Monday, January 09, 2012

Todd Palin goes Rogue! Update.

"Someday I am going to snatch my balls out of that handbag and make a run for it. You'll see!"
Courtesy of ABC News:

Sarah Palin’s husband is endorsing Newt Gingrich for president, Todd Palin told ABC News today. 

But Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor and John McCain’s 2008 Republican running mate, has yet to decide “who is best able to go up against Barack Obama,” Todd Palin said. 

Palin said he has not spoken to Gingrich or anyone from the former House speaker’s campaign. But he said he respects Gingrich for what he went through in the 1990s and compared that scrutiny in public life to what Sarah Palin went through during her run for the vice presidency. 

Todd Palin said he believes that being in the political trenches and experiencing the highs and lows help prepare a candidate for the future and the job of president. 

He did not criticize any of the other candidates and said his “hat is off to everyone” in the Republican race. 

But Todd Palin did point to last summer, when a large portion of Gingrich’s staff resigned and the candidate was left, largely by himself, to run the campaign. 

Gingrich’s ability to overcome the obstacle and still move up in the polls showed his ability to campaign and survive, according to Todd Palin, who said Gingrich is not one of the typical “beltway types” and that his campaign has “burst out of the political arena and touched many Americans.”

So Todd decides to exercise his First Amendment rights by refusing to wait for his owner wife, and instead endorses this well known serial adulterer for President all by his lonesome?

Not too surprising. I mean really, who ELSE could Todd have related to so well?

Methinks there is a refrigerator in Wasilla that is silently screaming out in fear of what is surely about to come hurtling its way.

Update: Some of you are suggesting that this an announcement was actually coordinated by Sarah because Newt suggested that if he won the nomination he might make HER his VP choice.

And to that I have to say that if Newt would promise to do that, then hell I'LL endorse him too!

Could you imagine? Having another cranky old man, that more than half the GOP despises, AND Sarah Palin on the ticket again?  Could President Obama GET that lucky twice?

I am not much for prayer, but I think this one time I might make an exception.


  1. Anonymous9:42 AM

    NOW what do the C4P maniacs say? Is Todd's endorsement of Newt a sign she is going to run? What news from the cult of insanity?

  2. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Donald Trump declined to endorse any candidate because he said he still might jump in the race. Is Sarah thinking the same thing and using Todd as a surrogate to endorse Gingrich? Why would anyone be influence by who Todd Palin supports? What Gingrich went through in the 90's was being called out and put out because of his unethical behaviors. His staff quit because he is a difficult and erratic person and they didn't want to work with him. Sound familiar? Quite a spin that the liberals and media were persecuting him and making up ethical lapses rather than the truth - ups and downs in politics, my eye!

  3. A J. BIllings9:52 AM

    Go Gryph, great posting..

    Also too, just re-reading Tawd's alleged reason for Newt:

    "he respects Gingrich for what he went through in the 1990s and compared that scrutiny in public life to what Sarah Palin went through during her run for the vice presidency."

    Oh, poor Newt and $arah. Gee golly whiz, I guess that lying, adultery, and comitting crimes and ethics violations don't play so well once the light of the media shines into their dark corners.

    Member what $arah said? "I can do anything I want until a court says I can't"

    I hope Todd really did go rogue, but I bet Granny Grifter set him up to say that to throw Romney and Santorum a curveball.

    She's too chicken to endorse someone herself

    Either that, or Todd is risking the wrath of the Queen Harpy by bloviating to the media.

    What's next, Bristol endorsing
    Carrie PreJean for Prez because she was outed for making a sex tape?

    Oh, that was OK because as a Christian, she was only self-pleasuring.

  4. Anonymous9:55 AM

    "Todd Palin said he believes that being in the political trenches and experiencing the highs and lows help prepare a candidate for the future and the job of president" BULL SHIT GRYPH! He has not gone rouge! This is her way of telling the world...running for president is "experiance" ALSO too if you act like and ass and get called out for it "thats horrible treatment of a canadate" -E

  5. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Well, that endorsement just took all the air out of Sarah's bus tire. If Todd isn't endorsing Sarah, but rather Newt, that's a big sign in the sky to her bots saying, "she's not running, get over it".

    Now she has no card left to play. She can't pretend or give a dog whistle about her possibly running as an independent, or jumping in at the last minute.

    This action has shut down the con forever.

  6. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Wonder how Fox are going to spin this? Expect Sarah on tonight!!

    I feel bad for the bots. Really, I do.

  7. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Um, hey, ABC "News"?

    Why the hell should we care whom this undereducated, cheating, low life, pimp endorses?

  8. lilly lily9:59 AM

    f course he would prefer Gingrich. Gingrich as much as said he would give Sarah an important position.

    More money, less to see of Sarah at home. No brainer there.

  9. Smirnonn9:59 AM

    Seems serror felt a need to make the paylump presence known in the today's news cycle so tawd got his marching papers. Either that, or the xmas ice auger was a big "screw you, serror" and this is just reinforcing the sentiment :) (I bet those serrorpac dollars are few and far in between these days......)

    I wouldn't take tawd's endorsement too seriously - he seems to have pretty poor judgement. Just look at who he chose for a "wife."

  10. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Don't think that for one minute this announcement wasn't contrived or worked out between he and wifey Sarah and probably Newt himself!

    Remember, they are such a loving couple and do things together and support each other!!!!!

    I think I recall in the past that sister Sarah said she didn't like Newt! Didn't she favor Santorum?

    Will be interesting to see what pans out here!

    Bristol made news yesterday about leaving Hollywood and moving back to Alaksa. Now, Toad makes national

  11. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Toad thinks Newt's entire campaign staff quitting on him is a positive??? Hahaha! (I know, I know.. and yet Newt went on...)

    I bet Sarah and Toad burn pretty fast through their staffers too, - dramatic pause - but they go on!

    This turnover - in their minds - indicates how determined they are. It is not a clue that they treat people HORRIDLY.

    Somewhat on topic: John Zigler blogged a second post January 3rd on SP's betrayal. I guess if she makes them eat enough dirt, they eventually wake up.

  12. BFD. And I endorse free-range potholes. Who gives a flying f***k.

  13. Anonymous10:04 AM

    "NOW what do the C4P maniacs say? Is Todd's endorsement of Newt a sign she is going to run? "

    Ohhh, I would so laugh at that as a hilarious joke if I didn't know they will do exactly that. It will be fun to see how they rationalize it though...

    My guess is that they'll cling to the idea of Palin as VP, or if they're REALLY sick, that Newt is "in" on Sarah's "brilliant 4-dimensional chess playing" and HE will be HER VP when she "jumps in", probably during her CPAC speech...

  14. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Gryphen, doncha remember? Newt wants the grifter for VP!
    She wants to sneak in the back door! Not that newt has a chance. Now everyone release what they know about her!!!

  15. Anonymous10:07 AM

    OK - just checked at Sea of Pee. I never go there but just did. OMG. THey DO see Todd Palin's endorsement of Newt Gingrich as a sign she will run. Those people are certifiable. I officially certify them as insane.

  16. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I would LOVE to see how the 'filter' of the media took up Todd's grunts or ghost-written endorsement and formulated it into a startlingly lucid observation.

    So, Todd thinks its admirable that a philandering scumb-bag who only brought shame to himself but weathered through it is above anyone else who conducts themselves as fit-for-office from a position of immense power?


  17. Gingrich, Not a typical "Beltway Type"??? Does Todd have any idea how Gingrich has made a living for his ENTIRE LIFE? For fuck's sake Todd, Gingrich essentially lives on the beltway in McLean, VA, in the same Hood as Darth Cheney, Colin Powell, and pretty much every other lobbyist, retired congressman, and wealthy Washington insider.

    What a doofus. Todd's endorsement and a Fare Trip card will get Newt a ride on the Metro.

  18. ThanksABunchJohn10:08 AM

    My comment on ABC, which they didn't let through:

    Todd THE SECESSIONIST Palin??? Let me get this straight... Todd Palin, member for years of the Alaskan Independence Party, you know, the party that hates America so much that it wants a divorce?? What a JOKE.

    This has everything to do with Gingrich suggesting a possible VP or Secretary of Energy appointment for Palin. Gotta throw Newt a carrot. Palin can't come out and endorse him yet, she's still milking PAC money for those "bright" enough to keep sending her money in hopes she'll "jump in".

    What a sorry, sorry state the republican party is in.

  19. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Is this payback for Sarah's stealing Newt's speech and mangling it for the Michael Reagan introduction?

    And for calling him a good 'ol boy establishment crony capitalist?

    Don't the Palin's roll their eyes at educators? Worse, this guy is a historian. Ringing those bells and whatnot.

  20. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:08 AM

    Denial! Delusion! Pathos! Conspiracy theories! Unbridled self-justification! Chest pounding! Maniacal glee! It's all at the Sea O'Pee now--hie yourselves over there if you've got the time!

    (PS--check the Todd story at the top of the page, or the Open Thread).

  21. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Obviously Toad endorsed the Newt so that when he gets the nod he will choose Scarah as his running mate. :)

  22. Anonymous10:09 AM

    I can't see Todd doing or saying anything without his meal ticket's consent.

  23. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Someone's holding out for a vp slot. This either gets her points with Newt without tying her to him, just incase another is the nom. Could be a threat to others to tap her, tap her now!!

    ok, this is getting fun.

  24. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Todd is trying to make money for his self. You know Gingrich paid him for that. Todd had something to gain from endorsing him.

  25. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Sarah's letting Todd test the wind for her. Sarah, you sucked your finger and have it in the air don't you?

    She's going to pretend that her most treasured confidant and advisor did this on his own - these two thugs cut from the same cloth - so close that she wouldn't tell him she was pregnant until she was 7 months along, or that the fetus was 'less-than-i'dill' or that he could conduct a viscous months long campaign to oust a State Trooper under her watch without her knowledge. Yep. UNBELIVEABLE!

    She's so scared shitless at endorsing anyone, in that:

    1. She'd be wrong
    2. Bring them down like McCain, or 3. Lose her chance at a cherry appointment with anyone that still doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of beating Obama.

  26. Anonymous10:13 AM

    LOL Who the fuck cares what Mr. Sarah Palin thinks? Hey, fishpicker, Gingrich is a slimeball that trades blowjobbing wives for political currency.

    Ah but he has a fake plastic wench just like you except that unfortunately for you Calista is 70 times smarter than your ball of lead will ever hope to be. Regardless, Gingrich resigned in disgrace as Speaker and was drummed out of the House. So according to Toad that gives him gravitas to be the next President. AHAHAHAHAHA, WTF is in the water in Wasilla that this turd of a human being suddenly thinks he's a political pundit? Pundolt is more like it. STFU Toaddy boy.

  27. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Family Values, huh? Looks like pimps sticking together...LMAO

    Oh, the irony. The grifter will have to support, uh, back-up, um, yuck, Santorum, to safe face...yuck, okay, I got puke.

    But before I go, hahahahahahahaha...

  28. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Why would anyone care who this nobody endorses? News people get more pathetic everyday.

  29. Tawd Who?10:14 AM

    Seriously why would anyone trust Todd Palin's judgement. He chose Sarah Palin to be his wife and the mother of some of his children. If that isn't the epitome of bad judgment, I don't know what is.

  30. laprofesora10:17 AM

    Poor Tawd, he actually thinks someone might care what he thinks. So sad.

  31. lilly lily10:18 AM

    Todd is a yes man.

    So Sarah wants the VP slot that badly. Doesn't dare endorse him herself so uses her pawn.

    I think of Ancient Roman (LIVIA) skullduggery whenever I think of Sarah Palin. Fillet of Newt served on toast.

    Watch out Newt. Now you gotta put her on your ticket, and watch your back.


    Did he announce his preference on Faux? Or to a Faux newscaster?

    Must say these weasels never stop their plotting.

  32. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Todd's angling for a Secretary of Transportation appointment, since he's such a rockin Iron-Dog champion.

    Bristol's going to get the White House Press Secretary job?

    Track the Department of Defense?

    Willow the Justice Department?

    Piper the Dept. of Education?

    Trig, care-giving from far far away.

  33. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Remember -- Gingrich just weeks ago commented the Palin would be a good person for heading Energy Department. Toad worked for BP.

    Nothing like pandering.

  34. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Seriously eho gives a shit what Toad Palin thinks/endorses. He is an uneducated redneck who is a thug to boot, who is/was a member of the AIP. And he had the poor sense to amrry Sarah when she was knocked up with Menard's kid.
    Nonentity who's opinion doesn't matter. That's what Toad is.

  35. Anonymous10:21 AM

    What do they have in common? I mean, besides shtupping women other than their wives?

  36. I disagree about the refrigerator Gryphen, I think Sarah is looking at Newt also, because he stated she would be on the short list for VP, and the whole family needs a "New wardrobe" from the RNC. Don't you like how Todd is still playing the victim card?

  37. angela10:23 AM

    I'll play. Even though I shouldn't care what the snowmobile house slut, Todd, thinks about anything.
    Did he even graduate high school?

    So let's see. Newt is . . . .

    Ethically challenged. Check.
    Cheater. Check.
    All about the money. Check.
    Racist. Check.

    No wonder Todd could get used to Newt as president. If Newt had a vajayjay and worse hair he could move into the Wasilla compound and wear Sarah's clothes without Todd even noticing the difference.

  38. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Bristol and Willow got more news time than Sarah, so Sarah yells, "To-o-o-o-oddddddd!! Make news for me. Anything, I don't care, just make stuff up!

    I think she wants to show her new wig tonight on Greta.

  39. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Why is Toad telling ABC News he is endorsing Newt Gingrich? The fairy tale trolls told us they were trying to lead "private lives," out of the spotlight.

  40. Sarah had Todd put his toes in the water and if Newt raises in the polls, then she will endorse him, if he doesn't move she stays silent until someone is declared. And who to hell gives a sh$t what Todd thinks?

  41. Anonymous10:29 AM

    And why would ANYONE care who he endorses?

  42. (I must not waste time on CofP) X 100

    But, this is my favorite so far-

    I think it's a brilliant move.

    This forces the GOP down to a choice between Newt and SARAH and they'll never choose Newt.

    Therefore -- the nominee will be --- the great and beautiful GOVERNOR SARAH PALIN!!!!


    Do you suppose it would even be possible to teach these people basic logic?

  43. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Todd knows in his heart this endorsement will make people want to watch hours and hours of him riding a snow machine.

  44. Who gives a rats patutti what Todd thinks?

    He endorsed Newt cuz they have SO much in common... ~ foolin around on their wives~

    after all "boys will be boys" and they have to stick together... so they can continue to be boys...

    bleh... give me a barf bag...

  45. Anonymous10:43 AM

    And, Todd Palin has that much pull in the Republican primary? Give me a fucking break!!!

  46. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Of course Todd would idolize the Newt. As far as I know Todd never cheated on Sarah while she was very ill. It's the "cheat on your wife party!"

  47. Anonymous10:46 AM

    And the limp-wristed, purse carrier's opinion matters....WHY?

  48. I fail to see how a private fisherman/prostitute ring executive can "endorse" a candidate.

    I can see, though, how Todd would identify with the arrogant cheating mean guy.

    Wow doesn't Sarah look a LOT nicer in that photo than anything since then?

  49. Hi, Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

  50. Just when one thinks things couldn't become more idiotic and brainless........THEY DO!

  51. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Newt's campaign is in trouble.

    Talibangelicals are voting for Santorum. Santorum's religious extremism is real, and Newt's is fake.

    Haters of the insider political game are voting for Ron Paul. Newt's past is biting him in the ass.

    Peta haters and wanttobe millionaires are voting for Mitt.

    Newt has Sheldon Adelson's millions behind him, but he needs all the votes from the Palinista's to avoid finishing like Bachmann.

    Callista's probably been jewelry shopping again, she's been watching Newt's patriotism with an eagle eye. But somewhere there is an intern thinking that working on Newt's campaign might suck, but just one or two good hummers and they can be wife #4 and shopping at Tiffany's.

  52. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Ha ha ha

    isn't this the same creep who endorsed Joe Miller?

    Todd isn't doing to well in picking those that actually gain public office...

  53. Anonymous10:57 AM

    What makes you think the two didn't plan this? They are business partners. Actually, I highly doubt Sarah actually cares who anyone endorses, let alone the race. Todd's her keeper.

  54. Oh, no, A J. BIllings, you got it all wrong about Carrie PreJean!

    She was sticking strictly to the Bible. It's only MEN who are condemned for doing what she did. Women don't "spill seed".

    Genesis 38:9

  55. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Sarah's revenge strikes again--against those she endorsed who are endorsing Mitt- Kelly Ayotte and Nikki Haley- and Rick Perry who is running.

  56. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Bristol and Willow were in the news? Where? I only read respectable news sources, which nowadays includes no one.

  57. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Free Todd from what?

  58. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Dude, Todd has controlled Sarah from the beginning. He gave her her wings. They are partners. If you haven't learn one thing, learn that.

  59. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Did someone really just diss Colin Powell? I mean, Cheney's not even as bad a guy as people scream, but Colin Powell is a great man.

  60. Anonymous11:06 AM

    First Bill, not Todd. Yeah, Gingrich and his good ol boys.

  61. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Bring her on!

  62. I can't imagine newt wanting palin on the ticket after the disaster of 08palin has done nothing to educate herself since then.
    I can't imagine the know it all elite mr. gingrich being stuck with palin for 4 years.

  63. Anonymous11:09 AM

    "Why the hell should we care whom this undereducated, cheating, low life, pimp endorses?”

    I am with you but, amazingly, a lot of low information voters eat this stuff up.

  64. Tawd's 4 Inches11:09 AM

    Tawd endorsed Newt in hopes of getting some tips on ridding himself of his barracuda wife. Newt's on wife number 3 and Tawd's stuck as the "Purse-Carrier-in-Chief" for his first.

    I can't wait to find out who the rest of the family endorses:

    Bristol - Santorum - Because she chose life over and over and over again

    Willow - Perry - because he must be on drugs and he might share. Although the rumored gay thing might change her homophobic mind.

    Piper - Newt because he might choose her mom as VP and she can skip school to campaign again. She loves signing those autographs.

    Chuck - Ron Paul because he's racist and old as shit and creepy just like him

    Chuck Jr - Whoever pays him the most. Rumor has it he has an ex-wife and a new pregnant girlfriend and needs all the money he can get.

    Sally - Bachman - Cause she's got crazy eyes too. Too bad she's not aware that she's dropped out

    Track - Obama - Anyone who beat his mother and caused her years of trauma is his man.

    Trig - Whoever picks his grandmother as VP, so that she can be far, far away for a long time and when she tries to bring him on the trail he'll just smack her in the face whenever a camera is around. Plus a VP nomination will surely bring about the truth of his parentage.

  65. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Personal lives have zero to do with policy and real politics. That said, I'm at a loss at why people endorse this man. I was at a loss at Pres Clinton's support of him mostly. Yes, he's well-spoken, experienced and intelligent. HOWEVER, the ONE thing we DO NOT need is another corrupt DC insider who isn't going to change things. We're trying to get THAT out of DC right now.

    People put all their hopes in Obama praying he was different. He proves everyday he is not.

    We need new blood.

    It will be Obama V Romney imo and THAT will provide a great matchup.

  66. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I really REALLY doubt Sarah would accept a VP nomination again. HIGHLY doubt. She's green, not stupid. Plus, that's stepping down and kissing a man's ass she and Todd both despise.

    Remember, Sarah is not the only person who has given anti-govt speeches in the last 2 years. Todd has had his own share of invites. I guarantee they both despise Gingrich.

  67. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Yep, I believe Todd is endorsing Newt because he'll either have Sarah run as his VP or give her an appointment to head the energy department.

  68. Anonymous11:14 AM

    According to the P'rs Sarah and Todd are playing "chess" again. Can you imagine either of those two playing chess?

    At least there are a few commenters over there now telling folks to "get real" and endorse someone else because Sarah is not running.

    I mean really, would Todd endorse Newt if his wife would soon be running? Oh right, they're playing "chess", I forgot ;-)

  69. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Aw, don't diss McCain. He's a good man and father who just needed pizazz. He trusted his new advisor, Schmidt. In reality, that election proved that both parties are not above using gender or race to win. Cmon, be real, that is what happened. And we were duped.

  70. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Yikes. This is just going to keep everyone focused on Newt's infidelity because of Todd's association with Shailey. Of course, the "boys will be boys" club will stick together!
    Dumb move to be talking this one up, Newt! lol.

  71. Anonymous11:19 AM

    For whatever reason, they must really dislike Romney. Maybe because the GOP chose HIM back in 08 as their man - like the DEMS chose Obama in 2004. That would be how things work in politics. Sadly, better, more qualified people were automatically forgotten. (Hillary, have you fully healed from the knife that was plunged in your back by your mentoree and party?)

    I am pretty confident Sarah and her crew knows the current republican candidates are ridiculous. If I were her, I'd avoid even talking about them.

  72. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Gee, I wonder who Bristol, Willow and Piper will endorse.

  73. Anonymous11:27 AM

    What makes you think the two didn't plan this? They are business partners. Actually, I highly doubt Sarah actually cares who anyone endorses, let alone the race. Todd's her keeper.

    @10:57 AM

    She cares.

  74. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Candidates reference Palin because she has a steady base of support of people they probably need. With Bachmann out, those people really have no one to hope for. Enter the sounds of "Palin" being echoed from almost all the candidates. Santorum needs the pr, Gingrich needs attention being taken away from his baggage.

    It's that simple. I totally saw this coming. As soon as Mr Clinton spoke of Newt positively, (first I picked my jaw up) I knew he'd start to soar. But, after it's all over, I am sure the primary winner will be Romney. While Newt could run rings around Obama, I think Romney would do the same.

  75. Anonymous11:38 AM

    "...But he said he respects Gingrich for what he went through in the 1990s and compared that scrutiny in public life to what Sarah Palin went through during her run for the vice presidency...."

    Tawd are you telling us that Glen Rice had his way with Newt too?

  76. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Does Gingrich know that the McCain workers called Todd "Jethro"?? Would Gingrich be pleased with any HS grad endorsing him, or is Toad supposed to be special? Maybe Toad is sucking up, in case Gingrich gets nominated and he gives $carah a job in DC, away from Toad.

  77. Anonymous11:41 AM

    "... But Todd Palin did point to last summer, when a large portion of Gingrich’s staff resigned and the candidate was left, largely by himself, to run the campaign...."

    Ya dumb ass turd breath unemployed leach... doesn't that tell you something when a large part of your staff ups and quits on ya?

    They don't believe in you ya fuck wad.

  78. Anonymous11:41 AM

    9:49 Gingrich's staff said they were not there to "sell books and DVD's" and that is what Gingrich was doing.

  79. The only "position" Newt wants to give Sarah is flat on her back

  80. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Know what I keep thinking of. Back in 97/98 when that CLinton scandal hit the fan, I was a teacher at a middle school. My strongest memory is of a couple specific students (one 8th grade girl in particular) adamantly saying "Look, I don't care who the President has sex with. I care that he lied about it."

    Out of the mouth of babes and spot on. We shouldn't condemn the "crime". We condemn the lie. Which is why every single person in DC with real power needs to be fired.

  81. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Who gives a rat's ass that Tawd digs Newt? Imagine the two of them in a room: Mr. Mammoth Brain and Mr. Mini Brain talking about history as it relates to the movement of snow equipment across the tundra. Add Sarah into the mix and you've got the makings of some sort of an orgy... oh, yeah... Newt likes 'em young. Never mind. Don't think Sarah and Classy Callista will hit it off, though.

  82. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I am waiting to hear who Piper endorses.

    Her endorsement will carry the same weight as Todd's.

  83. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Maybe he wants old Newt to give him some pointers on divorce proceedings and how to dump he bitch without getting killed.

  84. imnofred11:45 AM

    Go Newt!! You just bagged the most coveted endorsement in the land!! NOT!!!

    I doubt that anybody really gives a shit about what Tawd has to say, especially who he endorses.

  85. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Hey Tawd why dontcha build a 14 ft fence around Newt to protect him from Romney?

  86. Anonymous11:53 AM

    C4P seems to think that not only does Todd's endorsement prove that Sarah is running, but that Todd himself is so influential that the voters of New Hampshire will now vote in overwhelming numbers for Gingrich. Just because Todd said so.

    When I look at that C4P site, I think, "This has to be a joke. This HAS to be a joke. No one could possibly be as delusional as these people."

  87. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Tawd instead of endorsing Newt, how about showing some interest in those sex addicted stupid ass meth retards living under "Sarah's roof" and endorse them into college?

    How come you and Sarah do not show interest in the future of those shit for brain kids of yours, Brad's and Curt Menard's?

  88. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Great, now I've got an image of Mr. Sarah Palin with no panties on. Thanks for that headline Uncle G.


  89. Yes Dear11:56 AM

    Did he really say, "he's not one of the typical beltway types" . Does he not know anything about Newt? He was Speaker of the House, had affairs, ethics violations and was a grifting lobbyist (I guess he believed the historian thing) exploiting his connections to current congressman (DC beltway types)after leaving Congress. Yeah, sure he's not a typical DC beltway type and apparently pigs fly and hell is freezing over too.

    Gee who wrote that quote? I bet the same person who put out the statement from Todd about Joe Mcginnis' book....Sarah and the best PR team other people's money can buy. I believe ABC was the news outlet then too. I wouldn't believe any statement put out by the Palins unless they were videotaped saying it and then I still wouldn't believe it.

    Todd's probably tied up in the airplane hanger for giving her an ice auger for Christmas instead of what she really wanted, a reality show.

    Juicy's all dried up.

  90. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Tawd was mad at Joe Miller because he wouldn't endorse Sarah... well Tawd looks like you agree with Joe Miller...

    No confidence in Sarah

  91. KatieAnnieOakley11:57 AM

    Now, who gives a rats ass who the unemployed, ball-less house-husband of a failed VP candidate and half-term Governor endorses for President?

    Mr. Sarah Palin spoke - bet she snatched those balls back instantaneously!

    This is all part of some grand master plan of the Palin's... there are no coincidences!


  92. Anonymous12:01 PM

    If Todd really went rogue then he would of endorsed a winner...

    President Obama!

  93. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Todd if it was me, I would of gotten even with Sarah for fucking Glen Rice by endorsing POTUS Obama.

    That would of taught Sarah not cheat on the Toadster!

  94. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I saw that the intellectual heavyweight Mr. Sarah is supposed to be On The Record tonight at 10 with Greta Van Facewreck.

    This oughta be hysterical! Can this guy even put together a coherent sentence?

  95. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Bristol and Willow were in the news? Where? I only read respectable news sources, which nowadays includes no one.

    @11:01 AM:

    Hey, $arah! Home you couldn't name any of these "respectable news sources," when Katie Couric asked you what newspapers you read?

  96. Sunny in Albuquerque12:07 PM

    That odious crook knows that the moment she endorses, the monthly checks from the remaining loons will stop coming in.
    One of the folks at the home of the insane AKA c4p proudly boasted that she/he/it stills sends in 150.00 a month.
    Anywhoo, The Repugnant One might have millions stashed but she will continue collecting to the last penny, this is the only reason she had to give the Grinch a nod via Tawd.

  97. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Free Todd from what?

    @11:01 AM

    $arah's padded room. But, I think he belongs there, too.

  98. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Why on earth would anyone care whom that moron endorses?

  99. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Dude, Todd has controlled Sarah from the beginning. He gave her her wings. They are partners. hIf you haven't learn one thing, learn that.
    @11:04 AM

    He's "controlled" her? Really? Well, he's done a terrible job. Learn that.

  100. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Why stop here? Let's find out who Marcus Bachman is endorsing too! Or who Mrs. Pawlenty is endorsing!

  101. Anonymous12:16 PM

    No one gives a shit who you endorse. But it is no surprize you chose Newt, you two have a lot in common dontcha........

  102. Does anybody truly believe "Toad the Pimp's" endorsement is worth a damn thing? Hell to the NAWWW!

    Gov Baldy sent out that test balloon to see how her InsaneClownPosse at the Zoo would react. She HAS to endorse Romney when the time comes!

    Baldy is for sale to the highest bidder...Newt must have TOLD her he will pay her price...but she will eventually endorse Romney when the time comes!

    Because "Milt" has the REAL money...not that chump change that Newtie is barely hanging on to!

    Baldy will not stoop to being a VP...No way, no how...the skank has some pride left!

    I must say I do love the picture that Gryphen's the night of the election when McShame gave his concession speech and Baldy was so mad she was crying because she couldn't speak her word salad to the crowd!

    Also...this is the LAST time that she looked good! I can even see her real hair! But after was back to Wasilla and digging through the bags of stolen RNC clothes and sneaking and wearing them...hoping nobody would notice!

    LOL! Once a Hooker...always a Hooker!

  103. Anonymous12:19 PM

    "Aw, don't diss McCain. He's a good man and father who just needed pizazz. He trusted his new advisor, Schmidt. In reality, that election proved that both parties are not above using gender or race to win. Cmon, be real, that is what happened. And we were duped."


  104. Anonymous12:19 PM

    11:32: Thanks for the laugh. The idea that Romney or Gingrich could run rings around President Obama is an absolute hoot. They have both lied about prior positions and statements incessantly. President Obama wouldn't even break a sweat debating either of these two inveterate prevaricators.

  105. Eye of Newt and wart of Toad -- Cue Pastor Moothy! Sarah's conjuring again ... Now just add a little Santorum juice and we'll have a Presidential candidate that Sarah can get behind.

  106. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Todd Palin going ON THE RECORD at 10pm tonight to discuss his endorsement of Speaker Newt Gingrich
    by Greta Van Susteren

  107. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Todd's endorsement even made front page in Yahoo news....

    This country is going to hell at warp speed... when this crap passes as news.

  108. Toad the Pimp is going to be on GretavanTwistedface tonight! I guess Baldy wig shipment hasn't come in so she got the Toad to take her place!

    I can imagine the Toad sitting in front of the fireplace with the dead fish going with the flow on the wall and his pimp cane propped up in the know the one he uses on his hoes when they get out of line! "B*%H where's my money"! SMACK!

    Gee...I wonder if he's going to wear his velvet brim pimp hat with the matching aqua furry coat!

    One more thing...I hope he uses his Barry White voice because that "high talking" might turn off some of the ladies at the Zoo....GAG!

  109. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Newt is probably thinking, a Todd Palin endorsement?

    What the fuck am I suppose to do with that?

    I'm not running for the Alaskan Independence Party.

    Tell unemployed Todd to git the fuck outa here.

  110. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Huntsman is gaining in New Hampshire. He'll come in second. Seems to be the only sane one running.

    Anyone she or Todd endorse will lose.


    Nikki Halley in South Carolina will probably be recalled.

    sarah and todd are the kiss of death.

  111. Anonymous12:32 PM

    The Alaskan Independence Party can be summed up in just two words:


    Until we as Alaskans attain our Ultimate Goal, the AIP will continue to strive to make Alaska a better place to live with less government interference in our everyday lives.

    The Alaskan Independence Party's goal is the vote we were entitled to in 1958, one choice from among the following four alternatives:
    1) Remain a Territory.
    2) Become a separate and Independent Nation.

    So Newt, what are ya gonna do with Todd Palin's endorsement? He is an AIP member and he wants Alaska to be an independent nation. Can you deliver that for him?

  112. Well, that endorsement just took all the air out of Sarah's bus tire. If Todd isn't endorsing Sarah, but rather Newt, that's a big sign in the sky to her bots saying, "she's not running, get over it".

    Now she has no card left to play. She can't pretend or give a dog whistle about her possibly running as an independent, or jumping in at the last minute.

    This action has shut down the con forever.

    9:56 AM

    That's it exactly! I can't wait to see how the pee-pee pond spins it!

  113. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Sure Sarah will tweet "Send mo money, I'm still a ho"

  114. Lord have mercy! Just came back from the Zoo to see how the inmates were doing about the Toad endorsement...It ain't a pretty sight over there...apparently some of the patients are wandering around in their dirty robes and talking to themselves that this is a "chess" move by Baldy!

    The other inmates are hanging out at the day room waiting for FAKE News to come on so they can watch the Toad and hopefully get a glimpse of Baldy skulking in the background!

    And the rest have scaled the compound wall and took off to parts unknown!!

  115. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Personal lives have zero to do with policy and real politics. That said, I'm at a loss at why people endorse this man. I was at a loss at Pres Clinton's support of him mostly. Yes, he's well-spoken, experienced and intelligent. HOWEVER, the ONE thing we DO NOT need is another corrupt DC insider who isn't going to change things. We're trying to get THAT out of DC right now.

    People put all their hopes in Obama praying he was different. He proves everyday he is not.

    We need new blood.

    It will be Obama V Romney imo and THAT will provide a great matchup.

    @11:11 AM

    Nice try, troll!

    When did Bill Clinton support Newt Gingrich? Why would Bill Clinton support a guy who tried, and almost got him thrown out of office? Newt Gingrich only sounds smart to dumb-shits, like you!

    Yeah, America’s really going to believe that an unlikable corrupt Wall Street “job-cremator” who won’t release his tax returns will be any different. Not! Who controls Washington? Wall Street controls Washington. The president isn't perfect, but Mitt Romney is the poster boy for Wall Street, and what’s wrong with Washington.

    Barack Obama will kick Mitt “Bain Capitol” Romney’s corrupt Wall Street insider ass!

    Obama/Biden 2012!

  116. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Yep, remember when I said that Palin was going to endorse Santorum if he would choose her as his vp? Well that was when it looked like Santorum would be the anti-Romney. But now the polls are showing that it's looking a lot like it's going to be Newt. But to be cautious sarah won't jump until it's a sure thing. Then she will choose the new anti-Romney and trade her endorsement for vp promises.

    And it's going to work because as much as we hate to admit it, Sarah is going to draw the crowd Newt needs to beat Romney.

    After the results in NH but at the very latest after SC results, Sarah is going to be endorsing the one that has the best chance of making her the queen!

    And when her chosen gigalo gets the huge jump in the polls, she will be able to say that she's a kingmaker. And who is going to be able to say she isn't until after the general election! Oh, this is giving me such a warm fuzzy feeling all over now. Isn't it doing the same for you folks?

  117. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Newt is a horrid person and Todd isn't much better. Guess those type people stick together, huh?

  118. Oy vey, now Todd has his own troll. This is getting ridiculous.

    And, no anon troll at 11:06 I didn't diss Colin Powell, just remarking that Newt lives in the same hood with all the other retired Washington insiders, if you had any kind of reading comprehension skills beyond a first grade level you would know that.

    Colin Powell is a military hero, but once he served in the Bush administration and advocated invading Iraq on behalf of his overlord Darth Cheney, not so much. Cheney is the most dangerous vice president in history, who still defends torture and a misguided war.

    Thanks for playing, but your stunning lack of information and intelligence proves you can't keep up with the rest of us. Fail, dude.

  119. A J. BIllings12:43 PM

    Hey friends, you should hear the desparate "earthquake" radio ad that Granny's superpac is running in New Hampshire today.

    This idiot sounding announcer drones on about not conforming to the norm, and saying Vote Rogue, at least 4 times in 30 seconds.

    He finally says "vote rogue, and elect $arah Paylin" near the end of the ad.

    Then, of course at the end of the ad, the drone can't say "endorsed by Paylin" because Granny Grifter isn't even RUNNING!!?? WTF?

    Bots, you are so done...

    $arah didn't get ONE vote in Iowa
    In NH, she might get 100 votes at most, out of 250,000.

    Pbotz, your hero is a ZERO!

  120. Anonymous12:45 PM

    I am holding by breath to see who Sally Heath endorses!

  121. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I'd love to see Sarah picked as the VP for Newt (if he wins)...sure way to lose an election. There are many republicans who can't stand her and Newt.

  122. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I really REALLY doubt Sarah would accept a VP nomination again. HIGHLY doubt. She's green, not stupid. Plus, that's stepping down and kissing a man's ass she and Todd both despise.

    Remember, Sarah is not the only person who has given anti-govt speeches in the last 2 years. Todd has had his own share of invites. I guarantee they both despise Gingrich.

    @11:13 AM

    Trying to walk back the endorsement, $arah? Too late! She’s green… with envy of the president! And, she’s stupid, too! Now, $arah doesn’t want to step down, and kiss a man’s ass? Were you not bragging in an earlier comment that Toad, I mean Todd “controls her?” Don’t forget, Palin stepped down, and kissed a man’s ass when she ran as John McCain’s VP in 2008!

    “Remember, Sarah is not the only person who has given anti-govt speeches in the last 2 years. Todd has had his own share of invites.”

    So? What exactly is your point?

    Suuure they "despise" Newt Gingrich. That's why Toad endorsed him!

  123. Loose Era12:51 PM

    Oh dear god some of these C4P morons (like "susie puma" - just imagine how misguided THAT poor soul is)) think this is a sure sign she is running - this is an calculated (and brilliant) effort to delay Romney's inevitable nomination so Sarah can get in, then of course Newt will get out and then of course he will give Sarah all his delegates and endorsements, including Todd Palin.

    These ones are entirely detached from reality. They will say anything to comfort themselves that Sarah is not a quitter.

    Some of the other sycophants can see that if Todd is endorsing elsewhere, the "I am not running and have no regrets" bit she has been saying for 95 days is true.

    These ones are very sad and cranky.

  124. Anonymous12:51 PM

    looked at the NY Daily news on the internet. Comment. The country NEEDS a first family like this, desperatly. What a hoot.

  125. Anonymous12:52 PM

    If Newt picked Sarah to be his vice-president, Newt's wife would have to put the Fatso on a leash or he would be humping the Alaskan Screech Owl at the first opportunity.

  126. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I'm waiting to find out who Trig endorses.

    Talk about delusions of grandeur, Todd! You're only Sarah's wife and purse-holder.

  127. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Hey Newt it took a Palin to bring down McCain and now another Palin will bring down the Newt.

    Do you know who's endorsement you just received? How are ou going to spin this? Or will you ignore the Alaskan terrorist endorsement?

    "...This afternoon, the director of Division of Elections in Alaska, Gail Fenumiai, told TPMmuckraker that Todd Palin registered in October 1995 to the Alaska Independence Party, a radical group that advocates for Alaskan secession from the United States...."

  128. My three dogs and I endorse President Obama. My cat endorses Ron Paul, but who listens to cats? My letter carrier is a supporter of Michelle Bachmann; she is very conflicted now that she has stepped out of the race. My neighbor's mother-in-law's butcher endorses Jon Huntsman, but she likes Chinese food, so go figure. Speaking of Chinese food, my fortune cookie endorses Newt Gingrich, too, and fortune cookies are about as reliable and significant an endorsement as Todd Palin. By the way, who does Piper endorse?

  129. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Aw, don't diss McCain. He's a good man and father who just needed pizazz. He trusted his new advisor, Schmidt. In reality, that election proved that both parties are not above using gender or race to win. Cmon, be real, that is what happened. And we were duped.

    @11:16 AM

    Shut up, asshole. "Both parties," my ass. I'm not about to be "duped" by bigots like you. The Black man kicked the white man, and white woman's ass. PERIOD. Be real. Deal with it. Thats' what happened.

  130. Anonymous1:03 PM

    "with endorsements like these who needs enemies?"

    Wikipedia Todd Palin:
    Voter registration Palin first registered to vote in 1989. From October 1995 through July 2002, except for a few months in 2000, he was registered to vote as a member of the Alaskan Independence Party.[14]

  131. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Whoo hoo! Now we're listening to Todd Palin! His credential is what, now, I forget?

    Boy oh boy, let's get it on! Vetting time! Hooray! For real - not like in 2008 with McCain.

    Notice how only Sarah's mom and dad were in the spotlight? Even though Jim and Faye Palin are BIG DEALS in Alaska politics, going back to the 80s.
    Notice how Todd's mom and stepfather stayed waaaay out of it? Remember how Sarah and Todd dragged in film crews from every major news outlet, but they were kept far far away from Dillingham locals?

    This is gonna be fun! I wonder how Bob Kallstrom feels about a theocracy under Newt Gingrich? That's gonna cramp his style just a tad, isn't it?
    Gryphen, you oughta do interviews with Bob Kallstrom (ask him about "K-Camp") and brother-in-law James Stanford. There was a bit of funny business in the Alaska state capitol involving him, during Sarah's watch. :) That's been neatly swept under the carpet...

    Hey, Todd, what are you going to do about all your Russian Orthodox buddies upriver and Seventh-Day Adventist buddies in town? Hmmm? How are you going to help them manage the United States' Official Religion under Executive Order of President Gingrich and Vice President Sarah?
    (Which will be what, by the way?) Are we going to all be Catholic or will we be Baptist? You guys aren't gonna force that ridiculous Amway "non-denominational" Christianity on us, are ya?

  132. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Birds of a feather flocks together.

    Todd Palin is an Alaskan Independence Party member who wants Alaska to "become a separate and Independent Nation."

    Does this mean Newt wants American states to secede from the union too?

    Newt be careful of getting into bed with the Palins... a lot of people got screwed by them... literally and figuratively

  133. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Time to start tweeting, linking and making comments about Todd the pimp, Todd the secessionist, Todd the Troopergate bully, his prostitution ring and the APD on all the articles about his "endorsement". Let's let people know about the real Todd.

    Let's get the "Hawk" bully video out again.

    Tweet quotes from Bailey's book, links to Malia and Gryphen's posts about Shailey & the non pregnant massage!

    Granny Palin wants to throw Tawd out to test the waters so lets show her what's waiting for her!

  134. Anonymous1:19 PM

    For whatever reason, they must really dislike Romney. Maybe because the GOP chose HIM back in 08 as their man - like the DEMS chose Obama in 2004. That would be how things work in politics. Sadly, better, more qualified people were automatically forgotten. (Hillary, have you fully healed from the knife that was plunged in your back by your mentoree and party?)

    I am pretty confident Sarah and her crew knows the current republican candidates are ridiculous. If I were her, I'd avoid even talking about them.

    @11:19 AM

    What drugs are you taking? And, Hillary Clinton has “healed” just fine, from that knife that was never “plunged” in her back. I like Hillary Clinton, but she was no more entitled to the nomination, than anyone else. Hillary’s doing great! $arah Palin is the one who hasn’t “healed.” She hasn’t aged well, either. She’s bald, too. Skunk shit is more qualified to be president, than $arah Palin.

    I’m pretty confident most of the whole world STILL knows that $arah Palin is just as ridiculous as the current republican candidates. That’s why she was laughed off the stage, in 2008. If I were $arah Palin, I would avoid talking altogether.

  135. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Oh, and Todd, could you please get rid of that "20 Kids and Counting" Mrs. Duggar hair?

    Or is that a hint that y'all are expanding the family again?

  136. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Hey Newt,

    Todd Palin is / was an Alaskan Independence Party member, why does he hate America so much?

    It was America who gave the Wasilla Hill Billies money for perfecting the art of grifting that allowed Todd to quit his job along with Sarah.

    It was America who gave his uneducated underage pregnant daughter money to buy her house.

    Newt, why does the Palins hate America so much that they want Alaska to be its own nation?

    Hey Newt, the AIP was an old man's heart beat away from the White House when McCain was running for president!

    Are you with the Wasilla Hill Billies or are you for America?

  137. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Newt Gingrich is truly a nasty piece of work, and he's un-electable. We've only just started scrutinizing his "colorful" personal life, for starters. His arrogance is beyond off-putting. It is no surprise that the Palins are attracted to him.

    Our President could dominate in any debate with Gingrich simply through the force of his character, by providing a clear contrast in that regard. Both men are smart, but one uses his intelligence in all the wrong ways while the other tries to effect positive change.

    What Todd thinks he is doing by endorsing Newt Gingrich (does anyone really care who Todd likes?) I am not quite sure. I tend to agree with those who think some sort of backroom deal was struck. I will not lose sleep if one was, as Newt Gingrich as exactly 0% chance of being on any ticket. Which means the same for Sarah Palin.

    I swear, if it gets out that this woman is rubbing her hands together in anticipation of jumping in, I will go nuts. I thought back when everyone said "she's done" that she might not be, but she has to be delusional to think she can just waltz in and "save the day" for the GOP and their sorry bunch of candidates. She will just take them down with her, and it will be true justice for the party if this unbelievable scenario happens. I don't think it will, though.

    I do realize I am talking about Sarah Palin here...

  138. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Oh my, I hope Newt hires a good food taster if he picks Sarah Palin to be his vp... The Palins won't let this opportunity get past them this time.

  139. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Please anyone who has proof of all the illegal things the Palins have done it is time for the ice bergs to hit hard. It is time for them and all involved to get what they deserve. That means a lot if jail time. They need to shut up before they do more harm to our wonderful country.

    Obama/Biden 2012

  140. Anonymous1:51 PM

    @11:32 AM

    Palin does not have a steady base of support. Her “support” is dwindling. Bill Clinton speaking “positively” of Newt Gingrich doesn’t equal an endorsement. Stupid. If Bill Clinton makes an endorsement, he will endorse Barack Obama. Bill Clinton had nothing to do with Newt Gingrichs’ brief surge in the polls. Newt Gingrich isn’t even soaring, anymore. He has plummeted. Rick Santorum, and Jon Huntsman, are the ones who have started moving up in the polls. Mitt Romney will end up being the primary “winner” by default. Not because he’s a strong candidate. He a weak, unlikable robot. Mitt Romney is not as polished, as he pretends to be. Today, the idiot said,” I like to be able to fire people!” when people have just started paying attention to his “job-cremator” past at Bain Capitol.

    Mitt Romney’s campaign may have a lot of money, but it is run by amateurs! Mitt Romney, and his campaign still haven’t figured out a way, to back up “100,000 jobs created by Bain Capitol” lie, or any of the Bain Capitol attacks. His weak non-answers aren’t going to fly in the general election. I can’t wait until the democrats pressure that crook to release his tax returns. Barack Obama could “run rings” around either one of those losers. Mitt Romney can’t take a punch. He’s gotten a free pass, and he won’t know what hit him, when Barack Obama gets started on him. Even Karl Rove, and Bill Kristol (two right right-wing hacks) aren’t convinced Mitt Romney will “run rings” around Barack Obama. They’re afraid Mitt Romney won’t be able to take the heat. Don’t believe me?


    (Karl Rove)

    (Bill Kristol)

    You’re going to be very disappointed in November! Obama/Biden 2012!

  141. hahahaha as if Gingrich isn't sinking fast enough already! Now he's got the Palin Curse!

    If Palin is dreaming about the VP spot she can forget it! Gingrich won't get 10 yards of the GOP nom. But come on....we all know Sarah doesn't want to run for public office ever again! She doesn't do "rule of law", remember? She likes to go rogue and commit illegal acts instead =D

  142. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Maybe Todd can get his prostitution ring clients and Alaska terrorist buddies to vote for Newt?

  143. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I find it hard to believe that he made this decision without discussion with her. Didn't she say they discuss all decisions?

  144. Anonymous2:00 PM

    @1:00 P.M. Scarah and NEWTON LEROY
    don't have a chance in HELL at the REPUGNANTS nomination. They should run as ALASKA INDEPENDENT PARTY nominees. Even AIP would not support them. TOAD, SCARAH and NEWTIE are done. They are all Professional GRIFTERS. Next campaign stop___TIFFANY'S. CALLISTA needs a new DIAMOND TIARA for her CEMENT HAIRDO.

  145. who cares?2:01 PM

    Phew! sorry i'm late!

    i forgot to give a shit!

  146. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Todd's on the side of the common john.

  147. Anonymous said...

    What makes you think the two didn't plan this? They are business partners. Actually, I highly doubt Sarah actually cares who anyone endorses, let alone the race. Todd's her keeper.

    10:57 AM

    Todd's her keeper.

    You mean the "keeper of her secrets" right?

  148. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Todd Palin explains his endorsement of Newt Gingrich

  149. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Know what I keep thinking of. Back in 97/98 when that CLinton scandal hit the fan, I was a teacher at a middle school. My strongest memory is of a couple specific students (one 8th grade girl in particular) adamantly saying "Look, I don't care who the President has sex with. I care that he lied about it."

    Out of the mouth of babes and spot on. We shouldn't condemn the "crime". We condemn the lie. Which is why every single person in DC with real power needs to be fired.

    @11:42 AM

    Out of the mouth of little children, who don’t know what they’re talking about. I have heard that line repeated sooooo many times, by children who have republican parents. I have even heard children who have republican parents repeat the, "Bill Clinton ruined the morale of our country!" line. It is not a crime for a president to lie about a B.J. Politicians outside of Washington lie, too. It doesn't matter where they come from. And, don’t give me the crap, that he lied under oath. That’s more bullshit. Which is why lying assholes, like $arah Palin, (who is angry because she will NEVER be president) should stay in Alaska, and STFU!

  150. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Who cares what this pussy says?

  151. WakeUpAmerica2:21 PM

    I seriously doubt that Sarah would take a back seat to a presidential candidate again.

  152. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Is Greta going to interview "Little Dick High Voice" or dry hump him?

    Thank God the BCS National Championship game will be getting all the attention.

  153. Anonymous2:23 PM

    "Palin, who said Gingrich is not one of the typical “beltway types” and that his campaign has “burst out of the political arena and touched many Americans"

    That Toad doesn't know about Newt's past reminds me when CaribouBarbie jumped in bed with McCain. In an interview, she was asked about McCain's policy and record and she had no flipping idea.

    These Wasilla Hillbillies are so brain dead that should they be put on a monitor, no activity would show. They'd bag 'em and tag 'em and send them to the morgue.

  154. WakeUpAmerica2:25 PM

    Uh, it wasn't just Republican parents who said they didn't care who Clinton had sex with; they cared that he lied. MANY Democrats felt the same way and were disgusted with him for it. Personally, I think he was set up, but that doesn't excuse his stupidity or his lies. Other than that, he did a great deal of good for the country.

  155. Anonymous said...

    Dude, Todd has controlled Sarah from the beginning. He gave her her wings. They are partners. If you haven't learn one thing, learn that.

    11:04 AM

    Oh Wow! I first read this as...

    "He gave her her WIGS." HeHe!

    Um..excuse me crazy stalker troll do you know that "Todd has controlled Sarah from the beginning"?

    "controlled" with what?

    Drugs, wigs,doo dads, sparkle ponies, ...What!

    FYI...I finally got my "Breaking the Hillbilly Code" book by "Ima Troll" from Amazon and according to the book there is a chapter titled "How Hillbilly husbands can control their wives".

    Let me read it and I'll get "back to ya" okay!

  156. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Oh hell, does this mean it is time for the Palins to bring out their gun sight cross hairs again?

  157. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Hey Newt, ya need a bus? We got a dandy tricked out family vacation rig except we need to pull off "One Nation" on the side of it. You're welcome to use, we just need to git rid of the meth, wine coolers, Big Mac and condoms wrappers in it. The girls likes to entertain their friends in it.

  158. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Comment at HP..this is the first time a rat has jumped unto sinking ship.

  159. telah2:39 PM

    What the fuck! Greta is interviewing Todd the high school graduate on his "endorsement" of Newt Gingrich on Fox News? Is it still an endorsement when you are just an average Joe fish-picker with no political experience or post-high school education? And who is going to man the camera? I thought Todd was the "producer" of Sarah's word salad tossing sessions? Piper? You can't tell me Sarah is going to handle the camera. Too much like work. Plus, her wig would get in the way of the could be a mess! We need to definitely watch this shit--it's bound to be a total cluster!
    Let's start a petition asking Fox News to end the grifters' run on their "news" channel for the good of the country.
    Also, to second Anon 1:39:
    Please anyone who has proof of all the illegal things the Palins have done it is time for the ice bergs to hit hard. It is time for them and all involved to get what they deserve. That means a lot if jail time. They need to shut up before they do more harm to our wonderful country.

    Obama/Biden 2012

    1:39 PM

  160. Anonymous2:40 PM

    WakeUpAmerica said...
    I seriously doubt that Sarah would take a back seat to a presidential candidate again.

    2:21 PM

    Why not?

    Sarah took a backseat to Tawd, to Brad, to Curt Menard, to Glen Rice, to Levi to ......

  161. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Photo Caption:

    Todd: "Oh, these sweet RNC underwear sure feel goooooood."

  162. Anonymous said...

    I'm so happy for Sarah. She is going to be our next VP when Newt beats the bami boy. And then she will eventually be our president and take all the marbles. And what will you be jesse griffin, besides an ex teacher who is best kept away from kindergartens.

    1:00 PM
    Hmmphf....I see this garbage got through the filter.

    *quickly thumbing through my "Hillbilly Grammar/Dictionary" Second Edition*

    Oh...this is satire!!! WHEW!

  163. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I'm so happy for Sarah. She is going to be our next VP when Newt beats the bami boy. And then she will eventually be our president and take all the marbles. And what will you be jesse griffin, besides an ex teacher who is best kept away from kindergartens.

    @1:00 PM

    It's a pee drinker!

    Who needs Kool-aid, when you can pee at the pee-pee pond?!? $arah Palin will not be anoyone's VP. She is the kiss of death. She will NEVER be president, either. Get ready to write those suicide notes, because the GOP losers are going down!

    Obama/Biden 2012

  164. Anonymous2:51 PM

    I'm so happy for Sarah. She is going to be our next VP when Newt beats the bami boy. And then she will eventually be our president and take all the marbles. And what will you be jesse griffin, besides an ex teacher who is best kept away from kindergartens.
    @1:00 PM

    Your deranged little fantasy will never come true. After 2012, $arah Palin will continue to be a dirty, bald-headed, washed-up, quitter. Hopefully, staring at a wall inside a padded room. And,'ll just be you. I feel sorry for you...No, I don't.

  165. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Of course Sarah should run with Newt. It will be just like the time she ran with McCain. Sarah and the old dumpy guy with white hair. Furthermore, the old dumpy guy with white hair has a wife who is much younger, an immobile plastic face and platinum blond hair. Each Ice Princess (wife of the dumpy guy wiht white hair) is not his first wife, but the one he married while carrying on a affair while still married. Newt outranks McCain, choosing Ice Princess the third time around; Cindy is McCain's second wife. Each Ice Princess is perfectly dressed, and looks approvingly at the dumpy guy with white hair, sort of the way that Todd stood in the background and......oh, who cares. Todd's endorsement doesn't mean a thing. Even an endorsement from Sarah doesn't mean much.

  166. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Hey Tawd this is Newt. I'm just calling to find out if any of your daughters got a bun in the oven if ya know what I mean?

    I don't need any trailer park surprises.

  167. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Sarah, Man-up and make your own damn endorsement instead of sending your surragate out to test the waters.

    I doubt Todd has any opinions of his own; he's just trying to get Sarah a "job" and thinks Newt has made the best offer - so far.

    Don't forget what he has said about endorsements - there is an expected pay back.

  168. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Oh shit! There's panic in the Palin household.

    There's mention that Sarah may be Newt's vp pick and now the Palins have another teenager fiasco in the works. Turns out their breaking and entering gang leader homophobic daughter Willow was expelled from school for interfering with the education of others.

    News of Todd's prostitution ring is in the horizon...

    Movie coming out about Wonky eyed Sarah...

    Bristol quit whatever she is doing again....

    Rumor is that Track is not married and Britta and the baby lives with her parents...

    Man! This is not Sarah's decade!

  169. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Todd's on the side of the common john.

    @2:03 PM

    The common “john” he rents his prostitutes to?

  170. Gonna be a long winter in Wasillybilly..... Wonder if Toad is gonna get some tonight? Oh, I forgot.... This time of year, it's ALWAYS night in Wasillybilly..... Oh well, I guess the answer is NOT!!

    I can just hear the meetings going on in the Flying Monkey Cave tonight...

  171. Anonymous3:09 PM

    The Ginriches and the Palins are both high-operative grifters, only Newt is on the inside while Sarah is outside pounding on the door. Big difference: Big fish, Little fish. Main stream vs. stagnant pond.

    Ginrich will be torpedoed by his own history. The Pains will just fade away. Ginrich faced his own past publically; the Palins are still trying to hold their dark dirty secrets under wraps.

    Gingrich is no fool. He will not put Sarah on his ticket as VP. He would have to deal with her baggage as well as his own. He will not make the same mistake McShame made. Sarah is no longer the unknown "star."

    Maybe he will offer her an ambassadorship somewhere in Africa - you know that COUNTRY with all those black people and weird religions.

  172. The following comment is not a joke...I repeat...this is not a's an actual comment posted at the Insane Asylum AKA Crazies4Palin!

    TEXs 18 seconds ago

    Whether spoken or not it's understood:

    Todd :
    "Newt,I will endorse you and Sarah will help you to stop Willard and win the nomination.
    But if you can not win for some reason,would you hold place for Sarah and help her clobber the
    liberal RINO fraud Willard?


    "Of course Todd.Governor Palin is fundamentally my only choice.I'll be happy to release my
    delegates to the Governor and let her take my place all the way to the White House."


    *clears throat*

    Uhhh.....let's see....


    Sometimes there are just no words!

  173. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Todd has been pimping his wife ever since she ran for City Council. He's doing it now.

    Todd likes the life of a pimp. He's got lots of money for his toys, his status as Mr. Sarah Palin so he can bully folks with impunity, and apparently he can find his "satisfaction" elsewhere. Thanks Shailey - you were the best thing that ever happened to that sorry excuse for a man.

  174. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Todd endorsed Newt?

    And what did Newt ever do to him?

  175. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Hey Todd, instead of telling us about Newt, how about telling your underage daughter Willow to git her skanky ass back into high school?

    We don't need another high school drop out hair dresser in Wasilla.

  176. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Todd's a pimp. Who cares who he'd vote for.

    Sarah put him up to it to see which way the wind was blowing.

    Todd's just protecting his cash cow and looking out after her ... umm ... er ... assets.

    He's not about to go back to work on the North Slope now!

  177. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I would really like to know who Track Palin endorses. I have a feeling their ain't a lot o love lost between Track and his mamma now days.

  178. AKRNHSNC3:21 PM

    An endorsement by Tawd?! C4P is lauding the fact that he's willing to endorse Romney but consider it to be one of the "many moves the 'cuda is making for her run". LOL, no matter what happens, they still think Sarah is running and will win. Their main hope is a brokered convention but not many of them appear to understand what the term actually means. They think that the states will turn against the decision of their votes and nominate Palin!

    Gryphen, didn't you know that "the whole country is waiting with baited breath for Sarah's endorsement" and that "the only person that meets all the qualities she lists as necessary in a nominee, are those she has exhibited in her TWO DECADES of executive experience"? If they weren't so freakin' nasty, I'd feel sorry for people like this who were so delusional. Where do they get 20 years of experience? Her experience in running a business, as in Tawd's Fishpickin' Bizness, her PTA president experience, her Mayoral experience and of course, Governin' the largest state in the country. They might sound impressive if you didn't know they were either outright lies or stretching the truth. I wonder if Tawd knows she's been handling the bizness side of his fishpickin' bizness?? PeeZoo isn't content to pretend she's a commercial fisherman, but she's a deep-sea commercial fisherman! According to C4P, Tawd's announcement is setting up Newt's turning over all his delegates to Sarah as soon as she gets in the race. The imagination of these nutjobs has been working overtime since 10/5 in order to deny to themselves that Sarah turned her back on them while accepting their $$$. Rather than admit they're wrong, they spin an absurd story about her getting into the campaign later. I wonder if they realize there are mental health professionals who can help with their problems???

  179. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Sarah is waiting for Trump to "jump in." She soooo much wants to be in The Donald's inner 1%.

  180. Okay I was is two more comments, the latter comment is so bizarre that I am...SPEECHLESS!!

    luvoftheword 40 minutes ago
    I just posted a few minutes or so ago that i so want Sarah to run. She's the right person for the job. But someone please tell me how some supporters 100% know she is going to get in within the next eleven months? Seriously. How do you know this? I don't mean by what she said in an interview, post or Todd's endorsement. I heard what she said and read what she wrote as you did. I want to know what is it that i am not seeing or hearing that others are that confirms to them that she is running. I am not trying to be sarcastic, cynical nor funny.

    I really want to know so that i can throw all of my eggs into the "she is definetly running basket" as well. The more i see of these candidates the more i am convinced that they cannot win. Now this is not to say if it is God's will for one of them to to be the next president it won't happen; i just don't see them winning. Sarah is a winner. She's proved it time and again. I just need to know is all. Gotta end this post now; getting very emotional as i type. Sarah is who we; America needs.

    speppers69 37 minutes ago in reply to luvoftheword
    Here ya bout THIS one:

    I have had a dream of her being sworn in as president for over 35 years. Had the dream hundreds of times. Didn't know who the lady in my dream was until I actually went to visit Alaska and had breakfast in a little diner in Wasilla and on the front page of the paper was the former mayor of Wasilla....the lady I had been dreaming about for over 35 years! How's THAT for why I believe she is going to run!


    *Calling Nurse Ratchet(RAM)*
    *Nurse Ratchet please pick up the white courtesy phone*

    Um RAM....I know you should be out of the fat farm and hopefully half (maybe) your size but do you think you could help out your buddies over there in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo'"?

  181. Anonymous3:23 PM

    I'm puzzled, Sarah Palin who was the governor of Alaska, went to 5 colleges to get one degree and is a paid FOX nonsense contributor can't figure out who to endorse. Then how can an unemployed unedumicated father of the most unedumicated retarded unemployed kids in Alaska figure out who to endorse?

  182. jcinco3:25 PM

    who gives a flying fuk who p-whipped, purse totin', mental midget tawd is endorsing? The guy is a bigger know-nothing rube than his inbred idiot wife..

  183. Anonymous3:26 PM

    And for his next trick, Tawd will tell America who is the father of Track, Tripp and Tri-G...

  184. Since Todd's endorsement, Newt's chance of winning the nomination has been downgraded on Intrade. (He's in 4th.) Huntsman, whom Palin counseled to withdraw, has moved up to 2nd place.

    It will be interesting to see if there's any correlation in New Hampshire tomorrow.

  185. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Now that Tawd is done with the endorsin' he is gonna take a trip to his friend Scott's so they can "work on their sleds." You know... it's like "hiking the Appalachian Trail" except with two dudes.

  186. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Less than 24 hours after the Tuscon shooting memorial, the Palins frantically grope for a tiny smidgen of media attention.

  187. Anonymous3:39 PM

    @2:25 PM

    Uh, I never said that ONLY children with republican parents said that.

    The Bill Clinton stuff doesn't even really bother me. It's this line from 11:42 AM, that I was actually responding to:

    "We condemn the lie. Which is why every single person in DC with real power needs to be fired."

    That comment sounds similar to comments that have been made by the same right-wing troll(s) who have been commenting on this thread, and other threads.

    Sorry, I don't agree with the asshole commenter that President Obama is a bald-faced liar, who should be fired.

    Obama/Biden 2012!

  188. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Yippeee we just got Todd Palin's endorsement... now if we can only get Bristol's endorsement... any body got a cheesecake we can send her so we can buy her endorsement?

  189. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Bristol learned her lie of "I didn't want to do it, but he got me drunk" from her mom. Sarah wants the world to come knocking on her door saying, "We know you don't want to run, but you're our savior, our only hope. We're drafting you to run."

    Until that happens, she's playing coy and shy by saying, "Oh, no, not little ol' me. I don't say 'pick me, pick me'; I just want to live my life quietly." So, she ordered Todd to support someone (anyone!).

    When she's "drafted," she will PRETEND to be reluctant and unwilling about giving in to popular demand and agreeing to run. Moreover, she can point to Todd's endorsement of Newt to "prove" the lie that she really had NO intention at all of running -- just like Bristol supposedly had no intention at all of sleeping with Levi.

  190. Good on ol' Todd for recognizing the man who more mirrors his wife in ethics, morals and double dealing. He understands how frustrating and embarrassing it is when one's corruption finally greets the light of day and the difficulty of trying to rewrite all that history. He might also be counting on the delivery of a little blue box from Tiffanys to replace that unwisely chosen auger.

    When Palin next shows up in a Calista wig, we'll know it's game on.

  191. ThanksABunchJohn3:53 PM

    @LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn -

    Thanks for the reading suggestion! I had to spend two hours at the doctor with my son (who spent the whole time on his iphone). I went on C4pee with my android and just read the comments the whole time. Hilarity!!

  192. Anonymous4:33 PM

    curiouser, thanks for that link to Intrade's chart regarding Newt's chances going DOWN today. It's hilarious!

  193. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Sea of Pee's priorities (the following two articles are currently side by side):

    739 comments on Todd's endorsement

    49 comments on anniversary of Tucson.

  194. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Does Gingrich know the Dud is a pimp?

  195. Anonymous5:03 PM

    FYI. Rachel Maddow opened her show with a mention of Todd Palin's endorsement.

  196. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Just another example of how today's GOP is a circus. This is a scripted publicity stunt, as usual. Buying one more day of making the news. We just have through this year and then we won't hear more than an occasional mention about a Palin. They will be a distant memory by 2016's election. Of course, there will be other nitwits to fill their place. I remember when I thought, "If I can only wait out Bush, it will be OK", both of them. Sarah reminds me a lot of the Bushes and Dan Quayle in mental abilities, maybe even in class, although she lacked a silver spoon at birth.

  197. Balzafiar5:20 PM

    Hmm. Given that Todd isn't a public figure of any substance, why in hell would he think anyone gives a flying fuck about his choice?

    Maybe he's just sucking up to Gingrich in the hope that just maybe Gingrich would pick Sarah as a running mate. Even though he's a snake in the grass, Gingrich is an intelligent man so I would not bet money on that.

    Stranger things have happened though.

  198. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Now RAM is here posting obsessively. Or some other big mouthed know-it-all just like here.
    Whoever it is, the fact that they post anti-President Obama things on this blog proves how mentally ill they are. WHY are you here? There are many blogs for you but your sick mind enjoys stirring the pot.
    Get a life psycho!

  199. ThanksABunchJohn6:08 PM

    @GinaM your comment at 12:38.... DA BEST!! Apparently one flew over the cuckoo's nest, and she rode a broom and sported a bumpit!

    I find it fascinating that Palin is trying to steer voters from Romney. That BS that Obama wants him to run the most is... BS. The clown car in the general election, any of them, all of them, would be a cake walk. Only moderate Romney would be a threat to Obama, he will tack back to the middle and tout his "working across the aisle" bona fides. So, you go, Palins, do your magic, just like in 2010. Knock out the only chance the GOP has, and live with your legacy once and for all.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.