Friday, January 20, 2012

I stopped watching Morning Joe awhile back (Because he irritates the crap out of me), but you HAVE to watch this morning's episode with Stephen Colbert!

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Nineteen minutes of pure hilarity.


  1. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Why does Morning Joe irritate you? It's really the only fair news out there.

  2. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Of all his wonderful lines, it was breathtaking for him to say that he always felt that watching Morning Joe, sponsored by Starbucks, was misleading, because he thought Joe acted more like Evening Joe, sponsored by Jack Daniels.
    Scarborough's reaction was priceless.
    Colbert's the first person to tell Joe to his face what a bloviating fool he is.

  3. Anonymous3:05 PM

    I have to watch a small portion of Morning Joe every morning because my husband loves to laugh at him.

    Unfortunately, Joe has burnt up my patience and I find nothing humorous about him. His opinions of the GOP candidates changes with the polls.

    In other words, he irritates the crap out of me, too, Gryphen. He is a pompous talking head who has turned his short political career into a lifetime position as a pundit. I don't he will ever run again because of the skeletons in his closet regarding the death of an aide. Stranger things have happened. The GOP was courting him for a while.

    Colbert's was the only spot worth watching. Yet, Joe has bad-mouthed him prior to today. Go figure.

  4. Irishgirl3:32 PM

    I watched all 19 minutes...I am still laughing

  5. Anonymous3:58 PM

    No tv is allowed on in the morning at our house. We used to watch CNN, but we decided it started the day off on the wrong foot. Now, we either listen to NPR or actually talk to each other. It's amazing how much more optimistic and upbeat we feel now.

  6. [Of all his wonderful lines, it was breathtaking for him to say that he always felt that watching Morning Joe, sponsored by Starbucks, was misleading, because he thought Joe acted more like Evening Joe, sponsored by Jack Daniels.
    Scarborough's reaction was priceless.
    Colbert's the first person to tell Joe to his face what a bloviating fool he is.

    3:00 PM]

    I absolutely adore this comment! Why? Well...I know the dude and live not too far from him, and for a few years...I was his bartender. It hit home. Actually, he is one hellava guy. There's nothing like a great bartender-customer "chat" about politics and ANYTHING else. (plus having the ability to add more booze to the discussion and prolong it) GREAT tipper. And for the record, I am a Liberal Democrat. But as a person, Joe is truly one of the nicest guys. Politics be damned. Thanks Gryph for adding this video..I would have missed it. Funny as all git out, as we say down here around P-Cola. ;)

  7. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I was partial to Colbert's take on Ron Paul..."I hear he spins gold from straw."

  8. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I like Morning Joe and this segment was priceless.

  9. Sharon4:50 PM

    Stewart and Colbert do more to educate the lazy morons of this country than everyone on TV. They grab the college kids that are jobless after getting screwed by college loans...big part of the 99%.
    Tell me why Huntsman and Perry dropped out...they knew Colbert would beat them...hahahahaha.
    I think Sarah is gearing up for the HBO special Game Change coming out just know her brain is gonna explode.

  10. Anonymous6:04 PM

    3:58 - what a great idea!

    We might try to implement that in our household. Thanks.

  11. Anonymous6:08 PM

    4:50 - why do you seem to equate lazy morons and college kids with loans? I hope you simply got lazy yourself and did not express yourself well.

    Getting through college is not for the lazy. (See Sarah Palin's inability to do it in one shot or at one college). Some morons get through (See Sarah Palin for an example, if she did, in fact finish college.)

  12. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Oh, my goodness, I know we are not supposed to feed trolls - but perhaps 2:56 is not a real troll, just a recovering Faux News addict.

    If 2:56 thinks Morning Joe is "the only fair news out there," then perhaps he or she should perhaps have an intervention staged by caring neighbors and relatives.

    Joe Scarborough is, as Anonymous 3:00 said, a "bloviating fool." Even at that, it is a kind assessment. Joe may be a nice guy in person, but on air, he comes across as a supremely conceited, overly-impressed-with-his-own-opinion, faux intellectual. That he ever represented people in Congress is just another indictment of the GOP.

  13. Anonymous7:13 PM

    The Morning Joe show stinks. But, I DO like what Colbert is doing on the national scene in politics to show the bullshit that is taking place! That Republican side stinks to high heaven there is no doubt!

    Colbert will open eyes that are not aware which is GOOD, GOOD, GOOD. Love the fact Herman Cain is playing along w/him on this too.

  14. Anita Winecooler7:58 PM

    Morning Joe was a decent show early on, but the man irritates the hell out of me. Once he put that racist asshat, Pat Buchanan. on and gave him a platform for his hateful bullshit, I thought MSNBC would come to their senses and sell them Both off to Fox News.
    The only person I like is Mika B. Her book,"Know Your Worth", btw, is a must read for women and the men who love them everywhere.

    BUT, this clip was worth watching. Colbert is a genius teaming up with the Pizza Pimp, and is really on his game with this idea. He scared the bejeebus out of Huntsman and Perry, and I can't thank him enough.

  15. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Straw & gold (for those too young to know the story):

  16. Colbert is doing more to educate folks on the election process than anyone from any political party. If he gets some votes along the way that will further illustrate all that is wrong with the process.

    Voting for his substitute who is on the ballot is sure thinking outside of the box.

  17. Anonymous3:05 AM

    Two words about old Joe: Dead Intern

    Just two links, but do Google more.

  18. I watch Morning Joe every morning, because of the smart panel and great guests. However, I have to hold my nose to do this because Joe's constant egotistical interrupting of EVERYONE is almost more than I can stand. I really don't know how Mika can bite her tongue day after day. It's really a shame that they lose viewers because of' an extremely informative show.

  19. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Oh this is just hysterically funny!

    Over 5,000 Attend Stephen Colbert Rally at the College of Charleston

    Stephen Colbert and Herman Cain Campaign in South Carolina


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.