Friday, February 03, 2012

Since I am always posting those cute pictures of President Obama with babies, I thought I should give equal time to his most likely opponent.

"Oh my God, he thinks I'm a football! Mommy come get me!"
Well you can't say I didn't try.


  1. That is the funniest expression on that baby's face!

  2. Anonymous6:38 PM

    After the way he treats dogs, I wouldn't let that man near my baby! (or my dog!)

  3. Only slightly better treatment than he gave his poor dog. I hope the kid puked on his hair.

  4. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Help! He's going to strap me to the top of his CAR!!!!

  5. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Mittens treated the lil' fella somewhat like he did Seamus... and you gotta love the "I just pooped" expression on the babe's sweet face.

    : )

  6. Damn Romney is stupid;

    "obviously" this baby is a Ron Paul supporter~


  7. From his expression,the baby is saying .. "what was that?"

  8. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Ok,I have to be generous .While he is no baby whisperer like our President,at least he does not seem to be inspiring terror in that baby the way Scarah does.I have yet to here about him taking a Sharpie to a baby to print his claim on them as she did either.It seems he has little compassion for pets(as does Scarah,from the fact that her children have none)but perhaps he actually had a hand in raising his children,who seem to be well educated,well mannered,and not prone to anti-gay rants on facebook and underage in bars.So maybe as a dad he does well.Politics,however-not so much.

  9. Anonymous7:22 PM

    At least he isn't crying...

  10. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Oh, now that's funny Gryphen!

    No one can top our President when it comes to kids...

  11. That is one cute baby. Too bad his parents are idiots.

  12. Anonymous7:34 PM

    OT, but look at this rogue's gallery of rightwing fanatics for CPAC....CPAC Agenda Set

    The agenda for CPAC 2012 was published earlier this week. It's 17 pages long and jam-packed with special speakers and workshops. Of special interest to the followers of this blog is that Governor Sarah Palin will deliver the closing speech for the event on Saturday, February 11th at 4:30 p.m. Eastern which also happens to be her birthday.

    Other notable speakers include Governor Scott Walker, Rep, Allen West, Rep, Paul Ryan, Col. Oliver North, Gov. Bobby Jindal, Sen. Jim DeMint, Sen. Marco Rubio and GOP presidential primary candidates Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, and Rick Santorum.

    Can we throw a cake at her as is the custom in her household?

  13. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Slightly O/T

    Bella Santorum popular on campaign trail.

    Well, it worked for Sarah Palin. These right wing nut jobs are all the same. Shamelessly use any one/ any thing as a prop to get donations. And the they talk about welfare!

  14. angela7:42 PM

    Poor baby . . . .

  15. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Gryphen, Brianus Berkleianus or
    BriANUS BerkleiANUS at the Sea o Pee, is RAM.

  16. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Can we throw a cake at her as is the custom in her household?

    7:34 PM


    No, no, no, you leave the cake on the table and shove her face into it. That way you cant miss. and preferably this act is performed by a loving relative - Molly? Heather? Bristol?

  17. Anonymous8:07 PM

    >>at least he does not seem to be inspiring terror in that baby the way Scarah does.

    >>At least he isn't crying...

    Oh but he does and it is:

  18. I love the hands in the bottom of the frame (presumably the mom). I could see Mom looking quite concerned, like she's gotta catch the little tot.

    Also, the security guy in the background looks pretty concerned too.

    Only Willard is happy...ready for his closeup.

  19. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Oh, 7:43--what a freakin' ROGUES GALLERY that is! Enough hypocrisy in one place, to cause the building to be swallowed up into the earth.

  20. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Reading Gryphen's caption under the pic -- LOL.

    Made me think of the ETrade baby in one of the superbowl commercials --
    Imagine all they could do with this pic!! I'd never recover from laughing with all the one liners that could go on and on!!

    'Watch it Mittens -- I'm not made of pigskin'

  21. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Anon 7:34

    With a list of speakers like that -- it sounds more like a Bagger Convention - not CPAC!!!!

  22. eclecticsandra8:50 PM

    I don't think Brianus Berklianus is RAM. He had pictures of himself at Stanislaus. They may be in cahoots, but they are not the same person.

  23. Anonymous9:11 PM

    He should be put in jail for mistreating his dog. But, consider where he comes from, the basic Mormon premise that humans are above all other creatures (and, actually in Mitt’s own lifetime as a Mormon, some humans were considered better than others). All the Mormons I know adore human babies. If the babies are Mormon.

  24. Anonymous9:12 PM

    "Oh no mommy don't let him put me in the box on top of the roof"

  25. Anonymous9:35 PM


    I think Brianus is a scammer - no-one could be that stupid/real all the time. Exodus however - reads much like RAM - really tries to get money for Sarah by keeping "the hope" alive.

    Meanwhile the debacle that is Komen has proven why Mitt Romney will be the nominee. No-one wants the looney right in office. Not going to let them take down another worthwhile organization via their sneaky ways. Mitt will be right back to where he was as Governor when he is debating President Obama. He won't win - but anyone else would lose worse than Goldwater.

    Have to love the internet - how else could you have "babies for Obama" or "Dogs against Romney" lobby groups.

  26. Anonymous9:38 PM

    """"Gryphen, Brianus Berkleianus or
    BriANUS BerkleiANUS at the Sea o Pee, is RAM.

    7:46 PM""

    I have been wondering about that.It must be part of her "grass roots internet" work that she gets paid for.I think she is paid to keep them thinking she is going to run(someday,somehow) so the grifting can continue.

  27. Anonymous9:46 PM

    I have yet to here about him taking a Sharpie to a baby to print his claim on them as she did either.It seems he has little compassion for pets(as does Scarah,from the fact that her children have none)but perhaps he actually had a hand in raising his children,who seem to be well educated,well mannered,and not prone to anti-gay rants on facebook and underage in bars.So maybe as a dad he does well.Politics,however-not so much. jesse, I think you're starting to show just a 'little' bit too much interest in babies. Especially male ones. I would strongly advise you cool it on that. You know how people got the wrong impression the last time.

  28. Anonymous9:47 PM

    What a cute baby. But, I wish you would have cropped Mittens out of the picture.

  29. Seamus9:57 PM

    I felt the same way!

  30. 9:46

    I get the impression you should look in the mirror.

  31. Anonymous10:10 PM

    You can tell when a Palin supporter is in the house,they project their own sickness on others,like Sarah with all of her pervert comments.

  32. Anonymous10:19 PM

    What a cutie pie! Like others have said, I wouldn't let him near my baby. I just can't get over what he did to his dog.

    Have you been following the Scott Walker investigation? Here is a article that names all the players to date and their crimes. The one that took me by surprise was Reince Priebus! He is named as possibly involved and in his byline they mention Sarah's name...

    Priebus could be linked to the secret email network set up in Walker’s County Executive office. Investigations continue on that front.
    Priebus is the current chairman of the National Republican Party. This could change quickly.
    Darlene Wink emailed Priebus to see if the Walker campaign could get former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to attend the fundraiser. Priebus is also part of the Koch Brothers operation “Americans for Prosperity”, which has been very involved in Walker’s extremist agenda that is leading to recall elections as well as “voter caging” during the 2010 election cycle.

    Priebus could be linked to the secret email network set up in Walker’s County Executive office. Investigations continue on that front.
    Priebus is the current chairman of the National Republican Party. This could change quickly.

    Here is another article with more info:

    What I find interesting about the charges is they sound a lot like what Sarah has done in the past.

    Hey Sarah...whatcha gonna do when they come for you?


  33. Anonymous10:28 PM

    >>jesse, I think you're starting to show just a 'little' bit too much interest in babies. Especially male ones. I would strongly advise you cool it on that. You know how people got the wrong impression the last time.

    With all due respect, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU. Take your bullshit projections and stuff them up your paranoid ASS. Can I say it any more strongly than that?

    Enjoying the magic of children and the amazing interactions that are exchanged between our president and children that have been captured in photos with him is a joy to behold for any normal human being. Whether male or female, it is something that brings delight to anyone who has ever had a child, held a child, witnessed a child responding to someone. For you to take that healthy, loving, nurturing aspect of Jesse, a father, and cast some sort of dispersion on it is reprehensible and downright grotesque and you owe Jesse a HUGE apology. SHAME ON YOU for your twisted thinking.

  34. I commented on Sarah's speech at CPAC a couple of days ago. I was wondering why she opted to be there in Washington DC instead of at the Iron Dog Hall of Fame banquet in Wasilla -- 6 PM AK time February 11, 2012.

    She'll apparently be giving her speech at 4:30 PM EST on the final day of CPAC (any boots on the ground that could give a "librul"/truthful headcount at her speech?).

    It's also her 48th birthday.

    The money CPAC's paying her must have been too lucrative to pass up, that she'd not be there for Tawd probably being honored as a past race winner and likely Hall of Famer.

    Maybe he'll invite Shailey instead.

    (There's no way Sarah can do both events: 5 hrs from Wash.DC to Seattle, then another 3.5 hours to Anchorage, and 45 minutes to Wasilla)

  35. Anonymous12:43 AM

    The baby is saying this is one dumb _______ ________..

  36. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Put me down I am not an object.

    Is he going to put me in that cage on the roof of the car.

    Mitt aloof! Please not on the roof!

  37. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Mitt = Sarah when it comes to each being designated by their church to become president of the united states and jam their phony religions down the throats of the rest of Americans.

    Scary, scary, scary.

  38. Virginia Voter3:46 AM

    Well, Mitt does have 16 grandchildren, so I think he's probably somewhat used to being around babies, right? Meh, I just think Romney's a rich dude who is clearly uncomfortable being around the unwashed masses of commoners. Watching him interact with ANYONE below his station is just painful . McCain had the same quirk . Take some time just to watch his body language when he shakes hands with people at his rallies.

    On another note, I left this comment on the Komen thread, but it is important to read:

    Hey ladies, before you go and support New Balance, you may want to read this:

    Jim Davis, the CEO of New Balance is a huge Romney supporter and gave $500k to his super PAC . Yes, they do make about 25% of their shoes in the US, but typically they are only the most expensive models like the 993's.

  39. Anonymous4:02 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Gryphen, Brianus Berkleianus or
    BriANUS BerkleiANUS at the Sea o Pee, is RAM.

    Then Ram has stolen someone else's identity.

    In several posts on other sites he signs himself "Brianus Berkleianus/ Brian Champlin of Berkeley California" e.g.

    A Brian Philip Champlin was in the Classics Department at Berkley and won a prize in 1978 "for the best translation into classical Latin of a passage of English selected by the judge."

  40. fromthediagonal4:29 AM

    From just the beginning of the comments, it seems we all share the same thought:
    Oh, that is how he shoved Seamus into that damn cage!
    Good to know I am not alone...

  41. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Beautiful baby boy!Totally non-plussed by Mittens moola.

  42. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I have yet to here about him taking a Sharpie to a baby to print his claim on them as she did either.It seems he has little compassion for pets(as does Scarah,from the fact that her children have none)but perhaps he actually had a hand in raising his children,who seem to be well educated,well mannered,and not prone to anti-gay rants on facebook and underage in bars.So maybe as a dad he does well.Politics,however-not so much. jesse, I think you're starting to show just a 'little' bit too much interest in babies. Especially male ones. I would strongly advise you cool it on that. You know how people got the wrong impression the last time.

    9:46 PM

    Geezou Sarah you're up early..or late..or you never sleep jacked up on whatnot.
    You REally need help with your pedophilia sexual abuse preoccupation, honey. Gryphen has given equal time to babies, children, boys and girls, in the context of how they feel the peace and grace and strength of president Obama.And, in conrast, how they feel the coldness, insanity and deceit of some other past and present candidates.
    You are realy getting quite tiresome with your pedophilia attacks. Get help. Shit or get off the pot, as it were.

  43. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Well, that's actually a very cute picture. Mitt looks human and unrehearsed for once, and that baby's expression is priceless.

  44. jesse, I think you're starting to show just a 'little' bit too much interest in babies. Especially male ones. I would strongly advise you cool it on that. You know how people got the wrong impression the last time.

    9:46 PM

    WTFunk! I think you've been sucking on that crack pipe a "little bit too much" troll!...."I would strongly advise you cool it on that"!

    Stupid fucking trolls! Baldy is glad you can earn the last "little bit" of money from BaldyPac posting on Gryphen's FUCK OFF!

  45. This picture is the one that made me laugh the most!

    That poor baby is seriously trying to figure out...

    "Why is this talking cardboard cutout holding me up so HIGH?"

  46. Anonymous11:19 AM

    It's a shame Palin's obsession with discrediting people with sexually related inflammatory insults and insinuations is sooooo obvious on this thread. As many times as Gryphen has posted things about kids, families and babies, her posts are the ONLY ONES that ever, ever state non-sense like this.

    I try not to complain about the name-calling and unnecessary roughness that comes in the form of Gov. Baldy, Dirty Wig, Wonky Eye, Wasilly, Snowdrift Snooki, Tundra Turd, etc. However, I draw the line with using children as shields to try and hurt people.

    You, Palin, have been the ONLY one to bring physical and mental harm to other people's children (including TRI-G) as well as your own kids. You know....patterns of behavior that help us identify who you are when you post here. You are sick, evil and ultimately unhappy with your personal and now political life. I used to feel sorry for you in a way that acknowledges you are mentally ill.

    However, seeing you speak your hate in print in real times makes you and your unchecked behavior and thought processes from your illness pretty disgusting.

  47. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Maybe Mitt and Pres. Obama have the same reaction to kids, but maybe Republican kids are just assholes.

  48. Anita Winecooler6:28 PM

    Grow the Fuck Up, and stop projecting your fetishes on other people.

    Gryph, love the photo! For a man who has over a dozen grandkids, Mr Ken Doll seems pretty comfortable while scaring the hell out of a baby. He always comes off as fake in any social situation.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.