Friday, January 13, 2012

The legacy of Sarah Palin lingers still in the Last Frontier.

Courtesy of Alaska Dispatch:

Less than two years after his appointment as director of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game Division of Wildlife Conservation, Corey Rossi has resigned, effective immediately. Dale Rabe, deputy director, has been appointed acting director. 

An email from Fish and Game Commissioner Cora Campbell cited “personal reasons” for Rossi’s resignation. However, he was recently charged with 12 counts of illegal bear hunting as a licensed assistant guide in 2008. 

State wildlife biologists who couldn’t wait to share the news with their peers were calling one another Thursday evening, shortly after Commissioner Campbell’s email announcing Rossi’s resignation was sent to state offices. 

Rossi was arguably the least popular director since statehood, both publicly and internally. He had been appointed to Fish and Game in December 2008 by then-Gov. Sarah Palin, a high-level position specifically created for Rossi, a proponent of “intensive management,” better known as predator control. Rossi listed Palin’s parents as references in his application for assistant commissioner.

We fought hard against this appointment when it happened but we were terribly outnumbered.

We knew what to expect from a Sarah Palin appointee on predator control and we were not disappointed:

Wildlife biologists working under Rossi have been reluctant to criticize him or his pet projects publicly because retribution was swift and harsh.

Big surprise there, right? Well now this bastard has been caught breaking the law and so that is one more Sarah Palin appointee to bite the dust.

Sadly there are so many yet to go.


  1. martha uys7:09 PM

    Rossi was almost one of the worst jerks possible to appoint or hire into AFD&G. Arrogant & dishonest for starters.

    I couldn't have had a bigger smile on my face last night when the news broke, and I'm sure that the many ADF&G people I know felt exactly the same way. He's dog poo now.

  2. Anonymous7:21 PM

    I hate this mother fucker!
    He's the one who said "Smoke a pack a day" re: wolf packs!
    Hope his ass gets in a good sling as well as madam bitch and her grifter rat killing parents! Didn't they have THAT job from the FEDS????
    Good for nothing bastards in AK.
    Lady karma waitin for her due!

  3. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Karma is coming for this bitch from hell!

  4. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Rossi was huntin Mama Grizzly's? Ouch.

  5. Anonymous7:26 PM

    From goose chaser to Bear Hunter. The delusions of grandeur these overreaching underachievers operate under.

    I couldn't think of a finer endorsement than from Chuck or Sally. Or Todd (ask Newt.)

    How would Alaska do without the Palin's?

  6. Anonymous7:27 PM

    And Captain Zero, Governor Sean Parnell (Sarah 2.0) kept this no-confidence loser on staff.

  7. Anonymous7:40 PM

    I'm fond of saying that really LOUDMOUTHED people, like guys who rail against homosexuality, and scream about "family values," are SO likely to be the next person to be involved in a huge scandal due to finding out that THEY were guilty of acts exactly like the ones they were belching about, publicly.

    As Palin has chosen to squeal like a little piggy over MANY such things, you just KNOW that one by one, the revelation of how she is dirty as sin, will come about.

    I'm pretty sure I can hear the echo of her carping about "cronyism" by other politicians.

    ...and here we are, watching the result of her being complicent in exactly that, and in a way that caused such grief to the State of Alaska.

  8. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Impotent rage personified.

  9. Anonymous7:48 PM

    You identified Alaska as The Last Frontier. That's different from Sarah thinking that she lives in the Heartland.

  10. Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

  11. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Palin is as corrupt as hell - as are/were her many appointees. Parnell next by any chance? He should not be re elected folks!

  12. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Next should be Franci Havemeister, Director of know...Franci "I love Cows" Havemeister. She was a key partner in the gutting of Mat Maid to launder millions to a handful of dairy farmers. She has now gutted the Alaska Revolving Loan Fund, including another $500,000 "loan" to her father in law to start yet another dairy processing plant. He is nearly 80 years old and granted a 30 year half million dollar note. Pays to have your daughter in law handling millions. No cryonyism, though, folks.

    She also was in charge of the Plant Materials group that certified seed potatoes for this year's crop. One farmer just had to plow under $250,000 worth of potatoes that had ring rot....certified by the Division of Ag as safe. Good goin' Franci! NOT! Cronyism? Naaahhhh!

  13. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Good riddance, but sorry to say the Rossi isn't the last of the rotten bunch at ADFG.

  14. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Well, I posted a link where Sally Heath was telling Sarah in an email that she needed to create a position for Corey Rossi because he was an underdog just like Sarah was, but that link did not get through on this website. You can research it yourselves if you like but it is part of the Palin email release from months ago.

    Anyway, Sarah is responsible for this jerk having a position and he is equally as inept in his job as she was in hers.

  15. Well, Well...Gov Baldy must be a wee bit nervous about this POS and what he might "revill"...but what about her ex-boyfriend in charge of the prisons...when is he going to get his pink slip?

    Anybody else curious on who those hunters were that he took Bear hunting and lied for?

    So Sally Heath is not the quiet church going mouse that she's been pretending to be huh...this is starting to get REAL GOOD!!!

    PS...changed my seasonal avatar if anybody noticed...I love this picture of her because this is what she truly has become....a snarling, foaming at the mouth pitbull with lipstick being jerked on the chain by McShame...the ass that released that THING from her "crate" and "hosed" her off so she could pollute our "fresh air"...with her putrid stench!

  16. Anonymous9:20 PM

    I'll bet $arah's very disappointed in Rossi. Couldn't he hide his tracks better than that?! Didn't he learn ANYTHING from her? Unfreakin'believable!

  17. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Governor Sean Parnell (Sarah 2.0) will get his due some day for covering Palin's misdeeds and criminal activities! His cover up of Palin's emails will surface as well!

    That son of a bitch Parnell and Alaska's Attorney General should be investigating that crooked bastard Dave Parker and the Anchorage Police Dept for its cover up of Todd Palin's involvement with Shailey Tripp and the destruction of evidence (her property) after Shailey repeatedly asked for the return of her property!

    What about the judge who ordered Shailey's property returned? What does the judge have to say about the destruction of her property?

  18. Anonymous9:27 PM

    "...Well now this bastard has been caught breaking the law and so that is one more Sarah Palin appointee to bite the dust...."

    What high school did that S.O.B. Rossi go to?

    Did Rossi also like cows growing up?

    Is Rossi an Alaska Independence Party member?

    Don't worry Alaska, more of Palins crooked appointees will surface!

    We are waiting for Parnell's turn in the vise!

  19. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Palin is as corrupt as hell - as are/were her many appointees. Parnell next by any chance? He should not be re elected folks!

    8:16 PM

    How come FOX is not investigating Palin?

    If Obama did 1/10th of what Sarah did then FOX would be all over Obama like stink on Palin (shit)!

    I don't understand FOX, they have a goldmine of illegal Palin activities but refuse to follow thru!

  20. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, Talis Colberg, WAR, Joe Miller's wife Kathleen, Kristan Cole, Franci Havemeister, Joe Schmidt, Tom Irwin, Frank Bailey, Corey Rossi...And Sarah's appointments continue to fail...just like her.

  21. Anonymous9:44 PM

    "....So Sally Heath is not the quiet church going mouse that she's been pretending to be huh...this is starting to get REAL GOOD!!...."

    Why do you Alaskans allow the Palins and Heath to get away with murder?

    I would be pissed if I got in trouble with the law and had to do time or pay for fines while Sarah's uneducated pieces of shit got away with vandalism, criminal activities, insurance fraud and everything else they did while Todd and Sarah got away with their bullshit too!

    We all have been blaming McCain but the real fault lies within Alaska because "YOU" people allowed those corrupt Palin and Heath bastards to get away with shit!

    To the Alaskan people who are aware of Palin and Heath crimes and refuse to say anything about it .... FUCK YOU TOO!

  22. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Thanks for covering this Gryphen. There is much more yet to be told about this story, including how Rossi was a plant of SFW. (Sportsmen For Wildlife) They bragged about getting him in place. He rewarded them by giving them hard to draw tags (sheep, bison, muskox) that they are auctioning off for profit. He was upping the ante by pushing for an exception of the "no helicopters are allowed for hunting" rule to the rich guys that end up winning these tags. (some have been known to go in the $50,000 TO $100,000 range. The helicopter proposal is being considered as proposition 44 sometime this weekend. Rossi was buddies with some of the Board of Game. How do you think this will pan out? I hope the rest of this story ends up in the public eye.

  23. Anonymous9:48 PM

    I hate this picture of the ex guv-- that wonky eye takes on a life of it's own. . .

    @7:22-- do you think so?

  24. I'm fond of saying that really LOUDMOUTHED people, like guys who rail against homosexuality, and scream about "family values," are SO likely to be the next person to be involved in a huge scandal due to finding out that THEY were guilty of acts exactly like the ones they were belching about, publicly.
    7:40 PM

    Mental health professionals recognize this phenomenon with a name. They call it reaction formation. And you are exactly right.

  25. Anonymous10:29 PM

    A second article from the Dispatch with a few more details:

  26. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Given the association with Chuck Heath and the stories Heath told at Curt Menard's funeral, this is really not too surprising.

    I don't think, based on that and the whole deal about the moose Sarah's sister's now ex shot, that they care too much about hunting and fishing regs. Remember they were happy to eat it and not report it until there was a domestic dispute between the sister and her hubby.

  27. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Scott McAdams for Guv. Hope he runs against Parnell.

  28. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Damn right, Scott McAdams!

    But this mess gets even better.
    On his paperwork, Rossi used the name of a guide that he didn't even know.
    See, Rossi is an ASSISTANT guide and needed a big boy name on his paperwork, a _real_ guide.

    Guide Joe Dilley of Kenai "was shocked when Alaska Wildlife Troopers showed up at his home in December wanting to see his records for a bear hunt with three men he didn't know. Dilley said he explained to troopers he hadn't taken the men in question on any hunt. Troopers then told Dilley his assistant guide -- Corey Rossi -- said otherwise. Dilley's reaction was simple: Who is Corey Rossi?"

    Does it get any stupider?!

    ...I'll go now...(slinks off, ducking pots being thrown by GinaM...)

  29. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, Talis Colberg, WAR, Joe Miller's wife Kathleen, Kristan Cole, Franci Havemeister, Joe Schmidt, Tom Irwin, Frank Bailey, Corey Rossi...And Sarah's appointments continue to fail...just like her.

    9:38 PM

    There is a gold mine of Palin corruption just waiting for a reporter with cajones to git in there and rip her a new ass hole!

  30. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Fish & Game Commissioner Cora Campbell is also highly unqualified for her post. Is it ethical to accept a job you are not qualified for, Cora?
    On the education front, all the presidents of the University of Alaska system have no PhDs and all are from the military.

  31. Anonymous12:01 AM

    To the Alaskan people who are aware of Palin and Heath crimes and refuse to say anything about it .... FUCK YOU TOO!

    9:44 PM


  32. Anonymous12:11 AM

    One of the many "cronies" Sarah hired went and got himself fired, lmao!! If Palin had still been the Governor he would have kept his job and gotten away with a slap on the wrist. Chuck is probably giving her major grief since that was his friend, I'll bet Palin is seething over this, she hates to disappoint old Chuck!

  33. Anonymous2:00 AM

    7:21 -- glad to hear someone else remembering that big-game hunter Chuck Heath and his wife added to their teachers' pensions by going to NYC to catch rats scurrying around the landfill. And got paid by the government to do it.

    It all adds to the Palin story, each little sordid piece. The work itself needed to be done, and there is no shame in any legitimate work.
    But retired Alaskans flying across the country on the Federal dime to take jobs that could have been filled by those closer by?

    Are there some rat skulls in that grotesque pyramid of bones in front of the Heath house?

  34. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Her wigs look like she bought them for the Dollar Store.

  35. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Sarah sure can pick 'em.

    Remember how she appointed Chuck Kopp to replace the principled Alaska State Public Safety Commissioner, Walt Monegan? It was then disclosed that Kopp had had a sexual harassment complaint and letter of reprimand when he worked in Kenai, Alaska. There was a public outcry about having a lowlife in the position of Alaska's Top Cop so Kopp resigned after just two weeks on the job. It was reported Sarah knew about the complaint before she hired Kopp for the job but, true to form, she blamed the resulting fiasco on others. Sarah gave Kopp a nice severance package of $10,000 for his 10 measly days of work while stiffing Monegan for his 34 years of dedicated and honorable public service.

    Sarah's right though. Thorough vetting absolutely needs to be done, especially of her. Contemptible shrew.

  36. Anonymous5:44 AM

    You would think Sarah would be in Nome working with real Americans and Russians. They are real heros. But no, instead she wants to be on FOX trashing anyone she can. I think she is staying away from Nome just in case something goes terribly wrong. She is a coward and likes the comfort of her warm home rather than being with the mayor, habormaster, etc. If it is successful, you know she'll claim she had something to do with it. I'm reading all I can on the effort and dedication of so many people. Wonder how the bots rationalize the "frontier woman Sarah" staying in her cozy home by a roaring fire while others are working VERY hard in a crisis/emergency situation.

  37. Anonymous7:01 AM

    9:44.. Agree. Alaskans are the one's who put Palin up on the pedestal, Hottest Governor- Most popular Governor, to be picked by McCain. They should be hanging their heads in SHAME for being such NUMBSKULLS.

  38. I know that having the same name doesn't necessarily mean anything, but I do wonder if Corey Rossi is related to Washington state repug asshole, Dino Rossi.

  39. Anita Winecooler7:44 AM

    The caribou croney capitalist strikes again. This loser was lobbied by Sally, has no degree in wildlife "abundance management", and he's totally corrupt, just like the woman who hired him.

    I'm all for "sports hunting", but killing the animals that prey on what you're hunting isn't sport.

    Alaska deserves better.

  40. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Hope this guy ends up in jail, and ends up squealing on the Palins.

    Palin ran a dirty administration, and it takes time to clean up a mess like that, especially with Parnell, a guy who's implicated in this stuff, still in charge. But bit by bit, the truth will come out. It's inevitable.

  41. OldBatInATunaCan8:33 AM

    To the Alaskan people who are aware of Palin and Heath crimes and refuse to say anything about it .... FUCK YOU TOO!

    9:44 PM

    I agree with this statement. Balls in your court now Alaskans. She's not going away.

  42. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Excellent story and fantastic comments from everybody here. Couldn't happen at a better time, with the shrew and her nasty words and nastier puss showing up more and more. It has too many angles to be ignored--bear killings, falsified docs, connections to Palin and Heaths, predator program.

    Now I would like to see the Chip Toma lawsuit get going...or has it been settled?

  43. sardinecanlovesblowupdolls8:47 AM

    From the article.

    Rossi secured a job in state government because he was a friend of Chuck and Sally Heath, the parents of former Gov. Sarah Palin. Palin hired him to a special job in the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Palin's successor, Gov. Sean Parnell, later approved Rossi's promotion to director of wildlife. Exactly why has never been clear given that many wildlife professionals -- including a significant number of the biologists employed by Fish and Game -- objected to the move.

    Parnell has some explaining to do too.

  44. Anonymous8:50 AM

    All I can say "so what else is new?"
    We need to do an internal cleaning of all the Palin appointed cronys and get a clean start.

  45. From the Alaska Dispatch:

    Sally Heath, in an email to Palin, noted that almost everyone would object to Rossi as unqualified, but added those "are the very same people who said the same thing about you."

    Doncha love it?!?!?!

  46. 7:40 PM

    Great comment.

    Also, you (and other people here) might enjoy this cartoon on yesterday's DailyKos:

  47. Anonymous9:12 AM

    To the MILLIONS of people of the _48_ states who made this Wasilla housewife and her kids the "red-carpet" celebrities they are - FUCK YOU TOO.

    To the millions of America's television viewing audience, thanks for manipulating Dancing With The Stars so that Bristol won. And thanks, also, too, for making the Alaska ex-governor's daughter the most famous unwed-pregnant-Christian values-teenager in the world.
    _YOU_ all bought these peoples' books, attended their events around the country, watched all their television appearances, from Barbara Walters to Jay Leno to Sarah Palin's Alaska.
    YOU all propelled them to national prominence and continue to keep them relevant. Larry the Cable Guy is in Wasilla this week and Todd was on Fox. Why? Because YOU watch it! The formula for American producers of TV shows is simple: if the numbers show demand, they'll produce it, whether it's good or bad. No getting around it; YOUR demand is creating the need. You think they're producing those shows for the ALASKAN viewing audience?! Wow - FUCK YOU!

    And to the millions of Americans reading this blog - YOU are directly responsible for putting _539_ inept, corrupt, irresponsible, unethical, philandering, power-hungry politicians in charge of our country. _YOU_ voted for those 539 people and allow them to stay in office, inflicting their illiterate ignorant crap on the rest of us. SHAME ON YOU!

    ALL of you need to do exactly what Gryphen does. Create a blog, watch your elected politicians and put their shenanigans right out there in the public eye.
    Stop whining about how Alaskans inflicted the Palins on you and start taking some responsibility for cleaning your own house!

    YOU ALL inflicted Sarah Palin on this country! How's that, you ask?
    First, if she didn't draw approval and attention NATIONALLY, John McCain wouldn't have picked her in the first place! Yeah, that's right, think about it. McCain didn't pick her to get the Alaskan vote, but to get all of YOURS.
    Second, _YOUR_ politicians are the ones that McCain was pandering to. YOUR Members of Congress are the ones in charge. _YOUR_ politicians are the powerbrokers in the smoke-filled backrooms in Washington D.C.
    Wow, the poor white trash of America, particularly California, is actually REALLY in charge of this country and responsible for the Sarah Palin Phenomenon.

  48. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Anon 11:20
    I don't think you have to worry about GinaM b/c she is jumping up and down with glee at the moment as we all are waiting for the iceberg to hit PaYlin & Co!
    check out this comment from AKDispatch:

    The ADN story, bylined Kyle Hopkins and Richard Mauer, says, “the troopers' Wildlife Investigations Unit in Anchorage learned of the illegal bear hunt on Nov. 22, 2010 .... Troopers and other agencies conducted multiple interviews last month in Alaska, Oregon and Utah.”

    While coordinating “other agencies” to conduct simultaneous interviews to hamper suspects ability to collude in their stories may have taken some time (if that was even done), why did it take at least a year?

    The ADN piece adds the tidbit that “Rossi employed Palin's parents for 14 years trapping nuisance animals when Rossi worked for the U.S. Department of Agriculture”.

    That story uses different wording to describe “other agencies”, at least the one that alerted the Alaskan Wildlife Troopers, than Medred’s Dispatch piece on the filing of charges. The ADN article goes, “unrelated investigation conducted by an out-of-state law enforcement agency” when Medred uses, “unrelated out-of-state operation conducted by another agency”. They are very different things, one placing the Wildlife Troopers source as agency located out-of-state, and the other, just the unrelated investigation was out-of-state.

    Mere speculation, but could this be tied to illegal trade in animal parts - a FED enforcement area as the US is a signatory to the international treaty banning such trade? Bear parts exporters are busted fairly often. Again, simply speculation, but the smell of rotting carcasses, not just gut piles, is heavy around this.

    Why did Rossi Quit?
    Why did PaYlin quit?
    And shit rolls down hill...
    We had the AK AG quit last month.
    Hmmmmmmmm! This investigation going on for over a year now!

  49. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Sarah reminds me of a female dog, technically called a "bitch", in heat, rubbing her stench all over the state of Alaska. It will take years to clean up the smell of corruption she left in her wake.

    That most of the rest of the nation sees what Sarah has done to Alaska is precisely the reason we are making sure she never spreads her stink in the Lower 48 + Hawaii.

    Alaska - you let her corrupt your state with her crony-government. It's up to you to clean up the mess. Are you All just a bunch a Palin Pussies?

  50. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I used to think of Sarah Palin as a whore. Now I think of her as the Madame. Todd is still the pimp though.

    Seriously, the Palins have treated the state of Alaska as one big House of Ill Repute, theirs to exploit as they saw fit.

  51. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Is it possible Alaskans are starting to get their state back?

  52. AJ Billings10:19 AM

    Not a big surprise that Paylin, P$rnell and company like hiring and promoting ignorant prejudiced people because their "recommended" by family or friends

    This guy needs to have the book thrown at him.

    Just like the very few cops that go bad, he should be held to a much higher standard because he's SUPPOSED to be enforcing the law, not flaunting it.

    My bet is that some of Granny Grifter's Crony Pals in the current Parnell regime will get him off with a slap on the wrist.

    Oh, and $arah, you reading today?

    Just reminding you that your pals over at the Anchorage Police might have destroyed Shailey's computer and phone, but there were backups for that PC.

    Does that make your day?

    Hope you like sitting down, and shutting up!

  53. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Anonymous said...
    You would think Sarah would be in Nome working with real Americans and Russians. They are real heros. But no, instead she wants to be on FOX trashing anyone she can. I think she is staying away from Nome just in case something goes terribly wrong. She is a coward and likes the comfort of her warm home rather than being with the mayor, habormaster, etc. If it is successful, you know she'll claim she had something to do with it. I'm reading all I can on the effort and dedication of so many people. Wonder how the bots rationalize the "frontier woman Sarah" staying in her cozy home by a roaring fire while others are working VERY hard in a crisis/emergency situation.

    5:44 AM

    You are correct, being that she is such an "energy expert" I'm sure that she has some idea how to assist in offloading this fuel through its' mile-long hose to Nome. I'm sure that she's done that a million times, or more!

    Nah, on second thought it's probably better that she stayed home!

  54. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Jeanne Devon has an article on Huff Post today. It is on the Breaking News page or Politics - on the left side of the page. It is an article about how Palin is promoting the Repubs "vet" each other because that is the "right thing to do". Good article.
    Pat Padrnos

  55. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Here's a letter Mike Tibbies wrote against Rossi being made Fish and game Commissioner. It's not like Sarah wasn't warned. But of course Mr Rossi was a friend of her parents so what anybody else said didn't matter.

    From: Mike Tibbies []
    Sent: Thu Feb 01 07:00:00 EST 2007
    To: Sarah Palin
    Subject: FW: Rossi for Commissioner - NO

    From: **********[mailto:********]
    Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 3:10 PM
    Subject: Rossi for Commissioner - NO

    Dear Mike,

    I am writing in regards to Corey Rossi's interest in becoming Commissioner of Fish and Game. Even though I am
    a long term Alaskan resident, trapper, sport fisherman and hunter I do not want to see Corey Rossi in this
    position. I have worked with Rossi for 13 years for Wildlife Services and I left that position because of his
    unethical behavior (conflict of interest and abuse of his position). I have found that while Rossi talks high
    standards he does not hold himself to those standards. He is a very persuasive person, but part of that
    persuasion includes deceit.

    As far a being qualified for that position, there are many others who are far more qualified than he is. He does not
    have a strong background (academic or practical) in wildlife management. Corey knows how to trap and he has
    helped put together teams for USFWS and others for their management projects, but he has had little to do with
    actual management decisions.

    My main concern is his unethical behavior. I have little doubt that if he is appointed to this position he will become
    an ethical embarrassment.

  56. My main concern is his unethical behavior. I have little doubt that if he is appointed to this position he will become
    an ethical embarrassment.

    11:24 AM

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...I guess Tibbles was right about something!

  57. Anonymous2:37 PM

    $arah: "Boys will be boys."

  58. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Sarah reminds me of a female dog, technically called a "bitch", in heat, rubbing her stench all over the state of Alaska. It will take years to clean up the smell of corruption she left in her wake.
    I beg your pardon?
    I have a female dog a bitch and she doesn't run around stenching up anything!
    Palin is a GOP HO BAG and the Alaskans created her, if you are ALASKAN YOU are part of the Problem Bubs!
    So What are YOU doing to clean up corruption in your state of Alaska?


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