Sunday, January 01, 2012

Teens react to Rick Perry's anti-gay political advertisement.

I don't know about y'all, but I am feeling better, and better about our future.

(H/T to From the Left.)


  1. There's some good critical thinking, as well as humor, in this group of young people. Yay!

  2. sharon6:48 PM

    Amen to the next set of voters....I know I raised my 2 daughters on the Daily Show and actually went to 4 tapings in NY, before the 2 Stevens and Lewis Black left. Just the facts please...Fox feeds the fear, but the 99% is gonna prevail, I have hope.
    Kudos to you and this blog.

  3. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Smart kids. I would love to see their reaction to Palin. You know that they would see right through her BS.

  4. Anonymous7:47 PM

    OT but---Whoever Exodus2011 is at C4pee is one devoted to the Vote Rogue movement(Earthquake). She posted that the plan is to create chaos and diminish the GOP establishment with the Earthquake movement. It sounds just like something Palin would do. They say Palin isn't involved--but I wonder.

  5. ABC (Anon by Choice)7:53 PM

    Just finished reading "Head Figure Head: The Search for the Hidden Life of Rick Perry" by Glen Maxey

    This is a quick read and is available as a Kindle ebook through Amazon ($9.99) or as a real book for $19.99. Read Malia's post for some more background.

    WOW!!! It is an incredible story that ultimately ends with a national corporate media outlet deciding not to publish an in-depth investigative report on Perry's proclivity to engage in homosexual activities. The author, who assisted a national reporter with the investigation, decided to publish the story on his own. His motivation is complex, the hypocrisy that Perry has shown in condemning the LGBT lifestyle, in vowing to repeal DADT and the fear that such a fraud could have become President.

    There are many similarities to the failure of the media to investigate or report on the Palin frauds and illegal acts.

    I highly recommend this book.

    ABC (Anon by Choice)

  6. Their well-informed enthusiasm and optimism bode well for the future of the country. God bless 'em.

    Rick Perry does not represent those "in the pews" any more than he speaks for avowed atheists. There are no words personally attributed to Jesus in any tradition, canonical or not, which reflect any concern about homosexuality.

    It was the driven fanatic Paul who believed homosexuality was unnatural, in the same category as long hair on men and short hair on women. Sadly, Paul's views co-opted the faith of Jesus and went on to be taken as gospel by fundamentalists worldwide. God only knows how much suffering has been caused by this dogmatic convert who profoundly altered the message of Jesus even as he tried to spread the word.

    As this video gives an inkling, most people are not fooled by Perry or the rest of the GOP crowd. Their message of hate will continue to be rejected, and Obama will prevail in 2012.

  7. Found this on Daily Beast. Seems the Perry campaign hired the same attorney who represented Herman Cain! Scum that pray together or play together or prey together. How does that old saying go anyway?

    Guess it is no surprise that Arianna wouldn't allow the investigation to be published.

    "Maxey’s book, Head Figure Head: The Search for the Hidden Life of Rick Perry, focuses on his work with an unnamed reporter on the Perry story. That reporter was Jason Cherkis, who works for The Huffington Post, which never published on the Perry sexuality rumors.

    Arianna Huffington told Politico she spiked the story because “we realized that it was not a publishable story,”—not because of a threatening letter from Wood. Cherkis, meanwhile has said that the problem was simple: they needed the two sources he spoke with to go “fully on the record.” But they wouldn’t do that."

  8. I want to acknowledge the impact of the work of the apostle Paul after my earlier comment criticizing his distortion of the message of Jesus. Without Paul's evangelism and martyrdom, Christianity certainly would not have had so powerful an effect on human beings, whether positive or negative.

    I'm glad I was exposed to the faith of Jesus in the Biblical gospels, the Gnostic gospels, and earthly history. I've lived long periods of my life dismissing any need for God, but the instinct to believe keeps coming back, in spite of the best efforts of people like Dawkins and the late lamented Christopher Hitchens.

  9. ThanksABunchJohn9:27 PM

    They are all adorable. I love that the new generation seems to have so much more acceptance and tolerance than those before them. My son is a freshman, and a declared (on Facebook of course) democrat. He knows his politics (wonder why) and enjoys current topics debates in History. We live in a very conservative community, but when I ask him about the debates, he says that a lot of the kids are pretty liberal in their views. It's very comforting indeed.

  10. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Rick Perry is a fraud. He used to be a mainstream Methodist moderate Republican. He only became this super Christian, teabagger for the last election. I am sure he was also planning on running for Pres for a long time. Perry will be the teabagger in some states and then try to be the moderate in other states. I have watched him for years.

  11. So refreshing to see good news!

  12. Anonymous10:38 PM

    I don't have family in this age group; very interested in the show.

    Clearly these are intelligent and articulate young people, who have formed their ideas after research and reading and asking questions.An impressive group of young folk, already engaged in politics.

    Cant quite figure out how to see it the next time on my own.

    Gryphen: will you try and keep IM in touch with their production times. I for one would like to see there next session posted here.



  13. Sally in MI12:04 AM

    And the Palin-endorsed Tebow loses again.

  14. Anonymous4:59 AM

    P.Rick is a fraud on so many levels. He hates the largess of the federal government so much that he is always on the take... and then credits himself for success. He would deny gays all their rights eventually... yet he is almost certainly a self-hating homosexual with every advantage in life. He is an outsider who really knows how to play the system in a very crooked environment- i.e. Texas. Add to all of the above, he is DUMB and can barely string a simple sentence together. With him as POTUS (that will never happen) we would be the laughing stock of the world and people would miss the good old days of Bush 43's wisdom and wit.

  15. Just to follow up on ABC's post, here is the interview with the author:

    Wonder why the national media won't touch this story....hmmm. Pussies.

  16. Anonymous5:31 AM

    What irks me is that every generation acts like what is happening in our country today, saying things like now, more than ever, especially now, the State of our country, is the worst they've ever seen things.

    Every decade produces serious problems for our country, world and leaders. Some leaders create them, but some combat them to the best of their ability - not enhance them.

    Our future is just fine, as long as we fight for fiscal restraint as opposed to healthy water and air for our children.

    I mean, what's more important? An arbitrary debt forgivable number or our earth's hospitality to living things?

  17. honeybabe12:54 PM

    thank you soooooo much for the upbeat, positive post for the new year. we all needed that.

  18. I've always loved The Fine Brothers stuff, and this is just one more reason why.

  19. Anita Winecooler5:37 PM

    The kids ARE alright, I loved this clip! I'm guessing they're high school age- compare them to the answer Bristol Palin, looking back with the adult eyes she has now, gave Babawa Wawa on the view.

    BW - What kind of interests or hobbies do you have?

    The Chin - "Oh, I have many, various interests!"


    Thanks, Virgina Voter, for the link to the interview. The author is very credible and forthcoming with his facts, especially the distinction between "having sex with men" and "being gay" - a distinction that's very telling.

    How shallow a being must Perry be, to have sex with someone he has no emotional connection with?

    Anita Winecooler


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