Monday, January 16, 2012

This is how Canadians vandalize political posters during an election year.

Well Canada how disrespectful of you.  After all EVERYBODY poops!

Gotta admit that's pretty damn funny though.


  1. Maple6:07 AM

    Only in La Belle Province (Quebec)!
    Griffen -- check out John Doyle's review of "Game Change" in today's Globe and Mail. A devastating review and sure to make the Palinbots' heads explode!

  2. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Watching Game Change with Americans is surreal

    "Watching it with the American journalists was an education. At first, as the movie opened with McCain (Ed Harris) and his advisers discussing potential running mates, there was a jaunty satirical tone. There was laughter in the room. Even as the Palin character (Julianne Moore plays her with aplomb) entered the picture, all gee-whiz enthusiasm, there was lots of laughter.

    Then the laughing stopped. There was silence. Then there were groans of embarrassment. Not because the movie is mediocre. It’s actually thrillingly good. But because the depth of Palin’s ignorance of the world became clear."

  3. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Actually Uncle Gryphen , they did not vandalize the poster at all, they just posted their poster lower on the same poll ;)
    Totally funny and ingenious!

  4. Sally in MI6:27 AM

    That's cute! Love to see Palin there! Or Santorum!

  5. lilly lily6:33 AM

    But, but the Spanish put out a Palin Creche figure of La Belle Palin doing exactly that. Ya know, sitting on her potty like the baby she is.

    Wasn't she pouting because she was busy with her family, and had to call in that interview from her home studio, and couldn't even be bothered to listen to the rules of the debate she is paid $1,000,000 a year to listen to?

    Must have been had diarhea from all that moose chile while watching TeeBow. Ya' know, all that good moose meat from their last moose hunt.

    Moose Chile and Moose hotdogs are such a good sound bite for the numbskull bots from the heartland.

  6. Smirnonn6:39 AM

    Too funny!! I would have had a thong around his ankles but I tend to lean towards "over the top." :)

    Here in WI where we're in the process of recalling our governor and weasel-in-chief scott walker some of the goopers have been putting up yard signs that say "I stand with walker." I've been tempted to make up stickers that say "in the unemployment line," to put on the bottom of the signs but don't want to shake things up - some of these goopers are coming completely unhinged, howling with outrage!!

    Sucks to be them.


  7. Anonymous6:43 AM

    "As he signed the forms to create his own PAC in March, Colbert joked about what else he could do with the money he raises.

    "Let's say I'm Sarah Palin and I've got a couple of million dollars in my PAC there. Can I use that to, like, take private jets someplace?" Colbert asked his guest and lawyer Trevor Potter, a former FEC chairman and counsel to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) during his 2008 presidential run.

    Potter, who has since become Colbert's campaign finance straight man, responded with a smile, "You can!"

    A common criticism of PACs connected to political figures is that they can be used to pay for things like luxury travel with funds contributed by other people. A PAC belonging to former Republican vice presidential candidate Palin, for instance, provided tens of thousands of dollars for her to travel to Israel and to take private jet trips across the United States."

  8. WakeUpAmerica6:51 AM

    Typical of Canadian humor.

  9. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Love Canadians dry humor and wit. And they know how to bring their candidate down to reality. And potty time is every rill person's reality.

  10. Anonymous7:30 AM

    The bots are going nuts all right. Check out the pee pond.

    THE POINT, in my opinion, is the absolute recklessness in putting such an ignoramus (which she is STILL to this day I might add) that close to the Oval Office. NcCain csn spout "duty and honor" all he wants to, but will go down in history as the man responsible for inflicting the worst sort of human flesh on our country.

    He'd also be dead by now. The Palin Mafia would have seen to it.

  11. Anonymous1:01 PM

    We're a bit more sophisticated up here. ;-)

  12. Anita Winecooler6:20 PM

    Anonymous 1:01- don't be so humble, I've visited many times and found the people to be delightful, but why do they look down on Newfoundlanders so in their humor?

    If we did that here, we would need wider paper, our politicians take a wide stance ;o)


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