Sunday, January 15, 2012

For those defending Tim Tebow, I would like to remind you that his presence in the game has inspired this.

Courtesy of The Denver Channel:

Focus on the Family unveiled a new commercial during the Denver Broncos-New England Patriots football game on Saturday night. 

The new commercial features children reciting Tim Tebow's favorite Bible verse, John 3:16. That's a number that gotten a lot of attention after announcers realized that Tebow had passed for 316 yards in last week's playoff game against the Pittsburgh Steelers. It was one of the most-often cited Bible passages for Christians, and the message Tebow used to stencil into the eyeblack he wore when he played college ball at Florida. Tebow also set an NFL playoff record by averaging 31.6 yards during the Steelers game. 

Focus on the Family President Jim Daly said the commercial had one goal -- "to share with the game's national TV audience the meaning of the Scripture that has been the No. 1 Internet search term over the last week."

If I might point the obvious out to this Jim Daly guy, the difference between a Google search and an advertisement on broadcast television, is that the people Googling are CHOOSING to be exposed to this Bible verse, where as people watching the game are SUBJECTED to this Bible verse.

Somehow I don't think that forcing people to hear quotes from the Bible while they are drinking lite beer and pounding down hot wings is certainly NOT to inspire to many religious conversions, but it will inspire a great deal of hatred for Tebow.

After all that is the major complaint that people have against religion, is this constant need inject in to other people's lives. In our politics, in our schools, and now during our football games.

And this is only the start.  You will not believe what religious zealot, and anti-abortion crusader Randall Terry has in store for us during the Super Bowl.

Anti-abortion ads showing graphic images of aborted fetuses covered in blood and surrounded by religious icons will air during the Super Bowl in February, courtesy of Democratic Presidential candidate Randall Terry. Terry, who has spent a year in jail and been arrested 50 times for his anti-abortion efforts, is using a Federal Election Commission loophole that ensures ads for political candidates cannot be prohibited within 45 days of an election. Apparently, primaries count, so Terry will be running ads on local stations during Super Bowl XLVI February 5.

If you can stomach it, and I certainly could not, you can see these truly horrific, and insulting advertisements by clicking here.

I cannot imagine how this helps to spread the message that these people are trying to spread.  If all you do is make people uncomfortable, or even sick to their stomachs, I do not believe that anybody will receive your message. Unless of course that message is I am complete asshole who wants you to despise me and hunt me down to beat me unconscious for fucking up the Super bowl for you.

THAT message I believe they will receive loud and clear.


  1. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Nothing on television is forced on me or any viewer. Television sets have an off button for a reason.

  2. eclecticsandra2:36 PM

    I suppose they intend to have children exposed to those pictures to make early conversions. Isn't the Super Bowl on during family hours?

  3. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Like I've posted here before - I'm sick of these 'christians' throwing this crap at all of us. In sports and government! Give me a friggin' break.

    The USA is becoming less and less a christian nation and I'm part of that. Keep pushing this stuff - the far right - and you'll assure not being voted into anything.

    Thank you President Obama for the good job you have been doing in spite of them. You will have my vote again and I'll wager you win a second term!

  4. lostinmn2:43 PM

    Honestly I think this religious intrusion into football and other sporting events will backfire on them. Just like tbone - there are those who are having solo orgasms in their dark little rooms over him while many more people want him to STFU with his tbowing and eye shadow and generally intrusive way of sticking his god in our faces. Someone should write a nice essay about the brand of christianity her comes from. It's ugly and a cult and yet he is embraced by far too many on the right as a good christian. I am going to wait for him to fall on his face, like COD and Palin, there are bound to be skeletons in his closet or soon will be. He'll get caught tboning someone soon enough and that will make the news. The deluded and desperate - sara being one of them - will cluck their tongues and then forgive him. I did note tbone has a matching herpes sore on his lip with Sara - wonder if one begat the other? She seems to have the hots for him and she probably got an audience at some point. Wonder how the Toad would feel about her sharing herself with yet another athlete?

  5. Hoken2:47 PM

    At least we can be glad yesterday's ads by James Dobson's Focus On The Anus group didn't feature any Santorum.

  6. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Their incessant proselytizing urge is so tiresome. (Like a small dog that humps your leg.)

    If they can't make everybody else believe their guff, it means their beliefs aren't real, or something. Christians out there, please explain.

    It is also a tenet of Christian fundamentalism -- you are required to "preach the gospel" to everyone you meet.

    Please go do your god-bothering in private.

  7. People always have the option of turning the channel, using the restroom, going to the kitchen for a snack, etc. during any commercial that offends their sensibilities. I'm not a fan of the beer commercials featuring scantily clad women and brutish men, so that's when I take a break and leave the room. People are all different in regard to what they find offensive.

  8. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Good grief. I'm glad these little kids don't seem to understand their gods plan to "save" the world was child sacrifice.

  9. myj583:12 PM

    I admire Tim and I don't see anything wrong, with what he is doing. People that hate, hate because they choose to, but they can't really explain why. There are many things I don't like to see on TV and internet. I hate helloween, but I don't complain when it is advertised on TV, internet, Newspapers, magazines or when people put up decorations. The guy just exercising the 1st Amendment and People offended... Too bad, be offended for nothing. I wear my John 3:16 T-shirt and don't care if people don't like it, they can look the other way. BTW, he is not the only one with the 3:16 black eye, I have been seeing it for years, and he not the only one who pray on the field.

  10. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I have no problem with kids believing in Jesus. I did and still do. I wonder if Focus On The Family remembers how Jesus overturned tables in the temple.

  11. Anonymous3:25 PM

    I, too, like Anonymous at 2:28 have a mute button on my TV. Blaming Tim Tebow for an organization's choice to air an ad quoting the bible is utterly ridiculous. Honestly, I used to love reading this blog. Now I find myself visiting just to see what new and creative way you will find to justify your, quite frankly, narrow-minded and bigoted positions. I guess I allowed my shared hatred of Sarah Palin cloud my judgment of your ability to engage in critical thinking and thoughtful, relevant discourse.

  12. Anonymous3:27 PM


    Watching Golden Globe Red Carpet show on 'E' and was thrilled to see ad for 'Big Miracle' - the movie shot in AK about the whales -- one of the stars being Drew Barrymore. See the film releases on Feb 3. Looking forward to it!!!

  13. I wonder how many hungry people those ads would have fed. Jesus commanded his followers to help the needy, not to shout Bible verses at others or to disgust them with bloody pictures.

  14. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Exodus 31:15

    For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day must be put to death.

  15. Anonymous3:38 PM

    So where else do you suggest football fans who can't afford (much less obtain) the tickets and trip watch the Superbowl, if they don't watch it on TV, 2:28?

    Supercilious asshole.

    Tim Tebow's involvement with the hate group Focus on the Family is really all I need to know about him. So glad God liked the Patriots better!

  16. Anonymous3:45 PM

    I believe all Tim Tebow wants to do is play football and support people in need in his off time. He didn't ask for the constant degrading by media and bloggers NOR support of any politician.

  17. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Religion and football may both belong on Sunday, but not in the same venue. If a football player feels inspired to pray or give thanks to a higher power, that's fine, but do it privately.

    If I want to see someone praying, I'll go to church or tune into some of the religious services broadcast on television, but keep your religion OUT of my football!

    And the ads showing bloody fetuses...? I can't believe that some kind of standards don't prevent them from being shown while children are watching. Utterly despicable!

  18. Anonymous3:47 PM

    As a person that was allowed to make her own choice regarding faith or no faith, I feel sad for those that are caught in the web of having faith forced upon them.

    I do not care what anyone believes, although I do feel that a lack of critical thinking is required to believe in certain things. I mostly feel sorry for those that are not allowed to explore options other than what their family chooses as their worldview.

  19. Anonymous3:49 PM

    That is such bullshit. I am not a christian, nor do I believe in any religion. But I most certainly believe that a private person or private business has every right to display, show or yell out on bullhorn whatever religious message they choose. You do not have to patron that business or be that person's friend if you don't want to.

    If this were a governmental institution then I would say Hell No they shouldn't do it. No school, no government building or any courthouse should ever display, show or scream out anything religious.

    You are being ridiculous. If you are so sensitive, which I know you are not, that you can't handle being exposed to anything religious then I suggest you get a years supply of food and toiletries and stay inside for awhile until you toughen up.

    Do you believe in freedom of speech or don't you... can't have it both ways.

  20. Anonymous3:51 PM

    From the point of being old enough to know at least a LITTLE of what is really going on (around 9 yrs. old) I had a suspicion about anyone who seemed PUSHY about their particular religion.

    Even to my little brain, which hadn't had time to become negative, it seemed obvious that such people did not REALLY believe what they spewed onto others, but were rather desperate to convince others--which would then allow them to feel justified in their own minds, of their professed beliefs.

    Because, lets get real, now: our human nature is such that if we manage to find a rich vein of gold somewhere, the last thing we tend to do is run out and tell everyone about it.

    So, pardon me if I am still suspicious (now many decades older) when a person tugs at my sleeve to spread the word of the rich vein of spirituality they've found.

  21. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Something tells me if this was a commercial about atheism you wouldn't care at all.

    Don't be a hypocrite

  22. Anonymous3:54 PM

    I wouldn't watch football in church and I don't want to be preached to while watching football.

  23. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Explain please how a human interaction predicated on the need to physically beat down, intimidate, humiliate and defeat another human for pleasure and money relates to the verse "And God so loved the world..."

    If God has any opinion about such a violent "game" it is to condemn it.

    Of course Tebow has the same problem that Sarah has, if you are God's chosen one what does it mean if God makes you lose?

    Is God really the kind of petty meany who picks winners in games and fixes it so his chosen one wins all the time?

    Which would seem to mean God is not a loving God to all his children equally, Which is to say Sarah and Tebow's God is a dysfunctional father.

    That being the case why should the rest of us worship him?

    Their logic is nonsense.

  24. i checked out his presidential credentials on his web site:

    He is an accomplished musician, singer, and songwriter. Several of his Nashville recordings received extensive airplay in 2002.
    Recorded two CDs in Nashville - country, rock, and gospel – all written by him
    Is a devoted fan of the Beatles, Saturday Night Live, and Austin Powers
    Is a prankster, a practical joker; friends say he has a great sense of humor
    Met Pope John Paul II
    Lectured at the Vatican.
    Traveled to 26 countries, and lectured around the world
    Wrote five of his books while incarcerated (using his time wisely!)
    Has received numerous death threats on himself and his family
    Was sued by various abortion groups, filed bankruptcy, lost everything
    Has an extensive library, with many artifacts and icons


  25. Damn xtians... I was raised as a Catholic. The following IS the kind of thing I was exposed to by 8 years of parochial education:

    I do not lump all believers in the same croud as I know many belivers, however the fringe elements drive me crazy!

  26. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Seems yet again that those who LEAST understand spirituality are the most willing to impose their "religion" upon others.

  27. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Tebow already bores me. Don't let him suck any more air out of the room.

  28. Anonymous4:08 PM

    It is very simple don't watch the Stupid Bowl! All the other sponsors will be ticked if they know there is a boycott and try to pull their ads.

    I enjoy listening to the game on the radio if I can find the station. Stupid Bowl will be on radio stations. Go for a hike or snowshoeing and carry a small radio.

  29. Virginia Voter4:27 PM

    Meh, Tebow himself doesn't bother me, it's the way the desperate zealots glom onto his success that is the most annoying. Evangelical Christians are losing their influence in our society and politics as evidenced by their dwindling influence in the Republican primaries. Their numbers are decreasing , and they are clinging to a bygone era. Their use and exploitation of Tebow is shameful. He's a great athlete , but really just an average quarterback in the NFL. His stats are pretty unremarkable.

    Tebow represents the Evangelical ideal superhuman...devout, athletic, famous, a self professed virgin, and most of all white. How could they resist trying to use that to their advantage? Fortunately, most Americans see right through the hype.

  30. Guess it's time for me to write to the broadcasters and sponsors of the Superbowl that if they choose to play abortion footage during the game I will not be watching... or shopping the sponsors.

  31. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Between crap like this, erectile dysfunction, vaginal odor and yeast infection ads that I'm sure will be shown, I will be watching the puppy bowl on animal planet.

  32. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Smoke alarm must have gone off for the Trolls.

    Sorry to tell you, it wasn't the blog that's on fire -- it's your homes - under your rocks.

    Now go back morons.

  33. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Hmmm...It seems kind of gross that ads displaying aborted fetuses will be shown during the superbowl game. This is gonna turn off a lot of fans. Not that I give a rat's behind about the super bowl. It's all just hype to sell, sell, sell. So now they're selling religion. What else is new?

  34. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Anon@ 2:28 I do that every time those annoying Progressive commercials come on.You know the ones with Flo.The annoying bitch that could be palins twin.

  35. Anonymous5:06 PM

    I wouldn't watch football in church and I don't need Tebow parading/preaching religion while I watch football.

    If he needs to parade his religion, he should have joined the Church as a pastor, priest, or evangelical thief as there are a number of those too.

  36. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I noticed Tebow wasn't running in the 2nd half.Guess Jesus didn't protect him from the licks the Patriots were laying on him.He was limping a bit.I think he has the right to believe what he wants.I also believe he shouldn't be using the NFL to be pushing his stupid right wing agenda.Sports are sports and religion is religion,Keep em seperate.

  37. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I am a longtime Denver Bronco fan who did not in any way welcome Tebow to the team, too religious. But as I watched him play and saw how the team improved because he was so excited and motivated I began to respect his sincerity. He seems to me to be the real deal, a Christian who spends his free time with sick kids and who gets along well with everyone, including opposing players. I think outside groups like Focus on the Family are jumping in on his success and they are not necessarily condoned or encouraged by Tim, not that I have ever heard anyway. So, please give the poor guy a break and go back to more important causes.

  38. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Focus just piggybacked on Tebow's fame. While his parents have always been evangelical missionaries, they have no connection to any of the Springs' groups.

    I missed the ad, as did most of the bummed Bronco fans... actually I was at DU hockey; my husband missed the ad ;-)


  39. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Gryph, Your anti-religion is growing very old. There are many real Christians that find these RW nuts very disgusting, but we don't let it bother us. We have been bombarded by "I am a Mormon" ads 10-20 times a day. I ignore them just as I ignore all the anti Christian rhetoric on many of these blogs. There is a mute button on most TV's. You do know that Focus on the Family is in Colorado Springs? That radical Christian College that Sarah spoke at is in Denver. It is very small. We don't let us upset us. We have Islamic Mosques, Jewish Temples, every kind of Christian church you can think of and huge Catholic churches and Universities in our fair city. We all get along. I love to go to the Greek Festival every year and eat their wonderful food and watch them dance. They don't try to convert anyone...just share their heritage with all of us.

    I haven't been in a church except for 3 funerals in about 8 years, but I am a Christian. I was allergic to the carpet that I helped pick and lay. It didn't weaken my faith by not attending services. We had to move as my husband and I both were stricken with cancer and we don't have our church in our small little community we moved to, and I don't care to attend any other. I'm still the same person. Faith is something you have in your heart and mind and it's very personal. People know me for the kind of person I am, not by hating something that is different.
    For over three years you have been telling us things that never seem to happen. You have leading us on by these stories that never come to pass. Is that false witnessing? Does that make you a liar? What happened to "Me again"? Where is Fred's book. You belittle Sarah for lying, but you have done the same thing. I can honestly say that Tim Tebow is true to his convictions. It doesn't matter to him if you don't like his faith. He is going to be a good football player some day, but this is his first year in the pros. Let's give him some slack, OK. He's very young, but he is learning and he may soon learn that his outward display of religion bothers people and will tone it down. He has done a lot for charities in Denver. He met personally with a young man that was injured playing football in high school and invited him to the game and personally met with him. The kid is crippled and can't talk because of his injury, but Tim met with him and made his day. Maybe you would be wise to tone down your rhetoric too and let us all learn to get along? OK?

  40. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Jon M. Huntsman Jr. Says He Is Quitting G.O.P. Race

    Jon M. Huntsman Jr. informed his advisers on Sunday that he intends to drop out of the Republican presidential race, ending his candidacy a week before he had hoped to revive his campaign in the South Carolina primary.

    Mr. Huntsman, who had struggled to live up to the soaring expectations of his candidacy, made plans to make an announcement as early as Monday. He had been set to participate in an evening debate in Myrtle Beach.

    Read More:

  41. Anonymous5:42 PM

    On the rare occasions we watch TV, we mute the commercials in our house. Always. We do not subject ourselves to the assault of useless noise and propaganda. We should all actually turn off our TVs and read a book, go play outside, play a board game.
    The Tv has turned us into a population of anesthetized zombies. Anyone who actually watches a commercial is evidence of my last statement.

  42. Anita Winecooler5:43 PM

    I find this highly offensive and disturbing. If he believes a fetus is a person, then he's gulty of abuse of corpse just by showing these images. And using religious icons and money (because it has in god we trust stamped on them) is really perverted.

    I love the trolls who defend this by saying a TV has a mute and off button, Tell me, trolls, as I'm watching the super bowl (or any show), how do I know EXACTLY when this ad airs so I can turn it off?

    I can avoid or block religious programing and Fox News, but how does one block bloody images on a commercial?

    If this was about atheism, there isn't a need for showing graphic (and fake) images. This guy probably wouldn't be allowed to adopt with his record, and he wants to play "womb raider"?

    This criminal scumbag is abusing the law, pretending to run a political ad, in order to peddle his pro fetus agenda, much like Tebow with his eye makeup and "thanks mom for not having an abortion" PSA's.

  43. So the Randall Terry anti-abortion ad will run in certain areas during the Super Bowl?

    Well hopefully it won't play in and my kids only watch the Super Bowl for the commercials and I certainly don't want to see aborted fetus' while eating my hot wings! WTF is wrong with this loon?

    And as far as didn't make it to the SuperBowl....ENOUGH said!

  44. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Damn...breaking news...Huntsman is withdrawing from the race. There goes any hope of sanity.

  45. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Since Tebow will not be a participant in the Super Money Bowl, I suspect many of the evangels will not be watching. As far as the disgusting ads, they are ALL disgusting. I will not be watching any of it, and when the 'best Super Bowl ads' are shown the next day, neither of these will make the cut. We cannot legislate against stupidity and arrogance, unfortunately. Wonder what halftime diva Madonna will have to say about this.

  46. Virginia Voter....can I co-sign this?

    Tebow represents the Evangelical ideal superhuman...devout, athletic, famous, a self professed virgin, and most of all white. How could they resist trying to use that to their advantage? Fortunately, most Americans see right through the hype.

    4:27 PM

    Emphasis on "and most of all white." SIGH!

  47. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Is Tim wearing his fave verse any worse than some guy sporting his lucky pair of socks and WalMart making a connection and advertising? TV's have mutes now and if this is so terrible, just mute the thing.

    Personally, I am annoyed by Tebow because his name is alliterated and he put God on his side while I think that God doesn't care about the teams.

    Don't use the word "hate" because it makes you seem like a h8er, and you are not. You have every right to be annoyed, but this is small potatoes. Be annoyed because politicos were seeking his endorsement.

  48. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Generally I don't put much stock into what people that watch televised sports have to say about anything. I hold "sports fanatics" in the same esteem that I hold "religious fanatics". People who blindly worship a deity or a sports team are "fans" or fanatics.

    Perhaps football and religion DO go hand in hand :-)

  49. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Sure they do, 3:49.

    By the same token, we who are not impressed by public displays of piousness have the right to call them pathetic show-offs for Jesus. We also have the right to condemn Tebow's association with a hate group.

  50. "Anonymous said...
    Nothing on television is forced on me or any viewer. Television sets have an off button for a reason.

    2:28 PM"

    That isn't the point, palin's brain cell. The point is this is a sporting event which caters to everybody's regardless of religion affiliation. Sport events aren't a white so-called christian revival.

    And I'm damn sure I don't want any part of the religion that racist, hypocritical repugbaggers have ANYTHING to do with.

    PS. How dare the super bowl air such a weird, sick commercial, esp in the climate of hate, racism, and craziness that the flaming nutjobs loves so much. It shouldn't be shown, football should have compassion for the MURDERED Dr. Tiller.

    The dead fetus is just that...dead. We don't know what happened to the fetus. Most likely its from a spontaneous abortion.

    A quick peep of a breast was called indecent at one of the SB but a bloody dead fetus isn't? Explain that to the kids.

  51. Anonymous6:45 PM

    I love the trolls who defend this by saying a TV has a mute and off button, Tell me, trolls, as I'm watching the super bowl (or any show), how do I know EXACTLY when this ad airs so I can turn it off?

    5:43 PM
    Obviously, a non-troll is bright enough to realize that no one is FORCING you to watch TV. If you want to watch TV, then watch it already. If you can't figure out how to dodge an offensive ad, then do something else, like, er, maybe, like, I don't know, er, how about read a book?

    There is life without the Super Bowl.

  52. Anonymous7:04 PM

    When a Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, Hari Krishna, etc. "shares" a little of bit of their dogma uninvited, I interrupt as quickly as possible with "oh, well have a NICE day".

    When a billboard, signboard, commercial, print advertisement, bumper sticker, etc "shares" some religious dogma, I give it a hearty "F U".

    Flying spaghetti monster approves.

  53. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I'm Wiccan and my husband is Jewish. He is horrified that there will be an anti-abortion commercial on tv. His words..."Politics and religion need to stay out of football. I laughed and said football IS a religion. Gryph, I've enjoyed reading your posts on religion. All these Christians who are writing about how you mean you are for speaking your mind about Christianity should probably not read those blog posts. They should practice what they preach and just "mute" those posts by scrolling by them or by shutting off the computer. Then they won't be offended any more :)

  54. Anonymous7:12 PM

    A football fan is either tough enough to endure the fraction of second of a stupid commercial before hitting the change channel button


    the "fan" can admit to being a wimp and watch the game highlights in the safety of the endless boring post game shows.

    No one is FORCING anyone to watch TV. Victim-hood is fun only if you are into whining.

  55. Chella7:26 PM

    I am an atheist. I am bisexual. I was raised catholic. My mother, tho divorced, is still catholic, and she is one of the sweetest, selfless, caring, most forgiving people Ive ever met. And she has been nothing but supportive of me.

    I don't judge others, even tho they judge me. I don't care if your christian, Jewish, Hindu, Muslim or whatever. So long as your beliefs, in no way, intrude upon my personal freedom, I won't judge or criticize others for it.

    Tebow can believe in whatever he wants. He's not in congress trying to tell me I can't marry any person I damn well please, that I can't have an abortion, nor is he trying to limit my access to birth control.

    I'm choosing my fights wisely.

  56. I doubt very much there will be graphic "anti-abortion" [anti-women]ads during any football game. Those "anti" goofuses will be highly outbid by others who manage the American football brand. You can take this to the bank.

  57. Anonymous7:35 PM

    This blog post contains this phrase: "Somehow I don't think that forcing people to hear quotes from the Bible while they are drinking lite beer and pounding down hot wings..."

    It is perfectly appropriate and non-troll-ish to object to the use of the word "forcing". But, if you actually do feel that you are FORCED to watch TV, well, you probably have trouble understanding the meaning of the word.

  58. It will be very easy to get to those idiots who are running the ads on abortion. They will turn off families who will in turn, turn off the TV. I would not want my grandchild subjected to those ads and won't allow him to watch what is usually a family event. How will this effect all the other companies who purchased the most expensive ad time available on TV? It will have many people changing the channel during commercials. They other ad buyers will be complaining just as much as the viewers.

    Focus on the Family is so worried about helping the unborn but is pro-Republican, meaning they don't give a damn about these very same children once they've left the womb. Get 'em born and then forget 'em. That's their true motto!

  59. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Kids and for that matter many adults believe what parents and others tell them what to believe.

    One day those sweet young kids will become teenagers and all bets are off.

    Next as always it's said Sunday is the most segregated day of the week so "Christians" need to clean up their act..

  60. "Is Tim wearing his fave verse any worse than some guy sporting his lucky pair of socks and WalMart making a connection and advertising?"

    Are you serious? Who worships their sock? What sock do you know attends religious services or gives homilies.

    Your analogy card has been confiscated. Showing the offense commercial is equivalence to watching a cooking show and during a commercial break a commercial comes on showing people holding a vomit contest.

    No wonder the repugbaggers are fucked-up. Logic escapes you.

    Another thing why must my once in a year event be ruin by some nut waving a dead fetus around?

    I don't have to mute, not watch or hope I won't be ambushed by some two bit, lying, old fartin fake preacher.

    That disgusting ad has no business being shown during an secular event.

  61. My god, are you idiots? How can you compare some fluffy shitting ass commercial (I don't like cookie commercials~rolling eyes~to a bloody dead fetus being taken advantage of?

    Let's see if the 700 club will air this mess.

    Troll can you go back to the sea of pee you sound stupider than palin klan.

  62. Anonymous2:42 AM

    "He didn't ask for the constant degrading by media and bloggers NOR support of any politician."

    Yes he did. The second he inked the contract with FoF, he opened up the door for ridicule and complaint against him. None of the other praying sports people did this and they are left alone. He did and deserves every thing he gets.

  63. Anonymous2:56 AM

    "He's not in congress trying to tell me I can't marry any person I damn well please, that I can't have an abortion, nor is he trying to limit my access to birth control."

    He is in bed with those who are so you might want to rethink your fighting strategy.

  64. Those kids are cute, but I'm reminded of a Zen saying that goes against the concept of "vicarious atonement" that is so central to Christian theology, and which this verse is quoted in support of. I read this in a book by Huston Smith. "No one else can go to the bathroom for you."

  65. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Jesus Camp commercials lol.
    If you have never watched the documentary Jesus Camp, please do so.

  66. Anonymous4:27 AM

    I never could understand why God would need to sacrifice his only begotten son to save everybody else. He made the rules, so why would he made a rule to test himself to see how much he loved the rest of us by not saving his begotten son?

  67. Wow, did the concern trolls turn out in the comments.

    Meanwhile, thanks for the post, Gryphen.

  68. Chenagrrl5:48 AM

    And now that the Broncos are out, what is the message. This is the problem with using God as a cudgel. I hope Tebow keeps tebowing. Broncos marketing needs to tone it down.

  69. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I was enjoying the game until this commercial came on. I shut off the tv and viewed the score on the internet.

    I quit religion when it went hand in hand with politics about 15 years ago. Don't make me give up my NFL. I don't want religion mixed with anything. I see it as a private and personal thing, not something that is bought for $200,000. a spot by a religious organization on my network television show.

    Then again, I have the right to shut off the tv if I don't like the commercials.

  70. I was in my Mom's kitchen helping get dinner ready when this or a similar commercial came on. (I interpreted it as an anti-abortion commercial.)

    The consensus was that nothing could save Tebow and his game. Not even God. Sunday is his day of rest, after all. And no one is going to slight him taking a few extra days for vacation.


    Animal planet rules.

    And they loop it so you can watch it over and over all day.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.