Thursday, February 23, 2012

Good news for Obama as poll shows Republican field hemorrhaging support.

"Don't worry babe, we're not going anywhere!"
Courtesy of the Associated Press:

A surging Rick Santorum is running even with Mitt Romney atop the Republican presidential field, but neither candidate is faring well against President Barack Obama eight months before Americans vote, a new survey shows.

Obama tops 50 percent support when matched against each of the four GOP candidates and holds a significant lead over each of them, according to the Associated Press-GfK poll. Republicans, meanwhile, are divided on whether they’d rather see Romney or Santorum capture the nomination, with Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul lagging behind. It’s a troubling sign for the better-funded Romney as the GOP race heads toward crucial votes in his home state of Michigan, in Arizona and in an array of states on Super Tuesday, March 6. 

Clearly this does not bode well for the Republicans, who are still insisting on doing these debates, which do nothing more than convince the more moderate Republicans independents that these guys are TOO extreme for them to support.

But hey take heart Republicans, it's not ALL bad news.

There was good news for Republicans, too: Any of the four Republican candidates would likely top Obama among those age 65 and over, as well as among whites without college degrees.

So essentially the Republicans still have a lock on the old, poorly educated people.

High fives GOP!

Sadly for them these folks have a limited shelf life however, and as the months stretch out toward November there will be fewer and fewer of these elderly idiots left to vote for them.

On the flip side there are new Democrats turning eighteen every single day.

Gonna be a GOOD election folks!


  1. Anonymous12:12 PM

    When the rubber meets the road, you'd think women would ALL vote for Obama, no matter what the males around them like, just on health/reproductive issues alone. So that's 50% right there. What percent are the old and low-info voters? Less than 25% I bet.

    So that 75+% for Obama. According to MY guesstimate. Add a few points for the sheer nuttyness of the Repug quotes. Yessssssssssssss.

  2. Anonymous12:33 PM

    gryphen is it true that final set of missing palin emails were releases today? any surprises?

  3. Anonymous12:33 PM

    well there are increasing uneducated in this country too, so be frightened of that.

    after all satan is in the universities! Who wants to send their kids there after hearing that :)

  4. lostinmn12:36 PM

    OT but I read where Palins last emails have been released. According to the source they painted a picture of a hard working governor - no surprises or information that might be deemed damaging. Then how come it took so long? Seems if there was nothing but good news she would have pushed for its release. Parnell strikes again - what's she got on him?

  5. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Hey I'm 65. Well over 65 and voting for President Obama in November! Not all of us are uneducated. Go Obama! Wish you could do 2 more terms after 2012!

  6. Enjay in E MT12:42 PM

    257 Days until WE "the people" move our country FORWARD with President Obama, and hopefully both houses.

    Lets put these homophobic, racist, intolerant, war-mongering hate machine called the GOP on the unemployment lines on Nov. 6th.

  7. Anonymous12:45 PM

    more e mails released

  8. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Women are running away from the GOP as fast as they can:

  9. Loose Era12:51 PM

    I think you mean:


    High Five!!!

    That is how they do it clubforeplay (c4p) style.

  10. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I was speaking with some folks who live in Europe, and asking them what the general consensus is, toward America and the upcoming election.

    As I suspected, the U.S. is an international JOKE.

    From the Orient, to the Middle East, to freaking MONGOLIA, anyone who has access to news, has concluded that we've all gone completely insane.

    While laughter is the usual reaction, (to hearing such things as a law being passed that women must have something jammed up their vaginas) it is also outright FEAR, for them to hear possible Presidential contenders, sound like out and out TERRORISTS, threatening to blow up any country they don't like.

    I sure hope that Americans save some face by voting their true conscience next November...those who still HAVE one, anyway.

  11. Anonymous12:56 PM

    O/T State releases last batch of Palin emails

  12. Anonymous12:57 PM

    pay-lin emails were just released. Would someone post a link as soon as they are online somewhere?

  13. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Off topic, but the last of Palin's e-mails have been released.


  14. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Romney's problem in the Republican Primary is, he's a Morman. With the Evangelical/Wingnut crowd that has taken over the party, that's as bad as being an Atheist or a Satanist.


  15. Anonymous1:09 PM

    what an idiot, did you read her latest FB post?

  16. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Hey - my husband will be over 65 by November and I will be close behind, but we are both voting for President Obama and every Democrat we can.

    Of course, we are both college graduates.

    However, our elderly parents were Democrats, ashamed of how the GOP was embarrassing our country with its narrow view of social issues.

    There is not excuse for any person who cares about education, health care, children, the sick and the elderly and jobs to vote for any of the current GOP candidates on any state or the national level. They all seem to be self-absorbed idiots.

  17. Anonymous1:26 PM

    So, did you know that Sarah is brilliant? So says someone who rode on a plane with 2008

    At this point in time, Elaine Lafferty had already received more than $ 53,000 from the McCain/Palin campaign and had written several pro-Palin articles. In addition, Elaine Lafferty had received more than $ 12,000 from SarahPAC.

  18. emmacomputer1:29 PM

    I appreciate that some older folks are not well informed and may vote for the (gag) Republican candidate, but please do not refer to us in a lump as "idiots". Older people are as diverse as younger ones--but some of us do not climb on stumps. I am 69 and VERY well informed and always have been. Thank you!

  19. Anonymous1:33 PM

    G said: "Gonna be a GOOD election folks!"

    Especially if Sarah has anything to do with it!
    As they say in croquet, she's POISON.

  20. Anonymous1:39 PM

    President and our First Lady are such an adorable couple. They reflect love and respect for each other in the many, many photos we've have seen of them throughout the years. I cherish them both!

    But, do those of idiotic, liar and fraud Sarah Palin and the purse carrier? Absolutely not!!! They could only wish to be as loving and kind to each other! What horrid marriage and parent partners they have proven to be!!! Just look at their kids and where their young lives (into adulthood) have taken them!).

  21. Anonymous1:44 PM

    My Mother is 90 and she is voting for President Obama this go around. She was a staunch Republican, but thinks they have fallen horribly due to what has been found out about Palin since she was on the ticket w/McCain. Plus, she has been horrified at the folks that have been in their primary race! Basically, she has become appalled at her own party!!

  22. Anonymous1:56 PM

    do not pass Go, head straight to Matt Taibbi:

    " was while watching the debates last night that it finally hit me: This is justice. What we have here are chickens coming home to roost. It's as if all of the American public's bad habits and perverse obsessions are all coming back to haunt Republican voters in this race: The lack of attention span, the constant demand for instant gratification, the abject hunger for negativity, the utter lack of backbone or constancy (we change our loyalties at the drop of a hat, all it takes is a clever TV ad): these things are all major factors in the spiraling Republican disaster.

    Most importantly, though, the conservative passion for divisive, partisan, bomb-tossing politics is threatening to permanently cripple the Republican party. They long ago became more about pointing fingers than about ideology, and it's finally ruining them."

    Plus, there's a tasty snack when he compares Palin to Madame Defarge.

  23. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Komen spends more donor money for cancer research on hiring a firm to help fix their reputation that they singlehandedly destroyed with their stupid choices and outdated ideas. And wait until you get a load of the questionnaire they put together!

  24. Anonymous2:40 PM

    The "donut hole" closed in medicare this year , thanks to big bad Oabamcare, they will be heemoraging the over 65 crowd in the months to come as our seniors have many dollars.

  25. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Thanks Anon @ 1:56!

    We knew he was going to have to defend his bona fides against the priesthood ("I’m not convinced," sneered the sideline-sitting conservative Mme. Defarge, Sarah Palin), that he would have a rough go of it at the CPAC conference, and so on.

    Madame Defarge

    Possessing a remorseless bloodlust, Madame Defarge embodies the chaos of the French Revolution. The initial chapters of the novel find her sitting quietly and knitting in the wine shop. However, her apparent passivity belies her relentless thirst for vengeance. With her stitches, she secretly knits a register of the names of the revolution’s intended victims. As the revolution breaks into full force, Madame Defarge reveals her true viciousness. She turns on Lucie in particular, and, as violence sweeps Paris, she invades Lucie’s physical and psychological space. She effects this invasion first by committing the faces of Lucie and her family to memory, in order to add them to her mental “register” of those slated to die in the revolution. Later, she bursts into the young woman’s apartment in an attempt to catch Lucie mourning Darnay’s imminent execution.

    Dickens notes that Madame Defarge’s hatefulness does not reflect any inherent flaw, but rather results from the oppression and personal tragedy that she has suffered at the hands of the aristocracy, specifically the Evrémondes, to whom Darnay is related by blood, and Lucie by marriage. However, the author refrains from justifying Madame Defarge’s policy of retributive justice. For just as the aristocracy’s oppression has made an oppressor of Madame Defarge herself, so will her oppression, in turn, make oppressors of her victims. Madame Defarge’s death by a bullet from her own gun—she dies in a scuffle with Miss Pross—symbolizes Dickens’s belief that the sort of vengeful attitude embodied by Madame Defarge ultimately proves a self-damning one.

  26. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Gryphen, aren't you like in your early 50s ? Please don't insult all of us over 65! Give me a break...
    Many of us were out there protesting when you were in diapers!

    Also, there an awful lot of young Evangelical home schoolers out there who will be dominating and will have been sheltered from the real word. I.E. brainwashed. Watch Jesus Camp the movie.

    PS before I am attacked, NO, not all home schooling is bad

  27. Anonymous3:51 PM

    ANON 2:40, no, the doughnut hole did NOT close this year. Also, having Medicare Part D is a huge joke and Obama shouldn't advertise the close of the doughnut hole anyhow.

    You can buy drugs at COSTCO for less money than you can through most Part D plans. It is a supreme rip off yet you are forced to have it or you are fined each year you don't take it.

    Still a closed doughnut hole is better than no doughnut hole. But it is not anywhere near completely closed. The premiums and costs of drugs are very high......

    My out of pocket is 500.00 per month when I am in the doughnut hole and almost 7500 when I am in the hole. That is 5 medicines by the way...and not including the monthly premiums.

    Part D helped the insurance companies and the drug industry. Blame Bush, but Obama (and I voted for him and will vote for him, is a kiss ass to big pharma - sorry, it is true)

  28. I was at class at the university today, and darn, I didn't see Satan anywhere.

  29. Anonymous6:03 PM

    And Sarah wants to keep the blood bath going..... I wonder why... Not!

  30. Anita Winecooler7:48 PM

    To quote the lobotomized Fox News Contributor/bomb thrower

    "It's all in the meth"

  31. Anne In DC8:05 AM

    I am 62 and will definitely vote for Barack Obama just like I did in 2008. There is NO way on earth I would add to the embarrassment of the dumbing down in this country by voting for any of the 4 lunatics currently running for the GOP nomination. While I agree with Ron Paul that we don't need to be engaged in these endless wars, his economic policies stink just as much as those of the rest of them do. They have done a good job of alienating African-Americans, Muslims, Latinos, unions and unionized workers, and now women. They are bereft of any original or effective ideas and all they seem capable of is pointing fingers at each other and demonizing the president. However, there are a lot of cretins who care only about defeating President Obama, without taking into account that they would be getting more than they ever bargained for if any of these GOP nutcakes win the WH.


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