Saturday, December 31, 2011

Did 2011 signal the end of the United States as a "Hyperpower" in the world? Could be.

Courtesy of Juan Cole:

The United States is no longer the hyperpower. It can no longer necessarily act unilaterally by launching a major war of aggression at will. It lacks the resources. And, it has significant challengers in some theaters. The Obama administration was only able to act in Libya because Russia and China had allowed a strong UNSC resolution in favor of intervention to be passed. Had either exercised a veto, the Libya War would have been forestalled. And, even with a UNSC resolution authorizing the use of force, Washington felt the need to lead from behind and let France, Britain and Qatar stay in the forefront, because it feared bad PR if it were perceived to be yet again unilaterally attacking a Muslim country. 

A corollary is that each region of the world is now more independent of the US than it had been. Brazil defied the US on Libya and Latin America is defying the US on relations with Palestine. 

The greatest trend to greater independence of the US can be seen in the Middle East and North Africa. Some regimes that were almost sycophants toward Western capitals have been swept away. Indigenous and nativist political movements, especially those based in political Islam, are doing well. Religious parties came to power in Tunisia and Morocco, forming governments and selecting the prime minister. A similar development will likely occur in Egypt, Libya and Yemen in 2012. All of these governments had been dominated by billionaire politicians and increasingly Neoliberal economic policies. The new cabinets dominated by political Islam are economic populists, but likely will not challenge the US significantly. Neither can they be depended upon, however, to do as they’re told, in the way that Mubarak could have been. 

It is too early to say whether the assertion of people power, in part via the internet, in the Arab world marks a structural, long-term change in the way business is done. What can be said is that the Middle East is emerging as more independent than it had been since the 1970s.

Personally I do not see this as a bad thing, and neither should any Americans tired of seeing our wealth and resources, not to mention the lives of our young men and woman, wasted in attempts to control the politics and people of countries around the world.

And I have little doubt that this fear surrounding our loss of influence in these Middle Eastern countries is one of the driving forces behind the increase in Islamophobia among the Republican party. The idea that these countries will snip their puppet strings, and finally exert free will over their own futures, frightens the Republicans, and their corporate masters who fear losing access to all of that delicious oil.

The irony of all of this is that supposedly this is what the Bush administration had hoped to inspire in the Middle east by taking out Saddam Hussein as Iraq's dictator, democracy flourishing in the Middle East. Yet now that their wishes seem to be coming true, the GOP seem ot be panic stricken about what their invasive policies have helped to create.

Gotta love Karma, don't you?


  1. Anonymous10:16 AM

    yes we could with a lttle less US interventionism 48 countries attacked since the second world war! Happy New Year from Scotland Gryphen you did a great job in helping to destroy Palin now turn your fire on the other republicans

  2. hedgewytch10:31 AM

    Yep, the neocons unwittingly unleashed the monster of democracy with the Iraq war. Now that the monster is loose, they seem to be surprised that it is flourishing on its own and is not behaving like a grateful little slave as it was supposed to.

    Yeah, 2012 is going to be full of karma kickback. I've got a couple of cases of popcorn stocked up and am ready to enjoy.

  3. Anonymous10:56 AM

    When Rev Jeremiah Wright warned his congregation that subscribing to the notions of American Exceptionalism and Christian Nationalism, and the idea that America can do as it damn well pleases b/c "it's God's
    Country and as such can do no wrong" was a sure way to damn America, the righties went predictably batshit. Now that the fruits of what they have sown are taking shape, I'd say he's pretty well vindicated.

    When asked what his favorite virtue was, Christopher Hitchens responded, "An appreciation for irony.”
    (from Hitch-22)
    ― Christopher Hitchens

  4. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Isn't iot time for us to be taken down? I never liked the Ugly American thing. Bush et all and his kind.

    So we aren't top dog.

    I love the teary new Republican. Glen Beck and his Vicks, Bohner and his alcolhol tear jerkers and weeping. Now Newt and his mother. Boy isn't that a tear jerker? Sarah and her boughten DS baby. They love their fakey hokey stuff.

  5. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Future historians might describe our "zenith" as the period between the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Supreme Court's intervention in the 2000 elections.

    Unfortunately, we still have a lot of aged Cold Warriors who don't realize that our power (even though we don't really ever seem to win any wars) was always economic. And now we're broke!

    Even worse, our (criminal) elite political class turned on our middle class once the threat of international communism vanished. Some patriots!

  6. Anonymous11:29 AM

    The people of oppressed countries have risen up to oust their dictators and create new governments that allow the citizens to have more control over their lives, their economy and their nations.

    Not all will be successful but I don't see this as a bad thing either in most cases. Those people deserve the same right to freedom and government participation that we hold so dear in this country. And if that means they become more independent of US influence, then so be it. Then again, I don't usually go around holding hands with sheiks and socializing with dictators.

  7. Anonymous11:41 AM

    I doubt that with religion-based political rule as the new standard in the Middle East that we will see Democracy bloom in that region, but rather Sharia Law or a Taliban-type government, and it's really none of our business. Only through our thirst for oil do we make it our business.

    We have enough to worry about here in the good old US of A without caring what type of government rule steps up to replace the dictators that we helped to oust.

    I doubt that conservative Islamic regimes will find much in common with our leadership model here in America and may be even less willing to do business with us because of the religious gulf between a very liberal America and religiously conservative Muslims.

    I hold little hope that without massive civil insurrection in these countries that Democracy will flourish. It will be up the people to decide whether they will have Democracy or whether they will have conservative Muslim leadership. I don't see the young people standing for it, but they may have to fight for a more secular form of government.

  8. Anonymous11:48 AM

    So, does that make China the new hypberpower? Will they do a better job than the USA did?

  9. Anonymous12:11 PM

    My personal feelings - we don't need to be the 'cure all' for other countries throughout the world. The Republicans are doing nothing more than 'fearmongering' as is their usual. There are many things going on within the USA that need watching and fixing that have more importance.

    Yea, President Obama! You are doing a hell of a job!

  10. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Yeah, it's long past time for "America" to get over itself and stop dictating to others by force. It's time for us to lead by example instead.

    It's always amazed me that the righties, who are so into the lipservice of "American Exceptionalism" apparently don't believe in that exceptionalism enough to support the idea that if we're really that awesome, others will naturally want to emulate us and will fall in line willingly.

    Maybe that's because the monstrosity of the America the right wing has created isn't "exceptional" in a GOOD way and they know it?

    I mean, we're now seeing that in Germany, auto workers make double the wages our workers do and Germany's economy is amongst the strongest on the planet, and we're seeing elsewhere, McDonalds "restaurants" are going out of business because the people in those countries actually care about their health.

    Meanwhile, our economy is still in a pit and we pay twice as much for healthcare as other nations, while the quality of education we provide our children continues to decline.

    What the hell is it we're "exceptional" at again?

  11. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Glad you put this up as a special post. It needs to be read far and wide.

  12. Cracklin' Charlie12:18 PM

    Great post, G!

    People, we must call these warmongers on this crap! Too much of our treasure has been lost in these wars for profit. And by treasure, I do not mean money; instead I refer to lost time, reputation, and the threat to democracy. But most of all we have lost far too many of our brightest and bravest citizens.

    Your comments are absolutely right on!

  13. Anonymous12:19 PM

    "So, does that make China the new hypberpower? Will they do a better job than the USA did?"

    Yes it does, and HELL NO they'll do far, far worse. Just look at China: horrific industrial pollution problems. Horrific food and water quality problems. Horrible oppression of personal freedoms and expression. Incredible disparity of living conditions between cities and everything that's outside the cities (life shortening smog, or no electricity/plumbing. take your pick)

    No, China is basically the America right wingers are trying to create. If you listen to the Libertarians and Neocons, everything they want to change/eliminate leads us to exactly the kind of nation China is right now.

    "The market will correct itself"? It already has, and it's corrected itself to China's vision of "capitalism".

  14. AJ Billings12:21 PM

    How can we give up our "exceptional" place that was given to us by the Judeo-Christian god to be the world's policeman, and making sure that lust for oil and power, masquerading as "nation building" won't stop?

    Hey Anon @10:16 first poster:

    $ister $arah has a seriously bad case of narcissistic personality disorder, or one of it's close cousins. She's a liar of titanic proportions to boot

    I know this type too well, and I can guarantee you that until she is actually convicted in a court of law, or one of the babygate/housegate/AIP-gate stories busts open, she is still a threat to our republic.

    A threat not because of her own attributes, which are painfully documented in thousands of videos and books, but because she can inspire the Tbots, the Pbots, and the extreme right terrorists to do great harm to the USA.

    If she was ever again in a place of power, I have no doubt she would advocate attacking Iran, try to ignite world war III, or bait some nation like N Korea into starting a war.

    So until she is finally made to sit down and shut up for GOOD, we need to fire on her at all times.

    Enjoy your beautiful countryside in Scotland, and happy new year.

  15. Gryphen, Happy New Year!

    Can you please do a post or post in comments some clarification on MeAgain? Such as, did you ever actually get any communication from him or her? Do you know if he or she has a legitimate inside source? Is he or she working with any authors, etc., at this time? Is he or she OK?

    Thanks for your hard work and for keeping at it!

  16. Anonymous12:56 PM

    o/t but WTH California. Your fucking dream act can kiss my ass. I LOOOOOOOOVVVVVVE how progressives care more about illegal residents than legal ones. Eff you all. Oh and the gay/religion tolerance BS is ridic. While I dont think gays should be ignored and treated as f they're different, purposefully casting only a postive light on religion is lying to the our kids.

    We are in trouble with this political correctness.

  17. The 'hyperpower' is in the cloud now, it's been global for longer than most have noticed. Each Nation representing what those at the very TOP of the food chain need to move money and power around to suit themselves. It's resource mining at its finest and most lucrative.

    When once it was only possible for one man and his army to rule a region or country with some difficulty the Electronic Age has made it possible for that 'guy' to now rule the world with an almost effortless flick of a few switches.

  18. Anonymous1:00 PM

    This country lost me when it sacrificed 50,000 of my brothers and sisters in Viet Nam for no damn good reason at all. It was as much bullshit to go there as it was to invade Iraq because they had weapons of mass destruction. The sham our "leaders" play on us for the sake of the MIC is criminal. All those thousands of men and women dead, countless other thousands wounded or debilitated by PTSD, still waking to nightmares. WTF gives these old farts the right to damage their own children - oh that's right, very few of their children go in harm's way, that's left to the cannon fodder of the poor and middle class. Kudo's to the men and women who serve - lumps of coal to the men and women who keep putting them into harm's way. Sadder still most of the most rabid neo-cons never came close to serving, let alone going into the face of fire. Sick to death of it, let some other country get it's future generations killed and maimed, it's about time they did. Bring home the troops in 2012, use the money on fixing our own damn country. Sick of it, just sick.

  19. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Do NOT fuck with BO OBAMA!

  20. Anonymous1:37 PM

    OH GOD. Have you seen this ???

    She isn’t running, but if she were, what would Sarah Palin be talking about on the trail?


    Former governor of Alaska; Republican nominee for vice president in 2008

    Given the concerns I have for some of the Republican field’s focus thus far, I must implore the candidates to do something that sounds self-promoting, but whatever. Candidates, please turn to Chapter Three of “Going Rogue” and read what it takes for our country to step toward energy independence. Note the lesson I share in the same chapter about taking on the “elite,” the crony capitalists and the permanent political establishment to get a job done.

    Do you really realize what is at stake? What is at stake is our republic. The gravity of today’s situation is real. We count on you to lead our nation on the right path. Please let us know you realize this. Understand how the left’s terrifyingly naive assault on American industry exposes us to the mercy of foreign regimes whose prime objective is, at worst, our permanent demise and, at best, is stripping away our freedom.

    God has blessed America with ingenuity, natural resources and the strength of our workforce. Let’s use them. Tell voters that you understand this. Talk about this on the campaign trail. And quit gripin’ and moaning about “inside baseball” partisan machinations and maneuvering. We have other things to worry about. Stay strong. Focus on defending our republic and how we’ll re-industrialize our most exceptional nation in order to defeat the incumbent and win for America.

    Now, do note the commentary on each is nearly 100%, on BOTH news sites, mocking Sarah mercilessly. It's so good to see people really calling her out for her fraud and hypocrisy.

  21. Anonymous1:37 PM

    WAPO is at it again. There is an 'opinion' piece in tomorrow and Sarah is giving advice to the GOP contenders...#1: "Read Chapter three of my book!" You know, the one that was bought by NEWSMAX and then given away? That book?

  22. Anonymous1:52 PM


  23. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Excellent reminders of the greatness of 2011:

  24. Anonymous2:15 PM

    All this growing independence in all of these nations to me signal a truly important development and a welcome one: no one country (I'm talking to you too, China) can dictate things to any other country anymore. This is healthy and will lead to more sane interactions in times of crisis, or so one hopes.
    M from MD

  25. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Just a quick thank you, Gryphen for the pleasure of reading here at IM...

    Have a Happy New Year a great 2012.. :)

  26. Anonymous7:02 PM

    "Happy" New Year everyone!
    I hope 2012 proves to be a year with alot of positive change.
    Many here are commenting about "American Exceptionalism". All I see day to day is America going into the toilet. Fat, angry, bigoted people. Welfare fraud, insurance fraud, disability fraud is rampant. You go to the supermarket and you have to scan your own groceries and bag your own groceries while three -five workers stand around laughing and texting and making a salary for doing shit. You ask a retail worker a simple question and they "have no idea". You stand in line to pay for a purchase and the clerk looks at you dumbly...or says to you "What?" not "May I help you?".
    Teachers and nurses make the same wage or less as the no GED garbage collection workers who throw your cans up the street and scratch your neighbor's car. Meanwhile, your best friend who is a nurse practitioner and a lawyer, whose husband is a fucking pediatrician who gets cancer, loses his job, has to foreclose on their house.
    America sucks in so many ways. I hope we can turn it around, but I'm not hopeful. Sarah Palin hoaxed a nation and got away with it so far. That's pretty bad. A dumb, uneducated, mentally ill fuck from nowhereville was almost VP.
    Yeah. American exceptionalism.

  27. Anonymous7:18 PM

    I agree with you Gryphen, the irony in all this? At one time or another, America depended on/funded/armed the same dictators we spilled innocent blood, sacrificed our kids, and irreparably harmed our own standing.
    Obama thought first and acted wisely when using a scalpel instead of a mallet to rid the world of Osama Bin Laden. He used wit and wisdom to bring the Iraq war to an end.

    OT, Gryphen, thanks for all you've done, do, and will continue to do. I wish you nothing but the best, health, happiness, and good fortune in the coming years!

    Happy New Year!

  28. Anonymous7:27 PM

    The USA is the ONLY country on the planet that can fight 2 major shooting wars located in different spots on the this globe.
    We also have a new fighter that is so good no one has developed anything to compete against so it has no enemy to fight.
    Please tell me how we are not the strongest nation on earth militarily republican warmongers. They just love to keep that fear/panic stuff going.

  29. Anonymous11:36 AM

    So true Gryphen! If you read the neocon manifesto it says the way to deal with MIdeast dictatorships is to encourage democracy in the region.

    I too have wondered what all the fuss is about! Democracy is gaining traction and yet the GOP continues to be contrary. The same thing happened after the USSR collapsed. The bottom line with GOPPERS is the military and defense contractors should prevail against democracy. If the GOP can’t sell weapons and fear it gets pretty nasty and vitriolic.

  30. Anonymous12:01 PM

    7:02: You are spot-on.

  31. Anonymous1:50 PM

    48 countries invaded since WWII?

    Justification: To make the World safe for Democracy.

    Reality: To make that country safe for economic exploitation. Banana Republics anybody?

    It's past time for these robber baron corporations to pay back the US tax payers and the citizens who lost life or limb who made it possible for them to make their millions in profits.

    Corporations must pay their fair share because as Elizabeth Warren said, NO ONE made his fortune all on his own - American tax payers paid to educate his workforce, build and maintain transportation and communication infrastructure, and of course military protection of their overseas investments.

    STILL these so-called job creators are continuing to send jobs overseas, cut safety and health regulations, pollute the environment, cheat on tax loop holes.... AND take home obscene salaries and bonuses.

    It's no wonder that the rest of the world, except Israel, sees the US of A as an international bully.

  32. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Why so many wars, invasions, regine changes, "squirmishes" since WWII?

    The rise of the Military Industrial Complex in America- the riches and largest corporations in the world.

    President Eisenhower tried to warn Americans about the MIC, but unfortunately, no one listened.

  33. Anonymous2:04 PM

    I was working for the National Park Service when the Societ Union collapsed. There was much discussion of a "peace dividend" - much needed funds to shore up the deteriorating park units. We were hopeful and made plans, but....

    the funding never came down. It just got recycled into the next war...


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