Sunday, January 15, 2012

Best news of the day. Or perhaps the decade.

Courtesy of the Sun Sentinel:  

Amid all the gibberish and lies and whining about unfair ads, I have found one thing very refreshing about the Republicans' attempt to run somebody against President Obama. 

It seems Republicans themselves are apparently getting sick of religious conservatives and the bedroom police who have held too much sway in their party. 

Yep, the candidates who piously claim they appeal to "values voters" are on the outs. 

Oh, there is still room for the phony family-values crowd, which in reality is the intolerant crowd. In upcoming primaries, they will get a minuscule portion of the vote. Big deal. Herman Cain probably still gets a few votes somewhere. 

What's intriguing is Republican voters had a chance to support a staunch social conservative — a smug values type — since much of the GOP hates the bland but inevitable Mitt Romney because he is sane (albeit very pompous). 

But to the GOP voters' credit, they haven't hated Romney enough to give real support to Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann or Rick Perry or anybody else claiming to have the proper values and know exactly how God wants us to lead our lives. Then there was "I am the real conservative" Newt Gingrich, whose big claim to fame is he got the endorsement of Todd Palin. Maybe some moose in Alaska cares.

Ahh, now THAT is very good news indeed.

And considering what I posted below, it comes not a moment too soon. If even the Republicans are fed up with having religion thrown in their face constantly, imagine how the average American must feel?

I LOVE that last line about Todd Palin by the way.


  1. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Best thing I read all day:
    There were plenty of mornings after, with Republican consensus surreptitiously scurrying home in shame before full sobriety had even begun to coalesce. It began with that former part-time governor from Alaska whose craven groping for fame left her so forgettable it's hard now to remember her name.,-a-campaign-without-purpose?via=blog_1

  2. Anonymous7:17 PM

    I am not convinced that Romney is bland. He is someone who cannot be pinned down. He seems insensitive to the needs, dreams and concerns of average Americans, but is willing to pretend he cares, to say what he thinks we want to hear in order to get the prize he has so longed for: the Presidency.

    Like GWB before him, I think he has to prove something to himself - that he can do something his father couldn't. He doesn't need to work; he has money enough to live several dozen lifetimes in ease and comfort. What he longs for is power, and he has a real vision for using that power - whatever the most wealthy want.

    We have to stop thinking he is moderately sane and safe; he only appears that way in contrast to the rest of the GOP field.

  3. Anonymous7:19 PM

    I think it's stupid to call anyone less of a family values candidate than the next guy. NO one has ever wanted to destroy the family unit. Everyone has a family they love and who loves them. Whatever past personal stories any one person has lived, none of it has no bearing on politics.

  4. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Huntsman is bailing from his campaign and will be endorsing Romney on Monday!

  5. Anonymous7:26 PM

    A moose in Alaska might care? Her name is Sarah Palin.

  6. Anonymous7:33 PM

    I read that Huntsman is out of the race as of tomorrow. I would have voted conservative if he'd run.

    It looks like I'll be supporting President Obama again. This isn't bad that I'll be supporting him again, but the Republicans are losing their only sane candidate.

  7. Dinty7:44 PM

    Worst news of the day (well not really, I'm voting for Obama):

    Jon Huntsman, the Republicans' only chance at swaying moderate voters is dropping out:

  8. Then there’s Ron Paul’s Ad just beneath this article in the Ad feed...asking “Ron Paul 2012?”

    He looks VERY maybe he’s 50 years old or so!

    Pretty funny he thinks he needs to lie to people when it comes to appearances. I hope people do not forget how OLD he is and what a liability that is.

  9. Sweet anny7:49 PM

    Meanwhile, one-hundred fifty "leading", "influential" Christian conservatives have endorsed Saint Ricky.

    This is going to be a real fight, I think.

    And oh BTW: Tax these assholes that preach politics from the pulpit

  10. Anonymous8:39 PM

    huntsman says he will support romney. gag. i thought he was the smart guy?

  11. Anonymous8:45 PM

    It's about time they stood up - should have happened a long time ago. If this BS about religion had been stopped by the Republican party earlier, perhaps we would not have had to listen to the hillbilly from Wasilla for the past three years!

    I so dislike the religious conversation that has been spread by the Republicans. Especially because the majority that do it are the ones that don't follow or live by their 'supposed' christian values.

    Many are proven liars due to being caught on tape doing so. Others have not followed their marriage vows and had affairs or been divorced multiple times.

    The worst two examples of this are Palin and Gingrich.

    Perhaps we'll be rid of both of them soon!!!! Can't wait!!! And, I'm sure God hasn't opened a door for either one of them to EVER have a chance in hell to be selected in a primary to run for the office of President of the United States of America.

  12. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Another one bites the dust! First was Cain then Bachmann, now Jon Huntsman. Next will be Perry, then Santorum then Paul. Who will be left is the fat serial adulterer named after a tadpole and the rich power hungry zombie.

    Is this the best the republicans can come up with? An unethical turd and Palinesque Gingrich controlled by his wife who can easily be mistaken for an american bald eagle and pouting on the floor "I wannabe prez uh dent" Romney. When you have as much money as Romney does, it's not about the money anymore, it's the power.

    I used to work for a megalomaniac billionaire. Same M.O. Same deceiving look in the eyes...that power trip -I want to control you...all of you, look.

  13. Anonymous9:43 PM

    I seem to recall a certain smug Michelle Bachmann going on Jimmy Fallon and using the word "finished" to describe Mr. Obama's presidency.

    What say you now, you harlot?

  14. It still just cheers me up to hear a whole group of people chanting Mitt! Mitt! Mitt! Mitt! It would only be better if he were a Skippy.

  15. Anonymous2:09 AM

    Mr. Huntsman seemed like the most sane and reasonable candidate who was running for POTUS.

    Why would he endorse Mitt Romney?

    Did Michelle Bachmann, Herman Cain, or Tim Pawlenty make an endorsement yet?

  16. Anonymous2:35 AM

    But just think of what Romney-Santorum ticket would give them. At the head is Romney who is being packaged as Mr. Bland. No one minds his flip-flopping on those center-left things like medical care because they think he could flop back because he seems like such a decent person. Of course he's not. He give every appearance of being a sociopath who doesn't pay any mind to anyone else unless they are in his way and can be eliminated.

    Now add a smidgen of Santorum to the mix. He's so conservative, so religious, so deliciously appealing to the evangelical crowd that they would love to vote for him even if only as VP where he will be ignored by the sociopath at the top of the ticket.

  17. Anonymous2:45 AM

    "What he longs for is power, and he has a real vision for using that power - whatever the most wealthy want."

    Damned right he wants power. He is part of a master plan by his cult to take over the fucking world. I know that sounds nuts, but all you have to do is read between the lines and read the book One Nation Under Gods by Richard Abanes. It will scare the socks off you.

  18. OverMountainMan4:12 AM

    Polling out of North Carolina this morning has Santorum up by 1 over Obama if the election were held today !! ??? I just don't understand my State sometimes ??

  19. Virginia Voter4:14 AM

    I saw an interview on MSNBC over the weekend with that Tony Perkins dickhead. He says evangelicals will stay home on Election Day if Romney is the nominee. See, there is a God! He, he.

    As I said in the Tebow post, the influence of the fundies is dwindling, and they can't face that most people arent buying their brand of phony family values anymore. It will be sweet justice when Romney is their nominee. They'll have to support a Mormon whose great grandfather was a polygamist.

  20. Anonymous4:59 AM

    It was absurd that Greta announced breaking news to have Todd say he supported Gingrich. Todd can certainly go public with his choice. The approach of heralding his decision as if the country awaited his choice was inconsistent for a man known for snow machinin' and building a fence that fell down and being a shadow governor. Todd has no distinction nor merit intellectually for problem identification, solutions nor policy making. Agreed, maybe the moose cared.

  21. Randall6:00 AM

    I agree with Sweet anny...

    the instant these candidates publicly utter anything biblical - tax their church to the max.

    Any candidate, every candidate.

    "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's..."

    --- Mark 12:17

    ...separation of church and state and all that.

  22. Anonymous6:24 AM

    NO one has ever wanted to destroy the family unit. Everyone has a family they love and who loves them. Whatever past personal stories any one person has lived, none of it has no bearing on politics.

    7:19 PM

    Not exactly. While I certainly don't think divorce should disqualify a candidate from office,
    someone whose religion espouses divorce as morally wrong, yet who has himself had multiple divorces,for the most selfish of reasons, and is a serial monogamist at best, but thinks everyone should be monogamous, now that he is too old to care who is in his bed or at his bedside, should not be trusted because of his hypocrisy. That kind of person, as well as his RCC "faith," (cross my palm with the silver and we'll declare your marriage invalid even with 20 years of history and three kids as proof) is indeed suspect for any office that requires trust, and is indeed a destroyer of families. His own, to start. Yes, Slimy Newt, that's YOU!

  23. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Anonymous said...
    ...his RCC "faith," (cross my palm with the silver and we'll declare your marriage invalid even with 20 years of history and three kids as proof)
    6:24 AM
    Anonymous, I agree with most of what you said except this. I was in the same situation (20 years and 3 kids) when I asked my pastor about an annulment. After all, what did my church, which claimed marriage was for life, have to say about our "marriage", which was surely a mockery of what God intended.

    He said the process was to examine the relationship and ascertain whether these two people were capable of loving each other as Christ loved his church.

    I never had to pay a cent. The hope was that one could contribute to the administrative expenses, but if that was a financial hardship, no problem.

    It was not easy. I took me an agonizing year and a half to answer one of the questions (describe your marriage).

    It was much healthier than the adversarial legal system. I was not alcoholic, combat-damaged, paranoid, or terrifyingly angry, but I had to look deeply and honestly at myself to see what I brought to the marriage (young, lack of maturity, cowardice in not standing up to him as to what was acceptable, etc., and realize that for any future relationship to succeed, I had to be psychologically and emotionally healthy.

  24. ibwilliamsi12:21 PM

    They fed the beast until the beast was strong enough to turn on them. Then they disavowed the beast. Sounds about right.

  25. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I checked out a link, I think on Yahoo's home page about Tebow getting an invite from somebody (probably Fox) to help announce one of the playoff games.

    Boy the comments laid into that prick.
    Looks like a lot of folks of sick of his self serving sanctimonious swill.

    It is easy tell who isn't a Christian. They are the ones who have to tell you they are.

  26. Anita Winecooler5:45 PM

    Crystal Sage @ 6:26 posts a must read link.

    Unbelieveable and all true! How DARE she denounce abortion, and want to take the same right from all women. In the article, she tells a woman who's seeking an abortion that it's no big deal.... well - How does a 22 year old woman KNOW that?

    Thanks for the link, the more I read about all the sanctimonious idiots, the more I'm convinced they're in it for one thing only - Power.

    The clown car is getting derailed, the only half sane one, Huntsman, is tossing it in and backing Romney, after bashing him for being a flip flopper. Scrubbed his site clean of his negative ads.

    The Republican Party will fail because of it's leadership, how they let the evangelicals and Romney to be the only choice is just appaling, but great for Democrats!


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