Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Rick Perry plays "You gotta name?" with Politico reporter Mike Allen.

Did anybody have a Palin flashback while watching that? Boy I sure did.

What a jackass! Like the reporter is going to divulge his sources to the man that can destroy that person's career, if not their life.

If Mike Allen had given up his source he would be finished as a reporter from that day forward, and Perry totally know that. He's just being a dick.


  1. That reporter is ANNOYING! Those arms and hands waving around!!! I'da slapped him.

  2. I am no fan of Rick Perry, but Mike Allen is the dick. Why should Perry be expected to respond to an anonymous source? The comment could have been fabricated. Allen is not much more than a gossip monger. On Morning Joe today he was making fun of Perry's tie of all things.

  3. Anonymous3:02 AM

    OT but this guy is one of Palin's biggest supporters on articles about Palin on the web. Regarding her interview with Eric Bolling this is what he had to say over at the urinal.

    Stoneyjack Moderator 6 minutes ago
    What's with Sarah's hair & ensemble? Bad fashion advice, or total unconcern for appearances? She has certainly lost the fire & fury for public office. She seems to be fulfilling her contract obligations to FOX, and that's about all. She said nothing of significance in this interview.

  4. WakeUpAmerica3:50 AM

    Personally, I don't like unnamed sources either. The staffer has no business being disloyal while working for Perry. If he/she wants to make statements like that, he/she should quit first or suck it up.

    Using unnamed sources in McGinnis's book is a different situation. Those people don't work for Palin and aren't being disloyal. They are afraid of the long reach of the Palins in AK.

    P-Rick is still a dick, but not for refusing to engage in a fight about comments allegedly made by one of his staff.

  5. angela4:23 AM

    Normally I can't stand the stupid coming out of Perry.
    But this is kinda funny in a sad way. Can this man embarrass Texas anymore?

    Yep--just like Palin. They want a name so they can threaten and punish the person and their family. What the eff is it with these crazy assed governors anyway? They are like organized crime hit men and women.

  6. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Perry could actually be a little more knowledgeable than Palin. In the same way she couldn't name a Supreme Court decision she also too agreed with, or a newspaper she read, or describe what exactly, a Vice President does everyday, she could only put the whole LSM on trial to shore up her 'truth.'

    She always grouped blogs in with journalism and asked her supporters to shun media in favor of her bogus narrative - and the one time she did publicly go after a journalist, it was the wrong one and only embarrassed herself.

    Rick could have retired or left public office as hot shit in Texas, instead, he answered the siren call of higher office he was never anywhere near qualified, and now will join the former once-upon-a-time-half-term-quitting-Governor as a washed-up-has-been-revealed-only-to-be-a-phenom-instead-of-leader.

    Your legacy, former Governor Perry (cause who's going to keep you after this?) is as embarrassing as Sarah Palin, Christine O'Donnell, Sharon Angle, Joe Miller, Donald Trump and Herb Cain.

  7. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Perry is not only a Dick but he is also an ass.

  8. Anonymous6:43 AM

    @Anonymous: Rick Perry DID retire. He actually officially retired so he could collect his $7,000 plus/month state pension, PLUS his current salary as governor, PLUS the $10,000/month fancy house we rent for him while the Governor's mansion is being repaired, PLUS a huge monthly bill for Texas taxpayers for his "security" staff whilst running for President.

    Mike Allen was a p***y for not telling Perry that the staff member spoke on condition of anonymity, which the reporter is bound by; he allowed Perry to control the interview, which is the sign of a weak and ineffective interviewer. There is NOTHING wrong with anonymous sources in the news business. And Perry, of course, is just a liar.

  9. Anonymous7:25 AM

    you of all people should know by now that at least 90%. Of anon sources arebogus.

    Think: when a persons willing to lie about a young mans paternity and someone lies about the parentage of an infant, humans are greatly flawed. It's a whole lot easier to join a hatin bandwagon and report rumors as fact than it is to ignore stupidity and discover things for yourself, by actually meeting the person, getting to know them.

    Following this approach would help your blog out a lot, as you report morelies than most.

  10. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Politicians should not have to respond to anon sourced info. If someone is too deceptive or too chicken to use their name, the info is worthless. Idiots and liars hide behind anonymity. But anyone who has followed this blog for 3 years knows that.

  11. Anonymous7:37 AM

    anon 535, I'd love to see you in Perrys shoes one day. I almost hope someone slanders you so bad you'll never recover. Then you will find out what its really like to be Sarah Palin and any GOP member. Sadly, repuiblicans aren't given the same pass as Dems are or Obama would be jobless or still an intern/volunteer.

    Like B Clinton supposedly said "this guy wouldve been getting us coffee a year ago"

    Whether he said it or not, it's true. The media and an array of jackholes conned Obamas way to the WH.

    Are you gonna let it happen again or areyou gonna elect someone with actual experience?

    There's no one more Hypocritical than a democrat.

  12. Anonymous8:54 AM

    C'mon Gryph, coparing ANYONE to a jackass is just wrong, we all know there's only one, and she wears pink and orang, slathers abreva on her lips, uses santorum for hair glue, and deserves the moniker "Jackass".

    Perry is a jackasswad. I don't mind Allen using an anonymous source, he did it before for the Bachmann campaign and we all know how THAT worked out.

  13. Anonymous8:59 AM

    It is an open secret that Rick Perry's stupidly homophobic campaign ad "Strong" pissed off a lot of people in his own campaign.

    Perry could have been more gracious and truthful by replying that his campaign had some tense moments, not everyone loved some of his moves but they had reached agreements and everything had been ironed out.

    BUT NO! Instead Perry goes into denial (liar!) and attacks the reporter. Mike Allen should have stood firm in defending the condition of anonymity of his source.

    I bet Perry goes back to his staff and starts an Inquisition. This is what happened when sources from the McCain campaign leaked that SP was an ignorant diva. She tore the campaign apart, looking for a "traitor".

    I hope Rick Perry falls, and falls hard like SP through his own stupidity and strong arm tactics.

  14. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I don't know how Perry was elected and reelected as Gov of TX! Amazes me! Obviously he wasn't vetted properly. Vote him out of office next go around Texans! He is not very bright!!

  15. Anonymous9:59 AM

    >>>don't know how Perry was elected and reelected as Gov of TX! Amazes me! Obviously he wasn't vetted properly.<<<

    Dubya? or is it Dumbya? Bush?

  16. Anonymous said...

    you of all people should know by now that at least 90%. Of anon sources arebogus.

    Think: when a persons willing to lie about a young mans paternity and someone lies about the parentage of an infant, humans are greatly flawed. It's a whole lot easier to join a hatin bandwagon and report rumors as fact than it is to ignore stupidity and discover things for yourself, by actually meeting the person, getting to know them.

    Following this approach would help your blog out a lot, as you report morelies than most.

    7:25 AM

    Commondecency troll lady....stop with the gibberish and if you are talking about Track and Curtis Menard...then say that troll...there are new readers here who may not understand your upside down talking.

    And I'm sure Gryphen appreciates your advice....NOT!

  17. Anonymous said...

    anon 535, I'd love to see you in Perrys shoes one day. I almost hope someone slanders you so bad you'll never recover. Then you will find out what its really like to be Sarah Palin and any GOP member. Sadly, repuiblicans aren't given the same pass as Dems are or Obama would be jobless or still an intern/volunteer.

    Like B Clinton supposedly said "this guy wouldve been getting us coffee a year ago"

    Whether he said it or not, it's true. The media and an array of jackholes conned Obamas way to the WH.

    Are you gonna let it happen again or areyou gonna elect someone with actual experience?

    There's no one more Hypocritical than a democrat.

    7:37 AM

    UGH! Commondecency crazy troll lady.....I would never want to be Gov Dirty Wig™....the buzzing sound that she must hear inside that giant head must be horrendous. And I don't recall any lawsuits that Dirty has instigated due to slander...so...Umm...as usual crazy troll lady...you are full of SHIT!

    And yes to your question..."areyou gonna elect someone with actual experience?"

    His name is President Barack Hussein Obama....the current President of the United States.

    Dirty Wig is a half ass employee of FAUX News who can barely dress herself and speaks in tongues on the few occasions that she has appeared (drunk or high, not sure which) on TV. She needs to get herself to a Health Spa and not the Fat farm that RAM is located....STAT!

  18. Anonymous3:21 PM

    I see the trolls are out today and delusional as usual.

    I liked this, though:
    "@Anonymous: Rick Perry DID retire. He actually officially retired so he could collect his $7,000 plus/month state pension, PLUS his current salary as governor, PLUS the $10,000/month fancy house we rent for him while the Governor's mansion is being repaired, PLUS a huge monthly bill for Texas taxpayers for his "security" staff whilst running for President."

    No wonder Palin likes him. That's even more impressive than charging Alaskans to live in her own house, commute to Anchorage (while other commuters pay their own way), bilk us out of thousands for non-business related travel for the family, and the $187,000 she spent (by her own administration's count) in state-funded legal fees trying to cover up misuse of her official position.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.