Thursday, February 16, 2012

Colbert Report suspended possibly due to illness of Stephen's mother.

Courtesy of the Huffington Post: Multiple outlets have cited a family illness as the cause of the suspension of "The Colbert Report," and now a person who has a business relationship with the show has told Huffington Post that the host's mother is seriously ill, and the show will remain suspended until he can return.

As many of you no doubt know Colbert's father and two brothers died when he was quite young and, since he was the youngest and his other siblings had moved out already, after that tragedy he and his mother lived alone together until he left for college.

Obviously they were extremely close, as you can certainly discern from this rare interview with Mrs. Colbert in 2008.

In my opinion Stephen Colbert is a national treasure and  we are very lucky to have him. For that all of us owe his mother a great deal of thanks, and to let her know that she is in our hearts.

I don't pray, but I certainly would not hold it against any of you for doing so.


  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Gryphen, wrong video...

  2. I remember Stephen saying in an interview that the way he became funny was by cheering his mother up after his father and two oldest brothers died in 1974. I'm sure they're close. Bless her to infinity for giving us the treasure that is Stephen. "From C to Silent T."

    Nothing wrong with prayer/meditation/communing with the Universe. Can't hurt, eh? I'm a sucker for the opening of It's a Wonderful Life where "god" is a star. I believe there's "something" beyond me that's smarter and better than I can imagine with my limited 'Earth-brain.' I just know it's not an old white dude on a cloud who throws lightning bolts and wins the big game for 'Christian' kids in the South, while letting other kids die of hunger.

    So my meditation today will include sending a boatload of white Light to Stephen and his family.

  3. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I did not "get" Colbert for a long time and therefore paid no attention. Then I understood and just devoured all the old videos of him. My favorite was an interview of him being serious, being his real self -- so very thoughtful intelligent, well-read, polite, creative, and yes funny.

    The say comedy emerges out of trouble, sadness. I can see that. And his recent spoof on PACs served to educate scores of folks (me included) on some icky details of PACs.

    I agree, a national treasure, who also had the courage to speak up in front of Bush with some unwelcome truths. Took a lot of guts.

    His Mom sure raised him right. I send good wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

  4. Anonymous1:12 PM

    No matter what, Stephen Colbert has made this a better and funnier world. What a marvelous thing.

    I hope for the best for him and his family.

  5. Anonymous1:18 PM

    We're with you Stephen.

  6. Anonymous1:18 PM

    My thoughts are with Stephen and his family at this time.

  7. It must be the right video, now, because i was so touched by the obvious affection Mrs. Colbert has for her youngest son. There is no doubt that Stephen deserves that affection.

    My youngest son is the comedian of the family, and he's even funnier because he's trying to be serious. His family nickname is 'Nitro' ~ short for laughing gas :)

  8. Anonymous1:45 PM

    I love Stephen Colbert and I applaud him for putting family first.

  9. Anonymous1:49 PM

    i believe i have read that colbert is an active catholic

  10. Thanks for posting, Gryph.

    Stephen Colbert is such an amazing talent, and comes across as such an genuinely nice, caring person. It's mind-blowing to think of how he grew up (losing his father and brothers at such a young, impressionable age, being the youngest of 11). He could have grown up resentful and bitter, but instead honed his comic talent to the stratosphere.

    Godspeed, Mrs. Colbert. You did a wonderful job of raising a national treasure.

  11. Prayers and positive thoughts will be sent her way as well as a HUGE thank you for raising such an intelligent, unique and talented man.

  12. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Stephen is a brilliant satirist and all around great guy. I'm so grateful to him and wish his mama well.


    Poll Finds The Republican Party On The Verge Of Political Death

  13. Anonymous3:37 PM


    Gryphen, you have to see this!

  14. Not What You Want to Hear3:54 PM

    Gryphen, thank you for letting us know. I hadn't heard this yet, but will definitely pray for Stephen Colbert and his Mom. The way you described his backstory, a little of which I knew about, brought tears to my eyes, truth be told. I don't know, I guess just as a mom to a son, it struck a real chord. And you're right, SC is a national treasure.

  15. Irishgirl5:34 PM

    Stephen is an international treasure.

    Sending prayers and positive vibes their way.

  16. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Colbert is an American treasure, a true hero. I wish him and his family all the best.

  17. Anita Winecooler7:47 PM

    I didn't know all this, what a shock. And, yes, he's a national treasure.

    My condolences to Steven, it's never easy watching helplessly while a parent gives their light back to the universe.

  18. icstraights8:56 PM

    I could NOT have handled the way all of this BULLSHIT has gone down w/o Colbert's satire: Of Bush, of the 2008 election circus freak show and the latest super PAC funnies! May our universe and any other out there that had a funny bone allow some respite for a TRUE AMERICAN HERO!

  19. Not What Want You to Hear6:06 AM

    icstraights said..."I could NOT have handled the way all of this BULLSHIT has gone down w/o Colbert's satire"

    Well said.

  20. Anonymous12:37 PM

    You summed it up beautifully.


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