Friday, January 13, 2012

Could this be the new Democratic hero?

Well you have to admit, he certainly did a great job of damaging Romney's electability.


  1. Anonymous5:41 PM

    LOL..This is the first time Newt did something I want to thank him for.

  2. The gifts that keep on giving...crate-gate and corporate raider-gate.

    It's funny that Newt is backpeddling now. I guess he can do that since the damage has been done (see me smiling here), and there's no going back. I agree that we should all thank him for this.

  3. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Yes, he and Palin did an excellent job!

  4. Anonymous6:17 PM

    O/T --- I feel sure this twit called exodus at C4P is Palin.

    (just tweeted)

    non-Romney Cndidtes, if U can't beat Romney in SC & FL it's time 4 U 2 Bail & Back the Unifier of ALL, unite behind #PALIN ask her to serve!!/exodus_...

    RAM has just been active again, she put this tweet from Ted Frank in her "Favorites" folder (within last hour)


    For the record, this is false: Palin was vetted. #tcot

    2 hours ago via Twitter for iPad Favorite Undo Retweet Reply!/tedfran...

    1. Anonymous8:35 PM

      Hey Gryphen- ever read this article? Very interesting.

      " Although his cover was blown by Game Change, Frank—unlike many other McCain staffers—isn’t talking out of school to trash Palin. He says her own account of the vetting process in Going Rogue—she says McCain’s lawyers “knew stuff about me that I had long forgotten”—is accurate. And he also notes, for the record, that Todd Palin is “the handsomest man I’ve ever met."


      Also this turned up where Mr. Frank discusses the well known Washingtonian article about AB Culvahouse vetting Sarah Palin:

      this one is linked in the above post -link goes to an archived version of the blogpost:

    2. Anonymous9:05 PM

      One of the mysterious crew on the ground. Maybe Sadie recognizes him?

  5. Am I hallucinating? I thought Newt backed off on Romney, but I can't find what gave me that idea. Doesn't seem like he has.

  6. Anonymous6:20 PM

    O/T Some Friday night humor...

    Jimmy Fallon as Tim Tebow aka TeBowie

  7. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Will the voters support Newt, instead?

  8. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Oh propaganda films. You slay me. There is NOTHING wrong with companies that buy up failing smaller companies. Of course it is going to look bad. It is hugely overdramatized. Romney is a businessman. He is not a bad man, though the dog incident is troubling.

    Capitalism is the only fair way. EVERY model has losers and winners. Capitalism has more winners and actually encourages people to work hard and strive in life.

    Don't be a sheep. Don't fall for propaganda.

  9. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Obama/Gingrich 2012? Baahahahahahaha!

  10. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I just hope this doesn't backfire and we have Newt as the candidate! That would be horrible!

  11. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I could be wrong but I think most Americans are smart enough NOT to fall for a twisted propaganda film about a simple company that simply buys business failures. They've had many successes, no? Bain's failures aren't exactly shocking. Business is hard.

    Don't fall for it. We fell for it in 08 and voted in incompetence.

  12. Anonymous6:35 PM

    For as much as these idiots revere Reagan thet don't pay any attention to his teaching.Remember the 11th commandment,don't attack fellow republicans.That said I'm lovin this.
    Keep it up assholes.

  13. Anonymous6:36 PM

    He went into this to sell books and instead he's becoming the pariah of the right wing...

  14. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Newt is the King of dirty politics.

    I'm beginning to think Tawd endorsed Newt (with Sarah Palin's blessing and perhaps insistence) to keep Newt from turning his substantial head toward them. Newt would not hold back on spilling every bean there is on the Palins.

  15. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Newt Swiftboating the GOP.

    He screwed the country with his Contract With America, might as well continue the tradition.

  16. Anonymous7:47 PM

    The dog mistreatment story is getting good legs, as can be witnessed on Facebook.

    Nobody liked Romney very much in the first place, and now even the most crazed, Taliban-like right winger who owns a dog they love, has reason to doubt the character of Romney the Robot.

    (I keep waiting for him to wave his arms around wildly, have lights flash on his torso, and bellow, "Danger Will Robinson!")

  17. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Mitt Romney's electability was overblown, anyway.

  18. Anonymous8:56 PM

    @6:25 PM:

    I see the "Sheep"/"Don't fall for the propaganda" troll is back.

    Shut up, fool. It isn't "propaganda," it's FACT. You just don't get it. It matters because the main theme of Mitt Romney's campaign is that he's a businessman who creates jobs, but he has done the exact opposite. He can't even back up his claim that he's created 100,000 jobs. He's even changing the numbers! First he said he created 100,000 jobs. Couldn't back that up. Then he said he created tens of thousands of jobs. Couldn't back that up, either. Now, he is saying he's created thousands of jobs! What's next? Tens of jobs? He's no "job creator." He's a fraud!

    What's even worse, is he got richer laying people off! This just adds to his image problem. The guy has amateurs running his campaign. Mitt Romney is always trashing the federal government, then his campaign ran a weak counter-attack ad, bragging about one of his Bain Capitol investments getting government handouts! He just gave his opponents more ammunition!

    And those businesses weren't "failing" until "Mitt Romney came to town." Mitt Romney doesn't think it's "overdramatized." If he did, he wouldn't bother counter-attacking. You wasted your time here. I doubt most of the people who come to this blog will be voting for Mitt Romney, so STFU!

    P.S., posters of sound mind: Don't fall for the propaganda from the SHEEP at 6:25 PM.

  19. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Try watching the video.Do you really have no problem with intentionally bankrupting companies to leave the vendors and shareholders and taxpayers holding the bag while you pocket millions?

  20. Anonymous9:22 PM

    @6:29 PM

    Does "The Undefeated" count as a twisted propaganda film, too? Or, only the ones that aren't favorable to republicans?

    And, NO. Bain Capitol hasn't had many "successes." Some of the few that were, were only successes because of government money. And, the businesses they brought, they put out of business, on purpose. They didn't just fail. Bain Capitol made them fail. Bain Capitol only invested MONEY in businesses. The businesses weren't their idea, and Bain Capitol didn't run the businesses, or make the businesses a success.

    So you think President Obama is incompetent? At least the first week of every month, the president can back up the number of jobs he's created, unlike Mitt Romney. Mitt Romeny: "I created 100,000 jobs!" "No, it was tens of thousands of jobs!" "No, it was thousands of jobs!" The lying dipshit marked down his own numbers! The GOP probably did polling on Bain Capitol. If they didn't think it was a problem, they wouldn't be freaking out.

    America REJECTED incompetence in 2008, and voted for Barack Obama! So, fuck you!

    Are you scared? You should be.

  21. The only reason the Last Frontier's Wonky-eyed Wonderwoman likes Newt is because she can stand next to him and her head doesn't look so fucking big with all of those roadkill pelts perched on her noggin.

    Nonetheless, she does have a very large fuckin' head. This, I know.

    Just sayin'.

  22. Hoken9:43 PM

    Leveraged buyouts are not about buying up companies that are failing and rehabilitating them. It's about buying up companies w/ little or no debt, leveraging their assets against the money borrowed to buy them, making them more profitable short term thru layoffs and salary/benefit reductions, sucking the life out of them w/ fees and loan repayment made through shares in the company, and then selling them off under a load of debt - probably to fail b/c they won't be able to repay the debt you've loaded on them while at the same time downsizing them. When they do fail - as nearly 40% of Bain's targets did - the gov't ends up w/ the insurance obligation to their pension funds. One of them to the tune of $44M. The idea that this is good old mom-and-pop capitalism is bullshit.

  23. Anita Winecooler9:57 PM

    Anonymous said...
    O/T Some Friday night humor...

    Jimmy Fallon as Tim Tebow aka TeBowie

    6:20 PM

    Thanks so much, I needed a laugh, and this filled the bill! Very Funny!

  24. Anita Winecooler10:04 PM

    Could Newt be Dem Trojan Horse?

    I love it!

    Love the sheeple troll, new angle, same pile of mooseshit.

  25. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Newt did the repugs a favor. People will have time to absorb and forget it. Would be so much better to pull that video out the week before the election.

  26. Anonymous10:14 PM

    I remember an interview with Michael Douglas shortly after the release of the movie, "Wall Street."

    He was talking about how strange it was to learn that he had it within himself to flesh out the character of "Gordon Gekko." It disturbed him that he could have portrayed such an evil person, so convincingly.

    The interviewer mentions to Douglas that many viewers of the film claim to have come away thinking the Gekko slime-meister was the HERO of the story, and not the villain.

    "Oh, man, that is SICK," replies Douglas.

    Since those times, you can hear in the rightwing rhetoric, that such terrible behavior is considered NORMAL, and "just doing business."

    You would EXPECT such crap to flow from the mouths of the ultra rich...but to hear the kneejerk responses from dopey middle class idiots who are Fox trained, defending practices that may have caused their very own job to have been axed, just shows how badly the national consciousness has been affected by the constant barrage of "conservative" malarkey.

    The Gekko character went to JAIL for being a freaking CRIMINAL, folks...wise up, for crissakes.

  27. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Newt would never get my vote, nor would Palin. Once again, the Republicans will not back a sane moderate that could win against Obama.

  28. I'm looking forward to a time someday in my not-too-old age when "Sarah Palin," "Mitt Romney," "Newt Gingrich" and especially "Republican Party" are answers in the latest edition of Trivial Pursuit...and nobody's ever heard of any of 'em.

  29. (ahem)2:00 AM

    Ah propaganda films. You slay me. There is NOTHING wrong with people strapping their dogs on the roof of their cars. Of course it is going to look bad. It is hugely overdramatized. Romney is a dog torturer. He is not a bad man, though the Bain incident is troubling.

    Torturing dogs is the only fair way. EVERY model has losers and winners. Dog torturing has more winners and actually encourages dogs to not be in cars and to shit on roofs instead on the ground.

    Don't be a sheep. Don't fall for propaganda.

    THIS (and the fact that I'm a compulsive, knee jerk apologist for dog torturers and abusive business people) IS PROVEN.

  30. Anonymous4:12 AM

    Anon 10:13 AM

    Don't worry, the video is not going anywhere. It will stick around, the Dems will make sure of that.

  31. Anonymous4:22 AM

    9:43 pm. Well said, Hoken. I also think that it's hysterical that Newt wants to take back the video that has now gone viral in order to tone it down! He's about as savvy about the internet as who was that (hmmm) who talked about the "tubes" and the "internets"?

  32. Slow down, Folks. I want Romney as the candidate. Romney and Santorum. A perfect storm that will give Obama the landslide he so richly deserves.

    Newt was described as a suicide bomber for the GOP. He has no chance to get the nomination, but he will take out everyone that he can. Palin and Newt are of the same tree: poisoned and toxic.

  33. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Oh propaganda films. You slay me. There is NOTHING wrong with companies that buy up failing smaller companies. Of course it is going to look bad. It is hugely overdramatized. Romney is a businessman. He is not a bad man, though the dog incident is troubling.

    Capitalism is the only fair way. EVERY model has losers and winners. Capitalism has more winners and actually encourages people to work hard and strive in life.

    Don't be a sheep. Don't fall for propaganda.


    Greed has consumed corporations. Gone are the days, when a company worked hard to put out a quality product that they were proud to put their names on. Gone are the days, when generations of families grew up and worked for the same companies. Where top management earned approximately 3 times as much as the line workers, instead of 200 times as much. Gone are the days, when companies were like extended families - where they cared about their employees, rather than looking for ways to cut their costs by eliminating employees who have a family member or themselves experiencing a health problem. In the past, the company itself, might have done a little collection for the needy worker - today (with Christian support GOP) its profits before people. Your kid got leukemia, too bad for you that God did that to your family, you're fired. We don't want to pay your medical bills and don't particularly care if pre-existing conditions disqualify your child from get health care.

    All that really matters is that you gave birth to the child, everything that happens after that is on you.

  34. Anonymous said...

    I could be wrong but I think most Americans are smart enough NOT to fall for a twisted propaganda film about a simple company that simply buys business failures...
    Don't fall for it. We fell for it in 08 and voted in incompetence.
    6:29 PM
    Wonder no more. You are indeed completely wrong. Bain bought successful companies and ran them into the ground. On purpose. Deliberately. Gutting them. He personally made out like a bandit (which he essentially was) and moved on to the next target.

    Bain destroyed modest, successful companies providing gainful employment to many Americans and then left clutching their millions while the employees were left with gutted, looted pension plans.

    Thank goodness we voted in President Obama in 2008, and will hopefully vote him in again in 2012.

  35. Anne In DC7:41 AM

    I love to read comments showing the twisted logic of trying to defend the indefensible and destructive greed of Willard Romney and his ilk. The fact is that HE is claiming he created
    100K jobs, a claim that he has been using to push the argument that he has created more jobs than our current president. When someone makes such a claim, he opens himself up to scrutiny. In his case, the scrutiny reveals him to be guilty of the "vulture capitalism" that Rick Perry described. For once, stupid Perry actually got something right. Although Gingrich has pushed this out of revenge against Willard, he has actually done us a favor in exposing the kind of mindset that has no problem with huge profits built on the unnecessary suffering of numerous Americans. I have been wondering exactly what Willard stands for with all his flip-flopping and abandoning important legislature he has sponsored in the past. Now, I know that what he stands for is unbridled greed for more and more wealth, no matter who gets hurt.

  36. Anonymous8:17 AM

    I've been loving this. THe film is very effective. And I LOVE the concern troll here. Nobody is buying your bs. There's a big difference between classic capitalism and the kind of vulture work Mitt was doing, and the vast majority of Americans can tell the difference. The companies Mitt bought didn't "fail." They were looted. If they had "failed" Bain and Mitt wouldn't have made hundreds of millions of dollars profit off of them.

    The propaganda we're not buying is yours.

  37. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Why Romney is Weak vs. Obama

  38. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Protesters Revive Romney’s Dog Story

  39. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Unvetted Palin Insists Candidates Should "Vet One Another"

    Sarah Palin, perhaps politics' most high-profile vetting escapee, seems to have a strong opinion on the matter of vetting when it comes to people who are not Sarah Palin. Despite documentation that proves Palin was never vetted (as John McCain and others claim), she is waving the red flag, encouraging Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich and others to continue their public "vetting" of Mitt Romney and the cast of Republican presidential hopefuls.

  40. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Thanks Newt, for trying to expose what a total fraud Romney is! Only problem is, he has more money than you!! LOL Hey, can you get him to release his tax returns?!?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.