Wednesday, January 25, 2012

President Obama's new political ad. Now this is how you do it!

This administration has made numerous historically positive policy decisions, such as the repeal of DOMA, the ACA, the end of the Iraq war, just to name a handful, and yet we are still hearing liberals talk about a "failed administration" and their disappointment that Obama did not change water into wine while walking across it.

It is time for progressives to put their big boy pants on and get behind our President.

There is a vicious battle on the horizon and we are going to need all hands on deck.

Unless of course you want to spend the next four years wondering how YOU could have helped stop the Romney or Gingrich presidency from taking place?


  1. Anonymous4:41 AM

    President Obama could become one of the great presidents in spite of the hate, lies and the outright blatent attempt in congress to make him fail. It makes me sick to think that people like Scara may take power. They cause enough pain and suffering for us without the presidency in their hands.

  2. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Anon 4:41 AM

    Scara will NEVER be president of these United States. You know that, so why even go there.

  3. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Love it, Love it, Love it!

  4. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Amen. I am so sick of these so-called "progressives" who won't deign to call themselves "Democrats" and who have done nothing but whine since Inauguration Day because all of their dreams have not been fulfilled.

    We live in a real world. President Obama lives in a real world which we can help make a more rational world by electing Democrats to the House and Senate so that he has the majority that the president needs in his second term.

    OBAMA 2012!

  5. This is what I cannot understand. By not voting for Obama you are essentially voting for the republican, how does that get you closer to where you want to be? He's spent 3 years trying to fix past mistakes. He needs more time to make more. He's accomplished much with constant obstructionism, imagine what could happen if we could give him a congress that was willing to actually work with him?!

  6. Sally in MI6:01 AM

    I actually think the the things I disagree with most (remaining in Afghanistan, drones) are happening not because the President is in favor of them, but to appease the GOP warmongering idiots. When we get him a second term, I hope to see this stop. Of course, we need to fill Congress with people who think, not the current crop of rabid hate-filled reactors. Did you see the new GOP ad? They showed it on Morning Joe;s clips from all the SOTU speeches, and audio of him saying the same things since 2010. Well, duh, if Congress refuses to help him achieve his goals, he has to keep trying to do what's right!

  7. Anonymous6:06 AM

    This one is a keeper!

  8. Anonymous6:08 AM

    WOW! Check THIS out!

    Poll: High Marks for Obama's State of the Union Speech

    An overwhelming majority of Americans approved of the overall message in President Obama's State of the Union speech on Tuesday night, according to a CBS News poll of speech watchers.

    According to the poll, which was conducted online by Knowledge Networks immediately after the president's address, 91 percent of those who watched the speech approved of the proposals Mr. Obama put forth during his remarks. Only nine percent disapproved.

    Last year, 83 percent of viewers approved of Mr. Obama's State of the Union remarks.

  9. Ailsa6:25 AM

    Amen to what Mac said.

  10. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Yeah. We didn't get a pony. Boo freaking hoo. Suck it up people. The Corporatists are out to crush our nuts once and for all. Re-elect the President.

  11. Anonymous6:37 AM

    My predictions: 1) the Media will give the Republican a pass, never challenging their outright lies about this President; 2) corporations will spend unprecedented amounts of money to run dishonest negative ads; and 3) red states are doing all they can to suppress the youth and minority vote. But it won't matter - President Obama is going to crush his opponent in November. On top of that, he will help increase turnout which will help the downticket races. Dems will take back the House of Representatives, the Senate will reform their rules on the filibuster, and the Government will actually function for the first time in a long while.

    Okay, if not an actual prediction, it is a hope.

  12. After watching Pres. Obama's speech last night--and seeing the Repub reps seething with anger toward him I am inspired to start doing my part to ensure Obama's re-election. So I will be phone-banking tonight with our local OFA team, calling on local Democrats to help with the 2012 Obama campaign grassroots effort.

  13. After watching Pres. Obama's speech last night--and seeing the Repub reps seething with anger toward him I am inspired to start doing my part to ensure Obama's re-election. So I will be phone-banking tonight with our local OFA team, calling on local Democrats to help with the 2012 Obama campaign grassroots effort.

  14. Nan C7:07 AM

    "Aww! Hims got a frowny face!"

    That sentence alone will explain to anyone just why I'll be giggling at odd moments throughout the day (at my job in the reddest part of the city). Best. Caption. Ever.

    And the best phrase is from the previous post about some liberals' "disappointment that Obama did not change water into wine while walking across it."

    This is a Good Day.

    Thanks a million, Gryphen!

  15. Anon@5.35a - you said it exactly right.

    You know, as odious as the attacks on Obama are from the Right, they're at least expected. I can deal with those from the Right, but what I can't deal with are the attacks from the "progressives" who are disappointed in what Obama HASN'T done (in their words). They're as naive in their own ways as the RWNJs.

  16. Anonymous8:45 AM

    LOVE IT!!!

  17. Frank Corey...if I couldn't understand what the hell you are saying in your comments on this blog, WHY would I go to yours for more of the same?

  18. hedgewytch8:46 AM

    Over the past decade I've identified myself as an independent progressive. But I am also a pragmatist. I think if the President had tried to push forth a progressive agenda this first term, he would have crashed and burned. He played the "game" masterfully this past 3 years.

    When he wins his second term, I have faith that many of the progressive polices he talked about during his election campaign will be put into action.

    Too many Progressives seem to have lost touch with what we'd like to have (if we had a magic lamp and 3 wishes) and what is actually possible to accomplish.

  19. hedgewytch8:58 AM

    Lynn - Bwaaa haahaaa! That's EXACTLY what I thought when I read that. And I thought I was an educated person!! hahaahaaa!

  20. Lynne- I was thinking the same thing too!

  21. Anonymous11:40 AM


    Polls show that most folks know who is obstructing action in Washington. Our president could either whine like some quitters who shall remain unnamed or he can take action and remind the people just who will not act except to help the wealthy.

  22. Anita Winecooler12:16 PM

    I love this video, and I can't wait to vote, neither can the folks we phone on behalf of OFA. I know money's tight, but tossing a few bucks in the till may help President Obama- the rethugs keep getting blank checks from "corporations are people". Found it humerous that Alito was absent from the Supreme Court.

    Frank Cory, this isn't the place for your social experiment. I perused your sites and five buck made in america tees, but your issues need to be addressed by a trained professional.

    no offense, just some useful advice.

  23. laprofesora12:29 PM

    Love it!
    Love him!

  24. laprofesora12:36 PM

    Not to be Debbie Downer, but the President gives me such hope and encouragement. I truly believe our country will be a better place under his leadership. Then I remember how well we did under Clinton, and how all that was destroyed under the Bush regime. No matter how good it gets, the RWNJ can take back power and ruin this country. Let's hope Newty finishes off the RepubliSCUM party once and for all.

  25. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Oh yeah, wonderful, more bash a progressive.

    It's okay to offer the POTUS criticism. I'll vote for him. Though I'm not happy with the Wall Street people in his administration who obstruct President Obama from doing an even better job for even more Americans.

    Including the long term unemployed, the 99'ers.


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