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If you click the image of Grumpy McAsshole you can see video of which part of the speech harshed his mellow. |
Of course as much as the President's speech clearly upset Cantor, his discomfort was nothing compared to what nine Somali pirates were experiencing while Obama was telling Americans that a brighter day lay ahead for this country:
U.S. Navy SEALs parachuted into Somalia under cover of darkness early Wednesday and crept up to an outdoor camp where an American woman and Danish man were being held hostage. Soon, nine kidnappers were dead and both hostages were freed.
President Barack Obama himself authorized the mission two days earlier, and minutes after he gave his State of the Union address to Congress he was on the phone with the American's father to tell him his daughter was safe.
"As Commander-in-Chief, I could not be prouder of the troops who carried out this mission, and the dedicated professionals who supported their efforts," Obama said in a statement released by the White House.
I have to imagine that every time the world sees this President take the podium to give a speech, all over the planet there are terrorists and bad guys hiding under there beds while freaking out that there might be somebody outside their door waiting to put a bullet in them.
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"Oh no Ahmad, he is smiling again! Go look out the window and see if there is a drone with my name on it! |
(H/T to Buzzfeed)
Update: As for the President's speech itself, apparently 91% of Americans approved of it:
According to the poll, which was conducted online by Knowledge Networks immediately after the president's address, 91 percent of those who watched the speech approved of the proposals Mr. Obama put forth during his remarks. Only nine percent disapproved.
Last year, 83 percent of viewers approved of Mr. Obama's State of the Union remarks.
I wonder what Eric Cantor's face looks like in response to THAT news?
I can't stand Eric Cantor & will be donating small amounts to his Democratic challenger. No, I don't live in VA.
ReplyDeleteVIDEO: Microphone Picks Up President Obama Congratulating Defense Secretary
ReplyDeleteOn his way into the House Chamber Tuesday night for his State of the Union address, President Obama was heard telling Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, “Good job tonight, good job tonight.”
At the time, viewers wondered to what the President was referring. It became clear Wednesday morning, when news of a military rescue of an American hostage in Somalia was made public.
Here’s video of the moment:
I'll see your Eric Cantor and raise you a Sarah Palin: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-nLv2IXCi0t4/TeLry1axKtI/AAAAAAAABFQ/ZKoNXwPGQks/s400/sarah%2Bscowls.jpg
ReplyDeleteand a Newt:
PHOTO: Obama Phones Father Of Rescued Aid Worker
ReplyDeletePresident Obama authorized a rescue mission last night of an American and a Danish hostage from Somali pirates after they had been held for months. The same SEAL team that raided Osama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan carried out this raid, the AP reports.
Here’s an image of Obama phoning Jessica Buchanan’s father John last night to inform him of her rescue:
U.S. Navy SEALs Rescue Pirate Hostages
ReplyDeleteU.S. Navy SEALs have rescued an American and a Danish hostage from Somali pirates after they had been held for months. The same SEAL team that raided Osama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan carried out this raid, the AP reports.
“This successful hostage rescue, undertaken in a hostile environment, is a testament to the superb skills of courageous service members who risked their lives to save others,” Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said in a statement. “I applaud their efforts, and I am pleased that Ms. Buchanan and Mr. Thisted were not harmed during the operation. This mission demonstrates our military’s commitment to the safety of our fellow citizens wherever they may be around the world.”
President Obama seemed to refer to the raid ahead of Tuesday’s State of the Union address, telling Panetta, “Good job tonight.”
And when you think that people doubted his ability to be decisive or lamented his lack of experience on the world stage. HA!
ReplyDeleteYes, Eric Cantor is President Obama's absolute foil. What a negative energy he puts out! Implacable sourpuss while our President chuckled, at his own expense, about the corny spilled milk joke in his speech. He has the most incredible sense of humor. That's a sign of his high intelligence, and his extreme cool under the most extraordinary pressure.
Cantor's reportedly after Boehner's spot? Why can't these jerks produce a genuinely positive leader?
He looks like "Wow...we've seriously misjudged him"
ReplyDeleteand OMFG he is going to WIN AGAIN!
I wonder did they as congress know of the raid?
Did Congress know this was happening?
Obama 2012!
The same U.S. Navy SEAL unit that killed Osama bin Laden parachuted into Somalia under cover of darkness early Wednesday and crept up to an outdoor camp where an American woman and Danish man were being held hostage. Soon, nine kidnappers were dead and both hostages were freed.
ReplyDeletePresident Barack Obama authorized the mission by SEAL Team 6 two days earlier, and minutes after he gave his State of the Union address to Congress he was on the phone with the American's father to tell him his daughter was safe.
The Danish Refugee Council confirmed the two aid workers, American Jessica Buchanan and Poul Hagen Thisted, a Dane, were "on their way to be reunited with their families."
Buchanan, 32, and Thisted, 60, were working with a de-mining unit of the Danish Refugee Council when gunmen kidnapped the two in October.
The raiders came in quickly, catching the guards as they were sleeping after having chewed the narcotic leaf qat for much of the evening, a pirate who gave his name as Bile Hussein told The Associated Press by phone. Hussein said he was not present at the site but had spoken with other pirates who were, and that they told him nine pirates had been killed in the raid and three were "taken away."
The hostage rescue was carried out by the same SEAL unit behind the operation in Pakistan last May that killed bin Laden, two U.S. officials said on condition of anonymity to discuss the operation. The unit is the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, also known as SEAL Team 6. One official said that the team parachuted into the area before moving on foot to the target. The raid happened near the Somali town of Adado.
New intelligence emerged last week that Buchanan's health was "deteriorating rapidly," so Obama directed his security team to develop a rescue plan, according to a senior administration official who was not authorized to speak publicly. A Danish Refugee Council official, Mary Ann Olsen, said that Buchanan was "not that ill" but needed medicine.
"As Commander-in-Chief, I could not be prouder of the troops who carried out this mission, and the dedicated professionals who supported their efforts," Obama said in a statement released by the White House. "The United States will not tolerate the abduction of our people, and will spare no effort to secure the safety of our citizens and to bring their captors to justice."
When I see photos of Cantor he is either laughing like a frat boy who has just locked a pledge in a freezing rat infested basement or frowning like someone just found his porn collection and burnt it in his front yard.
ReplyDeleteI always love his burnt porn look . . . .
Every time the President gives a speech now, I suspect bad guys are being terminated somewhere in the world.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Matt Damon can ask the nine dead Somali pirates if they know where he might find Obama's balls
Balls Matt Damon? Balls is a daring rescue BEFORE your SOTU Speech when a FAIL would doom your presidency. That's balls.
YOWZA! No this is a face I'd hate to wake up to everyday:
Now Eric Cantor, he's a little wussy kid that probably got beaten up for being a little shit. He's got that whiny, little prick look about him that is so terribly unappealing. He looks like the kind of kid who did alot of tattle-taling and sabotage. Weasel face.
While the country stands with Gabby Gibbords, a picture of class,dignity and courage,Sarah Plain is stuck in her wads of panties and dirty laundry.
ReplyDeleteThe GOP don't have the class like Mr.President. Their negativism is etched in their faces.
They can't beat an Obama smile and a Gabby smile....what a difference a smile make.
Calm. Assertive. A leader.
ReplyDeleteIn the SOTU speech, President Obama owned the political stage -- leaving the Repubs no place to stand, unless it is against fairness and equality.
I would have liked to see Gringe's and Mitts' faces last night during the speech.
While not an Eric Cantor fan, I have to give him a bit of credit. The broadcast I was watching last night did occasionally show him smiling and applauding at portions of the President's speech. On the other hand Boenher sat up there never smiling, and only applauding after a majority of Republicans had. Boenher has a terminal case of cranial rectal fusion.
ReplyDeleteThe other 9% reside at the Pee Pond sites. Crazy person said they were so glad they got their new gun this year. Even mentioned how much his wife loved her birthday present, yup, a new gun.
ReplyDeleteIs that all these people think about? Oh, and God and Jesus, too also too.
Virginia needs to change its state slogan. From "Virginia is for Lovers" to "Virginia is for Douche Bags."
ReplyDeleteOne of the commenters at GinandTacos nailed Eric Cantor:
ReplyDelete"New York Magazine has a collection of GIFs of Eric Cantor making vaguely human expressions via his facial interactive portal. The snake-like lip wetting/searching his immediate surrounding for prey was especially nice."
They're just pissed 'cause they've got nothing - no jobs, no ideas and no Obama! I love OUR President! like it or not rethugs - he's making our country a better place!!
ReplyDeleteFirst thing I saw this a.m. when I powered up was the Somolia rescue story. Damn, is our President super smooth or what?
ReplyDeleteI should have made a drinking game out of it - drink every time I saw Boehner squirm and Cantor's mouth get tighter.
But then I wouldn't have been able to get up this a.m. and be functional.
This Is What Happened When SEAL Team 6 Pulled Off A Rescue Mission Last Night
I am so proud of our president! AND, 91% approval of the SOTU speech?? No wonder cuntor looks like someone took his pacifier. The gop has NOTHING and they damn well know it. 4 more years for President "BADASS" Obama!! :)
ReplyDeleteMeet Seal Team 6, The Badasses Who Rescued Jessica Buchanan Last Night
ReplyDeleteRead more: http://www.businessinsider.com/seal-team-6-jessica-buchanan-somalia-2012-1#ixzz1kUR5X8XN
We'll be seeing a slew of GOP frowny faces in November
ReplyDeleteThat image is the top post today on "Eric Cantor's Bitch Face": http://ericcantorsbitchface.tumblr.com/
ReplyDeleteI think that site is pretty funny.
I have to be honest. I did not like the way he spoke. So I never could wait through his speeches. But last night I watched and heard the entire State of the Union and I wasn't bothered by his speaking manner at all. I approved of his State of the Union Address. I was proud of him, of most of Congress, the US Gov't and well, America.
ReplyDeleteLOL...yes Cantor did look like someone pissed in his cornflakes, didn't he.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, there is an odd confluence of Obama speeches and military ass-kicking of late.
Anon 6:44,
ReplyDeleteWould you explain the spilled milk joke for me? I have a bad head cold, and got a bad coughing fit when that happened. When I got my cough under control, everyone was laughing. I totally missed it!
Oh, yeah...Great Post, Gryphen!
I have to say that I am LOVING this election year. I absolutely LOVE the fact that you've got the synergy of Elizabeth Warren, OWS, and Mitt Romney's taxes all serving to educate the uneducated about just how broken and lopsided our economic system is.
ReplyDeleteEvery time I hear some Faux News schmuck say something idiotic like "taxes are penalizing the successful" or that the wealthy are "the job creators" that will somehow magically create jobs in gratitude if we just let them pay no taxes, or that "eliminating the minimum wage will create jobs" or "haters are just jealous of their success" or "we should fire janitors and hire 37 kids to do that job to teach them work ethic", I just grin, knowing that they are foolishly spreading their elitism, ignorance and class hate to people who are not in the same universe as they are financially and amorally, and who may just be on the brink of an epiphany about what the definition of "fair" and "reasonable" and "country first" and "American Exceptionalism" should really be.
The Daily show NAILED it last night when they pointed out that Mitt is a guy who thinks $375k is "not very much". I guess it's easy to feel that way when you're raking in $56k a DAY for doing nothing but being rich enough to invest hundreds of millions and receive that kind of dividend.
And then paying 13% in taxes on it.
It's becoming clear to even the red meat eaters that there is no "American work ethic" behind the 1%'s "success". It's all about being born into wealth and taking advantage of loopholes and opportunities the rest of us will NEVER have access to. the Bill Gateses and Steve Jobses of the world are the exceptions that prove the rule.
The Republicans should be terrified because slowly but surely, Americans are learning the truth and even Fox News smoke and mirrors aren't stopping it anymore because the spin is getting so thin even the mouth breathers are beginning to see through it enough to wonder why there's so much spinning going on. And questions sometimes lead to answers...
Sorry, one more thing...
ReplyDeleteSeal Team 6 - American Heroes
Thank you, President Obama, for using our treasure (our armed forces) wisely.
As progessives we gotta boot this sob out of office.He has proven himself to be a liar and an obstructionist.John Boehners butt buddy,he's gotta go.
ReplyDeleteplease don't diss virginia too much as it also is home to jim webb (senator) and i love jim webb! it's odd to fangirl over a senator...
ReplyDeletePresident Obama Scores With Middle Class Message
ReplyDeleteThe Middle Class and the Economy
More importantly, Obama connected on the central thrust of his speech. Prior to the address, just 42 percent of these Republican-leaning voters said that Obama was “for the middle class.” But this measure jumped 24 points after the speech, to 66 percent. As the table above shows, Obama also saw large gains on having “good plans for the economy,” job creation, taxes and “understanding the issues important to my life.”
The dials spiked when the President made his strong populist pitch for the “Buffet Rule,” with Democrats exceeding 80 on our 0-to-100 scale and both independents and Republicans moving above 70. There was no polarization here, as voters across the political spectrum gave Obama high marks. And Obama’s framing of the economic challenges facing the country through the lens of post-World War II America was particularly effective. He also received high marks for his proposal to change the tax code to encourage “insourcing” instead of “outsourcing,” his call to change our “unemployment system” to a “re-employment system” and his appeal to make it easier for entrepreneurs and small business to grow and create jobs.
Keep reading to see the overall chart of surging numbers:
Gabby Giffords, A Journey of Courage
President Obama had a strong closing to his SOTU speech about the Seals.
ReplyDeleteIn a way to further re-enforce the 'in your face' if he added 'In closing before you depart this venue, as we sit here, our fine Seals have completed another mission. They, who have each other's backs -- not as divided Red or Blue -- as a Team as there is no "I" in Team.
It would have been over the top kewl to have on satellite phone to have the commander of the mission to pipe in on the SOTU to say:
'Mr. President, we have completed our mission as you ordered -- we have (names inserted) on board with us.'
Then have the American woman come on the line, identify herself and say 'Thank you Mr. President. We are now safe Mr. President, Mom and Dad!'
To add to the comment I just posted about the completed Seal's mission and phone conversation at the end of the SOTU speech, I also meant to add that that would have tanked the Rethug rebuttal even more than it did!!!
ReplyDeleteThat Rethug 'fear' card they play every election, would have tanked the Governor as he would have been caught flat-footed. He already is at home in that the NFL Union is supporting union workers so he's in big shit. Add the fact he was in Bushes admin in finance. Shows how well he worked out and the Rethugs wanted to parade him as a Presidential candidate. Again -- secured Obama's 2nd term!!
President Obama speaking and joking at the correspondent's dinner - ripping Trump apart -- while the Seals were completing their mission killing Osama.
ReplyDeletePresident Obama giving a great SOTU speech while the Seals were rescuing two in Somalia.
That's what you call a major multi-tasker!!
The Rethugs - can't walk and chew gum at the same time.
I have never seen a more hate-filled glare than Eric Cantor's. I was actually shocked at the look on his face.
ReplyDeleteBut I particularly enjoyed watching Boner's (sic - sick - I know) expression He looked like he was in an alcoholic haze - not knowing whether to clap or not, trying his best to remain emotionless and seemingly interested...
but most interesting...he has a very noticeable tic on the right side of his mouth. Wish I had counted the times this nervous tic occurred. He must have been very uncomfortable knowing millions of viewers would be watching his every move.
I thought the President's speech was one of his best.
Just to let y'all know, Eric Cantor represents a safe, Republican gerrymandered district. He didn't even have a Democratic challenger last cycle, and has a huge campaign war chest filled by Wall Street, big banks, etc. It would take a political rock star to defeat him, and no one in Virginia sees that happening right now.
ReplyDeleteThe only way to marginalize Douchey McFrownyFace is to regain the House Majority. I
The Obama Hate Machine: The Lies, Distortions, and Personal Attacks on the President---and Who Is Behind Them
As an American, I cannot be prouder of our President. Talk about multi-tasking! He's so calm, cool and collected, delivers a fantastic speech, gets the approval of 91% of Americans. Meanwhile, he's okayed a mission to rescue hostages. He does it all while showing genuine warmth.
ReplyDeleteAny Republican with any sense has to know they aren't capable of doing a better job than President Obama is doing.
I thought I read that Simple Sarah was supposed to give her rebuttal of the SOTU speech on Hannity last night. But I don't find any record of it. Did she?
ReplyDeleteSea of Pee isn't promoting it and it isn't on Hannity's site. Google News doesn't have it posted either.
Just wonderin' how disheveled and demolished she's looking and how over the top hopped up she would be.
I think it's the K Vitamin that's doing it, she just looks awful. The only thing that seems to be holding up is the texture of her skin, though I am not looking at a high def image. If she was mething, her skin would be broken out, at least that's what I've witnessed with meth addicts.
In Defense of President Obama’s Milk Joke
Cracklin Charlie, the joke was concerning the issue of over the top, restrictive, making no sense regulations such as having dairy farmers have to report to DEC if they have a "milk spill" because somehow milk is classified as an "oil". The President remarked that he felt farmers would be able to clean up a milk spill without having to bring in an army of regulators, oil spill booms and remediation equipment. - making a point about over regulation, stream lining regulations and making sure they make sense.
ReplyDeleteThen he made the silly pun of "not crying over spilt milk".
Which also means 91% of Americans disagree with everything Eric Cantor stands for.
ReplyDeleteI hope this asshat gets shown the door during the next election cycle.
That image of Cantor reminds me of a little kid in a sailor outfit pouting because he dropped his lollipop and no one will pick it up for him.
ReplyDeleteI thought you should read this, but wasn't sure where to find an email to send it off the comment section. I get a magazine from my Brethren denomination called "Messenger." This gem is in the current issue (obviously the Brethren belive that our wonderful President is Christian!)
"He was no ordinary child. He was the manifestation of God's love. And every year we celebrate his birth because the story of Jesus Christ changed the world. For me, and for millions of Americans, his story has filled our hearts and inspired our lives." President Obama, Dec. 11, 2011, at the "Christmas in Washington" event.
Now, why was this not given any airtime when Fox was whining about the abscence of Jesus in the Obama White House? Liars and fools, all of them, and they must feel really foolish this AM after what Obama authorized and the Seals delivered.
A good poker player always holds his cards close to his chest. I'm SO proud that Pres. O's our leader! Never doubt that he knows damn well how to play whatever hand is dealt him, with total coolness.
ReplyDeleteLi'l Pouty-Poo Eric on the other hand, looks as if he's got HIS panties in a twist, eh?
While watching President Obama's speech last night (which I thoroughly enjoyed hearing, by the way!), thought it interesting to watch Boehner (sitting behind President Obama)and Cantor (when they panned toward him). Neither were very happy! They also hit on McCain once and he didn't appear to be enjoying himself much either.
ReplyDeletePresident knocked it out of the park as usual and the Republicans can hardly stand it.
Can hardly wait to vote for you again, Mr. President. You are doing one hell of a job!!!!
If the raid to rescue the American aid worker had been conducted prior to the SOTU address in say... 2001 thru 2008, a different president might have staggered, I mean swaggered to the podium with a wadded up Yale cheerleader's t-shirt stuffed in the front of his underoos to tell everyone what a bad-ass he thinks he is. A TRUE bad-ass has nothing to prove and just does what has to be done. Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present to you, Barack HUSSAIN Obama, President of the United States of America. He does what has to be done.
ReplyDeleteBTW, Gryphen, the AP is just now reporting that 91% of Americans think Eric Cantor is a whiny little douchebag.
I come here often for a serving of Obama love, because I am tired of hearing about our "Socialist" President from all the haters. I know they have the right to say whatever they want, but there seems to be an epidemic of small mindedness.
ReplyDeleteFrom an acquaintance on Facebook: "The great tragedy of liberalism is that it will demand the "fair share" until there is nothing left to share. The great hypocrisy of liberalism is that it encourages job growth while criminalizing the wealthy, who are often the job creators. The great unfairness of liberalism is the belief that one should be given entitlements based on ethnicity rather than achievement."
Sounds racist to me, and elitist as well. The person who posted this is not a wealthy person, either. I just don't get it. I'd like to write something in rebuttal, but my head hurts. Any ideas, anyone?
I love our President so much that it hurts me when I read something negative about him.
Obama 2012!
O/T The Palin Trolls must be in a conference to find a topic to REFUDIATE(sic)since GRANNY GRIFTER
ReplyDeleteseems to be in a Stupor today. The President showed just how much CLASS he has and that he is THE COMMANDER- IN-CHIEF. How cool was it that he already knew that the NAVY SEAL TEAM 6 had performed a rescue mission before he gave THE STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS. Criticize that, PALINBOTS. OBAMA 2012.
O/T Newton Leroy Gingrich has been exposed for calling the Spanish Language a language of the GHETTO in the past. That should get him some CUBAN-AMERICAN votes, NOT.
ReplyDeleteYou can vote here:
Republicans -- you either believe in democracy or you don't.
ReplyDeleteIf you do, then you need to ensure that everyone gets to cast their vote, not just the people & districts that think like you do.
It wasn't just Cantor...they all had shitty looks on their faces during most of the SOTU speech. McConnell, McCain, Boehner...who did I miss? I noticed Boehner's nervous tic, too! lol!! I noticed they weren't applauding some parts of the speech, which I thought was very bi-partisan and unifying. So much for Obama being the 'great divider'. I thought it just made all those sour pusses look like poor sports.
ReplyDeleteObama 2012!!
I love that photo (above) of President Obama. He has the MOST and BEST engaging smile of anyone holding office in the entire United States! Love him, love him!
ReplyDeleteO/T Congress will subpoena the KOCH BROTHERS about the Keystone Pipeline.
ReplyDeleteAnd the nightmare attempts to return.
ReplyDeleteCrazy Shelly has just announced her plans to "Return a strong voice" to Washington and Congress.
Oh please, all you good people in the MN 6th CD, hear our cry:
Do not return this batshit-crazy loon to congress.
See? I'm asking nice..
Looks to me like Cantor has his panties in a wad.
ReplyDeleteHow would you grade Obama's State of the Union Address?
ReplyDelete28% A 59,563 votes
14% B 29,459 votes
10% C 21,242 votes
13% D 28,416 votes
35% F 74,433 votes
Total Responses: 213,113
I got an idea Silvergirl.
ReplyDeleteDon't read anything more by this person.
This is for Sivergirl, who asked for ideas to rebut the post on FB.
ReplyDeleteI have posted this before, it is my favorite piece on the subject, and a sure-fire cure for the "conservative headache".
Great speech; I wish he could be President for more than 2 terms!!
ReplyDelete@11:12 p.m. It's 60% A on MSNBC. But your MSN stats motivated me to go vote. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteEric spoiled brat Cantor.
ReplyDeleteWithin three days after Obama’s inauguration Cantor came to a White House meeting on the economic crisis and proceeded to hand out copies of the Republican plan to fix it—which Obama quickly dismissed. The President barely had time to put a picture of his family on his desk and this nincompoop walks in and starts telling him what to do. Whoa now Eric, hold on..
Not a good way to start off.
He then questions why the President doesn't like him. Well...maybe cause of his childish behavior.
Cantor is a scheming weasel waiting in the weeds for Boehner's job. Apparently he thinks having a supple backbone instantly qualifies him as head ballerina. His own supporters in his party can't stand his ass.
If you ever put your kid on time-out and wonder what petulance looks like, there's the adult version "I told you for the fifth time to go sit in the corner and stop making faces" last night on Eric's face during the SOTUS.
Hey, Eric, a little tip, more fiber, less vitriol. He reminds me of the kid who always got his lunch money taken on the bus, and was too wussy to fight back.
ReplyDeleteI was impressed with President Obama's speech, I was expecting something totally different.
Kudos on the Somalia rescue! Hey, Sarah, wanna see his cajones now?
1) The attitude that Colbert exhibits here, even in parody, to me only, makes him sound like part of the slime problem ALL republicans represent -I personally despise this man and his act....
ReplyDelete2) Cankersore deserves EVERYTHING that is thrown at him and more.... Just like your Monkey Queen, he represents another diggle berry on the hemorrhoid of America that needs to be brutally yanked off the body-whole and discarded as waste material.
3) O IS a bad ass an it's more than just the so-called 'bad guys' that better be looking over their shoulders..
Silvergirl, you could quote one of Senator Kyl's aides re something Kyl said, "It was not intended to be a factual statement."
ReplyDeleteOf you could tell your friend simply that hr/she's full of shit.
I watched with the sound turned off (long story).
ReplyDeleteWow!! You can imagine what I thought when I saw that face!!
When I saw Cantor's face during the speech last night I thought, "he's the biggest a**hole in America."
ReplyDeleteThis truly says it all, and yes, I live in Virginia, but not in his district, thank God.
Eric Cantor is so immature. It is astounding this man is in office. He is simply seething with hate.
ReplyDeleteI'm a very gentle person, really. But Cantor makes me want to put my fist through the TV screen.
ReplyDeleteUpdate: How would you rate President Obama's State of the Union address?
25,430 votes
4,149 votes
1,484 votes
3,265 votes
5,568 votes
I didn't watch
2,284 votes
Cantor, Boehner, et. al.
ReplyDeleteeven has-beens like Palin
are all on the wrong side of history.
I wonder if they can feel it?
History will show them not only as wrong but also as assholes.
BTW, the bit about passing a bill making it illegal for members of Congress to engage in insider trading is in reference to the STOCK Act - HR 1148:
The bill currently has strong bi-partisan support, with 235 co-sponsors (it only takes 218 votes to pass a bill in the House) so this would pass easily, but...
Eric Fucking Cantor has indefinitely postponed voting on the bill, which means it will never see the light of day.
More info and discussion here:
If ther is any doubt in anyone's mind that The Great Pumpkin Head and his side kick Cantor really hate Obama, just look at the screen shots from last night.
ReplyDeleteWatching Obama shaking hands there were at least three body guards watching those who Obama approached and the Congress men in general.
That is a pathetic statement about the Republicans attitude toware the POTUS and the American people who elected him.
Our president needs three or more body guards on the floor of the Congress becasue the SS is afraid a politician might try to assassinate him while Congress is in session.
What was that word Newt used?
The Republicans are an abomination when the elected leader of this country cannot be assumed to be safe when he is walking among them.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteEvery time the President gives a speech now, I suspect bad guys are being terminated somewhere in the world.
Maybe Matt Damon can ask the nine dead Somali pirates if they know where he might find Obama's balls
Balls Matt Damon? Balls is a daring rescue BEFORE your SOTU Speech when a FAIL would doom your presidency. That's balls.
6:52 AM
Eff Matt Damon. This is the only way a downward spiraling mediocre actor can get in the news.
Eric Cantor is very evil. Full of hate.
ReplyDeleteWhat a contrast. Try to pick your favorite. I bet you can't!