Sunday, December 25, 2011

The making of "A Charlie Brown Christmas."

The only other animated Christmas special that I love as much as "A Charlie Brown Christmas" would "The Grinch that stole Christmas."

However one of the main selling points for Charlie Brown's televised special was that I was a HUGE fan of the Peanuts comic strip. And I do mean HUGE.

I always felt that the best job in the world would be to create comic strips for the newspaper. Sadly I do not have any artistic talent whatsoever.

God, just watching this brought back so many memories. Now I have to go find this on television so I can watch it today.


  1. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Here you go Gryph!

  2. comeonpeople8:26 AM

    I have to laugh and share this with all my Palin exposer pals:
    i was watching part of The Christmas Story marathon, one of my favorite Xmas movies.
    Anyways, it is impressive how much exposing Palin has infiltrated my life. I noticed that "Ralphie" played by Peter Billingsley has the same odd ears as Sarah. And that the mom's red robe she wears on Xmas morning looks alot like Sarah's Elmo robe.
    Christ..I hope this is the year Palin is exposed for babygate and we can go happily on our way, vindicated.

  3. comeonpeople8:41 AM

    lol forgot to add, one of my favorite lines from Charlie Brown is
    "All I want is what I've got coming to me. All I want is my fair share."

    That is how i feel about Palin being exposed for babygate. All we want is to be vindicated. Because we are right. We know there was no 30 some odd week feuts in that uterus. We know she wasn't leaking amniotic fluid on two airline flights. We know CBJ didn't induce birth at podunk MatSu on 4/18/08. We KNOW Sarah did not birth Tri-G. We know TRi-G is a cutsy name for Down Syndome.

    Sing to the tune of "let it snow":

    We Know,
    We know
    We know!!

  4. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Dick of the Year – Sarah Palin

  5. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Here Are 5 Of The Best (/Worst) Reactions To Christmas Presents

  6. The cartoon version of Grinch is on tonight. My t.v. is set to record it. That is my favorite Christmas show of all time. Not interested in the Jim Carey overacting,mugging for the camera version-give me the original each and every year.

  7. Anonymous9:30 AM

    How other faiths celebrate December 25th

  8. Ailsa2:32 PM

    Aw, have a good time anyway, Gryph. :D

    A little merriment -

  9. Ailsa3:04 PM

    Ummm, well I posted that message on the wrong thread. Never mind - drink up.

  10. Anonymous5:52 PM

    The Peanuts are a depressing lot, but the baby Peanuts are just so cute. I really enjoyed those series.

  11. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Charlie Brown was my favorite cartoon strip growing up. I read his authorized biogrophy and I could see how the events in his life and his personality evidenced themselves in his characters. What an amazing talent! Every February 19, the anniversary of his death, we eat jelly donuts (his favorite breakfast), drink coffee, and listen to "Linus and Lucy", and we have his christams special on dvd.
    Since we don't cut down live trees, every year we purchase a small live "charlie brown" tree, then we plant it on our property.

    Thanks for the clip and the memories! What a tribute to a great man!

    We're also fans of "A Christmas Story" and "A Nightmare Before Christmas"

  12. Anonymous1:41 AM

    I enjoyed that! As I do, "A Charlie Brown Christmas" every year. Geez, Coke should sponsor it again, so they could replay the missing scene with Linus sliding into the Coke sign. Funny, but watching it on DVD is never as good as seeing it "live" on tv. Makes one wonder what nut at Coke decided against sponsoring each year on replay. Fools.

  13. LisaB25955:38 AM

    Gryphen, you and I are of an age, so we remember when Charlie Brown Christmas, the Grinch, Rudolph and the rest were only on ONCE a year, and woe to you if you missed them!

    These young whippersnappers with their cable TVs and DVDs have no idea what a treat these specials really were to children back then. Evening programming for children was rare. Heck, even the annual "Ten Commandments" movie on Easter was "kid's programming" we were so desperate when I was a kid.

    Nowadays it's 24 hour SpongeBob and Disney. I don't think it's an improvement. :(


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