Sunday, November 13, 2011

Time to gird your loins my friends, the looming political battle will certainly prove to be the fiercest one yet!

Courtesy of The New York Times:

For the first time, this campaign will be dominated by political action committees that exist solely to promote specific candidates. While a candidate’s campaign is limited to $2,500 per election from each donor, the PACs can collect unlimited amounts, and they plan to. Mr. Perry’s super PAC, “Make Us Great Again,” plans to collect $55 million. Mitt Romney’s, “Restore Our Future,” already has $12.3 million. President Obama’s group of PACs, “Priorities USA,” hopes to raise more than $100 million. (Many of the PACs also have affiliates designed to collect secret contributions.) 

Since the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision nearly two years ago, the campaign finance system has become polluted with ideological groups collecting unlimited donations from corporations, unions and wealthy individuals. Up to now, most of those groups have run attack ads or supported groups of party candidates, a major factor in the 2010 midterms. A PAC created solely for a single candidate had been seen as violating the federal law requiring that the PAC be independent from the candidate’s campaign. 

This year, thanks to inaction by the Federal Election Commission, even that legal nicety has been thrown out.

I am often asked why I choose to act as cheerleader for this President, and refuse to criticize even those policy decisions which run completely against my personal philosophies. And the reason is simple.

Because I have already chosen the side on which I plan to do battle.

When I look at the array of incompetent idiots, partisan terrorists, and evil corporate whores that make up the current crop of Republican Presidential hopefuls, there is not one ounce of doubt as to where my allegiances lie. However  I also know where the majority of the corporate money will be spent, and it WON'T be on Barack Obama.

In my estimation this political season could possibly be the nastiest, most underhanded partisan battle this country has seen in decades, and I believe that smaller news sites, and blogs like mine, will be on the front line in making sure that real information about the accomplishments of this administration, and the hope for the future, is disseminated to the public at large.

Do I agree with every decision this President has made? Not hardly.

Is there anybody out there that I think could do a better job? Absolutely not.

If you disagree with me, just take a moment to imagine Rick Perry as the next President. Or Newt Gingrich.  Or Mitt "What should my position be today?" Romney.  Or, heaven help us, Michele "Batshit crazy" Bachmann.

This is not just a matter of keeping the White House in the hands of the Democrats, this is about keeping it OUT of the hands of some of the craziest, most unhinged people in the country.

So yes, I am going to promote this President like my life, and the life of my child, depended on it.

Because you know, it just might.


  1. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I'm with you, Gryphen! After Xmas I plan to start donating to Obama for America. We can't let the corporate shills who are the GOP take over the White House. (Plus they're dumb.)

  2. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Let us hope and pray that the "I'm not Obama, so vote for ME" tactic is seen for the sham it is, by most voters.

    There are sadly HORDES of misinformed people, still believing the horse shit about how the President was born in a foreign land, or maybe another planet--so there's no hope for anyone THAT stupid.

    But for anyone who uses his brain to smell out a conjob, they just may surprise us and realize that changing BACK to another Republican who will ruin ANY chance of the economy stabilizing, is truly self-defeating.

  3. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Gryph, I so heartily agree with you. No, I don't like every decision this President has made, but faced with the competition, he is still head and shoulders above any of the challengers. My job this next year is to remind all my Progressive friends that we need more energy in 2012 than we deployed in 2008. The stakes are higher and the downside is disastrous. We can champion President Obama without being a "true believer." In other words, we have a nuanced view. Something I don't think the other side understands.

  4. Anonymous5:45 PM

    SAN DIEGO — Myrlie Evers-Williams smashed a champagne bottle Saturday against the hull of the USNS Medgar Evers as it swept into the Pacific Ocean.

    "He cannot be denied anything anymore," the 78-year-old widow said of her late husband, who served as field secretary for the Mississippi NAACP until his 1963 assassination.

    It is the first Navy ship named after a leader from America's modern civil movement. Former Mississippi Gov. Ray Mabus, now secretary of the Navy, named the 689-foot dry cargo ship after the slain civil rights leader.|topnews|text|Home

  5. Can I hear an "Amen"?


  6. Thank you, thank you!!! You are spot on. I've talked with my two married daughters (who do not vote) about the horrors of what this county could become if any of these crazies get in the WH. That if they care about their children they need to get out and vote. They promised they (and their husbands)would vote next year for President Obama. every vote counts. Yeppiiee

  7. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Exactly. I'm reading Leah Burton's excellent examination of the Seven Mountains crew, "Guns, God and Greed." This got started with Reagan and has gained momentum because of Sarah and her willingness to be manipulated for their purposes. Any thinking woman would reject people like Cain, the Catholic Church and this personhood non sense, the far right which demonizes women and kids, which we all have seen. But when a "governor" and "mother" embrace this party and all its evil, in the name of God no less, you get people like the Women of Joy who get sucked right into the "motherhood, as many babies as God will give me" meme, no matter whether they can afford to feed, clothe and educate them for 20 years.

  8. Anonymous6:13 PM

    And let's also keep our remarkable First Lady in the White House as well:

  9. AJ Billings6:21 PM

    Gryphen, I agree completely, and your premise of supporting President Obama is compelling.

    However, I must respond strongly to your short description of

    "incompetent idiots, partisan terrorists, and evil corporate whores "

    I think you left out perhaps the biggest threat to our democracy and that is the "Christan supremacists"

    People like Santorum, Bachmann, and Perry would ride rough-shod over the 1st amendment guarantee of Congress making no religion based laws.

    The hard cold truth is that those candidates would impose draconian laws based solely on their religion on the rest of us who have no interest in living in a nation ruled by Christian dominionists like Bachmann, Palin, Santorum and Perry.

    Read this article, watch the videos, and decide for your self

    I apologize to my christian friends, and readers of this blog. Christians who are not trying to impose their views by law are not the intended audience for my statements.

  10. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Voters Have Two Choices: Dems or Disaster.

  11. Anonymous6:27 PM

    OK, now THIS is impressive! With this kind of support, she's got a fighting chance against the competition.

  12. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I quit Organizing for America 6 times last year. I am not very good at it - I just can't quit him. To be honest, I won't be voting for President Obama because the alternative would be incredibly shitty - I will support and vote for him because I like the things he's accomplished and most of his ideas that the Republicans have blocked.

  13. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Perry looks like the village idiot in that picture!

    I agree.I live in Ohio and had to endure a constant barrage of phone calls and tv and newspaper ads about Issue 2. Made me realize that is likely just small potatoes to what is coming.

    Our Supreme Court is a sham!!

  14. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I agree with AJ Billings that the almost desperate effort to turn this country into a faux-Christian theocracy is one of the most frightening aspects of a potential GOP presidency.

    With half of our nation being sold to the corporations and the other half being sold to the right wing, radical evangelical church, the rest of us will be left with nothing if the Republicans win the White House or all of Congress.

  15. Anonymous7:06 PM

    So right you are!
    Brietfart just sacrificed one of the R's to attacked Nancy Pelosi!
    This guy his "Ed" is with SarahPac!
    I was the Speaker the credit card industry feared most--tonight's CBS smear not based on facts:

  16. Anonymous7:18 PM

    I totally agree with you and recently volunteered to help re elect President Obama from my state. I think he is going to need our support more than ever.

    The Republicans are a horrid bunch there is no doubt and they have to be replaced in the United States Congress as well.

  17. Anonymous7:25 PM

    OT, I think the "Where is Sarah" buttons need to come back out. What is going on with her, she is nowhere to be seen or heard. I miss her idiotic rants, just kidding, I'm kinda enjoying the quiet.
    Lisa G

  18. While it's pretty evident that the GOP/TP has slim chance at the top spot, don't forget to watch the congressional races. That's where they can quietly do the most damage while we beat our heads over the lack of qualities in the cast of candidates they have put forth.

    Years ago someone who was getting direct messages from above was more likely diagnosed as schizophrenic and carted off to a sanitarium. Now they just run fake campaigns as shiny objects to keep our focus off the local races that allow them to block all things liberal and progressive.

    I doubt Obama's campaign will be that short of needed cash so divert a few of your donation dollars to Democratic candidates in hotly contested state races. You'll be glad you did.

  19. I hear rumors about a 3rd party and I think that is crazy, even for 2016. The Rethugs will never split their vote. How could anyone think it is good for the Dems?

    We have to stand by Obama and give him what he needs, then see what he can accomplish! And we must be incredibly watchful and DEMAND recounts of votes where we think they are fixing voting, like Florida.

    I am REALLY concerned that they are busy developing technology to change the votes...there is so much that can be done like that these days...

  20. Amen G! Right there with you. He may not be perfect, but the alternative is totally unacceptable.

  21. Enjay in E MT8:26 PM

    2012 will be one of many more elections to determine the future of this country. Will we become the Christian version of the Middle East? While moving women into the dark ages of no birth control, no rights, and no freedom?

    As long as the GOP is determined to kow-tow to the Tea Party & Religious Right - they cannot be trusted to lead.

  22. Go, Gryph! Is Obama perfect? No. But is any reasonably foreseeable GOP candidate equal or nearly equal to him? No. So Obama it is. And Myrlie Evers-Williams, this middle-aged white guy remembers, and is with you.

  23. Two points.

    This is why it is essential that net neutrality be maintained. The Republicans know it. That is why they are seeking to "regulate" the internet by handing it over to private for profits. And you know what that will mean.

    The other is that it is my hope that this 2012 election will be so obviously owned by those with money and special interests that the obscenity that our democratic elections has become will be so plainly twisted and distasteful that those that have not yet joined the 99% will, and money in our election process will be number one on the agenda for real change.

    Obama better get with the program or get out of the way. Even his charisma won't save him if he throws his lot in with the fascists.

  24. With enough citizen pressure, we can insist on changes to the system to make 2012 the last year of outrageously expensive campaigns. There are currently proposed constitutional amendments in both the House and Senate to give Congress authority to limit corporate influence in elections. I don't think they're strong enough and hope we can completely end corporate personhood.

  25. Anonymous9:34 PM

    You are absolutely right! We must support Barack Obama again...he's our only hope against the other incompetent idiots.

  26. Anonymous9:42 PM

    I'm a disgusted former Republican and current member of the 99% who's voting for Obama in 2012.

    All Americans need to demand an amendment to mitigate the disastrous Citizens United decision. MONEY IS NOT SPEECH!!! How dare the SCOTUS give such overwhelming power to the wealthy to buy our politicians and government!

  27. Two words: Ralph. Nader.

    I don't think anything else needs to be said, w/regards to circular firing squads.

    Get Obama elected first, *then* hold his feet to the fire because a) the other side is bat-shit crazy, and b) Obama expects you to, I reckon.

  28. martha uys12:16 AM

    Enjay in E MT

    "While moving women into the dark ages of no birth control, no rights, and no freedom?"

    Over my dead body (and millions of others who feel as I do). If anything would make me pick up a pitchfork, that would be it.

  29. Another Amen . We already have to listen to the Karl Rove American Crossroads ads here in VA against Tim Kaine, who is running for Senate NEXT YEAR. I can't even watch the local news without seeing it 3-4 times a night. Ugh.

    There are like 5 candidates running for the nomination on the Republican side, so their nominee isn't even chosen yet, but more than likely it'll be that dimwit racist George "macaca" Allen, aka Felix Macacawitz. It will be one ugly , exhausting election season.

  30. Anonymous3:10 AM

    It's a disgrace and we the people need to put an end to this bullshit. All this money that is availalbe needs to go into making us as a country greater...not pissed away on pokeman spouting imbeciles and pray away the gay fright dolls and maple sugar hugging drunks.
    Imagine if everyone had their priorities straight. We really could be an exceptional nation. Let there Be no doubt we are now an idiocracy.

  31. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Please remember that the rule of law is also riding on this election.

    With Obama, we will get Supreme Court justices who are potentially good, lifetime appointments.

    With any of these GOP clowns, we'd get another Scalia or Thomas or Roberts or Alito, and who knows what mischief they'll be able to impose on this country for years and years? Citizens United is just one of their gifts so far
    The stakes are huge this election year.

  32. Janet Carter7:23 AM

    I have already started campaigning for Obama2012. We must get out the vote and not allow lazy Democrats to sit on their asses at home like they did in 2010.

  33. ha ha,Craig! (he's girded)

  34. Beldar OBAMA2012 Conehead9:28 AM

    "This is not just a matter of keeping the White House in the hands of the Democrats, this is about keeping it OUT of the hands of some of the craziest, most unhinged people in the country."

    You betcha!!

  35. cckids10:24 AM

    You are so right. Slightly OT, but doesn't your stomach just turn imagining the swearing in of "Newton Leroy Gingrich". The mind boggles.

  36. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Tons of money will be spent on television ads. I am 58 and timeshift everything so I can zip through the ads. Does anyone younger than me watch ads on television?

    Blogs are going to have a stronger effect than television ads and they don't require tons of money.

  37. Anonymous5:27 PM

    I've been part of a group actively working for OFA. We've splintered off into five seperate groups because we got so many people asking what they can do to help, a lot of young voters motivated by the Occupy movement, many of whom will be first time voters.

    If you can't go door to door, then volunteer a few hours a week on the phone. I live in Pennsylvania, and have called Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, Virginia, Texas, Florida, California and Orgegon. These unlimited phone plans are great!

    Gryphen, AMEN to everything you said, but may I add another arrow that's hurting our cause? Myopic One Issue Progressive Democrats who refuse to budge. I have more problems dealing with them than Republicans. How anyone can hold their vote and vote for no one, on protest, in this environment is beyond me.

    He's not perfect, but we're in a dangerous place in history, and this man has done more for the people in his first office, against all odds, than most presidents have done with eight years.


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