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"How can people think I'm a douche when I'm rocking this sweet sweater vest?" |
During a town hall in Keene, New Hampshire this morning, Rick Santorum told a mother whose son survived cancer that people with pre-existing conditions should pay more for health care coverage because they make poor health care choices. While specifically exempting the woman’s child from personal blame, Santorum insisted that the sick cost more to insure and insurers should charge them higher premiums:
MOTHER: The comments I heard you make in New Hampshire, comments that you support insurance companies’ right to refuse to insure people with pre-existing conditions and that you also agreed with higher premiums for people who are sick, well my son graduated college and I pray that he gets a good job. Why is it alright for him to possibly be denied health care insurance or have to possibly pay a fee that he would not be able to afford or for a company not to hire him because he was five years old and he had cancer? …
SANTORUM: Insurance works when people who are higher risk end up having to pay more, as they should. In your case, your son obviously did nothing wrong. Obviously there are a lot of other people that increased their health risk that did do things wrong and as a result, it resulted in higher health care costs.
While I agree that there are people who make certain choices that increase their risk of becoming sick, or contracting a debilitating condition, it is simply ridiculous to defend the insurance companies right to gouge individuals seeking a policy who have pre-existing conditions or are high risk due to thier family history.
I imagine that for those who are terminally ill, Santorum would advocate prayer over seeking health care, and when that did not work explain it away by saying "People die in America, becasue people die in America."
You can see a video of this exchange here.
Santorum is brain dead. That's a pre-existing condition. Why isn't he paying huge insurance premiums?
ReplyDeleteLike Rick Santorum, I often have a slip of the tongue and I say “black” when I mean to say “people.”
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Romney knows Sarah is already making him a victim of the media... Now we know why he won't win - that darn lamestream media taking down another good Republican again...
ReplyDeleteQuite simply, Santorum is a nasty piece of hypocrisy. His wife had a late term abortion, but he calls it inducing labor. For anyone else, it would be called an abortion. If he was your average American citizen, the insurance companies would be doing everything in their power to deny health coverage for their girl.
ReplyDeleteWhile covered under employer health insurance 10 years ago I had a fairly minor health problem- my periods were heavy and a hysterectomy was recommended. I declined to have one. I quit my job and was later denied private health insurance because it was in my health records that I needed a hysterectomy! I had to have my Dr. write a letter telling them I had since gone through menopause and no longer needed one. Fast forward 8 years. I was again looking for prvate insurance, and I was denied AGAIN because I had an MRI of my back. Nothing was diagnosed, but my file was permanently flagged for a "possible" back problem. I was told by BC/BS that they would insure me but only if they put a rider on my bones! Holy shit, that covers quite a bit of things they wouldn't cover. Lucky for me, my state offers a medical insurance pool - by BC/BS- that I could get coverage in. I am a very healthy, active woman who can only get insurance by being in a pool of other un-insurable people, most who have pre-exisiting conditions like diabetes, cancer, etc. I have non of those things. I just had an MRI because my Dr. ordered one. People who do not like Obama care are people who have never been denied health insurance.
He hits the nail on the head in one respect: insurance 'works' when sick people pay more. This is because insurance is a financial product, which gets to the main problem with American healthcare. As committed capitalists, we see this necessary social service as a way for private companies to make a profit. So indoctrinated are we that we fight to foolishly allow a financial product to dictate our access to healthcare, despite ample evidence that this model DOES NOT WORK. Everyone agrees there is a serious problem, but even when opportunities for debate arise, we continue to argue over WHO is going to pay (consumers, govt, private insurers)--not whether HOW we pay makes any sense or WHY we are paying so much than most other modern countries (which is obscene).
ReplyDeleteI know it's not the point he meant to make, but he clearly shows why 'insurance' or any other market-based product is a stupid way to address a social issue like healthcare that is relevant to all of us and is often totally outside of the control of market forces (genetics, resistant pathogens, etc could give a rat's ass about the 'invisible hand of the market'). He's accidentally making a great case for single payer.
People like RS look at life's issues through their own experiences and do not take into account that not everyone has the same advantages, choices, people in place to help them etc. They look at it as "if I could do it, anyone could". And that is just not true. Some people just don't have the intelligence to do it any other way than the only way they know how (and please, I am not mocking less intelligent people because I'm no rocket scientist). These people lack compassion and empathy but for RS to say this young man must pay more for his insurance really does make him the biggest douche of them all. Of course, RS has plenty of positions that win him shit head of the year award.
ReplyDeleteGryph! Have you seen this?
But he says these things with such a sincere look on his face. And I can see people who hate the poor and the sick sitting at home nodding their heads. "Well of COURSE the blah obese and the blah who smoke and the blah who are too lazy to work and the blahs who God gives cancer should pay more!! Of course they should, because then the premiums for those of us snobs who got college degrees and are blessed by God to work for great Fortune 500 companies who can negotiate those rates, why we deserve more for less."
ReplyDeleteThis country will never be the same after this year.
People like Rick Santorum just can't be reasoned with.
ReplyDeleteIt IS useful to ask him questions exposing the religious prejudice, and I support my New Hampshire neighbors for confronting him directly on gay issues, contraception, and the bigoted statements he made in Iowa about assuming that all welfare people are black.
This man is dangerous to our nation, perhaps even more so than the despicable Paylin
He would do everything possible to appoint radical Catholics to every possible position in the government, and appoint judges who are not objective.
Paylin , on the other hand is religious by convenience, and would be more concerned about fashion, interviews, and getting her picture on magazine covers.
Santorum's candidacy is a blight and a cancer on this nation.
I can only imagine how non US citizens view the christian supremacists in our Republican party who want a theocracy here.
well then ricky, shouldn't you have to pay higher premiums since you and your stepford wife are high risk? You know...that dead fetus situation..the one that spent the night with y'all?
ReplyDeleteThat makes you high risk because your sperm is obviously low grade and defective. And your wife is high risk because she allowed you to insert your low grade sperm into her otherwise healthy body.
Thats not making good choices in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI had a deep vein thrombosis during pregnancy (guess having my daughter was a poor health decision). When I was between jobs and my health insurance lapsed (sorry I couldn't afford the exorbitant COBRA costs, Rick), I went without healthcare coverage - including catastrophic - since when I applied for insurance I was rejected due to my health history. There was a list of approximately 10 conditions which used to exclude people from health insurance, if they were applying outside a large group. Anything circulatory, heart problems, cancer, diabetes, etc. Even the record of the rejection was a mark against me in my further applications! Needless to say, that experience was terrible, and terrifying.
(The system should work, if it weren't based on profit motives. The risk is spread over everyone, everyone should be covered. It's not rocket science unless you're greedy, as the insurance companies are. Single payer is fine, I would love it, but in the meantime how about the industry finding some morals?)
Ok, ricky's plan should affect Mcshame since he had cancer - what's he paying in premiums?
ReplyDeleteOh wait...nevermind...all of you govt employees get a freaking free ride on our backs. You guys don't pay for things like that. We pay it for you so you can continue to disgrace yourselves and thumb your nose at the 99%. Ahhh..yes...
So does he personally pay for all of own daughter's medical care?
ReplyDeleteSantorum is a Christian supremacist, who insists that there is no separation of church and state, and wants prejudiced ideas codified into law.
ReplyDeleteHe would decided to kill pregnant mothers, if it means a fetus could live, because all abortions are bad, even to save the mother.
Hed like to ban all contraceptives, because sex is ONLY for married couples to have children
He'd want to pass laws making any miscarriages subject to jail time unless the woman can prove she didn't cause it.
And in defiance of the Article 6, paragraph 3 of the Constitution, he is propagating a "religious test" for political office, by implying that only Christians should, or can be elected to the Congress or Executive branches of government.
All hail Ayatollah Santorum
Well, gee, I think Rick Perry is worse than Santorum because he's more stupid. But I'll agree than Santorum is more vicious.
ReplyDeleteSantorum's "win" in Iowa is making him a little careless. His warped view of procreation will explode his chances fairly soon.
He has a daughter with a rare genetic disorder. I wonder how much his insurance has to pay for her?
ReplyDeleteI hate to involve his child, but he does not mind dismissing others.
He doesn't mind if somebody else's wife dies, as long as his wife gets taken care of.
He is a hypocrite and a zealot which is a very very dangerous combo.
Another "do as I say, not as I do: republican.
This asshole obviously does not understand the basic premise of any kind of insurance. It is a pool of people who pay in, some use it and others do not. In my family's case, we three pay into the pool and only my husband uses it. Neither myself nor my daughter have had any claim but well women exams and mammograms for over a decade.
ReplyDeleteI think they need to kick asshat's sick daughter out of his insurance and see how he likes it.
Here's another choice quote from this fucking idiot:
ReplyDelete“What must we do to win? We must educate, engage, evangelize and eradicate.” Rick Santorum, March 2007 at David Horowitz’s “Islamo-Fascism Campus Awareness Week.”
Do not think for one second he is only talking about Muslims. No way. This statement is in code for all fundamentalists of all religious sects. He may be a catholic but he is just as nuts as the protestant based fundies.
As someone who had their health, life and livelihood destroyed by a single tick bite, I say a big FUCK YOU to Rick Santorum. !!! What bad health choices did I make asshole. I was hiking in the mountains breathing healthy air. I ate /eat an organic vegetarian diet and make all the right health choices. Yet still I developed severe neurological problems, psychiatric problems and arthritis because I had an unknown infection (Lyme and Erlichiosis) raging through my blood and into my brain!
ReplyDeleteDoes Stupid Rick Santorum even know that Lyme is the number one infectious disease in the country now and that patients are virtually ignored by doctors so they suffer and get worse? ASSHOLE!!
For more info on this epidemic that is partially related to climate change, watch Under our Skin on Netflix.
And this is only one of many many conditions that have nothing to do with poor choices!
This coming from the party that denies climate change and wants the EPA gone, is reprehensible. Is he so ignorant that he is completely unaware of the many theories as to why cancer rates and auto-immune diseases are rising sky high in this country? if you don't know either, do some reading as it's too long to post.
Keep supporting business over human beings Ricky.
It's just so Christian of you.
6:10, government employees most certainly do pay health insurance premiums. The Federal health insurance program is no different from countless private sector employee plans.
ReplyDeleteMembers of congress do in addition to that have access to free health care services that non-elected employees don't.
To dianedp, we must involve the daughter with the Trisomy 18 who is terminal, because he does. He used her as evidence of his being a "family values" candidate in his interview with Amanpour.
ReplyDeleteSo he's on the campaign trail of self glorification while wife is educating the gang at home and dealing with this dying child. Lovely.
I'm disqusted with ricky - just another pos parasite on the middle class.
ReplyDeleteOne thing I've been getting more and more pissed over is the disgraceful salaries these career politicians collect from the 99% facing record high unemployment, foreclosures, bankruptcies, healthcare crisis, and all the other devastating problems we struggle with - as a result of the 1% corrupt and greedy bastards that own the politicians.
I've been researching the salaries and benefits for govt employees.
In my state of DE, we pay a senator 175,000 which doesn't include the huge, fat staff he employs and doesn't inlcude the significant benefits to him and his family. Healthcare is premium with coverage you and i will never see- the copay is less then a tank of gas for full, comprehensive, family coverage. disqusting.
Retirement benefits - disqusting. They can collect up to 85% of their salary depending on how many years they were in office. So, I'm paying a politician up to 148,000 after he retires if he served 25 to 30 yrs? WHY??
They are also paid for any political work they do on the side.
I'm sure they do lots of that.
They are given a new car every year to take home, paid insurance and gas is reimbursed as well as state of the art computers, devices and other toys.
They enjoy liberal vacations and paid time off. They take numerous trips that are all expenses paid along with the staff they take with them.
They don't pay into social security because they have their own seperate and guaranteed retirement that will never be affected by cuts or economic conditions.
They never worry about a downturn in the economy because the benefits and salaries they collect from our tax dollars insulate them from our world.
They're guaranteed a cost of living raise every year. How about that? Sweet, huh?
I don't think 175,000 base salary is appropriate, do you? And they don't have to disclose spouse's income either. Interesting
Here's the link if you want to take a look:
This asshole might have a clue if he had to live in the real world like everyone else does. Shopping for his families health care insurance and health care in the fuck the consumer world of the free market.
ReplyDeleteHealth insurance coverage of the kind you and I can't buy no matter what the price. Government subsidized so the former and current senators pay less than 25% of the real cost. Funded by you and me due to his six years in the Senate.
As soon as members of Congress are sworn in, they may participate in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP). The program offers an assortment of health plans from which to choose, including fee-for-service, point-of-service, and health maintenance organizations (HMOs). In addition, Congress members can also insure their spouses and their dependents.
Not only does Congress get to choose from a wide range of plans, but there’s no waiting period. Unlike many Americans who must struggle against precondition clauses or are even denied coverage because of those preconditions, Senators and Representatives are covered no matter what - effective immediately.
And here’s the best part. The government pays up to 75 percent of the premium. That government, of course, is funded by taxpayers, the same taxpayers who often cannot afford health care themselves.
Asshole. Rick Santorum is an asshole.
So is he paying higher premiums for his daughter Bella's pre-existing condition? Douche is too good for him.
ReplyDeletePlain and simple, health care should be a right not a privilege; health insurance and health care should be not-for-profit. Greed is driving the high prices, greed by the insurance companies, lobbyists, and Rethuglicans who receive support payments from the insurance industries via the lobbyists.
ReplyDeleteSomeone should research how much it costs taxpayers to insure this ass and his wife and 7 kids, one of whom has a serious illness. His healthcare is paid by taxpayers since he was vited out of office. Time to have all these millionaires pay their own insurance, and get 401K's like regular people. There is a huge savings for the budget.
ReplyDeleteDeath Panels ?!
ReplyDeletethese people make me sick !!
This guy with his vest sweater gives me the willies. I half expect him to suddenly pull it off over his head and expose a white robe with hood on, or an outfit of some bad wizard.
ReplyDeleteA bigger douche bag there is not in the whole USA. But douche bag doesn't capture the bully in this piece of shit human being. Just consider that one of his passion's is championship wrestling. You can tell there's a pretty delicate tripwire on this guy--he could go from heated to vicious in a flash, and I hope he does before this sorry excuse for a GOP primary season comes to an end.
ReplyDeleteOn Friday, Santorum was speaking at a boarding school in NH and told the audience that, based on the findings of a so-called 'anti-poverty expert' who he failed to name, children are better off with a father in jail than with same-sex parents.
ReplyDeleteAt least three of the students in the audience had gay parents.
So, according to Ricky and this anonymous 'expert', it's better to have a sperm donor who has no relationship with his children and providing a horrible example by committing crimes than to have two loving parents who are raising their children together, just because they happen to be of the same gender.
There has GOT to be an enormous, life-sucking, evil-spewing black hole where his heart is supposed to be. I've never heard anyone at this level of politics have such radical, inhumane ideas...and actually be proud of them.
7:33 - if you check the salaries and benefits of govt employees you'll find the co-pays are quite amusing for the level of healthcare they enjoy.
ReplyDeleteMany of the available plans are way beyond the benefits afforded to the private sector. In many cases there aren't even annual deductibles.
The govt continues to fleece us on a daily basis with outrageous salaries, benefits and pensions.
The problem is this country has little to do with social programs designed to help the poor, elderly and sick.
The problem in this country in my opinion is that politicians have taken over the asylum and living lives of luxury on the backs of our shrinking middle class.
It needs to stop and all of us need to start going after the corrupt politicians and the system they've created to protect their lifetime entitlement.
It's disgraceful.
PLEASE READ TO THE END BEFORE JUMPING ON ME. I don't see the issue as the insurance companies not being allowed to gouge those with P-EC. It does cost more to insurance those with higher health maintenance needs and it's a competitive field so I doubt there is much gouging going on.
ReplyDeleteI see it more as an issue of shared risk. Any of us could develop an expensive disease or injury any day. Do we want to spread that risk around to everyone - with everyone paying less except those fortunate enough to be lucky and healthy, or do we want to burden those families who have high health needs. There are communities/corporations in the nation that have insisted on community health rates for their employees - everyone pays the same rate.
I would prefer a community rate, rather than based on need. It's like buying insurance. If I pay more than I need, it's because I'm healthy and that's good, but I have more security for when I do have health needs.
Further, what happens when it is based on need is that those that are neediest become more likely to just drop health insurance coverage and eventually end up with taxpayers paying part of the bill. I'd rather pay it through health premiums.
There are ways to address poor health choices that oan be discussed. Insurance companies could charge higher rates for choices (such as smoking, recreational drug use) etc. I'm concerned about that because of the Big Brother aspect (even though it would be insurance companies, not the government). I'm not sure how I feel about it. But I'd rather discuss that than whether innocent victims of injury or illness have to pay more.
ReplyDeleteI'm curious... if Rick believes that all health issues are the result of "bad health decisions", is he going to repeal Congress' designation that pizza is a vegetable?
ReplyDeleteIs he going to fight for Obama's health guidelines for school lunches?
Of course not. I guess, in his mind, the kids can always "decide" not to eat lunch.
WakeUpAmerica said:
ReplyDelete"Plain and simple, health care should be a right not a privilege; health insurance and health care should be not-for-profit."
EXACTLY! Health insurance as a for-profit model is the very definition of "conflict of interest." And besides, in the end, I think a single payer system is actually cheaper than the massive strain so many unhealthy, uninsured people are putting on the economy.
I mean think about it, a healthier more productive workforce has to be better for the economy than legions of sickly, unproductive, overweight, sickday taking, early-disability taking, stressed out about how they're going to pay their medical bills, bankruptcy filing, early dying people.
Having a lot of pregnancies puts the woman at risk of complications - should Santorum's wife & others who chose to have large families need to pay higher premiums for the increased risks?
ReplyDeleteSantorum falsely assumes that the vest conceals his fat. I don't know why his face doesn't show extra weight, but when you see him full body - he definitely is sporting a full figure. His hips are pretty wide for a male.
ReplyDeleteEver notice how the more loudly a person cries out against something (example: homosexuality)--the better the chance that sooner or later, that person will get caught doing exactly what he was railing against?
ReplyDeleteI think we can confidently assume that any day now, something very damaging is going to emerge, to display to everyone what a hypocritical piece of shit this Sanitorium idiot, really is.
I've noticed that when she shakes her head from side to side as she answers a question (not even gas-powered) that she is lying.
ReplyDeleteI was reading a bio of Santorum, he attends Opius Die functions but that he, is not a member.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how this man manages to attend these very secret doings? Opius die is so secret, even good Catolics don't know it exsists. Not a very good description can be said about this secret organization.
For this one item in his life, I question, his motives. You are right, if he gets in, he will do every thing possible to advance his agenda( which is controled by his church.
Google Opius die people.
I guess BetterHalf made a bad health choice when he received a Hep C-tainted blood transfusion for appendicitis when he was 7 years old back in the 70's.
ReplyDeleteSantorum doesn't realize to whom it is he is speaking.
However, thank you PRESIDENT OBAMA for guaranteeing that we will be able to GET coverage when we can afford it. Back when we COULD afford it, we were turned down...
Santorum once again reveals that he lacks basic reasoning abilities, including a basic understanding of how insurance works.
ReplyDeleteSantorum will not be selected as the Republican candidate. He appears very, very creepy to me!
ReplyDeletePresident Obama will be re elected and I can hardly wait to cast my vote for him come November!
Ever notice how the more loudly a person cries out against something (example: homosexuality)--the better the chance that sooner or later, that person will get caught doing exactly what he was railing against?
ReplyDelete10:13 AM
This phenomenon has a name. It's called "Reaction Formation."
I used to have this discussion with my ex-boyfriend. He thought people that "make poor choices" ought to pay higher premiums - people who smoke, for instance. I think it's ridiculous because there would be no end to it. Should we start monitoring how much people exercise and charge couch potatos more? They are far, far likelier to have health problems.
ReplyDeleteShould people who play sports pay more? Sports injuries cost a lot. I suppose we could rate them by how dangerous they are!
"Frothy mixture" is the latest "Flavor of the Week"....EWWWWW...now I need to go throw up! Which is what I feel like doing every time I see that face on TV!
ReplyDeleteWe won't even get started on the "Blah people" comment!
My husband was on the receiving end of a direct hit by a Domino's pizza driver. He was riding his bike in training for a long distance bike event. We had just been through years of financial and personal decimation, including my own severe disability, no fault of my own either. We'd ended up responsible for a series of older family members because none of them trusted any other family members. We were just then digging out and trying to start over starting with the bike exercise. Circumstances had left us with no health insurance for him. The cop who covered the accident came to the ER to gleefully tell us he'd cited the driver. My husband was not found in any way at fault.
ReplyDeleteMy husband had multiple broken bones, a head injury and was purple all over his body. He has never been the same. Had he not been wearing a helmet he likely would have died. Some of his injuries were not addressed until several years later, by which time they could not be fixed. The reason - no insurance. The personal injury protection on our car insurance did pay but it was used up by the time he got out of the ER. He spent 10 days in the hospital, then long haul rehab. Fortunately for us the orthopedist who worked on him was a generous man who did a lot of work for which he did not bill unless we got a settlement. We dd have major medical bills from other providers. We permanently lost my husband's income. The hospital badgered us and turned us in to debt collection.
Domino's ignored our existence for almost 3 years. They tried to make the kid who was driving responsible for any damages. The kid's insurance wanted Domino's to pay. We had to sue to get any response. We got a settlement 3 years later. Both companies ultimately paid. My once strong as an ox husband has never been able to return to work. His health is completely shot. He struggles with everything he does.
By the time we got a settlement we owed money all over town. 40% went to our attorney. Most of the rest went straight back out. I'd had to put groceries and other essentials on our VISA card. My lift van died because we couldn't pay for maintenance. We used food stamps, food pantries, Meals on Wheels and cash assistance from friends to help us survive. We spent some of the settlement money on trying to rehab my husband. He couldn't do it. It took us 3 more years to get Social Security Disability for him. It's not enough but we can now at least pay for basics. Until they take Medcare/Social Security away from us anyway.
The founder of Domino's is famous for exactly this kind of event. He also has Opus Dei connections. In our state Domino's has to carry high risk auto insurance because of its track record. That insurance exempts them from regular insurance requirements such as having to bargain in good faith. Great system, no?
The whole premise of health insurance (all insurance) is to have a large pool of people - the vast majority who are healthy and the minority who are ill all paying into it - the costs of coverage are averaged out to not only pay for the costs of health care but also provide a profit for the insurance companies.
ReplyDeleteThe insurance companies and their shills like the GOP and the Santorums are touting a false rationale when they support exclusionary restrictions for coverage of pre-existing conditions, huge rate increases for people with serious or chronic diseases, or lifestyle factors because these things are already part of the equation. If they weren't - the insurance companies would not be raking in the profits that they are and have been right along!
As far as lifestyle factors - everyone should try to avoid unhealthy habits but these kinds of exclusions will not contain healthcare costs appreciably. There are so many variables that would have to addressed in that for it to be accurately and then rationally applied.
If that becomes acceptable, the next exclusionary factor to come up will be based on genetics - it's already been proposed. And, as far as healthy habits vs. unhealthy lifestyles - well, genetics is very much a part of how healthy a person is despite lifestyle factors.
What next - are we then going to take into consideration environmental factors, pollution, poverty, poor nutrition based on inability to pay for proper diets, the different jobs we have that may cause increased health problems? Cultural or Racial differences? Longevity? Is it insurance if they only insure those guaranteed to never get sick or have an accident?
As far as Rick Santorum's unintelligent and inhumane statement to that mother of a child denied coverage due to childhood cancer, and the whole idea of charging more for lifestyle factors, I suggest he start aplying it to his own insurability based on HIS lifestyle and pre-existing conditions.
He and his wife obviously have genetic defects that were passed on to two of his offspring - costing his insurers, I'm sure, big bucks to cover, one pregnancy had to be aborted and his wife required costly medical care, and the second child so affected has severe health problems due to the genetic abnormalities she inherited, also requiring huge financial costs to the insurer.
Does he think they should be denied coverage based on the fact they continued to have children, and (at least probably) continue to enjoy normal human sexual relationships as husband wife and could very well produce another very ill child? Isn't that a lifestyle choice? I mean should he be charged accordingly, or even be refused coverage for being high risk? That is his argument, right?
How many of you think he is paying more for his insurance because of his lifestyle choice? Since he's so anti-safety net - I also wonder if he has refused to collect SSDI and medicare which his child is entitled to, based on her disability? I bet the Palin's collect SSDI for Trig despite the fact they publicly eschew a social safety net and can afford his support on their own. I don't begrudge them what they are entitled to, but shouldn't they STFU about "entitlements" when they can afford to go without them - unlike the vast majority who actually need them to keep their loved ones alive?
Ah yes, Santorum following his pretend pro-life cause.
ReplyDeleteHe's only pro-life when it's tissue in a womb. Otherwise, babies, kids, adults, other disabled or vulnerable people, seniors, long after they're born, everyone, including babies, better pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.
No cushy taxpayer paid for healthcare for everyone else. Yet Frothy loved his government gravy train benefits while he was an elected sponge. A professional career politican, like Perry, Bachmann, Newt and other tea taliban types. They'll whine on about everyone else, yet never look in the mirror and see the largest problem: themselves.
Another IOKIYAR and tea taliban moment, why there ought to be laws, except: republicans don't have to follow their own laws. Those laws just apply to everyone else.
Lucy, google is your friend. Just pick a health insurance company and google the profits. They are as greedy as any other corporation, only worse because they are making obscene profits off of other people's misfortune. Assholes (meaning the insurance companies).
ReplyDeletePharmaceutical companies should also be limited in their profits just as they do in Canada. Google their system.
ReplyDeleteSharon 2853
ReplyDeleteThat certainly isn't true of the government workers at the military installation in my town. It might be true of politicians. To whom are you referring?
People, the fact is that our mantra needs to be: "Healthcare is a right, not a privilege." Tweet it, email it, and say it CONSTANTLY AND LOUDLY. We, the 99%, can make a difference. Let's do it.
ReplyDeleteW-e-e-l-l-l! I am really embarrassed now - forgot to sign my name again, I think, not trying to hide behind the mysterious "Anonymous" moniker in case folks want to pile on! Apologies! Guess I'm so disgusted by the Rick Santorum and Sarah Palin hate drivel it's making me careless - no more commenting for me today or Gryphen will have come to my rescue again!
ReplyDeleteSigned - Marleycat !!!
Should we start monitoring how much people exercise and charge couch potatos more? They are far, far likelier to have health problems.
ReplyDelete12:06 PM
The state of Oregon has started doing exactly this for state employees.
It has been decades since my mother drug me to whatever fly-by-night Christian evangelica church service that was available in our small Alaska community, so I have no idea if this observation still applies: as I recall the message was either be "born again" or rot in hell" and if you were a Catholic you were in real trouble because you also worshiped "idols". In my humble opinion, the religious right would probably choose a Catholic over a Morman, but that would mean that hell had frozen over.
ReplyDeleteThis moron wants America to become a Christian Theo Fascist Dictatorship. Google him and Google often!
ReplyDeleteI can't stand this man, almost as much as Crusty Cue Ball, but not by much.
I love when he's confronted by someone, then excuses that person's particular situation,then goes on to spread more santorum.
This dispicable POS gets top notch coverage for his large brood.
People don't only get cancer from smoking. Some get it from genetic disposition, environmental issues, so should they be denied coverage or have to pay more for treatment?
As was stated before, abortion was fine and dandy for Mrs Santorum when her life was at risk. But abortion is a sin for everyone else. Taking a dead fetus home was fine for him, but anyone else would be charged with abuse of corpse (if a fetus is a person, as he believes)
He's an obnoxious, pompous ass who will never be POTUS.
I was denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition, four doctors diagnosed me with three different ailments, I ended up disabled, but had to sue the doctors to get copies of my mri's and xrays (they're NOT your property, though you paid for them in my state) and for all my own medical records, then it took a good two and a half years to be declaired "permanently disabled" after wipeing out my 401 K, stock portfolio, and profit shares.
Not complaining, but if it happened after the market crash and without Obamacare, I'd have probably lost my home and savings as well.
Obama and a Democratic house and senate for 2012.
Usual commenter, anonymous by choice
But there absolutely needs to be some sort of middle ground. We do need to be held accountable for some of our own healthcare costs. You can't continue to eat fried prokrinds and want your lipitor for a $2 copay. You can't abuse your new transplanted liver and expect to get another one when you abuse thru this one. You smoke for 60 plus pack years, you should not get your oxygen and meds for free. The problem is, who is going to police this? But it needs to be done, on a grand scale.
ReplyDeleteOh and healthcare should not be for profit. There is that, also too
How is someone who chooses to have 8 deliveries not a strain on the system? Maybe we should put a premium on deliveries beyond say 3 children. Funny, also, too, that my little family of four would pay the same premium as this fuckhead's family of 9--and there is also the issue of his littlest who must be an absolute drain on the profits of the insurance companies with her many complications due to her terminal health condition.
ReplyDeleteWhat about his wife's abortion? Did my tax dollars pay for that abortion? And -- hey, why is it again that you oppose abortion in all cases, including to save the life of the mother but your wife, who had a late-term abortion due to complications at 20 weeks' pregnant was able to have access to an abortion to save her life? I'm very confused. Can you explain that all to me please, Mr. Sanctimonious? Fucking dickwad hypocrite asshole.
Pretty sure this guy is wearing a Rick Santorum sweater vest