Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sarah Palin's advice for the GOP candidates, "Buy my book!" Whew! And here I thought she would be self serving.

"Hey, if you want advice from me then buy my damn book! Do I look like I give away anything for free?)
For reasons unknown the Washington Post asked Sarah "World's most famous quitter" Palin what advice she had for the current field of Republican candidates.

Here was her response:

Given the concerns I have for some of the Republican field’s focus thus far, I must implore the candidates to do something that sounds self-promoting, but whatever. Candidates, please turn to Chapter Three of “Going Rogue” and read what it takes for our country to step toward energy independence. Note the lesson I share in the same chapter about taking on the “elite,” the crony capitalists and the permanent political establishment to get a job done. 

Do you really realize what is at stake? What is at stake is our republic. The gravity of today’s situation is real. We count on you to lead our nation on the right path. Please let us know you realize this. Understand how the left’s terrifyingly naive assault on American industry exposes us to the mercy of foreign regimes whose prime objective is, at worst, our permanent demise and, at best, is stripping away our freedom. God has blessed America with ingenuity, natural resources and the strength of our workforce. Let’s use them. Tell voters that you understand this. Talk about this on the campaign trail. And quit gripin’ and moaning about “inside baseball” partisan machinations and maneuvering. We have other things to worry about. Stay strong. Focus on defending our republic and how we’ll re-industrialize our most exceptional nation in order to defeat the incumbent and win for America. 

So essentially when asked to provide helpful tips to the candidates NOT TOO COWARDLY to run for office, she immediately seizes upon the opportunity to hawk her book. You remember, the one that essentially had to be bought in bulk by Right Wing propaganda machine Newsmax, and others, in order to get anybody to read the damn thing.

And what the hell is Snowdrift Snooki even talking about when she brings up things like "the left's terrifyingly naive assault on American industry?" Is she talking about having the top 1% of the country pay their fair share of the taxes? Or perhaps she is frustrated about establishing oversight to keep corporations and banks from ripping off everyday Americans, or ushering in yet another recession due to their cavalier approach to ethical business practices? 

Personally I cannot think of an individual LESS suited to give any serious candidate for the most important political office in the country advice on ANYTHING!

Except, of course how to fake a pregnancy for temporary political gain. (Are you listening Michele Baachmann?)

Hey, perhaps the candidates would like visual reminder of how to explain "what it takes for our country to step toward energy independence.".  How did that go again? Yeah GOP, go ahead and ask advice from this giant fraud. That should really get Barack Obama that second term that is!


  1. angela4:23 PM

    Sarah Palin is dumb. That is all.

    Happy New Year All! Thanks for all that you do Gryphen.

  2. Anonymous4:32 PM

    The media is manipulating everything about the Republican primary - to include getting idiot Palin back on the scene.

    I'm sure the 'majority' are not going to fall for this crap AGAIN.

    Anything to increase numbers in viewership w/idiot people on the right.

    Yea, President Obama - you are doing a hell of a job!

  3. Anonymous4:32 PM

    does this stupid bitch realize the pipeline her ilk want will Ship Oil Overseas...
    Wow, thats some 'independence'


  4. Anonymous4:58 PM

    What a maroon.

  5. Sweet anny5:00 PM

    Who cares about that also-ran?

    She just keeps on making a fool of herself.

    Happy New Year, Gryphen.

    Thanks for doing this.

    You're the best.

  6. Anonymous5:03 PM

    To semi-quote a commenter from another site, the only experience she has in energy are Red Bulls.

    We KNEW this was going to happen. The narcisstic know-nothing can't help herself.

    SCREECH, bee-tch!

  7. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Banks biggest problem was giving people loans who were irresponsible. The true sob stories are few and far between. People need a scapegoat for their bad life decisions that dont lead them to god places and successful people are that scapegoat.

  8. Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

  9. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Sarah Palin is a loser who has screwed up everything she has ever attempted.

    Asking Sarah Palin about energy is like asking a gerbil about astrophysics: it will chirp out something that sounds cute at first, but it soon becomes annoying and you wish it would shut up already...and it never did say anything that makes you think it knows the first thing about astrophysics.

  10. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Is Sarah's ghost writer on hiatus? Willow doing the editing? An average 9th grader writes better than that op-ed.

    If Sarah Palin still has "advisers" then they need to strap her down and adjust the medications. AND get those minor children to a safer, more stable home.

  11. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Mrs. Todd Palin. RAM. Mr. Greta van Susteren. Willow. Bristol. Dairy Lady or whoever wrote the crap in italics, here is my Holiday Wish - That you forever Shut the Fuck Up!!! We didn't care before. We don't care now and we care less later.

    Sarah Palin never read the word "machinations" in her life, let alone used it in a sentence. Nobody believes anything you, or your bots, put out in your name.

    You are FINISHED. Face it and move on. No one cares. To keep this up is a clear sign that you need professional help.

    I look forward to a new year where the only time we hear about Sarah Palin is when she is called to testify before a Grand Jury.

    Sayonara Juicy.

  12. Anonymous5:35 PM

    The idiot only knows how to grift she doesn't know anything else.

    Happy New Year to all and thanks Gryph for all you do.

  13. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Ahhhh....yes....her "fungible molecules! HAAAAAAAAAAAAA..............What an IDIOT!

  14. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Sarah Palin is sidelined and she cannot STAND IT, so she has to interject herself in any way she can as if she is some kind of seasoned, sought after political guru, of which she clearly is not.

    Other than her die hard Flying Monkeys gasping their last breath, no one is interested in what she has to say. The comments support this completely.

  15. Asking Sarah Palin for political advice is like...

    Is like asking a psych patient for stock tips?

    I'm voluntarily half "gone" right now so I got nothing much...

    I know you guys could come up with some great ones.

    Stay safe tonight, everybody!


    OBAMA 2012!!!

  16. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Arm chair Presidenting are we? It's a lot easier to sit on the sidelines and say what you WOULD do. The candidates on the trail right now had the guts to get out there and do it. And they have a lot to lose. If you really wanted to run no one was stopping you. I feel this article was meant to steal the thunder of the GOP candidates and put the focus on yourself. But we've seen this before. You are a one trick pony Ms.Palin. There's an old say..crap or get off the pot. You should be stepping off the pot right about now because this is getting old.

    --from the comments under the original article

  17. Anonymous5:49 PM

    I think Sarah Palin doesn't even remember she was the VEEP candidate that McCain staffers wanted to neutralize after the election.

    The best advice for a GOP candidate is to NOT pick a mentally unstable person for VEEP.

  18. Anonymous5:50 PM

    I'm disappointed.. Watching an Alsaka State Troops marathon on tv and no Palins have been arrested..

  19. Dang 5:18, you beat me to it!

    5:03~(just shakes head).

  20. Anonymous5:52 PM

    If y'all want my advice then ya better watch Todd's snowmobile reality show cuz I give my opinion in one of his episodes.


  21. Anonymous5:52 PM

    OMG, the hubris of that bitch. Just the mention of her name is a joke that no longer requires a punch line.

    While the Righties continue to worship their great leader Ronald Reagan, it's worth remembering that we once did the work to get U.S. energy policy on course to avoid our current reliance on foreign oil. And Reagan inherited that policy when he took office - and immediately set about destroying it while he let Big Oil rewrite energy policy. One round of fuel efficiency standards would offset all the drilling we could do for a decade, and Reagan and his cronies wiped them out, along w/ programs in place to develop alternate fuel sources and other energy sources, including solar and wind development. The reason they worship Reagan is that it was he who threw open the doors of government to Jerry Falwell and all the nut cases who flooded in after him. Drink up, it's going to be a long year.

    Happy New Year to all, and especially to you, Gryph. Thanks for all the work you put into making this blog a voice in the wilderness that's worth listening to.


  22. Anonymous5:53 PM

    I think Sarah is picking up on Newt's scam. When Newt is asked a question he refers you to one of his books.

  23. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Someone is in mourning for his Sarah Saviour...

  24. RE: Palin's ghost writer..

    Somebody remarked yesterday or this morning that RAM is allegedly at a fat farm. I assume she's incommunicado.

  25. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Whatever you do, do not ask Sarah how to educate America's children.

    Her stupid uneducated ignorant retarded sons of bitches she raised only has ambitions to do reality shows. Nobody wants to work or go to college. Now Todd wants some of that action.

    Those dumb ass kids of her just want cosmetic surgery to be attractive enough to go on tv.

    America just needs to look at Palin's drop outs and say do we really want to listen to that piece of shit mother who can't even raise a turd correctly?

  26. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Sarah really needs to stay home and concentrate on Piper so that she won't grow up to be an underage pregnant hoe like Bristol, high school drop out like Willow or uneducated like Track, Bristol and Willow.

    Piper needs to work on getting a real diploma and not settle on a GED (Good Enough Diploma) like her retarded older siblings.

  27. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Fuck Sarah and her good for nothing family.

    Those lazy rat bastards are just looking for another handout.

  28. Anonymous6:13 PM

    You had your chance, Sarah, and you wimped out - now shut up.

  29. WakeUpAmerica6:14 PM

    I have long said that the Tundra Turd had no legitimate credentials in energy. She has had no education in it to speak of and extremely questionable actual experience. She is like a parrot that repeats sound bites. If you take everything she has ever said about "energy," you have about 10 of the same phrases. What a dimwit. Do any of the Palin sycophants EVER look at her supposed credentials? They don't exist except, as one poster said, in a Red Bull can.

  30. Anonymous6:18 PM


    Reagan also took all the solar cells off the White house roof. What a freakin’ tantrum! And, then he began taking apart any fuel standards that might have made a difference; ie, immediately he increased speed limits. It makes me sick to think about. Every little bit of fuel savings in the past would have staved off the misery we are headed for now.

  31. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Who cares what the self-promoting bimbo Palin, the least qualified and least deserving person ever elevated to a place on a national ticket, says she would be saying if she was running for president? She's nothing more than a lying, ignorant, self-absorbed, greedy, lazy quitter and fraud who has used the public offices she has conned her way into as nothing more than a means for lining her pockets while failing to fulfill the duties of those offices.

    Shame on the WP for assisting this awful woman in her attempts to recharge her cash machine through her desperate attention seeking acts.

    -- a comment from the article

  32. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Since she didn't write the book, she can't remember what it says, so she called the writer to ask what chapter covered energy. She has no ability to explain anything since she doesn't know what's in the book at all.

  33. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Everybody is excited in the Palin household.

    Todd and Bristol just wet their panties that there might be an interest in their reality shows since Sarah's name is being mentioned.

    Willow just might give up her cross country truck driving job and get her own snow blowing reality show. Who needs a GED if ya can get a reality show.

    Sarah said fuck all of you lazy unemployed retards no college dumb asses, I'm getting my own reality show.

  34. Anonymous6:40 PM

    In all of what she said it boiled down to 'we must make sure our oil goes into the domestic market before it goes overseas'. That is a politician speaking, not an energy expert. I can't believe McCain would call her a "world's leading expert on energy" LOL McCain was definitely spinning Sarah's oil knowledge when he said that. I really don't think Sarah knows much more than the average citizen about oil and she is no where near qualified to be called an expert. I also remember members of the energy committee she was on in Alaska as saying it appeared that she would drift off and was way under qualified to be on the committee. She also wasn't on the committee very long. As a governor, she pushed for an oil pipeline the oil companies said they wouldn't use. Besides looking like a failure, how many millions has Alaska lost to her no bid contact to a foreign country (Canada).

  35. Anonymous6:44 PM!

  36. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Trygve means "brave victory" in old Norse.
    Tri-G means Trisomy G, Trisomy 21, Down Syndrome.
    Sarah, why did you name your precious gift from god after his disability? And if it was acccidental, now that you know, why have you not addressed this egergious naming gaffe which horrifies so many people?
    2012 is coming. It's never too late to right a wrong, even such a horrific wrong as naming your prop Tri-G.

  37. Anonymous6:46 PM


    Fire up the Palin Family vacation bus.... SarahPac is back in business....

    Piper ya can forget about school and studying we are hitting the road again.

    Tri-G? Somebody find Tri-G.... I need all the props I can get my hands on....

    MOVE IT! We gotta strike while the irons hot.... That free money aint gonna collect itself....


    Willow git Bristol's dancing shoes, I got DWTS on speed dial.

    Let's go people, mama's little lambs are ready for fleecing!

    Times a waistin'

  38. Anonymous6:47 PM

    You're RIGHT, her ghostwriter must be on vacation. In the time since she hired her new speechwriter, the author of "Throw Them Out," she has used his theme of exposing crony capitalism.

    Here, she went away from his talking point while also promoting it (LOL, she was against it before she was for it, all in one short article). This statement says to do the opposite of exposing crony capitalism. "And quit gripin’ and moaning about 'inside baseball' partisan machinations and maneuvering."

  39. Smirnonn6:52 PM

    Someone please douse their shoe in New Year's Eve champagne and then kick McCain-tard square in the nuts for foisting this deplorable, ignorant, grifting, sociopathic, narcissistic, quitting, lying, dirty-wigged, can throwing, pregnancy faking, cocaine snorting, basketball player fucking, just plain dumb bitch.

    wa$chilla deVile, please just go away. You're an embarrassment to Alaska, to the USofA, to women, and to the human race in general.


  40. Anonymous6:53 PM

    love when "blitz" says "there WERE a few nuggets in there" ha ha ha

    All I heard was moose diarrhea - not one nugget - I always love watching the old campaign screeches - notice how McSane stops what he's doing and waddles to her side with that stupid chipmonk look, a diversionary tactic to take attention away from the Sea Hag.

    To quote Keith, "That woman is an idiot"

    If McSane was here, he'd stand next to 5:03

    Happy New Year!

    Obama 2012 !

  41. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Barbour,Cain and Daniels also wrote posts. Their posts were well-thought out. And,then, there is Sarah's self-serving garbage that sounds like a teenager.

    I have long felt Palin will destroy the Republican party in 2012. She's off to a good start with the Earthquake movement. That is going to jeopardize some of the conservative vote. Palin's brother posts at c4pee(on or near Christmas) and c4p's are tweeting Palin like crazy about the Vote Rogue thing. Palin could have put a stop to it by, once again, stating she's not running. It may cause chaos and confusion on Jan 3 for which Palin will be partly to blame.

    RWNJs have made a mess. I hope they outsmarted themselves with their Voter ID laws. They didn't consider they might disenfranchise Repub voters with their voter ID laws. It's not just Dems without ID's.


  42. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Happy New Year to everyone here at IM.

    Icebergs ahead for this silly twit.

    She's spewing all the same phrases and talking points about crony capitalism and elites. She'll be hoist on her own petard.

    2012 might be a worse year for her than 2011 was. Always remember, when she accuses others, she has usually done it herself. Big time in this case.

    She needs to hurry up and make an endorsement before it is too late.
    She's already missed her chance to endorse that Herb guy.

  43. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Mama can you endorse my memoir? I got a dandy one all ready to go. All I have to do is copy Bristol's memoir and change Bristol to Willow, add a chapter about my pregnancy scare and a chapter about my high school failures and expulsion and I'll be ready for my book tour tomorrow.

    Like my title ma?

    "Willow Palin's Memoir
    - The Story Of A 17 Year Old High School Drop Out And Failure"

  44. Dinty7:27 PM


    I think she wrote it herself, and that is really fucking sad...

  45. Anonymous7:38 PM

    How can such a skinny woman always have such a fat face?

  46. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Oh that's just painful.

    Fucking stupid. Fucking asshole. Paid for her Fucking asshole stupid opinion.

    Shut the fuck up and sit down already Sarah. The shame.

  47. When Bachmann's hilarious run for the garbage landfill finishes up in Iower, can you imagine the whine-o-thon you're gonna get from her and the monkey momma when they get cranked up at the same time? You've never heard screeching like that - EVER.

    You could easily start your own 24-hr a day TV channel for them just whining the day away...!! Oooppps, that's right, there's Cluster-Fo x !! You've already got one !! Wonder what time slot Ailes will open up for the Bachmann-Palin whine hour?? HAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!

  48. Olivia7:44 PM

    If Republicans and Tea Baggers could see and admit what a putz Sarah is, they would also have the capacity to recognize that none of the primary challengers are any different than she is. Obviously, someone has drugged them or they are all brain damaged because there seems to be not one who can think clearly and rationally.

  49. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Palin told the candidates to read her book. Set up! How long before we hear someone or some media pundit asking a candidate if they've read Palin's book and what they think of her plan. This will then make her look like an expert-or acknowledge.

    Do people really think Palin is an energy expert? I know people aren't crazy about Rick Perry but he was dealing with energy long before Palin.

  50. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Wolf seemed completely confused. And I love how when she really got rolling - McCain stepped in to stop her. You could see his discomfort. What a fucking asshole that man is. His legacy will be SP and he deserves every bit of contempt shown to him.

  51. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Newt if you pick me as your vp you wouldn't have to buy my family clothes.

    McCain bought us some dandy clothes in 2008, we just gotta git them. They are still in their 55 gallon black Glad bag suit cases buried in the backyard. You only need to buy clothes for Gino.

    Ummm Gino is Bristol's fiancé, they plan on gettin married after the baby is born.

    Oh, we also need clothes for Tripp, Tri-Tip, T-Bone and DWTS Palin. Ummm they are Bristol's kids.

    Oh we also need clothes for Britta, that is Track's baby's mama. They plan on getting married in the White House.

    Oh, we also need clothes for Track's baby.

    Oh, we also need clothes for the Hansons. Ummm they are Track's baby mama's family.

    Oh, and we need clothes for Shailey Tripp. Ummm that's Todd's tanned sex partner.

    Andddd we need clothes for Willow's out of work high school drop out boyfriend. Ummm they plan on getting married after the baby is born.

    Newt what do you mean "Fuck me and my hill billy grifting retarded family"?

  52. Happy New Year to all! Thank you Gryphen for this blog!

  53. Palin's (ghost-written) literary works were her opportunity to share with the nation everything that we need to know about her -- including her character and her ability to work with others, as well as her understanding of domestic issues and foreign affairs.

    On this fundamental goal, she has succeeded wonderfully. We all now know that Palin is shallow, petty, and vindictive, and she has only a superficial understanding and appreciation of the complex issues affecting the populace.

    Lesson to be learned by the GOP candidate pool? If you want to be taken seriously and not be regarded as a spotlight-seeking financial opportunist and political poser, don't exhibit Sarah's critical character flaws, do your homework, and choose substance over snark.

  54. Anonymous8:34 PM

    You ain't campaigning psycho bitch from Wasilla...YOU QUIT remember! So sit down & shut the fuck up!!

    Happy New Year Gryph!!

  55. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Understand how the left’s terrifyingly naive assault on American industry exposes us to the mercy of foreign regimes whose prime objective is, at worst, our permanent demise and, at best, is stripping away our freedom. God has blessed America with ingenuity, natural resources and the strength of our workforce.

    Sarah's got the right idea. Remove all of the EPA regulations that have been preventing industry from dumping their toxic waste into rivers, lakes and the oceans. Remove the restraints which prevent industry from polluting our air because filters and processing would cost too much money. Stop OSHA regulations which are dedicated to insuring that workers work in a clean, safe, healthy environment. Bring back child labor, the 12 hour work day and the 7 day work week.

    At the same time, let's use the strength of our own workforce to clean toilets, scrub dishes, pick the crops, work in sweat shops and do all the things that we are currently having done for industry at the cost of a dollar a day. That foreign country doesn't want to take over us. They just need jobs because many of their people are poor and near starvation. A dollar a day, in unsafe, unsanitary conditions looks good to them. Our workforce won't do that kind of work.

    Foreign countries are not Hell-bent on striping away our freedom. That makes as much sense as saying that when a gay couple marries, it destroys the marriage of heterosexuals. No! Nor do those "foreign regimes" want to destroy us permanently. If they did, then they would lose the people who are hiring their citizens at a dollar a day. If they destroy us, they will lose the market for their cheap goods.

    The reason that Sarah has posted that statement is because she needs both money and attention. She hasn't been getting much of either lately. The subtext is to contribute money and buy her book. Please! She hasn't had many speaking engagements lately. The Republican Clown Parade is sucking all of the oxygen out of the room and the media. No one wants to star a Palin in a reality show. The candidates who want her endorsement really just want what's left of her fan base to vote for them. Oh, please buy her book and save the world. Please.

  56. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Hello Sarah Palin...

    We are from Newt's vetting committee and we have some questions for you.

    Who is TEMP?

    What do you mean Bristol's baby?

    Then who is Tripp?

    What do you mean that's Bristol's baby Tripp Palin?

    TEMP is Tripp?

    We were told Tripp's last name is Johnston?

    What do you mean technically he may not be a Johnston?

    What do you mean TEMP is short for temporary?

    So temporarily you are calling Tripp by the name TEMP until you find out who his real father is?

    What do you mean TEMP could be a Johnston but he may belong to Ben?

    Who is Ben?

    Is he Bristol's fiance?

    No? What do you mean Ben may have fathered Tripp while she was with her fiancé Levi?

    Then who is Gino?

    What do you mean Gino is the boy doing Bristol because he wants a reality show?

    (Long pause)

    Ummmm Sarah... (Sarcastically) Don't call us, we'll call you.

  57. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!!

    And especially an OBAMA 2012.

  58. Anonymous9:08 PM


    Palin told the candidates to read her book?

    Give me a break!

    Sarah "Shit For Brains" Palin can't even tell America what she reads!

  59. Anonymous9:29 PM

    " but whatever"??
    Need more proof that she's just a mean girl caught in a high school time warp?

    Do you palinbots really believe that when no one understands her words it's because she is so far above us? Are you kidding me?

    And don't you get suspicious, just a little bit, when polite people who once praised her now turn away and won't stand up for her? And the less polite tell it like it is, and suddenly you all think they are paid off?

    Don't you get it yet?


  60. Anonymous9:32 PM

    How pitiful she is to believe people will read that fluff, and/or turn to her book in chapter 3. The woman acts like she is a well-sought energy contributor/expert, having worked with the oil industry giants and who earned much demanding study and experience in these careers; she doesn't seem to know the difference between giving good common sense and giving professional experienced advice. If she's so rich in expertise, why doesn't she ask Fox to give her air time to share her great energy expertise with other energy guru guests and have an intelligent conversation with them.
    For instance, her asking candidates to quit "gripin" and "moaning" and "stay strong" or "focus on defending our republic and how we'll reiindustrialize our most exceptional nation in order to defeat the incumbent and win for America. Has Sarah offered to speak about the processing guideline that describes each and every step which must be taken and executed step by step, and requires patience and how these steps are constantly running into roadblocks, or not deemed worthy to be brought forward as legislation? She doesn't appreciate the grunt work done by congresspeople, but wants the thanks and reward for just "contributing" her opinion. Insulting those for "gripin" doesn't encourage her energy czar peers from wanting to reason with a bitchy name-caller.

    Her opinions are mostly character stabs at the President and administration. She dares not describe what it entails being an elected congressperson, senator, who do the calling, discussing, make contacts, spend a lot of time pursuading opponents of their heart-felt personal proposals for good change. Little Miss Sarah arrives after all the grunt work's been done and grabs the credit.

    She has no Senate/Gongressional experience, in fact hates to have "little" people call her at her office while getting her aides And Todd to deal directly with them.

    This is a tragic look at a lazy uncaring ex-politician who would rather sit on the sidelines and criticize methods of all the other ones who stuck it out.

    Not a coincidence she does this on the 31st of December. Her attention hormone must be requiring her to find attention at any cost, even at the cost of pretending she's an expert in a pool of better and more serious experts far and wide. It's pitiful.

  61. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Happy New Year, Gryphen and readers!

    Bristol is too stupid to pass the GED. Forty percent of all high school graduates could not pass the GED.

    Sarah is, in fact, a female. She does not have male pattern baldness. Gryphen is the reason Sarah is bald.

    Todd loves his children. That is why he cannot stand to be in the same room as Sarah.

    In 2011 I was been riveted to this blog.

    There is no question 2012 will be the same.

    Thank you.

  62. Anonymous9:41 PM

    If you act now, we'll send a copy of "Not Afraid of Lies"! Just pay extra shipping and handling. That's a $99 value for just $.99!

  63. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Todd does not know who he fathered!

    Nobody knows who is Tri-G's mother or father!

    Nobody knows who fathered Tripp!

    Nobody knows how many kids Bristol has!

    And this woman, shit for brains, wants to be vp or president?

  64. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Yes, Palin is automatically an energy expert because she was governor for nearly half a term of a state that produces oil.

    This is not surprising coming from someone who believes she was magically granted foreign policy experience simply due to Alaska's proximity to Russia.

    I suppose that because she can look up and see the moon, she's also an astronomy expert!

    The fact that Alaska has a university automatically makes her an expert on every possible subject also, too!

    Man, it must be so awesome to be $arah Palin with her magical mutant power of gaining knowledge and experience entirely by osmosis!

  65. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Lovely. A ghostwritten WaPo piece telling people to buy her ghostwritten book. I believe the big city intellektuals call this meta-phoniness.

    Happy New Year IM family!

  66. Canadian Country Girl.10:59 PM

    It's ll:50 P.M. here in British Columbia. A moment like any other moment. Where am I? How am I ringing in the New Year? Why, being here, with my IM family, of course! Where else would I be?

    Happy New Year to all who make up this amazing meeting place. Thanks Gryphen for making it all possible. We've been drawn together for a reason, and this group is powerful. Our collective energy can be really creative, so let's create a new world in this new year - together. Let's stay positive and offer our energies into envisioning the possibilities. We can do it. We MUST!

    Clock says 11:59 PM. A moment like any other. Glad to be in this fine company. Happy 2012!!!

  67. Anonymous11:54 PM

    $arah, if only you were a better person and had a better family you might be respected. You're not. They're not. You're good for nothing. But, go ahead and pretend you're running for President. It's all you have left. Wacko.

  68. Anonymous3:02 AM

    Another one of her and the GOP's talking points gets shot down in flames...

  69. Anonymous3:53 AM

    5:03 pm. "Banks' biggest problem" was handling other people's money irresponsibly and turning investment into gambling pure and simple. Had the regulations not been eliminated banks and investment houses would not have become so Las Vegas-like. When banks and investment houses start betting that people will fail and not prosper, then you have the mess that was created by the end of the Bush Administration.

  70. Anonymous4:23 AM

    '''Anonymous said...

    Banks biggest problem was giving people loans who were irresponsible. The true sob stories are few and far between. People need a scapegoat for their bad life decisions that dont lead them to god places and successful people are that scapegoat.

    5:03 PM'''

    You are SO wrong. People who lost their jobs were not irresponsible. They lost lost jobs to outsourcing. And without a job, you can't pay your mortgage. You sound like those insensitive, in-compassionate Repubs.

  71. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Sarah named Trig after his disease. Bristol named Tripp after her fathers mistress. How sick are these people.

  72. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Palin told Obama to call her as if he did not have true experts and nobel prize winners for problem solving.

    Thanks for the reminders of how Palin was rolled out as the foremost expert of areas based on lies to utilizing projection. When asked follow up questions by Couric she got lost in the web of deception shifting blame to Couric. When Palin ramped up her rhetoric there was conflict within the campaign. Boundaries, limits and rules are not for Sarah or Todd.

    Palin preys on people who do not care about facts. Playing the victim was a useful tactic to divert attention from facts too. That was ramped up drama the kids are being attacked.

  73. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Sarah looks and behaves like white trash so does the rest of her family, including her parents, brother and sisters, and her husband and children.

  74. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Largest US export is now Oil, despite dependence on Foreign Oil.

    Drill, baby, drill! And sell to the highest bidder in the WORLD market!

  75. Anonymous6:38 AM

    I sure hope the GOP reads her book since she never did

  76. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Sarah Palin giving out advice?


  77. Olivia7:24 AM

    It would be so hilarious if Obama would prank call Sarah to ask for energy advice.

  78. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Sarah named Trig after his disease. Bristol named Tripp after her fathers mistress. How sick are these people.

    4:30 AM

    To keep this thread going, does this mean that Track was conceived on the high school track (or under the bleachers) but by whom is still a big question; Willow must have been conceived against a tree; and Piper in an airplane ("mile high club"?) Very original names. Notice none of them are named Sealy posterpedic or Sleep Number?

    Such presidential material.

  79. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Sarah Palin giving out advice?


    7:21 AM

    I need some advice on how to raise a bunch of dumb fuck retarded good for nothing ignorant no ankle white trash meth snorting inbred lazy ass baby breeding uneducated grifting unemployable timber leg reality tv seeking sperm bank whores....

    I better get a copy and read Sarah Palin's book.

  80. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Anonymous said...

    does this stupid bitch realize the pipeline her ilk want will Ship Oil Overseas...
    Wow, thats some 'independence'


    4:32 PM

    The pipeline Sarah has working belongs to Glen Rice, Brad, Curt Menard, Levi and her pappy Creepy Chuckie.

    Gotta admit Sarah sure could make those gushers blow....

    Willows is in training to learn how to blow the big ones too then Todd will put her into revenue service. With no high school education ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

  81. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Sarah's bull with the tits, what's her name... Bristol... she has some advice for reality tv show seeking whores.

    When going to interviews for reality shows make sure you bring your own condoms and mouth wash.

    All those Los Angeles tv reality directors never seems to bring any to the interviews.

    And Bristol knows... she has been on a lot of interviews.

  82. Anonymous12:16 PM

    America is now a net exporter of fuel - yes, that's correct, we export more fuel than we import.

  83. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I went to the WaPo article and saw that other almost-ran or lost out contenders were also asked to comment. So asking Sarah for a comment is not so OT.

    However, as usual, Mrs. Palin turns the discussion back around to herself - Buy my book!!!

    She once again sets herself up as an energy expert. She's angling for a cabinet post and figures this will be her best bet: Sec of Energy.

    She will not endorse anyone who does not promise her a big kick back.

  84. Anonymous1:52 PM

    She is such an idiot she means hardball when she says baseball

  85. Beldar Obama2012 Conehead3:46 PM

    I dunno, Gryphen... You're awfully quick to deride the Screechy Wretch(tm), but what if you're wrong about her? Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, that arctic nitwit has somehow composed an encyclopedic treatise on solving all of the nation's problems - and those of the known universe - with her simplistic, folksy gibberish and quarter-baked - not even rising to half baked - nonsense about matters of which she knows virtually nothing, also, too?

    Yeah, I didnt think so, either. Just checking in to see if you thought differently. I should have known.

  86. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Understand how the left’s terrifyingly naive assault on American industry exposes us to the mercy of foreign regimes whose prime objective is, at worst, our permanent demise and, at best, is stripping away our freedom. God has blessed America with ingenuity, natural resources and the strength of our workforce.

    Sarah's got the right idea. Remove all of the EPA regulations that have been preventing industry from dumping their toxic waste into rivers, lakes and the oceans. Remove the restraints which prevent industry from polluting our air because filters and processing would cost too much money. Stop OSHA regulations which are dedicated to insuring that workers work in a clean, safe, healthy environment. Bring back child labor, the 12 hour work day and the 7 day work week.
    You are joking right?
    Yes Todd used to get friend to clean the poop stains of the Toi-toi in casa de Palin.
    I guess he didn't want to hire any Illegals to do it. Besides friends work for free. Crony capitalism at its best.
    As far as getting rid of all regulations for the EPA umm Bushie pretty much defanged them. Its only the hard work of REAL scientists not bought off that is saving this country.
    But you prob aren't joking.
    B/c we will...Oh MOST of us (snicker-snicker) will be raptured out so pillage and plunder the earth right?
    Sorry. It doesn't work that way.
    Man is killing the earth.
    If we don't stop Panchmama going to do another flood...

  87. Anonymous5:01 PM

    4:30 AM

    To keep this thread going, does this mean that Track was conceived on the high school track (or under the bleachers) but by whom is still a big question; Willow must have been conceived against a tree; and Piper in an airplane ("mile high club"?) Very original names. Notice none of them are named Sealy posterpedic or Sleep Number?

    Such presidential material.
    7:39 AM
    Yes of course Curtis Jr. was a runner.
    Willow was conceived in Willow, AK and Piper in Toad's piper cub (with curtis) lol!

  88. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Hah, Trying to find a new market for that toilet paper disguised as a book, huh Sarah? What, you're not buying them yourself anymore to inflate sales figures?


  89. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Sarah Palin want people to her book?

    How about Sarah buying condoms for her brood?

    That would at least stop the breeding until the Palins figure out where that 9 month growth in their bellies comes from.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.