Saturday, December 03, 2011

Herman Cain press announcement live blogging. Suspends campaign!

It is happening right now.

Sadly he dragged his wife out in front of he cameras with him.

He does not sound like he is going to drop out.  At least not yet.

Bragging about his name ID. The fact that his name is now synonymous with "sexual predator" does not seem to have occurred to him.

"You can say, I'm in the final four." Yeah but only ONE will get the nomination. And it won't be Herb!

His wife looks to be about the saddest woman I have ever seen. Reminds me of David Vitter's wife.

Calls accusations "false" and "unproved." First person testimonials don't count I guess.

Allegations "not true." "I am peace with my God, I am at peace with my wife. and she is at peace with me!"

Oh, he IS dropping out. He just suspended his campaign.

The Cain train has derailed!

The "good" news? Cain will "Not be silenced" and will "Not go away!"

Plan B, "The Cain" Why does everything he says sound like a porno version of reality? (If you click you can visit the website and see the saddest picture of Herman Cain imaginable.)

Says he will continue to be "a voice for the people."

Which people? Apparently the sexual predators, and fake political candidates, everywhere. You know REAL AMERICANS!

Definitely going the Palin route, but claims he WILL make an endorsement. Get ready to have your ass kissed Newt!

"I have NOT given up on America!" Well buddy they have certainly given up on you. Don't let the door hit on your predatory ass on the way put.

Update: Below is the picture featured on

 I am not quite sure WHAT he is trying to convey here.

Update: So not to read too much into this announcement, but does that mean THIS is no longer relevant?

I have to admit it's a virtually impossible to feel sorry for the arrogant predatory asshole.


  1. "I'm in the final four."

    Uhh, it's still a clown car, and I see you are staying in the parade.

    Ruh-Roh: "I'm you."

  2. Uh-oh. McCain words: "I am suspending my campaign."

    Crickets from the crowd - no response. No groans, no cheers.

  3. The Palinization:

    "I'm not going to shut up and I'm not going away!"

    It never ends.

  4. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Straight out of the Palin Playbook. Keep on collecting money at your website! Scamming Idiot.

  5. Anonymous9:54 AM

    The sad disgusting but revealing thing about Cain's cheating on his wife is that Sarah Palin condones it, accepts it, justifies it and chalks it up as Boys Will Be Boys!

    So now we know that Todd Palin's sexual relationship is accepted by Sarah.

    Sarah really needs to stop complaining about the Obamas since the Palins has family values to speak of or to be proud of.

  6. hedgewytch9:56 AM

    Did these guys all go to the same Shyster School or what?

    Sarah should sue him for stealing her speech, this is exactly the "quitting for the good of Alaskans" speech she made.

  7. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Yup, he's pulled a Palin. Keep sending money, bots!

  8. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:01 AM

    The "Herb" Cain Strategy:

    Plan A: Presidential run--EPIC FAIL

    Plan B: Scam the rubes for $$ through a brand new website

    Plan C: Bus tour through America's heartland complete with colorful, attention-getting wrapper, avoiding the Big Cities of the Elite where the populace just might be on to your shenanigans

    Plan D: Dancing with the Stars (or Celebrity Apprentice or The Next Great Baker with Buddy of Cake Boss)

    Plan E: "Ya want cheesy bread with that?"

    Herman Cain: Putting the "Untied" in the United States of America since 2011

  9. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Memo to Ann Coulter:

    How is that "our Blacks are better" thing working out for you now?

  10. Cain keeps saying "unproven." If I thought someone was lying about me..I'd only be saying "lies" over and over...not "unproven."

  11. Anonymous10:07 AM

    One less braying jackass.

    At least Huntsman will not attend the egomaniac DONALD debate.

    What a group of moronic clowns.

    The GOP is ridiculous.

  12. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I only caught the first few minutes of this rally thing - some guy with a three-cornered hat trying to talk with what he thinks a 1776 accent would sound like. Honestly, these people are fucking cheesy. The whole GOP field is one big SNL skit.

  13. First off: Love the pic of Vitter and his wife.

    Second: It is interesting that Cain thinks God wants him to be president, but God doesn't want Cain to keep his hands off other women, or even spend much time with his wife. Perhaps God cares more about power and control than family and decency. If so, maybe God really is a Republican.

  14. Pic is trying to show he can't keep his pants up.

  15. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Walnut and his wife look like they could be brother and sister in this picture.

    Just an observation...

  16. Anonymous10:22 AM

    what is a "politican"? Only 20-odd words on the one page and they couldn't get someone to spell-check it?

  17. LMAO!! Just saw this headline on the "Fark" website..."Herman Cain suspends his campaign to spend more time with YOUR wife"!

    Looks like we won't have ole Pimp Daddy Cain to kick around anymore. I'm sure Gov Dirty Wig is calling Herm now to wish him well...NOT!

  18. Anonymous10:28 AM

    He is a sad and pathetic man. Anyone can tell he is a bitter person not satisfied with having a nice family, plenty of money and power, a fine education... seems only name recognition counts. What a joke. Hate to see you go, hate to see you go, etc. etc. Nobody is going to miss you Herb, I mean Herman.

  19. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Hey, SARAH! I KNOW you're reading this. Welcome to the black version of YOU, no racism intended. See how this works? Come on out and'll leave redder in the face than your Elmo outfit on Hannity.

    Throwing down the gauntlet. What are you waiting for???

  20. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Cain & Palin -- like two peas in a pod.

    Cain still blaming the media, etc.

    Cain not accepting responsibility it was HE that could not keep his pecker in his pants. I don't think it was anyone in the media that pulled that zipper down!!!

    Cain and Palin - It's always someone elses fault. Never their own.

    Cain 'suspends' campaign thereby allowing to continue to scam/grift for $$$. Just like Palin.

    Note too - they've both made analogies to 'basketball'. They have so many of the same characteristics -- lack of intelligence; lack of knowledge; are habitual liars. The list too long.

    As for Cain's Plan B: My book is available for said at the parking lot exit!!!

  21. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Not Just a Word

    You'll note that Herman Cain didn't drop out of the presidential campaign. He "suspended" his campaign. And that's not just a spinny weasel word. It has significant campaign finance implications. For one, it means he can continue to raise money.

    In certain cases I believe but I have not yet been able to confirm that 'suspending' can leave a candidate eligible for matching funds, under certain circumstances. Again, we're still trying to confirm this latter point. And we'll update you when we do.

  22. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Cain's endorsement: 'Pokemon'

    That's as real as his campaign was!!

  23. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Any bets on how long Herm's sham and scam website will stay live? I give it maybe six months (yes, I think that there are just that many simpletons who liked being fleeced!)

  24. Anonymous10:37 AM

    On Twitter about Herman Cain, one of the comments was "At least #SouthernM is making me a substantial amount of money today. Should about cover all I wasted donating to @THEHermanCain."

    And who's stupidity was it that wasted their $$$ donating to Cain. DUH!!!

    It's like the Pe'ers. Now they're crying cause they got scammed!!

  25. lilly lily10:37 AM

    So now Gloria Cain is in collusion with Herman. She is sticking by her man unless he goes down in flames, then she will desert him.

    He will collect matching funds for his campaign in January.

    He hasn't stopped, he is playing for time.

    Didn't McCain do it in the 2008 campaign, and he wanted Obama to also, but Obama wouldn't suspend his campaign.

  26. This country is a cesspool, and now, the NYT lets Sandusky whine on the front page because he's going to miss his dog if he goes to prison! SICKENING.

  27. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Herman Cain will announce his 'Plan B' endorsement 'the Morning After' his 'pull out' the night of 'Plan A'.

  28. Anonymous11:14 AM

    "I am not quite sure WHAT he is trying to convey here."

    Dude... don't you see it?



  29. Anonymous11:17 AM

    A charlatan to the bitter end! With God and his wife watching his back the former lobbyist will continue his career as a paid celebrity speaker despite all the lies about him.

    Better to be "accused unjustly" than be known as a stone-cold liar (or an ignorant bumbling fool).

    God bless America! Down with Socialism!

  30. honeybabe11:20 AM

    now i will wait to see how popular the godfather pizza company is from here on. i say vote with your wallet!

  31. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Herman Cain should be responsible for reimbursing the American taxpayers for his 'Secret Service detail'.

  32. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Herman Cain, by way of 'suspending' his campaign and saying he will be announcing his 'endorsement' - should not be able to collect matching funds for his campaign. When a campaign is in 'suspension' any payments should be 'suspended' and only paid should the campaign 're-engage'. Upon 'endorsement' announcement, you have no plan to 're-engage'.

    His whole thing for 'suspending' his campaign is to do the same as Palin -- Scam people.

    Don't be surprised to see a 'CainPAC' emerge to be used as a family vacation slush fund and a book tour slush fund.

    US laws for PACs truly suck.

  33. wakeUpAmerica11:41 AM

    So, since these women are all lying, why isn't he suing them for defamation?

  34. Anonymous11:53 AM

    To anyone who is mentioning that Sarah "condones" sexual exploits, I guess YOU condone this behavior too, no?

    I mean, I haven't seen any petitions calling for Bill Clinton or Spitzers removel from the public arena.

    I don't see blogs dedicated to personally destroying them with outrageous slander or re-printed hollywood lies for no reason.

    Only republicans. What gives? And "family values" isn't an answer. Behavior is objective.

    No difference.

  35. Anonymous11:55 AM

    I just watched this and find him to be nothing more than an arrogant ass. I so hope the media doesn't follow him from now on for his comments - as they did Sarah Palin. God, we had to put up w/her bull for three years. (People in Alaska had to put up w/her longer than that!!!)

    Amazing how Cain lies regarding the women he has had in his life besides his wife. I believe the ones that have come out against him - two were paid to keep quiet and then we have the 12/13 year affair.

    Now, we need to get Gingrich out of the picture. He is as evil as Cain - perhaps worse. Some of the statements he is making about putting young black children to janitorial work, people using foodstamps to go to Hawaii (bullshit of course/it cannot be done!), etc. He lies just as recklessly as Palin and Cain did.

    Pay attention voters...know your candidates before you go to the polls.

    I think President Obama will have a second term and that makes me very, very happy!

  36. Herb has played the half term governor's game plan perfectly. He is now a victim, his books will sell more, and now his speaking fees will at least double from the $25,000 he was making as a B list motivational speaker to an A list right wing hero. FOX may not hire him, but his potential as a talk radio host is there if he wants it. The entire episode is disgusting.

  37. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Cain is a prime example of Affirmative Action gone astray.Like Clarence Thomas.

  38. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Memo to Ann Coulter:

    How is that "our Blacks are better" thing working out for you now?

    ...............Do you think maybe she got a taste of Cain and is upset because Obama is not interested in her?

  39. Cain will "Not be silenced" and will "Not go away!"

    Isn't this what palin said also?
    I'm predicting a book, a book tour and a Fox news position in the future

  40. sally in MI12:17 PM

    Still waiting for Hannity to blame this on Obama...isn't everything wrong with the GOP his fault? I tell you, the reach of the President is amazing. Before anyone even knew Palin's name, he had people in Alaska planting stories, filing ethics complaints, and making her miserable life worse. 14 years ago, Obama hired this woman to start an affair with a pizza man. Obama just KNEW the guy would someday want to run for President against him. See, Obama KNEW he was going to be President before anyone else did. Before he even ran for Illinois Senate, he was plotting against Herb Cain. And Obama is responsible for those other 'anonymous women' who the NRA paid off all those years ago, too. I mean, who else would be after nice sweet Herb?
    As far as Gingrinch, I'm still trying to figure out how a lowly college student managed to infiltrate Newt's private life and dangle attractive aides in front of that he would be running on a conservative platform having had multiple marriages and affairs. Damn, he's good.
    Obama takes no credit for Mitt's mushmouth, Perry's short memory or the crazy Bachmann clan...they are on their own.

  41. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Seems like he has a few million left over in his campaign fund. Wonder if he'll be calling Sara to get her advice on how to skirt the rules and use it for his own personal gain.

  42. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Such an odd picture for this website. An elderly white man looking forlornly at a field. Is he sad the slaves are gone? What the heck!?! I guess we are supposed to think he's sad Cain is out of the race? Was Cain going to harvest his crops? weird. That was the most tedious speech I've ever tried to listen to. Made it 1/3 of the way before I had to click on highlights here and there. That think of saying a word or two and pausing only works if you have something important to say.

  43. Anonymous12:18 PM

    If all it took was some misinformation by the media to get a presidential contender to quit then why didn't Obama wrap it up when they were calling him a Muslem born in Kenya?

    What is the plan B, a website for him to share his Sim City 9-9-9 plan or more Women & Men for Cain? And his "foreign policy" plan of peace, love & granola? It was so hilarious when he closed by repeating a quote that he admitted was from the Pokeman movie, how pathetic!

    I thought for sure he was going to say his plan B was becoming a Fox host, maybe next week he'll announce that.

  44. Anonymous12:18 PM

    The only reason Sandusky will miss his dog if he goes to prison is the poor dog is his backup if there aren't any boys around to abuse. Someone save that dog from more abuse

  45. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Taking a page from his political role model Sarah Palin, Cain claimed to be a fighter while he was quitting, “As of today, with a lot of prayer and soul searching, I am suspending my presidential campaign. I am suspending my presidential campaign because of the continued distraction, the continued hurt caused on me and my family. Not because we are not fighters.”

    Just like any good right wing media star wanna be, Cain denied that he has done anything wrong, “As false accusations continue, they have sidetracked my ability to present solutions to the American people.”

    Herb went down swinging the stupid stick by claiming that he made the “Final Four” for the presidency, but how can he make the final four when he quit before the first primary and caucus? Herman also doesn’t seem to be aware that the winner of the Republican nomination doesn’t get to be president. There is this thing called a general election in November where the Republican nominee will have to defeat Barack Obama before they can take up residence in the White House.

    Rick Perry didn’t know the voting age and date of the election and Herman Cain doesn’t seem to know how elections actually work.

    Herman Cain essentially claimed that the media hurt his feelings by reporting on his mistress and history of sexual harassment, so he decided to take his ball and go home. Cain repeatedly called the allegations against him false, but if the allegations are false why did quit? Someone needs to explain to Herb that falsely accused people don’t quit.

    The real reasons why Can quit was because the allegations are true, his poll numbers plummeted, and his fundraising has dried up.

    Later Cain revealed what the real motivation was for his presidential campaign, he wants to get into the lucrative right wing grifting market, “Plan B, and I call it You see there are three audiences out there folks that I have had to deal with. There’s the media class. There’s the political class, and there’s we the people. It is we the people that got us to this point, this far…Plan B is that I will continue to be a force for the people.”

    He then spent the rest of his statement touting his new website and con in order to stay famous. Cain promised that he is not going away, but just like Sarah Palin, he is about to find out that once he is no longer a candidate, no one will care about Herman Cain.

    You could almost hear shades of Sarah Palin’s resignation speech where she quit on Alaska in Herman Cain’s remarks today. Much like Palin, Cain believes that he can still feed his monstrous ego without having to actually run for anything. The Herman Cain vanity circus kicked into full money making mode today. Cain will never understand that for a brief shining moment he was nothing more than a mainstream media creation that embodied the Mitt Romney protest vote.

    Cain personified everything that is wrong with the 2012 GOP field. Herman Cain was unqualified. He had no knowledge about anything. He offered catch phrases instead of positions. He was scandal plagued, and a genuine embarrassment to political dialogue.

    In a political field that is an all star team of GOP ignorance, Herman Cain stood out. Even without the personal scandals, Cain’s infamous Libya stumble sent shudders through the nation as the ghost of Sarah Palin reared her head. Not since Palin has a candidate been rewarded so much for knowing and doing so little.

    Herman Cain’s ignorance may be gone, but like Palin he promised to poison the well of our national discourse as long as he can make a buck.

    The Republican Party lost a candidate today, but conservative media has gained a new grifter.

  46. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Isn't it wonderfully funny that he named the next phase of his political career after the "morning after" pill -- Plan B?

    Does he even get how funny that is, given all the fooling around he's done?

  47. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I know - maybe Hermalicious can hook up with Scarah and they can BOTH be happy ever after! Somewhere way over there, far far away from the rest of us.

  48. Anonymous said...

    To anyone who is mentioning that Sarah "condones" sexual exploits, I guess YOU condone this behavior too, no?

    I mean, I haven't seen any petitions calling for Bill Clinton or Spitzers removel from the public arena.

    I don't see blogs dedicated to personally destroying them with outrageous slander or re-printed hollywood lies for no reason.

    Only republicans. What gives? And "family values" isn't an answer. Behavior is objective.

    No difference.

    11:53 AM

    Oh shut up Gov Dirty! It's not the bloggers fault that you have a "black fetish" should have kept you mouth shut (pun intended) and nobody would have ever known about you, "baby oil" and Glen Rice...go clean that wig and make sure none of your kids are pregnant....grown ups are talking here.

  49. Anonymous1:09 PM


    Herman Cain Quit Race, But Can Still Spend Funds With Little Restriction

  50. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Herman Cain Favorability

  51. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Blaming the media and its attack on his family, Herman Cain has announced the suspension of his campaign. It’s interesting that even though Ginger White has publicly admitted to having an affair with Herman Cain for 13 years, and Cain has admitted to knowing her, but also to giving her money, he is still denying the affair. If women fail to declare publicly to being harassed by Cain, he suggests they are not legitimate. When women like Sharon Bailek come forward, Cain still denies even knowing her. Then a man comes forward and proclaims that Cain did know her and spent an entire evening with Sharon and himself. When Ginger White comes forward, admits to the affair, apologizes to the wife and family of Cain, produces telephone records of calls in the middle of the night, produces proof of payments from Cain, Cain still denies the affair! Now when Cain resigns from the presidential campaign, he continues to deny the affair. What reasonable person would find Cain credible? What reasonable person would listen to Cain or the party to which he belongs and not be suspicious of the credibility of any of its members.

  52. Anonymous1:16 PM

    I wouldn't open my door either!

    Mitt Romney goes door-knocking in New Hampshire

  53. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Bye, Bye, Bye, to Mr. 9-9-9!

    Obama/Biden 2012!

  54. Herb is another half term governor except with more education and class.

  55. Anonymous1:39 PM

    11:53 - the difference is Spitzer and Clinton and Weiner and many of the others didn't go around campaigning on their righteousness. They didn't sings hymns, wear crosses or Stars of David trying to point out how religious they were, and they did not stand on family values platforms. In other words, they were not hypocrites the same way that Palin, Cain and Gingrich are. The latter try to use people's faith to swindle them.

  56. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Cain did an interview after he 'Quit'. He said (like Palin) he was upset how his family was treated.


    Cain -playing another Bagger 'Victim' just like Palin.

    Got a message earlier from a friend
    when Cain was in the midst of his Quitter speech -- that if she saw any of her relatives/friends in the crowd, she was crossing them off of her Christmas List. ROFL!!!

  57. Anonymous1:44 PM

    What's with the wife... I mean she looks like a wind-up toy. The entire performance was pure bull$%#@. Thought he'd never shut up. As usual, absolutely NO SUBSTANCE. One less jerk to think about.

  58. Anonymous1:44 PM

    I am so glad the Koch Brothers' candidate, Herman Cain, has bit the dust.

    Just goes to show money doesn't always win.

  59. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Guess Greta's hubby finds himself unemployed once again being his was an 'advisor' to Cain.

    Coale, being a Washington lawyer -- those sharks don't work for 'no $$'.

    Coale's resume isn't looking too good. The 'Quitters' are adding up. Palin, Cain!!!!

  60. Anonymous1:56 PM

    nein nein nein to nine nine nine!

    He'll get matching funds, he didn't close his campaign, just suspended it. He get to keep his webiste up, collect money, and get reimbursed for his campaign funds.

    Kinda like Sarah. He'll be a regular fixture on Fox news, and his buddy, Blitz Wolfer's CNN show.

    Next down, Gingritch.

    The sad thing is, Huntsman is the only one who makes an iota of sense. He walks the walk and knows his shit, but he's not "conservative enough". As a democrat, I would like to see him win a chance at losing to Obama, at least they'll argue like two intelligent people.

    For entertainment purposes, Shelly or Rick would be funny as hell to watch "debate" on the issues against Obama.

    Good Riddence, sleazebag Cain!

  61. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Dear Pathetic Troll @ 11:53,

    Don't you know how to use the Google so that you can see how many RWNJ blogs were just itching to impeach and try Clinton and any other amount of treasonous actions including assasination (Coulter)?

    But then I guess Brisdull/Willer, you would have had to stay in school to learn that fact.

  62. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Fox News new clown.

  63. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Buh Bye Herb.

    I just don't get it. Successful men are willing risk everything they have gained for an orgasm.

    I drove the 600 mile round trip from Wichita Falls to Austin Texas probably a hundred times over the 40 some driving age years that I lived in Texas, and drove 2400 some miles from NE Texas to Ne Maine in under three days. I kept myself awake many a time with sexual fantasies, and have probably had more orgasms while driving than the average male has had in their entire life time.

    But there is nothing that I have gained in my life that is worth risking by cheating on my family, or on some other woman's family that is worth another Oooo Ahhh moment, when they are so safely, easily and cheaply, come by.

    Men sell themselves cheap.

    I just don't get guys putting themselves in that situation.

    I am sure Fox will hire Herb, but who really wants to hear Herb above any other well established Republican?
    Other than his race he brings nothing into the Presidential conversation that has any real value not to mention gravitas.

  64. telah2:22 PM

    If I were the "broad" he had the 13 year sexual relationship with I would take all the evidence, every text message I could get my hands on, every photo, every ticket to an event, plane ticket, e-mail, letter and bring it to the media immediately. Every last shred. That disgusting jerk has the nerve to lie to the entire country about their relationship and call this woman a liar? He is the source of several sexual harassment complaints and at least two settlements and he calls the women liars. What a slimy weasel.

  65. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Who will Cain endorse? Who's willing to give him a job? Will he follow Trump's lead as Trump will ask him to appear on The Apprentice? LOL

    Will ABC call him Monday and ask him to appear on Dancing with the Stars?? ROFL

    ABC's The View Barbara Walters finds herself without a date tonight as Cain cancelled the dinner being held by New York Post Page Six gossip writer Cindy Adams!!!

  66. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    To anyone who is mentioning that Sarah "condones" sexual exploits, I guess YOU condone this behavior too, no?

    I mean, I haven't seen any petitions calling for Bill Clinton or Spitzers removel from the public arena.

    I don't see blogs dedicated to personally destroying them with outrageous slander or re-printed hollywood lies for no reason.

    Only republicans. What gives? And "family values" isn't an answer. Behavior is objective.

    No difference.

    11:53 AM

    I guess you slept through the impeachment of Clinton and the resignation of Spitzer. They paid a heavy price for their sins and have had to work hard at regaining some level of success and a small amount of public respectability.

  67. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Cain is a prime example of Affirmative Action gone astray.Like Clarence Thomas.
    12:01 PM

    And your evidence that these men got where they have via affirmative action?

    Oh yeah. They are Black.

    But Affirmative Action is applied to all minorities, races and genders, physically impaired and even disadvantaged white boys.

  68. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Women who support former candidate Cain have a "good head" on their shoulders!

  69. Anonymous2:52 PM

    To anyone who is mentioning that Sarah "condones" sexual exploits, I guess YOU condone this behavior too, no?

    I mean, I haven't seen any petitions calling for Bill Clinton or Spitzers removel from the public arena.

    I don't see blogs dedicated to personally destroying them with outrageous slander or re-printed hollywood lies for no reason.

    Only republicans. What gives? And "family values" isn't an answer. Behavior is objective.

    No difference.

    @11:53 AM

    $arah Palin about Herman Cain's alleged sexual misconduct: "Boys will be boys." She condones it.

    Bill Clinton was almost "removed" from public office by CONGRESS because of his sexual escapades, and Elliot Spitzer was disgraced, and re-signed from office. Conservatives and the media did try damn hard to destroy the Clintons with outrageous slander, and lies back then, but right now they are focusing their fire on the current occupant in the White House.

    Elliot Spitzer's show has also been cancelled. Neither Bill Clinton, or Elliot Spitzer are dangerous, and a pain in the ass, like Palin is.

    Nobody attacks $arah Palin "for no reason." There is a difference.

  70. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Cain is a prime example of Affirmative Action gone astray.Like Clarence Thomas.
    12:01 PM

    And your evidence that these men got where they have via affirmative action?

    Oh yeah. They are Black.

    But Affirmative Action is applied to all minorities, races and genders, physically impaired and even disadvantaged white boys.

    @2:39 PM

    Yup. $arah Palin, a white female, is a prime example of affirmative action gone wrong.

  71. Anonymous3:15 PM

    What is so truly sad about this whole joke of republican candidates for the most serious office in the world, there are actually Americans who really believe they can run this country properly.

    I really wish those people would get back on their meds and get intelligent you are poor and they don't like you. (fastwriter)

  72. O/T but very interesting....this may explain why Gov Dirty Wig flipped her dirty wig on Insannity the other night....courtesy of Shailey's 3 update...

    shaytripp wrote:

    UPDATE 3: I will do a post on Monday but for now on Nov. 30, 2011 Judge Washington issued an order that all my property be returned by the APD and gave 10 days to respond and 5 days for Plaintiff to file a reply. I can't help but wonder what are the Palins thinking, what is John Tiemessen thinking, what is Lt Dave Parker and Det. Mc Kinnon's superiors thinking....I wonder what the results of the APD Internal Affairs will be?

    Notice the date of the judges order is Nov 30...she did that manic interview on Dec 1...that's why that tree looked like it was pulled out of a storage closet and thrown in the background and why she had her red robe on and she was spitting and carrying on and forgot her "talking points"...she just got the news! GOTCHA DIRTY!


  73. Anonymous3:49 PM

    The Cain followers are as delusional as the C4Pee'ers.

    Reading comments and twitter posts, they seriously believe he only 'suspended' his campaign and that he will keep running. Many say they will 'write his name in'. Others sending money to resurrect his campaign.

    And it's still the media's fault!

    I feel we're in the Twilight Zone -- Doo Doo, Doo Doo, Doo Doo

    WOW - More space aliens live in the US than we realize!!

  74. I tried twice to register on, and both times I got an error.

  75. Randall4:37 PM

    " I am not quite sure WHAT he is trying to convey here."

    Why... he's a man out standing in his field, of course.

  76. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Anonymous said...

    The only reason Sandusky will miss his dog if he goes to prison is the poor dog is his backup if there aren't any boys around to abuse. Someone save that dog from more abuse
    12:18 PM
    Oy vey, I was thinking the same thing...get that poor dog away!!!!

  77. Balzafiar5:05 PM

    Gonna miss old Herman and his pimp hat. Dude is a real-life player.

  78. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Do NOT feel sorry for this sorry, pathetic, self-serving, egotistical, Trump-Quality bizman loser.

    He does have name recognition which comes with Palinesque bling, but like Sarah, he'll find that being a conservative, bullshit morals leader gets cold, lonely and ignored.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.