Saturday, December 24, 2011

You are going to need a box of tissue for this.

I am just a sucker for these stories, and this one is about the best I have ever seen.

Have a happy Christmas Eve everybody!


  1. Oh, good one, Gryphen!! I'm supposed to be getting ready for my Christmas Eve brunch, but had to stop by IM. SO glad I did. And, yes, I cried.

    Peace, All! And Blessings for a Magical 2012. Thanks for all the great comments and thanks to Jesse for all he does in pursuit of TRUTH! And OBAMA landslide in 2012, eh?

  2. This was a gift in itself!! Thank you!

  3. Sweet anny8:05 AM

    Well, I wasn't going to tear up at another sappy xmas story.

    Wrong again.

    Thanks for this, Gryphen.

    All the best.

  4. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I watched it twice, and now have tears streaming down my face.

    Thank you Gryphen, perfect story, and thank you for all that you do to bring us these stories. You are the best.

    This is the best Christmas that little girl will ever have. So precious.

    Have a great holiday, and I have to say, it seems like the world is starting to heal. I feel like that anyway.

    Merry Christmas, and Happy Chanakah.

  5. Anonymous8:12 AM

    You're right Gryphen I need a tissue.

    Here's another tearjerker.

  6. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Terrific story...hopefully LOTS of kids felt like their wishes came true, this year, as the last of the Iraq personnel made their way back to civilization.

  7. Anonymous9:06 AM

    This story puts things in perspective in so many ways.

  8. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Wow that was a surprise ending! What a sweet child. I love children, to me, they are what make Christmas so enjoyable.

    Gryphen, Thanks for the all the time and effort you spend doing your blog. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    Merry Holidays to all my fellow IMers, also, too!


  9. This will be the 22nd Christmas without my Daddy. My life moved on and I went forward after his death. But inside this adult mother of two adult sons,there is a little girl who would love nothing more then to sit on Santas lap and ask for my father to be here for Christmas. So glad this little girl and her dads Christmas wishes came true. Never take those you love for granted,and always remember to say I love you. Love is the real meaning of Christmas and live itself. Merry Christmas Gryphen,and thank you for posting this wonderful video.

  10. FEDUP!!!10:57 AM

    Thanks, Uncle Gryphen! Merry Christmas to you too, and to your lovely daughter and whatever other family/friends you have!

    To our online family here:

    Merry Christmas!
    Feliz Navidad!
    Joyeux Noel!
    Frohe Weihnachten!
    Selamat Hari Natal!
    Happy Holidays!

  11. Jesse you made me cry..sigh..hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas..Happy New Year,also too!!

  12. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Beautiful! Thanks. Merry Christmas to you, Gryphen, and all those you love.

  13. johnie2xs2:28 PM

    Check this out,you'll love it
    24 minutes in the First hour of "UP".
    By the way,...a GREAT show.

  14. [Sorry, I can't seem to make the links work here today, so I'm leaving the urls]

    I hope everyone is enjoying this holiday weekend.

    The clip is a tear jerker, but let’s step back a bit and remember a few things.

    1. The father is a contractor who volunteered to be away from his family this long.

    2. Mean contractor salaries in Iraq according to one study is

    $125,000. (Average =$95,000 and this is all professions, not just electricians.) To put that in to context, here’s a comment from

    Electrician Talk Forum that says the figures are low:

    “The payscales are meant to be deceiving and look alot smaller than you will actually bring in. Don't forget to add allowances for housing, perdiem, combat, seperation, and such, then the persian gulf tax-free zone. But, don't make up your mind based on pay, do it because its the right thing and you won't regret it.”

    3. But is it the right thing? Why are Americans being paid huge wages while Iraqis are unemployed or paid much less for the same work? Iraq was a relatively well educated and western country in technology if not politics, so it’s not like they don’t have people who could do this work.

    4. And another

    Electrician Talk Forum comment tells us the impact on Iraq isn’t that benign:

    “There are a lot of Turkish migrant workers there too. What sucks for the Iraqi people is that most of the work to rebuild the city and support the coalition forces there is being done by outside contractors, so the Iraqi people get very little of the MILLIONS of $$$ being pumped into Iraq.”

    So, while this is certainly touching for the daughter, the father chose to be away from his daughter for two years. And he didn’t do it as a low paid soldier, but a highly paid private contractor.

    5. And remember the biggest war profiteering Iraq contractor was

    KBR, a subsidiary of Halliburton, you remember them.

  15. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Happy Merry, Gryph.

    Thank you for everything.

  16. Anonymous7:50 PM

    That was precious-a-plenty.

    Merry Christmas everyone!


  17. Anonymous8:42 PM

    These clips always get to me. These innocents, who have no idea what "war", as a concept, truly encompasses, are bearing such great strains for the sacrifices of their parents.

    My heart also breaks for those kids who know for sure they'll never see their dads/moms again. I'm and adult who lost her dad three years ago, and especially during the holidays, I miss his presense deeply.

    Thank You, President Obama, for having the courage to do the right thing and end this war.

    Thank You, all Vets, for your service and sacrifice, to protect my rights, life, and liberty. I don't know how or when, but I hope to pay it forward in your honor.

    Merry Christmas, Channukah, solstice,and any other belief I've missed. May the season of lights bring us solace, peace and understanding.

  18. it's not this man's fault - but the iraqis built their own electrical grid the first time, before we destroyed it as part of an invasion that was unjustified, and though we certainly owe the iraqis the cost of rebuilding it, the iraqi electricians should have the job, not american contractors


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