Friday, February 03, 2012

The darkness hidden behind the pretty pink ribbons of the Komen Foundation.

Courtesy of the Globe and Mail:

Near the end of the polemical new National Film Board documentary Pink Ribbons, Inc., activist Judy Brady is asked what she thinks of when she sees the pink ribbon symbolizing breast-cancer awareness: “I see evil,” says Brady. 

Who could possibly see anything wrong in a symbol that has mobilized people to raise hundreds of millions of dollars for breast-cancer research since the 1980s? The answer is provided in this documentary by Quebec’s Léa Pool (Emporte-Moi, Lost and Delirious). 

The film is based on a 2007 book by Queen’s University professor Samantha King (Pink Ribbons Inc: Breast Cancer and the Politics of Philanthropy, one of a handful of studies in the past dozen years on the contentious social history of breast cancer and the gulf between the reality of the disease and the high-profile public perception of it. 

In spite of the optimistic messages, breast cancer is not being beaten. According to the film, in 1940, a woman had a one-in-22 chance of developing the disease, while today that figure is one in eight (based on the assumption that, if all women lived to be 85, one in eight would develop it during her lifetime). And, in any case, the high profile of breast-cancer fundraising has less to do with its risk (cardiac disease and lung cancer kill more women) than its marketability.

I have to admit I am shocked by what I am learning about Cancer research, the Komen Foundation, and women's health today.  I thought I was fairly well informed, but essentially I knew NOTHING.

It almost feels like some of these organizations are picking the pockets of people who want to stop this dreadful disease, and feeding them the kind of BS one would expect from faith healers.

I remember how a few times in the past I put my testosterone in neutral and purchased one of those bright pink marketing items because I believed it was for this wonderful cause. Now I feel like a schmuck.

Like I said before,  I will be making my donations in the future DIRECTLY to Planned Parenthood. And clearly I am not alone in that choice as so far PP has raised 3 million dollars in reaction to the Komen decision.


  1. $3 million? Really?

    Last I checked it was $650,000 yesterday to make up for the "grant" the Komen Foundation pulled. (But they're still funding Penn State).

  2. Anonymous4:11 PM

    I hear ya. I'm on the waiting list (or maybe I'm not now) for a mammogram through SGK/PP.... So, what happens to me now? I've been told I need to have the test, pronto, and that was the only way I could afford it.

    Susan G. Komen Foundation -- there's your "death panel".


  3. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I believe after this catastrophe of a decision by Komen, people will think twice before they do another march for Komen. I have little doubt that Komen and their donations will be seriously hurting. They may have r raising great donations for brest cancer, but I think people will start to look closer at Komen and look to see how where their money goes. Their a middle man so to speak, and I understand the Broad of Directors and their Director make far more in salaries than the private sector. Komen is about to experience some dark years ahead, and if they survive they will no longer be the organization they once were.

  4. Anonymous4:22 PM

    these mobile mammogram machines?...anyone ever follow the trail of those 'diagnosed'?
    ive heard horror stories.

    ..2nd 3rd opinions are a must ladies.

  5. Anonymous4:24 PM

    I never liked being made to feel like a schmuck because I wouldn't wear a pink ribbon- or any other kind of cause. What's the point? Show off that I'm "doing good"? I've actually NOT bought the New Balance shoes that I found really comfortable because they sported pink ribbons- it made me feel duped into supporting something I may not have wanted to.

    Besides all the women in my family died of heart disease or dementia. Just because men die of heart disease too, is it less worthy to support research? (I'm a woman by the way.)

  6. WakeUpAmerica4:33 PM

    MSNBC said 2mil this morning. Is it really up to 3mil? Yes, my donations will go directly to PP too. FU Komen.

  7. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Thank Gawd I've never bought into the pink ribbon thing. Aside from the fact I'm a girl that's just not into the girlie pink thing, I come from a 12 year marketing background and know the schtick (sp?) behind an emotional sell/pitch.

    Now, this entire cluster-fuck has killed one of the Republican's main talking points for the remainder of the election cycle.

    I'm thrilled beyond words that my uterus can have a little down time from the population that wants to be all up in it.

    No more pink ribbons! (to my grocery store shelf stockers)
    No more pink ribbons! (to the sports teams and their playing fields)
    No more pink ribbons! (to any hardware and office supply store I need to buy equipment and materials from).

    I was starting to run out of things to spend my money on.

  8. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I've been writing commentary on this subject for quite awhile now. I knew there were no improvements being made to breast cancer because I have gone through it with friends throughout the past years and the treatment has always been very much the same - in five to ten year increments. They have all died - with the cancer coming back three different times to the one friend. Also, have to admit that one of them stopped her chemo treatment because she was so sick and wanted more quality of life. A decision I could totally understand and supported when she asked my opinion.

    Sickness and terminal illnesses seems to be a game for politicans, research, the folks that take the donations and to some in the medical fields. It's so obvious that it is all about money! Just follow the path with someone who has cancer and you'll quickly understand. I've become very jaded and it doesn't make me feel good! If I ever am diagnosed w/the disease (and there is a good chance of it since so many in my family have had cancer of varied types - two w/breast cancer), I will think twice before doing the treatments currently recommended. I've just seen too much!

    And, I detest the corruption surrounding all of us especially in government on all levels. Get them out of office folks and re elect President Obama and Dems!!! Just look at the type of folks being presented to all of us on the right - i.e.: McCain, Palin, Boehner, Trump, Cantor, Gingrich, Romney and on and on. Proven liars and all so very, very unethical. They are a laughing stock and embarrassment to the USA.

    What has happened to the United States of America? Has it always been like this? Or, are we just learning about it due to the 24 hour a day news cycle that we see? Look at the Republican governors throughout the nation - doing horrid things and being recalled. AZ - Walker - the guy in Indiana - and on and on. AK isn't doing much better due to Palin - she appointed many corrupt people and some are still in office due to the now governor (Parnell) that she appointed when serving as the 'most horrible governor of Alaska EVER'. Alaska is a mess too and the pipeline she said was 'under construction' when running w/McCain, still IS NOT under construction and probably will not be for a long time to come. Just another example of a political liar!

  9. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Cures for cancer have always been discredited unless drug companies would be able to mske $$$ in curing cancer.

    Linus Pauling cured cancer with megadoses of vitamin c. At first he was praised, but after they, realized they couldn't patent vitamin C, he was demonized.

    There has also been a discovery that a cheap, common drug may cure cancer - no one will fund testing for it as drug companies won't touch it. It is being tested in Canada.

    A German woman, Johanna Budwig was able to cure terminally ill cancer patient with a mixture if flax oil and cottage cheese and eliminating bad fats from the diet. She lived well into her 90's and never lost a court case.

    londoN bridgeS

  10. Anonymous4:42 PM

    The highly paid Komen top-level staff just destroyed their golden goose. They have been thinking for years that Komen staff DESERVE their riches, they DESERVE the contributions of the lowly, they DESERVE to impose their politics.

    Komen Foundation could have spent a measly $20,000 to test their nit-wit de-funding plan with a few focus groups around the country. But, no, in their arrogance they assumed the meek contributors would salute their great and glorious selves.

    Komen Foundation got too big and too arrogant. But I am certain that the Komen ringleaders (it's nothing less than a gang of thugs) have carefully feathered their own nests. There will be golden parachutes for the top-level staff.

    Komen could collapse but the greedy top team will whistle all the way to the bank.

  11. Del Martian4:50 PM

    I think I've been vindicated. Every year when I drove past the hundreds of pink pup tents inhabited by thousands of pink sweatshirt clad walkers, I always thought that this 'non-profit' should be audited. I really believe it spends all the money donated on pink crap instead of what it's collected for!

    I truly feel this is one huge scam with the non-profit profits being siphoned off with a huge fire hose.

  12. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Honestly, I've always been pretty skeeved out by the Komen Foundation. I always felt like it was the Walt Disney World of charities -- great at marketing, merchandising and flash. (Don't get me wrong, I really like WDW, but I know it's just an amusement park -- some I know treat it like a pilgrimage and you can't say a bad word about it to them -- kinda like SGK.)

    I found it strange they didn't unveil this grant-yanking plan last Fall, when their main con was in full swing and every other product on store shelves became Pepto pink. I guess someone did use a little foresight and decided they didn't want to hurt that cash cow.

  13. Anonymous4:51 PM

    As long as they have Karen Handel, the defeated who enjoyed Sarah Palin's endorsement in the Georgia Gubernatorial race of 2010, whose losing platform was to defund Planned Parenthood) is there, I will not trust SGK again to do what is right for women's health. I already find their operation tainted and suspect.

    They'll have to become a Sarah Palin brand of health advocates, meaning, reduced to scraping money from an exhausted, tiny and squeezed demographic that will never recover their vainglorious reputation they enjoyed up til now.

  14. Anonymous4:52 PM

    @4:22 Anon.

    Um, I can't afford a FIRST opinion!

  15. Anonymous5:00 PM

    do mammograms cause cancer? maybe sometime.

  16. Anonymous5:13 PM

    I am so glad I have never bought anything with pink ribbons and I do not donate to these national marketing schemes. Like the poster above, I have an advertising/promotion background, and I have a bad gut reaction to the way Komen does things. I am on a board of a non-profit, and we are so responsible of our small grant, we serve the community way beyond the funds allotted. We give our services free.

    o/t: Obama is on the ballot in Georgia. Judge ruled.

  17. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Note that Pink Ribbons Inc was funded by the National Film Board of Canada. This in itself is a poignant point of interest. In an environment such as the United States where so much is polarized and free enterprise is good, government bad, this film likely would not have been made. It was in Canada because of the tradition of balance recognizing that some efforts deserve or even must have government assistance. If passed through the filter of private sector control, what company or investor would touch such a sacred cow. Perhaps 60 Minutes or PBS would take a shot but think of the grief they have encountered for analyzing anything deemed sacred, by the right in particular. Private prisons, the drug war, even the fetishization of patriotism and military service risk assault for being un-American. The private sector must see everything as a commodity including breast cancer and charity. The idea that corporate culture has a conscience defies logic yet so many believe putting a pink ribbon on a product signals evidence of a soul. It is there to make money, that is what corporations do. No doubt, they would likely get the ribbons made in third world sweatshops if that helped the bottom line - perhaps they do. Partnerships with corporations must always involve compromise. Why is everyone seemingly so astonished that SGKF has evolved to be a shill for business and for right wing fanaticism? By the way, Canada recently elected our own version of tea party government in the majority. Having a majority, you can be sure this film would never have received funding from our "conservative"government. In fact, the people involved would likely have been blacklisted as is being done to others. Our national brodcaster, CBC, is being targetted for elimination, likely one of the five best broadcasters in the world.

  18. Anonymous5:24 PM

    "I've actually NOT bought the New Balance shoes that I found really comfortable because they sported pink ribbons- it made me feel duped into supporting something I may not have wanted to.

    Make sure you let New Balance know and know why. I was actually looking at their custom line $$$. Not anymore unless they publicly separate from Komen.

  19. Anonymous5:27 PM

    "the guy in Indiana

    Which guy in Indiana? Charlie White, Sec of State who couldn't figure out where he lived? Or Not my Man, Mitch Daniels?

  20. Wolfbitch5:28 PM

    There are other ways to fund breast cancer research. The American Cancer Society is a good one. I know there are others - a friend of mine is working on it in a clinic in Britain (privately funded). If you want to specifically donate to breast cancer research, you can ask the American Cancer Society how to earmark your funds, or you can google breast cancer research and start looking into it that way.

  21. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Hey London Bridges,

    New scientist is highly suspect, and I'd hold off on endorsing their articles as fact. It is non- peer-reviewed and has been involved in at least two controversies. Many of their articles are openly speculative.

    Here's on past problem:
    EmDrive article

    In September 2006, New Scientist was criticised by science fiction writer Greg Egan, who wrote that "a sensationalist bent and a lack of basic knowledge by its writers" was making the magazine's coverage sufficiently unreliable "to constitute a real threat to the public understanding of science". In particular, Egan found himself "gobsmacked by the level of scientific illiteracy" in the magazine's coverage of Roger Shawyer's "electromagnetic drive", where New Scientist allowed the publication of "meaningless double-talk" designed to bypass a fatal objection to Shawyer's proposed space drive, namely that it violates the law of conservation of momentum. Egan urged others to write to New Scientist and pressure the magazine to raise its standards, instead of "squandering the opportunity that the magazine's circulation and prestige provides".[11]

    The editor of New Scientist, then Jeremy Webb, replied defending the article, saying that it is "an ideas magazine—that means writing about hypotheses as well as theories"

  22. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I've been reading comments at other sites since this morning, but none of them made as many thoughtful comments as I've seen here. The ones I've particularly enjoyed were 4:24, 4:37, 4:40, 4:41, and 4:42. I believe this will eventually be the end of Komen, and I hope everyone starts to donate directly to PP. Just by keeping the middleman (Komen) out of it will , I'm sure will result in more money towards research and diagnosis.

  23. Anonymous5:39 PM

    I've been reading comments at other sites since this morning, but none of them made as many thoughtful comments as I've seen here. The ones I've particularly enjoyed were 4:24, 4:37, 4:40, 4:41, and 4:42. I believe this will eventually be the end of Komen, and I hope everyone starts to donate directly to PP. Just by keeping the middleman (Komen) out of it will , I'm sure will result in more money towards research and diagnosis.

  24. Anonymous5:47 PM

    The documentary film released in limited theaters in Canada today.

    I clicked a link off the youtube video and found the twitter page for the National Film Board, who produced the film. One of their tweets sets out the following:

    @firstrun is handling US distribution on the film. Follow them for info, or check their site:

    I love the title of a blog post on Daily Kos about the release of this film:

    "HOLY CRAP. Komen's PR Nightmare Just Got Even Worse!"

    Daily Kos debunks all the BS the Rethugs will try to put out there before they even try -- about the original release date. The youtube video on Kos and Gryphen posted, was uploaded to youtube in December with the release date of Feb 3 within the video.

    I feel like the NFB is cheering today. Their film will get more attention as it could not have played into a better choice of weeks to release it as this is news everywhere about Komen!!! BRAVO!! It may only be released in Canada but coming to the US soon. From First Run site:

    Santa Barbara, CA
    Santa Barbara Film Festival
    January 26 - February 5, 2012

    Boulder, CO Boulder International Film Festival February 16 - 19, 2012

    Amherst, NY International Women's Film Festival February 23, 2012

    Huntington, NY Cinema Arts Centre March 21, 2012

    San Francisco, CA
    Human Rights Watch Film Festival March 29, 2012

    Washington, DC
    Washington DC International Film Festival April 12 - 22, 2012

    Madison, WI
    Wisconsin Film Festival April 18, 2012

    Nashville, TN Nashville Film Festival April 19 - 26, 2012

    Wouldn't be surprised to hear expansion of more dates and venues in the US as the above tweet about who is handling the film was tweeted to Michael Moore.

  25. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Nothing like pimping out your dead sister for political gain!

  26. Wow.

    What a way to "honor" your sister's memory...


    Susan G. Komen fought breast cancer with her heart, body and soul. Throughout her diagnosis, treatments, and endless days in the hospital, she spent her time thinking of ways to make life better for other women battling breast cancer instead of worrying about her own situation. That concern for others continued even as Susan neared the end of her fight.

    Moved by Susan’s compassion for others and committed to making a difference, Nancy G. Brinker promised her sister that she would do everything in her power to end breast cancer forever.

    Only scanned a few posts, but wanted to say:

    I LOVE the company, New Balance!!

    TRULY dedicated to the American worker: THAT is why you can support them.
    We made our first pair of running shoes in 1938, and hold the distinction as the only company that still manufactures athletic shoes in the U.S.

    As a company, we are proud to invest in American workers who provide some of the greatest working spirit, commitment to advancement and ingenuity known in the industrial world.

    We currently employ more than 1,300 manufacturing associates at our five facilities in New England.


  27. I'm glad this dirt is coming out. I've never bought "pink" products because I've been offended by the color: women's diseases are cute, and feminine! The "I heart boobies" slogan is equally offensive. Women's diseases are cute and sexy. Go Planned Parenthood and serious research organizations.

  28. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Because it's on the internet does not mean it's true. Because Gryph has always valued science and science based evidence -

  29. Pursang5:56 PM

    From Charity Navigator, Komen uses close to 20% of donations either for administrative costs or fundraising activities. In the charity world this isn't especially bad but still, almost 20% of what Komen gets does nothing for womens health issues.

    From their IRS Form 990:

    Primary Revenue
    Other Revenue $38,148,304
    Total Revenue $311,855,544

    Program Expenses
    Administrative Expenses
    Fundraising Expenses
    Total Functional Expenses

    Frankly I think my dollars are better off going directly to Planned Parenthood.

  30. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I'm sure Komen does the same thing as Trump -- sells the name 'Pink Ribbon' just like Trump sells the name 'Trump' to be hung on condos that he has nothing to do with but hangs his mug out for them pretending he does.

    The Corporate world after paying for the use of the 'pink ribbon' then has used it and abused it all for the bottom line profit.

    There are far too many products out there for Komen to be the 'owner' of. They've used and abused it for their personal gain -- lining their own pockets as the CEO last fiscal period was paid $456,000 -- almost half a million -- large enough that it reveals they are treating a non-profit charity like a profit business.

  31. Maple5:59 PM

    Many of us who have had a breast cancer diagnosis absolutely hate "the pink" and have little use for Komen. The Foundation spends more of its donor dollars on administration and fundraising expenses than it actually provides to cancer research. It spent $1million in legal fees for suing small fundraisers (bakes sales, golf tournaments etc.) for using "for the cure" in their names. Komen copyrighted that term and if funds aren't going to Komen, then Komen sues.

    It probably changed its tune about Planned Parenthood (although perhaps not really -- the grants will go through this year, but there's no guarantee PP's future applications will be accepted) because the corporations which make pink products were terrified of mass boycotts and begged Komen to "do something about it". And the court of public opinion has indeed spoken -- loud and clear.

    Handel made it known during her Georgia gubernatorial run that she despises PP, as well as stem cell research. She's as evil and disgusting as her endorsers. Komen has had its day -- there are other, more responsible breast cancer charities which actually DO use the bulk of their donations as they promise to do. And there are highly regarded scientists toiling long hours in hospitals and university research institutes all across North America who are far, far more worthy recipients of your donor dollars than Komen.

  32. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Just visited the Komen site. They are now getting it from both sides. Form the progressive libs, of course, but also form the fundernutter misogynists, Who didn't knwo they gave grants to PP, so they're p'o-ed, and now that Komen ha sbacked off, theyre also p.o. ed. Sucks to be Nancy Brinker, doesn't it?

  33. Anonymous5:59 PM

    This does not only apply to pink ribbon charities have a look at Livestrong and see how the funding to cancer research has dwindled over the years leaving a promo vehicle for Lance Armstrong.

  34. What has happened to the United States of America? Has it always been like this? Or, are we just learning about it due to the 24 hour a day news cycle that we see? Look at the Republican governors throughout the nation - doing horrid things and being recalled.

    Scary, isn't it?

    2008, Scarah Palin, Walking-Dead McCain-

    Woke. My. Ass. UP!!!!!!!!

    But, I believe now, Bush and Cheney, Bush Sr., Ronald Reagan,

    truly damaged our nation;

    treason from the inside out...

    It sounds cliche', but I don't think America can "handle the truth" about itself.

  35. Anonymous5:59 PM

    It's the same exact situation with the ASPCA, the Humane Society, PETA and Best Friends. They have actively promoted bills hurting homeless animals in many cases. Their directors make 1/2 million bucks per year. They are about collecting money and only token helping animals. When it comes to homeless animals, ALWAYS give to local small groups--the local voluteers in your area who are up all night trying to save animals--those are the ones that need funds and every $10 helps in a huge way. The ASPCA for example, spends their 20 million they raise each year on commericals andd celebrities so they can raise more money. They are NOT trying to turn shelters into no-kill sheleters, it's the local small groups in areas that are. Be wise who you give money, give it to the direct cause, not the big umbrella groups.

  36. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Having read the comments that some never bought into the 'Pink Stink' -- I'll confess -- I bought various items in the pink -- not for the purpose of it was associated with Komen -- but for the fact 80% of my house is decorated in pinks, blues and lavenders!!!!! How else was I to get some of those items in pink as they don't produce them otherwise.

  37. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Planned Parenthood Raises $3M In Three Days

    The Planned Parenthood Federation of America has raised more than $3 million in the last three days, a spokesperson told TPM, after a massive outpouring of support following the Komen Foundation's decision to cut funding. The Komen Foundation has since reversed its decision.

    "Over the last three days, Planned Parenthood Federation of America's breast health fund has received more than $3 million from thousands of people across the country," the spokesperson told TPM in a statement. "Every dollar we received for this fund will go directly for breast examines, diagnostic services, breast health outreach and education so that more women can receive this critical care."

  38. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Planned Parenthood Raises $3 Million in Wake of Komen Funding Controversy

    Planned Parenthood raises $3M in wake of Komen flap

    Read more:

  39. Hedgewytch6:30 PM

    It has been my experience that many times it's not about curing the disease, it's about marketing the things to help you "live with" it.

  40. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Internal documents circulated by Susan G. Komen For the Cure officials instructed employees how to obfuscate the issues when confronted with questions about why Komen cut-off funding to Planned Parenthood

  41. Anonymous6:40 PM

    It would seem Komen has lost on all counts - their reversal is not seen as a reversal by supporters of PP and has infuriated those who wish to see PP decimated. How to employ a rabid woman hater and lose ALL of your support in 48 hours.

    The winners appear to be Planned Parenthood, Cancer Research and the women of the USA. Very good outcome for all.

  42. I never liked pink.

  43. Anonymous6:42 PM

    A few years ago I had a neighbor who was a Realtor here in SoCal. When biz went belly up for her she said she was now getting into 'pink charities' aka Komen as there was more money to be made in that than in real estate.

    Yup and she was a repug as well.

  44. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Religious Right Reacts To Komen's Latest Statement with Confusion, Anger and Warnings of God's Wrath

    In the world of Religious Right activists, waging a campaign to convince the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation to cut funding to breast cancer exams at Planned Parenthood clinics is an admirable exercise of public advocacy, but when people join a campaign to convince the Komen foundation to continue their partnership with Planned Parenthood to fight breast cancer, it’s “gangsterism.”

  45. Anonymous7:16 PM

    I am so glad this whole thing has happened. I've been shocked over the last couple of years at how little public support there has been for Planned Parenthood in the face of the Republican war against them. It is so gratifying to see so many people finally rear up in their defense. I hope they will do so again as soon as the next malicious assault from the right occurs. It's time, people!

    I also have hated that horrid "pink" - how cutesy and girly, pink ribbons and pink appliances! I was even more appalled by the "I heart boobies" bumper stickers -- what an blatantly undignified, immature, disrespectful way to make money at the expense of women. How about an ED campaign with "I heart wienies" or a testicular cancer campaign with "I heart hairy-conkers or dingle-berries or danglers". I'm sure all the guys would be so proud, right? Gah.

  46. Susan Komen must be spinning in her grave, that her name is being dragged through the gutter by her sister and that POS Karen Handel (and the stupid fool Jade Morey who Tweeted the original "cry me a river" Tweet that Handel RT'd).

  47. I was diagnosed with Stage III breast cancer on 4/27/11. My insurance company dropped me the day I had my mastectomy. I called SGK to see if they had any grants, programs, advice on how I could pay for the needed chemo and radiation on $10/hour. They had nothing. SGK is like H$U$. They spend more on administrative, fund raising, and lobbying than they do on what they "market" themselves as. I'm boycotting anyone that supports SGK for the rest of my life.

  48. Pursang7:23 PM

    For Anonymous at 5:59pm

    I used to give to all the big animal charities until I learned how little my donations did for the animals.

    Since adopting three rescue dogs I now give to those small organizations that save animals from kill-facilities. I also check and look for organizations that are having trouble finding the money to have surgeries and other procedures for animals they've rescued from horrid conditions.

    At least I know this way that my money is going directly to the organizations in the trenches and going directly to the animals that need the help in getting healthy and finding good safe loving homes.

  49. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Things all women can start to do TODAY!

  50. Anonymous7:55 PM

    My activist 20 something daughter has NEVER supported the pink peril because they refuse to consider environmental poisons as a potential cause of breast cancer.

  51. Marleycat8:09 PM

    This is truly disturbing and sad to realize just how deeply entrenched the web of corrupt politics, religious extremism, special interests, and BIG MONEY in non-profits really is. It's all about MONEY and POWER, and using whatever ideological tool available to obtain it - compassion for others, religion, nationalism, politics, etc.

    The SKG Foundation's scale of corruption is astounding, sickening, and obscene. What's even more unsettling is that there are so many other similar charitable non-profits out there with the same level of self-serving corruption in their organizational structure.

    Quite frankly, it makes it hard to really trust that very many of these non-profit organizations actually use the majority of the funds raised for their various "causes", or the needs of their constituents, rather than for exorbitant salaries, perks, benefits for themselves.

    I'm sure that there are some truly legitimate organizations that do follow through and use their funds appropriately - but, really, it seems that with the skillful manipulation of the operational information given to the public (or skillfully covered up) - how can anyone really know what's going on with them? With such a well-known, highly rated, major non-profit organization such as SKG, who thinks there's a need to do the research into them?

    While it's on a much lesser scale - look at SarahPac, JanPac, the Christine O'Donnell PAC - collect thousands, millions of $$$ to promote conservative politives - spend 95% on yourself, and "distribute", maybe, 5% on your stated "mission". Why is this legal? They are engaged in pretty blatant money laundering when they "purchase" their own books!

    I also agree, if you are going support a particular non-profit or charitable organization - do as much research as you can and give to direct service providers - there's really no need to give to a middle man where 80% or more is skimmed off.

    The "non-profit" that fund raises millions for Multiple Sclerosis - which I have, the CEO of the MS Society of America gets paid about $450,000! After seeing that, I won't bother to look up what the CEO of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society gets paid - I don't want to experience any more disgust today!

  52. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Anonymous said...

    do mammograms cause cancer? maybe sometime.
    5:00 PM
    I do not get my yearly mammograms. Not b/c it cost to much but b/c I was a Veterinary Rad tech and exposed to a lot of Rads also too, my parents told me after I had this job, I had radiation beamed onto a birthmark under my arm... :(
    So I do go but not yearly.
    But ALL woman should be able to get affordable preventive treatment!
    I saw one person maybe here who said it cost $1500.!!!!
    My mammograms cost $25.
    I am totally sick of the republican war on women...!
    Also, I will not give a red cent to komen ever again! I did give in 2010 as a memorial to a family member.

  53. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Because it's on the internet does not mean it's true. Because Gryph has always valued science and science based evidence -
    5:54 PM
    another day another Fuck off Brooklyn, Avacado,Gina (not our beloved GinaM)Tripe...
    Just Fuck.Off!

  54. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Sarah Vs. Sarah said...

    What has happened to the United States of America? Has it always been like this? Or, are we just learning about it due to the 24 hour a day news cycle that we see? Look at the Republican governors throughout the nation - doing horrid things and being recalled.

    Scary, isn't it?

    2008, Scarah Palin, Walking-Dead McCain-

    Woke. My. Ass. UP!!!!!!!!

    But, I believe now, Bush and Cheney, Bush Sr., Ronald Reagan,

    truly damaged our nation;

    treason from the inside out...

    It sounds cliche', but I don't think America can "handle the truth" about itself.
    5:59 PM
    Please Read Susan Linduer book "Extreme Prejudice"
    to see how BushCo and MCCAIN sold us down the river.911 and Iraq war while the Iraq wanted PEACE!
    How many lives lost? She also warned them about 911
    they never listened b/c of their War agenda!

    I too was not political until Screech came along!
    No we have the clown car that is the rupublican party, a do nothing congress!
    But we do have a adult in the room.
    Obama *2012*

  55. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Anonymous said...

    It's the same exact situation with the ASPCA, the Humane Society, PETA and Best Friends. They have actively promoted bills hurting homeless animals in many cases. Their directors make 1/2 million bucks per year. They are about collecting money and only token helping animals. When it comes to homeless animals, ALWAYS give to local small groups--the local voluteers in your area who are up all night trying to save animals--those are the ones that need funds and every $10 helps in a huge way.
    Defenders of Wildlife let the wolves down big time.
    I've heard about PETA also.
    I give to my local shelters or If I know a shelter 911 is there needing $.
    The Tax code need to be reviewed. To many scammers in all arenas getting rich~
    I give directly to the Parks or NPC
    directly to shelters with critical dogs or rescues...
    and avoid the biggies that offer stuffed animals or crap.
    I did not even get a card about the woman I send a memorial in for Komen in 2010!!! I don't even know now... that her husband received any thing!

  56. Anonymous1:21 AM

    Wow! Even I bought in to the pink ribbon hype (at least a little). No more! My eyes are open. Our eyes have been opened. SGK is OVER.

  57. Anonymous2:31 AM

    this is why i stopped donating to some large charities a longtime ago
    and here is another link for Canadian charities

  58. MariaT3:15 AM

    Deni @ 7:22pm: The following website may be of interest to you and any other reader who either has cancer or knows someone with cancer.

    Kelley Eidem helps many people on his hubpage with suggested protocols including his own habanero pepper/garlic/ezekiel bread and butter or plain yoghurt. Much of his knowledge comes from research into the life of Emanuel Revici (1896 -1998) a brilliant medical doctor and researcher whom Einstein called the brightest mind he'd ever met!

    If I had cancer I would not opt for surgery, chemo or radiation as these procedures actually cause cancer to metastasise and the scar tissue inhibits natural healing. There are many cancer cures available if one does not buy into the vested interests of traditional medicine and big pharma.

    Even though I do not have cancer, I make and take liposomal vitamin C (as effective as massive doses of intravenous vitamin C, an effective cancer cure). I also make Fr Romano Zago's aloe arborescens/raw honey/distillate which not only cures cancer but many other conditions (as does liposomal vitamin C).

    And finally a fascinating lecture by Dr Thomas Levy:

  59. Virginia Voter3:37 AM

    Hey ladies, before you go and support New Balance, you may want to read this:

    Jim Davis, the CEO of New Balance is a huge Romney supporter and gave $500k to his super PAC . Yes, they do make about 25% of their shoes in the US, but typically they are only the most expensive models like the 993's.

    As for me, no more pink ribbon anything. I gave money to PP, and will give directly to the American Cancer Society from this point forward.

  60. Anonymous4:02 AM

    Hey London Bridges,

    New scientist is highly suspect, and I'd hold off on endorsing their articles as fact. It is non- peer-reviewed and has been involved in at least two controversies. Many of their articles are openly speculative.

    I randomly picked that link out of dozens of articles that warn about the dangers of radiation from medical testing. The same can be said for medications which have side effects which often cause more disease. Just Google mammogram side effects and read.

    Thats why I said "maybe."

    londoN BridgeS

  61. Anonymous4:53 AM

    What is with these Republican women and their helmet hair?

  62. Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    Because it's on the internet does not mean it's true. Because Gryph has always valued science and science based evidence -
    5:54 PM

    another day another Fuck off Brooklyn, Avacado,Gina (not our beloved GinaM)Tripe...
    Just Fuck.Off!
    8:30 PM
    Hey. I am not a troll at all, nor am I the Anonymous who mentioned Quackwatch. I am a scientist, and I always look for all perspectives on any given situation. Quackwatch is out there and is a real site with its own perspective.

    There are real benefits to many of the alternative therapies (my conventionally trained physician uses several of them) out there and yes, there are also many scams.

    Why should Anonymous be attacked for throwing another source of information out there?

    I hope anonymous doesn't "fuck off", and I certainly am not going to.

  63. Anonymous6:32 AM

    $3 milliom? Fantastic! But that will not keep me from donating directly to PP.

    Donate to the source not the middle person.

  64. Anonymous7:40 AM

    False Apology: At Least Four Komen Recipients -- and Sponsors Like Bank of America -- Are 'Under Investigation'

  65. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Komen Can Lie, But Americans Know Why They Defunded Planned Parenthood

    Komen’s ever-changing reason for withdrawing breast exam funding informed that their real goal was helping eliminate Planned Parenthood at the behest of evangelicals.

  66. Anonymous8:01 AM

    EXCLUSIVE: Ari Fleischer Secretly Involved In Komen Strategy On Planned Parenthood

    Ari Fleischer, former press secretary for George W. Bush and prominent right-wing pundit, was secretly involved in the Komen Foundation’s strategy regarding Planned Parenthood. Fleischer personally interviewed candidates for the position of “Senior Vice President for Communications and External Relations” at Komen last December. According to a source with first-hand knowledge, Fleischer drilled prospective candidates during their interviews on how they would handle the controversy about Komen’s relationship with Planned Parenthood.

    Fleischer’s relationship with Komen and the Planned Parenthood controversy was previously undisclosed. He confirmed to ThinkProgress his recent role in filling a key communication position at Komen. Fleischer stressed, however, another communications firm (Ogilvy PR) was retained by Komen to deal with crisis communications over the last few days and he has not been involved.

    In November, Komen advertised for a top level communications position in Roll Call. Promising applicants received a call from Fleischer. The advertisement is no longer posted on the Roll Call website, but a portion is accessible via Google:

  67. Anonymous8:06 AM

    This apology and reinstatement of funding to Planned Parenthood for this year is PR ploy to defuse the backlash and fiery uprising. Reading between the lines is that the politics has went underground until next year when then new grants are distrubited and it is then that Planned Parenthood will be left out in the cold. The new VP is former Secretary of State of Georgia, ran for governor in Georgia, is closely allied with Sarah Palin, and made it known in several statements that defunding Planned Parent Hood was her number one priority when she joined Susan G. Komen. Nancy Brinker is a staunch Republican with political ties to former President Bush and served in the Bush Administration.

  68. Anonymous8:07 AM

    The really sinister thought, which seemed pretty paranoid until a couple of days ago, is this: What motive do those benefiting financially from Komen's fundraising have to "find a cure?" Komen also opposes embryonic stem cell research. If such research yields a vaccine to prevent breast cancer, would Komen lobby to see that the FDA doesn't approve it?

  69. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Nothing has changed at Komen, not policy and not their anti-choice agenda. Women should not be lulled that all has been made right. This is just crisis management on the part of Komen to get back in the wallets of outraged donors.

    Too late. The wolf in sheep's clothing has been revealed. The waste, the right-wing staffers and board, the half million salary for Nancy Brinker, the lawsuits against charities that use "for the cure", the precious little of every donor dollar that goes to research and care. I hope people will not be fooled again, and move their charity dollars to more worthy organizations.

  70. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Here is one of the Facebook groups to have helped propel the groundswell of anger. It was set up as an individual's personal venting tool and within 55 hours grew to a jaw-dropping network of more than 18,000 subscribers - among them patients and survivors who know all too well the tenuous emotional need to embrace a gigantic organization vowing to strive toward a "cure." Hundreds of these women have joined our page and shared their personal story, along with their anger, bewilderment and frustration at these turn of events.

    Please feel free to drop by and marvel at the diverse, intelligent and articulate posters adding more insight to their efforts on a daily basis:

  71. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Can you give a link to the best site with the recipe for "Fr Romano Zago's aloe arborescens/raw honey/distillate "
    Thanks, Very interesting links, Thanks for sharing. Chemo therapy only extends your life for 6 mos and it is poison to your body, and most Drs. would not choose that for themselves!
    Just like most will not take statins.
    Here is the name of a good book written by a dr. who had brain cancer:
    Anticancer:A new way of life David servan-schreiber, MD,PhD

  72. Anonymous8:30 AM

    "Welcome to Cancerland" — or What does Komen do with all that money?

  73. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Media Gets It Wrong, Komen Didn’t Actually Reverse Decision About Planned Parenthood

  74. Anonymous9:11 AM

    This is the most powerful video available to smack down Blinker and Handel. What an incredibly brave woman. Please post this video, Gryphen.

  75. Gryphen, by coincidence I wrote today about my daughter's cancer (2005) - it's a racket.

  76. Turns out, Komen Inc has also stopped granting money for STEM CELL RESEARCH.

    The number one chance of a cure and they've cut it off. And we all know why, right?

  77. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Pro-Choice is the Essence of Liberty

    The anti-choice movement is an empty vessel, full of pointless rhetoric and self-righteous posturing, but with an absolute inability (not to mention unwillingness) to even understand the problem, let alone offer a solution. Punishment is the only motivating factor here, as if the specter of punishment would act as a deterrent and make women who feel the need to terminate a pregnancy change their minds. That might work in a few cases but, as the stories i outlined at the beginning of this article make clear, they do NOT solve the problem. We would end up in a world in which fetuses were left in dumpsters, and thousands of women every year would suffer great physical harm because of the unavailability of legal abortion. I know anti-abortion folks love to cite adoption as an alternative, but face facts; there are more than 900,000 unadopted children in this country on any given day, and while there is a demand, the demand is largely for perfectly healthy white babies. There is no reasonable reason to believe that doubling or tripling that number would solve any problems whatsoever.

  78. Anonymous said...
    This is the most powerful video available to smack down Blinker and Handel. What an incredibly brave woman. Please post this video, Gryphen.

    9:11 AM

    I submitted that link to Fark with the headline "Lioness elegantly kills and eats Komen Foundation ~ it can get dusty in the Sub-Sahara" ...

    So, maybe they'll pick it up and it can go more viral than it has already. I had to include the 'dusty' hint because Ms. Linda's courage made me weep.

  79. Anonymous6:19 PM

    What Planned Parenthood actually does, in one chart

  80. Anonymous2:40 PM

    "And I’ve noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born." President Ronald Wilson Reagan


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.