Thursday, February 23, 2012

Finally! State of Alaska releases last of Palin e-mails.

"I am not having a good week here!"
Courtesy of ADN:

The state of Alaska on Thursday released what officials say are the last of Sarah Palin's emails from her time as governor. 

Citizens and news organizations, including The Associated Press, first requested Palin's emails in September 2008, as part of her vetting as the Republican vice presidential nominee. The state released a batch of the emails last June, a lag of nearly three years that was attributed to the sheer volume of the records and the flood of requests stemming from Palin's tenure. 

The 24,199 pages of emails that were released last year left off in September 2008. 

Thursday's release includes 17,736 records, or 34,820 pages, generally spanning from October 2008 until Palin's resignation, in July 2009. Of those, 13,791 records were released without redactions, according to the governor's office. 

The release also includes some records that the current governor's deputy chief of staff said were inadvertently omitted from the earlier release.

As far as I'm concerned this could be the motherlode, but I am still quite skeptical about our chances of finding anything too revealing as the state has delayed this release numerous times while they redacted the hell out of them.

I still wish that somebody would "accidentally" release the e-mails that Bailey has in his possession.

Since I don't have access to these emails yet I would appreciate if all of you would keep an eye out for any articles posted about them, or any site possibly hosting them for public perusal.

There still MIGHT be something good if we just know how to look for it.


  1. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I thought it was Federal law that Freedom of Information Act requests were to be fulfilled in ten (10) days.

    Not, NOT, four years!

    Parnell must owe her big-time.

  2. imnofred1:19 PM

    I hate to be pessimistic but, like you have said, there has been plenty of time for anything that may be damaging to have been redacted or deleted.

    After all, people who are sympathetic to Palin are the ones going through these e-mails. Unfortunately, I don't expect any bombshells.

  3. Anonymous1:20 PM!/search/realtime


    Meghan McCain ‏ @McCainBlogette
    All of the Game Change posters plastered around New York City are UNBELIEVABLY creepy and distracting! Thanks HBO (and disgruntled staffers)

    Matt Keller ‏ @mkeller10
    @McCainBlogette I get it, but there must be a consequence for making Palin famous. #gamechange

  4. angela1:21 PM

    If the state claims these emails are not redacted, they have either made them up or taken out any of them that would show Palin to be a malicious incompetent.

    No excitement here. I'd say on the whole the current government of Alaska is pretty corrupt so the world will never know . . . .

  5. Anonymous1:22 PM

    That photo of Palin! Where do you come up with them!!! I'm wondering why the emails are being released NOW (when another extension for their release was approved (?)). Her anti-stance about the HBO "Game Changer" is being published in all the newspapers (even though she lies constantly and is a fraud - PROVEN).

    I think she is hoping to be put up as a VP with whomeever OR wants to run for president as a third party candidate OR wants to be picked at a brokered Republican convention.

    I'm sure that between the Repubs (that are very much anti-Palin) and Dems that they would crucify her should any of the above occur.

    Too much is being put out there right now regarding Palin....God, she makes me sick to my stomach!!!

  6. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Palin is truly a master of the "faux tough Jesus-freak bitch" look.

  7. Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

  8. Anonymous1:27 PM

    I don't expect anything earth-shattering. I think Palin has many fingers still dug deep in AK with Parnell. Doesn't matter Sarah Palin has made Alaska a laughing stock. It will take generations for Alaska to overcome the wretched Palin stain.

  9. Anonymous1:28 PM

    After so much time and redaction, there won't be anything of value. Parnell And Co. Have seem to that. The 4pers will crow but smart people know.

  10. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Alaska paid a lot of money to hide the emails regarding the fake birth.

    Magic scrubbing bubbles have removed all incriminating emails.

  11. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Atlantic wire has a nice headline on this.

  12. Anonymous1:44 PM

    I'm assuming Parnell learned lessons from releasing the first set of documents and this set is now completely devoid of any worthwhile information. Cuz Parnell wuvs Sarah.

  13. Anonymous1:45 PM

    FOIA was never intended to be an entire black out either, but that's what you get with Palin.

  14. Anonymous1:52 PM

    "The state of Alaska on Thursday released what officials say are the last of Sarah Palin's emails from her time as governor."

    I bet there are more email then this.
    Sarah Palin probably had other email account.That the states of Alaska don`t know about.

  15. Anonymous1:55 PM

    I really hope that some organization will scan them for all to review.


    from msnbc's archives, i'm not sure if it will be of any use to you/if you have seen them already

  17. yeah 13,252 emails, short of the 24,000 released

  18. Anonymous2:04 PM

    You know anything mentioning Palin is quitting and to hurry up and release the Alaska Film Tax Credit legislation before she goes was scrubbed clean.

  19. Anonymous2:05 PM

    So, are Bailey's email going to be included? Because if they aren't, the request has still not been properly filled.

  20. Anonymous2:13 PM

    I don't think there's much hope for anything worthwhile in them. The reason it took so long is probably because they were scrubbing them squeaky clean.

  21. Anonymous2:13 PM

    How funny would that be - proof that the McCain camp knew all about her fake pregnancy revealed, right before the release of Game Change, The Movie. Or perhaps the weeks in the fall of 2007 they left out last time will tell us who Trigs mama really is. Always interesting.


    can't find much, but i'm not entirely sure what to look for

  23. Anonymous2:24 PM

    WHACK-A-PALIN time again.

    *****Not Sarah's year!*****

    Sarah Palin's email released.

    Willow gets pregnant.

    Game Change coming out March 10th.

    Shailey Tripp's book about Todd's pimping days are coming out.

    Bristol's vagina is on display at Wasilla High School for all to see.

    Sarah Palin's sports endorsements brought bad luck to Jeremy Lin, Tebo and now Todd in the Iron Dog.

    Sarah Palin's political endorsements has brought down "Herb" Cain, Trump, Trump's debate, Perry and now Newt.

    Trig's birth certificate keeps regurgitating.

    Picture of Santorum licking a giant chocolate ice cream cone is seen and comparisons of Glen Rice and Palin comes to mind.

    Sarah can't wait for this year to end and its only February.

  24. WakeUpAmerica2:25 PM

    It would be nice if someone would release the unredacted ones to Wiki-Leaks. It would also be nice if Anonymous would just hack into the email accounts and release them.

  25. looks like most anything good has been redacted, too bad

  26. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Shared on another site and this timely piece is well worth a read (or reread) in light of her reaction to Game Change...

    Palin's Ego Trip
    After a series of public disgraces, perhaps such a person might blame Katie Couric, or Nicolle Wallace, or Steve Schmidt, or the diabolical liberal media more generally. “Sarah Palin is selling a story about the evil elites and the bumbling double-crossing staffers,” says Bella DePaulo, who earned her Ph.D. in psychology at Harvard and authored Behind the Door of Deceit: Understanding the Biggest Liars in Our Lives. “

  27. When Palin sees the emails it probably reminds her that the reason she had so much trouble finishing her 'education' was that she had been using a black highlighter.

  28. Anonymous2:42 PM

    It will take generations for Alaska to overcome the wretched Palin stain.
    Perhaps they should call Pennsylvania. I hear they have something that works pretty well on fecal matter.

  29. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Palin and Parnell aren't that smart, and neither are their lawyers. I'd bet there's something there. Watch for more "Chocolate Puppy" signals. The Palins use code in a very obvious way.

  30. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Every time I look at that woman I just want to knock her f------ block off! What an idiot and disgrace to the United States of America. She is in no way an example for women to follow! And, thank God the Republican party (excluding the far right) see through her as well as the Democratic Party. I'm sure they have a lot of stuff against her should she ever try to run for a national office.

    Do it Palin - I dare ya!!!!

  31. hedgewytch2:48 PM

    I believe that another reason for delay in releasing emails besides buying out Costco's black sharpie supply, is to run the clock out on the statue of limitations for any illegalities that might be uncovered with these emails.

  32. Martha again3:01 PM

    What about chocolate puppies?

    Is there someplace we can see the latest?

  33. Anonymous3:04 PM

    I wouldn't hold my breath. The Alaskan government is like the mafia. They've gotten rid of the incriminating emails.

    OT: If 'Game Change' is a false portrait of Palin, why hasn't she sue the authors of the book or HBO? Seriously, instead of sending attack dogs to discredited the movie, Palin should be filing a lawsuit. It's that simple. But the pitbull won't do it, because she's a coward. She knows she'll lose & more dirty laundry will be exposed for all to see.

  34. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Wouldn't it be fun if Megan McCain REALLY came out and disclosed what the McCains think of Palin due to their close experiences w/her and her family?

    Megan never has verbally supported any of the Palins since the election was lost. Most of the stuff Palin puts out there make you think she was running for the top office of the nation, not John McCain! How delusional!!! Palin assuredly LOST the race for McCain.

    Perhaps it will happen after John McCain has passed on...God, I hope so!!

  35. that a threat??

    Copy and Paste is your friend.

    We all know that Baldy and Parnell are still butt buddies! He covers her ass and'm not sure what Baldy does for Parnell!


  36. Anonymous3:11 PM

    2:59pm: Sarah?

  37. Anonymous3:16 PM

    2:59 You are a fucking asshole!!! We don't appreciate your commentary on this blog! Jesse, by allowing you on the blog, showed you to be the idiotic jerk you are.

    I'd much rather be associated w/Jesse and his daughter than you!!

  38. Pat in Seattle3:18 PM

    2:59 So you thought you could control 'Jesse' by putting your disgusting little message down for all to see. Well, you surely don't understand those of us who respect this guy and what he has been able to do to get the truth about the piglet witch out. Your little comments just make us circle the wagons more. So don't try to pull anything on us. He and we won't back down.

  39. "As far as I'm concerned this could be the motherload ... "

    I think you want "motherlode," Gryphen

  40. Here's some info on Baldy's emails...

    "Days before she announced her resignation, Palin, in a June 29, 2009 email, told a press aide that there may need to be a statement on upcoming court proceedings related to the person in Tennessee who hacked into her personal email. The response from the aide, Sharon Leighow, is redacted but Palin reacted strongly: "The state is involved- has been since day one- it's not a political angle. Don't do a statement then, but know that my staff and Law has been working on this, spending state public time and resources, and the public does have right to know how their public resources are spent, in this case it's to address a TN hacker's bad actions affecting us up here."

    Palin's frustration over a series of ethics complaints filed against her, one of the issues she cited when stepping down, comes through in a series of e-mails on March 24, 2009.

    "These are the things that waste my time and money, and the state's time and money," she wrote to Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell.

    She told her staff to release a statement about the most recent complaint filed by a blogger that said, in part, "Yes, I wore Arctic Cat snow gear at a snow machine event, because it was cold outside. And by the way, today I am wearing Alaska's own Paige Adams' jeans and Alaska's Romney Dodd-Ortland hand-painted clogs. When will I see the ethics charge for wearing these? Now how much will this blogger's asinine political grandstanding cost all of us in time and money today?"

    Here's the link....

  41. I looked at a few, big parts missing. The worst thing about this database is that is it 1326 pages and you can only go forward one at a time. The emails start in 2007 and I don't have the time to do that.
    I did read a comment at HuffPost that it took longer to release these emails than palin was in office. Just amazing.

  42. Anonymous3:42 PM

    this corrupt, criminal element that the skank palin's put in place in this state, isn't going to release anything pertinent 'cause they'd also be incriminating themselves.
    at best there might be a dozen or so words garbled out of context per document mostly amounting to a bunch of wasted resources and tax dollars.
    parnell, palin and all their fukin' cronies oughta be stranded on a small remote ice flow with nothing else but themselves then forgotten about

  43. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Everyone should tweet back to Meghan McCain ' BLAME YOUR FATHER!!

    She really gets on my nerves sometimes. She is an incredible valley girl and spoiled rotten.

  44. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Since there doesn't seem to be anyone in the Governor's office who isn't beholden to or controlled by Palin, there would likely be no one making sure that anything incriminating didn't 'accidentally' get dropped into a shredder. They've had 3 1/2 years to get rid of anything that could be damaging.

    Anything left to be released is probably a black rectangle with a white frame around the outside.

    I also agree with the poster above who suggested that a statute of limitations might have a lot to do with the delays they've requested.

  45. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Don't think the latest batch of emails are available to read yet because they were apparently only released to the Associated Press:
    "Alaska Releases Second Batch of Palin Emails—Without Telling Requesters"

  46. comeonpeople4:11 PM

    Slightly OT:
    This week's Entertainment weekly magazine has a story about Julianne Moore and Game Change. It's interesting some of her comments: She did absolutely no dialogue or acting that was not suck on that Sarah. Julianne is a pro and felt that since she was portraying a living person, she would only do scenes that were SOURCED!

    Julianne also said "How could Palin run for VP with a 4 month old"....she did NOT say after giving birth 4 months ago.

    Life is funny sometimes. The best part for me was that in addition to the Game Change story, there is next to it a story called "Actors with Down Syndrome". Kind of funny, as Palin is acting as a birth mother of Tri-G.
    Also, to all the people who insist that all DS people look alike, please read this article about actors with DS and see how they look all different, just as non DS people do!!

  47. Nancy in Naples4:26 PM

    Why does she make such hideous faces???

  48. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Dang sarah ~ it's harvest time!

    Let there be light expose your dark soul.


  49. Anonymous4:51 PM

    I'm afraid we will never get to the truth about Palin until she leaves this world. It is the only way anyone will truly open up about her without fears of reprisals. She and Todd are bullies to the core of their beings and no one is willing to speak the truth about them. They have people terrified all over the place. It is a shame we don't have investigative journalist doing their jobs that could blow these fakers out of the water.

  50. Anonymous5:08 PM

    When will we get access?

  51. PalinsHoax5:14 PM

    Nancy in Naples @ 4:26pm said...
    "Why does she make such hideous faces???"


    Ol' $scary can't help it. That's the inner side of herself coming out.

    Palin's been in a snit, upset, mad, angry, vile and disgusting since John McCain lost the presidential election in 2008. Ol' $cary simply cannot believe that "God let the right person win", to use her words.

  52. Anonymous5:20 PM

    10 DaYs AnD CoUnTiNg

    From Shailey Tripp's web page:

    Boys Will Be Boys: Media, Morality and the Cover-up of the Todd Palin Shailey Tripp Sex Scandal is the true story of how Shailey Tripp, a young single mother of two special needs children became sexually involved with Todd Palin, husband of former Alaska Governor and 2008 GOP Vice-Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin.

    This book explains the many factors that culminated in Shailey becoming not only the mistress of “ Alaska’s First Dude” but also a prostitute working for him which ultimately resulted in Shailey being arrested in March of 2010.

    However, the story doesn’t end there. After they received an anonymous email, The National Enquirer contacted Shailey regarding her relationship with Todd Palin and even ran a couple of stories about her liaison with him with several follow-up interviews scheduled. All that changed, when at the behest of the Palin’s lawyers, the Anchorage Police Department issued a press release which stated that they had found no evidence of Todd’s involvement with Shailey.

    From that point on, Shailey was unable to get any media, with the exception of some internet bloggers, to tell her side of things despite the fact that she had proof of her truthfulness and had passed polygraph examinations.

    Boys Will Be Boys tells the whole story from Shailey’s viewpoint and includes the evidence. A true expose of how the media and even law enforcement agencies kowtow to the wealthy, politically powerful people, Boys Will Be Boys: Media, Morality and the Cover-up of the Todd Palin Shailey Tripp Sex Scandal is a must read.


  53. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Can anyone answer the statute of limitations question?

  54. Anonymous5:34 PM

    It will be criminal if the media does not report on Shailey's book at all.
    We all have to fight hard to make that happen.... They are all afraid of Sarah because they a) don't want to admit they made mistakes in not investigating her and b) they don't want to deal with Palin's truly nutty supporters. Look what they are doing with Game Change now. Screw the facts. They don't care. It is like a religious cult, and a sick disturbed one with a "leader" who is a complete fraud.

    I have to barf when her nutjob fans/family members write here that she is inspirational. She is not a role model for any woman, sorry. She just isn't.

  55. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Do the e-mails released include material from any of the private accounts (non-government) she used in an attempt to stay below the radar?

  56. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Well I am just glad you are here Gryphen to sort thru all this and give us the good stuff !

  57. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Jason reached out to the Game Change script writer to be his deep throat.

  58. Anonymous6:20 PM

    That picture of Palin is so hilarious!

  59. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Juicy exclusive gossip!
    Politico is reporting that Jason Recher actually tried to HELP make "Game Change," and now he's denying it!

  60. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Sarah always said that she would do as she pleased until a court told her to stop. However, she never said that she would comply with the court order-- she is just daring for someone to put her ass in jail for contempt of court.

    During Troopergate, the principals were found to have lied under oath. That's perjury, but all there was was a slap on the wrist. When it was Bill Clinton who lied, he was impeached.

    Sarah transmitted government emails on her private email account. There can be only a few reasons: a mistake, or an attempt to hide something. Neither is acceptable when governors are required to keep a complete record of communication, and make them available through freedom of information acts. Sarah has never planned on following the law, not even giving the appearance of following the law. I don't know why Alaska allows her to continue to do this-- other citizens would be fined and/or serving time.

  61. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Things to look for in the emails:

    Matanuska Maid Dairy
    Franci Havemeister, Director of Ag
    Kristan Cole
    Joey Austerman
    Karen Olson

    Right , Sarah? Remember the multi million $$$ giveaway to your dairy farmer friends?

    Did you know it continues to this day under Gov Sean Parnell?

    There were over 300 redacted emails in the first batch with "Mat Maid" in the subject line that are TOTALLY redacted.

    Want money given to you in the state of Alaska? Get a COW. It is a very lucrative lifestyle.

  62. Anonymous7:01 PM

    OT: JimNolte from BrietFarts Big Hollywood has been blogging daily about Game Change, poor Baldy smears bla, bla, well here's why:

  63. Nancy In New York7:04 PM

    Parnell covered her ass and stalled for four years before releasing the emails. Everything incriminating has been redacted. The 'lamestream' media she abhors is spinning these released emails as Palin as an engaged governor hobbled by ethics complaints and disgruntled lawmakers who refused to work with her after she dutifully returned to her post after losing the 2008 election. In other words, complete bullshit.
    Teflon Barbie was never gonna be taken down by these emails.

    Which makes the premiere of "Game Change" all the sweeter.

    Quick Question Sarah. Why no defamation suit against HBO if this movie is complete fiction?

  64. Found this at ADN..PDF's..last batch of e-mails-


    Emails show Palin as governor: 'I can't take it anymore.'
    Mark Wilson / Getty Images

    The last of the emails that the state of Alaska could recover from Sarah Palin's brief term as governor were released on Thursday.
    Editor's note: Here's a link to's previous coverage of a release of Sarah Palin's public records, and our database where you can read those public documents. The Associated Press was apparently the only news organization to be notified by the state that new records were available. Here is the AP's report. Others that had requested them said they had not been informed of the release. They include Mother Jones magazine (which blogged about the odd release), CNN, The Washington Post, ABC News, and the Republican political activist Andrée McLeod, who said Thursday, "The culture of corruption continues unabated."

    I posted the link to the article from AP at the top. I just went to and found it.

  66. Found this at Mother Jones. She is quite angry that she wasn't notified of the release of the tapes today. Article also mentions Andrea McLeod not being notified.

  67. Anonymous said...
    When will we get access?

    5:08 PM

    most of the juicy stuff's been redacted

  68. Anita Winecooler7:53 PM

    Anonymous 1:52


    Haven't we heard that headline once before? And why were the missing emails mixed in with the rest?

    I'll have to slog through them anyway, but I doubt there's anything new, Alaska Gov't has been bought.

  69. Anonymous9:28 PM

    After playing Maude Lebowski, Julianne Moore should find playing Palin an absolute cakewalk!

  70. Anonymous9:40 PM

    One must wonder: Why now?

    After four unfrickenbelievable years, and just before "Game Change" airs. . . Seany P. releases the last batch of carefully combed email...

    I am quickly reminded of Bristol being thrown under the bus, 3 days into a campaign, when "TRUTH" was again crouching at sarah's door. Surely, slithering sarah could've coerced her cronies to stall and delay (yet again) if she "rilly" wanted to.

    I smell sulfuric desperation wafting in the air, with a hint of masked fear, laced with the cheap perfume of bile rhetoric.

  71. Anonymous10:52 PM

    new emails are distraction from game change

  72. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Anonymous said...
    After playing Maude Lebowski, Julianne Moore should find playing Palin an absolute cakewalk!
    9:28 PM

  73. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Every time I refresh this page and see that picture, I see the "stars and bars" (you know, the confederate flag) on her hat. I'm sure that's the dog whistle she was trying to blow here.



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