Monday, January 16, 2012

British Department of Education finds ingenious way to put an end to attempts to inject Creationism into their science classes.

Courtesy of the Guardian:

Leading scientists and naturalists, including Professor Richard Dawkins and Sir David Attenborough, are claiming a victory over the creationist movement after the government ratified measures that will bar anti-evolution groups from teaching creationism in science classes. 

The Department for Education has revised its model funding agreement, allowing the education secretary to withdraw cash from schools that fail to meet strict criteria relating to what they teach. Under the new agreement, funding will be withdrawn for any free school that teaches what it claims are "evidence-based views or theories" that run "contrary to established scientific and/or historical evidence and explanations". 

The British Humanist Association (BHA), which has led a campaign against creationism – the movement that denies Darwinian evolution and claims that the Earth and all its life was created by God – described the move as "highly significant" and predicted that it would have implications for other faith groups looking to run schools. 

Dawkins, who was one of the leading lights in the campaign, welcomed confirmation that creationists would not receive funding to run free schools if they sought to portray their views as science. "I welcome all moves to ensure that creationism is not taught as fact in schools," he said. "Government rules on this are extremely welcome, but they need to be properly enforced." 

"It is clear that some faith schools are ignoring the regulations and are continuing to teach myth as though it were science," Dawkins said. "Evolution is fact, supported by evidence from a host of scientific disciplines, and we do a great disservice to our young people if we fail to teach it properly. "

Once again today I find myself envious of the way other countries deal with problems similar to the ones facing America.

Just imagine how quickly this Creationism vs Evolution debate would end in the public schools the minute the government cut off funding for any school that wanted to teach their children mythology instead of peer reviewed science?

That is the kind of decisive approach to this problem that I can only hope for in my dreams.  Even though, based on our Constitution, it seems completely reasonable.


  1. Science is like a Timex. Takes a licking and keeps on ticking. Creationism and its popular kid brother, Intelligent Design, are like Wonder Bread. All empty calories and no substance, and it will lead to health problems if consumed regularly.

  2. Anonymous5:40 AM

    But, but, but, are trampling on their "freedoms" to be "Stoopid , ignorant fucktards". The "Teatards" are watching.

  3. Randall5:51 AM

    The most likely thing to finally and wholly eliminate the teaching of Intelligent Design (creationism) in our schools here in the USA, is if Sarah Palin were to endorse teaching it.

  4. WTG, UK! We must still look like a bunch of pilgrims.

  5. This is exactly the correct move, go Brits!
    Science does not deny God so it is not anti religious. However, the Creationism and Intelligent Design are filled with denial of so much that is the wonder and intelligence of God and his creations. There have always been dominists and they really want to suppress thinking not encourage it.
    Just a thought... the Big Bang Theory is the first day of creation. That meets the definition of science and the major religions. But Science and Religion should be taught in separate School Classes just as history and geography. Easy and sensible.

  6. Smirnonn6:49 AM

    Fiscal solutions are often the most effective. I would LOVE to see similar legislation here in the US but I highly doubt it would ever get off the ground, what with the fundies and bagtards (usually one in the same) that plague our legislature.

    "Evolution is fact, supported by evidence from a host of scientific disciplines, and we do a great disservice to our young people if we fail to teach it properly."
    -Richard Dawkins

    Fact indeed. There's tons of empirical data that proves the theory of evolution. I've yet to see ANY proof of creationism and/or intelligent design. Just because one believes something does not make it true.

  7. Hoken7:15 AM

    So those damned British Socialists, not content with surpassing us in quality of life, economic mobility, healthcare, mass transit, weird humor and movies w/out car chases, are now also showing us the way to protect the intellectual purity of Science and the quality of science education? Those atheist bastards.

  8. hedgewytch7:42 AM

    It's very simple.

    When confronted by a parent who stated to me (I volunteer teach science and natural history at our local small rural school) that she would not let her child attend science classes that did not also teach "Intelligent Design or Creationism", I replied by telling her and I would take it to the school board and higher if they did.

    I asked her, "What is the definition of Science?" Simply put it is the search for answers about how our Universe works through repeated, proven, experimentation. Is Intelligent Design able to produce repeatable, provable, theories that can stand up to experimentation and peer review? No? Then it IS NOT science, it is philosophy, period. And has no place in the science lab.

  9. Randall7:59 AM

    OK, come with me kids...

    See that building? That's a church.
    We're walking, we're walking...
    ok, see that building? That's a synagogue, ok, over there? That's a mosque. OK, we're walking, we're walking... over there is an ashram.

    Just a bit further now - ok, THAT one is a school.

    Do you understand the difference?

    No? (sigh) Ok... we're walking...that one is a church...

  10. cckids10:59 AM

    Good for the Brits! To contrast, here in the USA, in Missouri, there has been a bill introduced in the state leg. that would mandate the teaching of "intelligent" design at all levels of schooling INCLUDING college. Any class that touches on evolutionary theory would HAVE to cover ID as well. Of course, to do this, they have to change their statewide school standards, so they want to also--wait for it--changing the definition of SCIENCE they use.

    Now it most likely will not pass, but just think of the level of ignorance necessary to even propose such a thing.

  11. Sweet anny11:25 AM

    Thanks Randall. Elegant, and funny, also, too...

  12. Anonymous1:02 PM

    LOVE IT!!!

  13. Anita Winecooler6:11 PM

    Way to go UK!


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