Thursday, December 15, 2011

They often say that Democratic Presidents have trouble connecting with the military.

I guess these soldiers did not get that memo.

Check out one soldier's reaction after shaking the President's hand.

Yeah, think that just about says it all.


  1. Anonymous4:06 AM

    That is adorable!

  2. Anonymous4:07 AM

    Hey Sarah, you hateful, ignorant twit, THIS is what "not retreading, but advancing in a different direction" looks like.

  3. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Yep i felt the same way when I met him! and this was before many people even know who he was back in '06. Still have my personal autograph :)

  4. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Hey Sarah, in case you are wondering, I betcha their mothers are proud of them.

  5. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Sarah Palin, John McCain and all the GOPers who are trying their hardest to make President Obama a one term president must really pissed off right now.

  6. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Wow. This man connects like no other...with babies, children, his wife, wonder the GOP is putting up their contigent of gypsies, tramps and thieves. The brains in the GOP know that this man will be re-elected, so why waste a lot of time, effort and money on Christie or Jeb. The wheels are already turning for 2016.
    Now, can we get him to stop drone attacks, veto the war powers act, end the Bush tax cuts, and get out of bed with the bankers?

  7. Cracklin' Charlie5:03 AM

    I loved the way that serviceman, after shaking the President's hand, moved out of the way to give his fellow soldiers a chance to get closer. Unselfish people rule! Great video!

  8. Anonymous5:13 AM

    TAWD!! That shoulda been me! Those soldiers should be honorin' me! Why isn't it me sittin' in the White House? Where's my freakin' respect? I can't understand anything! Why's this happening to me? Is this real life? Is this gonna be forever? TAWD, hand me some cans! Now!

  9. Anonymous5:35 AM

    smiling through my tears

  10. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Hey anon 4:07, buy some class and self-respect. Oh and educate yourself.

  11. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Sarah's in da house at 5:45!

    I just feel sad watching all these young servicemen... how many of them will have their lives cut short tragically, needlessly short because of first Bush's, and now Obama's, unwinnable "war on terror"? Not only is it destroying so many young lives, it is destroying ALL of our fundamental liberties in this country as we deteriorate into a mindless police state where everyone is suspected of being a potential terrorist.

    This is the legacy of George Bush, continued by President Obama, carried out domestically by government and state agents, and internationally by these young troops whose lives are being warped because of it.

    So I can't be moved by these pictures and this clip. I can only be sad, and angry.

  12. Anonymous6:08 AM

    OT- Hope everyone is enjoying Shailey's "story". I imagine there are those who know how much is based on fact but for now I'm entertained by what I think she is hinting at. Fun break for the holiday bustle.

  13. Not What You Want To Hear6:10 AM

    From the bottom of my heart, I thank President Obama for pulling our soldiers out of Iraq. And to the defense contractors who got rich off this war, to you I say: the party's over!!! Americans are wise to how you enriched yourselves with your cost-plus contracts that resulted in few completed projects, shady accounting, and billions, possibly trillions of dollars lost forever.

  14. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Sarah would have worn her biggest water bra to greet the soldiers ... and her shortest skirt ... and her red fuck me pumps.

  15. Anon@6:03? You're on the wrong blog.

  16. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Hey anon 4:07, buy some class and self-respect. Oh and educate yourself.

    5:45 AM
    Shut up Sarah.

  17. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Like her family and 99.99% of Americans, the troops hate sarah palin. 100% True Fact.

  18. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Off topic, Gryph, but important. The Recall Scott Walker office is going to be making a big announcement at 12:00 central time today. We all expect them to tell us that we already have the numbers to bring him to recall. On Wisconsin! Stay tuned!

  19. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Sarah would have worn her biggest water bra to greet the soldiers ... and her shortest skirt ... and her red fuck me pumps.

    6:18 AM

    Don't forget Bristol will be there riding her mechanical bull, Tawd will bring his soap on a rope to bathe the lonely soldiers, Willow can't make it because she has the 9 month mono, non combat Combat Vet Track won't make it either because he is too embarrassed to appear with real combat vets and Piper? Who the fuck knows where she is!

  20. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Just imagine Dirty Wig's reaction if that was Track shaking the President's hand.

  21. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Everybody forgot about that motherfucking son of a bitch John McCain who brought that ignorant dumbass retarded backwoods skanky old don't know shit scamming fuck wad Sarah Palin and her fucked up grifting uneducated whoring trailer park family into our lives.

    That piece of shit McCain should fucking quit his job and get the fuck out of politics and Washington DC!

    John we didn't forget you started this bull shit.

    Whew...... I said what I had to say and now I can go to sleep!

    One more fuck you to Sarah, the Palins, John and to the McCains.

    11:13 PM

  22. Tom Brokaw told Chuck "The Tool" Todd this morning that he did not see enthusiasm for President Obama. Todd offered no contradiction. Neither must have seen the President at Fort Bragg yesterday. The MSM either has no clue or they are promotingt their own agenda.

  23. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Omamma? Pull your fingers out of of your years and the Obama mask from your eyes and educate yourself about the countless ways Obama is following in Bush's footsteps. If you don't, if you continue to ignore reality, then you are no different from the morons who accuse Obama of being a socialist.

  24. Anonymous7:32 AM

    This is for you, Omamma:

    Obama to sign indefinite detention bill into law

    Tell me if this would have been OK with you if George W. Bush did it.

  25. Anonymous7:48 AM

    I just feel sad watching all these young servicemen... how many of them will have their lives cut short tragically, needlessly short because of first Bush's, and now Obama's, unwinnable "war on terror"? Not only is it destroying so many young lives, it is destroying ALL of our fundamental liberties in this country as we deteriorate into a mindless police state where everyone is suspected of being a potential terrorist.

    This is the legacy of George Bush, continued by President Obama, carried out domestically by government and state agents, and internationally by these young troops whose lives are being warped because of it.

    So I can't be moved by these pictures and this clip. I can only be sad, and angry.

    6:03 AM

    You ignorant TWIT! FUCK RIGHT OFF with your hatred and stupidity. I'm so sick of people like you. If you can't be moved, you never had a heart in the first place.

  26. Anonymous7:51 AM

    :) < Me. A big smile for this man.

  27. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Hey dumbass 7:32am the NDAA has been revised. That's why PBO is not vetoing.

  28. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Sarah Palin has a serpent's heart said...

    Just imagine Dirty Wig's reaction if that was Track shaking the President's hand.

    7:02 AM

    Track shaking hands with President Obama with those combat vets? Who ya kidding?

    Not much of a chance that was going to happen.

    Track did his two year detention in Iraq's green zone for cutting the school bus brake lines and after he completed his criminal court trial plea bargain sentence, Track's yellow trailer park ass hi-tailed it back to his mama's house in Wasilla. The next night Track crawled into Britta's canvas tent and after a few wine coolers Track impregnated Britta, had a baby and is now planning to marry his baby's mama this winter.

    That's the traditional Palin family courtship ritual.

  29. Anonymous8:15 AM

    I love it when Gryphen writes about President Obama. The media doesn't tell the truth and they ignore the positives that our president has done for us. And even though we are mostly done with SP - his blog is still just as important, if not more so during this election cycle!

  30. Anonymous8:16 AM

    I see dumb a$$ Palin family members are commenting on this thread. With their dumb, uneducated, slutty, lying, cheating, dirty, un-bathed a$$es.

    That's to you Palin Klan.

  31. Anonymous8:17 AM

    WE love our President Obama!

  32. Anonymous8:55 AM

    "They" OFTEN say that? Who does?!
    I'm sure there must be someone who would say that often (like Progressive Alaska or something?) but I've never actually heard that until now. But nice post anyway.

    Anonymous@6:08: "...I'm entertained by what I think she [Shailey Tripp] is hinting at."

    What do you think she's hinting at? I don't get any of it, nor what it is that she wants. It's intriguing and confounding, to be sure. And yes, entertaining, when it's not flat-out annoying.

    It's like bowling. A LITTLE bit of "body English" puts the ball right into the center of the pins and gets you that strike. TOO MUCH "body English" and the ball caroms from one side to the other, you can't tell where its going, flirts with complete disaster and completely out of control because the ball has left your hand. You're riveted, waiting to see what happens.
    And then it clunks into the gutter at the end of its journey, just in front of the target.

  33. Anonymous9:12 AM

    7:32 - "Tell me if this would have been OK with you if George W. Bush did it."

    I'm so sorry, but that workshop is already in progress on the main stage at Munger's PA.

    I <3 President Obama.

  34. @Anonymous 11:13 AM

    Imagine if McCain had stood up to his party and gone with Lieberman, instead.

    (but then, you and i might not have met...)

  35. Look at all those beautiful, young white boys! They LOVE our president.

  36. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Hey multimillionaire Sarah got a question for ya. Is there anybody in your family working or going to school and don't include cosmetology college for your eldest whore?

  37. Anonymous9:52 AM

    "What do you think she's hinting at?"

    Shailey has a story to tell and it's not exactly like this one but just as interesting and she's willing to tell it. That's what she's hinting at.

  38. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Sarah be happy you are not in the news.

    That means your kids are not in jail or pregnant this week or your husband hasn't been outed as a pimp so far or the feds has not knocked on your door yet.

    It is better that your ignorant family stays in seclusion. Your family is like the Wack A Mole at the pizza place, every time you or your family sticks their heads out you retards are always getting smacked down again and again and again.

  39. DetroitSam12:54 PM

    "The MSM either has no clue or they are promoting their own agenda."

    Of course they are promoting their own agenda which is trying to undermine President Obama.

  40. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Thank you Gryphen! My nephew is in one of those photos!

  41. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Love the photos. I watched the entire thing on television, and it was spectacular. A long, protracted, unmerited war of Shrub's vendetta vs "That man tried to have my daddy killed" is finally brought to an end, and there are idiots out there who can't give the Commander in Chief any credit whatsoever. What's wrong with these people?

    President Obama ended this war, these fine young men and women are returning home with their dignity in tact and can hold their heads high knowing they did their duty.

    I lost a nephew in this war, and even I can appreciate President Obama's decision to end the war and bring them home. Those who died and were wounded were honored first, then The President welcomed them home.

    McCain, Cheyney, et al can all go to hell. At least Shrub is too embarrassed to show his face, that I'll give him credit for, but not much else.


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