Saturday, January 07, 2012

What a difference year makes. Last year Palin blew off the CPAC convention, this year she is just happy ANYBODY still wants her to speak.

"Moneys running out, nobody listens to what I have to say on Fox, and the producers have put the kibosh out reality show ideas. I guess I have no choice but to get out the glitter, put on the pasties, and grab hold of that pole again."
This from Wonkette:

Forgotten anger bear Sarah Palin has made an annual ritual of publicly turning down her standing invitation to speak at premiere wingnut swinger meetup the Conservative Political Action Conference for the last four years to prove the point that she was too good to go around jabbering for free, since the communists at CPAC don’t pay speakers. But the TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN’, and America’s attention span is moving on to other shrill idiots, so this year she has at last found some time in her busy schedule full of Nothing to claim a few more minutes of attention.

I have no doubt that the above description is EXACTLY why Palin has decided to suck it up and try to kiss a few GOP asses. She needs to do it before nobody in the party will even bare their asses for the opportunity.

Of course that is not how the CPAC Chairman describes it:

“Few national conservative leaders in America today energize and inspire our grassroots activists like Governor Sarah Palin. Her strong record of leadership, championing of our shared principles and magnetic personality have made Sarah Palin a hero to millions of conservatives across the country,” American Conservative Union Chairman Al Cardenas said in a statement. “As we ready for the critical 2012 election, I’m honored to welcome Governor Palin to the Conservative Political Action Conference for the first-time ever.”

Wow! Is that bullshit deep or what?

If Palin's personality is "magnetic" it must be sending out negative magnetic waves because she has been driving people away from her like rats from a sinking ship.

Wonkette also reminds us that Palin was called out last year for refusing CPAC's invitation to speak by none other than GOP political flavor of the week Rick "man on dog" Santorum:

Santorum, a former Pennsylvania senator, hinted that Palin was not attending for financial reasons – she commands six-figure fees for making speeches but would not be paid by CPAC – and because she was too busy being a mother. 

He said: "I have a feeling she has some demands on her time. And a lot of them have financial benefits attached to them. So I'm sure that she's doing what's best for her and her family." 

Asked if he would have turned down the CPAC invitation, he said no. "I'm not the mother to all these kids. And I don't have other responsibilities, like she has, other opportunities that she has. Other business opportunities that may be in conflict with what she's been asked to do."

Of course last year Palin was still under the impression that her shit simply did not stink, and  as usual she went right back at little Rickie.  And, to be honest, did a rather admirable job of describing him.

She described Santorum as uninformed, adding: "I will not call him the knuckle-dragging Neanderthal. I'll let his wife call him that instead."

However like a said in the title, what a difference a year makes:

While appearing on Hannity's television show, Palin first said she would not endorse anyone. Soon thereafter, she seemed to fire a shot across the proverbial bows of both Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich by mentioning Rick Santorum by name and strongly hinting that the former Pennsylvania Senator is her kind of candidate. 

Maybe it's just me but the only difference between Palin endorsing Santorum in this exchange and her not doing so was the fact that she didn't use the word 'endorse.' 

Well isn't that interesting? Stumbling all over herself to speak at a convention that just one year ago she felt was beneath her, and all but endorsing a man that she inferred was a "knuckle-dragging Neanderthal."

If we ever needed proof that Palin is yesterday's, sorry, last year's news, I think this should serve as more than enough to prove that point.

And for those people who have expressed concern that this signifies Palin is considering jumping back into politics, let me remind you that everything that scared her away in the first place is still waiting for her to be just that stupid. Simply put, ain't gonna happen!


  1. LOL!!!

    I just saw this at "Peeing4Palin"! They are in an uproar at HotAir and they have wrote a post so full of "Whine" that I actually felt drunk and woozy after reading it!

    And of course the commenters chimed in that the writer of the article (who is female) is "jealous" of Gov Baldy! YIKES....I guess the PeeZoo folks haven't noticed how bad Baldy has been looking lately.

    Anywho Baldy will be on Judge Jeanine "my-face-doesn't-move-even-when-I-talk" Pirro tonight and I can't even imagine what she will wear on her head!

  2. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Sarah Palin is the devil. Her whole family hates her. Piper is already shopping a tell-all book behind Sarah's back.

  3. Hoken4:24 PM

    Is this deja vu all over again?

    She hasn't actually shown up yet, and this isn't the first time she has said she would. And wouldn't another last-minute cancellation really frost some hineys. Popcorn time.

  4. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Speaking for free? Yep...she's done. Now if Faux would just fire her ass that would finally end her reign of terror on the lower 48.

  5. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Oh lucky us... Anger Bear is coming to the big city! Maybe we'll get that earthquake that Iowa somehow failed to deliver

  6. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Sarah thought being governor was beneath her. After resigning her ¨title¨ because she didn´t need it, Sarah´s first foray back to the Lower 48 was the ¨Rogue¨ book tour. Within a week, the contractual obligation to refer to her as governor began. It was sad to see how adamantly she insisted everyone continue to call her Governor Palin. It did not take long for Sarah to realize she was a nothing without that title.

    CPAC is blowing smoke up her arse. They just want to get her up their, so they can snicker at her.

    Sarah use to get paid to make a fool out of herself. Now she is doing it for free.

  7. Anonymous4:50 PM

    she's attending because she knows
    No One will hold her accountable for a thing she blathers from hasbeen world.

    the rw will do any thing for a familiar face in the crowd.

  8. Anonymous4:53 PM

    I think Sarah has caught a whiff of the Palin-free coffee. It might explain why she actually looked presentable on her third night of FOX last week. She may have finally realized that, hey, she better put forth something 'cause she's got nothing lined up after her contract and maybe a whole lot of hush money to keep paying indefinitely.

  9. Anonymous4:55 PM

    WTF? She's NOT getting paid for her post script speech?

    She Still has time to Quit!

    She may not get paid for her appearance, but I bet she and her family will live in luxury - first class air fare, 5 star hotel, per diem... Thanks Sarah Pac suckers!

    Wonder who the "entourage" will be this time?

  10. Anonymous4:58 PM

    "“Few national conservative leaders in America today energize and inspire our grassroots activists like Governor Sarah Palin"

    Who's being driven away from her? Her diehards are as exuberant as you are all for your own messiah.

  11. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Anonymous 4:25, to her credit, she has spoken for free before. She has made many appearance for no fee, mostly for military and DS events.

  12. Anonymous4:59 PM

    "she's attending because she knows
    No One will hold her accountable for a thing she blathers from hasbeen world."

    Because everything she has said about politics in the last 3 years has essentially come true. Open your eyes and stop believing tripe and biased media.

  13. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Nice to know ignorant people like Anonymous 4:22 exist. Hopefully they never leave home.

  14. Anonymous5:01 PM

    I'll believe it when I see it. Sarah may be about to give birth again.

  15. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Gryphen you ought to add C4P to your Sarah Palin's Least Favorite Blogs list. Because at this point, it must be.

  16. (ahem)5:03 PM

    How about you stop blogging about Sarah Palin? She just wants to live her life away from the spotlight, unless there's a paycheck or a sense that someone thinks she's important.

    Leave this private woman alone so she can have Trig over for a sleepover or finally get to the salon and not have to wear wigs over her normal hair.

    It's called maturity. This is proven (not). You are a bunch of reactionaries.

  17. Amy in Juneau5:05 PM

    I'd love for Sarah Palin to be back in the daily news headlines, for being exposed, finally, of all her disgusting lies. I want the babygate book published and brought international media attention to. Maybe then she'd STFU forever.

  18. Anonymous5:12 PM

    She is done, over, finished, kaput, history, old news, damaged goods, obsolete, not worth a plug nickle:

  19. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Are the Pay=lins really going to be on "Larry the Cable Guy" next week?
    That has to be a joke, right?

  20. Anonymous5:16 PM

    My gosh! She's wearing so much blush that she looks ashamed. Can't believe she goes out in public like that.

  21. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Curly hair galore tonight on Faux with the judge. Judge whatshername even questioned her reasoning on something. Loved it!!

  22. Anonymous5:16 PM

    "Her strong record of leadership, championing of our shared principles and magnetic personality have made Sarah Palin a hero to millions of conservatives across the country..”

    Leadership? She QUIT.

    Shared principles? WHAT principles?

    Magnetic personality? If you're stuck in junior high.

    Hero? Gabby Giffords is THE HERO!

    Millions? Then why didn't IOWA "Reconsider?"

    A washed-up old hag (compare that pic to how she looks now) holding on to what LITTLE adulation she has left.

    Poor Queenie, "always the bridesmaid, never the bride," and she only has herself to blame.

  23. lostinmn5:19 PM

    I do wonder how much hush money she pays out every month. The list must be extensive if you think back to all the lies an misrepresentations.

  24. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Previously, Sarah WAS going to speak at CPAC and then cancelled a couple of weeks before the event. She did the same thing with other speeches. Quitting and blaming it on a scheduling conflict is standard operating procedure.

    Sarah's speech is a "special keynote speech," the concluding speech of the event. Usually, the Keynote speech opens the conference, sets the tone and the agenda, and gets people enthused. Sarah's speech will end the event as people are snapping their suitcases closed and rushing to get home.

    Gryphen, please think about putting up a box on the front page with the questions: Sarah's CPAC Speech: Will she show up or not?

  25. How funny that Todd said in the 2009 Esquire interview that he takes on most of the domestic duties while $cary pursues her "political career".

    Guess it's now her turn to make those bologna & cheese cracker sandwiches since she isn't all that busy anymore. If that is a task too daunting for her, maybe she can join Britney and Lohan in a desperate group search for their respective lost 'careers'.

  26. Anonymous5:37 PM

    "Anonymous said...

    Anonymous 4:25, to her credit, she has spoken for free before. She has made many appearance for no fee, mostly for military and DS events.

    4:58 PM"


    If you don't document exactly when and where she made these "many" appearances, then into the bullshit file you go.

  27. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Palin scheduled for end of event blather. A good planner always puts the know quitters where their presence/absence will be equally unnoticed.

  28. An European viewpoint5:44 PM

    "to her credit, she has spoken for free before. She has made many appearance for no fee, mostly for military and DS events."

    When ? Where ?

    Sorry if I'm not informed enough, but I never read of her going to "military and DS events" for no fee.

    Could you give a list of dates and places, that I could check out in reputable news outlets ?

  29. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Anon 4:58, come again? How many unpaid appearances has Palin made for the military and DS? The actual number of actual appearances (outside of her PAID governorship) she has made for both groups you can count on one hand, minus a finger or two. And none of them, apart from the ceremony when Track's unit came home (from which he was conspicuously absent) were unpaid. Educate me. When did she do an unpaid DS appearance? And how many DS appearances has she actually made? Few to none. This is a mother, a powerful political figure, a woman who could have started a small earthquake regarding rights and medical coverage for DS children and adults. Yet she only showed up for two appearances I know of. . .and all of her political screed regarding "death panels" and the like were AGAINST what DS children and adults really need. The National Down Syndrome Congress is FOR ObamaCare and Palin is not. . .are you aware? Be sure to write back now, and enumerate all those unpaid (and even paid) DS and military appearances for me because clearly I am uninformed.


  30. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Hear hear 5:37! If she had spoken at any of these type events she would have made sure the media was all over it. They were not because she did not.

  31. Anonymous5:53 PM

    C4P complains:

  32. Anonymous6:10 PM

    O/T GOP debate update...Perry just said we should send our troops back to "eye-rack" before Iran moves back in. LMAO

  33. Our Lad6:17 PM

    The thought that any group which wanted to be taken with any measure of gravitas would include this confused and simple individual on their speakers list is surprising. Even most thinking conservatives realized quite early on that the former Miss Heath was neither a policy wonk, nor intellectual or scholar and quite possibly mentally ill. Can you imagine,say George Will entertaining any of this woman's scattered discourse or treating her with any consideration at all. No, no, this is all so strange. Can't make this stuff up.

  34. Smirnonn6:31 PM

    Irrelevance suits her well.

  35. Anonymous6:38 PM

    She's desperite.

    She's hungry.

    She needs the cold chicken dinner to take home and feed her kids. The bitch is so cheap she won't spend her own money to feed them!!

    Rarely has the Wasilla Trailer Trash spoken for free. She charged various people like Niki Haley when she was running for Governor, to come speak for her campaign and endorsement.

  36. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Uh oh. Sarah better start gettin' ready for the big speech:
    Find shoes that fit.
    Clean stains off suit.
    Delouse wigs.
    Get someone to write a speech.
    Pick out tasteful Jesus cross jewelry.
    Hit the tanning bed.
    And, most importantly, make Sarah PAC prepare a new solicitation for donations.

    So many things to do, so little space on her palm.

  37. "Leave this private woman alone so she can have Trig over for a sleepover"

    But...but...but... isn't Trig her SON? Does she have to make special arrangements to see the child that she daily calls a "blessed angel of God"?

  38. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Troll at 4:59 PM, you said, "Because everything she has said about politics in the last 3 years has essentially come true. Open your eyes and stop believing tripe and biased media." You're forgetting the part about the FACT that she really doesn't say anything of any depth or insight. She gripes at the president. That doesn't take strategy, just stupidity.

  39. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Yes, Anon 5:19 PM, you're exactly right: a keynote speech is the one that goes at the start and gets everyone fired up. The person who gets the slot at the end of the event is for the star who is losing her shine. Perfect place for Sarah.

  40. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Anon 4:58

    "Anonymous 4:25, to her credit, she has spoken for free before. She has made many appearance for no fee, mostly for military and DS events."


    You've been bought and paid for I can see.

    Spoke free for military and DS events. Bullshit.

    She was contracted through the Washington Speakers organization for miliary fundraisers -- her fee was to come off the top and the dregs would then pay for the event and the miliary were lucky to get any scraps left over.

    As for DS -- same thing. She was paid for her DS speech. She may have spoken 'free' at the restaurant with parents after her attendance at a fee paid speech.

    That doesn't show where she went to speak for DS -- they were an afterthought in that she was in the area.

    Sorry Troll -- you've been outed.

  41. Anonymous7:07 PM

    O/T: Pee Pond unhappy with tonight's Pirro interview:

    JLAdevelop4 minutes ago
    I always enjoy seeing Sarah. However, the interview was kind of a nothing burger. Best parts were her analysis of how she thinks the Dems are setting up Romney for a take down, and what Todd gave her for Christmas.


  42. WakeUpAmerica7:12 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous 4:25, to her credit, she has spoken for free before. She has made many appearance for no fee, mostly for military and DS events.
    4:58 PM
    Please list the names, dates, and places of those events where she spoke for free or STFU. Thank you for your cooperation.

  43. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Love the tweets from tonight's "Justice with Judge Jeanine" on the show's website:!/JudgeJeanine/status/155830502346076160

    Only 3 comments about Sarah and they were about her hair!

  44. Anonymous7:20 PM

    No one stays for the last speaker at a conference. Everyone's packed and moved on by then.

  45. Anonymous7:22 PM

    OMG - just watched the clip of Palin tonight. That one greasy strand of hair hanging in her eyes was really distracting. WTH can't she do something with her hair? Of course, C4P was thrilled with her curly hair and thought it looked "romantic". LOL

  46. Just saw Baldy on Judge Whatsherface and all I can say is that wig is truly fucked...AGAIN! Half of it is curled and the other half is not! The neck....good lord the neck! She needs to borrow Beefalo's scarf from now on! Cover that shit up Baldy...nobody wants to see that mess!

  47. laprofesora7:29 PM

    Oh, how the mighty, I mean the CRAZY, have fallen.

  48. Anonymous7:46 PM

    O/T: Pee Pond unhappy with tonight's Pirro interview:

    JLAdevelop4 minutes ago
    I always enjoy seeing Sarah. However, the interview was kind of a nothing burger. Best parts were her analysis of how she thinks the Dems are setting up Romney for a take down, and what Todd gave her for Christmas.


    7:07 PM

    The comments on that thread have me laughing all the way to President Obama's next 4 years.

    I need Ahem to tell me that Brianus is his/her cousin. If he is NOT a spoof I will shortly be believing that the world is flat.

  49. Anonymous7:52 PM

    JMO but I think the Tuscon Massacre kept her from CPAC last year and will again when everyone makes manifest her supreme involvement in it via twitter...
    Yes Sarah, we don't forget and Karma is a bitch much worse than your "hell"...

  50. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Turns out $12 million doesn't last that long, when you buy a bunch of snow toys and waste $2 million on a home in AZ that might not have a clear title.

    Not to mention how much money her blackmailers keep demanding.

  51. Anonymous7:58 PM

    The Palin fairy tale troll said,

    "Because everything she has said about politics in the last 3 years has essentially come true. Open your eyes and stop believing tripe and biased media."

    Yeah right, there you going again rewriting history to favor that mentally ill wig wearing woman, like she's some god damn prophet. There is no truth to your statement and if you stopped listening to the most biased name in media, Fox News, you might actually learn the truth about Sarah Palin. She isn't capable of having an original thought. But better yet, let's examine your statement..."Everything she has said about politics in the last 3 years has essentially come true." EVERYTHING? Seriously?? You sure you want to go with "Everything" because she regurgitated a shit load of word salad over the past three years. She had no idea what she was babbling about half the time, nor did any body else. So for that reason alone your statements of "Everything" is totally false. Sorry loser, keep drinking the kool aid you brain dead zombie!

  52. Anonymous8:00 PM

    "“Few national conservative leaders in America today energize and inspire our grassroots activists like Governor Sarah Palin"

    Who's being driven away from her? Her diehards are as exuberant as you are all for your own messiah.

    4:58 PM,

    Did you forget that landslide loss in 2008? That was a rejection of epic proportions. It only got worse for Palin after that. At least our "messiah" has enough diehards to actually be elected president, unlike your MESSiah, who never will be.

  53. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Having 3 million followers on Facebook means you have less than 1% of the nations support.

    Team Sarah has less than 100.000 members, and even the woman there has serious crush problems.

    The grassroots activists the ACU refers to will be deceased soon, as they are in their late 80's. The GOP will lose half of it's rabid hate mongers unless the lies they predict start coming true.

    And we stand in the way of that.

  54. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Anonymous 4:25, to her credit, she has spoken for free before. She has made many appearance for no fee, mostly for military and DS events.

    4:58 PM,

    Hardly. And, I've only ever heard of her attending only one downs syndrome event.

  55. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Because everything she has said about politics in the last 3 years has essentially come true. Open your eyes and stop believing tripe and biased media.

    4:59 PM:

    NOTHING that fool has said the past few years has come true. Open your eyes, and stop expecting to us believe tripe from biased bots.

  56. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Nice to know ignorant people like Anonymous 4:22 exist. Hopefully they never leave home.

    @5:00 PM

    Nice to know ignorant Palin trolls are here to entertain us. Hopefully, they never leave Alaska, again.

  57. Anonymous8:13 PM

    5:03 PM,

    O.K., now I am convined you are doing satire. I feel better.

  58. Anita Winecooler8:31 PM

    Ahh the trifecta of troll comments, all in a row.

    Anonymous said...
    "“Few national conservative leaders in America today energize and inspire our grassroots activists like Governor Sarah Palin"

    Who's being driven away from her? Her diehards are as exuberant as you are all for your own messiah.

    4:58 PM

    4:58 PM

    4:59 PM

    The cut and paste posse is getting funnier and funnier- Sarah Palin's military and DS Philanthropy troll, The Obama Messiah Troll, and the Media Tripe Troll.

    Keep them coming, Trolls! They're always fun to read, but not reality based.

  59. Anonymous8:40 PM

    I haven't been keeping up lately so I don't know if this was already posted but here it is... I know you all want one LOL.


  60. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Ice auger? Is that for drilling the ice queen?

  61. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Love the tweets from tonight's "Justice with Judge Jeanine" on the show's website:!/JudgeJeanine/status/155830502346076160

    Only 3 comments about Sarah and they were about her hair!
    Her hair which is FUG! Its that Beefalos work? Or Brillows?
    It is awful! Can you believe tthis face of meth ever had VP on our USA UAS???? WTF?
    ~A Patriot

  62. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Hah! Closing speech? The only time anybody stays for that is if they give away the "must be present to win" door prizes then. Otherwise, you speak to a nearly empty room while the few remainders trickle out with their rolling luggage and a pocketful of free pastries to eat at the airport.

  63. Anita Winecooler8:51 PM

    Gryphen, I love the photos you pick for your posts!

    Wonkeyette's wasn't as flattering as yours. The comments there are a total riot! Seems like everyone there know the rill Sarah Palin.

  64. Anonymous9:13 PM


    You do know that none of the Palin Fairy Tale Trolls are from Alaska, right? They just pretend to be and on other blogs they actually call them out on it.

    We know better in AK; we learned our lesson with that one and no one here is taking up for the Quitter.

  65. Perhaps CPAC is giving a little payback to Palin in scheduling her last. After all, she has declined their invitations in the past and embarrassed them. Having been at a few conventions myself, I know that few stick around for the last speaker and it will be especially true of Sarah. What could she possibly say that she hasn't already said? And inelegantly at that. She is not a good public speaker and by the end of the convention, those with convention-related hangovers will not risk blowing a blood vessel to listen to her screech.

  66. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Well truth be told it was either stay home and listen to Piper's bitching, listen to Bristol's bull in heat moaning sounds with whoever, listen to Willow blow snow or go to CPAC and talk for free.....

    Not much to think about... Grannie is a comin' to CPAC...

    Wonkie eyed grannie would even go to Gryphen's house for dinner just to get away from the dump fuck retarded free loadin' uneducated, unmotivated husband, kids and grandkids of hers!

  67. Anonymous9:37 PM

    God, another horrible photo of Palin! Where do you find them?

  68. Anonymous9:38 PM

    can someone once and for all and correctly tell us if sarah palin can go to tampa to the convention and somehow get on that ticket?

    griffin can you figure this out?

    i need to know.

  69. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Of course I'll speak at CPAC for.... for.... for free...

    What will I talk about you ask?

    Well I got a dandy of a concession speech from 2008 I could dig up with the campaign clothes I hid in the back yard next to the septic tank.

    I just need some gas money to git there for my One Nation Tour bus...

    As they say, "Ass, Gas or Grass... Nobody rides for Free!"

    Nobody wants my tired wrinkly old ass...

    I don't do grass anymore, I do meth and I git it for free from my meth dealers Bristol, Track and Willow... so I just need some gas money!

  70. Anonymous9:40 PM

    8:48 You are right on! I've attended many conventions throughout the years and no one is around for that last speaker. Attendees are packing, checking out of the hotel, getting to the airport. Doubt many will be viewing/listening to the aged Sarah Palin! 'Last Speaker' on the Agenda - cracks me up!! Just where she belongs and always seems to be!

  71. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Sarah Palin is going to CPAC?

    YIPPEEEE.... I told ya Sarah is runnin' for president!

  72. Anonymous9:46 PM

    just watched her on Fox, her hair was in fake curls, and it was huge, she looked wild .

  73. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Here she is on that show:

  74. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Anonymous said...
    She's desperite.

    She's hungry.

    She needs the cold chicken dinner to take home and feed her kids. The bitch is so cheap she won't spend her own money to feed them!!

    Rarely has the Wasilla Trailer Trash spoken for free. She charged various people like Niki Haley when she was running for Governor, to come speak for her campaign and endorsement.
    6:38 PM

    Sarah Palin went all the way to New York to kiss Donald Chump’s ass and only got a slice of greasy pizza on a paper plate while eating in a private table next to a big plate glass window while everybody watched. Sarah asked for a To Go Crate for Bristol’s pizzas Sarah collected from the other pizzas people left on their tables.

  75. Bristol's Real Chin9:56 PM

    If the grifter even appears, Faux will do its magic and make it look like there's a big audience.

    I can't get over how many people still don't know that "ahem" is a satirist!

  76. Anonymous9:58 PM

    I think that Sarah truly IS the RELUCTANT candidate, like George Washington. There is NOTHING phony or fake about our Sarah. However, she is also a supremely astute and sagacious politician; she is a master chess player; she is Bobby Fischer. She is positioning herself perfectly to be able to say, "I praised this field; I supported them; I tried to stay out, but, in the end, there was no one else to take on and take out obama!"

    She ends by giving us a SAMPLE and TASTE of how SHE will confront obama, as she denounces his "thwarting the Constitution" with his supposed "recess" appointments; as she denounces his "failed Socialist policies"; as she denounces his desire to cut our military; as she denounces his presenting us as an "isolationist" nation that is not engaged with what is going on in Iran, Russia, and China. She speaks stirringly of the "free market" and "free men and women who want opportunity to progress."

    So, guys, let us continue to fight and pray, each of us as our different abilities and temperaments and time allow; let us not give up the struggle in these crucial days and weeks.

    I gotta say, this guy can really wind them up over there in the Sea of Pee. They hang on his every delusion and nurse their denial with it.

  77. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Mama while you are out at CPAC can you ask around to see if anybody is looking for an actress for a reality show?

    Daddy says he is interested in a snowmobile or fence building reality show too...

    Love ya, ps bring me home some leftovers...


  78. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Sure I can go to CPAC...

    I just need per diem for my mama, daddy, Tawd, all my kids and grandkids, don't forget Tri-G's nanny and all my daughters lovers.

  79. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Sarah would go to the Grand Re-Opening of a toilet stall at a travel rest stop to git the fuck away from whining Piper.

  80. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Cpac speech preview...I'm so happy to be here with you rill americans. I'm um I'm um I want to be clear I'm for the free market principles our founding fathers admired so. This Obama ticket machine will not stand in 2011.. I um mean 2012.

    Oh hell I give on sentences like ole Palin spews, I can not do.

  81. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Okay time to pull the Belmont girls out of storage.

    Time to go to work... mama needs major chi chi's!

    Has anybody seen my wigs and bumpits?

    Any of them... all of them... the more the merrier.

  82. Anonymous10:41 PM

    We will finally get the answer to the age old question how high can you pile shit when Sarah Palin goes to CPAC!

    We will see how many wigs, clips, extensions, bumpits and toupees Sarah will wear.

  83. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Anon 6:39 pm. Good one!

  84. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Sorry to bother you guys at CPAC but I need a couple of more comp rooms...

    Glen Rice and Brad will be attending as well.

    Love ya, Sarah

    Oh yes, Bristol wants some more rooms for Ben, Gino, the Masey brothers...

  85. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Ya want Satan Palin to speak for free at CPAC?

    The last time Sarah gave anything away for free was when she did Glen Rice...

    Technically that wasn't for free since Sarah was getting paid by her tv station to interview Glen and ended up taking "dicktation" from him in her sister's dorm room bed which was paid for by the good people and taxpayers of Alaska.

  86. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Bobby Fischer had an IQ of 180
    Palin maybe 80

  87. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Look at the tweet from us4palin from 14hrs ago. He says "Today is Crosshairs day" in honor of Palin (at her twitter address) and the Second Amendment. (I can't link to it.) That makes me sick that anyone would be so crude/cruel leading into this weekend.

  88. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Anonymous said...
    can someone once and for all and correctly tell us if sarah palin can go to tampa to the convention and somehow get on that ticket?

    griffin can you figure this out?

    i need to know.

    9:38 PM

    The 2012 conference is in Washington DC. They don't have any official "voting" as this is the Conservative Political Action Conference, and not an actual political party. They only voting they do is an internal straw poll, which Ron Paul won last year.

    Here's the wiki if you'd like more info:

  89. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Bristle must be taking a mail order course in hairdressing,Scarah is her model!

  90. Anonymous12:33 AM

    FOX will easily make it look like a big audience. All the guys will roll in for the first few minutes just to see how far they can see up her skirt. FOX will record spare footage of those minutes.

    After she starts talking (and they've had an eyeful), they'll start sneaking out, mumbling to themselves, "Now I can say I've seen her in the flesh."

    By the end of her screech, there will be 25% of the audience left, and FOX will play the extra footage they recorded earlier.

  91. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Please Laawwdd don't let Sarah tell CPAC how she is the mother of a combat vet or Bristol has great work ethics or Willow who hasn't seen the inside of a school building since June of 2011 will graduate this year or Piper just made valedictorian of her 2nd grade or Tawd is doing whatever he is doing!

  92. Anonymous1:38 AM

    I wonder if, on the anniversary of the Tucson shootings, Sarah Palin will remember this video which declared the end of her political career (in response to her "blood libel" video...)

  93. Anonymous2:44 AM

    Anon at 4:58: Can you cite any instances when she spoke "for free" to any group other than when she was the half-term govenor of AK?

  94. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Palin at CPAC.. Isn't that like a dead fish going with the flow?

  95. I am now convinced that Sarah's footnote in history will be "that crazy lady with the weird hair." Perhaps the only thing that interests me about Sarah is WHY she is so obsessed with her hair and yet still manages to ALWAYS have a hair disaster. I keep hoping some grad student somewhere will write a thesis about Sarah's Hair.

  96. Beldar Vihuelo Conehead5:24 AM

    Gryphen, can you confirm a rumor that the Screechy Wretch(tm) is now traveling semi-incognito as a mariachi band member - complete with gigantic sombrero and handsome glue-on mustache? Apparently her enormous guitarrón occupies the seat next to her (yeah, I thought it meant "ass" also too, but it's just that really large mariachi bass guitar) so she neednt sit too close to any member of the actual public. The funny part is that she seems to prefer traveling in short shorts and the cellulitic rendition of the Italian alps on her left thigh is a dead giveaway that it's her....

  97. 9:58~"Let us NOT"???

    Sounds like he is taking his cues from our dear, "ahem"!

    Sad I didn't know if it was satire or not until I saw the URL...

  98. Anonymous5:39 AM

    George Washington = Sarah Palin?

    The c4p writer needs to know some history about why Washington was "reluctant."
    In addition, take a look at what Geo. Washington had achieved (i.e. commanding the troops in the Revolutionary War) vs. Sarah Palin's serving half a term as governor of a state that's smaller in population than many American cities; and a "city" that's smaller than many school districts.

  99. Anonymous6:24 AM

    sarahVsarah, you and me both! It does throw down the gauntlet for the satirists among us, when the rill dill kooks are such parodies of themselves. Big HT to our own (ahem), for continuing to make us (most of us, ahem) laugh.

  100. Anonymous7:00 AM

    “Few national conservative leaders in America today energize and inspire our grassroots activists like Governor Sarah Palin. Her strong record of leadership, championing of our shared principles and magnetic personality have made Sarah Palin a hero to millions of conservatives across the country,” American Conservative Union Chairman Al Cardenas said in a statement. “As we ready for the critical 2012 election, I’m honored to welcome Governor Palin to the Conservative Political Action Conference for the first-time ever.”

    who the fuk comes up with this bullshit about this worthless white trash skank fraud piece of shit ?!?

    GAWD I wish a moose would fall out of a tree and squash this piece of human excrement

  101. Anonymous10:57 AM

    "“Few national conservative leaders in America today energize and inspire our grassroots activists like Governor Sarah Palin"

    Who's being driven away from her? Her diehards are as exuberant as you are all for your own messiah.

    4:58 PM

    Well, I for one was driven away not only from her but from the entire Republican party. I was a right-leaning independent in 2008, did some research, and concluded that this woman did not belong anywhere near the White House. In the ensuing three years, I've watched her grow even more hateful, divisive, nasty, vindictive, and insane, and the GOP has kept pace with her. My aversion to her as a political leader has grown into an aversion for the party that enabled someone of this caliber to aspire to a position as a political leader. I can't imagine ever voting Republican for anything again.

    Sarah Palin did more than any other individual to turn me into a progressive. So, in that sense, I guess she did energize and inspire me.

  102. Anonymous12:33 PM

    She seems to be dissing Romney, who will possibly be the GOP candidate.

    Isn't he conservative enough for the tea bag queen?

  103. Marleycat4:09 PM

    Okay, just can't resist, and I signed my name before writing this comment: How do we know CPAC appearance is going to be unpaid? Is this documented anywhere - maybe she's getting paid in an under the table way. It's not within her character to miss an opportunity for $$$!

    Also, it's a fact, Sarah - everyone already knows you have done NO unpaid appearances for the military OR any Down Syndrome non-profit group! You're not in Texas, you know, so trying to rewrite history after the grifting facts have already occurred ain't gonna fly here. Your fellow Alaskans are on to your lyin' ways, and so is the whole country - and the WORLD!

    Sarah, you and your paid trolls need to stop coming here pretending to be members of the public at large or I'm going to have to divulge some very incriminating evidence against you and Todd that my contact in Alaska has provided to me about that prostitution ring. I guess his wife is raking him over the coals right now over what he brought home to her after one the fringe benefit sessions arranged for him by you know who! She's pretty sure where her herpes came from.

    You need to start apologizing immediately for the lyin' and griftin', and polluting this wonderful forum you've been doing here - haven't you figured it out yet - this blog is reserved for honest people with intellect - and you don't have either honesty or an intellect. Begone, or suffer the consequences (I ain't a kiddin' either, Missy)!

    Also - if Todd don't tell you NOT to buckle up when he drives his truck out onto that frozen dead Lake Lucille to go ice fishing, don't fret, he's just trying to make sure . . . well, course, MY hubby told me to unbuckle my seatbelt when we drive out on the ice, but, that's cause he loves me!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.