Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Just something to keep in mind the next time you hear a Republican complain about Obama's increase of the national debt.

H/T to 2012 Presidential Candidates.

Update: Apparently the numbers used to make this chart were off when compiling the numbers for George W. and Obama. I don't think it was purposeful, but it was an error. (This chart originated with Nancy Pelosi.)

I realize this is not nearly as impressive, but I would like to point out that the largest amount which Obama added to the debt was the 19% added during his first year in office, which is due to the stimulus package that he launched in order to keep the economy from cratering, and to undue some of the damage that George Bush had inflicted during his previous eight years.

Personally I would like to keep that amount as part of George W. Bush's tally.


  1. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Over at the Sea of Pee, susiepuma sums up the craziness there!!! She uses oft-repeated Palin phrases in order to PROVE the point that if you say something often enough, it will become truth:

    Why is the assumption that if romney wins in SC - he will be the nominee??????

    Don't these people ever think outside the box? Do the sheeple know that they are being led by LSM?If something is repeated over and over and over, it will eventually become truth?

    Are people really this stupid?

  2. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Sarah Palin stole your line, and the Sea of Pee is going nuts with laughter!

    Gov. Palin: Todd went rogue.


    Todd went Rogue!

    Hah - the First Dude went Rogue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

    "Todd went rogue". LOL

    "first dude went rogue"

    Asked about Todd's endorsement of Gingrich. She said Todd went rogue! Love it!

  3. Well, it figures with Reagan, mind you.
    The man started more wars during his stay in office than any other President in our history.
    Fact is, even the guy I respected as being true to priciple had a hand in this incredibly LONG strung out circle of death. It was President Eisenhower that got the Shah of Iran installed as their bloody dictator.
    Thanx for the picture graph to send gop fans back to see, because they really do rely on pictures more than words.

  4. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Thank you, Gryphen.

    I encourage every reader of this blog to forward this post or link to it to every friend, family member, neighbor or friendly acquaintance of voting age by November.

    If people are ignorant of the truth, they may not support President Obama.

    It is up to us to get the truth out there for our own sake. We cannot endure another Republican President or House.

  5. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Amen. It drives me CRAZY when GOP candidates and pundits talk about how much Obama has spent - citing record deficits, never mentioning 1) Bush wars, 2) Bush tax cuts and 3) the fact that tax revenues plummet when no one is taking profits from stock sales or property sales and the economy sheds millions of jobs. DUH. They must think their supporters are idiots who can't do their own math. Oh wait...

  6. What is wrong with Dems that they can't take this kind of (amazing) information and run with it?

    All Dem Congressmen/women have the moral duty to inform their constituents of the lies spread by Fox News and the GOP, instead of meekly rolling over and not putting up a fight.

    The DNC should coordinate Dem responses so that the message is clear regardless of where a voter lives.

  7. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Wow....how can we get this on billboards all across the US?????

  8. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Sarah didn't appear to happy tonight -she didn't make on with Hannity...
    She is also not happy with Romney - he has Schmidt on his team and she knows there is nothing in it for her if he becomes the nominee. All of her hope lies with Gingrich, which is why Todd went rogue... Rogue - my azz! That was a calculated move to let Gingrich know she is ready and waiting and hoping the Palin name might offer some hope to him... He is going down and her hopes are going with him...

  9. Thanks, Jesse. It's at the top of my Facebook page. Of course, I'm not sure how many Republicans have managed to stay with me over time....

  10. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Thank you so much for this, Gryphen.

    I think this campaign season is going to be full of so many distortions and lies. It's going to get so ugly.

    Romney is already talking about being a real American, etc - code for WHITE American, if you ask me. He's going to try to cast President Obama as the "other", and as un-patriotic. Disgusting.

  11. Anonymous8:12 PM


    Video of Romney being asked about dog caged on top of car.

    He laughed - a number of times. Said Seamus the dog was in an "AIR-TIGHT" kennel. Last air-tight kennel I saw was for the death of an animal.

    The major issue from this interview is Romney admitting he wasn't aware of the law in Mass that it was illegal to do this. WTF??? The Ex-Gov of the State still doesn't know about the law yet this story has been asked of him for years.


  12. Anonymous8:24 PM

    I'm curious about your info regarding Steve Schmidt because a few days ago he said he was not on Romney's team.


  13. LMAO!!!


    She did an interview tonight with Eric BowlingPin and the fish and fishing pole is GONE! She has the fireplace going...no roaring fire...looks normal....she must of had someone go to Pier 1 Imports because you can see some kind of plant in a vase thing!

    The hair is still fucked! No curls, but she got the bangs and bits of hair in her eye...and the top of her hair looks like it's about to launch off her head! She skipped the shiny lip gloss too...that fool really does read what we say about her ASS!

    Her clothes looked clean and presentable for a change...I can't make out what is on her necklace...her neck looks scary and her eyes have that mean beady eye look again!

    Didn't listen to a damn thing she said because it's the same old shit...for her final grade...she gets a C...for improvement!

  14. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Don't forget that Obama came into office with 2 ongoing wars that people wanted, not only to end, but to win.

    Not sure how this fits into your graph but I remember W did some fancy financing and kept the cost of the wars off of his budgets.

  15. Anonymous8:53 PM


  16. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Dog story of Mitt Romney's has just made it's way to a DSCC's fundraising email.


  17. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Since someone brought it up Dogs against Mitt Romney has a new post up.

    The question: did Mitt drive through a car wash with the dog on top of the car? There is a link I read the reporter's new story.


  18. myj589:29 PM

    Most of the debt from 2009 to present are carryover from Bush's administration. 85% of the debt during Obama's Administration, belong to Bush...

    Thanks for the chart...

  19. Anonymous9:49 PM


    With 95% of precincts reporting, $arah did not get a single write-in vote.

    Several people got 2 or 3 votes, so if She Devil did, it would be tallied.

  20. Hoken9:58 PM

    This article has more charts - and one in particular that breaks the deficit (and projected deficits) down into categories. The Bush tax cuts are right now responsible for more of the current deficit than any other factor, including the economic downturn, and going forward, become even more disastrous.

    Ten Epic Failures of the Bush Tax Cuts

  21. Anonymous10:01 PM

    I don't think these charts really give an accurate picture of what a bad job the Republicans did. You need to account for the interest by charging that to the president that incurred the debt.

    Go to the link below for a more complicated but more accurate graph.
    The accounting here shows $12 Trillion that Reagan,Bush, and Bush are responsible for up until September 2010!


    Remember that there were budget surpluses under Clinton and economists were concerned what would happen when the entire federal debt was paid off sometime around 2010.


    "President Clinton: The United States on Track to Pay Off the Debt by End of the Decade

    December 28, 2000

    Today, President Clinton will announce that The United States is on course to eliminate its public debt within the next decade. The Administration also announced that we are projected to pay down $237 billion in debt in 2001. Due in part to a strong economy and the President’s commitment to fiscal discipline, the federal fiscal condition has improved for an unprecedented nine consecutive years. Based upon today’s new economic and budget projections for the coming 10 years from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB):

    The United States can be debt-free this decade. By dedicating the entire budget surplus to debt reduction, The United States can eliminate its publicly held debt by FY 2009. The next Administration and Congress will need to decide what priorities to address: eliminate the public debt by FY 2010 and still use part of the surplus for responsible tax cuts, prescription drug benefits for Medicare recipients, and investments in key priorities like education and health care."

    How is that trickle down working?

  22. This is from Washington post


    This is from the White House


  23. Anonymous10:53 PM


    Planet Money has obtained a secret government report outlining what once looked like a potential crisis: The possibility that the U.S. government might pay off its entire debt.

    It sounds ridiculous today. But not so long ago, the prospect of a debt-free U.S. was seen as a real possibility with the potential to upset the global financial system.

    We recently obtained the report through a Freedom of Information Act Request. You can read the whole thing here. (It's a PDF.)

    The report is called "Life After Debt". It was written in the year 2000, when the U.S. was running a budget surplus, taking in more than it was spending every year. Economists were projecting that the entire national debt could be paid off by 2012.

  24. DobieTracker2:06 AM



    For the astrologically inclined, I have this info an online site where I have Sarah's and Todd's astrology charts posted.

    I noticed the following transits ( some of which you can read about from the free services available at this site.)

    Uranus is conjunct her venus at 0 degrees 33 seconds. IN OTHER WORDS IT ALMOST EXACTLY EXACT ! ! !
    Also, saturn has been squaring her moon an dis now at 8 degrees 05 seconds.

    Uranus (disruption) is sitting on top of venus (love) creating instability in this area of her life. Saturn (the stern authoritarian i.e. where fun goes to die :) ) is square (arguing) wit her moon (emotions) meaning depressed.

    Note: This is a very succinct, simplified explanation for the astrologically challenged reader.

    Now Todd: Uranus (disruption) in in his 4th house (home and our most intimate environment) while it also is in opposition ( literally "opposes") his moon causing disruption in his emotional life.

    As well, saturn (usually a downer tho a greater teacher) is square (arguing) with Todd's venus ( love life) at 0degrees 07 seconds i.e. Saturn is literally sitting on top of and depressing his love life.

    Houston, I think we have a breakup!

    No doubt Palin is really pissed that Todd endorssed Newt who got so soundly spanked in the primary.

    In fact, there is an article on Huffington as we speak with video of Palin looking very pissed off and stating that "The First Dude went rogue" with his endorsement of Newt.

    Much more to their little story.

    Here is the address of the online astrology site (The founder is a licensed psychologist and marriage counselor in England and only uses astrology as a tool--very professional and a professor of extremely esoteric astrology ( Liz Green.)


    You can also choose to review a composite chart of the Palins i.e. uses the midpoints of both their birth charts and is a chart for the relationship itself. And YES, it is exactly what one would expect.

    Palin: 2/11/64 Sandpoint Idaho at 9:43 pm (dont remember how I got the birthtime -- I think I googled her astro chart and someone had the birth time. Close enough--dont worry about ascendents here)

    Todd: 9///6/64 in Nome. I used 12 noon as did not have birth time.

  25. WakeUpAmerica4:03 AM

    The problem with the graph is that it doesn't say what the percentage is based on or how it was computed. it's very easy to lie with percentages. Each of the presidents could come out better or worse depending on the formula used.

  26. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Before they caught on to me at Sea4Pee, I often made the statement about Reagan's large deficit and tax increases. I also told them to look in Wikipedia if they had any doubt. The only time I got any feed back was one of their monitors who had written thought I was nuts to believe that. We went back and forth several times before she finally ended the chain with a reply that she couldn't believe Reagan had a deficit or raised taxes. She too was directed to Wikipedia to see the facts and not just take my word for it.

  27. Isn't the difference in that chart that fact that the stimulus in the Bush column because he approved it and it was necessary because of his administration? In other words, a carry over that should be credited to Bush and not Obama?


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