Thursday, January 12, 2012

"When Mitt Came to Town." Does this video signal the END of the Mitt Romney campaign?

Damn!  That is devastating!

The source of this film is a little murky but this is what The New Yorker uncovered:

Neither the film nor the Web site credits a director, but the documentary’s shy auteur seems to be Jason Killian Meath, who has previously worked with the Stevens & Schriefer Group, a consulting firm that worked on Romney’s 2008 Presidential campaign. Its slightly less shy producer is Barry Bennett, a supporter of Texas Governor Rick Perry, who says he is only trying to help: “I wanted people to see what the Democrats are going to do [to] this guy.” And, like so many acclaimed documentaries, this one has secured distribution from Winning Our Future, an “independent expenditure-only committee” that is backing the Presidential campaign of Newt Gingrich. 

So did the supporters of Newt Gingrich team up with the Rick Perry supporters to make and distribute this film in order to blow the Romney campaign out of the water? Could be.

Like I have often said, I just love to watch the Republicans eating their young.

You know earlier, before I saw this, I had intended to post an amazing Lawrence O'Donnell segment about Romney's grandfather. I think this video is more damaging, but I urge you to click here to watch the O'Donnell piece becasue it is very enlightening as well.


  1. Anonymous3:19 PM

    This must be what the Bots have been waiting for. They say this will be the Earthquake to get Palin in the race. They are sooooo delusional.

  2. Anonymous3:47 PM

    I was sick to my stomach after watching the first 10 minutes of that video.

    Romney is evil. Nothing wrong with making money but his love of money is evil.

  3. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Gop loves Capitalists.So far this video has only backfired on Gingrich.There is also a little law that says it is illegal for a candidate to coordinate things with a Pac. It looks like Newt is the loser in this.

  4. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Mitt is having a terrible, horrible, very bad week. Isn't it fun?

  5. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I couldn't locate the Romney grandfather piece. Could you please repost the link! Thanks!

  6. Anonymous3:58 PM

    So if the Republicans treat each other the way the Republicans wwho made this video treat the odious Romney with this video - how do you think they would treat any one they think really opposes them, like, say, democrats, middle class whites, blacks, latinos, women etc.

    That is truly terrifying.

  7. Anonymous4:00 PM

    The bots want to say that the WigWon after this race. But which wig will wrangle willfully? Newt is as divisive as SP1.0. The GOP can't want him.

    This is a very sad film. What saddens me most is how he says he knows economics. He's like a fighter pilot who says he can fly a plane, takes out insurance policies, ejects and crashes them, and collects the $$$$.

  8. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Mormon Church is all about $$$. They have subjugated half of the population and get the fruits of their labor for nothing. Like Bain, the Church has no transparency, so all finances are behind closed (Quiet) doors where they have absolute dictatorial powers.
    It is no accident that there are two of them running for President this year. Call me bigoted? Is it bigoted to object to female mutilation in African religions? Or is it morality. Just because they call it a religion does not mean we shouldn't look at what happens to the women there. Remember, George Romney was born in Mexico so his grandfather could continue to practice polygamy.

  9. Smirnonn4:47 PM

    I knew about a lot of these romney led bain "antics" but it is truly astounding to hear these stories all in one place. Kudos to the producers of this film.

    One of the things that this film truly underscored for me is the contempt the likes of romney have for the working class. "Lazy, sloppy, etc." I guess it makes it easier for them to sociopathically destroy people's lives if those people are dehumanized to them.

    Mark my words, the economic imbalance in the US is going to lead to some serious consequences. It's a major social stressor and at some point something has got to give. Having so much wealth and power in the hands of a very small minority who looks down upon the majority didn't do too well in France, IIRC.

  10. WakeUpAmerica4:48 PM

    Wow! It is devastating and well done. I'm passing the YouTube link to every one of my rethuglican friends. I would send your link, Gryphen, but then they wouldn't even look at it, being a progressive blog and all.

  11. Has part of this been shown before? I had a huge wave of deja vu in the middle of the piece

  12. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Unbelievable. He is very creepy so I guess that means the Republicans will love him.

    Notice screechy is ripping apart Michelle Obama again and screeching out false information. See HP.
    Gryphen you need to send Sarah your chart showing which presidents increased the deficit the most. Not that the angry dog cares a bit about facts. Whenever I see her screeching about the Obamas I truly can see her envy and racism showing. Poor Sarah. She is such a loser and a legend only in her own mind.

  13. WakeUpAmerica4:50 PM

    Typical behavior of ALL organized religions. LDS is no worse than any other.

    No, I'm not LDS.

  14. Smirnonn4:53 PM

    This video reminded me of Matt Taibbi's now famous analogy for goldman sachs:

    "a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money."

    There's romneys bain in a nutshell.

  15. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Mitt Romney is the most UnAmerican SOB I've ever seen.

    Go to Hell you bastard!

  16. Anonymous5:07 PM

    I just want to say, I absolutely love & have so much respect for our President and First Lady. They are the best.

  17. I'm having a little trouble getting the segment to show, but I think the one you're referring to is Romney's Deep Roots in Mexico. (Do we have his long term birth certificate yet?)

  18. Anonymous5:34 PM

    A Poster at named John Henry said exactly what I was thinking:

    John Henry on January 12, 2012 4:43 PM:

    I just watched this yesterday and couldn't help but think:

    1. Mitt's got some 'splainin to do. Let's watch him lie his way through this.
    2. This is the pot calling the kettle black. Gingrich helped passed the laws that allowed Romney to gut American companies.

  19. Anonymous5:50 PM


    Another victim of the Palin curse:


  20. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Oh My God. That man is a nasty evil piece of work. He is probably worth way more than what he says.. He has blind trusts and off-shore accounts.

    He is a sleaze, and disgusting.

  21. lwtkb5:53 PM

    Much as I despise Newt Gingrich, if he is responsible for distribution of this video, I applaud him. This is a conversation we have needed to have for a very long time. Remember when there used to be big cheers for companies that bought up other companies and fired a bunch of people? Such actions were promoted as a great deal because they made stock prices go up. It was about that same time pension funds started getting shifted into IRAs and 401Ks, thereby making everybody a stake holder in the market. It seemed to me as if those things were sold as a package. You would be happy to see people fired if it made your pension better. Or something like that. Now, of course, those pension funds also got raided.

    I remember ranting to anyone who would listen that such companies were firing their customers. Now we're there. And the SOBs want more. They're not even subtle about it.

  22. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Damn, just damn him. Mitt is evil, no doubt about it.

  23. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Interesting film--interesting because of the cutthroat approach to get him out of the race. Are any of the others any better or any more altruistic or any less greedy? No. They just haven't been as good at it as Romney.

    The thing that's most troubling about this video is that whomever the powers that be are that are behind this are clearly willing to do anything to regain power. And that doesn't bode well from our lovely, dear,, wonderful President. They are going to do everything in their evil power to try to demean, slander and destroy him. It's going to be a sad and scary year. And these are the people who pretend to be Christians. Put your seatbelts on.

  24. On LOD: According to Joe Scarborough there is an "unholy alliance" of Newt, Perry and Palin. Then Lawrence showed the video of Palin's screech on Hannity last night.

    Even Scarborough agreed that Palin's world salad "just won't play with the Republican Base."

  25. Anonymous6:17 PM

    The reason Romney does not want to show his tax returns...

    Maybe he has not been giving full 10% of his income to the church..

    Mormon church would be pissed off if he has been welching.

  26. lwtjb6:18 PM

    Another casualty of this equity capital takeover of so many businesses is benefits. Many people who kept their jobs in the massacres lost their benefits. Now the propaganda being put out is how dare public workers get health care when we don't? Now we're hearing the stripping of public workers' benefits being advocated since "we don't get those benefits, why should they"? Seems to me that question is backwards. Should be "why don't we get those benefits anymore"? Many businesses used to provide benefits in the past but those have gone by the wayside along with all this corporate raiding.

  27. Sally in MI6:20 PM

    I think Sarah's plan is to trash whomever is the current frontrunner. When she has taken them all apart, she figures she will be the last comic standing. However, dear Sarah, do you not think that, finally, YOU will be vetted by your party? That someone will actually ask the right questions this time? That YOUR real record as a public servant will be unveiled for all to see? Be careful, Mrs. Wighead, because the earthquake is coming, an it will swallow you whole.

  28. I usually don't ever watch long videos, but I couldn't stop after hearing the first two minutes of this one. The entire 28 minutes was completely disgusting. What an asshole. Any woman that marries a man with morals like this is kept woman; she is a gold-digger. I have no respect for anyone in this family.

  29. Mike W6:30 PM

    Unbelievable... "Gordon Gekko Lives"
    and we have a Newt to thank for letting us know about it?

    Flying Spaghetti Monster has a senseof humor and a streak of Irony!

  30. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Romeny is an animal abusing asshole that takes jobs from people too. What a money whoring Mormon! Just ask Seamus what kind of a master he was and you will see what kind of a taskmaster he'd be for America.

  31. Anonymous6:59 PM

    I would certainly NOT want to be on the receiving end of something like THIS!

  32. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Anon @ 6:09 nailed it right on the head. Whomever is behind this film either does not want to lose power, or will do anything to get it. It's evident that they are willing to do anything, even destroy the Republican party. They have either made Obama's job easier during the primary, or he needs to be careful of what will be coming at him. Of course I am assuming it's a Republican entity....Maybe it's not ;)

  33. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Ah, the anti-propaganda film. How easily we are all swayed and manipulated. Good job to whomever did it. Now, who will be next?

  34. ibwilliamsi8:57 PM

    ooh, 6:17 PM... VERY GOOD POINT!

  35. Quetzalcoatl9:01 PM

    Holy Shit! I'm from Ontario. So the Ontario Teachers Pension Fund bought the dismantled Univac co, and Romney made a 230% return?

    That same fund used to own MLSE(Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment co)(owned the hockey team, baseball team, basketball team and soccer team) which they recently sold to the top 2 competing telcos in Canada (Rogers and Bell)!

    Bloody astute pension fund! Woe the companies that were left shuttered. Going to look into this and get a little boned up on their actions.

    A scathing video, I also wouldn't watch a 30 min., vid, but it was well done.

    Damn 1%ers though, that's as cold and calculating as leaving your dog to ride on the roof of a car on rhe highway.

    Romney's a fucking psychopath in the corner office.

  36. Anita Winecooler9:38 PM

    Poetic Justice, Karma?

    Whoever did this is slick! It puts real human faces to the "I love firing people" (except the illegal aliens who he hired to cut his lawn).

    Republicans eat their own. So true So true.

    A thought occured to me while watching this.

    They're doing a fine job making the argument to re-elect President Obama, no matter who gets the brass ring at the GOP clown carousel. If newt wins, and they trace this to him, it shows how far he'll go to buy the office. Romeny can't possibly refute all this, and I think there's much more we have yet to know.

    Google Romney, there's a "Spreading Romney" site now, also too!

    :o) life is good!

  37. I am speechless. I knew I didn't like that man,and just get a chill down my spine every time I see his smarmy,smirking smile. Now,I have a clearer understanding of why he gives me the creeps. He is pure evil.The thought of him somehow becoming our President makes me sick to the pit of my stomach.This Country,and our People, would be totally destroyed.

  38. Anonymous3:11 AM

    "Maybe he has not been giving full 10% of his income to the church..
    Mormon church would be pissed off if he has been welching."

    Nope, the LDS accounting department gets a copy of them immediately or your temple card gets pulled. No tax report, no church attendance. Effective immediately.

  39. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Anon 6:09 PM Stop you whining. This was done by Repubs, and they did us a favor, by exposing Romney.
    Romney is despised by Gingrich and Perry.

  40. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Anion 6:09 You are upset that this was found out abut Romney. WAHHHHH, don't cry too much.

  41. Anonymous4:51 AM

    @6:17 - I believe the more likely scenario is that Mitt HAS tithed his full 10 percent (it's drilled into Morms to do so. They'd be terrified not to) but we'd never get from the LDS how much that is. They're the most button-lipped private club/cult in the world, and that includes Scientology.

  42. Nauseating...

    I sent a note to MSNBC asking them to do a segment on that video.

    I;d love to see Rachel or Lawrence run with this one.

    Pray they do.

  43. Anonymous5:21 AM

    The slimy, sleezy U.S. Chamber of (Horrors, er ..) Commerce is defending Willard The Mutt saying he knows more about business than any other ReThug candidate and the film only gives the evil Democrats fuel against the holy, pious Republicans.

    When W was the acting U.S. president - he was never, ever elected by the voters - whenever unemployment went up, the stock market surged big time - b*stards!

  44. Smarmy Romney is greedy, disingenuous and creepy. Just another Rethug that cannot be trusted or believed. Lies Are Us is their motto...and damned proud of it too. Who needs the truth when there is an abundance of lies to tell, twist and distort?

  45. 7:40 PM
    Ooops! Misspelled my own name.lwtbj


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