Friday, January 20, 2012

President Obama benefits from what is being called "The Al Green effect."

Courtesy of Live Odds and Scores:

Irish bookmaker Paddy Power today shortened the odds on Barack Obama serving a second term as US President from 8/11 to 4/6. 

The decision to tighten the odds came less than 24 hours after the bookmaker announced it was paying out on Mitt Romney as the Republican nominee but also came after a spectacular performance from President Obama at a fundraiser in the historic Apollo Theater in Harlem. 

The President wowed crowds on Thursday night when he broke into Al Green’s “Let’s Stay Together” displaying once more the relaxed and charismatic nature that captivated voters in 2008. 

Paddy Power said: “We’re calling it the ‘Al Green’ effect. We can’t get the song out of our heads after seeing the video of him at the Apollo. Policies are important but so too is the ability to move and motivate people and Obama does that effortlessly.”

Let's see Mitt Romney compete with THAT!

For those who missed my earlier post on this subject you can read it here.


  1. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Sarah Palin can play the flute!

  2. I think the best Mitt can do is the "Osmond" effect. And I don't mean Donny and Marie -- I'm talking Wayne or Merrill ...

    Our President is the COOLEST, ever!!! And the Reverend Al agrees! Now he's even played The Apollo. A++, Mr. President!

    Sarah, it's just pathetic and sad when you attempt to diss this wonderful man. Give it up, "second runner-up." Nobody who's cool will ever like you. All you've got is the Teabaggers, and we all know what a party they are! Scooter chairs, anyone? Redneck hillbillies? Oh, right. That IS your crowd. Major FAIL. And now your looks are gone, too. ;>(

    Remember, remember, the sixth of November! OBAMA landslide!!! And Sarah's "crowd" can suck it.

  3. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Oh SHIT!!!!

    Do you know what that means?

    The wonky eyed bitch must of seen President Obama's Apollo performance and most likely wet her granny panties wanting him more than ever and President Obama won't even give Palin the time of day.

  4. Anonymous6:01 PM

    The "Al Green effect" is wrapped up in a very smooth operator! Oh my goodness...

    And since I'm partial to retail math, can some one please explain Paddy Power's odds system. What exactly does this mean or equate to (in layman's terms please):

    Next US President

    4/6 Barack Obama
    6/4 Mitt Romney

    Thanking you in advance...

  5. Anonymous6:14 PM

    He had me at I...Swoon!
    He has the women's vote in the bag ;)


  6. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I love our President!

  7. Anonymous6:42 PM

    It makes me smile so wide every time I see the clip.
    M from MD

  8. Anonymous6:43 PM

    I wonder if Sarah Palin will want to make another concession speech the night of the 2012 Presidential election? She can use the one she was she going to read in 2008; the one McCain and his staff wouldn't let her give.

  9. Anonymous6:52 PM


    LOL Nikki slams down Palin, saying she has no impact.

  10. Anonymous6:56 PM

    People love someone who is authentic. Obama is exactly that, authentic. Babies get it. People see it and are instantly drawn to it, UNLESS they are unauthentic, in which case they have a hard time being around him since it just underscores their falseness and insincerity.

    That's why Sarah is so hell bent with her hissy fits, she knows she a fraud so she has to try to tear down the non fraud with projection, acid tongued attacks and racial dog whistles. It's painfully obvious if you have the eyes to see it and the ears to hear it.

    President Obama is a blessing on this country and I will choose him again in November.

    Obama 2012 LANDSLIDE

  11. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I love it! He is the greatest and there is no way in hell that Gingrich or Romney will beat him.

    Sarah Palin has been after him since McCain and she lost the election, but there is no way McCain or Palin would ever beat him either.

    None of them have the kindness or easiness as does our wonderful President Obama! He will serve a second term.

  12. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Sarah has more wigs than the President. And more children. Of course, his are being educated to do more than w**** for a buck. But, she does have more wigs. Does that count?

  13. ThanksABunchJohn7:15 PM

    Hot, hot, hot! Sexy... and did I say hot? All I can say is Michelle is one lucky lady.

    If Anonymous could get that clip to show on Fox News, man, just watch the female demographic swing...

  14. ThanksABunchJohn7:17 PM

    Oh, AND watch for Sarah Palin, after watching that, to do some serious jumping up and down trying to get our cool President's attention. You know she wants him... this will make her INSANE.

  15. LOL@ 5:44PM...may I add that she did it with a wonky eye too!

    I just showed my hubby the President singing at the Apollo (hubby is a New Yorker) and even HE broke out in a grin!

    Our President is COOL!

  16. He hit the notes so perfectly...I was impressed...
    He has it all...

  17. Cracklin' Charlie8:06 PM

    Two of my faves, Barack Obama and the Rev. Al Green. Maybe we can get him to do Aretha next.

    President Obama looks relaxed and happy these days. I love that.

    Thanks, Republican Presidential (cough) primary candidates!

  18. Have been singing it all day.

    What an amazing energy!

  19. Anonymous8:21 PM

    I just watched the Greta Van Susteren interview with Nicky Haley in S.C.
    anonymous at 6:52 posted the link.

    At the end of the video, Haley says she thinks they will pull it off tomorrow, meaning Romney will win and Greta says "hope not"!!!!!!!!!!! She must have thought her mic wouldn't pick it up or thought her mic was off.
    This has to go viral!!! Fair and blanced fox reporter saying they hope Romney doesn't win S.C.?

    Whomever tweets, blogs,etc. get this out there and take it viral!
    It is priceless! Plus the fact that Haley says palin didn't influence anyone there is fun too.

  20. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Sarah Palin can play the flute!

    5:44 PM

    Now if Sarah Palin can only uncross her eyes, speak english, quit her junior high mean girl attitude, educate her children where babies come from, stop grifting, stop lying, stop dividing the country, stop sticking her tongue out, wash her hair, buy some decent wigs, stop cheating Alaskan tax payers, stop using SarahPac money to line her pockets, go to church, stop pandering to the different religions, stop bad mouthing the Obamas, spend more time with Trig, home school Willow, build a relationship with Track, stop making excuses for Todd's cheating as Boys Will Be Boys, get her daughters a better proven birth control device instead of the baby gate at the bottom of the stairs, find something that Bristol might excel at besides sex, talk to Piper about the birds and bees before junior high, return Alaska Trust Fund money, send out Alaska Trust Fund quarterly report, produce Trig's birth certificate, get tutors for your kids and get them back in to school, take your personal money and reimburse Wasilla for that hockey rink debacle, pay back Wasilla for your stolen material used to build your house, reimburse Shailey Tripp for having her personal property destroyed, stop talking about stuff you don't know about or qualified to talk about on FOX or any where else, get Piper a chastity belt, stop getting your neck fixed and face it you will look like your mother within a year, give Todd some sex so he will stop getting free sex from his prostitutes, go back to 5th grade, produce your college degree, release Dr CBJ to talk about your fake birthing experience, APOLOGIZE TO DAVID LETTERMAN he was right about Willow getting pregnant just got the year wrong, wear better clothes on tv, wash your ass it is starting to stink up the lower 48, .... I'm too tired, I'll finish my list tomorrow.

  21. Anon 6.01
    Next US President
    4/6 Barack Obama
    6/4 Mitt Romney
    Thanking you in advance...

    Apologies if this has already been answered

    4/6 is known as odds on because you have to bet more than you will win at these odds - you have to bet $6 and if Pres Obama wins, you will win $4 (any amount can be bet but the win will be 4/6th of the bet amount.)

    4/6 is the same as 2/3 but bookmakers since time eternal seem to have used a set of fractions that are not reduced to the lowest denominator. I know not why.

    Romney is odds against - because his chances are less than Pres Obama's you bet less to win more.

    Each $4 bet will win $6 if Romney wins (but he won't so you would lose your money.)

  22. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Obama 2012! Let's stay together, baby.

  23. Irishgirl10:37 PM

    Paddy Power is super cool...he is funny and nice... and gives a lot of his money away to charity.

    He thought Palin wouldn't last a year on Fox, but I will give him a break on that.

  24. Anonymous2:56 AM

    Imagine bloated Newt singing that song, he would freak everyone out. We have a cool President.

  25. Anonymous3:30 AM

    let's stay together = re-elect me

  26. telah5:09 AM

    To the person who mentioned Greta and the phrase "Hope not" regarding the race in SC today: It sounds like the person who put the clip up on youtube made the comment and it is picked up on the mike. I think someone recorded this off their TV. The sound isn't the same as Greta's and Nikki Haley's.

  27. Randall6:19 AM

    During the GOP debate in Florida, Romney breaks into:

    "You say the best things in life are free
    Well you can keep 'em for the birds and bees
    I want MONEY
    (that's what I want)
    That's what I want
    (that's - what I want)
    That's what I wa-haa-haa-haa-haant
    That's what I want
    I want MONEY
    (that's - what I want)
    Gimme MONEY
    (that's - what I want)"


  28. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Dude, Mittens tried to top Obama...he had the nerve to sing yesterday, too...He sane Happy Birthday to Nikki Haley...and it was PATHETIC...

  29. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Al Green says Obama 'NAILED' My Song

  30. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Sarah Palin can play basketball
    better than Barak Obama!

  31. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Sarah Palin can play the flute!

    That was a long time ago, and even then her talent of blowing a long object, couldn't win her first place in a beauty pageant. Tsk, tsk, what a shame!

    Sarah Palin can play basketball
    better than Barak Obama!

    First of all, learn to spell... it's Barack!

    Of course Sarah Palin can "play" basketball better than President Obama, just ask Glen Rice..."He shoots and scores!"

  32. 7:33AM...LOL!!

    Not with that wonky eye she can't!

  33. Anonymous10:33 AM

    You can now the download President Obama's Al Green effect as a ringtone, from the offical campaign website!

  34. Anita Winecooler8:45 PM

    I've always loved that song, and have been humming it since that clip played. I got the ringtone as well. Yes, President Obama hit that song just right in the first line. Michelle must be one lucky woman, imagine a man like him singing the whole song!

    Whew! I need a cigarette!

    I have to wonder how many children were concieved while Rev Al Green's song was popular, cause I can vouch for one. Does the President sing Barry White too? ;o)


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