Sunday, November 20, 2011

SNL explores what Mitt Romney might have to do in order to rise in the polls against his GOP rivals.

Of course this SNL bit was done for laughs, and it is indeed funny, but it is sadly also uncomfortably close to the truth.  These days it seems that to rise to the top of the GOP list of candidates you have to sink to the bottom of the list of IQ points.

Kathleen Parker refers to this as the "Palinization of the GOP."

It takes courage to swim against the tide of know-nothingness that has become de rigueur among the anti-elite, anti-intellectual Republican base. Call it the Palinization of the GOP, in which the least informed earns the loudest applause. 

I was a little surprised that Parker wrote that because I was actually going to write something along the same lines, in that the lasting legacy of Sarah Palin might be to have empowered the most ignorant Americans among us to work together to elect a leader who does not make them feel inferior. Essentially to ensure the election of a  President who is as uneducated, unprepared, and undeserving of the office as they view themselves to be.

So essentially the problem with Mitt Romney might not be his religion, and the problem with President Obama might not JUST be his skin color, but in fact the problem with both of them might be that they are simply not big enough dipshits for the new core of the Republican party.

Of course as a progressive I want to believe that the American people are not stupid enough to embrace that level of stupidity.  I mean that would just be....stupid.

But then right when I have comforted myself, and feel that I can sleep soundly tonight, I remember this guy:

Could it happen again?  What do YOU think?

All I know is that I am going to work my ass off to make sure President Obama gets reelected. Because even if the GOP settle for Romney, I think we all know that the Republicans will insist that he virtually lobotomize himself to get the job, and I have NO confidence that his Presidency will be one of progress and intelligent problem solving.


  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    This is how stupid we've gotten.

    Thanks, John "I can't remember how many homes I have" McCain.


  2. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I think the dynamic that you're totally missing is that normally presidents are elected by who DOESN'T go to the booth, not who does. It's a system where the candidate who inspires the least apathy wins.

    That's why there are any Republicans in power at all, ever! They have a smaller base, but that base is ignorant and easily manipulated by fear into coming out on droves to vote!

    In demographic terms, if every American cast a vote, there'd never be another Republican in office again.

    To be honest, Bush stole the first election and was anointed by the Supreme Court, but the second one was handed to him by Kerry, who was a bland uninspiring dweeb.

    All those wins against political insanity that happened last week would not have been necessary if all those people had actually voted in the first place and kept the teatards out of office.

    I guess sometimes you need a crisis in order to rally the troops.

  3. Paul IKrugman said this morning on ABC that Newt is "a stupid person's idea of what a smart person sounds like".

  4. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I didn't find it that funny. Maybe because I'm REELING from having just read elsewhere, that there is a website soliciting opinions on whether or not the President of the United States needs to be INTELLIGENT.

    I'm pretty sure that is the third Horseman of the Apocalypse, galloping into our lives.

    God help us all.

  5. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Hopefully it's NEVER AGAIN! Hopefully the dumbest of the dumb never win again.

  6. Anonymous10:01 AM

    For people who enjoy root canal without anesthetic, here's the complete Family Leader Debate:

  7. laprofesora10:13 AM

    Sadly, Scarah probably thinks the word "Palinization" is a compliment.

  8. ‘bottom-feeding’ scam artist... JUST LIKE NEWT.

  9. Swweet anny10:32 AM

    We need to remember that GWB did not get elected honestly either time. he was appointed the first time(even thought down 500k votes), and Diebold stole it in Ohio the second time.

    Now it's been pointed out that the Diebold machines can be remotely hacked, leaving no trace.

    These things have go to go. The right does not believe in honest elections anymore, if they ever did.

    Over and over w/these cretins we've seen it's win at any cost and damn the republic.

  10. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Mitt Romney only looks smart compared to his competition, or lack thereof,(Perry, Bachmann, Cain, etc.) and because he can speak in a complete sentence, and has not yet undergone any real scrutiny. On top of that, he has NO charisma.

  11. Anonymous10:33 AM

    'This Week' Transcript: Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel

  12. Anonymous10:58 AM

    O/T -- Gawker has an hilarious item about a dust up between Rep. Don Young and Professor Douglas Brinkley of Rice University. Hilarious, but also horrifying. Who let this Young guy stay in Congress for so long?

  13. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Gryphen, have you heard how many people attended the showing of Palin's movie in Wasilla last night? Are you going tonight?

  14. Anonymous11:25 AM

    You know, I'm no Rhodes scholar, but I can figure out how dumb the GOP candidates are. If I were a Republican I would be ashamed to tell anyone, let alone vote for one of these Cretans! Mrs Gunka

  15. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Rahm Emanuel Addresses Iowa Democratic Dinner

  16. Mike W11:29 AM

    And here's a link to a brief thank you for caribou barbie's opening up the way for the "stupid" to rise to the top:

  17. Anonymous11:37 AM

    "The President did not make choices based on politics. He made them because of his principles. He did not make choices for the next election, he made them for the next generation," Emanuel is set to say.

    "President Obama never tailored what he believed to the moment."

    At another point, he'll say, "In the next four years there will be more challenges and more crises that will determine the economic vitality of the middle class and the economic future of this country. Whose character, whose judgment, do you want in that office?"

    "Over the next four years, there will be a series of choices. It won’t be clear what the outcome will be. We will need leadership; we will need values as guideposts," he said.

    He will also focus on the issue of people doing their "fair share" and middle class preservation.

    "To create true middle class security, we can’t just cut our way to prosperity. We must out-innovate, out-educate and out-build the world," he will say. "President Obama believes in an America where hard work pays off, where responsibility is rewarded. He believes in an America where everyone, from Main Street to Wall Street, does their fair share. He believes in an America where we don’t have two rule books, one for those at the top, and another set for everyone else. President Obama believes in the idea that our country prospers when we're all in it together."

    Read more:

  18. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Forbes article today says Bush era tax cuts for the rich
    has allowed 0.1 percent of us to enjoy half of all capital gains.
    "It's crystal clear that the Bush tax reduction on capital gains and dividend income in 2003 was the cutting edge policy that has created the immense increase in net worth of corporate executives, Wall St. professionals and other entrepreneurs.”
    If this doesn’t piss everyone off I don’t know what will.

  19. Anonymous11:52 AM

    9:41~~ That is the very description of Sarah Palin!!
    Sarah Palin is what a stupid person thinks a smart person sounds like. WOW! This is exactly what I thought when people described her as a “fresh breeze” but my thought processes froze up like an old hard drive and I could only shake my head!

  20. Sarah Palin always likes to sell herself (there should probably be a period here) as a 'pioneer woman.' Sadly, for the Republican party, she's succeeded in pioneering "stupid."

    So to all Repubs who thought George Bush was a great President, and that Sarah was the savior of the Republican Party, chew on the fact that she brought the whole "Party" down. Just like Joe Paterno and Penn State. Thanks, Sarah. Can I call you "Sar-Pa?" You finally succeeded at something!

    Peace, All. OBAMA Landslide in 2012!!

  21. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Showing how pee-brained the rethugs are, Michelle Obama and Jill Biden attended the Nascar Race in support of the Troops and their families, as they were being acknowledged. Nascar is huge in their support of the troops -- I call it Nascar use and abuse of the troops.

    When introduced, Mrs. Obama was 'booed'.

    Who is it that votes against financial support, healthcare and any program on behalf of the troops - Let me think............ the fucking Rethugs do and have for years, including McCain who then lied his way around the country on his campaign praising himself that he supports them. Bullshit. He votes 'no' at every turn when it's support for the vets. He'll vote 'yes' when it's a vote for more money for defense spending & budget.

    There is a 2 minute video on the link

  22. johnie2xs1:47 PM

    I like to think that even though Obama has in some ways disappointed us (I include myself) there is really no good reason to 86 him, especially considering the competition.
    If anything, this Rogue's Gallery of N'er Do Wells proffered by the Rethuglikans is even more reason to reinstate Obama, and additionally give the Rethuglikan ticket A to Z, the trouncing they so obviously deserve.

    Voting in LARGE numbers is the key.

  23. Anonymous2:05 PM

    I'm tired of stupid people from both sides who pretend to be running this country.

  24. Anonymous2:27 PM

    So, to "Palinize" has become the verb meaning "to dumb down." Ah, Sarah Palin's final legacy...

  25. Anonymous6:12 PM

    One would think, after the number of times Mr "Richy Rich" Romney has run for office, he'd have learned a thing or two. The man's got the personality of a hard boiled egg without salt, and more flip flops than China has people.

    I love the term "Palinization", but I'd prefer a term with a more realistic meaning when googling it. How does one make that happen?

    Wonder how many Alaskan's showed up to the movie premiere? I don't know, she's up against "Puss in Boots"


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