Sunday, January 08, 2012

Sarah Palin's wig makes an appearance with Judge Jeanine Pirro last night. I think the Grizzled Mama was under there somewhere as well. Hard to tell.

To watch video just click on image.
(Now before we start I must caution all of you to avoid staring directly at the crazy wriggling mass on Palin's head. Remember the lesson of Perseus, and only look at it in a reflected surface, like a shiny a mirror or reflected off of the bald spot of a loved one.)

Early in the interview Palin is asked about Michele Bachmann, Jon Huntsman, and others in the race dropping out, Palin responds that those "on the very, very bottom of the tier based on polls and based on heading into these caucuses, and primaries in individual states doesn't look like they have a chance, well then, just being a practical person as I am, I would say that for their own good that they would look at stepping aside and having their supporters start coalescing around another conservative in order to oust the incumbent."

(Isn't THIS the woman who so far has not endorsed a candidate, and whose sup[porters are still looking for any indication, no matter how imaginary, that she will jump back into the race?)

Yet when asked directly about Rick Perry, who is polling at one percent, she demurred and suggested that he could still do better in the upcoming contest in South Carolina. Gotta support the other Dominionist dipshits in the contest!

Pirro also asks Palin if, with Bachmann out, perhaps the Teabagger's influence is over.

Of course Palin disagrees. "No Tea Party,,um.. it's still a very strong, and very powerful,and very influential movement as evidenced by Mitt Romney wanting to garner around him Tea Party patriots who will support him. He would be dismissing them, like Nikki Haley and others. He would not their endorsements if he believed that, and anybody else believed that the Tea Party movement wasn't powerful." (Me thinks somebody has not been paying attention to the polling numbers: Just 28 percent of Americans hold favorable views of the tea party, an all-time low in the 19 months that CNN/ORC pollsters have gauged Americans' feelings about the movement. At the same time, 53 percent of Americans think poorly of the tea party, an all-time high.)

Palin then goes on to make the accusation that, concerning Mitt, the media will soon adopt a "hands off approach from the mainstream media because I believe the mainstream media and Obama WANT to face Romney in the general election because they are already gearing up to be able to portray him, accurately or inaccurately, they're going to portray him as being out of touch with the working class."

So just so all of you know, according to the incredible analytical brain of Snowdrift Snooki, the media is helping Obama pick a candidate that he would have the easiest time beating.  Assuming, of course, that he would have a harder time against a Rick "man on dog" Santorum, Michele " batshit crazy" Bachmann, Rick "uh..oops" Perry, Newt "I cheated on my wife because of my love of this country" Gingrich, or Ron "the civil rights act was unnecessary" Paul.

Oh yeah, THEY would be a much more the formidable challenge than Romney. Moron!

Pirro, to her credit, calls bullshit on that assessment, citing something called "surveys" to "repudiate" Palin's golden, smelly chunks of political wisdom.

This is like poking the Grizzled Mama with a sharp stick and she quickly rears up on her haunches, and starts "tossing salad."

"Well my opinion is, I can see what's coming, and that's that the media will try to bolster that they can tear him down and that's quite unfortunate opinion though, as we head through these primary states, and get finally to the end of the line where we have a candidate, as ANY of the candidates will be better than what we have in there today with the failed socialist policies of Barack Obama here, you know thwarting the Constitution and making..uh..appointments not even while the Senate is actually on a recess. (I swear I saw the wig turn and hiss at the camera here.)While he's cutting the military at a time when we shouldn't be seen as an isolationist nation, and why we shouldn't be seen as being disinterested in what's going on in Iran, and in Russia, and in China. Here all the things that Obama is doing wrong that is still leading to high, REAL unemployment rates, RIDICULOUSLY high, and mortgages under water, and you know the housing crisis, that really isn't getting any better. Well all of those failed policies of..Oh...Oh..Obama, ANY of these GOP candidates know BETTER how to defend our Republic, and the free market, and the free men and women who want opportunity to progress."

After THAT rancorous exchange Judge Pirro, possibly suffering the effects from the venom spewed by Palin, decides to end the interview and search the Fox studios for an anit-venom.  But before doing so bravely asks Palin what Todd got her for Christmas.

"He got me an ice auger, to be out ice fishing. And that's always been one of my favorite things to do, so happy that he got me that. Not even gas powered though, so its going to take some manual labor to get that done."

Somehow the idea of Sister Sarah out in a little hut in the middle of the lake fishing through a hole in the ice does not seem terribly feasible to me. However considering the frosty relations between Todd and frigid one, an ice auger might just come in handy in the boudoir, if you get my meaning.

Update: For those unfamiliar with the ice auger I thought you might enjoy seeing a video of how they work.

Now doe any of you REALLY picture Palin doing that?


  1. What the fuck does that lady have on her head? Damn, she looks worse every day.

  2. Anonymous9:10 AM

    From cee4pee commenter cjk09:

    Here's my 'wishcasting' thought re Gov. Palin's interview last night with Judge Jeanine. I recognize that Gov. Palin is into many athletic, physical activities in the great outdoors, and so the fact that at least one of her Christmas presents from Todd was an ice augur (used to cut a hole in the ice in order to fish underneath) didn't really come as much of a surprise. But, the Judge asking the Gov. this question at the very end of the interview with virtually no time left and the Gov. mentioning just this particular present made the ("not even gas-powered) ice augur stand out in my mind and caused me to think about it further. Then, it occurred to me, there's an old saying, "fish or cut bait," often said about those who sit on the sidelines and critique those in the arena. It occurs to me that the Judge asking this question gave the Gov. the chance to symbolically say that she will "fish" rather than "cut bait." In other words, that she will either enter the race or be engaged in some other active role during this election other than just as a commentator. Perhaps this is a stretch, but the Gov. has spoken symbolically in many other interviews.

    Those poor folks are not firing on all their cylinders.

  3. Anonymous9:10 AM

    An ice auger?? Bullshit!

    She looks like a freak. She has really lost her looks. It's incredible how they have declined.

    And she is uninformed on so many levels about what is really going on with the economy. Idiot! Why do they continue to pay her?

  4. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Oooh, it's the Shirley Temple wig...does she sing a verse of "Animal Crackers" or "The Good Ship Lollipop" next? It is interesting that this was broadcast DURING the debate. Who was even watching? Sarah, dear, when poll numbers are as low as yours, and when you are relegated to appearances with the judge and substitute hosts right smack in the middle of a GOP debate...well, dear, being a practical person "as I am" even you can read the writing on the are finished.

  5. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Your Medusa analogy is perfect. Who is doing this to her hair????? It is insane. One side is curly but the other side not. Does everyone in her household have poor vision?

    Or does Palin look into a mirror that Piper holds up, every day, and say: "Mirror, mirror, on the wall/Who's the fairest of them all?"

  6. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Can't Sarah address the POTUS as "President Obama" instead of just "Obama". How childish.

  7. "Somehow the idea of Sister Sarah out in a little hut in the middle of the lake fishing through a hole in the ice does not seem terribly feasible to me."

    Why not? She's already got the fur hat.

  8. angela9:25 AM

    " . . . starts tossing salad."

    Gryphen, you are funny as hell!

    It seems Sarah went on another one of her "what the bailout does" rants. The poor lunatic.

    One day her head will actually do a 360 on her shoulders and the words "Help me, I'm crazier than stoned possum" will appear on her forehead.

    I'm waiting . . .

  9. Smirnonn9:33 AM

    Wig still blames the media for her and mcdick's loss in '08. I mean, had the media not asked her all those devastatingly difficult "gotcha" questions like "what do you read," no one would have ever found out what an absolute moron she is. But, of course, sociopaths always externalize blame for their shortcomings. She's not dumb, the media is out to get conservatives. And, I loved the part where she spun out of control and just started spewing her usual anti-Obama "rhetoric." All of those words that stimulate her lizard brain like "socialist" (bet she can't even define the term), unemployment, military, etc. What a fucking moron.

    Btw, I've heard she reads People, Soap Digest, Beetle Bailey and Highlights.

  10. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Think Todd is hoping she'll go out on thin ice?

  11. Anonymous9:39 AM

    She should be required to wear a chin strap with that, could fly off and hurt someone.

  12. I really hate that woman's sentence structure, or lack thereof. She speaks like a retard.

  13. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Sarah is an expert quitter. It's nice that she finally gets the recognition she deserves.

    And, boy, I hope that's a wig on her head because if that's meant to show us how "nice" her "real hair" is...well, that's just sad.

  14. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Typical that, in describing her Christmas present, she had to whine that it wasn't gasoline powered.
    It must be a treat to sit around the Palin living room on Christmas morning, as each and every gift is examined and criticized.
    Or maybe Todd was sending her an unsubtle message -- a great big "screw you."

  15. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Yikes, is there ANYONE out there that takes this woman seriously anymore? What is she all about, and what is she trying to "prove"? She is finished, a has-been that doesn't have a clue as to how to move America forward. She would be an absolute DISASTER as POTUS, and she is the laughing stock of the world, as they have seen her ignorance and lack of intelligence and true "class" and dignity.

  16. lostinmn9:58 AM

    I live in MN. A hand powered Ice Auger is a pain in the ass even for a fit young man. Gas powered Ice Auger's are fast and cheap. Hand Powered Ice Augers can be picked up at a garage sale around here for about ten bucks. So is sista telling us that her most memorable gift is some garage sale cast off? How nice she think's she one of the common people. Frankly I call bullshit on Sara ever going ice fishing unless the TLC people are there. Then she'd have someone film her starting the hole and talkin all that great shit about how hard it is. Then they cut away, have someone come in with a gas powered one and then just before they break through they turn the auger back over to Sara and she finished off the last 1/8". "Gee Golly Tawd, that's one fine auger" as she drops her line into the water. Cut away and she retreats into a warming house bitching about the cold until someone hooks a fish for her. She comes out and fights the big lunker - probably easiest if it's a dead fish - and puts it on the ice to freeze for cooking later. I can choreograph the whole episode for her if she needs some expertise.

    And hey Toad - what a cheapskate but I guess you have to get in your shots when you can

  17. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Ice fishing is fun. But Gov Palin athletic? Perhaps Not even in bed, sister cjk09.

    Perhaps she and Todd have kissed and made up, after all, as she puts it, Boys will be boys.

    An ice auger is a wonderful gift. More time he can spend away from his ball and chain.

    She is wed to her blackberry and her medus hair wigs.

    Bristol is uncelibate but goes for the medusa extentions.

    And poor Gino? I guess he won't be another "Situation" as in the Jersey Shore guido.

    Why do I dislike this family so much. HYPOCRITICAL scam artists, that why.

  18. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Utter nonsense. It can't be long before Fox drops her. She really has nothing to say. And she looks like hell these days.

    An ice auger? Seriously? She seriously thinks anyone is going to believe that she would go ice fishing let alone drill the ice herself and that they wouldn't already have an ice auger already anyway. She is an idiot.

  19. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Usually I agree with those who wish that comments wouldn't devolve into snarks about wigs, etc, but I was thinking about the issue more seriously...
    In 2009 Palin was 45, the same age that Hillary Clinton was in 1992. Photos show both women to have been attractive at that age: physically vibrant in spite of the wrinkles that were starting to appear. Then what happened? I haven't read anything about it but I suspect Clinton has had some plastic surgery, and I personally wouldn't fault her for it: aging men look "distinguished," aging women simply look old. And Clinton is now 65. But her look started to approach as she approached and crested the big 5-0: shorter, less girlish hair, more formal clothes, etc.
    Now consider Palin: not yet 50 even, but while the physical vibrancy vanished before our eyes she has grasped desperately for a younger and younger, and increasingly absurd, look. All old news, I know: it's just the contrast with Clinton that struck me.
    (Hey Gov DirtyWig, take a look at Hillary Clinton: that's what class and real accomplishment looks like. The mind boggles what your wigs will look like at the same age.)

  20. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Oh, I HAD to wander over to the pee pond last night, people! Their original premise has always been as soon as the hair wasn't parted on the right is the MESSAGE to them she's running. That's their stupid hang-up with hair and incessant prattling about it.

    There's your core base, Queen Bitch. Think you'll ever be president? Declare. I DARE YOU.

  21. Anonymous10:05 AM

    She is an absolute idiot! I like how she pronounces the word caucus. At the 1:49 mark she pronounces the word as "cock us." LOL! The correct pronounciation sounds like "kaw kus." Officially it's represented as kaw-kuh's.

    Maybe she's daydreaming about Glen.

  22. Anonymous10:07 AM

    The ice auger is for the lobotomy that Todd would love to perform on Sarah.

  23. Anonymous10:07 AM

    As usual I can't bear the screech. Did tune it to the last Ice Auger bit. Todd got her the ice Auger. Sure. She is going to be out there freezing her butt, because she is a real Alaskan Athlete type who can't shoot straight, but who can hold a fishing rod in the wrong way.


    What a load of hooey.

    Of course next leaked photo will be of the super woman freezing her butt off on the ice.

    Probably on Lake Lucille where all the fish are poisonous to humans, because of all the toxic runoff.

  24. I just have to make a follow up statement about the ice auger again.

    A manual ice auger is a royal pain in he ass. And the ice on any lake in Alaska at this time of year will be several feet deep.

    There is NO way that Palin has the upper body stremgth to get more than a few inches down. So that means that SOMEBODY in her family, or working for her, has a new job, if in fact she really wants to go ice fishing.

    I still have a hard time buying that she was happy with an ice auger for Christmas. It sounds like just another bullshit, Alaska sounding gift, that is used to reinforce her completely phony outdoorsy image.

    I think that wig, fashioned out of some poor critter found in the wheel well of the family truck, is probably the REAL gift.

  25. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Since this is the anniversary of the shootings in Arizona, it would be nice if Sarah had learned anything from it-- speaking out without thinking, use of violent rhetoric, gun images, following orders and not responding. Nope, she hasn't learned anything in the past year.

    However, she has made us aware of the fact that she is never sorry for anything, doesn't think before she speaks, and will never change.

  26. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Yes, Gryphen, I agree. It's a bullshit Alaska sounding gift.

  27. Anonymous10:14 AM

    The way she dresses and fixes her hair I can see why Sarah Palin was Looser Miss Alaska Douche Bag!

  28. Anonymous10:23 AM

    An ice auger? Seriously? She seriously thinks anyone is going to believe that she would go ice fishing let alone drill the ice herself and that they wouldn't already have an ice auger already anyway. She is an idiot.

    10:00 AM

    The only ice auger Sarah Palin uses is her hand held battery super duper auger.

    Bristol on the other hand uses a gas powered turbo charged ice auger in her canvas tent.

  29. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Are you sure that's a wig? I thought her head was getting ready to explode.

  30. Anonymous10:31 AM

    "One day her head will actually do a 360 on her shoulders..."

    Rick Santorum needs to get some of his religious buddies from that hospital he ran and go up to AK to do an exorcism on Palin.

  31. Sarah getting ready for Pirro's show:

    BTW, she may think she's Shirley Temple, but she's so much MORE like Bette Davis in Whatever Happened to Baby Jane.

  32. Anonymous10:36 AM

    An ice auger? LMFAO!!OMG!

  33. Anonymous10:38 AM

    It's so obvious that no one wants to have her on their show the way they keep tossing her from Hannity to Napolitano to Pirro to nameless blond to whomever (have to admit I never tune in to that channel so I really can't tell you). Used to be only Greta but apparently she is done with her. I'd love to know what happened to that cozy relationship. Appears to be deader than Lake Lucille.

  34. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Utter nonsense. It can't be long before Fox drops her. She really has nothing to say. And she looks like hell these days.

    An ice auger? Seriously? She seriously thinks anyone is going to believe that she would go ice fishing let alone drill the ice herself and that they wouldn't already have an ice auger already anyway. She is an idiot.

    10:00 AM

    Anybody watch the reality shows about Alaska's ice trucker?

    Sarah wants us to believe she can drill through ice that loaded 18 wheel trucks drives over?

    Get a fucking life Sarah!

  35. AuntieRuth10:44 AM

    Clearly one of the beauticians-in-training is using her "hair" for practice. It is a classic "big roller" do that is one of the first things they learn. Is it Willow or Bristol or both? Can't wait until they are training to do highlights!! She'll look like a skunk!

  36. johnie2xs10:44 AM said "tossing salad"...
    tee hee, tee,hee....

    That's as serious as ANYONE should take the Tundra Trollop!!!

  37. The wig jokes are really wearing thin... not many more ways you can say it.

  38. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Isn't Lake Lucille a dead lake? How would she go fishing in a lake without fish?

  39. It seems like Quitter did a pretty good job of portraying Romney as "out of touch with the working class". Didn't wait for the MSM to do it.

    And an ice auger for Christmas? Oh, please.

  40. Anonymous10:54 AM

    She had to have told the person interviewing her about the ice auger. Otherwise how would she have known to even ask.

    Must be a load of pictures she is going to release of herself squatting on a stool and fishing. Pretty much like her running with a borrowed running buggy with Trig a long while ago for the Road Runners Mag. Yeah she was singing to Trig and running while pushing him along.

    And she will be photographed squatting on the ice holding a fishing rod and grinning from ear to ear.

    Maybe for a new desperate try for a second season in Alaska.

    Now if Levi was photographed doing this, I would believe it. I think he took Kathy Griffen out and demonstrated with an auger.

  41. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Wow. That's 3 fox hits in a row that she hasn't worn a wig. Impressive.

  42. Anonymous10:57 AM

    What..Todd couldn't afford a gas auger on his allowance. You'd better go back to work Todd, apparently purse carriers don't make much money.

  43. Anonymous10:59 AM

    To people who criticize her and anyone who just addresses the Pres by his last name, this isn't exactly new.

    You need to step away from the haterade.

  44. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Tawd bought the auger in hopes that $arah would sit on it, and spin.

  45. I can just see Sarah out there on the ice with a hand operated ice auger..sitting the the little ice shack drilling away..maybe this is a slap in the face with her Drill Baby Drill and a big FU from hubby.

  46. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Did you see her expression when speaking about the Auger? It's like she's thinking inside "yeah can you freaking believe it?"

    In all honesty, Todd probably got her another handmade seal purse thing or ear warmer again.

  47. The truly scary part about the whole interview is when they did the side by side pictures of the Judge and Baldy...the stark difference in both womens makeup and hair is like a "Do's and Don'ts" poster!

    Judge Jeanine is OLDER (born in 1951) than Baldy Palin...but looked YOUNGER!

    And yes Dirty Wig™ is bald underneath all that wild mess on her oversize head! And each wig that she keeps wearing look worse than the last! We wouldn't talk about the roadkill on her head if she would seek professional assistance....but alas Baldy is too scared to let anyone approach that monstrosity and discover her secret!

    Uh Baldy...there is no secret....we all know you are dumb and bald! Now we would like you to just STFU!

  48. Anonymous11:08 AM

    If she's a hasbeen, why do you dedicate a portion of your time to discussing her like she's relevant?

    The only kindsof people who still obsess about her are hate blog readers and bots, neither of whom actually care about facts.

  49. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Todd gave Sarah a thoughtful gift. He knows Sarah is not going to use it to go ice fishing. Sarah needs the ice auger to remove makeup.

  50. Anonymous11:18 AM

    So ice fishing has, in her words, "always been one of my favorite things to do" yet just now she is getting an augur? Wonder how she's been drilling holes into the ice previous to receiving this augur? It's as if she said that salmon fishing is one of her favorite things in the world to do and she's always done it but just now she rec'vd her first fishing pole....

  51. Anonymous said...

    To people who criticize her and anyone who just addresses the Pres by his last name, this isn't exactly new.

    You need to step away from the haterade.

    10:59 AM

    Hey's it hanging? You're a little late scared to post your screed (look it up dummy) on the Gabby Gifford thread huh. How you can even show your beefy self on this blog, today of all days spewing "haterade" shows how truly OBSESSIVE you are!

    Shouldn't you be at your new house supervising the stolen materials being used to build your shack?

    And where are your many little kids that you have birthed over the years? With their various nannies I'm sure.

    I'm sure you're hoping Gryphen makes another post about your pathetic life but I hope he refrains from doing that for a couple of days because if I have to read one more of your illiterate, miss-spelled, incomprehensible post I may just have to go out and buy some winecoolers and erect (you know all about that, don't ya') a tent and get my drink on!

  52. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Hey Snowbilly Snookie!

    The 80's called and wants its wig back!


  53. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Could someone explain what a "felled policy" is?

  54. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Who gives a rat's ass what Mrs. Todd Palin thinks about the primary process and the primary candidates' performances or chances. She was picked by McCain two days before the republican convention.

    She was never on a primary ballot, never had to raise money, never had to defend her positions, never stood up in a debate (during the primaries),never took the punches.

    You'd get a more meaningful answer asking a random eighth grader what what they think of the Republican primaries. NOBODY cares!

  55. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Bullshit... You think Todd who fishes for a living doesn't have a few ice augers laying around.

    Such a liar

  56. Anonymous11:24 AM

    The augur is for drilling holes in the ice so that she can toss her wedding ring into the lake, even in winter.

  57. Jeez, Louise! What had her so jacked up? Gryphen gets major kudos for transcribing words spewed at record speed.

    I feel cheated out of a rewarding experience. I wanted to see Palin's physical reaction when Pirro objected to the nonsense that Romney was the Dem's preferred candidate. Instead, we got stock, uninteresting video of Romney. Surely, Palin must know Obama's campaign staff was drooling over the prospect of running against HER.

    Don't you love how she portrayed the 2008 Democratic primary as a lovefest where there was no confrontation and no vetting?

  58. Didn't Levi Johnston use an ice auger when he and Kathy Griffin went out on Wasilla Lake last year?

    I wonder if rumors are true, that Levi and the Palins really AREN'T at war, but to rattle Sarah's cage (because SHE doesn't like him), Levi and Todd put their heads together and decided to give Levi's auger to Sarah as a joke?

    Yeah, the "screw you" could very well be from BOTH of them.

  59. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Isn't this the forth time in about a week that she has appeared on Faux? what gives?

    The only thing that changes is her hair and her back drop. Same old word salad.

    At LEAST she got rid of the "morgue," that gastly green dungeon.

  60. Bristol's Real Chin11:30 AM

    "The wig jokes are really wearing thin... not many more ways you can say it."

    It's her real hair that's wearing thin.

    "To people who criticize her and anyone who just addresses the Pres by his last name, this isn't exactly new. "

    The point is that the grifter demands to be called Governor Palin but refuses to use the title of someone who is actually STILL HOLDING OFFICE.

  61. Anonymous said...

    Wow. That's 3 fox hits in a row that she hasn't worn a wig. Impressive.

    10:56 AM

    This is satire? Right?

  62. Anonymous11:37 AM

    For the blogger discussing Hillary Clinton's appearance vs that of Sarah Palin. I think there is a HUGE difference, in the reasoning, for the aging process each has undergone in the past roughly three years.

    Hillary has a hell of a pressurized job! Plus, she is in the air all the time flying around the world (wouldn't think that physcially helpful) and is a woman that has a REAL job that has great significance to our country and world.

    Palin has aged due to being a PUBLIC FAILURE, not having a REAL job that means anything (FOX News) and doing nothing more than rant and rave about people and things she knows nothing about. Plus, most feel she it nothing but evil and that can't set well w/her even with today being a significant day (Tucson, AZ), the crosshairs and then the stupid statement made to gain attention for herself vs the victims! Yes, I'd say 'evil' fits!

    The stress of what she has done to herself is what has aged her. Saying she is christian when the teachings of faith are not displayed by, or seem to be known by her, etc.

    Can you even imagine Palin in Hillary Clinton's job? Oh my God - there is no way she could handle it! She'd have to know the history of the countries in which Hillary is dealing (remember during the past national campaign w/McCain, she didn't even know about North and South Korea!), retaining and understanding the day-by-day changes in some of these countries, having the work ethic, being able to read and comprehend the past and current history of each country as well as being able to hold a steady appearance throughout all the ups and downs. Would she be able to negotiate well? I sincerely doubt it! Thank God, President Obama asked Hillary to take the post so that they could work TOGETHER. Both are very CLASSY people which is something Palin is NOT!

    Hillary is doing very difficult work for our country as a top spot in President Obama's Administration. And, she is very well regarded by everyone for the job she is doing.

    Because I am sure Palin (or Palins) read this blog, may I direct some of my commentary to them - i.e.: Please, please go away! Do some ice fishing that you profess knowing how to do even though you have lived on a DEAD lake for a number of years in Wasilla! Or better yet - why not take a hike in the back country of your beautiful snow-laden Alaskan mountains (that you say you know so much about and have great experience in some of them!)and GET LOST!!!

    Sarah, you are NO example for other women! I cannot even imagine having to work with you. You'd be a pain in the ass in any type office structure (which has already been proven in Alaska in your past limited work history due to the fact you always seem to QUIT!). "IT'S TOO HARD' is the verified quote you made during your very short time as part-time governor of Alaska. Parnell and Toad did the majority of the work for you - which has also been verified and proven.

    You'd be the type of employee in the private sector that would very quickly be put on 90-day review and subsequently dismissed for a number of reasons!

    Like I said - GO TAKE A HIKE!

  63. Anonymous11:40 AM

    They may still stock Lake Lucille with hatchery fish. I think for the sake of tourists. The fish soon are either dead or poisoned from all the big store runnoff, plus from lawns like the Palin's have. Courtesy of Mayor Palin and her policies.

    No one in Wasilla would eat those fish.

    No way is Mrs. manicured nails going to use an manual auger, unless it is to drill a hole in her fence as a peephole. Maybe that is a dig from her hubby about the sweatlodge peephole to view the local talent nekkid.

  64. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Anon @10:00am

    aging men look "distinguished," aging women simply look old.


    Nope, aging men look gross and wrinkly as well and generally can themselves benefit from some sort of "freshen up" as soon as they hit 50-55. Look at Tom Cruise, not that I think he's attractive, but he is nearly 50 now and had a discreet facial procedure and he looks the same as he did 10 years ago; not fake, just 40 instead of 50.

    Hillary is a great mind and a respected political figure, but If she has had anything done I say she should ask the doctor for her money back because she looks terrible these days; she's just not an attractive woman and never has been. We can reverse aging with few quick nips and tucks but you can't make someone pretty who never has been.

    Palin just looks hard and too thin because I don't believe that she takes care of herself. I think her diet is most likely poor. She's just a wrinkly old bag of malnourished bones and its really taken a toll on her face and hair. I don't know if she can be "fixed" thru any sort of procedure. If anything she needs to have her face "plumped" up a bit to get rid of some of the harsh angles.

    She's beginning to look "distinguished", ie, old and haggard.

  65. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Hahaha! Great takedown, Gryphen. You know Wiggy gets the transcript for the interview before-hand and had time to come up with the absurd ice auger comment. Not that ice augers aren't great gifts for those who endeavor to ice fish. It seems a bit hooky for this situation though. She has continued to boost the tradition of outdoors activities in her family since childhood. My guess is that a family she describes would be amply supplied with augers and this item would not be given as a gift. Unless there has been some marked advance in the making of ice augers, that garage sale $10 find, or the one they've been using for years is adequate. It’s like giving a bike pump to someone who races, or a cake pan to a baker. Chances are, if they are proficient (as she claims her family to be with all outdoor Alaska) then they already have these basic tools on hand. Additionally, it's not a personal item such as snow shoes or a gun. One auger for the group would suffice. I've been ice fishing east of Wasilla about this time of year. We accessed the lake via snowmobile, had all the camping and fishing gear, including auger packed in a box on the back. There was not a lot of extra room for motor and fuel needed for a gas-powered auger. The one we had worked great. We took turns drilling, and had a few holes open after a bit. I think a gas powered auger is more for the truck ice fishing (as in truck camping) where you can bring the kitchen sink. Not the "survival in the wilderness" as Wiggy likes to portray. Anyway, her comment was intended to perpetuate this false image of a tough independent Alaskan. She is so not tough that its sad. But, I agree, she is ready to brave the Alaska winter with that thing on her head.

  66. Anonymous said...

    If she's a hasbeen, why do you dedicate a portion of your time to discussing her like she's relevant?

    The only kindsof people who still obsess about her are hate blog readers and bots, neither of whom actually care about facts.

    11:08 AM

    Awww....wonder where you had gotten to Crazy stalker troll lady! Are you getting Sunday pay for your illiterate missives today?

    Baldy will be "relevant" as long as she keeps putting that mannish mug in our faces on TV. And yes thank you for agreeing that Dirty Wig™ is a "hasbeen"...and as usual your vocabulary(look it up dummy) has not improved!

    But it looks like your spelling has....Congrats Crazy stalker troll lady..."you is learnin"...LOL!!!

  67. Anonymous11:49 AM

    The Medusa meme fits Sarah to a tee.

    The unenlightened from Faux
    seek entrance into the Seeress's cave to hear words of wisdom and to learn what the future holds.

    Don't look into her eyes and don't be frightened by the worms and snakes wriggling from her head.

    She speaks! ..."the Gov. has spoken symbolically in many other interviews."

    Well, I guess somebodoy has to make sense of her "pronouncements."

    Keep on it, Gryph. The "vapors" coming from Sarah's mouth are toxic.

  68. Anonymous11:50 AM

    My hunch: She might make an actual appearance this year - but not for free as touted. Someone behind-the-scenes is pulling strings and getting her the $$$ and bendy straws she demands.

  69. Anonymous11:52 AM

    O.K. Gryphen, I’m going to have to puke on the “Mitt Romney” is formidable thing.

    Part One

    Mitt Romney is not a formidable candidate. He is weak. He's a not good candidate, and he doesn’t have anything to run on, other than not being Barack Obama. He’s not even a good campaigner. The only thing that makes him "formidable" is that he has money, and the media's endorsement. So far, nobody has even really tried to take a swing at him. He has been given a free pass from the media, and all the other clowns running in the republican primary. Mitt Romney is the only "front-runner" who hasn't gotten the "front-runner treatment" from the media. The republican establishment, with help from the media, have picked off every single anti-Romney candidate one, by one. It also didn't help that the not-Romney candidates hurt themselves. The media even started going after Ron Paul (a candidate who is usually ignored), because the republican establishment is afraid he will run as a third-party candidate. When you have a media who aggressively digs into the records of all the anti-Romney candidates, attacks those candidates as crazy extremists, and never digs into Mitt Romney's record, while gushing over Mitt Romney as the "smart, competent, moderate businessman," of course he's going look like "Superman" compared to his competition. The media is also trying to say that President Obama is the opposite of Mitt Romney. They are trying to send a message that the president is a dumb, incompetent, radical.

  70. Anonymous11:52 AM

    "The wig jokes are really wearing thin... not many more ways you can say it."

    I thought this was a clever joke. If not, it kinda makes it even more hilarious.

  71. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Anon 10:00, re: Hillary

    I've pondered the same as you several times. You did a good job putting it into words.

  72. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Didn't Sarah lose to a beautiful black girl in the Miss Alaska thing?
    She wasn't good enough for black basketball player.
    She lost again to Obama.
    Could that be why she hates black people?

  73. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Oh, look at the pit bull with lipstick. Too bad she ages like a canine as well as looking like one.

  74. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Part Two

    Mitt Romney is a weak candidate. That's why everyone has been instructed to lay off of him. Also, polling done like a year before an election, don't have a good history of being predictive. Especially, in presidential elections. A year before the 1984 the presidential election, Ronald Reagan was trailing his democratic opponent by a healthy margin. A year before the 1992 presidential election, Ross Perot was ahead of both George Bush, and Bill Clinton. Plus, most voters aren't even paying attention this far out. It’s the political junkies that are paying attention, now. The rest of the electorate, don't start paying attention, until both parties have officially picked their nominees. Most of the electorate is familiar with President Obama, but most people don't know enough about Mitt Romney, or even know who he is. Mitt Romney's primary opponents won't go after him, and the media won't scrutinize his record, but the president, and the democrats will. Barack Obama's "campaign machine" won't let Mitt Romney skate by. Unlike Mitt Romney, and his GOP primary opponents, the president is a good campaigner. Also unlike, Mitt Romney's primary opponents, President Obama's campaign isn't broke. He has shit-loads of money. I know, I know, Citizen's United. But, the problem with Mitt Romney's fund-raising is, that like 95% of his donors are a small number of rich donors who are maxed-out. Only about 5% are small donors. He will get help from the outside money. But, Barack Obama will have both: Outside money, and his own huge campaign war-chest. About half of the president's donors are small donors.

  75. Anonymous12:00 PM

    She looks like a hick. And since that is exactly who her target audience is, perhaps it's intentional.

  76. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Actually she featured a fishing rod in the corner and some decorative fish item on the wall next to her fireplace. So I think fishing will be her next biggie.

    Is Palin fishing for a cozy place in the federal government? Is Newt still pushing her for some sort of energy position if he wins the GOP thing?

    He got a big infusion of many (6?) millions from the owner of the Venetian in Las Vegas. So he must be primed and ready to roll.

    She sure is dissing Romney.

  77. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Here was one of my 'what the fuck' moments..
    When SARAH PALIN talked about democrats not being properly vetted..
    I almost heard John McCain sit up straight in his lazy boy "YOU GOT THAT RIGHT SISTER!!!! THAT PROPER VETTING WILL GET YOU EVERY FUCKING TIME!!!"
    If anyone knows the dangers of proper vetting, its McCain.
    Not that I am a McCain fan, but I really like hearing Meaghan McCain bitch about Sarah Palin.

    Wig is hideous..

  78. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Part Three

    By coddling, shielding, and never challenging Mitt Romney, the media, and his primary opponents are actually hurting him. Mitt Romney has not become a better candidate because of this. He still hasn't really been tested, therefore, he hasn’t been able to sharpen his skills. (If that’s even possible.) He still gets rattled by morons like Rick Perry, and starts to throw a tantrum, on the rare occasions when he is challenged, and he still hasn't come up with any good answers to the most potent attacks the democrats will use against him. He and his campaign can't even get the "100,000 jobs created" under Bain Capitol lie straight. Newt Gingrich made somewhat of an attempt to attack Mitt Romney about Bain Capitol last night, and the first thing Mitt Romney did was whine that the "liberal media" was out to get him. That answer is not going to fly in the general election. And, he has used that excuse to deal with Bain Capitol attacks, before. According some republican operatives, including Frank Luntz, himself, these Bain Capitol type attacks against Mitt Romney, have been very effective, when shown to swing voters in focus groups. Not only that, the democrats will challenge him to release his tax returns. The longer he holds out, the worse he looks.

  79. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Do you think at the Fox News Roundtable each day there is a straw pick for who is the unfortunate bastard who has to speak to Sarah Palin tonight to fulfill Fox's contractual obligations????

    "DAMN IT!!!! I got the short straw again." Sean Hannity. Who himself is the short straw.

  80. Yow and Yikes! I'm sure that she'll hire a hairdresser for her CPAC speech that will bring her back to this century. She really has looked horrible lately (dowdy...dowdy... dowdy) and since her looks are the only thing that she has had to offer....

  81. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Did she mention the Arizona shooting anniversary at all ?

    Not surprised if she didn't.

    Also, just when is her Fox News contract over ?

  82. Anonymous12:11 PM

    So, she is a 'lifelong' fisher-woman, and just NOW gets an ice augur, and a hand-powered one for that? I can just imagine her trying to drill through the meters-thick ice. She being - what - 5 ft 1 tall, and with no nourishment except Red Bull and c Taco bell Crunchwraps in her... I guess it would take her about a week to get 6 inches down, and by then, the ice on top would have frozen solid again, so the augur would be stuck in the ice for eternity, until the big thaw came, when it would slowly sink to the bottom of the dead lake, like her so many wedding rings.

  83. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Part Four

    Plus, people just don’t like him. He comes off as the stiff, slimy, rich guy, he is. He also makes stupid gaffes, that help reinforce the perception that he is the out of touch, rich guy. Like today, he basically said that only rich people should run for office. Plus, there is a very large chunk of lazy, not too bright, swing voters, who will only get off their butts to vote for a candidate inspires them, or simply vote for the candidate they want to have a beer with. It is a well-known fact, that Mitt Romney is not likable, or inspiring. And, he’s not authentic. He’s also not a “moderate,” which is the M$M’s favorite line about why voters will just flick to him in droves. David Axelrod put it perfectly, he’s not a liberal, a conservative, or a moderate: he’s a chameleon.

    Mitt Romney only gives the appearance of being a smart, competent, “job-creator.” Steve Benen talks about this often. Mitt Romney only gets away with it, because nobody is calling him out. But, President Obama’s “campaign machine” will start calling him out. If you take a closer look, Mitt Romney has got nothing to offer, and the bloom starts to come off the rose. That’s why he’s got to lie about the president, and run a dirty campaign. President Obama has already experienced a bloody primary, and glare of the media spotlight, while running in a general election for president, as well as showing a thick skin as the republicans, and the media have thrown all kinds shit at him 24/7, 365 days a year, since he’s been president. The president is used to it. Mitt Romney isn’t. When Barack Obama gets started on him, Mitt Romney won’t know what hit him. Mitt Romney may be formidable compared to the others, (Perry, Gingrich, Santorum, etc.) but as whole, not hardly.

  84. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Part Four

    Plus, people just don’t like him. He comes off as the stiff, slimy, rich guy, he is. He also makes stupid gaffes, that help reinforce the perception that he is the out of touch, rich guy. Like today, he basically said that only rich people should run for office. Plus, there is a very large chunk of lazy, not too bright, swing voters, who will only get off their butts to vote for a candidate inspires them, or simply vote for the candidate they want to have a beer with. It is a well-known fact, that Mitt Romney is not likable, or inspiring. And, he’s not authentic. He’s also not a “moderate,” which is the M$M’s favorite line about why voters will just flick to him in droves. David Axelrod put it perfectly, he’s not a liberal, a conservative, or a moderate: he’s a chameleon.

    Mitt Romney only gives the appearance of being a smart, competent, “job-creator.” Steve Benen talks about this often. Mitt Romney only gets away with it, because nobody is calling him out. But, President Obama’s “campaign machine” will start calling him out. If you take a closer look, Mitt Romney has got nothing to offer, and the bloom starts to come off the rose. That’s why he’s got to lie about the president, and run a dirty campaign. President Obama has already experienced a bloody primary, and glare of the media spotlight, while running in a general election for president, as well as showing a thick skin as the republicans, and the media have thrown all kinds shit at him 24/7, 365 days a year, since he’s been president. The president is used to it. Mitt Romney isn’t. When Barack Obama gets started on him, Mitt Romney won’t know what hit him. Mitt Romney may be formidable compared to the others, (Perry, Gingrich, Santorum, etc.) but as whole, not hardly.

  85. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Toad forgot to tell her not to use it to curl her hair.

  86. Anonymous12:22 PM

    LL Bean has a $59. hand ice augur. Big spender there, Todd.

    This interview shows that Fox (or someone) was only able to get Sarah Palin looking half way presentable for a single interview. She is now back to strange-looking and a trifle grubby. That's the problem with mentally unstable people, they are unable to consistently appear normal without supervision.

  87. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Top 10 optional ways for Sarah to use her ice auger:

    1. When she's out of q-tips.
    2. When her vibrator goes dead.
    3. For removing that bit of grit from her eye.
    4. For finishing off clubbed but half-alive halibuts.
    5. For field-dressing Rudolph.
    6. Gettin' Todd and the kids up in the mornin'.
    7. Chippin' off some meth.
    8. Propping her eyelids up when she's on Fox.
    9. When she's out of toilet paper.
    10. When aspirin doesn't get rid of her headache.

  88. Anonymous12:27 PM

    RE: Todd's perfect gift to Sarah.

    We know the Palins speak "symbolically," e.g. their kids names.

    It's kind of passive aggressive. Like, I am going to name my baby Tripp after my father's protitute and put Tripp's name on my truck. So there, Mommy Dearest.

    They threaten to reveal the truth in hidden ways.

    That said, Todd's gift of an ice auger, and a hand-powered one at that, suggests to me that Todd would rather screw a hole in ice than dally with The Sarah.

    It could also too be a big "screw you, Sarah."

    I think it was a gag gift and she doesn't get the joke.

  89. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Fox is paying tribute to the shooting victims right now, by naming them, with a short description of their life. It seems incredible that Fox would still keep their "undefeated hate-filled contributor", as though she has anything of value to say.

    How she can sit there thinking people believe she can advise others after her stupidity with her love of demonstrating how tough and and in-your-face and contentious she is, how she loves to be photographed with her glorified weapons next to her kill, how she boasts about her need to get back at lawbreakers with her ropes and guns. How she loves using weapon imagery on her political PAC, even re-arranging history and adding her own slant on poor Paul Revere, making him out to be a haphazard trigger-happy messenger. It's her ego and pride of being so redneck at the expense of everybody else that is so disgusting.

  90. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Have Palin's shoulders always been this severely squared off? It looks really weird to me - I guess I noticed them since I was trying not to look at her hair.

  91. Bristol's Real Chin12:35 PM

    "Isn't this the forth time in about a week that she has appeared on Faux? what gives?"

    Sarah and the Body to Which I Was Formerly Attached still own property in Arizona. They were giving interviews and filling in with folksy Alaska-type information (ice auger) to explain their absence this week from the state in which their houses are located.

  92. OK Jesse,you have to STOP putting things like this in the middle of the word salad: (I swear I saw the wig turn and hiss at the camera here.)I started laughing an can not go back to reading what she eyes keep going back to that one line,then i start laughing

  93. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Good grief, Sarah... those curls are better suited for Shirley Temple than a woman your age.

    I honestly think she is deliberately changing her hair because a lot of us want to see the next outrageous "do."

    It's the only way she gets clicks, since no body cares what she says anymore.

    Maybe next she will sport a Mohawk, or a mullet, or a Morey eel.

  94. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Fuck $arah Palin, and the rest of the republican party. The unemployment rate may be high, but the fact remains that President Obama inherited a recession from republicans. The unployment rate was already rising rapidly before he took office, and before he even passed any kind of legislation, thanks to the failed, fascist policies of the right-wing.

    The media, Palin, and the rest of the GOP, got their marching orders to keep reminding people how high the unemployment rate is, in order to distract people from the trend, that the economy is slowly growing, and adding a net gain of jobs. It doesn't quite fly with their previous narrative that President Obama was making things worse.

    The republicans, and the media are under the belief that the unemployment rate is the only thing that matters to a president getting re-elected. Nate Silver has pointed out in the past, that there is no real evidence of this. Franklin Roosevelt was re-elected easily, with an unemployment rate of 16.2%, and Ronald Reagan was re-elected with an unemployment rate of 7.4%. The republicans, and the media like to pretend that 7.4% is a low unemplyment rate. A 7.4% unemployment rate is only about a point lower, than the current unemployment rate. It's lower, but it's still high.

    The media, and the GOP, also like the ignore the fact that the unemployment rate was 7.4% when "Bush 41" LOST re-election. Republicans, and the media are trying to get people to ignore the trend. When FDR, and Ronald Reagan won re-election with a high unemployment rate, the trend was heading in the right direction. Things were getting better, not worse. When Jimmy Carter, and "Bush 41" lost re-election with a high unemployment rate, the trend was heading in the wrong direction. The economy was getting worse, not better. Plus, Jimmy Carter, had a whole bunch of other problems going on, that Barack Obama does not have.

    Plus, the other day, PPP said that President Obama is in pretty good shape to get to 270 electoral votes. Republicans might want to hold off on the drape the measuring, and instead start measuring a straight-jacket for $arah Palin.

    Obama/Biden 2012!

  95. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Asked if she has any regrets about not jumping into the race, SP says she has no regrets. That must really sting her bots. They actually hear her say now that she has NO regrets.

    Sorry, dear Sarah lovers. She has no regrets about asking for donations while pretending she was running with the bus tour, the Iowa visits, the fire in her belly talk, her SarahPAC requesting money to help her make up her mind, her requests for sending more and more for her DVD's for that "The Undefeated" (which was a definite hint at her running) - more requests for donations just because she's such a great gal.

    So Sarah has no regrets about the sacrifices her volunteers made, her donors made, her supporters and cheerleaders made. No regrets what she put her own family through keeping them on the hook whether she was running or not, making them follow her around carrying her purse and vacationing with the media on their heels.

    No regrets at all the people who believed in her and thought she'd run or at least make a serious effort at making herself accessible to them.

  96. Anonymous12:54 PM

    "To people who criticize her and anyone who just addresses the Pres by his last name, this isn't exactly new.

    You need to step away from the haterade."

    Oh, how witty. An elaborate setup to show off the snarky new meme. How very Palin of you.

  97. Tyroanee12:59 PM

    The ice auger was really for Todd... to pierce thru the icy tundra called Sarah's Frozen play structure. But alas it's been shutdown for years, due to mismanagement.


  98. Ferry Fey12:59 PM

    I like how Sarah Palin refers to Romney as coming from a "perfectly-coiffed family" at about 6:30.

    Good to see that our discussion of her bizarre notions of wig care has not thrown her off her stride. ;D

    I thought she looked like she was going to cry when she answered about the ice auger, and felt a little sorry for her.

    At this point Fox would do better to consult a professional haruspex to examine the liver of sacrificed animals for political predictions, rather than ask Sarah with her non-gasoline powered augeries.

  99. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Shirley Temple curls on a middle aged woman are just pathetic.

    However on a middle aged person who is mean as Medusa maybe they are apt.

  100. lostinmn1:03 PM

    Maybe that screen script below quitter should be asking

    "Should ex-half term governor Palin quit trying to pretend she knows jack shit about politics and go ice fishing with her new auger?"

  101. Do you think she knows she has an order of curly fries on her head?

  102. Anonymous1:04 PM

    "If she's a hasbeen, why do you dedicate a portion of your time to discussing her like she's relevant? "

    Does mocking an imbecile make them "relevant"??

    What I find fascinating is that the people who like to appear on blogs harping about "facts" never bring any with them.

  103. Anonymous1:08 PM

    She looks like a cross between Dolly Parton and Michael Jackson. FOX is not getting their money's worth with her, although they could if they decided to capitalize on her lunacy. I really can't tell if she is sabotaging her public appearances on purpose or if she's serious. Sort-of like it's hard to tell the difference between Ahem's satire and our resident trolls.

  104. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I think she made up the ice auger gift from Toad. She wants people to believe she's still an outdoorsy hunter/fisher... Grizzled mom

  105. Anonymous1:33 PM

    To the person who says stop writing about Palin's TV appearances - tell her to stop spreading her hatred on TV. As long as she appears on TV and spews hate, she will be critiqued. Duh. No one forces her to appear and spew hate. You know who makes fun of her the most? GOP women. She truly is not one of them.

  106. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Interesting that Sarah like all Repocons and TeePeers refers to the US as a Republic not a Democracy. (Nothing like being well brainwashed and programed.)

    The Republic formed under the Articles of Confederation, with its very weak central government, was a woeful failure, as was quickly realized and fixed by those who actually cared about the survival of the infant nation.

    The Constitution created a much stronger central government and took many of the states powers in order to unify the country, and to levy taxes to create a military, particularly a navy.

    The States wouldn't tax themselves and create their own defenses so somebody had to.

    The Republicans can still cling to a failed political system. There is not one Republican in a thousand that should ever be trusted to hold political or public office.
    They are still stuck in 1776 mind set, while the rest of the country has moved on by a couple of centuries.

  107. Anonymous1:40 PM

    If she's a hasbeen, why do you dedicate a portion of your time to discussing her like she's relevant?

    The only kindsof people who still obsess about her are hate blog readers and bots, neither of whom actually care about facts.

    11:08 AM

    DUMBASS! We DO care about facts, troll. That's what the Bitch Queen is counting on, right? That people forget so she can jump in? We HAVEN'T, and you know as well as I do that she CAN'T and WON'T for what will come out.

  108. Anonymous1:44 PM

    A. An ice auger isn't equipment EVER used in commercial fishing.

    B. I would have expected Todd to do it the Native way. Much easier.
    Ice augers are for people who drive out onto the ice with trucks and tow out little shacks full of equipment to sit in.
    Nobody going out on snowmachine is packing an auger with them. I would know - my dad bought one and took it along just one time.

  109. Anonymous1:47 PM

    As McGinnis pointed out the map stayed up on her site for about 2 more months.

    Don't try to tell me Palin didn't enjoy that shooting.

  110. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Manic phase.

    I'd hate to be around her when she crashes.

  111. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Checked on the cost of some hand held ice augers, all way under a hundred bucks.
    Tawd is either a CHEAPSKATE or Sarah and Tawd have run through their millions.

  112. Anonymous1:54 PM

    She's WAAAAAAY to old for Shirley Temple curls...

    bleh... wish she;d just STFU forever... Pirro is an idiot for going there... and the list of those kinds of idiots goes on... ya know hannity and them...

    I need a barf bag to watch that crap :(

  113. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Ah, the manual ice auger has meaning.... Go screw yourself, Sarah

  114. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Republicans are known for wanting to "duke it out, debating ideas and healthy debate"? Really?!

    "What Newt will be able to do now is talk about the 11 million jobs that he was able to help create..." What?!

    I just can't watch and read this stuff anymore. I'm so discouraged with the level of intelligence and comprehension of Americans.

  115. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Anon@108p, I'm anon@1000a, and I almost made a crack about Palin heading for Dolly Parton wigs as she gets older, but I decided against it. Parton cultivates her look for a reason. There is an enormously talented, accomplished woman underneath those wigs. Not to mention a terrific sense of humor: she likes to say "it costs a lot of money to look this cheap."
    Anon@1137a, I'm not sure who you are arguing with. I never compared how the two women aged, let alone why, I just commented on how their styles evolved once they each crested 45. No question, style aside, Clinton aged more gracefully than Palin. That's part of what makes it so striking, that Palin has turned into a hag before our eyes and by way of compensation has made it 100 times worse.

  116. Anonymous2:17 PM

    agreeing with 1:11 PM, Sarah is selling an outdoor image with hopes that someone will want to waste their money on another reality show.

  117. Anonymous2:23 PM

    CLUE Game Winner: "Name a Palin" with an auger in the kitchen.

  118. Anonymous said...
    If she's a hasbeen, why do you dedicate a portion of your time to discussing her like she's relevant?

    The only kindsof people who still obsess about her are hate blog readers and bots, neither of whom actually care about facts.

    11:08 AM


  119. Anonymous2:34 PM

    "Tressy" Doll.

  120. Anonymous2:50 PM

    I havent written in so long...

    My dear Sarah, you are no longer the pretty ingenue. You have redefined and re-proportioned your face. What was once attractive is now probably gruesome without makeup on. You do not look like that pretty girl that jumped in the fishing boat in front of all the camaras. You are now a living caricature. There is nothing wholesome about your looks, which got you a long way. I am sure Todd is looking at some of the young and lovelies down in Dillingham who do have that look. BTW, you certainly ensured that Bristol would never, ever be pretty again and she was a pretty girl, prettier than you at your best.

    BTW, wash yourself woman! If you cant wash your hair, God knows what the rest of you smells like. Water and soap are nothing to be afraid of-both republicans and libruls use it with great satisfaction.

  121. Who is Judge Jeanine Pirro? Are they drawing straws at Fox now, and the loser has to interview Palin? When does that contract run out anyway?

  122. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Is Sarah Palin going "Old School Valley Trash"?

    That FOX interview picture of Sarah with the Shirley Temple curls remind me of old Mayor Sarah Palin when she wore corsages, curly hair and dressed like she was going to her high school hill billy prom instead of dressing like a grown up with some sense.

    Sarah looks like old Valley Trash.

  123. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Curls?!? Good heavens! I don't think even Sarah Palin's youngest daughter can pull that hairstyle off.

    Thanks for nothing, John "Now Stomping for Romney in 2012" McCain.

    Obama 2012!

  124. Anonymous3:51 PM

    "Well, you know, garsh darn it, I done it. Tawd and I have been trying to take people out that didn't agree with us. We burned down the church files, set fire to a woman's house and killed her that knew what we were up to, put water in a gas tank of Track's father because he was in the way, laughed when people were killed in Tucson, and now I get to to be the closer of CPAC's convention preaching all that GAWD stuff, values, and common sense solutions which will progress our country. And a a tree."

  125. Anonymous3:55 PM

    "Ours is not to criticize; ours is but to analyze."

    Ok Sarah, here it is. Latest assessment of changes to your appearances on Fox. We see you are trying to make some improvements.

    Good move away from the green morgue. Don't go there again unless you do something to cheer up the ambiance.

    Picture of Lake in background - good - outdoorsy - so Alaska, but a little on the dark side. Lighten up the image somewhat to give some natural light to your set. Looks so cold and dreary to the lower 48ers.

    Spotlight on your face - change angle so that the ear piece on your glasses don't show up like two black streaks on your temple. Distracting

    Lip Gloss also too is distrating - unnatural paleness like your lips have no life. And it makes you lick your lips too much. Use some color on your lips! Jungle red would be nice.

    The hair. Sarah, the hair! What are you thinking? It's not the 1980s and you are not 20. You are not that flegling sports caster on local tv anymore. I suggest you work toward more "gravitas."

    No comment on the word salad. I know that doesn't change. It's the dressing I am concentratig on. No charge for the analysis.

  126. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I've read her contract with FOX is 2013. How many appearances does her contract call for?

    She's already had 4 and all in 2012? Is Fox just using up her requirements sooner than later? She gets her one million regardless. I think they have plans to shelve her the sooner, the better.

    It's telling that Gretta, her bff, is no longer having to spoon feed Mrs. Palin. I believe I saw Gretta grit her teeth more than once.

  127. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Anon of the 4 part Romney diatribe.
    No offense, but why don't you start your own blog and then post a link here. Either that or condense and edit.

  128. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Wow - she really looks like shit. Not to mention, incoherent.

  129. Anonymous5:21 PM

    I have lived in Alaska for many years and hauled water. No way have I ever worn a wig because my hair didnt look good. I have a brush and come and a mirror and hair products.

    You have no excuse Sarah for looking so dirty.

    Anon 3:51--I applaud you. Evil wears a wig.

  130. scarlet/oregon5:25 PM

    Sarah's physical and mental decline is being broadcast weekly by the Nat'l Enquirer of television.

    I guess her family is fine with it as long as FOX is showing the Bristol & Willow Wig designs...available in their future Salon.

    FOX & Scarah are so perfect for each other!!

  131. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Now you are ice fishing. BS; bath bitch!! Thats not fish; its you!

  132. ibwilliamsi5:52 PM

    I swear to god, just reading her statement about the tea-party made my head hurt so bad I thought I was having an aneurysm. Then it went away.

  133. Anita Winecooler5:59 PM

    LOL the "Judge Judy" wannabe asks the one who thinks polls are for stippers, and NOW quotes the polls as gospel to make her "salient, common sense" word salad answers is so hypocritical.

    No mention of John McCain endorsing Romney and not her pretty boy Santorum?

    Loved the "beautiful, well coiffed filthy rich" family comment about Mittens! You wans well coiffed? Look at Calista's bulletproof helmet hairdo and Newt's beutiful, well coiffed, filthy rich" families.

    Also, too, an ice auger as a Xmas Present?
    How Romantic! Conservative ice fishing Women everywhere just swooned at the thought of getting one from their beloved spouse!

    What a moron!

  134. imnofred6:07 PM

    Typical Palin hypocrisy. If she were in the race and near the bottom, she would pitch a fit if someone from the sidelines even suggested that she should drop out.

  135. Anita Winecooler6:20 PM

    Wonder what brought on the wig fetish? I do recall seeing her hair thinning out in photos awhile back, but with a head so full of shit, SOMETHING had to grow back since then.

    Sarah's "getting wiggy with it", and with each appearance her looks are starting to match her word salad.
    At least this one is polyester and shiney.

  136. lostinmn6:30 PM

    When Obama took the office of President things were "better" in terms of unemployment. Of course that's like saying the Captain of the Titanic handed over the helm of the ship to his second in command about 100 yards from the iceberg. At the time President Obama came on board the economy was sinking - it doesn't stop its downward trends just because a new President came on board. It continued to the bottom, exacerbated by the grinches in the House and Senate who made their statements they were going to do nothing to stop the downward trends until that "N" was out of office. Despite their petulant racist actions POTUS has improved things and we are starting to see the rebirth of the economy despite every action taken against it by the Republican house and a Senate that lacks the votes to stifle filibusters by the Senate minority. We've been held hostage for three years by immature brats who stomped their feet and proclaimed the American people were going to suffer for electing a black man to be President - "It's called the WHITE HOUSE for a reason" one of my high school classmates proclaimed at a reunion last summer. That kind of idiocy seems to have gained legs because of Sara Palin and her hate mongering. It's not just the cross hairs, it's all the other things she's brought out in the lowest slime of our countrymen and their women. We are seeing America in one of the ugliest periods in its history and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. I hope Sara gets her just desserts some day, I am awaiting her next venture into the public spotlight ends in a massive revelation of even more of her actions.

  137. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Hey Beefalo, tell your mom Screech that the term is playing hardball not inside baseball, she keeps getting it wrong.

    Also too, she looked disgusted that Toad got her an ice auger, no love in that marriage.

  138. Anonymous8:04 PM

    The main ingredient of that word salad was misinformation. Palin is not uninformed. She makes stuff up to prove her point distorting people to extremes including her self.

    I get it that she seeks to impress people she is a tough pioneer rugged outdoorsy woman. She choses to appear in fleece and windbreakers to remind the public of her fiction.

    If anyone else appeared wearing their golfing clothes, sporting caps, tennis togs, or bad looking toupes I'd be thinking they are full of shit too. People who are real do not craft impressions, play the bizarre costume games etc.

  139. tsk tsk to all the nay-sayers!

    How dare you, sir?

    you DOUBT the legitimacy of Sarah Palin's word?

    (picks jaw up off of floor)

    Well, let me tell you something, Mr. Man!

    Todd "may" have bought himself a brand new cherry red float plane after the '08 election,

    And Brisdull may have bought herself a $2 million dollar home in AZ,

    And Willow "may" have blackmailed her folks into getting her a Sweet new Truck,

    And Track and his "wife" "may" have gotten to live in the brand new multi-million dollar home in the Palin "compound"...

    but SARAH.

    Well, Sarah is SO "in touch" with who she "really" is (ya know, a true Alaskan outdoorsy-ish type adventurer) that she would have been Disappointed-


    Embarrassed! Yes! Embarrassed to have received a present that would cost more that $20.00!!

    Yup yup!

    Don't you see how she goes around in RAGS?

    She is SELFLESS!!

    In fact, she was DISAPPOiNTED she didn't get a painted macaroni necklace from Piper...

    She doesn't even have time to go to the SALON! She is forced to collect her girls' drain hair just to make herself new wigs!


    She re-uses her moose grease to keep her complexion dewy fresh!


    She even learned how to sew so she could cobble together old area rugs to wear!


    and this SELFLESS, DRAIN-DIVING, THRIFTY, RUG-COBBLING, SELFLESS , NATURAL, GRANDMOTHER tries to find "SOME" time to HERSELF out on the ALASKAN ICE - where she can get "RILL" and HAND-CARVE her OWN icehole --

    and "you people" question her SINCERITY?

    tisk, tisk


  140. What the fuck does that lady have on her head?

    What lady?

    I only see Sarah Paylin...

  141. Anonymous8:53 PM

    What a shithead.

  142. ThanksABunchJohn9:35 PM

    She's passive-aggressively trashing the Romney nomination (Obama wants him - don't vote for him), and obviously bolstering Newt. Very simple Palin process:(sorry if I'm repeating someone else here, I will read comments in a moment) Newt hinted at a Palin appointment, he probably has contacted her, and she's going to bat for her best option. Lord help us all.

  143. Anonymous9:41 PM

    So Todd and Sarah, the greatest outdoors couple EVAH, don't already have an auger for ice fishing? How many do you need? I think the "not even gas powered" was added as a dig to Levi and Kathy Griffen, who filmed a scene with a gas powered.

    Or did Todd riily get her one, like coal in your stocking: "Bitch, here, go drill a hole and fall in it"?

  144. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Miss Wiggy!

  145. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Living in a big city, away from ice fishing and Alaska wilderness, I had no idea what an ice auger is, gas powered or otherwise. So, I had to look it up in Google. Looking at those picture, gas powered or otherwise, there is only one thing that an ice auger looks like-- a giant screw. So, if Todd gave Sarah a giant ice auger, gas powered or otherwise, he was saying, "Screw you!" (Or maybe THAT was the Xmas present).

  146. Really? She's going to go ice fishing in the pool behind her Scottsdale, AZ mansion?

    Sure, hubby bought her an ice auger as a gift and it went over well. She was delighted. No way. It would not and did happen!

    She looks older because she's over 50. Sadly, when the estrogen takes a hike, so do youthful looks, and it's a swift crash.

  147. Lou Sarah Who?4:11 AM

    "Dominionist dipshits"

    ha ha ha ha!!!! Perfect!

  148. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Isn't this the wig she wore that day she crashed Bristol's Oprah interview? People made fun of it that day..even Oprah commented in it....but in Sarah's mind, she only knew it got her attention. Any attention is better than being ignored.

    Curse you John McCain!!!

  149. I've noticed trolls commenting that lots of people call our president simply Obama so we shouldn't pick on Sarah when she does it (which is always). The problem with that is that ol' "I don't need no stinkin' title" has been addressed with far more respect than her record and protocol warrant. She has made a point of never using our President's title, all while being addressed as "Governor." The juxtaposition of her deliberate disdain for the President, with Fox's overuse of a title she did not earn (Protocol says she is now Mrs. Palin), makes her look like a fucking ass. And of course she is a fucking ass.

  150. I knew the insufferable bitch didn't know what the hell she's doing the first time I saw her sitting on an overstuffed chair talking about she doesn't know what a vp does. This is before she got the nomination.


  151. Betsy S7:33 AM

    Perhaps Bristol and Willow are practising their curling lessons on Momma.

  152. scarlet/oregon12:10 PM

    Hey Scarah & family trolls scanning this how a 'rill' American looks & speaks during an Interview on television. Carole King unlike you, uses class and respect.

  153. An ice auger? That's gotta be a shout out to all the idiots who don't know that la casa Palin is on the shores of a dead lake....Ain't no fish been living in that slop for a long time......

  154. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Looks kinda like Jan Brewers wig.

  155. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Ugly, ugly comments...he who is without sin, let him cast the first stone! Lets learn to love one another folks. Stumbled on this silly website by accident. I challenge you to stay off these sites and take a look in the mirror at your own hair. I will do the same. love!

  156. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Ugly, Ugly comments... let he who is without sin cast the first stone! Stumbled on this silly blog post by accident. I challenge you to love one another. You can start by looking at your own hair in the mirror. I will do the same. Love!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.