well, Brad Scharlott has commented on his Beacon website that the Attorney General is closing in.

    10:19 AM

    Is this the same Attorney General who resigned today???

  167. Anonymous4:14 PM

    I love the way her first sentence is about, not the meaning of the holiday, not the need for being a thankful people, but about her! What a moron!

  168. Anonymous5:31 PM

    micmac scares me.

  169. Anonymous5:58 PM

    One of the world-class narcissists in my own field recently retired, and was given the opportunity to give a short speech in front of a fairly large gathering at a professional meeting. The first it's-all-about-MEEEEE sentence could have been mapped nearly word-for-word onto Palin's. These NPD Queens are as interchangeable as widgets.

  170. I think the tone is what offends me most--she acts like being nice to Trig deserves some kind of merit badge. He's her kid, for pete's sake. I would think she, of all people, would err the other way--we all think our kids are great (until they get old enough to embarrass us all to heck, but I digress). It's like she's never learned to see that Trig is a person.

  171. Anonymous6:05 AM

    F@#$ you Sarah Palin!!!
    What have you done for any DS group, other than a teensy donation? You have rooked these groups for money time and time again by making false speeches about the "birth" of Tri-G.
    F#$% you!
    You are seriously ill. Get some help. All Americans smile at toddlers. No one wanted you to abort Tri-G. first of all,he wasn't YOURS to abort.
    And remember, the ultimate expose of youe "love" for Tri-G is his name.
    Tri-G means Trisomy 21, Trisomy G Down Syndrome.

  172. "Why would she be proud when someone states he is handsome.
    What parent bases pride of their children based on what others think of their physicial appearance."

    One to whom appearances are everything, and behavior nothing.


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