Friday, January 20, 2012

President Obama sings a little Al Green.

Okay I have to admit, that's pretty smooth.

This is from Obama's appearance at the Apollo theater in New York last night.


  1. Anonymous5:50 AM

    I just love it, love it, love it! ...LOL
    Our President Obama really connects with people. He engages with people. I could not be more proud that I voted for him, and will vote for him again, this year.

  2. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Okay, that was smooth, and he looked damn fine singing up there.

    Obama 2012!

  3. Anonymous6:04 AM

    This is cool and made me smile.

    G, keep up the good work. I really feel that it's people like you who help keep our politician's in check and allow great leaders like President Obama to do what they do. Sarah wouldn't complain so much about bloggers if that wasn't the case. Thanks for not sitting around and shutting up. You've shown real strength.

    Newt might want to have a little conversation with John McCain before he does much more with Sarah.

    Looking forward to what Alaska WTF has to say in the next few days.

  4. Anonymous6:07 AM

    All I have to say is Michele is one lucky lady...

    That kinda got me a little excited!!!!

  5. Anonymous6:08 AM

    That was so cute!
    This just made my morning start right.
    What a great guy! :-)

  6. Anonymous6:09 AM

    OT, Gryph, but holy crap. This is a thought provoking article in the face of megaupload being closed, SOPA and PIPA.

    Well written, but bummed.

  7. Anonymous6:21 AM

    When President Obama retires from politics, he could do an album of lullabies or something classic and sell them like hotcakes.

  8. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Why do I smile so easily when he does?

  9. Anonymous6:26 AM

    This HuffPo partial headline explains Sarah's new janitor MO:

    "Janitors Disparage Newt Gingrich..."

    What we are starting to see right now is the GOP scramble. Mitt looks like a nit and Newt has taken to Sarah Palin. All stops are coming out.

  10. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Wow. And he has those sexy bedroom eyes. Is it OK to talk about how sexy President Obama is? Did I say he was sex?

  11. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Love Obama and he's a great singer.

    McCain loves him too, and subconsciously announced his support for him as well.

  12. Marleycat6:34 AM

    President Obama is so HANDSOME, cool, SMART, and wise! Michelle is Gorgeous! I just love him AND her!

    Thanks for a bit of joy in this sea of Repug/bagger GOP sh*t we are being subjected to everyday - at least we have that light at the end of the tunnel - the reelection of President Obama!

  13. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Very talented President. He has a great voice. Wish we could hear more.

  14. laprofesora6:41 AM

    I just LOVE him, our Prez is so smooth! The ridiculous Repubs are fit to be tied, calling him "the most dangerous President in our history." But President Obama is so calm and cool, like "don't worry, I got this." And he did, he nailed that song, but I want to hear more!

  15. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Fabulous - love him!

  16. Anonymous6:46 AM

    OMG, that is incredible!

    THE MAN CAN SING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If I didn't love him before, well...


  17. Well go ahead Mr. President...with ya' bad self! Who would of thunk he can SING too! Lucky Michelle!

    PS...Um...Baldy if you are reading this...and I'm sure you are...I beg you DO NOT attempt to warble something on your next appearance on FAKE News...unless it's... "The Lady is a Tramp" :)

  18. G: will you also post the video of his letter to Betty White from her 90th birthday show? Wonderful!

  19. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Cool and unruffled, happy even, will always trounce angry, finger-wagging opponents.

    Politicians such as FDR and Reagan conveyed optimism and strength to the country.

    Chicken-Little-the-sky-is-falling Republicans can't defeat a leader who is confident and serene, who carefully weighs what he says, so he doesn't have to backtrack.

    Obama can beat any of the four remaining Republicans, and, of course, Sarah Palin, if her hopes for a brokered convention come true.

  20. Anonymous7:28 AM

    No wonder the right hates Obama! He is everything they aren't and would love to be. All they have to sing is Gretchen Wilson's "Redneck Woman" or Big & Rich's "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy". Stay classy GOP, stay classy!

  21. Dinty7:32 AM

    Can a sitting President win American Idol? I bet this one can.

  22. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Sarah won't try to sing, (thank the Lord but will think up a snarky comment or two about "the incumbent" who can warble a tune while he's transforming America the Beatiful into a Saul Alinsky-radical-socialist-European swamp.

    I'll bet he and Bill Ayers used to sing duets around the piano at their many get-togethers in Chicago. Palling around, y'know.

  23. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Beats the shit out of John Ashcroft singing "Let the Eagle Soar."

    Obama has soul.

  24. Anonymous7:51 AM

    And cue the phony outrage from the grifter, "How can Obama sing while so many people in this country are suffering?"

    But we all know that the grifter has probably downloaded the audio from this video and saved it as a special ringtone; just in case he should ever call.

  25. Swoooon!!

    I love our President.

    What a welcome relief after having to view mad Newt scolding the media over and over and over ... no matter how many times I changed channels I kept seeing that angry, pasty, repulsive POS.

    Hearing our President sing (fabulously, I might add) was a balm to my soul.

    Thanks, G.

  26. Maddies_Mom8:02 AM

    My god, I might start having inappropriate dreams about our crooner-in-chief! And you, Gryphen, I do believe, has a man-crush on our prez! And, I don't believe I blame you! ;)

  27. @ anon 7:51 AM

    Absolutely correct!!

    Very funny about the downloaded audio/ring tone!


  28. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Sarah, before you get any ideas, you pimped your daughter on DWTS and she couldn't dance. So don't knock the Presidents humming a few bars - he's got skillz and even Roseanne Bar sounds better than you singing the National Anthem.

  29. Anonymous8:20 AM

    This will fuel Sarah Palin's wet dreams about our President...and thus also fuel her desperation to get him to notice her by being as nasty as possible.

  30. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, our prez is so HOT!

  31. Anonymous8:25 AM

    The ABUNDANCE of charm this man has is boggling. Just that little giggle at the end had me swooning. He handles things with such aplomb, whatever they may be. Al Green LOVED this, no doubt. How can anyone be this humble and impressive at the same time?

  32. hedgewytch8:29 AM

    Michelle must be one happy woman.

  33. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Can you say "charisma"?????!!!!

    The angry white men don't have a chance in hell of beating this guy.

    Bring it on.

    (He says he looks forward to getting beyond the GOP candidates' playing to their base, and on to substantive, serious debate in the General campaign. He has got it all, no question about it! It will get ugly, but we'll make it through.)

  34. Anonymous8:55 AM

    I really love this man.

  35. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Oh, Michelle, you are a very lucky woman.

  36. Irishgirl9:06 AM

    Stephen Colbert live in SC.

  37. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Our President (and it is President Obama, not Mr. Obama, to you Andrea Mitchell!) is such a dreamboat. He has replaced Paul Newman as my main unattainable crush. Yes, I'm showing my age but also my classy choices of beautiful men :)

  38. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Holy Crooning Wonder! Our President is so stunningly talented on truly every level that I see him express himself. His mama and grandma/grandpa really shaped a lovely human being. It's so apparent that the crows just want to hold the eagle down, to clip his wings, but he's 10 steps ahead of them ALL THE TIME! Just makes my heart sing along with him.

  39. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Can you imagine Romney, Newt, or Santorum doing something like this without looking like absolute jackasses? Our President does it effortlessly and makes me smile from ear to ear in doing so.

  40. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Any talk about replacing this man with any one of the sad crew from the Republican party is pure idiocy. President Obama rocks!

  41. Anonymous9:18 AM

    That is a beautiful thing to behold...and Mrs. O is truly blessed amongst women!

    God blessed America, indeed.


  42. Anonymous9:23 AM

    “We’re calling it the ‘Al Green’ effect. We can’t get the song out of our heads after seeing the video of him at the Apollo. Policies are important but so too is the ability to move and motivate people and Obama does that effortlessly.”

  43. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Five myths about Barack Obama

    ...Barack Obama’s rise in politics was so rapid, and his background so unusual, that he was immediately subjected to malicious myths — from the bogus story that he was raised Muslim to the lie that he wasn’t born in the United States. Of course, some of the raps on Obama are valid interpretations of his performance. It’s not a myth that he was long distracted from job creation, that his foreclosure policies have failed or that he was outfoxed by Republicans for much of 2011. But as Obama prepares to defend his record Tuesday in the State of the Union address, let’s dispense with some genuine misconceptions about his presidency.

  44. Anonymous10:03 AM

    People tended to react with amazement at Thursday's now-viral footage of President Obama singing a few bars of Al Green's "Let's Stay Together," but our painstaking research reveals that breaking into song is actually something of an ace-in-the-hole move for the president.

  45. Anonymous10:18 AM

    It's gone global!

  46. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Like Grace said...

  47. Anonymous10:19 AM

    What a President! He's so smooth and has so many talents.

    Sometimes I feel sorry for the Repugs, they're so full of piss and vinegar they don't get to enjoy having such a wonderful man leading our country. Their loss. Losers all of them.

    Sing all the way to reelection.
    Mr President, thanks for making my day!


  48. Anonymous10:19 AM

    You have GOT to see this Gryphen! This is a great collection!

  49. Anonymous10:22 AM

    I know the First Lady's girls were on her phone. Then married men across the globe said in unison Oh Hell NO.. Not singing too..

    Women turned and looked at their men and asked why can't you sing like President Obama...

  50. I never thought of a president as being cool ( Clinton sort of). No matter else may be said, President Obama is by far the coolest man to occupy the office. Only someone that identifies with Newt Swingrich, the angry little attack muffin, would disagree.

  51. Anonymous10:46 AM

    'Let's stay together' upped Obama's chances of reelection, bookie says

    Among those who swooned when President Barack Obama crooned at a New York fundraiser Thursday night: Irish bookmaker Paddy Power.

    The oddsmaker announced this morning that it has tightened the prospects of Obama's re-election from 8:11 to 4:6 after seeing video of Obama singing a line of the Rev. Al Green’s 1970s hit, “Let’s Stay Together” to an adoring crowd at Harlem’s historic Apollo Theater. The impromptu performance, which the oddsmaker called “spectacular” as well as “relaxed and charismatic,” convinced the oddsmaker that the president and the US electorate may be in it for the long haul after 2012.

    “We’re calling it the ‘Al Green’ effect. We can’t get the song out of our heads after seeing the video of him at the Apollo,” according to a press release Paddy Power issued Friday morning. “Policies are important but so too is the ability to move and motivate people and Obama does that effortlessly.”

  52. Coolest prez ever!! Love this guy.

  53. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I love our President. I love him!

  54. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Maddies_Mom said...
    My god, I might start having inappropriate dreams about our crooner-in-chief!

    Join the rest of us -- they started for me years ago. :)

  55. Anonymous12:15 PM


    "Only someone that identifies with Newt Swingrich, the angry little attack muffin, would disagree."

    That's who Newt Gingrich reminds me of, Stay Puft!

    Obama 2012!

  56. Anonymous1:06 PM

    President Obama brings such joy to us! He beats the hell out of Gingrich and Palin...I'm so sick of their constant negative bullshit. The Repubs are a sick, sick group.

    President Obama will hold his office a second term and I thank him from the bottom of my heart. Love him, Michelle and his beautiful daughters.

  57. Virginia Voter1:06 PM

    A guy who can sing is always sexy, well, unless it's Clay Aiken.

    BTW, Pres Obama looks HAWT shirtless.

    Newt Gingrich, not so much

  58. Anonymous1:14 PM

    I just love this man!

  59. Anonymous1:52 PM

    I won't, Mr. President I won't.

  60. Awwhhh man that was so cool. The man is too cool. I love President Obama.

    That could be our motto "Let's Stay Together"

  61. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Go Prez!!! He's amazing!

  62. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Mark your calendar, one year to date, January 20, 2012, Inauguration Day.

    God willing, President Obama will be delivering his second inaugural speech.

    Obama 2012!

  63. "Swingrich, the angry little attack muffin, would disagree.

    10:26 AM"

    While the repugbaggers want to drink beers, no doubt build beer pyramids and fall out drunk, people prefer to hang out with President Obama ANYWHERE doing ANYTHING.

    It would be mad funnnnn. It would be crazy.

    Even Air Hockey would be enough.

  64. I'm onboard with Andrew Sullivan's assessment of Obama's unbelievable patience... to spring a trap and catch his opponents off guard.

    The ace up his sleeve is his easy charm, and he's had the patience to (mostly) bottle it up for 3 years. When he deploys his charm to its full effect, I suspect the fragmented, chaotic GOP won't know what hit them... see uber-conservative Charles Krauthammer's WaPo editorial today, "The GOP's Suicide March"

    The developed world is seething with jealousy over our prez now (no way could their leader be this cool-LOL). Even Dan Pfeiffer (Obama deputy press secretary) was surprised:
    "I have worked for President Obama for 5 years and until last night, I had no idea that he could sing."!/pfeiffer44/status/160361569690193921

  65. @MarkKnoller (cbsnews) tweeted this at 2:56 pm Alaska time:
    All 3 network newscasts ran clip of Pres Obama singing opening line last night from Rev Al Green's "Let's Stay Together." ABC ran it twice.!/markknoller/status/160510992961388545

  66. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Very cool indeed, haven't dated in sometime and that certainly made me think about it! I was wishing I was Michelle- between the singing and that smile- whew, I think I got the Vapahhhhhsssss!

  67. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Obama Sings Al Green: The Short Version

  68. Anita Winecooler5:26 PM

    Go Mr President!


    Excuse me while I retire to my fainting couch...

  69. Made me melt and run out my own ear...

    that man, our PRESIDENT is on incredible human being...

    and one DAMN fine leader of the
    US of A!

  70. <3 <3 <3


    All my clothes just fell off!

  71. Anonymous6:03 PM

    black super man.

  72. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Virginia Voter said
    "BTW, Pres Obama looks HAWT shirtless.

    Newt Gingrich, not so much"

    Gee, thanks a whole I'm gonna have to use some brain bleach to get the image of the lizard sans shirt out of my mind. THAT will give me nightmares for some time to come! Blecchhh!

  73. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Our President has some serious tenor pipes there. Who knew!

    And that is NOT an easy song to sing a capella.

  74. Anonymous6:54 PM

    The singing was smooth, but that head tip... Ooo Michelle, your man is hot!


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