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Is anybody else immediately reminded of that line from Austin Powers? |
The tea party is still pining for Sarah Palin.
The grassroots conservative movement has yet to throw its support behind a Republican presidential candidate because “we don’t have the female Ronald Reagan running — and that’s Sarah Palin,” said Amy Kremer, chairwoman of the Tea Party Express.
“We haven’t engaged in presidential politics yet because the movement hasn’t coalesced around anybody, so we’re just sitting back and waiting,” Kremer added. Predicting that a good slice of the country’s conservatives will not make up their minds until they are standing in front of the ballot box, Kremer singled out the former Alaska governor as “the only person out there right now that can truly excite the base.”
“Certainly some candidates bring their own energy and excitement. Michele Bachmann had it early on when she won the [Iowa] straw poll, and then when Perry got in,” she said. “But there’s no one that is electrifying as Sarah Palin.”
You know these must be the same people that sent away for those fake x-ray glasses in the back of the comic books, or who constantly visit fortune tellers in the hopes of learning their futures, or who bought gold from Glenn Beck's favorite advertiser Goldline International. In other words this political movement simply must be made up of the most simple minded, easily manipulated people in the country.
It was one thing to buy into Palin's fake political persona while she was on the McCain campaign trail, and had plenty of sycophants applying lacquer to hide her hateful stench like a pair of Alaskan moosenugget earrings sitting on a gift store shelf. But WHAT could possibly be the excuse these days?
Is the rest of the GOP field REALLY so incredibly underwhelming that even Sarah Palin is a more reasonable alternative?
Or are they still smitten with her looks? Which judging from the picture above (The same one that was on this Politico article) also brings into question their eyesight, and possibly even their sexuality.
I keep imagining Palin sitting in her bed reading things like this and saying to herself, "Even I did not think they were this gullible? Think of how much more money I could have made?"
I wonder if she sent X-mas cards to her sycophants this year. Probly not. It costs $10 bucks you know.
Kwik anothr movie!!!
Anothr Bus VACATION!
Can I haz teevee sho?
Facebook Fundraiser!!!!
Like Austin Powers said...
ReplyDelete"It's a MAN Baby"!
The wig, the amazing wig - Beaver pelt? Or is someone missing their dog?
ReplyDeleteA female Ronald Reagan? LMAO...please, what kind of leaves are the TBs brewing for their tea?
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is a vindictive, petty, and woefully ignorant individual.
I'm not a fan of Ronald Reagan, but this comparison is an insult to his memory.
nice wig bitch. aw well it's fraudulent like everything else is with yer skank ass..
ReplyDeleteand because i can't help myself, here once again is what's sure to be a classic post by some anonymous poster from the other day ;
Anonymous said...
Everybody forgot about that motherfucking son of a bitch John McCain who brought that ignorant dumbass retarded backwoods skanky old don't know shit scamming fuck wad Sarah Palin and her fucked up grifting uneducated whoring trailer park family into our lives.
That piece of shit McCain should fucking quit his job and get the fuck out of politics and Washington DC!
John we didn't forget you started this bull shit.
Whew...... I said what I had to say and now I can go to sleep!
One more fuck you to Sarah, the Palins, John and to the McCains.
11:13 PM
fuk off $cara, you fetid skank fraud grifter
Given all the tea party organizations, does the Tea Party Express/Amy Kramer have any credibility? Kramer was kicked out of the Tea Party Patriots group. If what Kramer is now saying--that the base is looking to be electrified--well, that's just pathetic.
ReplyDeleteI question the sanity of the spokesperson for the TP ers. With the group of scallywags running on the gop ticket, Palin would have fit right in, I think. As pompous and full of herself as Gingrich. As fake religious as Santorum. As weird as Perry. As "different" as Romney. Does that woman know that Reagan had Alzheimers for a large portion of his second term? Oh, yeah, I see it now. Palin is "just like Reagan" Someone else would have to do the job for her!!
ReplyDeleteTea Party Express was behind that "thank you" commercial to Palin after the 2008 election. They've always backed Palin--Amy Kremer, Sal Russo, etc. They've made alot of money off of/because of Palin and I would imagine money $$$ is motivating Ms Kremer's speak. Tea Party Express is less important now because Palin is less important. The entirety of the Tea Party doesn't seem to miss Palin--just some of the ones eyeing the money $$$ like Kremer and ones trying to stay relevant by touting Palin.
ReplyDeletePalin tries now to say she is an "independent". The Tea Party is an albatross around her neck. Most will never view her , or the Tea Party Express, as anything other than RW
I am hopeful that she is the last bastion of the Tea Party to fade away. Beck's numbers are way down; Hannity's as well. And even the Fox Nation is dwindling to the few, the dumb, the ignorant. So once the only people in any media still talking about her are gone, she will have nothing but her sea of disdruntled former fans. Buh bye, Sarah. Don't let that door you plowed through hit you in the butt.
ReplyDeleteLike the harlot in the Bible, $arah will lead her ignorant worshipers back to where they came from....Hell.
ReplyDeleteWith that manly square face of hers, she is a dead-ringer for Rudy Giuliani in a wig.
ReplyDeleteCertainly Sarah realizes by now how ugly she has become. What she may not know is makeup can´t hide the hideous anymore.
ReplyDeleteShe is grotesque.
You know, I will never feel entirely comfortable about Sarah Palin until someone strikes a stake in her heart (metaphorically.)
ReplyDeleteHer flying monkeys are now hoping for a brokered convention and that possibility looms large considering the pathetic field of Repub presidential candidates so far.
And Sarah sits in her field headquarters and says, over and over again, "I'll get you, my pretty," meaning the presidential nomination.
And whatever happened to her Arizona digs?
What wig? Huh???
ReplyDeleteSome of these comments are weird and makes the commenter sound mental.
Why do you want the tea party to fade away? They are the ones who were/are actually protesting against the correct establishment. OWS attacks WS because theyre jealous of successful people (watch all those videos where people want others to foot their bills)
ReplyDeleteThe tea party went after insiders in DC, who is REALLY responsible for the meltdown.
I thought that Michele Bachmann was also a Tea Party favorite. The disappointed Tea Party people have other favorites that they could consider as possible candidates. I think that their worship of Sarah was something similar to the way fans gush over a rock star or a movie star. They are really gushing over the manufactured image, not a real person.
ReplyDeleteSarah's problem, as far as her devoted fans go, is that she only existed as a manufactured image. Underneath, Sarah was totally lacking in any ability. She can't speak, she hasn't learned anything to to speak about, her level of communication was mean girl snarling perfected during high school. I don't how she managed to get elected to the office of governor, but then, after watching Perry's repeated brain freezes, I wonder how he got elected, too.
Sarah maintained that devoted fan base by throwing just enough red meat, teasing them that maybe she might run after all. If only they gave enough money, that could have done it. Not in a million years!
Sarah was dressed and managed by a professional team in the 2008 election. After she quit her job as governor to cash in, she proved that it was only about the money. To actually run for something, the candidate should have a few ideas under the wig (or hairpiece). When she proved that she couldn't even follow Ailes' directions, despite all of the money that Murdoch paid for her, she was no longer useful to them. The next thing you'll be telling us that the Kardashian wedding was a fake.
" In other words this political movement simply must be made up of the most simple minded, easily manipulated people in the country."
ReplyDeleteTruer words have never been spoken, in describing a group of people who are easily persuaded and influenced by someone who gains their trust. In Sarah's case, it was throwing out her religious beliefs to a group who rely heavily on religion for answers. These are the same type of people who are also vulnerable to vicious leaders and dictators such as Hitler and, Mussolini, or to cult figures such as James Jones and Charles Manson.
Merry Christmas, baggers and pee pond! She'd never do this to you after all you donated! Reconsider! Write-in!
ReplyDeleteSarah Madoff Heath.
It won't happen. They would slice her up in the media and she'd find out what 'vetting' was REALLY all about. And, she knows it! Her past is too littered with so, so many problems and the Republicans know it already. So do the Dems, I'd wager! Babygate, Sarah? Deemed unethical by the Alaska Legislature. Taking money currently (movies) and previously from the State of Alaska and on and on and on!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see the Tea Party electricuted too!
ReplyDeleteHey Sarah, here's a question for ya from Malia Litman's blog:
ReplyDeleteBetty on December 17, 2011 at 2:13 pm said:
Malia I know Sarah reads your blog with her Blackberries. I guess Sarah has a thing for Blackberries – Glen Rice’s BBs, President Obama’s BBs and now she likes “Herb” Cains’s BBs. So if you would you be so kind I would like to ask Sarah a couple of questions.
Sarah, why is that you attack publicly David Letterman for making a joke about your family and tried to get him fired, then you got that college kid imprisoned for guessing your password and you would attack the manhood of any person who disagrees with you but you refuse to address the allegation that you had sex with a black college basketball player?
Glen Rice publicly said he had sex with you and you are quiet about it! You did not attack his manhood or tried to get him fired from his job!
Why are you quiet about sex with Glen Rice?
Why is Todd quiet about sex with Shailey Tripp?
How come you and Todd did not claimed that large sum of money by taking that lie detector test proving that you two are faithful to each other?
What kind of open marriage do you two have?
Sarah we don’t want to hear that you didn’t have an affair! We want to know did you cheat on Todd as his girlfriend or wife?
An affair is one thing and cheating is completely different!
What about Todd’s cheating?
I'll concede that Sarah can be 'electrifying' but that doesn't make her presidential material.
ReplyDeleteThere are millions of people who have 'electrifying' personalities, but that doesn't make them presidential material.
What these followers don't seem to get is part of what makes Sarah 'electrifying' is the drugs and drinks she consumes, her frightening mental health, including manic and depressive episodes, possibly meth usage, rampant narcissism and the need to be noticed, adored, paid attention to. It's what drives her. And the hunger for money.
These are NOT what makes for a good leader, a pragmatic decision maker.
And as far as a couple of Teabaggers pining for Miss Undefeated, I suspect that it's a handful of people that are trying to spin her credentials, and Politico is happy to oblige.
Another cheap, crappy wig. Some people NEVER learn.
ReplyDeletePalin would be an ideal tool for the ultra-religious Christian right wing, whose hidden goals are to literally invade all US institutions with their prejudicial and alienating beliefs and
She's a fanatic christian dominionist, without the education in history, civics, government or comparative religion to afford her any perspective on why that is contrary the 1st Amendment.
If she was ever elected President, she would plan to attack Iran, and probably use nuclear weapons.
Fanatic christians like her wouldn't mind a nuclear war in the mid-east, since that would play right into Armageddon and end time theology.
MS Palin is on the record as saying "Jesus is coming back in my lifetime"
She's been tutored by the likes of Pastor Muthee and Mary Glazier, and just swallows whatever religious pablum they serve up.
We were all incredibly lucky to be rid of a woman who's rock bottom views are governed by bronze age mythology.
If Sarah Palin models herself being a modern day Jesus Christ, a savior and we know she is a complete fraud, what does that say about Jesus and religion in general?
ReplyDeleteI particularly liked this remark, by "Jersey Mark" when I read the Politico article earlier this morning. Here it is - and I don't know if "Jersey Mark" was serious or just snarking about Palin.
ReplyDelete"The very sad aspect of this story is the ignorance of most of the comments that come after. It is quite clear that the folks who would dump on Sarah have no clue what they are talking about. Sarah has defined the issues that the candidates are talking about long before they even thought they were issues i.e energy independence as the key to our economic growth, crony capitalism, the permanent political class screwing the rest of America, etc. She has made very substantial policy speeches and op-eds defining what this nation needs to pull itself out of the Obama doldrums. There has been a movie made independent of Sarah's involvement about her political career and what she accomplished in her 2.5 years as governor before the Democrats proceeded to bring Alaska Government to a grinding halt to damage her. THE MOVIE IS "THE UNDEFEATED" AND THOSE WHO HAVE SEEN IT JUST SHAKE THEIR HEADS AT HOW THE MSM AND THE LEFT HAVE LIED CONSTANTLY ABOUT HER. She is clearly the superior candidate to be in this race and will soundly defeat Obama next year."
What say you all? Moron (moran) or Snarker?
“we don’t have the female Ronald Reagan running — and that’s Sarah Palin,”
ReplyDeleteI was never wild about Ronnie "Ray-gun," but he looks absolutely professorial next to the "candidates" in the Republican Clown Car ... And the only way Sarah compares to him is that they both famously worked with Primates -- Bonzo and Todd.
Sarah Heath Palin is a malevolent bitch.
ReplyDeleteWow! Is Sarah Palin really a man? Is that the dark secret?
ReplyDeleteOh dear! Another stage door cracking open for the Grifter. If she plows through, it'll be more overplayed performances. She'll divide the Right even more. Sooner or later, she'll cut and run leaving devastation in her wake....so, Ol' Snow Job should definitely enter the race.
ReplyDelete$arah cooks up her celebrity by riding the coattails of others (Reagan, Jesus, etc) and exploiting loopholes. She can't be her own person because no such person exists. She's smoke and mirrors.
Okay, I think I am safe in saying this because it will never happen, but part of me almost wishes she would be drafted and take the nomination.
ReplyDeleteThat would pretty much end the GOP as we know it now.
Maybe sometime in the future it could revamp itself into a moderately conservative party. But the likelihood of that happening until the Tea Party people pass on and the corporations are denied personhood makes that a long way off.
So, who will these pathetic morons vote for? Santorum? Egads - he is almost as brain-dead as Sarah.
If Reagan were alive today, his policies would have made him a progressive. Tundra Turd shares none of his beliefs. Why do people keep comparing her to him? Oh yeah, because if you say it enough times, it becomes true. Bleh!!
ReplyDeleteFrom the Bots --- I really have thought for some time that EXODUS is actually Sarah herself. She has been really trying to rally the troops over there. Here is her latest post........
ReplyDeleteexodus2011 16 minutes ago
guys, I have had an urgent contact from 912 Project in Iowa
want me to phone them right now .... I have asked them if I can get one of my American friends to call instead
waiting to hear back
could any of you make the phonecall into Iowa if I gave you the telephone number on my FB page?
EDIT - I will type their number briefly right here on this comment as an EDIT
are you there USMAgrandma?
I have typed the phone number onto a recent comment of yours USMAgrandma
Palin Candidacy: DOA
ReplyDeleteA bit off topic - but just a note to ask everyone to check Shailey's blog as well as Malia Litman's. Malia is still trying to help Shailey. Shailey is still really getting the run around from the APD.
ReplyDeletePat Padrnos
“the only person out there right now that can truly excite the base (baggers).”
a. Having or showing a contemptible, mean-spirited, or selfish lack of human decency.
b. Devoid of high values or ethics: a base, degrading way of life.
c. Inferior in value or quality.
Dictionaries rule!!
The photo caught her right at one of her finest 'Duh in the headlights' moments.
ReplyDeleteHer personal issues aside, her lack of real knowledge was always the issue and continues to be. She tried to use memorization but it failed her badly. Bachmann's suddenly doing a better job of recitation but it doesn't disguise her extreme lack of factual knowledge on just about everything either. These two gals are comfy little peas in a pod and shameless title-seekers in the bargain. Too bad they will be the last to get it.
jersey mark is most defs a sniffer of the first order. may even be a reconsider guy or worse, a 'she's been running all along' guy. he is on c4p and elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteHey Tranny Granny,
ReplyDeleteKISS MY
3:02 PM ---
ReplyDeleteAnd diz, this is our "savior."
She can barely get out of bed, bots, let alone stand....
ReplyDeleteNot just any ole wig....but she wears dirty wigs!
12:25PM....what the fuck are you smoking??
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeletePalin Candidacy: DOA
2:26 PM
Palin's kids education: DOA
Palin's kids careers: DOA
Palin's kids brains: DOA
Palin's marriage: DOA
Wack A Palin Mole: As long as Sarah lives and then some
Hey Todd where's the love from your parents and siblings for Sarah and your kids? We have never seen them together!
ReplyDeleteI guess Native Alaskans are not into skanks!
Wasilla in the house, wave!
ReplyDeleteHow could anybody pine for this woman? She is ugly through and through. Eeewww.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous idiot wrote:
ReplyDelete"OWS attacks WS because theyre jealous of successful people (watch all those videos where people want others to foot their bills)"
Riiiight, theyre [sic] jealous of a bunch of illiterate, racist, stoopid white people who are pissed off that a Black man was elected as President.
(There should be a rule that as soon as you write that your opponent is jealous you lose)
It's amazing that these idiots who actually voted for Bush TWICE(!!!!) were suddenly mobilized against the government right about the time that a Black man was sworn into office.
And, Tea baggers NEVER want anyone else to foot their bills. Except for all those tea baggers who are on unemployment, welfare, medicare, or living off their social security checks.
Seriously, you can't be THAT stoopid, yourself to actually believe the garbage you write? No, I have to believe you are just a troll. Nobody is THAT thick.
Hmmm, maybe you ARE a teabagger after all.
O/T harkening back to the Elmo bed jacket Palin wore for that Fox?News interview:
ReplyDeleteI discovered she originally wore it during her Going Rogue private-jet/bus tour, specifically in Richland WA Sunday, November 29, 2009.
If you go over to Shealah Craighead's website, you can see it here: http://bit.ly/rIqOW9
Hey Todd ya got time for some questions about the pride of the Palin family?
ReplyDeleteQuestions about the only one edumicated Palin child with the GED (Good Enough Diploma)?
How is Brisket doing?
We haven't seen her in a while. Did she go back to her babies daddy or is she fighting another bout of 9 month mono?
Is she still living with the black fellas or did the Masey brothers get tired of riding that hefer?
What's with Sarah and Brisket? They must love getting pounded by black dudes! How about you Toddy?
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteWhat wig? Huh???
Some of these comments are weird and makes the commenter sound mental.
12:23 PM
Sure it's a wig. Or quite a few choices of wig.
Her hair color and hair fullness and hair length change from appearance to appearance, as evidenced by this year's Fox?News interviews and the haystack-straw sparse look she sported during the attention-grabbing motorcycle parade and bus tour/vacation.
And the sparse strands of hair visible in the infamous Hawaii pictures.
and http://bit.ly/vGznXo
Is she ball headed? She wears those tacky wigs all the time. Perhaps all that meanness in her heart made her hair fall out.
ReplyDeleteAll that teabagger money she has accumulated, seems like she could afford better wigs.
ReplyDeleteJersey Mark is a very devoted C4P member. He or she is dead serious.
GinaM said...
Like Austin Powers said...
"It's a MAN Baby"!
11:46 AM
Like the auto mechanic said to Todd when Todd and Sarah drove up....
"Thats your Tranny?"
I would LOVE for Sarah Palin to run for President! What a delight it would be seeing the "gotcha questions" girl up there winking and strutting in lieu of actually debating President Obama. However, having to appear on stage with the Wasilla Nitwit might demean the dignity of our President. It would truly be a sight to behold, though. Won't happen, tho. Sigh...
ReplyDeleteYeah, those teabaggerz are pining so hard half her Iowa operation walked out on her during summer. I think maybe 12 people nationally signed up for the draft movement after she bowed out, the same 12 that saw her movie. Politico is really scraping the bottom with this one. Have they forgotten already that Margaret Thatcher refused to meet with her because she was a "crazy person."
ReplyDeleteTo Clueless at 12:25---We're not for the Tea Party here because for the most part Teabaggers are racist, mysoginist right-wing evangelicals who want to "take our country back" to the time when women stayed barefoot and pregnant, gays stayed in the closet, and non-whites stayed in the poverty ghettoes. To that we say "no thanks." Goodbye.
ReplyDeleteGINAM 3:18, you crack me up!! "Governor Dirty Wig" is high-larious! And well-deserved. You've created a new meme, ala "frothy mixture" Santorum. Good one!
ReplyDeleteIf Reagan were alive today, his policies would have made him a progressive.
ReplyDeleteThey most certainly would not. I was around then. Reagan was NOT progressive in any way, shape or form. and his policies would NOT make him a progressive today; please educate yourself if you really believe that. Reagan was a typical right-wing Repug and he would be right at home with Sarah Palin.
12:23 What wig? Here's a hint. See the photo on top of the post? The polyester strands hiding Sarah's halo are obviously sewn into a nylon cap, look at the hairline and compare it with other photos of Sarah. Google has tons of them.
What is a wig, and where do people usually wear them?
Answer: On their head
Anonymous 12:25
Why do you want the tea party to fade away? They are the ones who were/are actually protesting against the correct establishment. OWS attacks WS because theyre jealous of successful people (watch all those videos where people want others to foot their bills)
The tea party went after insiders in DC, who is REALLY responsible for the meltdown.
Because the tea party doesn't exist. And there's no comparison with OWS and the Teaparty.
The occupiers are protesting a cause, the tea party occupied where Sarah told them to,Collected money and sent it to her PAC, they occupied only to buy her books and lick her toe jam, get a glimpse of "Trig, her son who was born with down syndrome" then they quickly scrambled back under their rocks and trailer parks after huffing diesel fuel and jet engine fuel after Sarah cut out.
See the difference?
Third-party bid!?
ReplyDeleteRun, baby, run!
i just read this at sea of pee;
ReplyDelete"Of all people Roderic ought to know that what Palin is doing these days is what she does every hunting season: lies and waits for the prize to come to her. Remember the hunt she and her dad took, the one where her rifle's scope was made useless after her dad dropped the rifle? At no time did you see her running about shooting at targets, both real and imagined. Like GOP candidates are doing now and have been doing for some time with words instead of bullets.
Because she isn't acting like a candidate is supposed to act makes people believe she's not running. She is running using stealthy measures the way she uses them hunting in Alaska. Remember, she uses the Alaska way the way Obama uses the Chicago way. "
now you know.
(peeing in my pants laughing)
The teabaggers are truly pathetic. Sarah's coming out with a new line of "wiglets" and Todd is doing commercials for duct tape and magnum condoms, so I doubt they're going to give that gig up to soothe your dillusions.
ReplyDeleteAnd can anyone imagine Sarah having to be vetted with all the books and documentaries out there?
Or a live debate on real issues with the President? She's lost her cache', and sold her soul and family for fame and money.
Not presidential material, just fodder for comedians. She has no sense of decorum, no sense of style nor any sense of how govrenment really works.
Can someone please explain to me, exactly what it is the Vice President does from day to day?
In what respect, Charlie? His world view???//
Any of em, all of em....
Ohhhhh we've been pranked have we!!!!
Reading C4Pee is just beyond belief
ReplyDeletesome days.
Here's the truth, the hard, hidden truth that the Pbots and the ultra right really think about Palin.
One of them actually wrote this in the comments about the Politico article saying the Tparty is waiting for a true conservative:
"We need to go get SARAH PALIN to take up her mantle of destiny like GOD'S CHOSEN ESTHER FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS"
And there's the truth; for these poor beknighted souls, MS Palin is actually a savior, an incarnation of Esther, who is chosen by God to be President.
And based on that, nothing else matters to these people, regarding Palin's ignorance, her lies, her cruel treatment of others, her criminal behavior, skirting the law, and betraying friends and co-workers stretching back 20 years.
Her hair looks as limp as Todd's..oh never mind, you get the picture!
ReplyDeleteC4P is a money making scam. Their posts and "comments" are no different than the scripts and "testimonials" telemarketers and weight loss aid peddlers use.
ReplyDeleteIt clear from the fact that the only other two candidates mentioned were Bachmann and Perry, that the Teatards will settle for nothing less than incompetent and crazy.
ReplyDeleteSo it seems likely that as predicted, the Tea Party is going to be the ruin of the Republican party.
Rill Merika better get ready to haz some Socializms...
Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!
ReplyDeleteQuick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?
11:55am said: "I'm not a fan of Ronald Reagan, but this comparison is an insult to his memory."
ReplyDeleteI agree. Not a Reagan fan, but even with early stage Alzheimers, he was a better communicator and more competent leader than Palin could ever hope to be.
EXODUS E EXODUS had a Facebook Rant against a Diana on Facebook about why Sarah Palin is not running. Diana stated that the SHAILEY TRIPP situation is the reason that SARAH dropped out of the Race. Diana is a poster on C4PEE.
ReplyDelete12:25 PM drooled on itself and then said:
ReplyDelete"Why do you want the tea party to fade away? They are the ones who were/are actually protesting against the correct establishment. OWS attacks WS because theyre jealous of successful people (watch all those videos where people want others to foot their bills)
The tea party went after insiders in DC, who is REALLY responsible for the meltdown."
Actually, if you had anything remotely resembling a clue, you'd remember the tea Party didn't attack "DC insiders", they specifically attacked "the scary secret Muslim not-born-here foreign usurper apologist kow-tow Marxist/Communist/Socialist President that we swear we hate not because he is Black".
In the same vein, if you got your information anywhere other than Fox & Friends, you'd have seen the official declaration of grievances issued by the OWS (yes, besides drum circles and not taking baths, they have actually been agreeing upon what it is they actually want and stand for and have released the information to the world).
And therein you would have seen that they are attacking BOTH the corrupt government AND the moneyed elite that manipulates them for their own greedy ends.
Only a shallow moron would believe those people are sleeping in tents in the freezing cold and getting beaten by cops simply because they're "jealous" and want a handout.
I'll see your "videos where people want others to foot their bills" and raise you two dozen videos of ridiculous Teatards claiming our President is a terrorist/Muslim/is destroying America/hates whitey.
Hey Gryphen- check out this new book.
Head Figure Head: The Search for the Hidden Life of Rick Perry
Product Description
“On June 23, 2011 a national reporter called Glen Maxey, the first and only openly gay state legislator in the history of Texas. Rick Perry was making noises about running for president, and the reporter asked about rumors that Perry possibly may have had homosexual sex. Glen had heard the rumors before but never investigated them. Now curious, Glen sent out messages to his wide network of gay and political contacts. Within hours, he received astonishing information from multiple sources. For the next five months, Glen’s life was consumed with investigating the rumors and stories about Perry. Did Rick Perry have sex with men? Read this remarkable book and decide for yourself.”
Wonkette says:
There is an excerpt there.
Boo hoo... I guess there won't be a party without their faorite party girl.
ReplyDeleteTea Party and Pee people, be careful what you wish for. You might just get it.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteEXODUS E EXODUS had a Facebook Rant against a Diana on Facebook about why Sarah Palin is not running. Diana stated that the SHAILEY TRIPP situation is the reason that SARAH dropped out of the Race. Diana is a poster on C4PEE.
8:30 PM
Sarah's money may have neutralized Shailey. It sounds like the Anchorage Police Dept destroyed evidence against Todd Palin.