Friday, December 23, 2011

When Christian crusades backfire.

(Comic courtesy of

Perhaps this was an outcome easily predicted once George W. Bush referred to this war as a "Crusade" and also claimed that he took his direction directly from God himself:
Mr Bush revealed the extent of his religious fervour when he met a Palestinian delegation during the Israeli-Palestinian summit at the Egpytian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, four months after the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. 

One of the delegates, Nabil Shaath, who was Palestinian foreign minister at the time, said: "President Bush said to all of us: 'I am driven with a mission from God'. God would tell me, 'George go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan'. And I did. And then God would tell me 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq'. And I did.

Considering how things seem to have panned out one must wonder if Bush was being directed by the Judeo-Christian god Yahweh, or perhaps listening to the murmurings of Allah?

(H/T to Andrew Sullivan)


  1. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Funny how God waited for Obama to get Osama.

    Did God tell Bush and Cheney to fill their pockets with ill begotten gains.

    Strange how God stopped talking to those two after they left office.

  2. Beldar Crusader Rabbit Conehead12:32 PM

    Key takeaway: we had a Presudent who committed serial murders ordered by hallucinatory voices in his head. Classic paranoid schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur and Christ complex. Elected TWICE.

  3. Allah is Yahweh--"the God of Abraham." Dubya took his direction from The Adversary, who came "cloaked in light" just as Jesus warned (The Adversary is an identity thief, in today's terminology).

  4. It seems to me odd to assume Crusaders and their advocates were listening to the same God whose religion flourished by NOT fighting-indeed that was the example of the personification thereof. Christianity took over Rome without the victor killing anyone. Once Rome co-opted Christianity, different policies were chosen.

    The first crusade inspired Salah ad-Din. Subsequent efforts gutted the Byzantine Empire, and inspired the Ottomans. As Newton might say, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

    Jesus didn't preach, "slap him back" and Siddhartha didn't scream "attack!" Maybe they read Newton (or was it the other way round).

    In one of those great ironies of life, the Crusades necessitated the widespread use of Indulgences, about which Martin Luther successfully complained a few centuries later.

    Every teacher has his poor students.

    Consider what has been done to the US economy in the name of free market capitalism.

  5. If God had told George W Bush to stay away from booze his whole life, maybe things would have worked out better. Or if God had told GWB to tell the truth more often.

    Or maybe God did and GWB only listened to God when God told him to hurt people.

  6. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Most pro football stadiums hold around 60,000 people.

    When you watch this weekend just imagine two full stadiums of people killed... all for NOTHING.

    Yes, around 120,000 Iraqi CIVILIANS.. men, women and children were killed by G W Bush's decision.

    Fuck you George.

  7. Anonymous1:43 PM

    George W. Bush can simply go fuck himself.

    That's all he did to our country and the better part of the world for eight miserable years.

  8. Nancy In New York1:49 PM

    That wasn't God, Dubya. That was Dick Cheney whispering in your ear.

  9. Anonymous1:51 PM

    @12:32 PM

    What does that say about the country that saw fit to "elect" him, TWICE?

  10. Anonymous2:20 PM

    When you include God publicly in your plan, your ego and God clash. God steps out, and you dance with the image you created of Him and you look silly or in Bush's case, you murder innocents and have blood on your hands in the hereafter. (Gryphen, I know you don't believe in God, but if there is one, murderers who were put in a place of power, no matter how much they repent, will most likely have have a problem. I think when they claim God's support, it's worse. They can yuck it up now, but God's waiting for a huge repentance.)

  11. lwtjb2:26 PM

    Not in my opinion elected twice. I think he or his chohorts stole both elections.

  12. Anonymous2:57 PM

    The gop sure loves their fake Christians. Georgie was probably hearing Cheney whispering in his ear from the next barstool. What a farce that whole entire administration was. Now Bush Sr. is getting his two cents worth in, promoting Romney.

  13. Anonymous3:57 PM

    So I guess God told Bush to send four Americans to Iraq to rape a 12 year old girl, then murder her family and burn her body and lie about it.

    Bush may have a faith but it is not based on the teachings of Christ the son of God.

  14. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Anonymous said...
    @12:32 PM
    What does that say about the country that saw fit to "elect" him, TWICE?
    1:51 PM

    He wasn't elected either time. He was cheated into office twice.

  15. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Anon @ 103 - 120,000 dead and hundreds of thousands more fled and still live as refugees. As horrible as that sounds, if you compare it to the 500,000 Iraqi children and elderly killed by Bill Clinton's sanctions, which deprived them of basic nutrition and medicines, the was really didn't turn out all that bad, and besides, they got Democracy now. Unbelievably, Madeline Albright, Clinton's Secretary of State, when asked on CBS's Sixty Minutes, if the deaths of half a million Iraqi children had been worth it, Albright responded, "Yes." Somehow, Madeline, I think that "Special Place In Hell for women who don't help other women" may look like a luxury sweet compared to the Special Place awaiting those who would knowingly and willfully kill hundreds of thousands of children for no reason other than the country they live in. BTW - when you get there, say Hi to Bill, George and Dick. And watch those cigars.

  16. Give it up, bleeding heart liberals and pacifists. What's a little collateral damage here and there when there's profit to be made by the war industry?


  17. More likely than not, he was hearing Darth Cheeeeney mumbling in his ear after handing him a gallon jug of green 'blow-up-the-planet' KoolAide...

  18. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Anyone who is weak-minded enough to be guided by any religion to engage in terror and war against any other humans is just fucked in the head.

  19. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Anonymous said...
    @12:32 PM

    What does that say about the country that saw fit to "elect" him, TWICE?

    1:51 PM

    There are more than a few idiots in this country that voted him in to office in 2000. 2004 was stolen, plain and simple. The 2004 election was the second biggest fraud upon the American people, after 911. That one really takes the cake, and thanks to 911 Americans were still too afraid to question anything. That's how Bush got two terms.

  20. Anonymous6:36 PM

    No, Beldar, he was not 'elected twice.' He was awarded the office in 2000 by Daddy's Supreme Court, and he stole 2004 by tampering with the m achines in Ohio. In my opinion, Bush was NEVER the rightful President of this nation, and he was rarely right about anything. And anyone who blames God for the wars he starts is pasing the buck while raking in the bucks. Nice.

  21. lwtjb7:23 PM

    There are more than a few idiots in this country that voted him in to office in 2000. 2004 was stolen, plain and simple. The 2004 election was the second biggest fraud upon the American people, after 911. That one really takes the cake, and thanks to 911 Americans were still too afraid to question anything. That's how Bush got two terms.

    5:05 PM

    The Supreme Court installed him in 2000. He didn't win that one either.

  22. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Is this the same God who gave him the idea to snack on pretzels?

  23. Randall5:11 AM

    God told Rick Perry to run for President...
    God told Michelle Bachmann to run for President...
    God told GW Bush to invade Iraq...
    God talks to Sarah Palin all the time - tells her to do all kinds of stuff...

    Kinda makes one wish God would talk to smart people once in a while, hunh?

  24. Anonymous7:59 PM

    I'm a Christian and I opposed this war absolutely and completely, every single day.


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