Friday, December 02, 2011

In answer to allegations of misconduct with women, Herman Cain campaign launches "Women for Cain." Oh yeah, THIS is convincing! Update!

Courtesy of TPM:

While Herman Cain weighs whether to stay in the race after being accused of carrying on a decade-plus affair, the campaign is looking to repair the damage his various alleged improprieties have caused with women supporters. His website just went live with a new “Women For Cain” section where female supporters can share their stories —and slam his accusers as “vindictive,” “jealous,” “unstable,” and “husbandless.” 

The initiative, the site says, is chaired by his wife, Gloria Cain, who has been virtually 100% absent from the campaign trail so far and only recently gave her first interview — and that was after canceling previous ones first. 

“Mr. Cain has been a strong advocate for women throughout his lifetime, defending and promoting the issues of quality health care, family, education, equality in the workplace and many other concerns so important to American women,” the website reads. 

The real prize, however, is a section — which appears to be curated by the campaign — featuring female supporters’ personal testimonials, many of which are brutal attacks against the women who have accused Cain of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and infidelity. 

“Dear Mrs. Cain, don’t pay attention to these pathetic husbandless women who are jealous of women like you in happy long-term marriages,” a supporter from California writes. “These vindictive women can’t find a husband or keep one. They are like stalkers who try to latch on to any man who shows a bit of kindness or attention to them. When these unstable women come out of the woodwork to make accusations about Herman just say, ‘Honey, get a life, I believe my husband.’ We want you to be our First Lady Mrs. Cain!”

Okay by a show of hands, how many of you ACTUALLY believe that a woman, who cares about women,  would write that message on this website?

I think a more believable post would read more like this:

"Honey, you need to get copies of his cell phone records and bank statements, and drive your ass over to an attorney TODAY! Change the locks, empty the accounts, and keep him out of the bedroom until he PROVES he did not do what we all know he did!"

What is really insulting about that website to me is that whoever made it really believes that having a few models photographed giving the "thumbs up" signal is enough to convince REAL women that he didn't do anything wrong.

In other words, EPIC FAIL!

Update: Okay apparently that picture posted on the "Women for Cain" website, of four young models who have clearly never met Herman Cain that you see up above, is in fact a stock photo that the Cain campaign purchased. My assumption is that Cain could not find four women that actually knew him to degrade themselves on his behalf like that.

Apparently after too many people noticed it, and made disparaging remarks about it, they took it down.

You literally cannot make this stuff up folks.


  1. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Willow was kicked out of school and is currently unemployed and begging for dollars on the streets of LA. I also heard she's pregnant!! (again?) Or does she have herpes? (from mom?!) I forget its one of those. Either way she's trailer trash. Yup!

  2. Anonymous9:41 AM

    I think the disgruntled C4Pers have found a new place to vent...when they start attacking the media and closing comments to all but cheerleaders, we will know for sure...but the one you copied sure sounds like them.

  3. Anonymous9:41 AM

    I think Gloria Cain has known in her gut for a long time Herman has had other women on the side.

    She has already made that "deal with the devil" - a very comfortable lifestyle if she doesn't make a fuss about what he gets up to on his "business trips".

    I will be very surprised if she stands up to his cheating ways at this stage of the game.

  4. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Doesn't he have enough women already?

  5. Gasman9:51 AM

    This bullshit fairly encapsulates Cain's utter contempt for women. That he thinks women are all stupid enough to swallow this bilge is telling. Everything about his demeanor oozes contempt for women. In his mind, you ladies exist for but one purpose: to gratify Herb.

    Cain: "Now, now, honeys, don't you worry your pretty little heads. You shouldn't try and think too hard on this. Leave THAT to the men. See, here's some other women folk who just LOVE me. Now, wouldn't you rather go shopping or watch a soap opera or do some other female thing? Or, you could always just honk on my pepperoni."

    He is so finished. I hope his wife rips his nuts off.

  6. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I am very amazed that he is STILL saying "I did nothing wrong". Wow, denial to the bitter end - even with multiple women coming forward.

    I think one of the reasons Ginger White came forward is DISGUST that Herman Cain is so casually dismissing the other women - she KNOWS she is not the only woman he is cheating on his wife with.

    I see Herman has been very careful to choose his victims - all attractive women with a history of financial and personal irresponsible behavior. His escape strategy was already in place - "she is just a needy gold digger I was trying to help".

  7. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Cain gives me the creeps. I believe this last woman that has come out and I think the fact he paid two others off to keep their mouths shut, is proof in itself.

    His wife should dump him!!!

    It is amazing the candidates we have running for the primary in the Repub race. All of them suck except Huntsman (think I spelled his name incorrectly!) President Obama will gain another term.

  8. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Well said, Gryphon. What he and most of the doubting menfolk fail to realize is that women KNOW harassment goes on in the workplace. It has happened to most of us. While 99.999% don't file a complaint, it certainly doesn't dilute the credibility of those who do. Most women are too scared to say anything, or they need their job too badly, etc. I'm positive all those "letters from women" were written by paid staff. Does anyone buy this BS? No!

  9. Let's see, we have one woman who looks Hispanic, two who look white, and one who is black.

    Perhaps Cain has another "9-9-9 Plan" he's not telling us about: 9 white women, 9 black women, 9 Hispanic.

  10. OMFG. I cannot believe any woman would support this male chauvinist pig. This pic sums up what I think of Cain:

  11. One more thing: I read a few of the "stories". One of them says, "please let Gloria speak out again." Because as we know, a good wife should not do anything without her husband's permission.

    Granted, maybe candidate's families generally stay mum to help the candidate, but that line really jumped out at me.

    That commenter, Debbie Stevens-Paulsen, says we should give Cain the benefit of the doubt. Funny how conservatives never give Democrats the benefit of the doubt in any context, personal or political.

  12. Beldar Playwright Conehead10:09 AM

    Gryphen, STOP MAKING ASSUMPTIONS BEFORE THE FORMAL MEETING BETWEEN HERB AND HIS WIFE!!! I'll bet you a dollar this whole thing blows over once he has a chance to sit down and explain things. Someplace quiet. Like a divorce lawyer's office."

    "Nah, Baby, it ain't like that. Those bitches was just booty calls. Every time I was with them, I was thinking of you, Baby!"


    "Oh, yeah, Baby, only you. You know you're my only girl!"

    "Oh, Herb, I LOVE YOU! You're going to be the best president ever!"

    "You know it, Baby. Say, I have to make this one call. You go fix me a nice toasted cheese sandwich... Just the way I like it, ok, Baby?"

    "Oh, Herb, I'd love to make you a sandwich!"

    "And Baby?"

    "Yes, Love?"

    "Knock on the door before you come in with the sandwich, OK, Baby?"

    "Anything you say, Herb, anything!"

  13. Chella10:15 AM

    The one thing I've learned from my parents failed marriage is to NEVER forgive cheaters. Now, I am a very understanding person. I am fair, and kind and compassionate, but I am also brutally honest, almost to a fault. I have seen the impact an extramarital affair has not only on the spouse, but on their entire family, and I have certainly learned from my mothers mistakes. I have been cheated on in the past, and the moment I found out, I kicked that sucker to the curb, no matter how much he/she cried and begged for my forgiveness. HOWEVER. I very much appreciate HONESTY. I had an ex come to me, and tell me that he had slept with another woman, and that he was sorry. I accepted it, and we tried to move on, but they trust has been broken, and once broken can rarely be repaired.

    If the allegations are true, and Cain cheated on his wife REPEATEDLY, i reccomend you lawyer up, Mrs. Cain. That man obviously has no respect for you. Hit him where it hurts business men the most. His wallet.

  14. OH BOY! Pimp Daddy Cain is to slick for words....he set this website up to find a replacement for Ginger White! You can't fool us Herm...

    *in my Peppermint Patty voice*...

    "You sly dog you"!

    Here's a testimonial for one of Herm's future...uh...friends...

    Yvonne Settlemire
    phoenix, AZ

    "I am a single mom of three children and two have autism. I like what Mr Cain has to say. He the only one that wants to talk about the REAL issues. Im tired of all the side tracking of unimportant accusations by people from years and years ago. Today is what Im interested in. And the tomorrow of our country is what I want to be talked about. Im voting for Hermain Cain. Respectfully, Yvonne Settlemire "

    Posted: December 2, 2011 at 11:47 am

    And you should see the picture she posted....Herm's favorite...blond and white! HeHe!!!!!!

  15. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Herman Cain's Marriage Shaken by Infidelity Charges

    As the one-time GOP frontrunner meets up with his wife to discuss his political future, friends say fresh charges of infidelity reopened old wounds in his marriage.

    ...Then, in just a few days, things began to fall apart in a hurry as a string of women emerged accusing Cain of years of sexual advances and at least one long-term affair. So far Cain has done what he could to keep the charges from derailing his presidential bid, although in an interview with Fox News on Wednesday, the former pizza-company executive said once again that he was reassessing his campaign bid in light of recent allegations of a 13-year affair with an Atlanta businesswoman.

    The Cain campaign denied any strife in the marriage, but one campaign worker speaking anonymously said that Cain doesn’t want to quit because he doesn’t want to be seen as a loser.

    No matter what happens to Cain’s presidential aspirations, sources close to his family say the accusations of infidelity have already taken a significant toll on an already strained marriage.

    A close friend of one Cain’s two children explained that Herman and Gloria Cain’s marriage has seen its share of trouble over the years and his attraction to other women always played a huge role in the friction.

    ...“It never felt like a real marriage when I was around them,’’ says the friend. “Mostly he was always gone and his wife seemed to be OK with it. Not being together seemed the norm for their marriage, and Gloria didn’t seem to mind. His kids didn’t seem to mind either. ’’

    The friend noted that when Cain was around, he seemed completely in his own world.

    “He was king of his castle and no one questioned him,’’ says the friend. “It was an uncomfortable set-up for an outsider like me to be around. He was so indifferent to everyone. But I liked Gloria. She was warm and kind.”

    Several people who know the Cain family say Gloria and Herman have even lived in separate residences over the years. “They stayed together for good face. They’re old school where you stay just because. Herman likes to give the appearance of living this holier-than-thou life. But it’s anything but,” says someone close to the family.

    ...“She hated doing that interview defending him on Fox but felt pressured to do it by him and the campaign,’’ says a campaign worker. “She doesn’t want to be forced to do that again because she knows he’s had girlfriends for many years. She just looked the other way. But if he won’t get out of the race, she may have to.’’

  16. Anonymous10:26 AM

    You left out making him go to the clinic and bring back a clean health certificate.

  17. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Piers Morgan, Herman Cain Attorney Lin Wood Have Heated Clash (VIDEO)

  18. Epic fail is right! Sounds like Herman wrote it himself. The header reminds me of an ad for "intimate" products of one sort or another.

  19. Anonymous10:33 AM

    This is exactly the same as Jews for Sarah.

  20. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Hoiman is the perfect candidate for the repubs. and he is innocent. Support herman now because as long as he stays in the race the longer the repub brand will be tarnished with the supporter's hypocritical dirt.

  21. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Well that leaves Mittens, Gnewt, Shelly B, RonP and GoogleMe Santorum in Iowa...

    Herman Cain's support plummets among Iowa Republicans

    The poll, published Friday, shows support among likely Republican caucus-goers has dropped from 23% in October to 8%. The first of a series of allegations that he had sexually harassed women emerged on 31 October, but he appears to have suffered the most damage from a claim by an Atlanta woman on Monday that she had had a 13-year affair with him.

    The poll slump comes as Cain promised he would make a decision this weekend on whether to remain in the race after discussing it in his first face-to-face meeting with his wife since the affair claim emerged.

  22. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Gloria Cain is the perfect liberated woman for a good repub candidate. She will behave herself and continue to support herman. It's what 'they' do!

  23. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Stock up the popcorn! Mr. Hair himself is gonna be in charge. Wonder if he's gonna 'fire' anybody? This should the 'mother' of all Rethug debates!

    Donald Trump is moderating a Republican presidential debate.

    Yes, you read that right! The conservative Newsmax magazine told the New York Times that it has teamed up with Trump — America's most famous birther/maybe-candidate — to moderate a Republican debate in Des Moines, Iowa on Dec. 27. The debate will air on the Ion cable network. It's not clear how many candidates have agreed to fit the new session into their already-clogged debate schedules.

  24. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Where do these people come from? Cain’s handlers are simply not engaged in real life! Reminds me of all the GOP handlers when it comes to women. They think we are chattel to be bought, sold and used and abused. Think McCain, Perry and Gingrich.

  25. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Witness What Herman Cain Is Putting His Family Through

    ...Cain decided to haul her out as a political prop in the most uncomfortable circumstances imaginable, on the long-shot chance that it'll marginally improve his electoral chances.

  26. I heard an unsubstantiated rumor that Gloria Cain once filed a restraining order against Herman.

    Sorry, I would not be surprised. Sounds like our Herbie is a serial adulterer. The Love Bug indeed.

  27. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Wow. Anon 9:39, you need to grow up and leave whatever happened to you in middle school behind. That was uncalled for. Gryphen, is shame a part of your vocabulary?

    I'm aware that people don't take comments like these seriously, but people who write/say stuff like this need a personal intervention.

  28. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I saw the Lawrence O'Donnell interview of Ginger last night. She came across as a credible and embarrassed woman. She owned up to the "affair" being just a casual sex arrangement, which she said she knew was wrong.

    She also said they never told each other they loved each other. It wasn't a romantic affair, she said. It was what it was - sex and friendship.

    She did not want to come forward. Apparently, everyone in her family and close circle of friends knew about the affair and one of them leaked it to a local Atlanta station. It was because the station said it was going to out her that she decided to come forth and take responsibility for her part in it.

    She didn't bad-mouth Herman despite him essentially spitting on her. She also attested to not taking a dime for this. She just wanted to tell her story before the station made it into something it wasn't. Plus, she therefore was able to discuss the situation and ask forgiveness from her two children (18 and 20 - a boy and a girl). She was and is a single mother, and didn't want them to be broadsided by publicity. She talked to them first, then went public on her own terms.

    She came across as the better person, with more dignity and maturity than that creep Herman.

  29. Anonymous11:19 AM

    (This does not apply to all men)

    We know when husbands are guilty of something. They bring flowers home for no reason and then shortly after we find out why.

    Did Herbie get his wife's permission to make her national campaigner of this website (in her honor of course) before he went home to face her?

    I heard a snippet on TV a couple of days ago but I can't remember where. If you heard this too let me know if you find a link. Something along the line that if Cain drops out of the race before such-and-such date that he is going to personally owe hundreds of thousands to campaign finances.

    If that is true, then I think "I'll have to ask my wife/family" is a cover for the real reason considering dropping out. It's financial.

  30. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Jonathan Capehart: If There’s A Pot Of Hot Grits On The Stove When Herman Cain Goes Home, He Better Run

    Jonathan Capehart had a word of warning for sex scandal plagued Republican candidate Herman Cain on Friday: he better watch out for his wife Gloria! “When Herman Cain goes home tonight and there’s a plate or pot of hot grits on the stove or on the table, he better run!” Capehart exclaimed. “And fast!”

    “Because it’s coming over your head, mister!”

  31. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Is it wrong that I looked at the photo and heard all those women saying "it was this big!"

  32. hedgewytch11:33 AM

    Really the gall of the man. He must really think women are dumb. And man, Mrs. Cain, you need to get a really good lawyer lady.

  33. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Cain for President is a joke just like Perry, or Bachman, or Palin.

    It is a smoke screen for what the GOP is really trying to pull-off?

    THe question is what are they up to?

  34. Anonymous11:34 AM

    And they are all white. Strange photo shop pic.

  35. Anonymous11:35 AM

    In all of his appearances, he couldn't get a REAL photo of 4 female supporters? Major FAIL.

    New Herman Cain ‘Women For Cain’ Site Headlined By Stock Photo Of Female Fans

  36. Anonymous11:38 AM

    I thought the women with the thumbs up were his love conquests signaling their opinion of him in the sack

  37. Beldar Playwright Conehead said...

    Gryphen, STOP MAKING ASSUMPTIONS BEFORE THE FORMAL MEETING BETWEEN HERB AND HIS WIFE!!! I'll bet you a dollar this whole thing blows over once he has a chance to sit down and explain things. Someplace quiet. Like a divorce lawyer's office."

    "Nah, Baby, it ain't like that. Those bitches was just booty calls. Every time I was with them, I was thinking of you, Baby!"


    "Oh, yeah, Baby, only you. You know you're my only girl!"

    "Oh, Herb, I LOVE YOU! You're going to be the best president ever!"

    "You know it, Baby. Say, I have to make this one call. You go fix me a nice toasted cheese sandwich... Just the way I like it, ok, Baby?"

    "Oh, Herb, I'd love to make you a sandwich!"

    "And Baby?"

    "Yes, Love?"

    "Knock on the door before you come in with the sandwich, OK, Baby?"

    "Anything you say, Herb, anything!"

    10:09 AM


    *slips off of chair while falling to my knees...reaching for inhaler*...GASP....HICCUPS...*wipes off tears*.....

    You are a fool!

    One correction....that's a "toasted cheese samich"!

  38. Anonymous11:40 AM

    You know, when marriages stay together for convenience, usually BOTH spouses have "special friends."

    Has anyone thought that Mrs. Cain might have motivation for an arrangement between the two of them and is _okay_ with it?

    In which case, they should just come out and say so. I think that's perfectly reasonable and their own private business.

  39. hedgewytch11:46 AM

    I hear you Chella! Same situation with me growing up. My parents even played me in the middle, Fun! Mom used to have me call Dad while he was at the bar with his girl friend to see if he was coming home. Dad would pretend to take me out with him and then dump me off somewhere for a few hours while he had to go do "business" - with his girlfriend. I have never forgiven my father for his behavior. -Not that he has ever expressed any kind of remorse or asked for forgiveness for his behavior. I'm sure like Cain, he feels he is entitled.

    I didn't marry for quite sometime because of the emotional scars left by my parents "marriage". My husband has similar tales of woe from his own parents. I know I may have been tempted a time or two, so has my husband, marriage is hard work sometimes... but in the end we both have way too much respect for each other and OURSELVES (And LOVE for each other) to fool around. In the long run, what we have gained in trust,understanding,respect, and the solid emotional foundation for our child is invaluable. This is something that people like the Cains, or the Palins will NEVER understand or get.

  40. 10:25AM....

    I love this.....from the last paragraph of this article....

    Dyson believe that whatever happens next, Cain wants to remain an important figure in the Republican Party. But “if he wants to be a Sarah Palin of sorts in the Republican Party, he has to get out now,” says Dyson. “If he wants the ability to give people his support and make them winners, he has no choice if he wants to avoid more coming. I want to tell him, ‘Brother, your time is up.’ ”

    LMAO!! Yep...he's so right...."Brother your time is up" 15 minutes ago...ask Gov Dirty Wig what to do now!

    I just know Gloria is beating Herm all up side his head....that lady look like she don't play that shit. Get that ass Gloria!

  41. Anonymous said...

    Hoiman is the perfect candidate for the repubs. and he is innocent. Support herman now because as long as he stays in the race the longer the repub brand will be tarnished with the supporter's hypocritical dirt.

    10:36 AM

    This here is a funny....right? If it isn't....please get thee to the nearest school...STAT!

  42. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Herman & Gloria Cain's Problems Go Way Back: Report

  43. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Cain is finished except in the eyes of himself (his biggest fan) and a few rabid followers, a la Palinbots. He's giving a "major announcement" Saturday. Gee, I'm staying glued to my TV news all day, how's about you?

  44. 10:39AM....

    "Ion television"....huh? You mean the same one owned by Paxson....who is connected to McCain...who is connected to Gov Dirty Wig...who has a DS baby with the middle name of Paxson.....INTERESTING!!!!

  45. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Pam Spaulding has a link up showing that the photo used on the website is a purchased stock. Figures...

  46. Anonymous said...

    Wow. Anon 9:39, you need to grow up and leave whatever happened to you in middle school behind. That was uncalled for. Gryphen, is shame a part of your vocabulary?

    I'm aware that people don't take comments like these seriously, but people who write/say stuff like this need a personal intervention.

    11:09 AM

    Hey, Hey simmer down there Willow!

    No need to get your mama's dirty wig askew....if you are still in harm no foul...and if you aren't begging for dollars and have a herpes infected lip and/or pregnant then you have nothing to worry about :)

  47. Anonymous12:22 PM

    I will bet that Todd Palin joins "Women for Cain" . . . seems like a good place to pick up chicks.

  48. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Wow. The new bumper sticker from that site...

    Just wow.

  49. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Herman.. if you ask, Sarah will give you some booty. She likes dark meat.

    Good news.. Sarah will never admit to having sex with you Herman.

  50. Anonymous12:35 PM

    @9:39 No idea--Willow expelled? Wow

  51. Anonymous12:39 PM

    What a bad choice of words. "Women for Cain" sounds like an escort service.

  52. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Cain is a hypocrite and a liar - someone that absolutely cannot be trusted and would be a disaster as POTUS. He is arrogant and probably extremely controlling with his wife and family. I feel very sorry for his wife Gloria, and maybe she is in denial but knows deep down inside that she has an unfaithful, lying, disrespectful husband - hard to face after 43 years of marriage and raising her family.

    On tv today, they are talking about how he is this minister in his local church and how he should not only withdraw from his campaign, but also withdraw as one of his church's "leaders" who should certainly set an example for the rest of the congregation. Some "example" he has proven to be!

  53. FYI--Mother Jones ran an article, showing that the four women all giving Cain a thumbs up on the logo letterhead...that's a stock picture, and not four women who actually give a rat's ass about Cain......

  54. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Just had to add this re Gryphen's "having a few women photographed giving a thumbs up"... those women are a PURCHASED STOCK PHOTO, not even a photograph the Cain campaign staged.

  55. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Oh, cool, I got a lick in re the PalinHoax on The Daily Beast comments, here:

    I see that one can "like" comments on The Daily Beast site, and that keeps them near the top (if you sort by "popular" and not "newest"), not buried by new comments. So how about some help here? --Ottoline

  56. Anonymous2:06 PM

    I see Herman has been very careful to choose and personal irresponsible behavior. His escape strategy was already in place - "she is just a needy gold digger I was trying to help".

    9:52 AM

    You might want to check that one, at least one of these women is a pretty on the up and up:Karen Kraushaar, a 55-year-old former journalist and seasoned government spokeswoman who served on the front lines of the Elian Gonzalez custody battle, is a competitive equestrian and lover of golden retrievers. She has been married for more than two decades.

    You owe Ms. Kraushaar an apology.

  57. Anonymous2:12 PM

    The Cain site has already taken the stock photo of the women down..hehe

  58. Anonymous2:17 PM

    THe only way Willow could have been expelled is if she was actually still IN school.

  59. Gryphen you have to add the update...they've changed the website picture...apparently the women in the photo were photostock footage...the website has removed the women's picture and it just says...."Women Cain"....LMAO...


  60. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Jonathan Capehart had a word of warning for sex scandal plagued Republican candidate Herman Cain on Friday: he better watch out for his wife Gloria! “When Herman Cain goes home tonight and there’s a plate or pot of hot grits on the stove or on the table, he better run!” Capehart exclaimed. “And fast!”

    “Because it’s coming over your head, mister!”

    Nope, and really why don't you all grow up.

    There are some people who really aren't into the marriage relationship thing, esp. as they age. Gloria Cain sounds just like that. She likely really doesn't care about Cain, except that he embarrassed her family facade.
    And Herb needed that hypocritical facade for the gullible family values voters.
    Children, all of em, believing in fairy tales.

    Look at the very mature way Warren Buffet and his wife handled their marriage in name only.
    The difference is the Buffets really cared about each other and are adults.

  61. Enjay in E MT2:28 PM

    What goes on "in" a marriage varies from couple to couple. Some tough it out for the sake of the children, or religious beliefs. Perhaps there is are medical reasons for one to accept infidelity.... Each married couple lives within their mutual "set of rules".

    My sympathies lie with Mrs. Cain, who now has her private life in the public forum.

    Herman was arrogant enough to believe his behavior would not come out - that he could "take care of it" by saying they were lying - or it's a witch hunt. Remember him practically bragging there was NOTHING in his past would come up? (Except a couple confidential harassment settlements, a 13-year friendship w/bennies, and attempted sexual assault.

    Mrs. Cain - I suggest you find the meanest, nastiest, divorce lawyer in Georgia to represent you.

  62. Anonymous2:40 PM

    This is one of the recent testimonials on the "Women for Herman Cain" site:

    (I'm thinking the people who run that site don't know when they are being ridiculed.)

    From Debbie Stevens-Paulsen of Tulsa, OK -

    "Dear Mr. and Mrs. Cain, I want you to know that I fully support you! I've sent $9.99 several times, and will continue to do so every chance I get. I wish I could do more! I'm "reassessing" my Christmas List... instead of buying misc $10 gifts for people I barely know anyway, I'm sending all that money to you. YOU are who this country needs. Please don't let the opposition win, they are vile liars and will face God for what they've done to you. How can We the People choose who WE want (you!) if you allow them to run you off? Gingrich has DONE all the things they're accusing you of, and Romney is a RINO.. we call him Obama Lite. PLEASE don't give up. Speak up loud and clear that you are not giving up, and please let Gloria speak out again. I'll admit that when I heard that you sent $ to a woman w/out your wife knowing, it gave me pause.. I wouldn't appreciate my hubby sending $ to another woman w/out my approval... but then I thought about and discussed it with everyone I know. We came to the conclusion that you're a good man worth the benefit of the doubt. We figure that you're probably a very busy man who comes in contact w/ tons of people daily, and that you probably both have friends the other isn't friends with, and that you have helped other people, men and women, without discussing it, because that's just what you do, you're a softie (stop that now!) and got taken advantage of. That happens. I have NO doubts about you after thinking and praying about it. If Mrs. Cain is OK w/ what you did, I am. Please send her back to Greta again! That's between you two anyway. Lots of couples have separate money and do what they want with it. That is ok! Don't give up sir, please. Don't make me beg! Don't let the evil conspirators push you out of this race. I have signs, bumper stickers, your Book, I tweet constantly about you (@FoxieNews) and share everything I can about you and your plan to help America. I support you 100%. Please say you'll press on and get back to actual campaigning! Don't play their games anymore.. gloves OFF time! God bless you, your wife and family, and your staff always. Happy Holidays!!! .... and 9-9-9!!!!"

  63. Anonymous2:41 PM

    @Azure Ghost,
    Love your latest graphic, thanks for the laugh!

    @11:51pm Gina M
    I also noticed the ION channel connection to Paxson. I wonder if this has anything to do with why the repubs candidates all seem to have to get TheDonalds' approval? I will have to see if I can find anything out about these two.


  64. sharon28532:45 PM

    Rachael Maddow did a segment on Hermy a few weeks ago and she pointed out the ridiculous and bizarre things he's said and done and she is absolutely convinced that he was "punking" a lot of people with this campaign. And he was never serious to begin with.

    If you google her video regarding him you'll get an interesting perspective on this. I kind of agree with her. He's a strange and creepy guy - why are all the repubs running for POTUS so freaking odd and creepy?? Why is that??

    And OMG! Gov dirtywig has so gone off the deep end. Ewwwww I think she's had a big fight with that ass hannity because she was effin crazy mad during that "interview". He probably called Ailes afterwards and told him - F this! Make greta do the next one.

  65. emariejon2:56 PM

    Just went to the website. I find it interesting that so many of his defenders have photos posted next to their comments, and they seem to be almost all white women. Don't quite know what his scheme is with that.

  66. AzureGhost.....LMAO!! You are so wrong...but so right with that picture!

    Alicat...yes, I suspect there is some kind of connection....don't forget Gov Dirty met with The Chump and so did Rick Perry....Paxson is a BIG fundie.

  67. Anonymous3:03 PM

    It looks like Herman Cain will be taking a page from the Sarah Palin book of excuses why they won't run for President.

    Blame it on the media!
    Say that you put your family first!
    Blame it on the media!
    Say that you put your family first!

    America isn't that dumb and it's unfortunate that candidates like Cain and Palin think we are.

  68. Anonymous3:03 PM

    The Republicans still haven't' learned the Monica Lewinsky Lesson.

    Wives, sisters, daughters, mothers do not like men who cheat,

    Also too they do not like the women who they cheat with, and they really dislike the office slut.


    They will believe the woman who says she slept with somebody else's man.

    And they won't believe the man who said he didn't.

    There will always be a few exceptions, but when it comes to cheating, a woman and most men will believe the woman.

  69. Anonymous3:04 PM

    This attempt by the Herb Cain campaign is so inept that I wonder who came up with this idea. Could it be some that on the campaign filings of Herb will be a large payment to the mysterious BSMP LLC?

  70. Holy shit this is an awful graphic. It seems to show his sexual preference. He prefers white women 75 percent of the time.

  71. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Meanwhile, over at the C4P, the commenters are arguing about why Sean Hannity, in his TV and radio interview with Palin, did not ask her about the "Reconsider Ad" that had run in Iowa.

    Hannity had mentioned it on his show a few days ago, but never brought it up to Palin. Surely Palin must KNOW about the RECONSIDER AD, right? Surely she must know that a handful of crazy people are trying to get her to run for POTUS, RIGHT?!!!

    I wish I could post "over there" because Palin pays them only as much attention as it takes to get a few more bux in her pocket. Just like the Iowa "buffet" meet and greet where she would not even speak to them and left thru the back door before they even had a chance to meet her; some of them traveled more than 1000 miles to be in the same room as her and she completely blew them off.

    The Reconsider Ad is a joke and the C4P is a joke and they really need to move on and get behind another candidate because Queen Esther ain't runnin. She can't because her skeletons are too great in number to allow her to step foot in the race. Read the tea leaves C4P'rs. I never thought I'd feel sorry for you guys but I'm really starting to.

  72. Anonymous3:55 PM

    But was there free pizza, cause free pizza would make me do things that I ordinarily would find reprehensible. I love Pizza and sorely miss the Godfather's Pizza buffet that used to be in the Cottonwood Creek Mall (before it was torn down to build the Target store). I put a few bucks in Herb Cain's pocket at that there buffet. If only I'd known that he was on the take I could have traded him some goodtimes for some pizza buffet!

  73. Anne In DC3:56 PM

    No matter what kind of gimmick the Cain campaign comes up with,there is no stopping the inevitable Cainwreck. No woman with an ounce of integrity, intelligence, and self-respect would support "Women for Cain." He has shown a pronounced disrespect for women, by sexually harrassing some, having a 13-year-affair with another, and making insulting comments about a previous victim of such harassment (Anita Hill) and one of the most powerful female politicians in Congress (Rep. Nancy Pelosi). He really needs to give it up, because the longer it goes on, the more it damages him.

  74. “vindictive,” “jealous,” “unstable,” and “husbandless.”

    WTF? husbandless? What does marital status have to do with anything please? As if being single is now something BAAAAD... they hurl that as some kind of insult. hell with a husband like Cain who'd want one?

    HUSBANDLESS and proud of it

    FU Hermie and your idiot gang

  75. Anonymous4:14 PM

    @azure ghost, I'm not sure about this pic. That lip colour really brings out his eyes! I have a nephew who might like to meet him...

  76. Anonymous4:15 PM

    I'm rather astounded by the "appeal" factor. I have some friends that date black guys, but they are rather particular in their choices. They tend to choose "mocha colored" guys. I showed one of my friends a photo of Herman Cain and she said that he was "way too black" for her. I tell my friends that they really aren't dating "black" if they are just choosing men that aren't even as dark as I get with a summer tan, but who's to second guess what makes people happy. Suffice it to say, my friends who date "black" wouldn't find Herman to be a choice date.

    I guess old Herb found enough white women that wanted to get with him to get him into terrible trouble :-)

  77. Anonymous4:29 PM

    for any of you Twitter people out there, Jasmine at C4P has just created the Sarah Palin Earthquake Twitter feed:!/SarahEarthquake

    Have fun

  78. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Marcy Sowers

    "Dear Mr. Cain, Being a conservative minority woman is not an easy task. I can only imagine how hard it is to be a Conservative minority presidential candidate, how much resistance you must face. In spite of adversity I see you pushing onward. I have often said the old adage, "Nothing good ever comes easy." I do believe that you can bring about great good to our country. You will face opposition and adversity but you have my support and the support of so many. I believe in you, in the kind of President you will be and have to say that yours is the FIRST presidential campaign that I have EVER donated any money to. Keep the faith, we have not lost faith in you and what you can do to turn this country around. We are tired of the same old politics and the same old politicians. Bring some new energy back into this country. Don't let the slander, smear campaigns and dirty pool put the brakes on the Cain train. There are a lot of us on it with you and we want to go ahead! Sincerely, Marcy Sowers"

    Posted: December 1, 2011 at 11:09 pm


    Cain even has eskimo women from Juneau...all colors races and creeds jump on the Cain Train!

  79. Anonymous5:04 PM

    If the site is legit why can't they just put together a candid shot of some female volunteers at campaign headquarters or run a contest and have the women who 'supposedly wrote flowery comments' to submit a photo to be used in the logo?

    When things are honest, there's always a lot of options. It's only the underhanded, hoaxy kind of stuff that makes things complicated.

    (waves to ottoline - your comment is still #1 liked at the DB - gj)

  80. Anonymous5:51 PM

    There's a parody site

    that's up now.

  81. Anonymous said...

    I'm rather astounded by the "appeal" factor. I have some friends that date black guys, but they are rather particular in their choices. They tend to choose "mocha colored" guys. I showed one of my friends a photo of Herman Cain and she said that he was "way too black" for her. I tell my friends that they really aren't dating "black" if they are just choosing men that aren't even as dark as I get with a summer tan, but who's to second guess what makes people happy. Suffice it to say, my friends who date "black" wouldn't find Herman to be a choice date.

    I guess old Herb found enough white women that wanted to get with him to get him into terrible trouble :-)

    4:15 PM

    Umm...this comment....*clears throat* again...."mocha COLORED"...uh huh.

    Yep...not liking this comment AT ALL! Letting it slide.....THIS TIME!

  82. Despicable behavior knows no gender so I'm not the least surprised Cain and his desperate handlers would haul out something as lame as this. When money and the perceived lure of gaining power are dangled, there are and always will be, many men AND women who will step forward for a piece of the action. Been true since the dawn of mankind. It's just more openly done these days and our cyber world provides us with instant access. We no longer have to wait a few years to 'discover' our President was having an affair with a movie star.

    Cain and White are equally responsible for indulging in questionable behavior but she has at least acknowledged her responsibility in the affair while he runs around in a further circle of deceit and disloyalty to his marriage vows.

    This whole ugly and very public scenario should be a cautionary tale for anyone out there considering embarking on or continuing on in an illicit affair that will deeply hurt so many innocent loved ones when exposed.

    My heart aches for the Cain family and hope he will go quietly into seclusion to save them further public intrusion and embarrassment.

  83. Anonymous7:57 PM

    As a woman, this offends me to no end, but then again, there are women who write to killers in prison looking for companionship, and there's girls out there boinking their brains out trying to "change" a guy from what he is to what she imagines him to be.
    Sad, isn't it?

  84. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Hitler Finds Out About Herman Cain's Sex Scandal

    Hitler Finds Out About Herman Cain's New Ad

  85. Chenagrril8:46 AM

    Uh duh, oh fer shur, Herman. Who are the babes in that photo.

    Nothing this serial adulterer has to say is important. Stay in, stay out. Who cares. No vote here.


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