Saturday, December 03, 2011

There are some very amazing testimonials over at Men for Cain. Like this one for instance.

If you check through the various messages left on the Men for Cain website, you soon stumble across this little gem.

For those who cannot enlarge the image, allow me.

Herb I know how you fill. People are always makin' stuff up about me too, also. Maybe I can get you a job at FOX! It's easy, they just put the teleprompter jokes right there on the TV thingy and you read them and people send you money! Oh and Herb, if you get busted and decide to come clean, leave me out of it or I will blow you away like that chained down drugged Caribou I shot five times (well, four missed) on TV.

I know this is a parody site, but you have to admit this one sounds awfully close to the real thing. (I am going to say its her until she goes on the Greta/Hannity show and tells me I'm wrong. Hey she responded before!)

It is only a little more than an hour before Cain decides to demonstrate to the world whether or not he is a man of great delusion, or one who recognizes that the jig is up and it is time to fold up his circus tent and ride off over the horizon.

So what do you think he will decide? 


  1. Anonymous7:58 AM

    delusion is the gift that keeps on giving........i say he says he will stay and then says he won't and then mitt will call him a flip-flop.

  2. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Wow. There are truly despicable people in this world. If you're one who laughs at stuff like that, you are among the despicable.

    It reminds me of the people here who profess to know "horrible things" about the palins yet have no idea what they're talking about. That happens often and is the reason there are so many lies about them.

    Biased bloggers don't help.

  3. Anonymous8:05 AM

    So GOP can be called flipfloppers yet obama can give two different versions of his time with acorn and be ignored or he can flatout lie about a bill or cater to peoples emotions and not be mocked or ridiculed as a repub would?

    Yeah libs aren't biased hypocrites at all. Ugh

  4. I predicted weeks ago (here) he would step down framing it as a noble sacrifice to save his beloved wife from the pain of all the 'lies' and defamation.

    He says God led him to run for President; if I believed in God, I'd be laughing, clever God, to lead an arrogant posturing narcissist to humbling national disgrace and mockery.

    The whole GOP is really laugh-out-loud funny: hey, Trump's moderating a debate! Can it get any more ridiculous? Stay tuned, there doesn't seem to be a bottom...

  5. If he waits until January he can receive Federal matching campaign funds. He loves the attention even if it is negative. However, Gloria and his children have probably told him how big a fool he is making of himself. I think he will withdraw, but I would not bet on it.

    I hope he stays in because he is funny, and it adds even more to the Republican party looking ridiculous. Their debates are the best teevee we had had in years.

  6. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Herb, I know what you are going through. I had sex with Glen Rice and he went and blabbed about it too.

    If you want to have sex with me, I will never tell anyone....



  7. He's history.

  8. Anonymous8:25 AM

    I think he knows the jig is up, but he prolonged the drama in the hopes that his supporters would stage a massive rally on his behalf. I note - with some satisfaction - that it hasn't happened.

    If he doesn't resign he will be mocked and derided EXPONENTIALLY more than he already has been.

    Come on Herb, tough it out. Take your fight to the convention floor! In the meantime you'll have some more opportunities to harass a few more ladies and have an affair or two along the way.

    Cain 2012!

  9. I'm going with the delusion.

    He doesn't have a choice either way, but self-delusion has been his friend all these years - he won't turn his back on it now.

  10. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Flew down to Portland on the red eye. Sarah and Todd were on the flight with no kids in sight. Sarah was sporting some oversized nerd glasses. Todd was carrying her pepto bismol pink duffel bag. Or maybe it was his. Either way, it sure must suck to be him.

    People started lining up to board, and they just walked right up to the head of the line and cut past everyone else. Doubt anyone was surprised by that. I sure wasn't.

  11. Anonymous8:49 AM


    Don't know true behind it but did find it interesting, but just read a tweet:

    iamDuaneFAME -FAME Men's Magazine
    @ @kruperti lol Palin daughter is fuckin Corey from Thats so Raven & Palin was a groupie bangin Glen Rice never compate @thehermancain 2 Palin
    10 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

    Wonder -- Bristol or Willow??? Being it's most likely LA

  12. Anonymous8:55 AM

    O/T - Tweet re Palin & Cory of That's So Raven -- Well I'll Be!! Cory = Kyle Massey!!

    That's how much I know about That's so Raven!!!

    Well Hell - that wouldn't be a surprise at all.

  13. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Cain's finely honed hubris will keep him in the race...after all, he and the Koch brothers aren't done shoving Americastani's heads into their crotches.

  14. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Herbie suffers from the same mental issues as Palin. He's running his campaign the same way as she. He's in it to continue scamming just like grifter Palin and her 'Ho' used husband.

  15. Anonymous9:04 AM

    8:32--What, no private jet..

  16. Anonymous9:07 AM

    We've watched this play out before us before.

    There is no difference between Palin and Cain.

    They're both scammers
    They're both liars
    They're both cannot speak with any intelligence as they both lack it.
    They've both bullshited themselves into jobs they aren't qualified for

    and on and on and on.

    Toad and Cain's wife could get together in that they are there for 'show' only.

    Toad and Cain could be BFF's as they have the issue of not being able to keep their pecker in their pants.

  17. Today's the grand opening of Herman Cain's HQ - his campaign manager just said.

    He's staying in.

  18. Anonymous9:18 AM

    I believe he is so deluded and selfish that he will stay in. He loves the attention. Mrs. Cain loves her lifestyle.

  19. Goodness, they're gushing over Herb. These people must think he's staying in.

  20. Anonymous9:27 AM

    "It reminds me of the people here who profess to know "horrible things" about the palins yet have no idea what they're talking about."

    Anon, you profess to have data to dispell these "horrible things." Please set us straight by sharing these facts.

  21. Anonymous9:29 AM

    "So GOP can be called flipfloppers yet obama can give two different versions of his time with acorn and be ignored or he can flatout lie about a bill or cater to peoples emotions and not be mocked or ridiculed as a repub would?

    Yeah libs aren't biased hypocrites at all. Ugh

    8:05 AM"

    You don't get out much if you aren't aware of how thoroughly Obama gets trashed - not only here (and I should know because I'm a liberal who loathes Obama and I have criticized him plenty on this site) - but on sites I would assume you're a regular visitor at such as C4P, and on Fox news. Obama is EVISCERATED there all the time.

    But then anybody who defends the Palins is by definition completely out of touch with reality.

  22. omigod, I'm watching Cain live and I THINK he's going to stay in the race! YAY! Keep the crazy humor coming!

  23. Herb is an ass hole not matter what he does. He is drawing this thing out for everything it is worth.

  24. "Horrible Things"

    You mean all of the documentation in the books of Geoff Dunn, Frank Bailey and McGinniss?

    I haven't heard any refudiation to those authors.

  25. (ahem)9:40 AM

    The despicable, bised, lying, hypocritical, immature, despicable, bised, lying, hypocritical, immature, despicable, bised, lying, hypocritical, immature, despicable, bised, lying, hypocritical, immature, despicable, bised, lying, hypocritical, immature, wah, what about Obama, despicable, bised, lying, hypocritical, immature, despicable, bised, lying, hypocritical, immature, despicable, bised, lying, hypocritical, immature, despicable, bised, lying, hypocritical, immature, people here shouldn't judge people they don't know.

  26. No darn...he is suspending. Shucks!!! There have to be all sorts of hotel and travel records with Ginger. It would have been really fun to watch the evidence emerge.

  27. Anonymous10:05 AM

    So happy that I was wrong on this. I was sure he'd stay in. He ceased to be amusing and I'm glad to see him go. I wasn't even getting good comic value any longer.

  28. Who cares what HE decides. The people have already decided he's an idiot. A grifting, sexually harassing predatory idiot.

  29. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Cain/Palin - Two peas in a pod.

    Cain still blaming the media, etc.

    He who couldn't keep his pecker in his pant.

    Cain/Palin -- Never accept responsibilities for their mistakes. It's always someone else's fault.

    Suspending his campaign - allows him to scam/grift for money. Just like Palin does.

  30. Anonymous said...

    Wow. There are truly despicable people in this world. If you're one who laughs at stuff like that, you are among the despicable.

    It reminds me of the people here who profess to know "horrible things" about the palins yet have no idea what they're talking about. That happens often and is the reason there are so many lies about them.

    Biased bloggers don't help.

    8:03 AM

    Oh Gov Dirty...are you talking about Glen "Baby Oil" Rice? He didn't think what you did to him as "horrible things"...

  31. Anonymous said...

    So GOP can be called flipfloppers yet obama can give two different versions of his time with acorn and be ignored or he can flatout lie about a bill or cater to peoples emotions and not be mocked or ridiculed as a repub would?

    Yeah libs aren't biased hypocrites at all. Ugh

    8:05 AM

    Gov Dirty Wig....Can I call you Dirty? isn't about yesterday was ALL about you and your plush carpet robe you wore and your somewhat clean looking wig and the crazy that you is about Pimp Daddy Cain...let em' have his moment in the sun....

  32. mitchethekid10:39 AM

    Here Palin bots, suck on this. Cain and Palin have alot of dysfunctional character traits in common. Notice he didn't say "ending" campaign, he said suspending. That we he can continue to collect $ from his deluded supporters. But in the next breath he said he will announce whom he will endorse. So what is it Herb? Quitting like the Grand Master Quitter herself or thinking the public is so stupid as to not understand English? His fake candidacy was always about $. Just like Palin. He then went on to talk about uniting America but failed to mention OWS. Just the growing in unpopularity Teabaggers. Yeah, THEY are the answer. Know nothings who have ground congress to a halt. Face it bots, with a freak show of Republican candidates Obama is a shoe-in. So go back to C4P and worship Palin. Look for secret meanings in every gutteral utterance that vomits out of her herpes fevered mouth, every thread of her horrible costumes,every muscular tick and twitch that just convinces you that yaweh will part the seas and void the constitution so that $arah Payme will ascend the thrown of Jesus to rule the world. The woman is a fucking pig.

  33. Anonymous10:53 AM

    8:03 --

    First Amendment. TRUTH HURTS, doesn't it? Give $arah her meds like a good girl and sing ahem's post to her like a lullaby. Your afternoon is hereby freed up to go Christmas shopping.

  34. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Things are heating up at Shailey's site now that Sarah has given her free publicity on national TV and confirmed that the Trig/Tripp stories are of the ones of concern to her enough to think about them every day (you don't dwell on things that don't matter). Sarah continues to be her own worst enemy. Wow, every day? This story must to be pretty big. There must be someone in the circle considering cashing in on what they know to support their income.

  35. Anonymous11:31 AM

    hey that was me! thanks!

  36. Anonymous12:15 PM

    I have a lot of Republican friends and have to say that they are pretty much keeping their thoughts to themselves about this group they have running in the primary.

    They are probably as embarrassed as I am for them.

    I think Palin and Cain are very similar in their political and personal actions and think there is no way to describe Gingrich except for the fact that I think he is even worse!

    I fear for our country if we have any of the possible Republicans beat President Obama. They are ALL known to be liars - and proof is all over the place for them doing so.

  37. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Boy there are some bitter trolls. Sour grapes is tough to shake, I guess, esp when you've got time on your hands to brood about losing to President Obama while the rest of the world has been able to move on. As a matter of fact, she appears to be more bitter every time she emerges. BTW- since the Trig story isn't in the news, there must be some other way that she is confronting it every day. What would that be? It hasn't even been mentioned here in a while although that wouldn't matter since she doesn't visit IM, right?

  38. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Nonetheless, Cain's character eventually came out: megalomaniacal, cocooned, a creature of that place where corporate lobbying meets politics, and your life is lived in hotel rooms, radio stations and convention centers. I see no reason to disbelieve the many women who claim he harassed and in one case assaulted them; nor do I disbelieve Ms White about her long affair with Cain. And what was truly gob-smacking is that he never owned these incidents and was capable of and fully prepared to offer the Full Metal Denial. I don't trust a man who can lie that brazenly. A reader notes:

    Watching Herman Cain’s address on C-Span, my lawyer senses tingled when I heard him refer to the “false and unproved” allegations against him. He used the same construction several times. Phrased that way, Cain could later claim that he was distinguishing between allegations that were “false” and those merely “unproved” – should evidence emerge that would make such a distinction necessary.

  39. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I just don’t get it Gryphen! It amazes me the ex-gov grifter does not see how lame it is that she reads the blogs — and responds! It is simply mind-blowing. I also notice how she uses words from blog posts in her little rants. Too funny!

  40. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I think we can now say with absolute certainty that Sarah Palin is a crappy mom. Who is raising those kids?

  41. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Maybe Sarah's going into rehab in Oregon?

  42. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Ahem I STILL love you :-)

  43. Love this picture of Pimp Daddy Cain at his speech today! He looks like Gov Dirty Wig doing that hand thing she does!

  44. Anonymous1:29 PM

    “The only regret I have is the way my family was treated and the endless spinning of false accusations,” Cain said.

    This in a Daily Beast article of interview after he quit - yet saying too 'he was not a quitter'.

    The old 'victim' card play -- family was victimized - BULLSHIT. His kids never appeared and his wife did one lame interview with VanSus.

    Cain and Palin wouldn't know truth if it slapped them up side the head. Next time someone sees them -- give them a thwack.

  45. Anonymous1:40 PM

    ok, I'll bite,

    I guess he'll suspend his campaign and bring out his lovely Gloria as moral support!

    Am I close?

    Is anyone surprised? I just hope the ladies involved demand an open apology. He called them liars and denied anything happened.

    Go Ladies, Occupy Cain's War Chest!

  46. Anonymous2:49 PM



Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.