Saturday, December 03, 2011

Herman Cain has an epiphany.

Nah, you were NEVER going to be President.

Now if you wanted to demonstrate respect for your so-called conservative values, or your wife, or your children?


  1. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Herman Cain (or as Sarah Palin likes to call him, Herb Cain) has stated that he has helped many people financially, male and female. How come none of the males have come out to defend Cain?

    The bigger (ego) they have, the harder they fall.

  2. Off Topic

    Up w/Chris Hayes on MSNBC Saturday and Sunday mornings may well be the best conversation on teevee.

  3. Anonymous4:57 AM

    The circus goes on and on and on. More than ever, as I look at the sorry set of Republican “rivals” on the other side, I am THANKFUL to have Barack Obama as President, and as a viable candidate for re-election. Mr. Obama: your heart, your values, and your basic decency are all in the right place. But...your hands are tied. Unfortunately they were tied by us, the electorate.....when we failed to provide you with a Congress that you can work with. Instead, you are saddled with a don’t-tax-the-1%-do-nothing Congress that battles you at every turn, while the people suffer. God, they don't EVEN let you pass your own appointments. It's not Tea-publican gridlock - it's Tea-publican sabotage. it's Tea-publican treason....while the 99% BLEEDS. And then they try to pin the blame on Mr. Obama. These people have no shame...or else its been purchased by those who can afford to do so. Grandma gets her meager Social Security check, and they call it “socialism”. Give me a break! (and Grandma too!) Thankfully, with Occupy Wall Street, America has found its voice: a voice that reminds us that people -ordinary working people- really DO matter. Not “corporations are people-people” , but REAL people! Tea-publicans want even more tax-break-corporate-welfare-loopholes....while companies send our jobs overseas, and wish that we’d go away too, as they buy every politician in sight. They talk about “welfare queens”, but hey, if these guys don’t have enough mistresses, I can hook them up with a few gorgeous -and rich!- oil companies. It would be a perfect blind date, except for the fact that they’re ALREADY in bed with them :-). But instead of talking about less government , and more corporate welfare, and more painful cuts to those who can LEAST afford it..., Occupy is a voice that demands a government that WORKS, a government that works FOR ALL OF US, not just for a favored few,...not just for the rich. It’s a voice that comes up from the grassroots, and lifts us up in turn: because it insists that this land IS our land...and that we WANT IT BACK! And most importantly, it's a voice that will help us re-elect the President AND give him a more progressive Congress to work with. Mr. Obama: I wish you well. You STILL give us hope.

  4. Anonymous4:59 AM

    If Cain were white, he'd still be in the running. See: Gingrich, NEWT. Aka, sorry, dying wife, you are not a good lay anymore, I'm moving on!

  5. Anonymous5:12 AM

    But he's enjoying The Donald Trump and The Sarah Palin like fame. And laughing all the way to the bank.

    He'll get a paid analyst contract with Fox or his own nationally syndicated radio program. He'll book more gigs, bemoaning that even though the bitches set him up, you can't bring down the Herman Cain. He's emerged stronger and he's a saint for sparing his family further unfair scrutiny. . .

    Yes, I lost my appetite also too.

    Losers are winners in America.

  6. I saw a comment on another blog saying that Republicans think Herb is less moral than Newton Leroy Gingrich. That is close to hitting the bottom.

  7. Anonymous5:45 AM

    The Daily Beast article on Cain yesterday was very telling. In short, he's always been a horn-dog, has a terrible marriage, and never thought he could win the election. He is as surprised by his recent success as anyone. This from people who KNOW him... the sources for the article are quite close to the family.

    Hilarious photo, by the way!

  8. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Did he drop out and sign his Fox contract yet?

  9. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Go to the site and read the posts. LMAO! They are hysterical. There is one from Todd and here is one from Sarah...

    Wasilla AK

    Herb I know how you fill. People are always makin' stuff up about me too, also. Maybe I can get you a job at FOX! It's easy, they just put the teleprompter jokes right there on the TV thingy and you read them and people send you money! Oh and Herb, if you get busted and decide to come clean, leave me out of it or I will blow you away like that chained down drugged Caribou I shot five times (well, four missed) on TV.

  10. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Racist caption, btw.

  11. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Herb is a part-time associate Baptist preacher! Ye Gods!

  12. Beldar Jugs Conehead6:36 AM

    "and this, sir, is the home page for the site we're putting up today, "Herbal Ladies"."

    "Oh, yes, that's very nice. Yes. Excellent photograph. I'll tell you what. Let's schedule a photo shoot with me and the women in that photo. You know... sort of an informal "man of the people" kinda thing..."

    "Well, sir, that's actually a stock photo. It saves money to do it that way."

    "Yes, yes, of course, good thinking. We could bring the women to the campaign headquarters, have lunch in my suite, maybe shoot some pictures there, too..."

    "Sir, as I said, it's a stock photo. So we don't know who the women are."

    "Ahh, ok, I understand. What about the tall blonde in front?"

    "We don't know who she is."

    "And the... full figured brunette on the left?"

    "I'm sorry, sir. We have no way to identify any of the women in the photo."

    "All right, let's discuss this further at dinner tonight."

    "Sir... tonight is my... boyfriend's birthday party. I can't have dinner with you."

    "Can you reschedule the party?"

    "No, sir, we have friends and family coming in. It's his 30th."

    "I see. That girl from your office you brought to the last meeting? Have her meet me for dinner."

    "Sir... That was Denise, our summer intern. She's... she's 19 years old, sir."

    "Excellent. Make reservations for us at Chez..."

    "Sir, she's back at college in Colorado and anyways, isn't she a bit youn..."

    "Let me just clarify .... there's that word again CLAR-i-FY... the situation for you. I am currently horny enough to screw my own wife and as you may be aware THAT is not an option at this time! Now, you're my social media director and if you want to REMAIN my social media director I expect you to direct some fine young social media in my direction TONIGHT! Is that clear enough?"

    "Yes, sir, most clear... Well.... Let me think a moment..."

    "That's better. Do you have a sister? A cousin? How old is your mother?"

    "Sir, my... uh... roommate from college... Janet... um.... She did... express a preference... for... um... dark chocolate... if I recall correctly..."

    "Excellent! Yes, Janet sounds like a very attractive young woman. That will do nicely. You'll call her and make the necessary arrangements."

    "Yes... sir... I will..... I'll call her now."

    "Good. And one more thing. How's that other site coming along?"

    "Oh... you mean "Big Breasted White Women For Herb"?"

    "That's the one!"

    "Sigh.... I'll have it ready by Friday, sir."

    "Outstanding! And for this site: no stock photos! Arrange an appropriate photo shoot and make sure to schedule me to be there!"

  13. Anonymous6:41 AM

    I think women should set up a real site: Women for Gloria Cain website.

  14. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:57 AM

    Have you guys caught this Conan-Cain spoof?

    Miss commenting here--back soon!!

  15. Gawd, I really didn't need an image of cain screwing in my head.

  16. Anonymous8:07 AM

    A Herman Cain Sexual Harassment PSA From 1986

  17. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Republican Ruh-Roh: Economy Looking Up Despite Obstruction

    ...Embedded in those jobs numbers, though, is an open-and-shut case against Republican policies and obstruction since breaking the filibuster-proof Democratic majorities in Congress. The smoking gun:

    You can draw a thick, bright line from these facts to Republican actions. That first item would be drastically different if Republicans in Congress decided to pass the American Jobs Act, which independent estimates say would create about 2 million jobs in the near term, many of them on infrastructure projects.

    The Republican obsession with cutting spending during this deep recession has already cost over half a million public sector jobs, and continues to bring down overall job growth. The private sector added 140,000 jobs in November, still not great, but again, more than the net job growth. The American Jobs Act also included measures, defeated by Republicans, to stem public sector job losses.

  18. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Watch Herman Cain’s ‘Major Announcement’ Live Here

  19. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Herman Cain Suspending 2012 Campaign For President

  20. Beldar "Jugs" are a straight up fool!! I can't stop laughing!!!

  21. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Bill said...
    Off Topic

    Up w/Chris Hayes on MSNBC Saturday and Sunday mornings may well be the best conversation on teevee.

    4:53 AM

    YES YES YES! He's amazing, as is Alex Wagner! THIS is how it's done!

    Herb Cain is an ego fueled buffoon. He was playing it by ear, and never was serious about wanting the job. Now he's packing up his tent because he cares about his wife and family? Pfffft.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.