Monday, December 19, 2011

Just a reminder of how some children are taught to view Atheists.

This is from a handout given to children in their Sunday School class.

"Don't talk to those grumpy old atheists kids. They might tell you something WE don't want you to hear."


  1. Virginia Voter2:07 AM

    This is why I don't go to church or participate in organized religion.

    According to this flyer , atheists are on par with pedophiles.

    Very Christ-like.

  2. Evangelicals as well as low information Republican voters will be around as long as any of us are alive. There is no point in getting upset with them. Simply ignore them.

  3. Anonymous2:42 AM

    I teach music lessons, and one of my students is currently at a Big 10 school. Her family atttends a rah-rah church, and she was so confident in her beliefs that she is rooming with a fellow church member, so as not to be exposed to the beliefs of anyone else, especially someone who might not believe just the way she has been taught. Way to learn about the world.

  4. WakeUpAmerica2:48 AM

    Boy, you're on a roll, Gryphen. I can't blame you with all the evangelical extremists up there. However, I have to tell you that I have never seen anything close to that flyer/pamphlet. I have attended a number of different churches and had my door knocked on numerous times, but that is a new one on me. Please don't assume it is the norm. It may be the norm in some areas of the country, but it isn't anywhere that I have lived.

    Now, can you give us a clue about Fred's book. What's the deal?

  5. bavarian outback3:00 AM


  6. Things like this illustrate what's wrong with Christianity. I don't believe it's a religion that can survive without a lot of support from outside- public institutions like the schools or local government. Heck, even churches. They just always need to be propped up.

    "Very Advanced witnessing techniques," indeed. How about the ordinary courtesy of just leaving people alone?

  7. Things like this illustrate what's wrong with Christianity. I don't believe it's a religion that can survive without a lot of support from outside- public institutions like the schools or local government. Heck, even churches. They just always need to be propped up.

    "Very Advanced witnessing techniques," indeed. How about the ordinary courtesy of just leaving people alone?

  8. Anonymous3:49 AM

    Love the devil horns.......what a bunch of sick fucks. Where did you get this? I would be happy to send a letter or two to this so-called church and fill them in on what Jesus was really about? These people are no better than the fundi Muslims they always scream about.

  9. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Those particular Christian kids are brain virgins. I wonder if one dared to discuss religion with an atheist, would the kid's brain make a resounding "CRACK!!" like a brand-spanking-new text book opened for the first time.

    But, those kids shouldn't worry about thinking too much. Following Bristol's lead, they can always re-virgin themselves back into lives of ignorance, delusion, and superstition.

  10. This is ridiculous. I have several goats. They never go to church and are the happiest animals in our farmyard.
    On the other hands, the Christian human couple down the street recently split up after the wife took out a restraining order against her husband.

  11. lol! Maybe these people should get together with the brochure makers at PETA. "Those grumpy old Atheists are sad and bitter because they don't believe in god and they eat sea kittens!" "And they will eat you too if you don't run Run RUN away!!" So I guess my future plan to become the scary curmudgeon lady on the block, the one the kids cross the street to avoid, is just going to get me called an atheist instead of a witch who can turn little children into sea kittens. How boring.

  12. I guess what really makes me laugh at this is that most of the humorless and bitter people I know are fake christians, not atheists. To me, an inability to laugh at yourself and the world is far worse than a lack of belief in god.

  13. angela4:25 AM

    hahahaha. . . .

    The crazy is strong in these people.

  14. Source? Come on, is this a joke / set up?

  15. Anonymous4:46 AM

    You know, the Facebook preachers are always shoving their faith down our throats everyday. I can't imagine how upset they'd be if I posted this picture on my status. They'd either "Like" it, not realizing that they don't know me at all - or have to fall into line and tell me I am bitter and unhappy.

    I am not. I am fulfilled.

  16. Anonymous4:47 AM

    But if it is your touchy Uncle or Preacher/Reverend, don't run away. Submit and tell no one.

  17. Kimosabe4:51 AM

    Well I'll be damned if that's not a picture of our very ish Gryphen! Horns and all!

  18. Anonymous5:00 AM

    I think it's more like believing in something higher than yourself to motivate yourself in dark times. That basically encapsulates all my religious friends.

  19. Anonymous5:46 AM

    That's outrageous. Don't Love Thy Neighbor - hate & fear them.

    How does a child, or anyone else for that matter know who is an atheist & who is not? Oh, got it. Their holier-than-thou parents have their fundi radar that beeps loudly when confronted with "libruls," Commies, Marxist Democrats who don't go to their church. Must be atheists. I get accused of it all the time and am flattered, even though I'm agnostic, not atheist.

  20. sharon28536:10 AM

    Now that's creepy!

  21. Anonymous6:19 AM

    My atheist friends are the happiest people I know and they tend to live life to the fullest. On the other hand, many of the christians that I know are generally more angry, fearful, and unwilling to consider anything outside of their view of the world.

  22. Anonymous6:21 AM

    wonder what "very advanced witnessing techniques" are....?

    can you do that voodoo that you do so well....gah.

  23. Anonymous6:29 AM

    i don't understand this new thing of ridiculing people for their belief system. when i was young, pretty much everyone in my life, or whom i came into contact with was pretty much 'out of the closet' when it came to their family traditions/ belief system. as a kid, i even dabbled in a couple of differently flavored church organizations. now that we are older, wiser and more politically correct you would think that we would be even more supportive and accepting of our neighbors differences and embrace the things that have contributed to america being the great melting pot. i personally don't believe in any kind of organized group. anytime you have one person telling a whole bunch of people how to *think* and *act*, something always gets twisted in the message. i teach my children to accept all, because the world would be a very boring place if everyone looked, thought, sounded and acted like they themselves did. one time a busstop dad tried to convert me to being a muslim and i explained to him that i thought there was no *right* religion, as religion just evolved out of geography and custom. no mocking or derision. i have jehovahs who come by all the time and i was upfront about not believing in anything organized, but they were more than welcome to come back to the farm and visit whenever she wanted and she does and we always have a nice visit. i enjoy reading you for the most part mr. gryphen, but i'm growing weary of your atheistic advertisements. not just because it seems like you're selling something, but also as it seems to me, you are being condescending to those who don't seem to follow your ideological epiphany. besides i don't like my politics on the same plate as my religion (as i don't usually seek out theological readings or sites) stepping off of my soapbox now, as i have a day waiting for me.

  24. Anonymous7:26 AM

    In case you're curious, here's where the flier comes from --

    The "Creation Science" quiz is hilarious.

  25. I know a guy who actually tithes 5% of his earnings etc.. and he and his family actually purposely ignore the news in any form, current events, etc... because they try to shield themselves from "worldly events". No kidding. But guess what he DOES do when the time comes, this completely uninformed person - he VOTES. On what basis I don't know.

  26. Gasman8:01 AM

    Gee, Gryphen, I am sorry to learn that you are so sad.

    Cheer up; you're not going to HELL just YET.

    That's such a lovely, Christlike sentiment. You wonder why Jesus is never recorded as spouting arrogant drivel like THAT?

    Shout out to Anon @ 2:42 from one fellow music teacher to another.

  27. Anonymous8:05 AM

    "Tell your parent or a pastor right away" is step one toward the eventual intended result of "we'll bring a lynch mob right over and get rid of them for you". This is exactly how Krystall Nacht started in Hitler's Germany. Jews were viewed as being atheists. Thus, they were considered to be less-worthy beings. After several years of brain-washing with this meme, the 'christian' people in Germany became spiritually anesthetized into accepting the unthinkable: forcibly removing the Jews from their midst and, eventually, exterminating them.

    The pamphlet discussed here proves that, just as in nazi Germany, 'love your neighbor as yourself' can be replaced by religious authorities with 'hate and fear your neighbor (and then we'll help you get rid of him/her)'. Christians in America have thrown their Bibles out the window and replaced them with demonically-inspired messages of hate, fear, rage, contempt for authority, slander, dissension, greed, envy, control (the love of force), and the desire to gain worldly power. The results will be beyond ugly.

  28. Anon@7.26a - I went to that site and I think - just think - that it might be a parody site.

  29. WakeUpAmerica8:39 AM

    Yeah, I don't think is a parody site, but it is a great example of what gives Christianity a bad name.

  30. Anonymous8:43 AM

    As absurd as it seems, it does reflect the mindset against athesism. I'm not an evangelical atheist, just practice it because it's what I feel is right for me.

    What galls me is people's need to convert others to their "brand" of belief system, and the more you resist, the more vehement and angry they get that you refute their tracts with facts.

    Since Hichkins passed away, I've noticed a lot of chatter about conversion experiences and how wrong it is to be an atheist.

    Can anyone explain why athesim is often associated with immorality or intolerance?

  31. What upsets me the most is the "if you have an atheist on your street, tell a parent or your pastor right away."

    This and the entire format of the handout and tone make atheists sound like child molesters that must be reported to the authorities. Now that might be "cute" to the adults, but kids will take this sort of thing literally.

    I'm surprised they are focusing on the atheists and have ignored the agnostics.

  32. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Atheists and Sex Offenders

  33. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Gotta tell you a secret. Palin is waiting to see if Ron Paul survives Iowa. If he does then Palin is going to endorse him in trade for being his VP pick. Negotiations are going on right now between the two. I would suggest not posting this in this form but using it in a way that will sort of let the cat out of the bag slowly before it happens. That is, if Ron Paul looks like a possibility after Iowa. That devious dumb cunt is far from finished yet.

  34. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I hate those fucking "Witnesses"-don't get me wrong, I really don't like any of the fairy tales or anyone who feels that they need to "share" their fairy tales with me or try to "save" me, no thanks! But of them all the jehovahs are the absolute worst.

    Good news though, if you know a jehovah or you contact them they will put you on a "no visit" list, which is quite a nice blessing in itself ;-)

  35. Interesting that the text on the flyer is written at a reading-level greater than elementary, so the target must be 8th grade or higher. But the imagery used is on an elementary level.

    Yeah, don't have a conversation with someone with a different perspective because you might be forced to think about why you have the belief structure that you maintain. Heaven forbid!

    And kids, you'll know an atheist when you see one. Don't talk to them. Don't even make eye contact! And be sure to report seeing one to Rev Swaggart or Rev Haggard. These men of god sure know how to handle them some atheists.

  36. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I do not belong to organized religion. Am not exactly an atheist - more pagan, feeling everything has a spiritual aspect. I am very happy and am regarded by others to be an optimist. This also applies to my husband and our daughter. We all see the glass as half full and people as basically decent, and life as good. So much for the stereotype promoted by the flyers.

    On the other hand, most of the regular church goers we know are pessimistic, are always scowling, and fearful.

    I just have to wonder why the big difference and why these folks feel the need to lie?

  37. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Why do they feel compelled to put others down all the time?

    Why are people who think differently such a threat to them?

    Why don't they just rejoice in their faith and enjoy their lives, help others and be grateful to be alive?

  38. you guys!
    This is SATIRE. The flyer is a print-out from a satirical website - the 'Objective Ministries' (the satirical rival to 'Landover Baptists') making fun of fundies. So it was never meant to be "Christian", it was meant to be a parody of certain Christianists.

    It comes from here:

    The interesting question though, is whether the people who printed it out and handed it out actually thought it was genuinely "Christian" or whether they were also being satirical.

  39. Anonymous10:56 AM

    The Jehovah Witnesses were out and about this weekend. This time each adult had a child tagging along holding all the brochures.

    Unfortunately, they knocked on my door right in the midst of things going wrong in the kitchen. So I was in a hurry to answer the door, quiet the god, and get back to the kitchen.

    So when I opened the door and the little girl tried to pull open the screen door (which was latched due to the dog inside), I blurted out "oh, honey. Thanks but no thanks. We're not religious. We wish you good luck and respect your beliefs, but we are not religious."

    The mother's face was priceless. She actually yanked the girls arm off the door handle and lifted her down several steps. Now, she did this with a smile plastered on her face, but she was in high gear about backing away from what she saw as the atheist as if it were a contagious disease.

    Fact is, I am not an atheist, but I do not believe in organized religion. I just try to live as good and decent a life as I can and enjoy the gift of life.

    I felt so sorry for the little girl. She looked at me like she wanted to ask a question. She seemed intelligent and curious, but fear flicked into her eyes when her mom yanked her back.

    Why teach kids to fear and to hate or mistrust? Seems so antithetical to what these folks say they believe.

  40. got posted!

  41. that's a humor/parody site however dry.


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