Thursday, February 16, 2012

Oh Noes!!!! Palin endorses the Knick's amazing Jeremy Lin!

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Maybe, just maybe, the Palin curse will skip him by and he will be the one person who will be unaffected by having Palin endorse him.

Like maybe when he was a kid he got a Cooties shot and it is still working.

 Dammit! I really like this guy too!

(Courtesy of TMZ.)


  1. Anonymous3:23 PM

    I just heard about this guy on NPR Talk of the Nation last night on my way home from work. I guess New York is on fire with their latest hero and leave it to Palin to glom onto any person-of-the-moment that she can find to lend her relevancy. Note: I thought that basketball was already over for the season so I was surprised to hear basketball talk on NPR. I thought that they had their championship thing around the same time as the football superbowl....

  2. Virginia Voter3:24 PM

    I just thought the same thing when I saw those pictures of Sarah with her street vendor Linsanity shirt.

    Nike better hold off on manufacturing those new Jeremy Lin kicks until he can get a few more wins and escape the Palin curse.

  3. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Aren't you cold? Alaska native Sarah Palin shows she's not afraid of the New York chill in towering open-toe heels and bare legs

    Read more:

    OMG - check out how her toes are hanging over the front of her heels and what the hell is up with her toenails.

    Also, she is carrying some kind of backpack. No class from this woman whatsoever!

  4. Anonymous3:33 PM

    She looks and sound manic.

  5. laprofesora3:36 PM

    Quick! Somebody get Lin on camera saying he supports President Obama! And if he bashes the GOP, even better!

  6. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Hey Sarah, take off that wig and show the world your Linesque cropped hair.

  7. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Nah, she just wants to fuck him (I hear she has a thing for basketball players).

  8. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Oh no and that guy was doing so good.

    Fucking Palin Bad Joo Joo is about to ruin another career unless he can battle the evil powers placed on him.

  9. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Does this mean Palin wants to interview Jeremy Lin?

    Take dicktation again?

  10. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Palin does not look right. She is starting to look like those ladies who had multiple cosmetic surgeries.

  11. Well, maybe Sarah wants to add an Asian American basketball player to her conquests á là Glen Rice.

    From the looks of her Booger Video, her tongue seems quite agile.

    I do hope she heads back to Alaska soon.

  12. Anonymous4:01 PM

    I heard about him on the Lawrence O'Donnell show. I'm really not a sports fan but was amazed at how good he is and he isn't as tall as those other basketball players. I really hope he escapes the Palin curse cause I like him.

  13. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Dumb shit Palin is into buying fake knock offs and supporting pirating and maybe child sweat shops...

    Here is the official Adidas sanctioned t-shirt with their logo at the top.

    I betch her I-Pod is loaded with pirated songs and I betcha her dvd movie collection at home shows people getting up and returning with bags of popcorn and sodas.

  14. Teutonic134:03 PM

    Goodbye Glenn Rice...

    We barely knew ya...

    "Linsanity became a bipartisan syndrome Thursday, as the former Alaska governor held up a Jeremy Lin shirt a day after President Obama praised the Knicks phenom.

    Palin, who played basketball in high school, posed with the highly coveted Lin gear outside her Manhattan hotel.

    Holding up the blue jersey with the already iconic No. 17 stenciled in orange on the back, Palin smiled, waved and signed a few autographs for fans."

    From: Politico

  15. Teutonic134:04 PM

    No candle shall be lit- no flame shall shine brighter... Then this cheap piece of monkey shit.

  16. Anonymous4:10 PM

    LOL Bootleg Palin... and there she is posing like a retard with a fake knock off.... I betcha her titties are knock offs too!

    "Palin's in New York for some reason or another, and showed off for the press what appears to be a knock-off Jeremy Lin shirt. It looks like the two official ones on sale at the Knicks store, but not quite. "

    "I caint dew nuthin write"
    -Sarah Pa-Lin

  17. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Yoooooo Betcha!

  18. Anonymous4:17 PM

    According to Sarah, Jeremy Lin is everything America stands for -- calling him "an American story ... uplifting, positive ... he unifies our country!"

    WTF? "he unifies our country!"

    How does he do that Sarah? I guess Lin passed health care, got the auto industry back on its wheels, maybe he is helping the 99%ers?

    Yeah ya retard, Lin is unifying our country!"

    Put your panties back on Sarah... Lin doesn't want Glen Rice's sloppy seconds.....

  19. Anonymous4:25 PM

    What a fame whore. I wish she will leave Lin alone. What an amazing player just starting his career and this woman came alone trying to jinx it.

    She is in NYC, so she is there pandering and also trying to use Jeremy's momentum to be in the news.
    Knicks just won their 7th straight win last night and President Obama was impressed by him, too. Now she wants to remind everyone she was a point guard also too!

  20. wakeUpAmerica4:26 PM

    He's doomed.

  21. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Ohhh what's that in Sarah Palin's left hand?

    A wedding band?


    Pair of glasses for Tri-G?


    Condoms for Palin's sexually active daughters?


    Todd's cut offed huevos?


    Track's Combat Medals?

    Haaiilll Noooooooooo

    Why it's Sarah Palin's Blackberry so she can follow Immoral Minority!

  22. Anonymous4:30 PM

    The problem as I see it is that Lin didn't even ask for her endorsement, and he still got cursed by her. If she is going out to recklessly ruining peoples careers like Lin's, and like she did for her own career, someone has got to go out and stop her before too much damage has been done to innocent people like Lin. I don't care what she did to her own career, there wasn't anything there to begin with, but other peoples careers is different.

  23. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Good grief. . .she is such a media whore!

  24. Anonymous4:32 PM

    O/T Eric Bolling described Maxine Waters as a CRACK HO. He should know, he frequently interviews a crack ho on his show, SARAH PALIN.
    He is an expert with CRACK HO'S.

  25. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Jeez, she'll attach herself to anything that's getting attention, won't she. Sarahcuda my ass, she's more like a lamprey.

  26. Anonymous4:35 PM

    The problem as I see it is that Lin didn't even ask for her endorsement, and he still got cursed by her. If she is going out to recklessly ruining peoples careers like Lin's, and like she did for her own career, someone has got to go out and stop her before too much damage has been done to innocent people like Lin. I don't care what she did to her own career, there wasn't anything there to begin with, but other peoples careers is different.

  27. Anonymous4:36 PM


    Everybody knows that Palin panders to whoever is in the room at the time.

    She wears the Star of David, Catholic Cross, Veteran bracelet, Alaskan flag, American flag, Israeli flag and even a North Korean flag to pander to people.

    But Sarah Palin is taking this Jeremy Lin pandering to Asians little bit too serious with her lapel pin:


    According to Wikipedia:

    Ho-oh From Wikipedia, Ho-oh may refer to:

    Fenghuang, a mythological birds in East Asia
    Ho-Oh, a legendary Pokémon resembling the fenghuang

  28. Anonymous4:39 PM

    He may be safe -- he went to Harvard!! And you know what Snowdrift thinks of peeps you went to Harvard!!

  29. Anonymous4:44 PM

    He is done for.

  30. Anonymous4:44 PM

    She doesn't really like him -- he's part Asian!!

    What's amazing, is to be at a game and see so many Asian people - students, parents, kids -- so many carrying signs, cheering for him. As much as I wanted my team to win -- I couldn't help but get caught up in the LinSanity!! That another ethnic group has someone to cheer for -- brings more to the game -- more to get involved. I thought it was absolutely great.

    Now it's about that like .5 of a second and he had to score - NOOOOOOOOO!! We lost!!!

  31. Anonymous4:44 PM

    If the Knicks' 7 game winning streak ends against the abysmal Hornets tomorrow night, we'll know who to blame.

  32. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Jim Lin?

    This is Sarah Palin calling...

    What do you mean your name is Jeremy Lin?

    Can I call you Jer?

    Well Jer, I'm calling you because I'm currently in New York and wanted to know if you want to hook up tonight? No strings attached...

    I can get a dorm room and me love you long time...

    Who you calling a knock off t-shirt wearing skank?

  33. Anonymous4:50 PM

    I'm sure she is just reminiscing about the Glin Rice days.

  34. Anonymous4:52 PM

    whut a fukin' skank fraud, hope $he's outta AK for good

  35. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Shameless media whore,like bad breath.....thank heavens Lin does not need her endorsement.

  36. Anonymous4:53 PM

    BITCH! You went all the way to New York and the only thing you brought me back was a knock off t-shirt of an Asian basketball player?


  37. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn4:55 PM

    The NY Daily News had almost a full page in today's morning edition about President Obama being one of Lin's biggest fans, with a pic of the President shooting hoops. Gee, guess SP had to try and top her arch nemisis/wild, mad crush, huh?

  38. Anonymous5:01 PM

    I ask you would anybody be surprised if at Sarah Palin's next appearance, Bristol sets up a portable folding card table and starts selling Jeremy Lin knock off t-shirts?

    First 100 people get a free t-shirt and if you buy a t-shirt you get a free Bristol Palin book desribing her encounter with her baby's rapist daddy?

  39. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Anonymous said...
    whut a fukin' skank fraud, hope $he's outta AK for good

    4:52 PM



  40. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!

    Pat Buchanan's days at MSNBC are OVER!!!! He's done!! Fini!! Kaput!!

  41. Anonymous5:13 PM

    If I caint git it on with the brothas I might as well git it on with Asian basketball players!

    I'm sure he is longer than Tawd's 4incher!

  42. Anonymous5:13 PM

    It should be noted that Sarah Palin was NOT the basketball player she says she was when in high school in Wasilla. It's been noted in Alaska that she was NOT a good player and just happened to make a particular basket that won a particular game.

    This is the same continum in most everything she says! She also was not a good 'sports' announcer on Channel 2 TV in Anchorage years ago. She didn't keep that job long either, but what else is new with her work history!!!

    She's a liar and fraud folks - vet her in Alaska.

  43. All I know is, with her track record of being the Grim Reaper, she'd better stay away from my beloved New Orleans Saints & Hornets...

    I'd hate to have to cut a bitch....

  44. lostinmn5:16 PM

    She must be getting real nervous about the old bank account. In New York making an ass of herself, trying to act all upbeat and happy. She'll latch onto anything she can to keep the money coming.

    Poor Lin - torn ACL coming right up. She'll leave his fame the second he falls flat. I'm pulling for the dude so I hope nothing happens to him - she's a curse to whatever she touches. In fact it's so certain that I'm kind of surprised she doesn't put the snake eye on Obama but coming out for him.

  45. Anonymous5:22 PM

    "According to Sarah Palin, Jeremy Lin is everything America stands for -- calling him "an American story ... uplifting, positive ... he unifies our country!"


    WTF? Jeremy Lin an American story????

    Black Muslim Barack Hussein Obama show us your long form birth certificate that short form birth certificate shit authenticated by the Hawaii governor aint good enough for us rill Ameikuns!

  46. Anonymous5:24 PM

    It will be interesting to see if Sarah Palin ever wears that Jeremy Lin knock off t-shirt without the Adidas logo.

    It would be funnier if she took a black sharpie and drew the Adidas logo on it....

  47. Oh God. Lin is too nice a person to have that albatross show up!
    Ignore her, ignore her, ignore her!

  48. Anonymous5:31 PM

    grabbing more grifter shit

  49. Anonymous5:32 PM

    That dailymail article is SICKENING! I can't believe they are swooning like that about her! "Not a hair out of place, impeccably dressed..."


  50. Anonymous5:37 PM

    President Obama has case of Linsanity, talks about Jeremy Lin’s game-winning three on way to Milwaukee

  51. Anonymous5:40 PM

    That looks like her creepy Dad in that photo...

    Sarah's wig looks horrible!!!!!

  52. Anonymous5:42 PM

    OMG - She is really manic in this and she is back to the dirty wig. The more that she talks the crazier she gets!

    Palin Talks To David Asman

  53. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Next she'll claim they're related -- she'll say his cousin's name is
    Pa Lin.

  54. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Wow. Check out the Daily Mail story and pix --

    those shoes don't fit, it would appear. There's a gap in the back, at her heel, and her toes are hanging out the front, over the shoe. It looks really dreadful. The five-inch heels just make it all look cheap and dirty.

    And, anyway, Jeremy Lin is one of those elites, so how could he also be an American success story? She can't pick and choose.

  55. Anonymous5:55 PM

    But Lin is one of those elite Ivy League guys like President Obama; He's also of Asian ancestry like the people in Hawaii she hated.

  56. Anonymous6:00 PM

    @anon 3:29

    "OMG - check out how her toes are hanging over the front of her heels and what the hell is up with her toenails."


    It looks like the shoes are a wee bit big and that's why her toes are pushed forward. Take a look at the heel there is a slight gap where her heel should be.

  57. Anonymous6:06 PM

    I don't think Sarah's staying in NYC because she's trying to land a job at Fox News. I think she's just looking for some good pizza to make up for the crap that Trump had served her before... Yeah, pretty sure that's the reason she won't go back to Alaska.

  58. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Anonymous said...

    That dailymail article is SICKENING! I can't believe they are swooning like that about her! "Not a hair out of place, impeccably dressed..."

    5:32 PM
    Isn't the Daily mail a Murdoch Rag???

  59. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Is that your newest "come hither" look, $arah? Sex kitten is DEFINITELY in your past!


  60. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Dude you have to post this:
    Sarah#Palin has a mouth Booger problem

    Also,too Google SarahPalinhas a mouthbooger problem
    Romeny #CrateGate
    Santorum #frothymix
    #Palin BoogerGate
    oh an the person who put this up Did the booger part REALLY slow, NSFW!!!
    or keyboards! :)

  61. Anonymous6:28 PM

    oh my eyes! My eyes read no-hoes!

  62. Anonymous6:29 PM

    So Sarah just happened to bump into a TMZ reporter in NYC? She probably called them to meet her for this interview. She does her excitable giddy teen act very well - she's flying high, on that manic phase that she's been on all week.

  63. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Poor guy. What did he do to deserve the Palin curse?!
    Quick, surround him with a wall of protection. Focus, everyone. FOCUS.
    M from MD

  64. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Still wearing that lousy wig, too, also...
    M from MD

  65. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Anonymous said...
    It should be noted that Sarah Palin was NOT the basketball player she says she was when in high school in Wasilla. It's been noted in Alaska that she was NOT a good player and just happened to make a particular basket that won a particular game.

    This is the same continum in most everything she says! She also was not a good 'sports' announcer on Channel 2 TV in Anchorage years ago. She didn't keep that job long either, but what else is new with her work history!!!

    She's a liar and fraud folks - vet her in Alaska.
    5:13 PM
    wrong, $he made a foul shot AFTER the game was well in hand....

    $he is a skank fukin' fraud though, too

  66. Sally in MI6:49 PM

    Does Sarah know that Jeremy is not only one of those Ivy League 'elites,' he's really, really smart too. He has a college degree from Harvard, that he earned. He wouldn't give her or her daughters the time of day.

  67. Anon @ 5:43,

    You be funeee!

  68. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Looks like you've attracted the attention of the Dirty Old Men for Palin crowd.

  69. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Sarah´s psyche is fragile. She knows people are laughing and shaking their heads about the knock-off t-shirt. It just may be enough to send her into another deep funk.

  70. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    whut a fukin' skank fraud, hope $he's outta AK for good

    4:52 PM


    5:07 PM
    nu huh, we've supported this grifter skank fraud and her dysfunctional fuked up spawn waaay too long now, you keep it/them for a while, take that fuked up mom and dad, sally and chuck, those creepy perverted rat killers for good measure too..( creepy chuck's in charge of keepin' track of the kids' underwear...) act now and we'll throw in that dipshit brother chuck jr as a bonus...

  71. Anonymous7:22 PM

    I love how easy going she is. Im glad shes her natural self. What an amazing woman. No wonder it's impossible for sane people to believe the bs and lies.

  72. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Boy is Palin going to feel dumb when she realizes Lin is Asian.

    Remember, she left a 4 year university in Hawaii for a community college in Idaho! because the Asians made her uncomfortable.

  73. 4:44- the same thing happens with Ichiro at Safeco field..we took a bus to the game from downtown to the ball field and there were almost all Asians on it, everyone had cameras and all they talked about was Ichiro. It was exciting to see them so excited.

  74. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Trig was at the iron dog safety thing the 11th again this year. His babysitter had him. Last year he was pictures being held by Todd. Piper was also there.

  75. Anonymous7:25 PM

    What an amazing woman! She is America.

  76. Anonymous7:26 PM

    It's no wonder people just flock to her. Ya can't hate her. She's too nice and down to earth. Well, those who aren't gullible and hateful by nature can't hate her.

  77. lilli7:27 PM

    6:14. I watched that "booger" video and almost threw-up, especially when she was flipping her tongue around trying to get rig of it. yuuuck!!

  78. Anonymous7:27 PM

    But Palin's father, Chuck Heath, gave a different account to Conroy and Walshe. According to him, the presence of so many Asians and Pacific Islanders made her uncomfortable: "They were a minority type thing and it wasn't glamorous, so she came home."

    Come on OUT, $arah! You want to RUN? You CAN'T and we ALL know it!

  79. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Anon 6:44, still making stupid comment I see.

  80. Anonymous7:28 PM

    It wasn't cold today. Lots of Nyers have been wearing Fall-ish clothing these past 2 months.

  81. Anonymous7:29 PM

    "She looks and sound manic."

    Sarah's a naturally sunny, cheery person who can make anyone smile and glow. Meet her with an open mind and youll love her.

  82. Irishgirl7:30 PM

    Daily Mail is rubbish. No one takes it seriously. I have never bought that paper. It is one of the British tabloids...

    Enough said.

    The Guardian on the other hand is a newspaper.

  83. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Why is Dailymail so pro palin now? They usually report the most ridiculous lies.

  84. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Weren't you the one who falsely reported Sarah purposefully stayed out of Alaska half of 2011 for whatever reasons, despite Todd always being with her, as well as Bristol? Well, when Track and Todd weren't doing irondog stuff.

  85. Anonymous7:39 PM

    This is random but I think she's in NY doing in studio hits because it's the top of the year and, like years past, it's time to do instudio interviews. She did in 2010. She was in DC. Why not be flown to NY for a week? Contract.

  86. PalinsHoax7:59 PM

    Anonymous @ 4:17 pm said...
    "Put your panties back on Sarah... Lin doesn't want Glen Rice's sloppy seconds....."


    Oh, Ol' $carah just had a birthday. She's way past panties and is now into Depends.

  87. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Ever since TMZ changed format a while back, I can't view their videos anymore no matter which browser I use. Would sure like to view her video. *sigh*

  88. Anita Winecooler8:05 PM

    LMAO "He unites the country"

    Try again, Lin unites NYC, Barrack Obama unites the nation.

  89. Anonymous8:21 PM

    I don't often comment on SP's looks. - That frosted highlighted hair is so not right for a high caliber professional woman. A great lesson for me. I've often thought of getting highlights, but now I can see that it wouldn't fit my career life. Thanks Sarah for pointing this out to me.

  90. Anonymous8:24 PM

    It should be noted that Sarah Palin was NOT the basketball player she says she was when in high school in Wasilla. It's been noted in Alaska that she was NOT a good player and just happened to make a particular basket that won a particular game.

    This is the same continum in most everything she says! She also was not a good 'sports' announcer on Channel 2 TV in Anchorage years ago. She didn't keep that job long either, but what else is new with her work history!!!

    She's a liar and fraud folks - vet her in Alaska.
    5:13 PM
    wrong, $he made a foul shot AFTER the game was well in hand....

    $he is a skank fukin' fraud though, too

    6:46 PM


    Sarah Palin failed as a mother, she never taught her daughters to keep their knees together and now Sarah has more grandkids than Carter has pills.

    Sarah Palin failed as a parent, did not raise them to be educated. Cannot even get them through high school without pooping out a baby. Now they can't even graduate with the normal kids. One had to go to Michigan to do time then join the Army to avoid jail time. One daughter missed about 7 months of school, the first time she disappeared with what they called MONO? Then the second time was for being underage and pregnant and the other daughter missed about an entire year because she was kicked out and is now pregnant and engaged to be married before the age of 18 with no diploma, never completed high school.

    We know Willow, you are graduating early even though you are seen in LA, Minnesota, Washington DC and every where else besides being in a classroom.

    Sarah Palin failed as a mayor. Had to hire a town manager and then she made ignorant decisions and put the town in debt and was over her head and moved on to be governor and left the mess for someone else to clean up.

    Sarah Palin failed as a governor, required her husband to help her in meetings and with emails. Got caught violating too many ethic laws and decided to quit and move on to be vp candidate before being convicted. Even though Palin said she never violated ethics rules, she had to pay for the ones her hand picked buddies on the ethic board could not cover up for her. Palin moved on and left the mess for someone else to clean up.

    Palin moved on and caused McCain to loose the presidential race and Palin is now repeating history with the 2012 presidential race.

    Sarah Palin is just being Sarah Palin, dividing the party and nation as usual, spewing rhetoric and showing America what can happen if you are an inbred and do not go to school.

  91. Anonymous8:31 PM

    These are funny pics of SP.

  92. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Anonymous said...
    It should be noted that Sarah Palin was NOT the basketball player she says she was when in high school in Wasilla. It's been noted in Alaska that she was NOT a good player and just happened to make a particular basket that won a particular game.

    5:13 PM

    But but Sarah the Barracuda said she won the state championship for Wasilla.... even though we know the game was already won!

    But but Sarah said she is an energy expert even though she never worked in that field and was only on a board that met every once in a while. Sarah never had any schooling in that field and holds no degrees in that field.... WTF makes Sarah an energy expert besides Todd working on the North Slope?

    But but Sarah said she raised a combat vet... she is the mother of a combat vet... but but Track never got a comabat medal?

    But but Bristol said she lost 5 pounds and got her mouth realigned that made her chin look a foot longer....

    But but Bristol said on national tv that she was raped by Levi... then she walked that lie back after being challenged...

    But but Bristol said she is not Trig's mother even though she disappeared for a while and returned looking postpartum.

    But but Sarah said she is Trig's mother even though Sarah said she had her tubes tied after delivering Piper...

    But but Sarah said, “heck all they needed to do was ask me or ask Todd himself, ‘hey Todd, you been hanging out with hookers in Anchorage?’ And he’d tell the truth and obviously it was a big lie.” But but Todd won't answer the question, he went into hiding... It's only Sarah doing all the talking!

    I'm kinda slow but it seems to me if you challenge what the Palin claims, or did or said, you will find out that they are scammers, frauds and liars!

    Seems to me that they are not very good liars, but they are getting away with it because the media doesn't question the Palins about all their controversies...

  93. Anonymous8:49 PM

    O/T Shailey Tripp's Book, "BOYS WILL BE BOYS: MEDIA, MORALITY, and the COVERUP of the TODD PALIN SHAILEY TRIPP SEX SCANDAL" will be available on March 4, 2012. All Appliance stores in Wasilla should have a sale on REFRIGERATORS. GRANNY GRIFTER will be back on her Drugs and throwing tantrums. IM will be on TROLL ALERT for the UNWED MOTHER CREW.


    That woman makes idiots seem like Rhodes Scholars.

  95. icstraights9:01 PM

    WTF is wrong with that "thing"?! SHE IS SO GROSS!!! Gawd it's like a (BAD) tranny job trying to stay relevant with the true society ladies yet fails time and time again!
    Scarah! You SCARE MEN! You are the BONER SHRINK-ER! Unless you are a closeted homosexual republican, well then GAME ON!

  96. 8:31 PM


    That pic of her holding her index fingers apart, is a testament of Glen Rice.

  97. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I love how easy going she is. Im glad shes her natural self. What an amazing woman. No wonder it's impossible for sane people to believe the bs and lies.
    7:22 PM
    It is funny and amazing how certain people can not put down the crack pipe and see what a amazing grifter she is?
    Are you too blinded by the world salad that flows from her like diarrhea? Does the blizzard of made up words fit in your made up scenario.. your make believe world?
    Brooklyn PUT down the CRACK pipe, the END is NEAR!!!
    *OBAMA 2012*

  98. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Sarah's having a last whirlwind adventure in NY before Game Change airs. After that, people will no longer her view her the same. There's already an Emmy buzz about Julianne Moore's performance. Can you imagine Emmy, Golden Globe, even the BAFTA nominations? That means many, many people will be watching the film worldwide for the next 12 months at least.

    It won't be long now before she's back in Wasilla in a fetal position, vodka bottle clutched in one hand, bottle of Xanax in the another, dreading the next appearance on the epic fail that is the Fox Business Network.

    I'm a shtar, dammit, I'm a shtar.

  99. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Do ever get the feeling the person who regularly posts distasteful comments about the Palin girls being dirty whores who are always spreading their legs is actually an Orange County Republican, probably a treasurer of the Rotary Club who golfs every Wednesday and teaches Sunday school?

    Me too.

  100. In the mouth booger video,its obvious she has a mouthful of phlegm and its bent on escaping and creeping out of her mouth and down her chin.A normal person would say excuse me and stop and wipe her mouth on a tissue or take a drink of water,both of which are usually on the set.whats wrong with her?
    Then of course,why would the show use the tape instead of re-taping it?Were they all laughing at her ?

  101. Anonymous11:16 PM

    check the gal with the umbrella walkin' behind $carah at the 35 second mark, if she'd been a tick closer, instead of wingin' $carah's 'hair', she might've been able to of yanked the whole wig thing off $carah's bald dome

  102. Anonymous1:48 AM

    I am pulling out all the stops and lighting candles to remove the Palin curse and stop it in it's tracks!!!! No way this young man deserves to be inflicted with her cooties.

    If enough of us send good vibes his way I think we can shield him from any adverse affects

  103. Urban Dictionary: hooah
    Phonetic spelling of the military acronym HUA, which stands for "Heard Understood Acknowledged." Originally used by the British in the late 1800's ...

    she hasn't any taste or style at all!

    HOOAH sounds like what she is: a whore, a media whore who will lie and shake her stuff, all for money!

    Is that the cheapest looking piece she wears or what, but she wears cheap junk on her to tell everyone her message for the day.
    One day it's a cross, or a star or both!
    Yesterdays message with the rhinestone pin says I'm a whore or does she think she's helping a Marine what?

  104. Anonymous6:43 AM

    The Daily Mail article was an attempt at subtle sarcasm:

    "not a hair out of place" = shellacked wig.

    "impeccably attired" was then described as her switching from black skirt to black pants that had been stuffed into a backpack, before switching back to the skirt again.

    They were making fun of her with their very low-key Brit wit.

  105. Anonymous8:48 AM

    I've seen pics of Sarah's feet before, and it ain't pretty. She seems to wear shoes that are too big at the heel and her skanky toes poke out the front. The reason she walks like a man is because of her shoes.

  106. Anonymous8:57 AM

    She is doing her "I"m so adorable look at me, look at me" ,llama drama attention whore act.

    She didn't win the game, It was won before she scored anything. She likes to take the credit, and never takes the blame for anything.

    Like the baked goods at the PTA who someone else baked, but which she took credit for.

    She was a sh*t then, and she is a sh*t now.

  107. Anonymous4:49 PM

    The Palin is in full effect in the first quarter: Knicks held to 13 points, Lin 5 turnovers.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.